Sumativa 2-1

AVALIAÇÃO SUMATIVA 2 Nota: Recomenda-se que sejam lidas, atentamente, as notas explicativas sobre o formato na página 2

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Nota: Recomenda-se que sejam lidas, atentamente, as notas explicativas sobre o formato na página 2, a fim de possibilitar a compreensão do processo de preenchimento do mesmo. Todavia, também é vivamente recomendado que seja lido o documento em anexo (pasta de material de trabalho): DIRECTRIZES E REGULAMENTOS PARA A AVALIAÇÃO.

Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas


Móduloi Resultado de aprendizagem noii Critério de desempenhoiii Códigoiv Título da avaliaçãov Duração (em minutos)vi Enunciado da avaliaçãovii

Read and respond to written materials Read and follow simple vocationally specific English texts Candidate must demonstrate ability skim and scan texts, use knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and texts structure to interpret meaning and interpret diagrams, graphs and texts with visual images. Reading/Writing 90 minutes A. READING AND COMPREHENSION

SISTER WENDY Sister Wendy Beckett has been a nun for nearly 50 years, since she was 16. Most of the time she lives in solitary confinement in a caravan in the grounds of a Carmelite monastery in Norfolk, often not speaking to anyone for 22 hours a day. But every few months she leaves her caravan and travels round Europe, staying in international hotels and eating in famous restaurants. Why is she leading this double life? How does a nun who has devoted her life to solitude and prayer become a visitor to the Ritz? Sister Wendy has a remarkable other life. She writes and presents an arts programme for BBC television called ‘Sister Wendy’s Grand Tour’. In it, she visits European art capitals and gives her personal opinions on some of the world’s most famous works of art. She begins each programme with these words: ‘For over 20 years I lived in solitude. Now I’m seeing Europe for the first time. I’m visiting the world’s most famous art treasures’. She speaks clearly and plainly, with none of the academic verbosity of art historians. TV viewers love her common-sense wisdom, and are fascinated to watch a kind, elderly, bespectacled nun, nun who is so obviously delighted by all she sees. They are infected by her enthusiasm. Sister Wendy believes that although God wants her to have a life of prayer and solitary contemplation, He has also given her a mission to explain art in a simple manner to ordinary people. She says: ‘I think God has been very good to me. Really I am a disaster as a person. Solitude is right for me because I’m not good at being with other people. But of course I enjoy going on tour. I have a comfortable bed, a luxurious bath and good meals, but the joy is mild compared with the joy of solitude and silent prayer. I always rush back to my caravan. People find this hard to understand. I have never wanted anything else; I am a blissfully happy woman’. Sister Wendy’s love of God and art is matched only by her love of good food and wine. She takes delight in poring over menus, choosing a good wine and wondering whether the steak is tender enough for her to eat because she has no back teeth. However, she is not delighted by her performance on television. ‘I can’t bear watching myself on television. I feel that I look so silly- a ridiculous black-clothed figure. Thank God we don’t have a television at the monastery. I suppose I am famous in a way, but 95% of my time is spent alone in my caravan, it really doesn’t Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas


affect me. Now decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Sister Wendy spends most of the time by herself_______ 2. She travels to historic capitals all over the world._______ 3. She doesn’t enjoy being alone in the caravan any more.______ 4. She only eats plain food and hates alcoholic drinks._______ 5. She loves watching herself on TV._____ 6. Some of her teeth are missing. _______ B. VOCABULARY. Find the meaning of these words and expression in the text. 1. a building where monks live ____________________ 2. something precious ___________________________ 3. a list of food in a restaurant _____________________ 4. very silly or that makes people laugh at ____________________ LANGUAGE USE A. Simple Past or Present Perfect. Put the verbs into the correct form. 1.Ungulani Baka Khossa ______________ (write) a lot of books. He _____________ (write) his first novel twenty years ago. 2. _____________you ever _______________ (read) any of his books? 3. I ___________never ___________ (be) to a rock concert, but my brother ______________ (see) Guns and Roses, and he said the show _____________ (be) fantastic. 4. My brother ______________(travel) to many parts in the world but he _______________(not be) to India. In March he _____________ (go) China and _____________ (buy) presents for all of us. 5. Anthony _________________ (be) a new Member of Parliament since the last election and he _________________ (promise) to help his homeland community. B. Passive Voice. Underline the correct forms. a) Walt Disney created/was created the character Mickey Mouse sixty years ago. b) Mickey calls/ is called ‘Topolino’ in Italian and ‘Mi Lo Shu’ in Chinese. c) At first he called/ was called Mortimer Mouse’ d) He gave/ was given the name Mickey by Walt Disney’s wife, Lillian. e) Disney made/ was made the first full-length cartoon, Snow White in 1937. f) Mickey Mouse cartoons have been translated/ have translated into sixty languages. g) Since 1928, 120 cartoons have made/ have been made. h) For ages Mickey Mouse cartoons have made/ have been made a lot of success.

Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas


C. Second Conditional. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. If I_________________(live) in the country, I____________(have) pets at home. 2. What___________ you______________(do) if someone_____________(give) you a million pounds? 3. If I_______________(be) you I___________________ (look) for another job. 4. I____________________ (go) to a party if I________________( not be) so busy. 5. If I________________ (win) a lottery prize I _____________________ (invest) in a profitable business. 6. How __________ you _________ (feel) if you_____________ (have) to treat a sick piton? Instruções para o estudanteviii

READING AND COMPREHENSION A. Read the passage about Sister Mary Wendy and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). B. Find the meaning of the following words and expressions in the text. LANGUAGE USE A. Complete the gaps and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. B. Underline the correct verb form in the following sentences. C. Complete the gaps and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Tipo de teste (prova)ix Soluções (respostas) e pontuação/questãox

I. Reading and Comprehension; II. Language Use. A. Comprehension Questions. ( 3 marks) 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T B. Vocabulary ( 2 marks) 1. Monastery; 2. Treasures; 3.Menus; 4. Ridiculous A. Present Perfect ( 5 marks)

1. has written / wrote; 2. Have … read; 3. have … been / saw / was; 4. has traveled / hasn’t been / went / bought; 5. has been / promised

B. Passives ( 4 marks)

a. was created; b. is called; c. was called; d. was given; e. made; f. have been translated; g. have been made; have made C. Conditionals ( 6 marks)

1. live / would have; 2. would … do / gave; 3.were / would look; 4. would go / wasn’t; 5. won / would invest; 6. would … feel / had Justificação para a utilização do tipo de

At this stage the candidate must able to read and answer questions based on a

Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas


teste (prova)xi Recursosxii Sugestões metodológicas para o professor na utilização do tipo de teste (prova)xiii

text and show their ability and also be able to extract specific information in it. Paper rand pen Individual evaluation

Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas


 CONSIDERE: Fonte a utilizar: Times New Roman Estilo da fonte: regular ou normal Cor da fonte: automatic Tamanho da fonte: 12

Avaliação Sumativa Habilidades Genéricas



Deverá ser preenchido pelo docente, transcrevendo exactamente, o título do módulo, que consta do documento INFORMAÇÃO GERAL DO MÓDULO. ii

Deverá ser, igualmente, transcrito, pelo docente, o resultado de aprendizagem que consta do documento INFORMAÇÃO GERAL DO MÓDULO, não se esquecendo de referenciar o respectivo número. iii

A cada resultado de aprendizagem estão agregados critérios de desempenho. Portanto, para cada formato de avaliação, o docente deverá transcrever o critério de desempenho que corresponderá a avaliação em causa. Neste caso, para cada um dos formatos a preencher será apenas um e só um critério de desempenho a incluir. iv

Este campo poderá não ser preenchido pelo docente, pois, só será feito posteriormente.


Para cada formato, isto é, avaliação, o docente deverá atribuir o título, de acordo com o elemento de competência (ver o documento REGISTO DE UNIDADE DE COMPETÊNCIA) atinente ao critério de desempenho, por exemplo: AVALIAÇÃO DA COMPETÊNCIA – FAZ(ER) MEDIÇÕES (este exemplo é da Habilidade Genérica de Matemática). vi

A duração prevista para a avaliação deverá ser estimada pelo docente, sendo o tempo mínimo recomendável de 45 minutos e máximo de 90 minutos. vii

Neste campo, o docente irá redigir o enunciado da avaliação, enumerando as questões do enunciado, caso seja mais do que uma (questão). viii

Neste campo o docente deverá fornecer indicações muito claras de como o estudante deverá proceder para responder à(s) questão(ões) do(s) enunciado(s). ix

Neste campo, o docente deverá mencionar que tipo de teste (prova) se trata, por exemplo: primeiro, referir se é escrito ou oral. Segundo, se se trata de trabalho em grupo ou trabalho individual e terceiro classificar o teste (se é escolha múltipla, verdadeiro - falso, preencher os espaços vazios, teste de ensaio, etc.). x

Neste campo, o docente deverá apresentar as soluções (respostas) às questões do enunciado, bem como as pontuações parciais e total. xi

De acordo, com as opções a serem efectuadas do número anterior, o docente deverá justificar essas mesmas opções referindo ao (s) objectivo (s) do(s) conteúdo(s) a ser(em) avalia(dos). xii

Neste campo deverão ser indicados os recursos a serem utilizados para realizar a avaliação, por exemplo: bibliografia recomendada, algum instrumento (s), papel A4, esferográfica, etc. xiii

Neste campo, o docente irá propor as melhores estratégias para realizar a avaliação em causa, por exemplo, que opções em termos de espaço físico para realizar a avaliação, em que momento deve ministrar a avaliação, o intervalo do nível/grau de complexidade do conteúdo a considerar no processo de avaliação, como pode tornar a avaliação em causa eficaz.