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Actividad de aprendizaje 19 Evidencia 7: Taller: "Talking about Logistics, workshop" Para un profesional en cualquier ca

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Actividad de aprendizaje 19 Evidencia 7: Taller: "Talking about Logistics, workshop" Para un profesional en cualquier campo de acción, en este caso el Tecnólogo en Gestión Logística, es necesario usar el idioma inglés como herramienta de comunicación de sus ideas y apreciaciones acerca de un proceso en el cual tiene directa participación. Contar con las habilidades requeridas para expresarse en inglés representa una gran ventaja en el momento de realizar aportes relevantes dentro de cualquier compañía. Lo esencial es contar con la destreza suficiente que le permita y dar a conocer cómo funciona su ambito laboral. Dado lo anterior, para esta evidencia, debe realizar las sigientes actividades: COMPRENSIÓN Y PRODUCCIÓN ORAL-ESCRITA. 1. Estudie en su totalidad el material de formación “Logistics process improvement” junto con el material complementario disponible para esta actividad: PDF: How to Compare Six Sig, Lean and the Theory of Constraints y los videos complementarios asociados a esta actividad de aprendizaje. 2. Desarrolle, de manera individual, el taller: "Talking about Logistics, workshop", que se encuentra a continuación (utilice herramientas de su preferencia y realice la entregra en los formatos solicitados en el taller) 3. Envíe los archivos solicitados al instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje en los formatos .doc, .pdf, .ppt y .mp4 respectivamente. Pasos para enviar la evidencia: 1. Clic en el título de esta evidencia. 2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar los archivo previamente guardados. 3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional). 4. Clic en Enviar. Importante: la plataforma solo le permitirá hacer un envío de las evidencias. Por ello, debe asegúrese de adjuntar todo lo solicitado en el taller.

Criterios de evaluación Sostiene conversaciones con vocabulario básico técnico aprendido.

Sostiene una conversación con naturalidad, fluidez y eficacia, incluso sobre temas especializados de su profesión.

Puede iniciar un discurso, tomar la palabra, y terminar una conversación técnica de su profesión.


TALLER Hablando de logística, taller.

Talking about Logistics, workshop 1. Read the next text. Then, answer the comprehension questions. Note: Make use, at least, one collocation per answer.

Lee el siguiente texto. Luego, contesta las preguntas de comprensión. Nota: Haga uso, al menos, una colocación por respuesta

Taken from: http://www.vkok.ee

LOGISTICS Logistics can be defined as the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, energy and people between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, packaging and security. Logistics may have an internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics). If the company manufactures a product from parts purchased from suppliers, and those products are then sold to customers, one can speak about a supply chain. Supply Chain can be defined as a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers.

Logistics management is part of supply chain management. Logistics management plans, implements, and controls the efficient flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements. Successful supply chain operators work in close partnerships with their customers; they jointly explore the opportunities for increasing efficiency of the supply chain and improving service levels by using the latest systems and techniques. This approach is also referred to as logistics


engineering. The re-engineering process considers the following factors: the nature of the product, the optimal or preferred location of source or manufacture, freight and transport costs and the destination market, seasonal trends, import and export regulations, customs duties and taxes, etc. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician. The main functions of a qualified

logistician include, among other things, inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and organizing and planning of these activities. Logisticians are responsible for the life cycle and supply chain operations of a variety of products. They are also responsible for customs documentation. They regularly work with other departments to ensure that the customers’ needs and requirements are met.

Define the terms: "logistics" and "supply chain" Definir los términos: "logística" y "cadena de suministro

Supply Chain can be defined as a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Logistics can be defined as the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, energy and people between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers

What does logistics management imply? Qué implica la gestión logística?

Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, packaging and security. Logistics may have an internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics).

Describe what service providers do in order to increase efficiency of the supply chain Describa qué hacen los proveedores de servicios para aumentar la eficiencia de la cadena de suministro

Service providers, to increase efficiency manufactures the products from parts, and those products are sold to customers, you can talk about a supply chain.

Define the “logistics re-engineering” process and its factors. Definir el proceso de “reingeniería logística” y sus factores. The re-engineering process considers the following factors: the nature of the product, the optimal or preferred location of source or manufacture, freight and transport costs and the destination market, seasonal trends, import and export regulations, customs duties and taxes, etc

Specify the main function of a qualified logistician Especifique la función principal de un especialista en logística calificado. The main functions of a qualified logistician include, among other things, inventory management, purchasing, transportation, warehousing, consultation and organizing and planning of these activities

Specify the responsabilities of professional logisticians

Logisticians are responsible for the life cycle and supply chain operations of a variety of products. They are also responsible for customs documentation. They regularly work with other departments to ensure that the customers’ needs and requirements are met.

2. In the previous text, there are 29 underlined words; take them out in a list . And in front of each one find out its meaning in English 2. En el texto anterior, hay 29 palabras subrayadas; sacarlos en una lista. Y delante de cada uno descubren su significado en inglés Word

Management Administración Flow


The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

Fluir. Ensure. Asegurar. Department Departamentos. warehousing, Almacenamiento.

include incluir

logistician. Logístico.

professional Profesional. taxes, Impuestos.

customs Aduana.

Duties Deberes

run a liquid or gas or sprout from a place

Acquire the something.






refers to each of the divisions in which a corporation is structured, and that have different functions related to its activity it is a space, enclosure, building, or installation where the merchandise is usually stored, but at the same time it can perform other functions, such as the conditioning of certain products. include someone among the best; the need to include an actor or an actress in the cast may require inventing on the fly a character that justifies its appearance is the person who is part of a military science formation that attends to the movement and supply of troops. A professional is a person who has been academically trained to perform a specific occupation it is a kind of tribute (generally pecuniary obligations in favor of the tax creditor) governed by public law, which is characterized by not requiring a direct or determined consideration by the tax administration (tax creditor) Customs is the public and / or fiscal office that, often under the orders of a State or political government, is established in coasts and borders with the purpose of registering, administrating and regulating the international traffic of merchandise and products that enter and exit from a country

Duty is a responsibility established prior to its fulfillmen.

re-engineering Reingeniería. storage Almacenamiento. implements Implementos.

products, Productos. performs Realiza. customers Clientes

supply Suministro

purchased Comprado product Producto manufactures Artículos packaging Embalaje

Reengineering is an administrative approach of great acceptance among companies today

it is a space, enclosure, building, or installation where the merchandise is usually stored Corresponds to any equipment, device or device whose purpose is to preserve the physical integrity of the worker and protect their clothing during the performance of their duties. is a thing or an object produced or manufactured, something material that is produced naturally or industrially through a process Turn a wish or an idea into reality your plans have been made as he wanted. A Client is that person who in exchange for a payment receives services from someone who provides them for that concept.

reference is made to the act and consequence of providing (that is, providing someone with something he requires). The term refers to both the provision of food or utensils and the objects and effects that have been supplied. Non-personal form of the verb buy that it takes to function as an adjective without losing its verbal nature altogether. IS that which has been manufactured (that is, produced).

is the part of the sentence that deals with expressing gender (male / female) and number (plural / singular) of the name or object in question. It is a container or wrap that contains products temporarily mainly to group units of a product thinking about its handling, transport and storage.

material Material

it is an element that can be transformed and grouped in a set.

inventory Inventario

is the set of items or merchandise that accumulate in the warehouse pending use in the production process or marketed.

consumers los Consumidores

consumption Consumo origin Origen

is a person or organization that demands goods or services in exchange for money provided by the producer or supplier of goods or services. That is, it is an economic agent with a series of needs. is the action and effect of consuming or spending, whether products, goods or services

resources Recursos

refers to the beginning, beginning, irruption, emergence or reason for something. They are all those elements that are required for a company to achieve its objectives

goods Bienes

t is called the patrimony, the fortune or the belongings of a person or entity


The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.
