Mecanica de Fluidos. Cuaderno

Section I: Listening Situation 1: Mr. Hanson is asking Jessie about her classmates. 1. Paolo is ________. a. in class c.

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Section I: Listening Situation 1: Mr. Hanson is asking Jessie about her classmates. 1. Paolo is ________. a. in class c. at home b. at the cafeteria d. in the library Situation 2: Susan is asking Alex about his free time. 2. On the weekends, Alex _______. a. works at a part-time job b. goes to the movies

c. takes classes d. has a lot of free time

Situation 3: Jeff and Rosa are talking on the phone. 3. Rosa _______. a. went shopping yesterday b. can go to the mall today

c. can’t go shopping today d. doesn’t like to shop

Situation 4: Mark and Sarah are talking about their habits. 4. Sarah _______. a. loves her karate class b. enjoys working out

c. doesn’t cope well with stress d. goes to the gym a couple every day

5. Mark _________. a. likes to exercise b. doesn’t like junk food

c. is going to Sarah's gym d. is going to join a karate class

Situation 5: Jan is telling Carlos about her day. 6. Jan was late for her interview this morning because _____. a. at the service in the café was slow c. her bus didn’t come on time b. she was talking to her father d. she didn't have a watch 7. Carlos thinks _______. a. Jan may get the job b. Jan will definitely get the job

c. Jan will probably get the job d. Jan definitely won't get the job

Situation 6: Freddie talking to Judy on his cell phone about a trip. 8. Freddie _______. a. wants to visit Australia alone c. is considering taking a trip to Australia b. has been to Australia once before d. has never been to Australia before 9. Judy says the best thing about Australia is the ________. a. weather b. people

c. beaches d. food

Situation 7: Victor is helping Stacy with her new cell phone. 10. Stacy doesn’t remember _______. a. how to turn off her phone b. how much her phone cost

c. where she bought her phone d. why she bought her phone

11. Victor thinks his news will be ________. a. disappointing b. annoying

c. surprising d. embarrasing

12. Victor has known Caroline ___________. a. for two months b. since childhood

c. since college d. since February

Situation 8: Paula and Peter are talking about Paula’s experience in another country. 13. Paula took her first trip outside the United States ______________. a. before she turned 25 c. when she turned 25 b. after she turned 25 d. last year 14. Paula offended her hosts in Thailand by __________. a. asking them to take off their shoes b. taking off her shoes

c. not taking off her shoes d. going inside their house

15. Paula told Peter that you _____________ in homes in Thailand. a. don't have to wear shoes c. can get away with wearing shoes b. are expected to wear shoes d. shouldn't wear shoes 16. Paula got sent to Bangkok ____________. a. to learn Thai customs b. to open an office

c. to visit friends d. to teach English

Situation 9: Adam and Carmen are talking about going back to college. 17. Adam is studying for a degree in ______. a. history c. education b. economics d. nursing 18. Adam is disappointed because ________. a. he didn’t receive good advice in high school b. he chose a future in health care

c. his parents didn’t help him d. Carmen hasn't gone back to school

19. When Adam receives his degree, he will be _______. a. 25 years old b. a little older than 25

c. a little younger than 25 d. almost 40 years old

20. Adam is most worried about ______. a. his parents b. the economy

c. his bank loans d. his career plans

Section II: Reading Passage 1: What’s your routine at work? JEFF: I usually go to work early and have breakfast at my desk. I’m always on the Internet - I check my e-mail a lot. Sometimes I have meetings. I go home late every night! 21. Jeff spends a lot of time _____ a. in the cafeteria b. on his computer

c. on the phone d. with his boss

Passage 2: An e-mail Subject Back at work! Dear Carl, I’m back, but I didn’t want to come home! Italy was wonderful! I met nice people, and I learned some Italian. I ate a lot of zabaglione - it's a kind of dessert. I went to museums, and I went shopping. It was expensive! I want to go back to Europe - France next time! Abby 22. Abby ____________. a. can’t speak any Italian b. wanted to stay in Italy

c. doesn’t want to go to overseas again d. don’t like the people

Passage 3: Hobbies are good for you! We all know vacations are good for your health. But if you can’t take a vacation, do a hobby instead. Research shows that people with hobbies generally aren’t stressed. Hobbies help people relax. They give you quiet time, and help you sleep better. One psychologist explains, “When we’re doing something we love, it’s a passion.” And passion is important for a healthy life. 23. The article suggest that _________. a. people get stressed when they do a hobby. b. hobbies don’t help with sleep problems

c. a hobby can’t be a passion d. it’s good to have a passion in life

Passage 4: Back pain Miki Akeba was lifting weights at the gym when she hurt her back. She went home and went to bed for several days, but didn’t call her doctor. When shot got up, she sat up straight on a kitchen chair. Was this right? With any back injury, always talk to a doctor first to check if it is serious. Keep moving - for example, go swimming or walking. And it’s usually fine to lean back in comfortable chair. 24. The main idea of this reading is to ___________. a. tell an anecdote about Miki b. discuss exercise

c. describe back pain d. give advice about back injuries

25. If you have back pain, the reading says you __________. a. don’t need to see a doctor c. shouldn’t avoid exercise b. usually can't sit up straight d. should stay in bed for a few days Passage 5: Live life to the fullest: play golf with a pro! Have you ever played golf with a professional? Probably not, unless you're a friend of Tiger Woods. I've hardly ever played golf, so I'm certainly not a good golfer, but last month I took lessons from the professionals at one of the most famous and oldest golf clubs in the country. The instructors were incredibly good and very talented, and I learned some great tips. I recommend it! If you're already a good golfer, you'll definitely improve your technique. You might want to play a full round of golf on the challenging course after the lessons. Me? I went for dinner in the clubhouse! 26. The writer _________. a. didn't learn anything useful b. played golf like a professional

c. was very good at golf before the lessons d. was a beginner at golf

27. After the lessons, the writer _______________. a. had a meal b. played a full round of golf

c. gave the instructors a good tip d. decided to go to a club

Passage 6: Someone you can look up to: Alfred Ciffo lll Alfred Ciffo has happy memories of talking with his grandmother while he was growing up. They chatted by phone every week and shared their lives. Alfred was 13 when his grandmother passed away, and he missed her badly. He realized that regular contact between the generations was important and decided to do something about it. One year later, his Teen Connect organization was founded. The project links teenagers and seniors, who call each other and keep in touch by phone. From the very beginning, Alfred's senior in the program was enthusiastic because she never knew her own grandmothers when she was young, which she regretted. Alfred started Teen Connect in Florida, and four years later the program had over 200 groups around the U.S. and an international chapter in Japan. Both teenagers and seniors have been positive about the program. The seniors look forward to keeping in touch each week, and the teenagers enjoy getting advice and hearing about the seniors’ life experiences. Shortly after Alfred started his degree at MIT, he received an award for his community work. He was surprised but satisfied that his program is helping to stop loneliness. 28. Before Alfred’s grandmother died, he __________. a. visited her every week b. was in regular contact with her

c. talked with her occasionally d. grew up in her house

29. Alfred founded Teen Contact so ________. a. teenagers wouldn't be lonely b. older people could contact their grandchildren

c. he wouldn‘t regret knowing his grandmother d. young and old people could talk together

30. Seniors like the program because ____________. a. it's so popular all over the world b. they enjoy hearing from the teenagers

c. it gives them some life experience d. it helps them forget about the past

31. Alfred got an award for his community project ________. a. before he started college b. after graduation from college

c. in Japan d. while he was at college

Passage 7: Modern crimes telephone fraud You're at home and the phone rings. A young woman says you've won a fabulous prize - a dream vacation, a new car, or a lot of money. You get excited and start imagining it. But first, you must pay a fee for shipping or taxes. You give the woman your credit card details, or write a check and mail it to an international address, and wait for your prize to come. It will never be sent. You've been a victim of telephone fraud. This type of crime is a growing problem in the U.S and Canada. People lose billions of dollars every year hoping to get the prize of their dreams. Victims of telephone scams are often called a second time by the same criminals who pretend to be government lawyers. The victims are told they can get their money back if they pay a legal fee or government tax. These criminals usually can't be caught because they call from outside the country and use telephone numbers that can't be traced to real people or companies. If you haven't entered a contest, you probably haven't won anything. Don't be fooled by telephone fraud: never send money or give out your credit card information in order to receive a ‘prize’.

32. Victims of this crime ____________. a. pay too much for a vacation b. pay money and get nothing back

c. don't pay enough in taxes d. enter a lot of contests

33. Sometimes criminals who commit this crime _________. a. rob the same people twice b. employ government lawyers

c. pay the money back to their victims d. pay legal taxes

34. The article says that these criminals ________. a. work for international companies b. have foreign addresses

c. have real companies d. live in the U.S. and Canada

35. The writer's advice about telephone fraud is ____. a. don't enter contests b. don't cash the check if you win

c. don't pay money if you haven't entered a contest d. only enter international contests

Passage 8: Consumers and the environment In recent years, concern about the environment has been endlessly discussed in the media, and consumers have regularly been told how to change their lifestyles in order to reduce their impact on the planet. But how much has this influenced their behavior? Recent surveys suggest that even though there is greater awareness of environmental issues, much more needs to be done to change people's behavior. Concern for the environment alone is not enough to change habits. Over half of the people in the surveys said that they had made changes such as buying recycled products or recycling paper and glass. However, only a fifth sad they were taking fewer flights - a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions - and less than 5% were using more environment - friendly hybrid cars. “The problem is human nature,” says a leading environmentalist, 'because changing to more eco-friendly habits means not having some of the things we’re used to. Instead of telling people what luxuries they will be giving up by changing their behavior, we have to give a more positive message about what they will be gaining. Changing consumer behavior is complex, but he most effective pressure that can be applied is financial. While gas prices remained affordable, people used their cars without thinking about the environmental cost. But as world oil prices increase, car owners are looking for ways to reduce car use. In countries where public transportation is limited, many people have few alternatives. What is clear is that it will take more than recycling paper and plastic to save the planet. 36. The main idea in the article is that _________. a. the environment is a serious issue b. it’s difficult to make people change their lifestyles

c. gas prices are more expensive d. people should buy more recycled goods

37. Recent surveys on consumer behavior show that people ________. a. know little about environmental issues c. have made big changes in their buying habits b. don't care much about the environment d. will have to change their behavior more in the future 38. The view of a leading environmentalist is that consumers ________. a. are willing to change their habits c. don't want to give up their lifestyles b. are being given a positive message about the d. are used to not having luxuries environment 39. The writer says that the best way to change consumer spending habits is to _________. a. make things more expensive c. tell people about the environmental cost b. convince people it’s the right thing to do d. let people use their cars 40. The article says that now car owners _________. a. don't think about the cost of gas b. buy environment-friendly gas

c. use public transportation more often d. drive less often to save money

Passage 9: What’s your weekly routine? Miki: I have classes every afternoon. In the mornings I work in the college cafetena. I usually do my homework in the evenings. On the weekends I go out with my friends.

41. On weeknights, Miki usually _________. a. studies b. works in the cafeteria

c. sees her friend d. has classes

Passage 10: Do you have "Vacation deprivation"? The average amount of time off in the United States is only 15 days a year. But in Europe, workers get 26 to 37 days off. Researchers say vacations are important for good health. The kind of vacation you take makes a difference, too. When people travel to sunny place, have lots of free time, lots of exercise and make friends, their health also becomes better. 42. The article suggests that _________. a. busy vacations are better for your health b. Americans need more vacation time

c. Europeans don't like to travel d. Americans take enough vacation

Passage 11: Minor bums Leon Caplan was watching television when his sister burned herself in the kitchen. He immediately ran to the refrigerator to get some ice and butter for her hand. Did he do the right thing? What should you do for a bum? Many people think you should put ice, oil, or butter on a burn. Actually, these can damage the skin and make the burn worse. Always cool a minor burn as soon as possible with cold water - preferably running water. 43. The main idea of this reading is to __________. a. tell a story about Leon b. give advice about burns

c. describe types of burns d. stop people from burning themselves

44. If you have a burn, the reading says you should _________. a. put the burned area into the refrigerator c. put oil on it b. avoid cold water d. never put butter on it Passage 12: Live life to the fullest: Fly a plane! Have you ever flown a plane? Probably no, but if you like excitement and don't get stressed easily, you might want to try flying a jumbo jet simulator - the same one pilots use in training. I haven't taken many plane rides, but last Sunday I decided to try a day at pilot school. It's open to the public on Sundays. I got a full lesson on how to fly before I climbed into the simulator. Then the instructor let me take off, fly at 914 (3000 feet), and land. It was the scariest 30 minutes I've ever had "in the air" - and totally realistic. 45. Jumbo-jet simulators ________ a. are real planes b. aren't open to the public

c. are something pilots use to learn to fly d. aren't like real airplanes

46. The writer __________ a. has never been on a plane b. has taken classes at pilot school before

c. has flown a plane d. has flown in a simulator

Passage 13: Someone you can look up to: Christina Morin Christina Morin is an amazing young woman with an inspiring story. When she was 17, Christina went on a safari to Kenya with her parents. During her trip she spent four days with the local Samburu tribes-people, who were suffering from a devastating drought after several months without rain, and had very little food. Christina wanted to help. She started by teaching art classes to the Samburu children, who had never painted before. Christina was amazed at their wonderful drawings, and began to think. If she made their pictures into note cards, would she be able to sell them when she went home, and raise money for food? She bought samples of the children's artwork with her own vacation money, which paid for two weeks worth of food for the tribe. Soon after she got home, the Samburu Project was born. Christina has been selling tribal arts and crafts for several years now, with all profits going to the tribe's people in Kenya. So far, she has been able to build a dam, which was her original goal, as well as build several wells, buy animals and food, pay medical bills, and build a crafts center. 47. Christina wanted to help the Samburu tribes-people because __________. a. They didn't have an art teacher c. They didn't know how to run a safari trip b. They were suffering from a food shortage d. They homes were flooded

48. Christina got the idea to sell the children's artwork __________. a. After she was able to sell some of the pictures c. Before she started teaching them art classes b. After she returned back home d. After the saw the pictures they painted 49. Christina's Samburu Project _____________. a. bought two weeks of food for the tribe b. lasted just three or four years

c. hasn't made a profit yet d. is still making money for the tribe

50. Christina's original goal was to __________. a. pay for medical bills b. raise money for a dam

c. build a crafts center d. go back and see the tribe again

Passage 14: Modem crimes: image theft Personal blogging is the new form of Journal write - only better because more people can read your entries online! Nowadays, most travelers are expected to post their photographs, in addition to their commentary, on blogs for friends and family to see. But imagine finding your vacation photos in an advertisement, copied from the Internet without your permission. As an amateur photographer, you thought they were "just pictures", but someone else decided they had value and used them to make money. That person stole your property. Photo theft or image theft, is a growing problem, especially for professional photographers who advertise on the web. Any photo can easily be copied and used illegally, and often the people who do it don't realize they are committing a crime. The ones who do probably know it won't be caught. How can you protect yourself and your images? Professional photography associations recommend using photo editing programs to add text to your photos. For example, using a special sign on the pictures or using sophisticated software allows you to make the pictures "flash" or add moving images so that can't be copied. Finally, give your photo files unusual names so that people won't find them easily when they look for them on Internet as common subjects like "the beach". 51. The article tells photographers how to __________ a. make money from pictures b. become a professional

c. put their pictures on the internet d. stop people from using their photos illegally

52. The writer says amateur photographers ____________. a. might not realize their photos are valuable b. travel too much to worry about image theft

c. shouldn't find image theft frustrating d. can also use other people's picture illegally

53. Everyone who uses an image without permission ____________. a. knows it's illegal c. is doing something illegal b. will be caught d. should be protected 54. One way of protecting your pictures is to _________. a. Give them value b. Use software to change them

c. Join a professional association d. Hide them on the Internet

Passage 15: What are businesses doing about global warming? The issue of climate change has been discussed in scientific and business circles for two decades. However, it's only in recent years that there has been agreement that something needs to be done to reduce the carbon emissions that cause global warming, and that businesses, as well as governments and individual citizens, must act. The main problem is the rising level of carbon dioxide, which has been shown to warm the earth's atmosphere and which is still being produced in damaging quantities by power plants and motor vehicles. A few forward-thinking companies are investing in renewable energy, reducing their use of oil and coal, recycling more, and consuming less in order to reduce their carbon footprint. Although companies like these are preparing to live in a reduced-carbon world, most businesses have been slow in reducing their negative impact on the environment. What might encourage them to finally start changing their environmental policies will probably be a combination of legal, political, and business pressures.

Laws on carbon emissions are likely to be affected by changes in government policy. In the United States, lawyers from eight states have tried to sue some of the biggest power-producing companies to force them to reduce their carbon emissions. In addition, the effects of new weather patterns such as high winds, hurricanes, fires, and floods are making Insurance companies look seriously at climate change, as they pay out more and more money for the damage caused by these events. Insurers are now forcing companies to think of such damage as an important business risk. 55. The main idea of the articles is that __________. a. Businesses will have to be more environment-friendly in the future b. It's the government's responsibility to do something about climate change

c. Nothing has been done about climate change d. There are some environment-friendly companies

56. The article says that scientists and business leaders _________. a. Have always agreed about the causes of climate c. Have never agreed about what causes climate change change b. Have been talking about climate change for a d. Have not discussed climate change enough long time 57. _________ companies are trying to be more environment-friendly. a. A lot of c. All the major b. A small number of d. None of the big 58. Companies might change their environment policies _____________. a. Because it costs less to be environment-friendly c. For political, legal, and business reasons b. Because of the nice weather d. For reduce their insurance providers 59. Insurance companies are interested in climate change because __________. a. It's the right thing to do c. It's import to be environment-friendly b. The law says they have to be d. It's costing them money Section III: Language Use 60. My father works ______ night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. a. every b. on c. in

d. at

61. Where _______ your best friend live? a. is b. does

d. do

c. are

62. Ronnie didn't _______ breakfast this morning because she got up late. a. ate b. eating c. eats

d. eat

63. Carlos eats _____ rice, but he doesn't like potatoes. a. a lot of b. much

c. many

d. a

64. A: I don't like soap operas. B: _________. a I'm not either

c. I don't either

d. Me too

c. at joining

d. joining

b. I can’t either

65. I'm interested _______ a meditation class. a. to join b. in joining

66. A: Are you and Sarah going trick-or-treating tomorrow night? B: Yes, we are. And we ________ a great time! a. have b. are having c. had

d. are going to have

67. I went to the mall yesterday ______ some things for my trip. a. to buy b. bought c. buy

d. for buying

68. A: What do you do with your old books? B: I give them to the library, but my best friends Marie and Susan keep _____ for years. a. their b. hers c. theirs d. her

69. A: What _____ when you heard the news? B: I was cooking dinner. a. do you do b. were you doing

c. did you do

d. are you doing

c. you'll graduate

d. you graduated

71. It’s awful to get junk mail, but it's _______ to get spam. a. bad b. more bad

c. worse

d. better

72. A: Have you ever tried whitewater rafting? B: No, ______. a. I'm not b. I haven't

c. I didn't

d. I don't

70. What are you going to do after ______? a. you graduate b. you're going to graduate

73. When I was young, my parents always made me _____ in the family business after school. a. to work b. worked c. work d. working 74. A: What are you doing tomorrow? Do you want to go to the beach? B: Actually, I'd love to. _____ you up at around 10:00. OK? a. I’ll pick b. I'm picking c. I'm going to pick

d. I pick

75. I have a paper due tomorrow, so I _____ go out tonight. I have a lot of work to do. a. don't have to b. ought to c. would rather

d. had better not

76. My best friend is someone _________. a. which I admire

b. who my whole family loves her, too

c. I met when we were kids

77. If I _____ work so much, I'd go kayaking more often. Then I'd feel less stressed out. a. wouldn't have to b. didn't have to c. am not going to have to 78. A: Where did you leave the manual that came with the printer? B: I have no idea where _____ it. a. I did leave b. I leave c. did I leave 79. Carol _______ tennis since she was a kid, and she really loves it. a. has played b. is playing c. has been playing

d. is interesting and funny

d. don't have to

d. I left d. played

80. There's a hurricane coming, so Tony had to cancel his vacation plans. He must be very ______. a. disappointed b. disappoints c. disappoint d. disappointing 81. The storm caused serious flooding, but no injuries __________. a. were reporting b. were reported c. was reported

d. is reported

82. How did Min-Joe end up _________ as a travel agent? a. working b. worked

d. works

c. to work

83. There are many wonderful activities at the community center in our neighborhood. Traditional music ______ every Saturday night. a. was performed b. is performed c. performs d. is performing 84. In some countries, you can offend people __________. a. not by bowing b. not bowing by

c. by bowing not

85. Luis ________ to a party last night, but he didn't feel well, so he stayed home. a. is supposed to go b. went c. was supposed to go

d. by not bowing d. is going to go

86. Our next-door neighbors are having their roof _______. It's going to look so much better a. to repair b. repairing c. repaired d. repairs 87. We're very annoyed with Andrew. He should _______ so rude a. not have been b. be c. is

d. have been

88. If I had finished my education, I probably _____ many more opportunities to succeed. a. would have b. would have had c. am having

d. have had

89. Many plants and animals are continuing to disappear _______ government programs to protect endangered species a. because of b. in spite of c. due to d. instead of 90. My friends and I go to the movies _________weekends a. Every b. on

c. in

d. at

91. How often __________ your father work late? a. is b. do

c. are

d. does

92. He's attending an art class next year. ______________. a. Me too b. So am I

c. He does too

d. I’m too

93. A: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow tonight? B: It ________ tomorrow night a. rains b. is raining

c. is going to rain

d. rained

94. I went shopping yesterday ______ a tent for my camping trip. a. get b. to get c. got

d. for getting

95. I haven't finished the report yet, _______ working overtime last night. a. nor b. despite of c. despite

d. and

96. Marie is __________ of spiders. a. scared b. scaring

d. scare

c. scary

97. I’m taking four courses and working part-time for my father, so I _______ add anything else to my schedule. a. would rather b. had better not c. don’t have to d. ought to 98. We need to find a car _______. a. that doesn’t use a lot of gas b. who isn’t too expensive

c. is totally reliable

d. we both like it

99. What __________ your favorite song? a. is b. do

c. are

d. does

100. How often __________ your grandfather get up late? a. is b. do

c. are

d. does