OUTLINE I.- INTRODUCTION Thesis Statement Stress is the main reason for overating. Because of it, people have physical p

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OUTLINE I.- INTRODUCTION Thesis Statement Stress is the main reason for overating. Because of it, people have physical problems and low self-esteem II.- BODY A.- One of the main reasons for people to overeat is stress 1.- People feel stressed because of economic problems - People overeat to feel relieved 2.- People feel stressed because of sleep deprivation - People eat junk food to boost energy B.- As you can see, the reasons for people to overeat are clear. Because of overeating, people have health and mental problems. C.- The first consequence of overeating is related to physical problems 1.- People gain weight - They have heart and circulation problems 2.- People have constant headaches - They take painkillers and develop stomachaches D.- In addition to physical problems, another effect of overeating is low self-esteem 1.- People look physically different - They look untidy 2.- People look tired - Give the wrong impression of being apathetic III.- CONCLUSION As you can see, the consequences of overeating go beyond the esthetic one. Overeating results in health and psychological problems, which should be managed on time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from overeating make sure you look for professional help to be able to control this disorder and have a healthy lifestyle.

I. INTRODUCCIÓN Declaración de Tesis El estrés es la razón principal para sobrealimentar. Por eso, las personas tienen problemas físicos y baja autoestima II.- CUERPO A.- Una de las principales razones por las cuales las personas comen en exceso es el estrés 1.- Las personas se sienten estresadas por problemas económicos - Las personas comen en exceso para sentirse aliviados 2.- Las personas se sienten estresadas por la falta de sueño - La gente come comida chatarra para aumentar la energía B.- Como puede ver, las razones para que las personas coman en exceso son claras. Debido a comer en exceso, las personas tienen problemas de salud y mentales. C.- La primera consecuencia de comer en exceso está relacionada con problemas físicos 1.- Las personas ganan peso - Tienen problemas cardíacos y de circulación 2.- La gente tiene constantes dolores de cabeza - Toman analgésicos y desarrollan dolores de estómago D.- Además de los problemas físicos, otro efecto de comer en exceso es la baja autoestima 1.- La gente se ve físicamente diferente - Se ven desordenados 2.- La gente se ve cansada - Da la impresión equivocada de ser apático III.- CONCLUSIÓN Como puede ver, las consecuencias de comer en exceso van más allá de la estética. Comer en exceso da como resultado problemas de salud y psicológicos, que deben ser manejados a tiempo. Por lo tanto, si usted o alguien que usted conoce sufre de comer en exceso, asegúrese de buscar ayuda profesional para poder controlar este trastorno y tener un estilo de vida saludable.

Overeating Stop! Do not put the piece of muffing in your mouth. Take a deep breath and think about your reasons for eating. Are you really hungry? Anxious? Sleepy? Maybe the reasons for you to eat so often are not related to you need of nutrients and more connected to negative emotions that you are experiencing lately and you want to control. Negative feelings such as loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress may trigger the need to overeat. Stress is the main reason for overeating. Because of it, people have physical problems and low self-esteem. One of the main reasons for people to overeat is stress. People feel stressed because of economic problems. Consequently, they eat compulsively, for it makes them feel relieved. Once the feeling of relief wears out, the compulsive eating starts again. Another cause of stress is sleep deprivation. When people do not sleep enough, they feel tired; therefore, they eat junk food to boost energy. For example, my brother in law overeats by eating junk food to have energy at work during the day. He drinks lots of soda and eats Doritos. As you can see, the reasons for people to overeat are clear. As a consequence of overeating, people have health and mental problems. The first consequence of overeating is related to physical problems. When people overeat, they gain weight. As a result, they develop heart and circulation problems. In addition to that, people who overeat have constant headaches. Subsequently, they take painkillers and may develop stomachaches because of the pills. In addition to physical problems, another effect of overeating is low selfesteem. People look physically different with the extra kilograms gained. They look untidy. Consequently, they think less of themselves. In addition, people who overeat look tired. As a result, they give the wrong impression of being apathetic. This new appearance deeply affects an overeater. As you can see, the consequences of overeating go beyond the esthetic one. Overeating results in health and psychological problems, which should be managed on time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from overeating make sure you look for professional help to be able to control this disorder and have a healthy lifestyle.

Overeating Stop! Do not put the piece of muffing in your mouth. Take a deep breath and think about your reasons for eating. Are you really hungry? Anxious? Sleepy? Maybe the reasons for you to eat so often are not related to your need of nutrients and more connected to negative emotions that you have been experiencing lately. Negative feelings such as loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress may trigger the need to overeat. Stress is the main reason for overeating. Because of it, people have physical problems and low self-esteem. One of the main reasons for people to overeat is stress. People feel stressed because of economic problems. Consequently, they overeat to feel relieved. Once the feeling of relief wears out, the compulsive eating starts again. Andrew Filch, lead psychologist at the Filch Mental Health Institute states; “Most compulsive eaters feel a sense of relief after eating a snack of about 300 calories; if you multiply this for three snacks a day, it adds up to the daily 2000 calories a day.” Clearly, the cause of overeating is connected to supplying relief to stress. Another cause of stress is sleep deprivation. When people do not sleep enough, they feel tired; therefore, they eat junk food to boost energy. For example, my brother in law overeats by eating junk food to have energy at work during the day. He drinks lots of soda and eats Doritos. This provides some short-term relief, but it is not good for anybody. As you can see, the reasons for people to overeat are clear. Because of overeating, people have health and mental problems. The first consequence of overeating is related to physical problems. When people overeat, they gain weight. As a result, they develop heart and circulation problems. According to the World Heart Federation, in Lima, 80% of compulsive eaters develop a heart condition that may lead to heart attacks or hypertensive heart disease among adults from 30 to 40 years old. This clearly shows the relationship between overeating and heart conditions. In addition to that, people who overeat have constant headaches. Consequently, they take painkillers and may develop stomachaches because of the pills. Dr. Miguel Rios, lead consultant and physician at Rebagliati hospital stated at a recent Health Congress, “The numer of people who self-medicate as a consequence of headaches has increased dramatically in the past 10 years.” This explains the reason why people who overeat develop health problems. In addition to physical problems, another effect of overeating is low selfesteem. People look physically different with the extra kilograms gained. They look untidy. Consequently, they think less of themselves. M.D. Mc. Court from the Mental Health Institute in Lima, Peru believes that the low self-esteem produced by overeating has a solution. He stated; “The only thing that cures overeating is authentic human connection and therapy. That means allowing people to see you for who you really are and experiencing their acceptance, and seeing another for who they really are and accepting them.” He adds; “Unfortunately, low self-esteem does not allow people to seek for professional help on time.” In addition to this, people who overeat look tired. As a result, they give the wrong impression of being apathetic. This new appearance deeply affects an overeater. As you can see, the consequences of overeating go beyond the esthetic one. Overeating results in health and psychological problems, which should be

managed on time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers from overeating make sure you look for professional help to be able to control this disorder and have a healthy lifestyle. OUTLINE I.- INTRODUCTION Thesis Statement Mental problems in young adults is the main reason for aggressiveness agains women. Consequently women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. II.- BODY A.- One of the main reasons for violence again women is jealously 1.- 20% of Men feel jealous because they see their ex with other man - 20% of Men are sick of jealously and have mental problems 2.- 25% of young adults feel jealous because they are possessiveness - 25% of young adults feel frustrated because they feel that they are going to lose their partner and that causes hatred and aggression against women B.- As you can see, the reasons for violence again women are clear. Because of it women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. C.- The first consequence violence

for violence again women is related to physical

1.- Women are violently attacked - They have traumas after having experience this 2.- Women have experienced physical violence in the family - And when women go through the same thing they think it's normal D.- In addition to physical violence, another cause for violence again women is the psychological violence 1.- Women are attacked psychologically - They feel humiliated 2.- Some women have low self-esteem - And that's why she allows this to happen III.- CONCLUSION As you can see, the consequences for violence again women go beyond being something habitual. Going through this bad experience like violence again women results in physical and psychological violence, which must be handled in time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers for violence again women, be sure to seek help and denounce this fact to end this and have a quiet life

Violence again women Hey you woman, stop this! Do not let a man hurt you. Take a deep breath and think about the reasons for this aggressiveness. Are you aware of what you are going through? Do you think, is it normal for someone to hurt you physically or psychologically? Are you tired of crying and suffering the nightmare of every day? Maybe the reasons why someone hurts you, are not only your ex's fault, maybe it's also your fault for allowing this to happen and not reporting. Many times this goes through the different problems that a man has as child abuse, child abuse, sexism and mental problems can trigger violence against women. Mental problems in young adults is the main reason for aggressiveness against women. Consequently women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. One of the main reasons for violence against women is jealousy. Some of Men feel jealous because they see their ex with another man. Consequently, some men are sick of jealousy and have mental problems. Another cause of jealousy is being possessive. When some young adults feel jealousy is because they are possessiveness; therefore, some young adults feel frustrated because they feel that they are going to lose their partner and that causes hatred and aggression against women. For example, my friend is possessiveness with his wife because he is insecure and he feels that he can lose his wife. As you can see, the reasons for violence again women are clear. Because of it women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. The first consequence for violence against women is related to physical violence. When men start to hit women, women are violently attacked. As a result, they have traumas after having experience this. In addition to that, women who have been physically harmed, have experienced physical violence in the family. Subsequently, when women go through the same thing they think it's normal. In addition to physical violence, another cause for violence against women is the psychological violence. When women are attacked psychologically for her partners. They feel humiliated. Consequently they lose self-respect. In addition, some women who have been abused violence have low self-esteem. As a result, it is the reason why they allows this to happen. This fact deeply affects the fact that the aggression continues. As you can see, the consequences for violence again women go beyond being something habitual. Going through this bad experience like violence again women results in physical and psychological violence, which must be handled in time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers for violence again women, be sure to seek help and denounce this fact to end this and have a quiet life.

Violence again women Hey you woman, stop this! Do not let a man hurt you. Take a deep breath and think about the reasons for this aggressiveness. Are you aware of what you are going through? Do you think, is it normal for someone to hurt you physically or psychologically? Are you tired of crying and suffering the nightmare of every day? Maybe the reasons why someone hurts you, are not only your ex's fault, maybe it's also your fault for allowing this to happen and not reporting. Many times this goes through the negative experiences that a man has as abuse since childhood, sexism and mental problems can trigger violence against women. Mental problems in young adults is the main reason for aggressiveness against women. Consequently women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. One of the main reasons for violence against women is jealousy. Some of Men feel jealous because they see their ex with another man. Consequently, some men are sick of jealousy and have mental problems. Vanessa Herrera, lead psychologist at the Nogushi hospital told; “I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a poisonous situation with someone you love deeply. So if you’ve done that today or any day, I’m proud of you.” Clearly the cause for violence against women is connected to the mental problems of some men. Another cause of jealousy is being possessive. When some young adults feel jealousy is because they are possessiveness; therefore, some young adults feel frustrated because they feel that they are going to lose their partner and that causes hatred and aggression against women. For example, my friend is possessiveness with his wife because he is insecure and he feels that he can lose his wife. This shows the insecurity and fear of losing the person you love, this sounds romantic to some but everything in excess is harmful. As you can see, the reasons for violence again women are clear. Because of it women suffer from physical abuse and serious mental traumas. The first consequence for violence against women is related to physical violence. When men start to hit women, women are violently attacked. As a result, they have traumas after having experience this. According to the World Federation for Mental Health, in Lima 40% of women in the world have suffered physical and / or sexual violence from a partner or sexual violence by third parties at some point in their lives. This clearly shows the relationship between violence against women and the constant abuses. In addition to that, women who have been physically harmed, have experienced physical violence in the family. Subsequently, when women go through the same thing they think it's normal. Dr. José Samaniego, lead consultant and physician at Cayetano hospital stated at a recent Health Congress, "If you want to know what it’s like to survive hell and still come out shining brighter than the sun, just look into the eyes of a woman who has survived intense damage and refused to allow it to destroy her softness.” This explains the reason why women who are abused violence have suffered lot. In addition to physical violence, another cause for violence against women is the psychological violence. When women are attacked psychologically for her partners. They feel humiliated. Consequently they lose self-respect. T.M.

Mc. Court from the Mental Health Institute in Lima, Peru believes that the lose selfrespect has a solution. He stated; "Survivors of any and all abuse become very good at anticipating mood of others, looks, actions, all of it in an effort to survive. Believing that if we can be agreeable, be compliant and loving, do things how they want, that we will be safe. This becomes our way of life.” This means that you do not lose respect for yourself and do not allow this to happen again.He adds;"If you walked away from a toxic, negative, abusive, one-sided, dead-end low vibrational relationship or friendship-you won." In addition, some women who have been abused violence have low self-esteem. As a result, it is the reason why they allows this to happen. This fact deeply affects the fact that the aggression continues. As you can see, the consequences for violence again women go beyond being something habitual. Going through this bad experience like violence again women results in physical and psychological violence, which must be handled in time. Therefore, if you or someone you know suffers for violence again women, be sure to seek help and denounce this fact to end this and have a quiet life.