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CREATE (Additional Part of Portfolio – Page 244) 1. Why are you constantly checking your smartphone form the moment you

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CREATE (Additional Part of Portfolio – Page 244) 1. Why are you constantly checking your smartphone form the moment you wake up until you go to bed, even when you are on vacation? I’m constantly checking my smartphone because I don’t be able to control my constant urge to know if someone wrote to me. I’m compulsive about it. Also, the influx of new apps does that I cannot stop using my cell phone and usually triggers me to spend all day with my cell phone. 2. How are you able to manage your smartphone usage, and what effect did it have on your life? First, you must be totally committed to properly manage your smartphone. Likewise, you need to be conscious of the situation and emotions that make you want to check your phone that is the first part of the process. Also, you need to be strong and disciplined. In the same way, to manage my own smartphone well, more smartly, I weaned myself away from it. On the other hand, the effect it had on my life is that diminished my stress, improved my concentration and made me more aware of my surroundings. 3. Why don’t you consider extreme smartphone usage a true addiction? A true addiction entails a growing tolerance to a substance like drugs or alcohol, so you need more to get "high", uncomfortable symptoms during withdrawal, and a harmful impact on your life. So, whether smartphones really “hook” users to dependency remains unclear. It is known that you always have a great temptation to use it at every moment but that is not enough reason for it to be an addiction. Also, according to the studies of other researchers, they are seeing clear signs of dysfunction, if not of an addiction. 4. What was the effect on your business and on your life of taking predictable time off (PTO) The contemplation that I had about the effects of having a free week of cell phone was that it was necessary to improve in my work and in my life. Thanks to the PTO, I can stop depending on my cell phone. In the same way, my anxiety to check my cell phone at every moment has also diminished, this has greatly improved my concentration. Therefore, I now ensure to do a PTO every so often. 5. At the start of the week, what did you think of your mother’s idea of going without electronics? How did the way you feel change as the week progressed? I thought that she was completely crazy, I couldn’t stand the idea of not being able to use my smartphone for a week because I use my device for everything. When we arrived at the place where we would stay, I thought that she was going to relent and give me my cell phone, since I had asked for it repeatedly, but I was wrong. On the other hand, the first days were a little hard, but then I started to like the fact of sharing time with my family. My dad always does something different every day, so we do not get bored. I remember that in the last days, we were able to sit quietly without twitching, without any electronic device. I had a lot of fun!