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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR Faculta de Humanidades y Educación Licenciatura en Inglés Modalidad Virtual

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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR

Faculta de Humanidades y Educación Licenciatura en Inglés Modalidad Virtual

FONETICA DEL INGLES 20202 Grupo BL2 Unidad 3 News Program Workshop.

Presentado por: Danny Alejandro Mahecha Benito


“Virtual Education, the Training Opportunity of the Century. Intro 1 Good evening everybody and Welcome to this News Program. today, we are going to be talking about the most relevant thing is happening in our University Campus. Time 1 As the coronavirus began to spread around the world in the beginning of 2020 colleges and universities sent students home to finish the semesters remotely but now the country is staring to open back up should students go back to campus next year.

This year of 2020 was, exceptionally, the propitious scenario to demonstrate that Virtual Education is an optimal learning context and a great opportunity for academic training for this century.

Time 2 For the Caribbean University Corporation - CECAR, it was an honor to celebrate the sixth anniversary of CECAR Virtual, in a season where Higher Education issues discouraging dropout figures, precisely because of the hard-economic blow derived from the Coronavirus. It is gratifying to remember that only 21 Students enrolled on November 20, 2014, through this Modality and, currently, the Corporation has 2,900 future professionals who will be titled through this Modality. Time 3 (voice) Alfredo Flórez Gutiérrez, our Academic Vice Chancellor, states that CECAR Virtual has been the occasion for the Institution to become known, grow and offer its Programs to places that were previously impossible, such as, for example, Meta, the entire Caribbean Coast and even to other countries. With

this incursion, the University has been responding to the needs of regional and national coverage, with quality professions required by students.

“Virtual Education is a good alternative for those who require it. Congratulations, we must disregard valid education as Presential Education and understand that there are other valid learning contexts and that is Virtuality. Logically, the greatest emphasis for that validity is in the responsibility that the Student can place in front of her process. A Student who commits from the Face-to-face will also do so virtually”, he specified.

According to Flórez Gutiérrez, Virtuality is an opportunity, not only for working adults, or those who do not have nearby universities due to coverage, but also for those young people who do not identify with Face-toFace Education and who, due to their occupations or affinity with technology, they prefer this study option.

As the years go by, the positioning of CECAR Virtual in the country also arrives, as corroborated by Juan Carlos Quinche Curtidor, Director of Distance Education and Virtuality, who noted that the committed work of CECAR Virtual and the institutional support, in head of its founders, glimpsed the possibilities and projections of this modality in Colombia. All this allowed us to be today a leading institution that ranks as the most relevant in the region, with a significant number of Programs and Students throughout the national territory.

The CECAR Virtual infrastructure made it possible to briefly face the collapse of the pandemic and make a transfer to what was the remote model in the On-site Modality.

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