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Active & passive forms 1 Are the sentences active (A) or passive (P)? People are happy to see the reduction in prices. A

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Active & passive forms 1 Are the sentences active (A) or passive (P)? People are happy to see the reduction in prices. A 1 Online shopping is becoming more and more popular. …… 2 This computer is used by all the students in the school. …… 3 This store will be opened by the mayor tomorrow. …… 4 People often do their shopping with credit cards. …… 5 This store is popular with young people. …… 6 This shopping app is going to be used by many consumers. …… 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. had been told has never been used is being fed is going to be built was opened was stamped will be sent out Her passport was stamped when she arrived in Thailand. 1 This credit card ……………………………… before. 2 The door ……………………………… by a small child. 3 My cat ……………………………… by a neighbour while we’re on holiday. 4 Tickets ……………………………… tomorrow. 5 His parents ……………………………… about his behaviour before this incident took place. 6 A new hospital ……………………………… here next year. Passive with two objects 3 Order the words to form the two possible passive sentences with the same meaning as the active sentence. They sent three letters to the teacher. a) letters / sent / teacher. / were / to / Three / the Three letters were sent to the teacher. b) sent / The / letters. / three / teacher / was The teacher was sent three letters. 1 They gave discounts to all shoppers. a) discounts. / shoppers / All / given / were ........................................................... b) all / given / to / shoppers. / were / Discounts ........................................................... 2 She showed the dress to the customer. a) dress. / customer / The / shown / the / was ........................................................... b) shown / the / The / to / was / customer. / dress ........................................................... 3 They gave a computer to Neil. a) computer. / a / Neil / given / was ........................................................... b) to / computer / Neil. / A / was / given ...........................................................


Impersonal & infinitive forms 4 Choose the correct options. The online shopping industry is now said to be / being worth £117.6 billion in the UK. But who is thought (1) to have done / to be doing the very first online order? (2) It is believing / It is believed that the first online shopper was a 72-year-old woman. In 1984 Jane Snowball, from Gateshead in the UK, used her TV remote control to order some groceries from her local supermarket. (3) It is thought / It is thinking to be the first ‘online’ shop because Mrs Snowball used computer technology called Videotex, which sent the order down her phone line to the local supermarket. (4) It is said / It is saying that this first order was for some margarine, cornflakes and eggs. The causative 5 Choose A, B or C to complete the sentences. She got her car B at the garage. A wash B washed C_______washing 1 I had my wallet …… last week. A stolen B stealing__________C stole 2 She …… her hair cut yesterday. A did B was C had 3 They’re …… their house painted soon. A got B getting C____________get 4 He …… some new trees planted in his garden last year. A has B has had C___________had 5 I’m getting my eyes …… tomorrow. A tested B testing___________C test 6 She …… her car broken into at the weekend. A got B had C did 6. Order the words to form sentences. 1 prizes / to / designers / being / the / given / were / best Prizes ______________________________ 2 has / my / stolen / credit card / been / just My _________________________________ 3 waste / produced / the / a lot of / USA / is / in A ___________________________________ 4 e-commerce / it / said / that / is / traditional shops / harms It ___________________________________ 7 Write sentences. Use the causative in the tense given. (4 marks) 1 Jill / hair / cut / this afternoon (present continuous) _____________________________________ 2 Mark / his wallet / steal / yesterday (past simple) _____________________________________ 3 I / car / wash / tomorrow / at 3 p.m. (future continuous) _____________________________________ 2

4 You / suit / make / by a tailor. (can) _____________________________________ 8 Rewrite the sentences using the passive. 1 A student designed the award-winning collection. _____________________________________ 2 The shop assistant has folded all the clothing. _____________________________________ 3 The police should investigate online theft. _____________________________________ 4 People believe shopping makes you feel better. _____________________________________ 9 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Two sentences are correct. 1 The receipt was given to me by the cashier. ……………… 2 Peter got his identity stolen online. ……………… 3 The designer is said to be selling his clothes to raise money for charity. ……………… 4 You will being interviewed by Ms Brooks. ……………… Relative pronouns & adverbs 10 Complete the sentences with one relative pronoun or adverb each. Sunday is when we usually play baseball. 1 This is the gym ………… I work out. 2 Alex Ferguson was a football manager ………… had a lot of success with Manchester United. 3 Andy Murray, ………… coach is Ivan Lendl, has won many tournaments recently. 4 Snowboarding is a sport ………… is becoming more popular every year. 5 August is the month ………… most people go on holiday. 6 New York is a city ………… is always very busy. Defining & non-defining clauses 11 Complete the text with one relative pronoun or adverb in each gap. Then choose whether each relative clause is defining or non-defining. The world’s most popular sporting events • Number 5: The fifth most watched sporting event is the Monaco Grand Prix, which has been held every year since 1929. It usually has around 25 million viewers. • Number 4: The Super Bowl is also a sport (1) ………… is very popular. In 2012, there were 111.5 million people (2) ………… watched the biggest game in American football. • Number 3: In third place is the ICC Cricket World Cup Championship, (3) ………… was watched by several hundred million people in 2011. • Number 2: It’s the FIFA World Cup (4) ………… has the second biggest audience in sport. In 2010, there were 700 million people 3

watching (5) ………… Spain played the Netherlands. • Number 1: In the summer of 2012, everyone was watching London, (6) ………… the Olympics opening ceremony had an estimated 1 billion viewers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

defining defining defining defining defining defining defining

/ / / / / / /

non-defining non-defining non-defining non-defining non-defining non-defining non-defining

VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct options. 1 I asked the manager for a bargain / refund and he gave me my money back. 2 There are changing rooms at the back of the shop if you’d like to try something out / on. 3 We don’t have it in the shop right now, but I could order / exchange it if you like. 4 Janet gave some of her old dresses to a local auction / charity shop. 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. arm eyeballs hand high 1 Sarah was up to her ……………… in work after her holiday. 2 That looks expensive. It must have cost a(n) ……………… and a leg. 3 When Mark shops, things get out of ……………… and he spends too much. 4 Beth just got promoted and she’s so happy. She seems to be on a(n) ……………… ! 3 Complete the adjectives in the sentences. 1 The dirty factory was shut down over e……………… concerns. 2 These documents were printed on r……………… paper. 3 Some plastic bags are b……………… and break down after a few months. 4 Don’t leave the water running when you brush your teeth – it’s w……………… . 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in bold. 1 Kelly put money aside for a new coat. (up) Kelly …………………………… for a new coat. 2 This stereo is broken so I’m returning it. (back) I’m …………………………… because it’s broken. 3 After a hard day, Michelle went shopping. (therapy) Michelle needed some …………………………… .


4 I’m not in a good mood today. (down) Today, I’m …………………………… . Reading Paying with plastic A Have you ever accidentally destroyed a banknote by putting it in the washing machine? New technology could soon put an end to this problem, because the future of banknotes is plastic. Plastic banknotes are already used in several countries around the world, but are relatively new to Europe. The advantages of notes made of a plastic called polymer are that they are cleaner, they last longer, and they are more secure against fraud, whilst retaining the traditional appearance of paper notes. B Polymer banknotes do cost more to produce, but as they are expected to last at least 2.5 times longer than paper notes, governments will save money long-term. Their disadvantages include being harder to fold, and they can also be slippery and difficult to count. However, they can include a transparent section which will help to reduce fraud, and countries that have introduced plastic notes have seen a reduction in the number of fake notes in use. C In terms of environmental concerns, plastic notes might not seem like a step forward, but studies have shown that throughout their lives, plastic notes have less environmental impact than ‘paper’ notes. ‘Paper’ notes are in fact largely made of cotton, which requires a lot of water and chemicals to grow. Plastic notes can be recycled at the end of their lives. Australia, which was the first country to switch to completely plastic notes, recycles them into plant pots. Unfortunately though, not all countries will have the facilities to do this. D If you need more advantages, plastic notes also don’t absorb moisture and sweat like paper notes, making them tougher and more hygienic. And although washing them is not recommended, they will survive a wash if you accidentally leave them in your jeans! 1 Read the text and choose the correct answers. 1 Plastic banknotes are … A not yet in use anywhere in the world. B already widely used in Europe and around the world. C likely to be introduced in more and more countries. 2 Which of the following is not an advantage of plastic banknotes to governments? A Their initial production cost is lower. B They save governments money over their lifetime. C It is more difficult to produce fake notes. 3 Which statement is true regarding the environmental impact of plastic banknotes? 5

A Plastic banknotes are more environmentally friendly than you might think. B Plastic banknotes are less good for the environment than paper notes. C Plastic banknotes will be recyclable wherever they are used. 2 Read the text again and write true or false for sentences 1– 4. Correct any sentences which are false. 1 Plastic banknotes look very similar to paper banknotes. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2 Plastic banknotes are not as easy to handle as paper notes. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3 Cotton is an environmentally friendly material which grows easily in all conditions. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 4 Banknotes made of plastic are likely to be less good for people’s health. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3 Find words and phrases in the text which match the definitions. 1 safe, protected (paragraph A) ……………… 2 over a long period of time (paragraph B) ……………… 3 bend something in half or into smaller shapes (paragraph B) ……………… 4 not real, artificial (paragraph B) ……………… 5 small containers to grow flowers in (paragraph C) ……………… 6 liquid produced through the skin when we get hot (paragraph D) ……………… Writing Choose one of the tasks. Write 100–150 words. 1 ‘Everything went wrong on that shopping trip!’ Write a story about a disastrous shopping trip. The central character can be you or someone else. 2 You are very disappointed with the new supermarket that has opened near your house. Write an email to the manager of the supermarket explaining why you are disappointed and what changes you would like to see. You might want to mention the prices, the range of products, the parking facilities, the staff, or any other ideas of your own. Shopping 1 Complete the text with the words in the box. afford bargains brands browsing shopping trip sweatshops Next time you are browsing during a(n) (1) ……………………, take a moment to think about where your 6

favourite shops get their products – many popular (2) …………………… have recently been caught in scandals involving (3) …………………… . Some people blame consumers who are always desperate to find (4) ……………………, even if they can actually (5) …………………… to pay a bit more to ensure that products are made in a way that does not hurt other people. 2 Match 1–5 with A–F. I got this coat 1 This coffee machine broke the first time I used it – I want 2 I like this dress – I think I’ll try 3 These designer sunglasses are fake – I think I was ripped 4 I’m not spending much at the moment because I’m saving 5 I’m not happy with these shoes – I’m going to take

A a refund. B ________________________________ back. C off at the market. D in the sale. E up for a new car. F it on.

Idioms 3 Choose the correct options. Sara is totally hooked on / of internet shopping – she never goes to the shops any more. 1 Tara is still on the computer – she’s been bitten by the online shopping bug / fly. 2 This coat was really expensive – it cost an arm and a leg / hand. 3 I’m always on a high / cloud when I’ve found a really good bargain! 4 My shopping addiction has got a bit out of hand / arm and now I’m up to my forehead / eyeballs in debt. 5 Kay was feeling down / under, so she tried a bit of retail medicine / therapy. Waste 4 Put the words in the box in the correct category. consumer disposable incinerator manufacturer pollute recycled sustainable waste Verb Noun Adjective (infinitive) incinerator


5 Choose A, B or C to complete the sentences. The rubbish was burnt in a large A. A incinerator B manufacturer C consumer 1 Many countries …… a lot of natural resources. A compost B waste C toxic 2 The government is looking into …… alternatives to landfill sites. A wasteful B sustainable C toxic 3 …… are trying to reuse packaging where they can. A Incinerators B Landfill sites C Manufacturers 4 Large companies that …… the environment should pay higher taxes. A pollute B waste C reuse 5 …… are encouraged to reuse plastic bags wherever possible. A Incinerators B Landfill sites C Consumers 6 Some countries are less …… than others. A






Shopping 1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs and phrasal verbs in the box. afford browse deliver exchange order (x2) rip off save up I found the perfect present for my mum, so I ordered it online. 1 Ben has been …………………… for six months to buy a new car. 2 Everything is reasonably priced in this shop. It doesn’t try to …………………… its customers. 3 If you don’t like your present, you can take it back and …………………… it for something else. 4 Can you …………………… to buy that dress? It’s very expensive. 5 They didn’t have my size in the shop, so I …………………… the coat online and it’s going to be …………………… to my house this week. 2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. I like to browse in shops when I’m looking for presents for my friends. 1 If I buy something and then decide that I don’t want to keep it, I usually ............................................... ......................................................... . 2 I think that second-hand shops are . . . ......................................................... . 3 I often find bargains at ...................... ......................................................... . 8

4 I usually wait until the sales to buy ... ......................................................... . 5 I think that window-shopping is ......... ......................................................... . 6 I think that top brands are ................. ......................................................... . Idioms 3 Correct the mistakes in the idioms in the sentences. One sentence is correct. I’m up to my eyelashes in bills. eyeballs 1 Lara is totally hooked in internet shopping. …………………… 2 My spending has got out of finger and I’ve got no money left. …………………… 3 Are you sure you want to buy this watch? It costs an arm and a foot! …………………… 4 I’m on a high because I’ve been paid and I can go shopping now! …………………… 5 Have you been bitten by the internet shopping insect yet? …………………… Waste 4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Disposable (dispose) London Every day, over 50,000 rubbish trucks collect almost 85,000 tonnes of (1) ………………… (waste). They take the rubbish to giant (2) ………………… (incinerate) on the outskirts of the city. Large boats also take rubbish to massive landfill sites where it is (3) ………………… (dump) and buried. This is not a (4) ………………… (sustain) solution though – 175 square kilometres of the UK are already being used to dispose of rubbish, and the (5) ………………… (environment) consequences are huge. Some items, such as unwanted fridges and other metal goods, are crushed and sent to China to be (6) ………………… (recycle) by (7) ………………… (manufacture) there. Consolidation 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the box. get through run out of take part in take up top up turn down I need to add money to my phone. top up 1 We’re going to start pilates in the new year. ………………… 2 She finds it motivating to participate in a team sport. ………………… 3 Mario made it to the final of the competition. ………………… 9

4 Your ringtone is very loud – could you reduce the volume? ………………… 5 I haven’t got any remaining credit. ………………… 6 Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.