Quick Start

Kettlebell Burn Quick Start! A Beginnerʼs / Couch Potatoʼs Guide To Getting Started With A Kettlebell Fat Loss Program

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Kettlebell Burn Quick Start! A Beginnerʼs / Couch Potatoʼs Guide To Getting Started With A Kettlebell Fat Loss Program

WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell This Intellectual Property In Any Way

All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2011 – Integrated Fitness Solutions, LLC. All rights are

reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Disclaimer I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. This product is not intended to treat or diagnose any symptoms, illness, or disease. Consult your physician to ensure that this exercise program is right for you and you are able to perform it safely without injury. The author accepts no liability for any injury or illness as a result of engaging in this exercise program. Perform it at your own risk.

Kettlebell Burn Quick Start! “The 3Ms” - The Roadblocks to Fat Loss The biggest obstacle in any fat loss program is Momentum. Itʼs getting started and gaining enough “steam” to keep moving. Itʼs only when you keep moving that you start seeing results. Now combine Momentum with the second biggest obstacle - Movement (or lack thereof) and most people have a recipe for disaster. They look at fat loss as a giant mountain that they have to climb instead of a series of small, manageable, even downright easy steps to take in order to see measurable results. Also, Movement itself represents a serious obstacle - many people are grossly sedentary and tend to overdo their workouts when they first get started. They go from zero to 100 without breaking in the engine so-to-speak. They get sore even injured, and then quit before they ever really get started. Now combine Movement with our third biggest obstacle – Motivation and you have a powerful and deadly (dare I say “evil”) force working against you to keep you fat. A little bit of Momentum plus a small amount of Movement adds to your success and gives you the Motivation you need to keep your Momentum and therefore your movement. When you get these three balls rolling – itʼs literally like the Trifecta of Transformation – the very pieces of the puzzle for lasting and permanent change (fat loss).

The “3S” Solution Fortunately, the solution is easy. So easy in fact, that youʼll probably slap your forehead and say “Dʼoh!” when I show it to you. Weʼre going to take your biggest weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. S1 - Simplicity. “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” - Albert Einstein, Genius.

Many people try to complicate fat loss programs – or at least introductory ones, with too many exercises. Thatʼs for intermediate and advanced kettlebell fat loss programs. Right now we are only looking for one thing and one thing only – compliance. How easy is this program to stick to? Is it something so easy that you could do it every day like brushing your teeth or tying your shoes? Well, thatʼs the goal. And to ensure compliance, we are going to use two exercises for the Quick Start - and only two. To make it even simpler, you are going to alternate days between the two exercises. So youʼll only perform one exercise per day. It really cannot be or get any simpler than that. S2 - Safety. Do you know the #1 reason most people stop their exercise programs? Injury. Yup - they start out way too hard with their expectation levels set way too high. Does it make sense to go from sitting on your butt all day doing nothing to working out for one hour a day 5 to 7 days per week? No - of course it doesnʼt! Yet thatʼs what most people who try to lose weight do. They start out like gangbusters in a de-conditioned body thatʼs not used to moving and end up moving too much and - BAM! - Overuse injury! Weʼre going to be safe about this. Weʼre going to do actually very little on a daily basis, but the cumulative effect over 30 days will be nothing short of spectacular. You will jump start your fat loss and prepare your body for the more rigorous Kettlebell Burn. S3 - Sanity.

Probably the easiest way to define sanity is by defining it by what it is not Insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing youʼve always done yet expecting different results. We are going to do something completely different. Just like you brush your teeth every day (Hopefully - if not, just donʼt breathe on me, okay?) you will exercise every day - well, six days out of seven. Now hold on a minute before you let out a big groan Hereʼs the catch - you can only work out for 10 minutes or less each day. So, that means - are you ready for this - you will only work out for less than one hour each week! How cool is that? Pretty cool!

The Program. Ok, letʼs take a look at the actual Quick Start Program itself. You will be working out 6 days per week out of 7. You will work out 26 out of 30 days. You will work out 10 minutes each day or less. There are two workout days - Workout A and Workout B. Hereʼs what they look like Workout A - The Get Up and Its Variations. Workout B - The 2 Hand Swing. You will alternate between A days and B days. Workout A will be performed for as many reps as you feel like doing per side in only in a 10 minute window. Yes - 10 minutes only. Thatʼs it. Then youʼre done for the day. You can use just your bodyweight (no kettlebell in your hand) or use a

very light kettlebell. I recommend you start with just your bodyweight at first, then work toward a light kettlebell. Hereʼs what the breakdown looks like by exercise variation:

Get Up to the elbow Get Up to the hand Get Up to hips high or hip bridge Get Up to half kneeling windmill (to the knee) Get Up to lunge position Get Up

Workout B will be performed for a specified number of reps (8, 9, 10, 11, or 12) in a specified time period, for no longer than 10 minutes - sometimes only 5 or 6. We are going to use the “Top of the Minute” format. This means that your set of 2H Swings will start at the beginning (or top) of each minute. Youʼll need a countdown timer, stopwatch, wall clock with a second hand for this. (When you see “Swings” written, it automatically means 2 Hand Swings.) Here is an example of what the B Workouts look like: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes. Of course, thatʼs just one workout - the others will be different.

“Wait - Whyʼd You Choose The Swing And Get Up? I Thought You Said They Werenʼt Good For Fat Loss...?” Actually, I said they were incomplete for maximum fat loss. Thereʼs a difference. These two exercises will form a nice foundation for the rest of the Kettlebell Burn program. Theyʼre a great place to start, but not necessarily to finish.

The Next 30 Days... Hereʼs all you have to do - commit the next 30 days to a little bit of exercise every day (6 days out of 7). Not much - remember - in some cases less than 10 minutes a day. Anybody can do that. You can too. The actual workout structure and format is outlined in a “Day-by-Day” format

below - for 30 Days. (I actually recommend you print this off on a separate sheet – provided at the end of the Quick Start Program - and then cross through each workout with a red pen (ok, any pen is fine) when youʼve completed each one.) Day 1: Get Up to the elbow Day 2: 7 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 3: Get Up to the hand Day 4: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 5: Get Up to high hips or hip bridge Day 6: 9 Swings, top of the minute for 7 minutes Day 7: Off Day 8: Get Up to the hand Day 9: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 6 minutes Day 10: Get Up to hips high or hip bridge Day 11: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 5 minutes Day 12: Get Up to half kneeling windmill Day 13: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 14: Off Day 15: Get Up to lunge position Day 16: 9 Swings, top of the minute, for 8 minutes Day 17: Get Up Day 18: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 7 minutes Day 19: Get Up to the hand Day 20: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 6 minutes Day 21: Off Day 22: Get Up to hips high or hip bridge Day 23: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 24: Get Up to half kneeling windmill (to the knee) Day 25: 9 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 26: Get Up to to lunge position Day 27: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 28: Off Day 29: Get Up Day 30: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 8 minutes

FAQʼs “What if these workouts feel too easy?” Donʼt worry about it and donʼt change a thing. Theyʼre not supposed to kill you. They are supposed to get you in the habit of exercising again and to burn off

extra calories – to start the fat-burning process. “What if these workouts feel too hard?” Again, donʼt worry about it. These details are maximums – in other words, do no more than this specified amount. The important thing is that you do what you can do and not compare yourself to anybody else. “What Do I Do On Day 31?” Great question. I recommend starting the full Kettlebell Burn 2.0 program right away. No time like the present. And, letʼs face it - timeʼs a-wastinʼ. The Quick Start is a nice little program to prepare your body for whatʼs going to come next in the Burn program.


The Kettlebell Burn Quick Start Program (For you to cross off one day at a time...)

Day 1: Get Up to the elbow Day 2: 7 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 3: Get Up to the hand Day 4: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 5: Get Up to high hips or hip bridge Day 6: 9 Swings, top of the minute for 7 minutes Day 7: Off Day 8: Get Up to the hand Day 9: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 6 minutes Day 10: Get Up to hips high or hip bridge Day 11: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 5 minutes Day 12: Get Up to half kneeling windmill Day 13: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 14: Off Day 15: Get Up to lunge position Day 16: 9 Swings, top of the minute, for 8 minutes Day 17: Get Up Day 18: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 7 minutes Day 19: Get Up to the hand Day 20: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 6 minutes Day 21: Off Day 22: Get Up to hips high or hip bridge Day 23: 8 Swings, top of the minute, for 10 minutes Day 24: Get Up to half kneeling windmill (to the knee) Day 25: 9 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 26: Get Up to to lunge position Day 27: 10 Swings, top of the minute, for 9 minutes Day 28: Off Day 29: Get Up Day 30: 11 Swings, top of the minute, for 8 minutes