Examen 3 Liderazgo en Grupo 3

EXAMEN 3 LIDERAZGO EN GRUPO.- Pregunta 1 According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which of the following ex

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Pregunta 1 According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which of the following examples best represents a conversational ritual of rapport?

Defending your position when someone criticizes your idea NO

After someone shares a story you add comments to demonstrate that your experience of a similar situation was more significant

Criticizing someone else's idea to make your position look better

Keeping quiet when a bad idea is being considered because you don't want seem bossy or overly-critical 1 punto 2.Pregunta 2 Your group is at a standstill trying to decide whether or not to accept the proposal for a new initiative in your organization. Everyone seems entrenched in their positions, and with nothing new to discuss the conversation is starting to get personal and negative. According to our lessons on group conflict, which strategy for managing interpersonal conflict could best help resolve this situation?

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Inject humor into the decision process

Maintain a balanced power structure

Include more information and debate on the basis of facts SI

1 punto 3.Pregunta 3 According to our lessons on group conflict, what would be one of the main reasons that the words we use in confrontations can get us into trouble?

Lack of advocacy

Negative emotions

Incompetent group members

Dishonorable intentions NO 1 punto 4.Pregunta 4 According to our lessons on difference and diversity, which of the following items would be a strategic reason for the importance of difference?


Better problem solving SI

Changing demographics

Minority-majority 1 punto 5.Pregunta 5 You have to give an important presentation at work. Your boss asked you to give a status update about your team's project to the directors of your work division. In your presentation, you discuss the history of your project and your current plan to complete your project. You speak with conviction and confidence because you know there are some directors who are

skeptical about your project. You conclude with details about the project's budget and explain that it will save the company money. According to what we learned about linguistic style, which part of this scenario would best represents the relationship level of communication?

Speak with conviction and confidence SI

Plan to complete the project

History of the project

Details about the project budget 1 punto 6.Pregunta 6 Carmella was pretty upset by her team's response to her proposal. She put a lot of work into this project and was surprised to see how confused and unsupportive everyone was toward her ideas. She wanted to lash out, telling people how incompetent they were if they couldn't understand these ideas and the benefit of the proposal. But she held her tongue and waited a few days before responding to her team members. And in that time all the team members came around and saw the value of her ideas and eventually supported her proposal. Carmella was glad she kept her mouth shut and let everything work itself out instead of responding negatively in the moment, which definitely would have jeopardized the acceptance of her proposal. According to our lessons on managing group conflict, which strategy worked to Carmella’s advantage in this situation?

Own your part NO


Say nothing

Ask questions 1 punto 7.Pregunta 7 You and another member of your group communicate very differently. You come from two different cultures where you learned different signals to communicate what you mean and to interpret the meanings of others. According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term best describes the communication differences between you and your other group member?


Content level of communication NO


Linguistic style 1 punto 8.Pregunta 8 Michael's group was on the verge of disintegrating into a negative spiral of interpersonal conflict. Group members were upset with each other and comments were starting to turn into personality attacks instead of focusing on the task at hand. Fortunately, Michael was able to make a witty comment that made everyone laugh and eased the tension, which helped get the group's attention back on the important decision they had to make. According to our lessons on group conflict, which tactic for managing interpersonal conflict did Michael utilize in this situation?

Inject humor into the decision process

Maintain a balanced power structure

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Develop multiple alternatives to enrich the level of debate NO 1 punto 9.Pregunta 9 According to our lessons on group conflict, the absence of group conflict is _____________.

Apathy SI



Harmony 1 punto 10.Pregunta 10 According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term refers to the process of how people learn the norms, values, and behaviors that are appropriate for their social position in our culture?

Socialization SI



Linguistic Style 1 punto

11.Pregunta 11 Cynthia expected to have a smooth negotiation with her client. After all, her (Cynthia) company’s new product was cheaper, more efficient, and more stylish than any product on the market. She was surprised, however, when the negotiations broke down and no agreement was reached. Turns out Cynthia never considered the fact that her client actually preferred a slightly more expensive product that looked a bit older because it seemed more luxurious and vintage, which is what the client wanted instead. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Cynthia make in this situation?

She searched too hard for common ground

She let positions drive out interests

She neglected her BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) NO

She neglected the other side’s perspective 1 punto 12.Pregunta 12 Jackson got pressured into an agreement that wasn’t in his best interest because he thought it was his only alternative. He failed to realize that his initial bargaining position was actually better than the proposed deal. He would have been better off if he simply walked away. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Jackson make in this situation?

He neglected the other side’s perspective

He let positions drive out interests

He neglected his BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)

He failed to insist that the negotiation be based on some objective standard NO 1 punto 13.Pregunta 13 You are convinced that the only way your group can solve an important problem is to implement solution X. However, other people in your group disagree, believing that solution Y is the only viable option, while still other group members are sure that solution Z is the one solution that will solve the problem. The group is at an impasse and the problem remains unresolved. Everyone is advocating for their particular solution, but there is no discussion about the underlying motivations for why people want those solutions in the first place. According to what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, what would be the best strategy for making progress in this situation?

Talk more about underlying interests rather than specific positions

Communicate in ways that separate the people from the problem

Discuss multiple options for mutual gains NO

Insist that your negotiation be based on some objective standard 1 punto 14.Pregunta 14 According to our lesson on effective negotiation, what should you do when you realize someone isn’t playing fair in your negotiation?

Raise the issue implicitly, hoping the other party will notice your hints and realize that you are dissatisfied with their tactics NO

Raise the issue explicitly and question whether or not their tactics are legitimate or desirable for this negotiation

Don’t say anything. It’s better to keep quiet and not upset the other party. Most people will recognize their mistakes and eventually negotiate fairly.

Walk away from the negotiation and state that you will never negotiate with that party again 1 punto 15.Pregunta 15 According to our lesson on identity, it is best to understand our identity as _____________.

A relational property

A fixed attribute

An essential characteristic

An inherent trait NO 1 punto

According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which of the following examples best represents a conversational ritual of rapport?

Defending your position when someone criticizes your idea NO

After someone shares a story you add comments to demonstrate that your experience of a similar situation was more significant NO

Criticizing someone else's idea to make your position look better

Keeping quiet when a bad idea is being considered because you don't want seem bossy or overly-critical 1 punto 2.Pregunta 2 Your group is at a standstill trying to decide whether or not to accept the proposal for a new initiative in your organization. Everyone seems entrenched in their positions, and with nothing new to discuss the conversation is starting to get personal and negative. According to our lessons on group conflict, which strategy for managing interpersonal conflict could best help resolve this situation?

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Inject humor into the decision process

Maintain a balanced power structure

Include more information and debate on the basis of facts SI 1 punto

3.Pregunta 3 According to our lessons on group conflict, what would be one of the main reasons that the words we use in confrontations can get us into trouble?

Lack of advocacy

Negative emotions

Incompetent group members NO

Dishonorable intentions NO 1 punto 4.Pregunta 4 According to our lessons on difference and diversity, which of the following items would be a strategic reason for the importance of difference?

Equality NO

Better problem solving SI

Changing demographics

Minority-majority 1 punto 5.Pregunta 5 You have to give an important presentation at work. Your boss asked you to give a status update about your team's project to the directors of your work division. In your presentation, you discuss the history of your project and your current plan to complete your project. You speak with conviction and confidence because you know there are some directors who are

skeptical about your project. You conclude with details about the project's budget and explain that it will save the company money. According to what we learned about linguistic style, which part of this scenario would best represents the relationship level of communication?

Speak with conviction and confidence SI

Plan to complete the project

History of the project

Details about the project budget 1 punto 6.Pregunta 6 Carmella was pretty upset by her team's response to her proposal. She put a lot of work into this project and was surprised to see how confused and unsupportive everyone was toward her ideas. She wanted to lash out, telling people how incompetent they were if they couldn't understand these ideas and the benefit of the proposal. But she held her tongue and waited a few days before responding to her team members. And in that time all the team members came around and saw the value of her ideas and eventually supported her proposal. Carmella was glad she kept her mouth shut and let everything work itself out instead of responding negatively in the moment, which definitely would have jeopardized the acceptance of her proposal. According to our lessons on managing group conflict, which strategy worked to Carmella’s advantage in this situation?

Own your part NO

Advocacy NO

Say nothing

Ask questions 1 punto 7.Pregunta 7 You and another member of your group communicate very differently. You come from two different cultures where you learned different signals to communicate what you mean and to interpret the meanings of others. According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term best describes the communication differences between you and your other group member?

Neuroplasticity NO

Content level of communication NO


Linguistic style 1 punto 8.Pregunta 8 Michael's group was on the verge of disintegrating into a negative spiral of interpersonal conflict. Group members were upset with each other and comments were starting to turn into personality attacks instead of focusing on the task at hand. Fortunately, Michael was able to make a witty comment that made everyone laugh and eased the tension, which helped get the group's attention back on the important decision they had to make. According to our lessons on group conflict, which tactic for managing interpersonal conflict did Michael utilize in this situation?

Inject humor into the decision process

Maintain a balanced power structure NO

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Develop multiple alternatives to enrich the level of debate NO 1 punto 9.Pregunta 9 According to our lessons on group conflict, the absence of group conflict is _____________.

Apathy SI



Harmony 1 punto 10.Pregunta 10 According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term refers to the process of how people learn the norms, values, and behaviors that are appropriate for their social position in our culture?

Socialization SI



Linguistic Style 1 punto

11.Pregunta 11 Cynthia expected to have a smooth negotiation with her client. After all, her (Cynthia) company’s new product was cheaper, more efficient, and more stylish than any product on the market. She was surprised, however, when the negotiations broke down and no agreement was reached. Turns out Cynthia never considered the fact that her client actually preferred a slightly more expensive product that looked a bit older because it seemed more luxurious and vintage, which is what the client wanted instead. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Cynthia make in this situation?

She searched too hard for common ground NO

She let positions drive out interests

She neglected her BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) NO

She neglected the other side’s perspective 1 punto 12.Pregunta 12 Jackson got pressured into an agreement that wasn’t in his best interest because he thought it was his only alternative. He failed to realize that his initial bargaining position was actually better than the proposed deal. He would have been better off if he simply walked away. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Jackson make in this situation?

He neglected the other side’s perspective

He let positions drive out interests NO

He neglected his BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)

He failed to insist that the negotiation be based on some objective standard NO 1 punto 13.Pregunta 13 You are convinced that the only way your group can solve an important problem is to implement solution X. However, other people in your group disagree, believing that solution Y is the only viable option, while still other group members are sure that solution Z is the one solution that will solve the problem. The group is at an impasse and the problem remains unresolved. Everyone is advocating for their particular solution, but there is no discussion about the underlying motivations for why people want those solutions in the first place. According to what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, what would be the best strategy for making progress in this situation?

Talk more about underlying interests rather than specific positions

Communicate in ways that separate the people from the problem NO

Discuss multiple options for mutual gains NO

Insist that your negotiation be based on some objective standard 1 punto 14.Pregunta 14 According to our lesson on effective negotiation, what should you do when you realize someone isn’t playing fair in your negotiation?

Raise the issue implicitly, hoping the other party will notice your hints and realize that you are dissatisfied with their tactics NO

Raise the issue explicitly and question whether or not their tactics are legitimate or desirable for this negotiation

Don’t say anything. It’s better to keep quiet and not upset the other party. Most people will recognize their mistakes and eventually negotiate fairly. NO

Walk away from the negotiation and state that you will never negotiate with that party again 1 punto 15.Pregunta 15 According to our lesson on identity, it is best to understand our identity as _____________.

A relational property

A fixed attribute

An essential characteristic NO

An inherent trait NO 1 punto Y

According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which of the following examples best represents a conversational ritual of rapport?

Defending your position when someone criticizes your idea

After someone shares a story you add comments to demonstrate that your experience of a similar situation was more significant

Criticizing someone else's idea to make your position look better

Keeping quiet when a bad idea is being considered because you don't want seem bossy or overly-critical SI 1 punto 2.Pregunta 2 Your group is at a standstill trying to decide whether or not to accept the proposal for a new initiative in your organization. Everyone seems entrenched in their positions, and with nothing new to discuss the conversation is starting to get personal and negative. According to our lessons on group conflict, which strategy for managing interpersonal conflict could best help resolve this situation?

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Inject humor into the decision process

Maintain a balanced power structure

Include more information and debate on the basis of facts SI 1 punto

3.Pregunta 3 According to our lessons on group conflict, what would be one of the main reasons that the words we use in confrontations can get us into trouble?

Lack of advocacy NO

Negative emotions

Incompetent group members

Dishonorable intentions 1 punto 4.Pregunta 4 According to our lessons on difference and diversity, which of the following items would be a strategic reason for the importance of difference?


Better problem solving SI

Changing demographics

Minority-majority 1 punto 5.Pregunta 5 You have to give an important presentation at work. Your boss asked you to give a status update about your team's project to the directors of your work division. In your presentation, you discuss the history of your project and your current plan to complete your project. You speak with conviction and confidence because you know there are some directors who are

skeptical about your project. You conclude with details about the project's budget and explain that it will save the company money. According to what we learned about linguistic style, which part of this scenario would best represents the relationship level of communication?

Speak with conviction and confidence SI

Plan to complete the project

History of the project

Details about the project budget 1 punto 6.Pregunta 6 Carmella was pretty upset by her team's response to her proposal. She put a lot of work into this project and was surprised to see how confused and unsupportive everyone was toward her ideas. She wanted to lash out, telling people how incompetent they were if they couldn't understand these ideas and the benefit of the proposal. But she held her tongue and waited a few days before responding to her team members. And in that time all the team members came around and saw the value of her ideas and eventually supported her proposal. Carmella was glad she kept her mouth shut and let everything work itself out instead of responding negatively in the moment, which definitely would have jeopardized the acceptance of her proposal. According to our lessons on managing group conflict, which strategy worked to Carmella’s advantage in this situation?

Own your part


Say nothing SI

Ask questions 1 punto 7.Pregunta 7 You and another member of your group communicate very differently. You come from two different cultures where you learned different signals to communicate what you mean and to interpret the meanings of others. According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term best describes the communication differences between you and your other group member?


Content level of communication


Linguistic style SI 1 punto 8.Pregunta 8 Michael's group was on the verge of disintegrating into a negative spiral of interpersonal conflict. Group members were upset with each other and comments were starting to turn into personality attacks instead of focusing on the task at hand. Fortunately, Michael was able to make a witty comment that made everyone laugh and eased the tension, which helped get the group's attention back on the important decision they had to make. According to our lessons on group conflict, which tactic for managing interpersonal conflict did Michael utilize in this situation?

Inject humor into the decision process SI

Maintain a balanced power structure

Share commonly agreed upon goals

Develop multiple alternatives to enrich the level of debate 1 punto 9.Pregunta 9 According to our lessons on group conflict, the absence of group conflict is _____________.

Apathy SI



Harmony 1 punto 10.Pregunta 10 According to our lesson on Communication and Gender, which term refers to the process of how people learn the norms, values, and behaviors that are appropriate for their social position in our culture?

Socialization SI



Linguistic Style 1 punto

11.Pregunta 11 Cynthia expected to have a smooth negotiation with her client. After all, her (Cynthia) company’s new product was cheaper, more efficient, and more stylish than any product on the market. She was surprised, however, when the negotiations broke down and no agreement was reached. Turns out Cynthia never considered the fact that her client actually preferred a slightly more expensive product that looked a bit older because it seemed more luxurious and vintage, which is what the client wanted instead. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Cynthia make in this situation?

She searched too hard for common ground

She let positions drive out interests NO

She neglected her BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)

She neglected the other side’s perspective 1 punto 12.Pregunta 12 Jackson got pressured into an agreement that wasn’t in his best interest because he thought it was his only alternative. He failed to realize that his initial bargaining position was actually better than the proposed deal. He would have been better off if he simply walked away. Based on what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, which of the following mistakes did Jackson make in this situation?

He neglected the other side’s perspective NO

He let positions drive out interests

He neglected his BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement)

He failed to insist that the negotiation be based on some objective standard 1 punto 13.Pregunta 13 You are convinced that the only way your group can solve an important problem is to implement solution X. However, other people in your group disagree, believing that solution Y is the only viable option, while still other group members are sure that solution Z is the one solution that will solve the problem. The group is at an impasse and the problem remains unresolved. Everyone is advocating for their particular solution, but there is no discussion about the underlying motivations for why people want those solutions in the first place. According to what we learned in our lesson on effective negotiation, what would be the best strategy for making progress in this situation?

Talk more about underlying interests rather than specific positions SI

Communicate in ways that separate the people from the problem

Discuss multiple options for mutual gains

Insist that your negotiation be based on some objective standard 1 punto 14.Pregunta 14 According to our lesson on effective negotiation, what should you do when you realize someone isn’t playing fair in your negotiation?

Raise the issue implicitly, hoping the other party will notice your hints and realize that you are dissatisfied with their tactics

Raise the issue explicitly and question whether or not their tactics are legitimate or desirable for this negotiation SI

Don’t say anything. It’s better to keep quiet and not upset the other party. Most people will recognize their mistakes and eventually negotiate fairly.

Walk away from the negotiation and state that you will never negotiate with that party again 1 punto 15.Pregunta 15 According to our lesson on identity, it is best to understand our identity as _____________.

A relational property SI

A fixed attribute

An essential characteristic

An inherent trait 1 punto