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When shopping gets too expensive –word formation Shopping is one of the most popular spare time ________________ (ACTIVE

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When shopping gets too expensive –word formation Shopping is one of the most popular spare time ________________ (ACTIVE) . Magazines are full of pictures of celebrities ______________ (LEAVE) exclusive boutiques, with armfuls of bags bearing distinctive designer logos. Millions of us head off at the weekend to shopping malls near city centres. For the _______________ (MAJOR) of shoppers , the biggest problems are finding somewhere to park or getting information from _________________ (HELP) shop assistants. But for some, the love of shopping can lead to more serious problems . An estimated one in every five people is ______________ (ABLE) to keep their spending habits under control. Teenagers are twice as likely as adults to become compulsive shoppers . Experts who specialize in peoples’ shopping habits view it as an _________________ (ADDICT) . However, they point out two important differences between shopaholism and other types of addictive ______________ (BEHAVE) . Firstly, it is not taken ________________ (SERIOUS) by society, even though it can happen to anyone from any social background. Increasing numbers of men are seen going on uncontrollable shopping sprees, although, when asked, they refer to themselves as “collectors” rather than shopaholics. The second is that, unlike drugs, alcohol or gambling, shopping is socially _____________ (ACCEPT) and therefore easily available. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements _______________ (PERSUADE) us to buy items we really don’t need. Doctors in the United States have prescribed anti-depressants to shopaholics who cannot stop themselves spending, despite already having enormous debts. In the UK _________________ (MEDICINE) experts prefer to send such people to places where they are taught money _________________ (MANAGE). However, there is one glimmer of light on the horizon: doctors believe that while Internet shopping is on the rise, it won’t make the problem worse. Shopping addicts need the buzz of the shopping center to satisfy their wishes. That may explain why we never see pictures of celebrities logging onto Amazon or eBay.

Change the sentences into reported speech, using the correct tense ! 1. He said , "I won't have enough time to finish the job." He said that enough time to finish the job. 2. She asked me, "Could you help me with my luggage ?" She asked me if with her luggage. 3. They asked us, "Are you going anywhere at the weekend.?" They asked us if anywhere at the weekend. 4. She told him, "Don't worry!" She told him


5. They asked us , "What time does the party start?" They asked us . 6. She said, "I can get home on my own." She said that home on her own. 7. They said, "We haven't been to the art gallery for a long time." They said that 8. He said, "I'll think about it."

to the art gallery for a long time.

He said that about it. 9. She said , "I should have phoned my mother". She said that her mother. 10. He asked me, "Do you understand the rules of the game?" He asked me if the rules of the game . 11. She asked him, "Will I see you again?" She asked him if him again. 12. She told him, "Wait until I get back. She told him

got back

Put the verbs in brackets into their correct form.- passive voice 1. Last year, over $40 million 2. I hurt my back while I 3. When

on computers . (SPEND) in the garden. (WORK)

you had this great talent for numbers? (YOU REALISE)

4. The car

by the police this morning. (STOP)

5. Breakfast

at this hotel from 7 to 9 a.m. (SERVE)

6. A few hours after the robbery, the thief 7. I WORK)

to the party because I

8. In the past, many types of medicine 9. Who (YOU TALK)

on an important project (NOT GO , by accident. (DISCOVER)

to when I saw you this morning? I've never seen her before .

10. They didn't hear the news because they (STAY) 11. I

by the police (CAPTURE)

on a desert island at the time

you had the same birthday as me . (NOT KNOW)

12. This type of food can

as a starter or as a main dish (EAT)

13. The new stadium

next Tuesday (OPEN)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets –if clause

1. The teacher will be very angry at you if you 2. If he

your homework (NOT DO).

me what was wrong, I could help him (TELL)

3. If you hadn't watered the flowers, they 4. If you don't hurry, you 5. If I


the bus (MISS)

you, I wouldn't buy that car, (BE)

6. We are going to play tennis if the weather 7. She could have won the race if she 8. If she

10. If I knew it, I

our raincoats (NOT HAVE)

earlier (COME)

11. What will you do if you

a bad mark (GET) ?

12. If she wears a necklace, the dress 14. If she

harder (TRY).

to bed early, she will get up early (GO)

9. We would have got wet if we

13. If you

good (BE)

better (LOOK).

near the dog, it would have bitten you (GO) the book carefully, she would understand it (READ)