Carlos Emesqua - Ibis

1 nn Fu t .n e ag ic ym 2 nn Fu t .n e ag ic ym Ibis By Carlos Emesqua Fu nn ym ag ic .n e t Writ

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Ibis By Carlos Emesqua




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Written by Pablo Amira


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Ibis is a compilation of my latest works.



Open your mind, and enjoy my way to do Mentalism and Psychic Entertainment


Psychic Moments Psychic Moments (Second Edition)

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Written by Carlos Emesqua




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Revised by Mike Vance

This book is dedicated to my friend Neal Scryer, an inspiration and a kind soul.


Prologue Hello, my name will be Carlos Emesqua for this moment. I am Neal Scryer´s friend and he convinced me to publish a few of my effects.

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I met Neal a long time ago while I was visiting New York, and I found that our work is very similar. I want to keep my identity private for the simple reason that I work as a psychic in an obscure location in Spain, and I don’t want to create a connection with my real name and psychic entertainment.




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I don’t do shows; rather I use this psychic demonstration before readings. I don’t do it purely for entertainment. I work in private settings for one person or for small groups, and they absorb my demonstration as pure and intuitive power. In this book called Psychic Moments: Confessions of a Shut-eye, you will find some of my “psychic rituals,” “psychic games,” reading techniques and strategies to create psychic experiences. These are not “mentalism tricks” or “effects” in any way, but moments that you can create for your clients or in other settings which are appropriate. I don’t work with a mindset of a performer; I don’t want my clients to see me like that, so that my work isn’t an “illusion.” If you are working with skeptics, this material will not work properly, although with good charisma and a good mindset, you can convert skeptics into believers. 6

I work as a shut eye even when I know that some of my acts are not purely psychic in nature. I hope that you can get something new from my work.

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2nd Edition



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Now we add more ideas for you to expand and develop. Thanks for your trust. I send you right now all my positive and healing energy to you


Carlos Emesqua Spain, 2014


Index Pendulum Q&A for a Group Clock Reading Paper Money Reading Tic-Tac-Toe Reading Drawing from the Past, Present and Future Cloves


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No System Reading

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Book Test


An Easy Prognostication

Attract Money Q&A with Pieces of Paper Pain A Message in Your Card Dream Interpretation Q&A with Their Business Cards 8

Bottle Readings Who is My Guardian Angel? A New Type of Tea Reading Praying Hands Stuck Balancing Chakras with a Pendulum Answering Questions Blindfolded Deep Eye Connection

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Get New Clients

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Incense Reading


Synchronization with Your Client



Learning the Meanings

Let the Client Be His Own Reader Getting a New Session Choose the Oracle Find Your Guide Recording Ghosts Moving Statue Cast Reading 9

Taking Off Negative Energy Future Life Progression Soulmate Blessing Knowing Her Zodiac Sign Playing Cards Q&A Act Business Card Symbol Mandala Readings

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Teach me!

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Post it Readings

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Curious Perspectives


Pendulum Q&A for a Group

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Give pendulums to your group and teach them how to use a pendulum and how this wonderful tool connects us with our soul and at the same time with the universal wisdom to get answers to our questions. Teach them the basic movements and give them a meaning. I said that a vertical line is “Yes,” horizontal is “No,” clockwise is “Isn’t time to answer this now” and counterclockwise is “The answer isn’t available.” Before asking, let the group repeat this with you:



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“(Your name), the owner of this pendulum, declare that only positive energy can respond to my requests; I promise to use my pendulum only for good."


Now tell them that in their minds they must ask their question to the universal wisdom, and wait for its response. This is a powerful moment and you can easily spend one hour with the group, sharing their own experiences. You can give the pendulums in velvet bags, each one with your business card inside. You can make a living of this simple experience due the fact that people always have questions regarding the future.


Clock Reading If you client has a watch, ask him to take it and turn the stem “at random” and to see at what hour he arrives. Use that hour to give him a reading. You can compare that hour with the actual hour in which you are working with him, seeing possible coincidences and letting your intuition work. You can also use Psychometry A-Z with the numbers and also the watch brand.

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If you want to create a psychic experience of telepathy, you can simply look secretly at the hour or use some kind of aid (Gypsy Peek or Bill Montana´s Glisk).



Paper Money Reading


Ask your client to take a bill from his wallet. If the client asks if you need a specific type of bill, just tell him any one he wants. Now you can use the value of the bill to know how your client handles money. Also you can use his serial number to give him a numerology reading. If you want to create a psychic experience of telepathy, you can simply look secretly at the serial number when opening the bill and ask him to name the letter of the bill. At that moment you can secretly peek the serial number or the last digits. Use the letter to give him a brief reading and after that give him the telepathic 12

experience. If you are using this and you are working for tips, the implications are high.

Tic-Tac-Toe Reading

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This is a fun initial phase for a nervous client. Start with a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Now you can use the final result to give him a brief introductory reading. You can see the structure of the game, who wins, etc. Now the client will be more relaxed and you can go with your other tools.




Drawing From the Past, Present and Future You can use a sheet of paper or three business cards. Ask your sitter to make three drawings, one that he could have done in his childhood, one that reflects his present life and one that he will do in his final days. With those three drawings you have a lot to interpret and a lot of conversation. You can compare each drawing, see similarities, differences, see how he sees his future, etc.



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A long time ago I went to a dentist that used cloves to aromatize the environment. I started to investigate and I found that cloves are a natural painkiller. From that moment I used cloves in private settings to create a nice moment of relaxation and, best of all, kill the pain that my clients could have in a real and symbolic way. You can teach this learning to the group and let them experience this in a deeper way, while you guide them in some breathing exercises, connecting them with the universal wisdom.




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You can even give them little pieces of cloves to taste. They will feel funny sensations, but be careful and ask first if someone is allergic.

An Easy Prognostication In your fist secretly keep a folded business card or piece of paper with a simple prediction (for example, “You will name number 7”). You mentalists call this a “psychological force.” During a conversation you can ask him to name a number from 1 to 10. Normally people will name 7, especially because your client doesn’t know that you have the paper; if he says another number, you 14

can just pocket the paper and use the number as inspiration to do a numerology reading, or use a Tarot deck and take the 7th card. You can also use other types of information such as fruits, animals, etc.

Book Test

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This is diabolical and uses “double entendre” (dual reality) to let the sitter experience something and the rest of the group experience something different.




The only thing that you need here is to find a book that has a page with only one word. That is easy in books with pictures of paintings. I have a few of those. For now that will be the “special page.” Let’s say that the special page is number 141. Now you need to force that specific page. I use two ways. The first way is just using two books. I give the sitter the book with the special page while I take the other book and I pass my finger through the pages. The sitter, or other member of the group, stops me, and I open the page on which he stops me and I just say 141, without even caring what the real page is. This was a technique that I learn from Neal a long time ago. He told me it came from the mentalist David Hoy. 15

The second way is used when you only have one book. Find the special page in the book and put your little finger inside, creating a gap. Now pass your finger through the pages of the book. The sitter will stop you somewhere. At that moment, just open the book with your little finger. Meanwhile, I open the book, pages towards him, and I tap with my right hand the special page and say, “Look at that page.”

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So now that I know that the sitter is looking at the special page, I will say, “Look at the page that you selected and see one word. You can see one word, right? Don’t say anything, just focus on that.”




As you can see it´s truly diabolical. Because the sitter doesn’t know that you force the page, he will see the fact that on the page is only one word just as coincidence, so even the effect for him is very powerful. The effect for the group is even more powerful because they thought that the page is a normal page, full of words. After the revelation of the word, you can even describe some colors of the painting (if you have one). Don’t be too obvious and reveal the exact painting—it isn’t necessary. After that I normally go to a billet test with the group plus some readings. You can use page 37 of this book. 16

No System Reading I use several oracles to do readings, but some time ago I created a simple system that allows me to do profound readings without any memorized lines, just pure psychic connection and a few symbolic images.

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I normally prepare the environment with a ritual that connects me with the universal wisdom. With this I let the client know that the sacred moment is already starting.




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Ask your client to share with you his main issue, his motivation to consult you, and ask him to close his eyes, relax, and visualize a nice pleasant place where he can only feel joy and peace. While he does that, close your eyes and ask spirit for inspiration for your intuition. Now let him describe some random images that he is seeing during his pleasant imaginary journey. Now interpret that symbolic image that comes from the mind of your client, however as you feel them with your own intuition. Do this genuinely, without using classic reading lines. Let your imagination flow while the spirits of wisdom guide you to help your client. If the client asks other questions during his visualization, just allow him to answer them, but let him open his eyes. Create eye contact with him and let him visualize 17

more symbolic imagery through your eyes. This is a beautiful moment of psychic connection. Now interpret this as you feel it with the wisdom of the Universe. You can also divide your reading on love, money and health, so you can cover those three areas. This system can be also used via telephone, although I prefer to do in person.

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At the end of the reading, let him visualize his own future. This is really powerful because you can help him achieve his goals in a symbolic way that in the future could be real in his life thanks to your help and his determination to improve his life.




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With this simple system you can’t ever go wrong; this is real. Always the Universe will prepare everything to our favor, and if you are really connected with the present and with the client´s issue, you will be helpful to him.

Quartz This is a gift that I give after a reading with a client that serves as a good conclusion to the entire process and a psychic ritual that will be remembered. All you have to do is have two little things that are called “ThermoGel.” This is a little pillow that has a button that, after it is pressed, will start to heat up. This is normally used for different neck issues and muscle relaxation. 18

Keep a little piece of clear quartz on the middle of these two little pillows, and whenever you want, just press the buttons to heat up the stone and your hands a little. Take the quartz in your hand and show it to him. Tell him to grab your hands (that are holding the stone) and let him think pure positive thoughts while you are blessing the stone.





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Give the quartz to your client and tell him that only positive energy will stay forever in that stone. Don’t mention the temperature of the stone. Because he will feel the temperature of your hands and the stone and will mention it, the reading will finish with that sacred moment of mystery.

Ask for a few objects in the group while you are blindfolded. Take the object and feel the energy that comes from him and give a reading. I normally don’t use a system for readings; rather I use just pure intuition. If you want to use a system I recommend Webster´s Psychometry from A-Z. Whenever I just want to rely on my pure intuition, I enter in a trance state to be connected with my spirit and the spirit that guides me. 19

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If you want to give back the object, you just need to see the reactions of your clients. Because you are blindfolded they will not keep a neutral face, and when you are revealing some information, they will react. In that way you will know who is the owner of the object that you have in your hands. If you want to do this, you need to peek through or below the blindfold. I normally use just a handkerchief to blindfold myself. If you can’t recognize the person completely, don’t worry, just ask them to be in front of you, sensing their own energy. In this way you can give the object back and also create another psychic moment.




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After the reading and before the hand out, I bless the psychometrized object, putting my right hand on top and applying positive and white energy from the Universe.

Attract Money

At the end of the reading, ask your client for a paper bill and fold it in half (like a book) on the table. Don’t tell him a specific bill value. If he asks you, tell him that his intuition will guide him to a specific one. Tell him that you will charge the bill with positive energy, and while he keeps the bill in his wallet, prosperity will be in his life. 20

Put your hands around the bill and surround it with positive energy. Now put your hands near the client´s heart and do the same. That will teach him symbolically that prosperity is not just monetary, but also in his heart.

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After this, as a final moment, you can ask him to put his hands on top of the paper bill as well and make it move slightly. You can use a fine piece of thread (magicians called this invisible thread) and in that way the energetic process is visible in a different way. Do this wisely and in a subtle way; this is not a magic trick, please.


Q&A with Pieces of Paper



Have two containers: one empty and one full of folded pieces of paper. It´s important that you have several pieces of papers, so you will have some blank ones remaining. So if you are working with 10 persons, have at least 20 pieces of paper. Hand a pen to your client and ask him to write his first and last name and below that a question about his future. Collect those billets in the other container, so at the end you will have a container with blank pieces of paper and another with the questions. Now you just need to steal some billets with questions and just pretend to take blank pieces of paper from the other 21

container. The group will understand that you took a blank piece of paper to do some automatic writing or write some thoughts that you are receiving, when in fact you are reading a written question. To conclude the session just put your hand on top of the container with all the written billets, while doing a prayer and a group blessing.



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Do this carefully.




If you start to connect your mind with your body right now and start to focus in one specific area where you feel some kind of pain, you will find a place, especially if you are at an older age. This demonstration is not just purely to cause someone some kind of pain, but to show him how to focus on that and at the end how to release it. Ask your client to take some breaths, calming his mind and soul from all external distractions, and guide him with your words to focus on some place in his body where he feels pain. Now just wait with expectation. Normally they will name some place and you can even guide them to feel that pain more strongly, all with good purpose, of course. Now guide him to slowly move his attention from that part to his soul and to be conscious that in any time 22

which he starts to feel that pain, he can do the same— focusing, breathing and feeling his inner essence, finishing that moment with a blessing. If he doesn’t find any pain, it´s far better. Just skip that part, reminding him that pain is part of life and the magic secret is how we arrest that sensation, and go with blessings.

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A Message in Your Card




I normally, before handing out a business card, write something for my future client. If you want to add a little psychic game to it, just take two cards, writing on one the message. Use your intuition to write something to the person that will be relevant for him in the future. Take one card in each hand and tell the future client that the future awaits us with open hands. Tell him to choose one hand. If the person chooses the correct one, just hand them the card, but if he chooses the other one, just exchange the cards secretly. This is done very easily due the fact that you are not in a “magic trick” setting, so just moving your hands casually will cover the action of switching cards.


After you hand the correct card to the person, show him that he selected the correct one, showing the other blank card and telling him to read the writing just when he felts that he needs it to read. This will create a great expectation in the message and will assure you a private session of readings and/or private demonstrations.

Dream Interpretation

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Normally my clients share with me some of the recurrent or strange dreams that they have. Some time ago one client told me that he was having a recurrent dream in which he was constantly punching his parents.




I told him two things. First of all I asked him, “What do you think that this dream means?” This question is very powerful due the fact that clients come to me to find answers that they already have. You are there only to guide them into his self-knowing process using your intuitive tools. After that we talked about his dream. I created a symbolic ritual for him using some thoughts from Jodorowsky´s Psychomagic and he released that unconscious anger that he had with his parents. This question can be applied to any type of reading, for example: “What do you think that ‘The Lovers’ card means to you in this context?” 24

Q&A With Their Business Cards



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If you are working with a group (let’s say 10 people), you can ask each one that has a business card to write on the back a question regarding his unknown future. For those who don’t have one, just hand out your own cards (these cards have to be secretly marked). When everyone is ready, just ask another person to mix the cards. Now you can answer each question using their information and hand back their question. I normally carry several marked business cards in my wallet, so I can do this demonstration wherever I go. Use your preferred way to mark cards.


Bottle Reading

This is my way to offer my client “Bach flowers.” I have several numbered bottles in a row with different meanings and properties (odor of the liquid, amount of liquid, position of the bottle, shape of the bottle, color of the lid, color of the bottle, number of the bottle, type of liquid, etc.). Now I ask my client to select one using his inner soul. After this I go with my readings based on his decision. I let the client also choose his “perfect bottle,” using this information to search his “ideal self.” 25

I will not tip the meanings that I use because it all depends on several different factors. Work in your own meanings and use them as a vehicle for your good intentions and intuition.

Who Is My Guardian Angel?




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Nowadays everything is quick and easy. You can use this site during a reading, and just with his birthday, you can show your client his guardian angel. Now you can give him a reading based on his angel and his birthday. At the end of the reading you can write the name on your business card. This is highly emotional and powerful for you. He will keep the business card in his wallet forever.

A New Type of Tea Reading Have at the beginning of your session a beautiful wooden box full of different types of teas (in bags), different in flavor, origin, colors, etc. Offer your client a tea and let him decide on his own bag. Now you can share a cup of tea with him and a reading to know him better or answer a question about his unknown future of the present using all the characteristics of his decision as inspiration. 26

Praying Hands Stuck


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While you ask your client to place his hands in a praying posture, you can induce him into believing that his hands are glued together, completely stuck. Do this with conviction and expectation for your part and see how your intention and suggestion will cause your client to have that moment. Link that metaphorically with the fact that prayers are powerful and can create changes in our lives. It´s important that you handle the experience correctly because for some people this moment can be strange or uncomfortable. Always keep the experience positive.



After the “stuck experience,” just suggest your client separate his hands and give him a relief experience. You can also, before the experience begins, ask your client to write a wish/desire on your business card and to place it between his hands, so you can teach your client a simple ritual that he can do anytime to attract positive energies and to make his wishes come true in his life.


Balancing Chakras With a Pendulum This is a way to balance chakras with a pendulum. First of all, I always prepare myself to dowse and remove any prior notions I have concerning the client. Do not proceed if you are not ready. You may need to drink some water, balance your own chakras and/or say a prayer. Say something like:

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“I am in the Universe. The Universe is in my body. I am one with the Universe.” Now you can help your client.




Have your client lie on their back on a bed or flat surface and go to each chakra and use the pendulum to test each balance. “Is (client´s name)’s base chakra in balance?” Wait for the answer. You can even show the client how the pendulum works and moves, showing him each meaning. If the pendulum answers with a “NO,” ask for the balance and let the pendulum swing to correct the imbalance. Let the pendulum swing in circular movements and ask again for the balance. When it swings to the balanced position, move to the next 28

chakra, and continue in this way until all the chakras are balanced. After all the major chakras have been balanced you can check and balance all of the minor chakras on the body and ensure that all of the major and minor chakras are perfectly balanced and working together to promote health and vitality for your client. This is a list of the major chakras:

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1st Chakra “Root”: It´s on the base of the spine and its color is red.

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2nd Chakra “Sacral or Sexual”: It’s below the navel and its color is orange.




3rd Chakra “Solar Plexus”: It´s below the chest. Its color is yellow. 4th Chakra “Heart”: It´s on the center of chest. Its color is green. 5th Chakra “Throat”: It´s on the throat. Its color is blue. 6th Chakra “Third Eye”: It´s on the center of forehead and its color is indigo. 7th Chakra “Crown”: It´s on the top of head and its color is violet.


Answering Questions Blindfolded

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Let your client write his question on his own business card. Now put a piece of cloth over your eyes to enhance your intuition. Take the card in your hands and use psychometry to get information (you can use Webster´s A-Z), and if you want a safety net, you can secretly peek the writing down your nose. After this, pocket the client´s card (keeping his contact information) and use your own card to write the answer to the question. Let him read the answer and receive his feedback regarding your impressions.


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Tell him to keep the answer in his wallet to always remind him that he has the power in his destiny. He will keep it forever.



Remember, in doing this, you are not “performing” or “doing tricks”; your client must take it as that, so don’t hand him the piece of cloth to check.

Deep Eye Connection This is an exercise to start your session with your client. Sit in front of it without any barrier between him and you (table or other obstruction). Now ask him to place his hand palm up as if he is holding a baby, ready to receive all the blessings. Now 30

put your hands on top of his, without touching them. Now look into his eyes in a deep and genuine way. With just one sincere moment you can open your client´s heart and let him know telepathically that you are there to help him and to give him the best at that moment. During that eye connection, imagine your own soul slowly entering through your client´s third eye and filling him with positive energy.

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Get New Clients


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We all know that memory is fragile and we can transform what we think we lived, as we want.



At the end of your reading, tell your client that if he has had a pleasant experience, he must share the experience with his friends and family. Obviously if you did good work, this could happen, but having this line inside of your structure will create a big change for you. The fun part of that is that the client will modify the details about what happens, so any “failure” that you had will be erased and the amazing and psychic experiences will be augmented. In this simple manner you will get new clients, if you do a good reading, of course. 31

Incense Reading Normally incense is used to increase psychic abilities during reading and also to create a proper environment of mystical power and spiritual connection. I have also used incense as a way to answer a question from my client just by interpreting the ash residue left after it burns.

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Light incense at the beginning of your reading and let it burn. After that you can use the ashes like a Cuban cigar reading.




You can do this by simply staring at the ashes while you move them with your left hand and start to see shapes and letters. After you see this, use A-Z to psychically get impressions.

Synchronization With Your Client One of the most important things during a reading is creating a genuine alliance aimed to the benefit of your client. One way in which I, in a subtle way, create synchronization with him is to synchronize watches. At the beginning just watch if he uses a wristwatch. If not, ask him to take his cellphone out, to synchronize his 32

watch with yours and to turn the phone to silent mode. Do the same, and in that way you will in a real way synchronize with him and that will help you in several layers to create a positive alliance.

Learning the Meanings


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Several beginners, in learning different techniques for psychic readings, told me that it´s difficult to memorize the meanings of their particular oracle. In palm readings, what does it mean if the person has long fingers, or a deep heart line; or in my bottle readings what each color means, etc.?



My solution is very easy and it works for me. If you are working with a new system, just have a beautiful printed chart while you are doing the reading and read them from that. Slowly and from experience you will begin to memorize each meaning. You don’t need to hide anything and you can even give the chart as a gift to your client; at the end that´s just a help for your psychic intuition and that is your own gift.


Let the Client Be His Own Reader In my experience, normally my clients know their own answers in a deep way (unconsciously, if you want), but they are only afraid to see inside their soul and life. They come to you because you are an authority with special gifts that can help them to be empowered, so in any session let him talk and interpret the oracle after you empower him and let him know that he is special and a gift to the world. This can be done with any of the techniques that we previously discussed.


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Having this thought during your readings, everything will become easier. Work with him, not just for him.



Getting a New Session If you feel that your client needs a new session to talk and let him grow as a person, two minutes before the end just say, “I feel that you have other issues in your heart. Is there something more about which you want to talk?” Normally your client will remember other issues in his life and all the thoughts related to those will be open. Let him talk a little bit and after this say, “Ok, we have just a few more minutes, but you can come again tomorrow and we can see how we can work towards that.” 34

Because the client will feel now that there are other issues in his life that need examining, he will come to the next session. Be careful with this because for an unethical reader this will be a tool to create dependence in your client, and this isn’t right. If you do that and you only do your work for money and not really to help people, the Universe will let you know.

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You can even get the new session, but let the client know that the second session will be free. This is a kind act that you will be rewarded for from the Universe and your client.




Tell him also, if you do that, that this will be a secret, that you don’t do this always, but do it because he is special and you feel that this must be done. This is an excellent way to give him a good impression and to get more sessions with his friends and contacts.

Choose the Oracle This is a “synchronization test” that you can do to open your session. Have on your table three different tools that you could use to work with your client. I normally use a Tarot deck in a beautiful bag, a set of bottles and a set of runes. 35

Now put inside of the Tarot deck one of your business cards, which says: “We will first use the Tarot deck.” Have a few business cards in your pocket and write on the top one: “We will first use the set of bottles.” On the bottom of the cards write: “We will first use the runes.”

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Find Your Guide

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So any decision from the client can be shown as an act of synchronicity, and because you are not an entertainer for him, he will not suspect any kind of deception. This is a clear example for me of a “sacred trap.”




If you feel that your client needs guidance in life, you can let him know his spiritual guide, but also a person who can give him the necessary experience for the present time. The exercise that allows revealing this is easy. Just ask him to close his eyes, to relax and to breathe deeply and slowly. Once he is in a different state of mind, ask him to imagine a long and winding road. He can feel all the difficulties of the journey, but at the end of the road he can see a small cave in which a wise man that is known to him in his life is waiting for him. Let him see that wise man and ask your client to open his eyes. Once your client has recognized the living wise man, tell him that this person is his guide in life that can help him with his present issue. 36

So now your client can have a new emotional support and source of inspiration.

Recording Ghosts This is an impromptu séance that you can create with a pendulum and a borrowed phone.

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It’s funny to see how magicians and mentalists try to fake the supernatural. We live in a mysterious reality and sometimes we don’t need to try to emulate the mysterious, rather just open our eyes, and in this case our ears.




If you are in a social gathering and you want to create a paranormal experience, ask the house guest to turn off the lights, creating a calm environment. Now ask everyone to hold hands. The people that are next to you can put their free hands on your shoulders, while your are asking your pendulum if there is a spirit to contact in the room. Establish the movements of the pendulum (Yes, No, Isn’t time to answer this now, and the answer isn’t available.) Now take the borrowed phone, open the recorder and say, “We are here to be with you. If you are here please let us know.” Record some silence and check the recording. If you can’t find any audible noise, try again. Because you are creating a real paranormal experience for the group and 37

not some type of trick, any type of noise will be considered as a ghost voice, and even if you don’t contact a real ghost, thanks to the psychological phenomena of “apophenia,” any noise can be molded to fit a possible sentence.


You can leave the recording to the owner but always remember that some people in the group can be deeply touched, and a final prayer and blessing can be necessary.

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Moving Statue




For this you need two little statues that are similar in color and form but in a different posture. You can use a relevant saint in your culture, a Buddha, a Virgin Mary or another spiritual/esoterical figure. Place one on your table at the beginning of your séance or session and at an appropriate moment just secretly switch the statues. It´s important that you not mention the change of posture, rather just let your clients and sitter watch for that themselves. If no one notices it, it´s invisible, but when someone see the change of posture, it can be a very powerful experience. You can also let the statue cry. For that you can learn some methods in “Crying Gnome” by Bill Montana.


Cast Reading


Casts are a common image that everyone can relate to in one way or another. Casts can symbolize pain but also recovery from a painful moment. If you want to use a novel way to give your client a reading based on his imagination, ask him to visualize using a cast on his non-dominant arm (unconscious side).




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Now tell him to imagine someone emotionally relevant in his life taking a marker and drawing something on the cast. Ask about the color of the ink and the drawing. You can use that information to reveal unconscious information about your client and how he can see painful experiences that are healing positively. You can expand this visualization process, letting your client imagine dead and alive relevant people and taking that as past and present approaches while dealing with healing after painful situations. This is a powerful method. Use it wisely.


Taking Off Negative Energy You need a nail for this clearing. On one side the nail is very shiny and polished, but on the other side has rust and is damaged. Also bend the nail a little bit.

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Show the nail on the polished side to your client while casually hiding the subtle bent portion. Ask him to close his eyes and to visualize a situation in his life that he feels that has a lot of negative energy. Now tell him to visualize that image and to feel all that energy for the moment in his hand while the image is becoming smaller and smaller until it disappears. Take your time with this.




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Tell him that the ritual is done and that he will soon see changes in that situation of negative energy. Let him open the hand and see the results of the negativity. Be sure that the first thing that he sees is the rusty and bent nail. Again, this is not a magic trick. You can also use a coin, a voodoo doll or another object.

Future Life Progression “Past life regression” is a known esoteric and psychic concept, but not so much the future life progression. 40

Our inner soul is infinite and isn’t dependent on time and space, so if we can break our pragmatic limits and know who we were in a past life, we can know who we will be in a future life. For this ask your client to relax deeply (you can play meditation music for this) and let him see a beautiful beam of light that invites him to see for a moment new images about the future.


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Guide him slowly in that process. After 5-10 minutes of guidance, seeing lights and letting him be in a trance expanding state, he will see reality with new eyes, seeing new places, new people, and in a mirror he can see himself in a new body with new experiences, new feelings and new insights.



His future life can teach him a lot about his present life, so let him discover that. For this you need to understand that you are just a tool of the Universal Wisdom. You ARE NOT doing this to your client, rather WITH and FOR your client. After healthy explorations and new discoveries, tell him that while he is vividly visualizing all this you will enter that imagery and receive an answer from his own future life about a personal question about his present. Now do the reverse process, guiding him out of that imagery and letting him come slowly back to reality. Awake him slowly with care and respect. 41

Now let him share the experience and give him the answer that you received from his future life. This is powerful and one of my most deep services. Please do it with an open and gentle heart.

Soulmate Blessing

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I see more and more “adults” (30 plus years) without serious relationships, and their needs are more and more related to those issues.



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My main focus here is giving the client ways to be patient and be connected with himself before trying to connect with a partner. For that I create a special blessing that can be done for that unknown person.


For a woman I give a sun stone (symbolizing a man) and to a man I give a moon stone (symbolizing a woman). I instruct the client to keep the stone at the side of their bed inside of a velvet bag full of rice and to recite this psychic poem each night at a slow pace and with honest intention. “Energy of life, Creator of all things, Blessings to my soulmate wherever they are.” This everyday ritual will create positive attraction to transcendental love. 42

Knowing an Unknown Zodiac Sign Astrology is a popular esoteric knowledge, and you can create rapport with your client knowing by her Zodiac sign in a psychic way.

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Each Zodiac sign has a symbol, and if you look carefully you will see that each one has special characteristics in their drawings. For this you need four small charts of the Zodiac symbols grouped by elements. Most people don’t know them, so you can have them on your phone or printed so you can ask your sitter to concentrate on it.


First, without showing the charts, look at your client and say:



“We are starting our connection to feel and see our psychic rapport. Naturally it isn’t always the best at the beginning, but we will try to progress, right? “Do you know your Zodiac sign? Ok. Focus your mind and heart on it and let the energy of your Zodiac flow inside and around you…Capricorn…Capricorn…” This is our first strategy. If the client is a Capricorn, congratulate your client on his amazing instant rapport. If you don’t see a reaction, continue your statement naturally: 43

“…or whatever your zodiac sign is.” Stare genuinely and kindly for some time at your client and say: “I sense an interesting energy around you, movement and dynamic changes at the present moment. Are you an Aquarius?” If your client says YES, just say:

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“It’s amazing how we can connect in such an easy manner. Your heart is open to receive the blessings.”

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If your client says NO, continue:




“There is some Aquarius energy in your Aura. It isn’t your primary Zodiac energy. Look at these charts and memorize the symbol of your Zodiac sign please. If you want, draw it on my business card.” At this moment if you can pencil read the symbol, you know it already. If not, continue.


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These are examples of the charts that I use. You can hand write them or print them on your business cards.




Throw them onto the table face down (knowing where each one is) and let the client find his own sign. During this turnover, in a subtle way, see which one he selected. So basically you know that his symbol is one of three on the “Fire” or “Water” cards. If your client saw the “Earth” or ”Air” card, it´s one of two due the previous strategies used.


So let’s see how to reveal the proper symbol.

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Fire: 1. “There are straight lines…” (Pause and see a subtle reaction about that statement. Is not a question.) YES: Reveal Sagittarius in a psychic manner. NO: 2. “…that slowly starts to curve. The end has a circular form…” YES: Reveal Leo in a psychic manner. NO: “…that isn’t closed.” Reveal Aries in a psychic manner.




Water: 1. “There is a straight line…” YES: Reveal Pisces in a psychic manner. NO: 2. “…that slowly starts to curve. The end has a circular form…” YES: Reveal Cancer in a psychic manner. NO: “…and has something at the end.” Reveal Scorpio in a psychic manner. Earth: 1. “There is a circle…” YES: Reveal Taurus in a psychic manner. 46

NO: “…that isn’t a circle per say, rather something similar.” Reveal Virgo in a psychic manner. Air: 1. “There I a circular form…” YES: Reveal Libra in a psychic manner. NO: “…in the lines. Curved lines…” Reveal Gemini in a psychic manner.




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As you can observe, this is a beautiful way to connect deeply with your client, with several options during the psychic journey.


Playing Cards Q&A Act My approach is simple and allows you as reader/performer to let others to be the star and to show your own charisma, personality and characteristics as person to create powerful experiences for others.

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Magicians have taken Q&A from psychic circles, adding to the equation unnecessary tricks and sleights to make it more “fooling”. You don’t need that at all if your goal is to create deep mysteries.




This Q&A uses playing cards in a casual and wonderful manner. For this you just need a normal sealed deck of card, a permanent marker and an extra “prediction” deck if you want a final climax. At the beginning just take the deck, make a short meditation giving all your positive energy to that playing cards, open it and talk about the relation of normal playing cards with the Tarot (this maybe is not true at all historically, but it does not matter, is a very powerful moment in which you show yourself as competent reader and wise about your craft). Remove the advertisement cards but keep the jokers and shuffle the cards. In this moment be attentive to the creation of rapport with your audience. Q&A is all about being 48

perceived as a nice, caring person. If you are too serious and distant, you will get heckled or far worst; receive an uninterested attitude from them.

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Ask everyone to think in a question about his unknown future, a question that they will ask to someone who can break for a moment the dimension of time and space. After this instruction point to a woman and ask her to mention her question out loud. Now ask for her name and spell it while you do some cuts with the deck (in this manner you add a personal ritual for each person). Now take the card from the top of the deck and do a reading based in playing card.

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Use this model of readings:


Optimistic about the future



Positive words, positive attitude from your part Engaging to the participant and audience Natural and genuine You can remember the mnemonic “OPEN” Always keep your words and attitude positive. Never give advice for serious themes such as health. Let the audience and your participants always remember that the ultimate decision about the future is in his own hands. 49

How I read the cards? I use primarily my own intuition, caring attitude, knowledge and wisdom about experiences in life, Webster-Psychometry From A to Z and also the system that I will share in here briefly. There are some systems in which each playing card has their own meaning. Those systems are useful, but if you are a beginner in this craft and art, this approach is far simpler. 1. Suits


Hearts: Relationships, self-esteem and benevolence

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Diamonds: Wealth, resources, success and money matters


Clubs: Work, study, and travel.



Spades: Dangers, challenges and self-development.

2. Values: Ace: New beginnings, a moment of personal introspection, dealing with responsibility, individuality. Two: Healthy relations, balance, conversations. Three: Team work, connection, something extra in the duality.


Four: Possible difficult situations, new perspectives, stability, inner strength. Five: In the middle of something, disturbance, new learning, personal development. Six: Harmony, family, happiness, good feelings. Seven: Divinity, mystery, extra efforts, small miracles. Eight: Empathy, movement, sharing love, simplicity.


Nine: Emotions, growth, challenges.

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Ten: Completion, end of a process, polarity, rationality.


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Jack: Relevant childhood-juvenile energy coming. Playful, happiness.



Queen: Relevant feminine energy coming. Let your inner sensibility and emotional mind to take part. King: Relevant masculine energy coming. Let your inner stability and rational mind to take part. Joker: Adventures, observe the magic in life, new visions.

After the reading you can take your marker, write a nice phrase, personal private message or prediction for


the future in the card and give it as souvenir. This is fun for your audience and obviously participant. Now you can repeat the same process for as many persons that you want. You can also use Tarot cards of course; just use whatever feels more comfortable for you and your audience.


If you want a dramatic conclusion for the act, you can select the last participant and let him know that for him will be different because he will name a card out loud as well as his question.




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Now you can show that you knew the playing card in advance in a way to show the empathic psychic relationship. For this you can use any method that allows you the predict cards (Kenton Knepper-Kollosal Killer, Ultra Mental Deck, Pablo Amira-Naked Deck, etc). In a structural manner, first you gave several singular one card readings, then you approach your last participant to do your reading with the addition of your “psychic premonition” and at the end you can finish with the “Hurling the Headlines” so everyone can get a small sample of a “psychic vision”. You can let everyone feel a short psychic reading using the astrological signs and make predictions for them. With this act you can mystify and entertain a small group of a big theatre. It is all in your own abilities in 52

the delivery of fun, upbeat, positive readings and proper timing to keep their attention.

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Without gimmicks, without dual reality, impression pads, billet techniques or forced questions, just an authentic effort to interpret the playing card and open the eyes of your participant to understand that although the future is uncertain, we can know a little bit in an introspective manner and try to do things a little better if we see our reality in a more optimistic manner.


Business Card Symbols



This is one of the most effective, memorable and impactful ways to give your business card. It is simple, easy to do (I am sure that you know how to do it already) and will leave your potential client with a beautifully mystical and strange business card that will make yours far different from the rest. Thousands of dollars are invested by professionals from all areas to come up with an original and memorable business card that reflects his personality, creativity and interesting product. You can do this with this information. Is not in the color or in the design of your business card, just in your own special touches as 53

creator of symbolic mysteries. One thing that I recommend you nonetheless, get a good type of paper for your business card. There is nothing worst that a business card made by thin cheap paper that once handled it becomes ugly and unprofessional.

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Get a stack of 30-50 cards (your choice, this piece is very flexible as you will understand) and draw in each one a symbol that can be interesting to see and use afterwards. In one you can draw a small sand watch, in other a stop sign, in other a glass full of water, esoteric strange symbols, etc. Just be creative and use the ones that you feel more appropriate for you and your context.




Now you have several different options. You can show them and force one of them using your favorite force (you can use the Cross Cut Force), give it to him to look, to study and to visualize in his own mind. After a moment you can read his mind verbally about the symbol or do a variant “drawing duplication” Also you can predict which symbol your participant will stop, just using any of the handling of “Stop trick” or “Any Card at Any number” available. In that manner you can give the prediction to other participant on the audience and hand two business cards. For reading uses, you can let the participant shuffle the stack of cards and take one freely. Then you can go 54

with a reading using the inner meaning of the symbol presented and also the wonderful Webster-Psychometry From A to Z. This simple symbol can give you minutes and minutes of fun conversation about your participant/client. You can also use three cards and do a “past-present-future” reading, as well as “three question readings”.


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They will keep the card forever remembering a new fascinating experience. As you can understand this routine is super practical for walk around performances and instantly resets. As a matter of fact, you can use only this routine for you next gig and give your participants and experience of mindreading and psychic reading with nothing in your pocket more than a stack of your own cards.



Please don’t share this with anyone, you pay for this information and although is super simple, it is pure gold for the worker performer.

Mandala Readings Mandalas nowadays are very popular, even used in some psychotherapy groups. If you don’t know, Mandalas are beautiful designs (normally circular ones) that allows the person to enter to a state of meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge, primarily the 55

kind that resides within each of us. Comes from Sanskrit and means "circle." Even though it may be dominated by squares or triangles, a mandala has a concentric structure. Mandalas offer balancing visual elements, symbolizing unity and harmony. The meanings of individual mandalas is usually different and unique to each mandala. The goal of the mandala is to serve as a tool on our spiritual journey as it symbolizes cosmic and psychic order.




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How can you use it for readings? Very simple. If you work as a mentalist performer and not as reader, you can have several ones printed at the back of your business cards and use them as the prop for your effect. You can predict which one your participant will take, having a prediction in an envelope, in which you have a duplicate. Then you can force the mandala using any type of forcing technique and then you can give a brief reading using the designs as metaphor as well as the colors from the mandala. If you are using mandalas in a reading session, you can take more time of exploration. Hand several printed mandalas with different colored pencils or sharpies and let the participant choose one and then color it in any way he wants. Now you have a beautiful moment of inner discoveries using the style of mandala that he chooses, the colors, 56

the way in which you observe the process of painting, etc.

Teach me!


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If you are a magician or a mentalist, I know that your tendency is to keep secrets due your craft normally depends heavily in those techniques to arrive to your mysterious result. But readings are different, the magic of readings is not just in the techniques but in the interaction that you as reader can create, so anytime that someone asks me about readings I teach him a simple method to do readings anytime anywhere with anyone.



I don’t teach techniques and methods to interpret past, present and future readings, rather simple observations about how much as human beings we communicate, to know someone psychologically in a deeper level. A simple reading technique for knowing psychological profile and tendencies is to look hands. Hands offer great information about a person (not palm reading perse) such as rings, ring placement, nails, personal care, health, etc. For example, Diabetes is often accompanied with half white, half pink nails. Blue fingernails can be sign of heavy metal poisoning, (very) poor circulation, lung or 57

heart problems. Yellow or green fingernails can indicate a respiratory problem. Clubbing (nails curve over the fingertips) is often caused by low oxygen levels in the blood, and could be a sign of lung, liver or bowel disease. Spoon nails (concave shaped) may indicate an iron deficiency. Poor circulation (a symptom for a variety of ailments) can cause hands to take on a blue-ish hue. Red hands may indicate cirrhosis of the liver. More deep information about this just check the research by C.Masterangelo.



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Other simple idea that I offer to someone who is interested in learning readings is to just observe his smartphone. A smartphone can say a lot of information about the person. The brand, the style of case, the apps that he has installed, the social media, etc.


For example, what tells you if your participant´s apps are 80% games and 20% utilities? Or just a few apps installed? Or each app placed in different folders?


Another great “psychological game” that I can teach my participant is “The Cube” personality test, in which you ask someone to visualize (after a short relaxation breathing exercise) different objects: desert cube ladder horse storm garden



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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



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Then you can interpret each object and teach your participant how to create this “psychological game” and even use it as a manner to practice your intuitive/psychic abilities.


These are the basic meanings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Desert: Your reality, your own external life Cube: Yourself, your inner life Ladder: Familiy and friends Horse: Partners Storm: Problems and conflicts Garden: Your inner potential.

If you need deeper description, you can read “The Cube: Keep the Secret” 59

The nature of readings is to be observant about our inner and outer world. Let your participants, clients and friends to learn that from you. The world and our reality can be observed by new perspectives and paradigms of awe and astonishment.

Curious Perspectives



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There is a lot of hard work from Mentalists authors to create “propless” mindreading. The funny thin is that we as readers can do “propless” psychic readings without any problem from decades. In here I want to give you some specific ideas to transform your understanding of readings, so you can have interesting and curious perspectives:


1. Do silent readings everywhere you go: Read people on the street for your own training. In that manner your observation skills will be sharp to the next “outloud” reading that you do. 2. Have a spiritual searching: I don’t mean religion or an institutionalized way to seek for divine, rather be grateful about your everyday, enjoy nature and the relationship with others. In that manner even the most mundane will have in your eyes a little bit of the divine and that will allow you as interpreter of symbols to understand 60




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better the simple things in life and arrive to interesting meanings. 3. Read a lot: There is nothing like a great book. And you can not only enjoy books about magic, Mentalism or readings. Get a book of any theme that makes you curious, turn off the TV and expand your knowledge. In that manner your readings can be great, you will have themes for conversation and you will surely will have more to talk about with your participant/sitter. 4. Smile: If you want a better life, one of the most simple things in life is just smile. Don’t smile in a forced manner, rather observe deeply and understand WHAT are your motivations in life to smile. Smile to others, be kind. In this manner your will reflect genuine interest for others in your performance and in readings. 5. Trust in your intuition: In simple aspects in your life, trust in your gut-feeling! You will be astonished while you practice about how accurate you can be about different facts. You can read the David Hoy´s biography and his inner relation with the ESP concept to get more about this. Take this little steps and I am sure that you readings will become not just more accurate, but better and more engaging 61





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At the end of your conversation with your participant/client named Kevin you start to teach him how to see his own aura. While he practices and starts to focus, you take a piece of paper and write two messages for the future. You teach him the process to do it and elicit him to see not just the white energy, but also the predominant color (one of the color of the rainbow). After some moments your participant/client will see colors but one with predominance. After a relaxation moment after this psychic experience, Kevin takes one of the papers, which correctly state the aura´s color. The psychic performer instruct the participant/client to take the other folded paper and to open it whenever he needs to receive a new psychic moment in his future.

For this experience (isn’t fair to call it just an effect or demonstration) is needed an open mind from your participant and willingness to fulfill the expectations. Because you are the expert entity in this relation and you claim that something will happen, it will happen (Knepper´s Definition=Creation). This is divided in 2 parts, lets focus first on the aura´s contemplation. You will learn now Carlos´s simple 62

approach to do it. There is a lot of ways that you can study in other esoteric shut-eye books. 1. Take an A4 Pad with white papers (or something bigger than your client´s hand) to your client´s eye level. 2. Ask your client to extend his left hand and to place it in front of the white background.

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3. Before the actual teaching, massage your participant/client´s third eye (this is important to do it to open his mind and if you are a mentalist performer to create an interesting theatrical process). Ask for prior permission of course.




4. Tell him to look at a specific spot BETWEEN this middle and fourth finger for 30 seconds approximately. While he does this, lead him to focus completely in that action, never looking away. 5. During that process (sooner or later) he will start to recognize a type of energy or light that surrounds his hand and finger. For this is important tha you have good lights around the room. Each person is different, just test this and be flexible on the moment. The more you concentrate, the better your participant will see that strange phenomena.




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Carlos uses this in his private session (sometimes even without the prediction ending), whenever he feels that is necessary to leave his client with a relevant knowledge to use in his life later the reading, so he can teach a basic technique to see auras. The second step of this aura´s contemplation is to look now not just a white vibrating energy around the fingers, but actual colors emanating from the hand. This requires a deeper level of expectation from your participant, belief in the process and actual suggestion. Isn’t hard at all, you just need to make it simple, believe in yourself and elicit your participant´s imagination. If he can imagine it, he can see it. You need to use a lot of “pacing and leading” with his thoughts and feelings and open his perception and beliefs.


Now let’s look at the prediction part. Carlos prefers to use this crude (and still effective) approach, I will share other one a little more sophisticated for actual mentalism performances, although you can use them both, depending in your situation. Let’s be clear first in the colors that we will use. Some school of thoughts in Auras suggests that you can see a plethora of different colors (gold, silver, sulfur, pink), each one with a different meaning. We will use the 7 colors of the rainbow to make this simpler (RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET). 64

Carlos´s prepares his pieces of paper from torn paper from his pad. So take 6 pieces of casually torn paper and write in each of them one proper prediction (You aura will be XXXX) 1. “You aura will be RED” is on his right pocket 2. “You aura will be ORANGE” is on his left pocket 3. “You aura will be YELLOW” is on his right back pocket

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4. “You aura will be GREEN” is on his left back pocket

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5. “You aura will be BLUE” is on his right jacket pocket


6. “You aura will be INDIGO” is on his left jacket pocket



The VIOLET one is the one that he actually writes during the experience with his client. The second prediction for the future is a beautiful manner to expand the psychic experience for your client and allows you to create a great aura (pun intended) of credibility and gentle power. This prediction can be something like: “If you are losing your light and faith, remember to always look up to seek inspiration and to look down to act with love. In this moment you need to think back to the other person involved in this and open the eyes of compassion and peace” 65

My personal approach to do this (in a more mentalism type of scenario) is use a square pad of paper to do the predictions and have a billet index in one pocket. I use my own constructed just with carton paper (if you want to learn it, you can check my eBook called “Impromptu and Colorful Prediction”). You can use anyone that you can know or have. I recommend you to pre-write your 2nd piece of paper. That will allow you to have more time during performance.

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After that one color is decided, you can use that information to do a reading. This is a guide of your interpretation:




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1. Red: Red in the aura often indicates excitement, courage, passion and sexuality. You may be a takecharge kind of person or getting in touch with your leadership abilities. You also have great drive and a will to succeed in everything you do. 2. Orange: Orange can signify creativity, independence and freedom of expression. If you have orange in your aura you are quite gregarious and get along well with others. You are probably an empath, sensing others’ needs and emotions. 3. Yellow: If you have yellow in your aura you probably ask “Why?” a lot. Analytical and logical, you love mental gymnastics. Others may see you as an 66

intellectual. Many scientists and inventors have predominantly yellow auras. 4. Green: If you are a healer or have healing abilities, you likely have a lot of green in your aura. Many gardeners and most green thumbs have green auras too. You have a great balance between creativity and practicality. People probably consider you down to earth and a loyal friend.

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5. Blue: Blue in the aura often points to great communication skills. You are also calm, cool and collected. People often look to you to help mediate situations and keep the peace. Blue is also an indication of creativity and intuition.




6. Indigo: Indigos are usually highly, psychic, honest, aware, independent, fearless, strong willed, and sensitive. Indigos seem like old souls who know things beyond their years. They often appear androgynous – so beautiful it’s difficult to tell if they are male or female. Indigos are extraordinarily truthful. They cannot be coerced into doing anything they do not believe in. Although Indigos can be powerful and selfconfident, they are also very sensitive. Many people (Violets especially) believe they are Indigos – they relate to the Indigo qualities so strongly, they have added Indigo into their aura.




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7. Violet: Violets have powerful, intuitive abilities that enable them to bring healing, comfort and peace to any situation, group or person. Violets are one of the strongest aura colors, and they have the power to see and predict the future and can take a leadership role in changing their local environment or the world. The Violet aura produces a strong physical and emotional presence - people believe whatever they say and do, and will follow them easily. Therefore, they have a huge responsibility as a community builder, mediator, and protector. Violets have a unique ability to spot emerging trends, to see hidden movements in markets, and are on the pulse of political, spiritual, and cultural change. Violets, however, can sometimes be early to market and preach beliefs or predict trends that most people do not want to hear or just cannot see.


Regarding the switch of the paper, you can use Annemann´s one hand switch or other one from your preference. I recommend you Elliot Bresler´s Switchcraft if you want more information about manners to do billet switches. At the end, lets see the structure of Aura: 1. You teach your participant how to see his Aura as an ambiguous white light. 2. You ask your participant to stop for a moment and to relax (doing some exercise in waking 68

hypnosis/fascination) for a moment while you write your predictions and leave them on the table. 3. Then you guide your participant to expand the perception of his contemplation to actually see colors emanating from his aura, until he can do it and perceive one predominant one. 4. Switch (if necessary) the first paper and reveal it.

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5. Ask your participant to keep the 2nd one folded to his future.




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A very powerful experience for your participant, with a new knowledge about Auras, an interesting prediction and an extended mystery that will surely allow you to deeply impact your client/participant.

You can approach the prediction method of “Aura” in several manners. Using multiple outs or secret writing for example. The important factor in here is to create an impression with the first moment of aura´s contemplation. The prediction (framed as psychic connection) is just the “mystery cherry”, don’t need it at all, but interesting to have. You can use also business cards to write the two predictions. In that case you can have a stack of cards 69

with all written predictions on top in an known order and having an “open index”. Then whenever you need it just locate the proper card and switch it using a “top change” or “double lift” if needed. This option can give the whole experience an aura (pun intended) of professionalism, but Carlos prefers to keep this as impromptu-looking as possible, using just torn pieces of paper from his pad.

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You can use also an Ostin Clip for the prediction part, having already the 2 pieces of paper on there. The 2nd prediction is on there for real, the color prediction is ready to be pull off. In this case is preferably to have all 7 colors in your index.




This routine is more suitable for 1-on-1 performances / readings, but it can also work extremely well on stage. Just play with the proper timing and delivery and you can have a solid routine for your stage act. To gain time, you can just show the prediction prewritten and go directly to the “color aura” moment without openly write it during performance.


Final Words As you can see, I use shut-eye psychic techniques mixed with a little bit of help from other techniques. I firmly believe in Jodorowsky's “sacred trap” and I let my clients get psychic experiences every time I work with them, even when I don’t purely use my intuition.

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If you are a magician or mentalist, I hope that inside this book you can find practical information for your own repertoire.




Maybe in a future book I will expand more on the readings that I put in here. The most important thing is that you need to take these techniques and to make them your own. Put in your own charisma, heart and soul and everything will be good if you do it genuinely.

May the Universe bless you,

Carlos Emesqua






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Emesqua on PK



Psychokinesis is one of the most realistic, visual and mysterious phenomena that we can create as mystery channelers.

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Some Mentalists, even professionals, perform PK as a mere trick, without observing the deep and important implications and opoortunities that we can have. Some people even understand PK as the “fork trick” in which you move the cutlery like a crazy person. I don’t use that approach. I bend metal in a slow, meditative and powerful manner.




In this new work I will offer you some of my ideas in bending metal, in moving objects with the mind and others hidden secrets

Thanks for your support

Carlos Emesqua, 2018



1. REAL PKMB For the first time, you will learn the real secrets in doing metal bending as real psychic and not a pseudo-mentalist. 2. Emesqua Signed Coin Bend: This is how Carlos performs a signed coin bend. No secret benders, No sleight of hand needed, No fake coins,

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Just pure psychic energy (apparently)

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3. Pendulum Twist: A dramatic, memorable moment using a pendulum and spoon.



4. Supernatural Key: Emesqua approach for the classic Haunted Key


5. Free Bend: Two coins are clearly shown, then one of them is bent in the participant´s hand. No switches 6. Which Bend?: A beautiful and simple casual routine involving a psychic interaction and a coin bend


If you are a magician or a mentalist that don’t know Psychokinesis outside of the “deceptive/trick” world, you are missing a lot.




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Have you seen spoons like this?

And you wonder how someone can bend a piece of metal like this?

Well.. that’s because you don’t know the power of the realistic approach that the “PK Party” offers Please, watch this video:


You can realize something very powerful after watching this event…

PEOPLE BEND THE SPOON WITH THEIR HANDS! They don’t expect to create “visual” and “instant” bends like you read in the magic stores. Those are tricks. Do you want to do deceive people, or offer truth? I prefer the 2nd one.


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Alain Nu has a wonderful work with Spoon Bending, but such impossible spoon requires a lot of effort, and my recommendation for you is very simple and very powerful.



Do your normal sequence of bends with your favorite cutlery ( I prefer spoons because forks can be more dangerous) but at the end of the performance just give away a crazy cutlery!


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Sounds crazy and too bold, but people will forget that I just gave them that piece of metal and they swear that I bent it in front of his eyes. If you want to achieve realistic PKMB, PLEASE don’t treat metal bending as a trick, using misdirection like a mediocre magician, moving your hands like crazy and too fast. Always go slow, bend a little bit at a time and let them experience the power of the mind. If you take your time, you communicate that your efforts are real and you are not a magician doing tricks.


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If you want to enter to the “PK Party” market, you are in a great time! People is very interested in learning new skills, and if you offer the event as something motivational, fun and mind expanding, you can get a great new source of income. If you do it, remember that in this instance, you are NOT the center of attention. You are just a facilitator. Psychokinesis is the psychic phenomena that we can explore that offers the idea of “transformation” and “mind over matter” in a clear and powerful manner. If you bend a spoon, a coin, or you make something move, find a proper motivation of your actions. Don’t just do it, bur offer a “why?” 79

As soon a you find a purpose, the meaning will start to appear. TAKE YOUR TIME! Real psychics doing PK take even hours to do it. Now, I know that you are doing a show and you just cant do this, but inside the limits of your context, REALLY take your time.




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Your audience can also appreciate drama and silence.


Emesqua Signed Coin Bend


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The psychic ask to the participant for a coin to write a prediction. Then after some decisions, the prediction is shown to be correct. After all this the performer hands the signed coin to the participant to hold and to feel something strange and memorable. After some moments of energetic sensations, the coin is bent.

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I hate “real time benders”. The are unnecessary. You can do a lot with simple sleights and without signed coins. Only magicians do this type of non-sense. Now, my routine is called “signed coin” but it is not a explicit one, rather is a naturally motivated ink mark that was made with a purpose, much more interesting that just sign a coin to prevent switches. This routine is ALL about the context. The coin will be borrowed with the intention to write a prediction. You can frame that as a “bet”, which motivates the use of a particular coin. In your pocket you will keep a bent cent with the word “Phone” written on it. 81

So, you will ask a particular coin to your participant: “Lets do a fun psychic game, but it will cost you $25 cents, a quarter…” You will take then a sharpie marker and write “phone”” as similar as the one from the one from your bent coin. Then you will ask for several objects to create a “psychic game of choices” and just use Equivoque or PATEO force to arrive to a “phone” (it is most likely that someone will place a phone). Obviously you can predict anything that you can force.




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Now comes the fun part of this routining. As soon as you reveal the “phone” written information in the coin, everyone will think that the game is over, thus the focus is over. This is the perfect time to just change the coins, without need of any elegant sleight of hand. Just place it in your pocket, and then take the other one! , or if you are seated, you can relax and then just switch it below the table. Because of the context, there is no focus at all in the coin and in the apparent continuity of the performance. Now just hand the coin to your participant and let him experience a suggestion process in which he can feel warmth, electricity, butterflies, water, breathing, all that you want and your imagination can allow. For this you can study the wonderful work from Jerome Finley and his “Energetic Touches”. 82

You can do MIRACLES with your words. After all this, allow your participant to open his hand and to see the bend. Because the coin still has that written information (apparently done moments ago) there is no chance for anyone to think that the coin was switch.




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A wonderful, simple and workable approach.


Pendulum Twist


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A spoon is handed to a participant to hold. A pendulum is placed on top which helps the participant to decide the psychic transformation. After some moments of pendulum movement, the spoon is revealed, now with a strange twist in the neck.





The power of implications will allow you to use this routine. You don’t need to switch spoons, you don’t need gimmick spoons or secret benders. You will use the power of implications and language to paint the image that you want in the mind of your participant and audience.

The spoon is already twisted, and you will just cover that twist with your fingers-


Ask your participant to hold the spoon in his fist while your hand him a pendulum to hold in the other hand.

Now place the pendulum on top of the spoon and let the participant move the pendulum as a metaphor for the transformation that the spoon will have. As soon as the pendulum starts to move, say: “Yes, and that movement inspires a transformation”

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Then, continue with the movement, let the participant stop the pendulum after the twist is done and say: “Open your hand and lets see what is in there now…”



That word “now” implies that before this twist was not done.


Take the spoon and show it to the audience.

As you can see, a realistic and fantastic visual way to do psychokinesis on stage, with nothing more that a bent spoon and a pendulum.


Supernatural Key

Experience: The psychic entertainer takes, in silence, a key from a velvet bag and says: “Lets be open to the supernatural”.


The key is placed in his open hand and it is start to move slowly.

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In terms of method, there is nothing new. You can learn how to use the Haunted Key at , but the power of this approach is that simple line.

That’s your script. You will not say an extra word. Shut up and let the symbolic meaning just move the participant. A perfect “opener” (pun intended)


After this, you can move to other routines if you desire. If you don’t have a “Haunted Key”, you can get one with my friend Pablo Amira at As an extra idea, you can use the key as “detector” for different objects. For example, in one business card your participant wrote “GOLD”. That card Is marked at the back.

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Then you pass your key on top of each card, and as soon as your reach that “GOLD” card, you will move the key in a subtle manner, as indicator.


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You can also ask the participant to write his name. The the participant take the key and offers a little bit of his energy to it.



As you can see, a little bit of extra creativity can transform classic props into wonderful new opportunities.


Act as realistic as you can in doing PK.




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Do you want be seen as a trickster or as a psychic?


Free Bend

Experience: From a purse, two coins are taken, a copper and a silver one, which are placed in the participant´s hands.





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The participant decides for a coin and then the psychic entertainer is able to create an apparent impossible feat of psychokinesis, without strange movements or unnatural actions.

This routine uses a “copper/silver” coin in a new and exciting way. Get one and also bend a half dollar. Place both coins in a purse. In performance you will show the purse, make it jiggle and say: Use your intuition and let us know what I have in here. You can play with this moment, some people can say “ a couple of coins” but most of them will not know about the silver and copper nature. 89

Now comes the wonderful opportunity that the “copper/silver” coin offers. While you say: “One of the coins is a silver coin, a hald dollar”, you will take the gimmicked coin with silver facing your audience. Take it in a way that you can show the coin as normal and unbent (of course, as any coin, right?) but DON’T SAY THAT. Let the implication work.

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Place back the “silver coin” in the purse and say: “and also other coin, a copper one, and English penny”, and just take the same coin but reverse it.


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Now the implication is that we have two different coins, but we shown both of them as normal with not structural anomaly.



Now ask the participant to open his hand and hand both coins (the copper/silver and the bent one) and say: “Lets try an energetic game. Name a coin”:

If your participant names Silver: go to the participants closed fist and take the “copper/silver” (it is easy because you can feel the bent coin). Because you don’t know which side the coin is facing, you will just adjust to whatever happens.


If you take the coin copper side up, you can say: Excellent, my psychic sense are sharp today, so the silver is in your hand. If you take the coin silver side up, say: “Excellent, my psychic sense are sharp today, let the take the other one”, while you just will flip the copper/silver coin inside the participant fist, while moving the coins a little. People will not feel the bent, don’t worry.


If your participant names Copper: The same situations, but in reverse.




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Now you are in a fantastic position. A named coin is already bent In the participant hands. Now focus in that experience, letting him really feel the transformation using real energy work, suggestion, invisible elastic thread, anything that you want to create that sensory experience. After some minutes of psychic interaction, let the participant opens his hand to reveal the bent coin. Give away the coin as wonderful souvenir. Regarding bending a coin, just use two pliers with rubber ends or using a cloth, so the coin don’t get scratches.

You can also use straight Equivoque to force the “silver” coin, it is your option.


Which Bend?

Experience: A participant takes a coin from his pocket to do a short and casual psychic game of “which hand?

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After some rounds, the coin is used as object of transformation, which starts to receive energy, changing his normal structure.





“Being clever” is not just about mechanical methods of switches or something like that. The best switch that you can do is not about sleight of hand, but sleight of mind. In here we are constructing a structure that allows us to do a switch when no one is expecting it, basically because the are not expectations! You are just asking for a coin to do a casual game. That’s the promise.


Then, in a secret way you will change the dynamic, but it is too late because the switch is already done. So as you can read, you can use any switch, that doesn’t matter. What matter is to be casual and to don’t just be one ahead, but way ahead as the master mindreader Bob said.


So, bend a normal coin in your context (lets say a quarter) and ask your participant for a coin and just say: “take one of them”, while you literally take a quarter from his hand and you give it to him.


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Then play some rounds of real “which hand?”, using all the techniques that you know. Use Contact MindReading, use Mark Eldson-Tequila Hustler, Patrick RedfordPrevaricator, anything that you enjoy.



After some 3-4 rounds , just take your bent coin from your pocket and say: “Excellent, so our energies are calibrated now, please take the coin and place your other hand also on top” At that moment, the switch is done and your participant, via implication, understand that his coin (“take the coin”) is used on more time.

Now, as always, connect with this experience, create a wonderful psychic moment and reveal the bent coin. 93

After the revelation, you can use the idea from my friend Pablo Amira, the “Almost Bend” “Look, the coin is almost 45 degrees… let see a little more transformation…” Now just take the coin at fingertips and create the illusion of visual bend. After that strange moment say: “Excellent…now it is 45 degrees..”




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AS you can understand, we don’t really bend it more, it was always in 45 degree angle, but the power of the word “almost” allows you to separate the first and second situation.







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Thanks for your time and interest. I hope that from now, Psychokinesis can be a more realistic event for others in your performance, that’s the idea of this work.

Carlos, 2018






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Emesqua on




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Playing Cards


Impromptu Tossed Out Deck


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Three participants are asked to join you onstage. A shuffled deck of cards is shown and handed to the first participant to cut and to wrap in rubberbands. He peeks the top card and places it on the middle. The other two participants do the same, keeping no physical evidence of the thought.




Finally, the performer can reveal all three cards with no ambiguity!

Method: I love the classic David Hoy routine and I want to came up with a method that doesn’t use any forcing deck. For this you will need a deck of cards in any stack that you know (lets use the classic Si Stebbins for now). So as you read the dynamic of actions allows you to show the deck of cards, create some false shuffles, hand the deck to the first participant to cut a few times, to wrop the 98

deck with rubberbands choreography of actions:






1. Peek the top card 2. Lose it somewhere in the middle 3. Throw it to the next participant to do the same. After all this, you will ask your last participant to throw you back the deck, and after you secretly peek the bottom card, you know everything that you need to know.


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So let’s say that you peek the 3 of Clubs. Only with this card you know that the three cards are the 6 of Hearts for the first participant, the 9 of Spades for the second participant and the Queen of Diamond for the third.



This is a very simple approach to this entertaining dynamic of letting people think in cards while throwing the deck. You can work the routine also so you don’t need the participants onstage. In that case, just show the deck of cards as shuffled (say that directly in performance, be bold), do some false shuffles and then hand the deck to one participant at the first row of your performance space to cut the deck several times. Then hand him the rubberbands and start the dynamic. Instruct your participant to take the top card in a careful way so the deck doesn’t fall.


After this the deck can be thrown to different members of the audience and as you can understand, you can use as many as you want. One of the strong points of this approach is that you don’t need to do the classic style of ambiguous revelation. You can reveal exactly the cards to each person, adding also a short and effective reading to each card.




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Play with this routine and use it as opener for your next performance!


Emesqua ACAAN

Experience: A couple is invited to participate in a unique demonstration of “fused thoughts” and a boxed deck of cards.





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One of them names a playing card, other names a number between 1 and 52. The deck is dealt and the card is found to that precise number!

This sounds like the holy grail, and I am sure that is one of the ways which the famous David Berglas could use.

This routine uses the powerful principle of “Dual Reality” to let the miracle occur. The participant that names the playing card has a 100% free complete choice, but the 2nd participant will be cue for the number that he/she needs to say. 101


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So, you will have your deck of cards in a stack. For this you can use just a crib or a memorized/mathematical stack as Si Stebbins.



Write this in a small piece of paper with his correspondent number. I keep this in the back of the card case. Although the selection of the card is 100% free, I create a slow process in which I step at the side of my participant and ask him to visualize a deck of cards in the air, going slowly with each decision. This later will be repeated with the participant that will choose the number, but in this instance, we will actually use the cueing technique to secretly communicate the appropriated number.


So, lets say that my first participant names the 6 of diamond. After this you can read your crib (or compute the correct position) and know that the card is in position 28. So now, you basically need to cue the 2nd participant the number 28. For this I split the number into 2 digits (2 and 8 in this case) and I start the needed procedure:

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“We have 52 decks of cards, so because you will receive in a moment a two-digit number, lets split this. Please be sensible to everything that you will feel (touch her back)”




So in the instructions I already let her know that a tap at the back is a “feeling”.

“In the top row you will see numbers from 1 to 5. So 1…2… (tap her) ..3..4…5.. Do you feel something special about one of those numbers? Excellent, keep that digit in mind… Now in the 2nd row numbers from 0 to 9… 0…1..2…3….4…5…6…7….8.(tap) and 9…” do you have a 2nd digit, right? 103

Excellent… Please say outloud which were the two digits that you receive… 2 and 8 ? So you created 28… A random card, a random number, but an interesting mystery…”

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So now you are able to reveal the named card in the named number. As you can understand, the first participant will experience the same effect as the audience, the 2nd participant will still have a mysterious outcome due the fact she will now understand how the playing card was at that position.




After this routine I normally perform “PK Touches”, so the 2nd participant after all the performance will not be sure if she really felt the touches.

You can also cue her the information using “invisible elastic loops” asking her to place her arm straight, feeling “energetic touches”


Three Card Reading Miracle


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A piece of paper is handed to the participant. Three cards are taken to create a past-present-future reading. After all the intuitive conversations, the piece of paper is read, showing an exact prediction of the “present” card

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This is a lovely use of the classic “Criss Cross Force”. As you know, with this technique, you will be able to force the top card of any deck while the participant cuts wherever he likes. If you see the configuration of the deck after the force is done, you have the perfect representation of “pastpresent-future”, in which to top card is the past (and unknown card for you), the middle card is the present (the card that you will force) and the bottom card from the procedure is the “future card”.


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So from this position you can start you reading. Just take the top card and do the “past reading”. Then take the middle card (the force one) and do the present reading. Finally take the bottom card and do the future reading.

Finally, just remind your participant about the piece of paper that you hand him, that reveals a correct prediction.


Because of the nature of this routine, don’t predict exactly the card. If you force the Ace of Hearts for example, write something like “ A Present full of love, one heart that needs to be strong” Be poetic in your own terms.

One of the wonderful aspects of this routine is that the flowing aspects of the reading is the needed space of time that you need to create to make this force works.




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Enjoy this routine, which you can see is very direct and potentially beautiful, is all in your hands.


Hands off Mindreading

Experience: A deck of cards is used to create mindreading. The deck is shuffled and cut by the participant.

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From this point, you never touch the deck.

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The participant gives you the first card, which he places in your pocket. The 2nd one is placed in his pocket.




You, the performer, peeks the card that the participant gave you and he tries to read your mind. After this attempt, you will successfully be able to know his thought. After this, the deck is given away to let him practice his telepathic abilities

Method: This is a beautiful way to use a stack deck, without the need of the classic peek of the bottom card. You don’t


need to touch the deck again, because the routine itself will give you the needed information in an overt manner.

Because the first card is the one that you peek, so your participant will try to read your mind, this card also serves you as the key information to know your participant´s card.

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So for example if the participants hands you a 10 of Spades, you know that his card Is the King of Diamond (using Si Stebbins)




All the rest is just showmanship and charisma. You can create a test-conditions dynamic, asking him to leave the room or to be far away You can fill a stage just with a stacked deck and this hands off routine.


Emesqua Card Force


Your forced cards is on the bottom of your deck. This is similar in structure to the “Hindu Shuffle Force”, but with a much more natural handling.


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Drop small packets of cards on the table, or in the participants hands, and ask him to say “THERE” or “NOW” whenever he wants.



As soon as he say those words, pause for a moment and ask him “What do you feel when you stop me at the….” Then just take the whole remaining pack from your hand, showing the card that was on bottom the whole time. Because of the question, the fact that this card was always on bottom will be forgotten. This is a beautiful technique that I invite you to try in the appropriated context and routine No sleight of hand, just sleight of mind.


Playing Cards Q&A Act

My approach is simple and allows you as reader/performer to let others to be the star and to show your own charisma, personality and characteristics as person to create powerful experiences for others.


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Magicians have taken Q&A from psychic circles, adding to the equation unnecessary tricks and sleights to make it more “fooling”. You don’t need that at all if your goal is to create deep mysteries.



This Q&A uses playing cards in a casual and wonderful manner. For this you just need a normal sealed deck of card, a permanent marker and an extra “prediction” deck if you want a final climax. At the beginning just take the deck, make a short meditation giving all your positive energy to that playing cards, open it and talk about the relation of normal playing cards with the Tarot (this maybe is not true at all historically, but it does not matter, is a very powerful moment in which you show yourself as competent reader and wise about your craft). Remove the advertisement cards but keep the jokers and shuffle the cards. In this 111

moment be attentive to the creation of rapport with your audience. Q&A is all about being perceived as a nice, caring person. If you are too serious and distant, you will get heckled or far worst; receive an uninterested attitude from them.



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Ask everyone to think in a question about his unknown future, a question that they will ask to someone who can break for a moment the dimension of time and space. After this instruction point to a woman and ask her to mention her question out loud. Now ask for her name and spell it while you do some cuts with the deck (in this manner you add a personal ritual for each person). Now take the card from the top of the deck and do a reading based in playing card.


After the reading you can take your marker, write a nice phrase, personal private message or prediction for the future in the card and give it as souvenir. This is fun for your audience and obviously participant. Now you can repeat the same process for as many persons that you want. You can also use Tarot cards of course; just use whatever feels more comfortable for you and your audience. If you want a dramatic conclusion for the act, you can select the last participant and let him know that for him 112

will be different because he will name a card out loud as well as his question. Now you can show that you knew the playing card in advance in a way to show the empathic psychic relationship. For this you can use any method that allows you the predict cards (Kenton Knepper-Kollosal Killer, Ultra Mental Deck, Pablo Amira-Naked Deck, etc).



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In a structural manner, first you gave several singular one card readings, then you approach your last participant to do your reading with the addition of your “psychic premonition” and at the end you can finish with the “Hurling the Headlines” so everyone can get a small sample of a “psychic vision”. You can let everyone feel a short psychic reading using the astrological signs and make predictions for them.


With this act you can mystify and entertain a small group of a big theatre. It is all in your own abilities in the delivery of fun, upbeat, positive readings and proper timing to keep their attention. Without gimmicks, without dual reality, impression pads, billet techniques or forced questions, just an authentic effort to interpret the playing card and open the eyes of your participant to understand that although the future is uncertain, we can know a little bit in an introspective manner and try to do things a little better if we see our reality in a more optimistic manner. 113

Pablo Amira Casual Stack

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This is a great variant of the Si Stebbins deck that you can use


Thanks Pablo!








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Thanks for your time and interest. I hope that from now, a deck of cards can be a valid instrument to create Mentalism, Readings and Psychic entertainment for others.



Carlos, 2018






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Emesqua Spirit Bells


Introduction I truly love séances and particularly the idea to manifest a metaphysical existence in an audible form. There are various creative ways to use but a beautiful and classic one is the use of Spirit Bells.

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In the past they were just available in dark séances, in which the needed extra was just an assistance with a long rod which moved the bell to confirm the existence of spirits.


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Then the answering of questions using codes (one sound means NO and two or more means YES) required new technologies such thin threads.



Nowadawys, we great other options such as electronic props, but I don’t really like them. They can break, they can fail on us, so I created years ago several methods to achieve the spirit sounds without need of complex methods, but 100% secure solutions to embellish the séance experience. I truly think that you got a bargain in here. I would charge only $100 for one of my secrets, but I trust you and I know that you will use all these ideas to create new realities for others.


Thanks to all my teachers both in the mentalism world, psychic world and my creative guardian spirits, and of course thanks to Pablo Amira from the Mentalism Center for the wonderful platform, full of respect and passion for Mentalism and Psychic Entertainment.










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Carlos Emesqua, 2018


Please, enjoy performances.


Table of Content

1. Circle of Spirits: A fantastic séance that is powerfully embellished with the mysterious sound of a old looking (and normal) hand bell. A DIY piece that will take you 5 minutes to make but give you amazing moments, without spending hundreds of dollars in electronics.

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2. Stand Up Bell: A stand up piece, in which a participant in trance is the medium between the spirits and the audience.



You will learn two different methods to cause the spirit sounds!


3. Emesqua Seance: The core structure of my style of seance, with techniques and tips from the real (under)world


Circle of Spirits Experience:





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A séance experience is created with a small group, around a table. The group starts with a short relaxation process and spirit connection to be able to open their own sensitivity and focus. The participants and the séance facilitator create a circle after he places a handbell in the center of the table to let the spirits talk in a physical manner. One of the present spirits starts to answer YES/NO questions, and the bell starts to ring accordingly in a surprising and strange manner.

I always wanted a spirit that didn’t use any expensive electronics, no assistants, one that I can replace easily in any circumstance and one that Is always in my control even when I am in a “circle” dynamic with the participants of the séance.





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“Circle of Spirits” comes from various sources of inspiration. First of all, in “Modern Magic” we can find one of the early publications that add some kind of “magnetic” element to the methodology to create sound. Also Robert GyselGysel's Method from Tarbell comes with the original idea of using the foot as part of the secret manoeuvre, but in a different manner. What we will do in here is to plant inside our sock or your leg a big and powerful Neodymium magnet (you can get yours at that will allow you to move the magnetic-attracted metal that you place inside the bell. 122

Henry Slade, the famous medium was known to move a compass using a similar method, but the nice thing about our modern times is the neodymium power that we have in our hands (now in your feet).


As you might understand, you need to take a nonmagnetic bell and switch the clapper for one that is attracted to magnets. So basically, we will move the clapper from below the table using that powerful magnet.




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My recommendations is that you search a lot of the correct one. You can find them in antique stores or online, but again, find the one that you feel is good for you. Prefer one that´s brass so you imply that there is no magnetic properties. The inside clapper must be attracted to magnets. Although you will use a powerful magnet, the table that you use is important as well. You don’t want a thick one, so the magnetic attraction can work in a better manner. In terms of the techniques used to create the controlled movement, you need to play with your own bell, magnet, table and positions while you are seated, but a slight movement will do the job without problem. Remember that the most important aspect in any séance is the context, and that context is communicated by the 123

physical and also the psychological. We will observe extra ideas of my style of séance later. Before the act, remember to check the polarity of the magnet in your leg/sock

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So the mechanics of the methods are very simple and direct. You have your handbell ready, near you so you can take it and place it on the table in a moment. Don’t rush the use of the bell, the séance must be spectacular without it.



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At the appropriate moment, after the creation of the needed context, you will place the bell on the table and start with one of the spirits so he can reply to the sitter question. This can be done openly or with billets.


I normally explain that no sound means NO and one sound means YES. I prefer to let silence to take part and not transform the sound into a trick. Because sound means YES, you can create a scary moment during one of the spirit manifestations and click the bell several times, alluding that this particular spirit wants urgent contact.

I never offer the bell for inspection of something that a Magician could do, but I have gave away the bell as a 124

positive memory of the contact with one of the sitters. For this I just took it back and then switch it under the table with one that doesn’t has the clapper modification. Again, don’t do a “move” of thism, just switch it under the table or in your case.




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So you can now buy some brass handbells, modify one, get your big powerful magnet at and start doing an amazing Séance, not just for Halloween season, but in any time of the year (spirits wants to be contacted all year around, right?)


Stand up Bell Experience: A participant in your séance/show takes a beautiful pendulum which has a bell as weight. Which is using to contact spirits.

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The medium participant just lets the bell hang while the spirits makes their own manifestation using sound as proof for replies.





This was a dreamt image that I had years ago, and I have several methods to do it, I will share two with you. First of all, get a pendulum that looks like the one from the photo. At Arkanosophy we will have soon the “Emesqua Bell Pendulum” available, but you can get a bell and hang it in a chain or cord. The first approach to create this spirit bell is not gimmicked at all! Think about this for a moment. 126

This is good! This means that you will do a realistic séance using esoterical tools, the way that psychics really do it! If you don’t know how to work with pendulums, you can study the works from Docc Hilford, Pablo Amira-Ideas about Pendulums and Dr. Bill-Trybil, but the pendulum and the movement tha can be creates is pure and real magic!

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Basically the participant will not be conscious about the movement, but he will move the pendulum with his own thoughts and unconscious desire. He will be literally the medium!




So you are not really in 100% control over the sound particularly, buy you don’t need to be! Just flow with whatever happens. If the participant doesn’t unconsciously move the hand and the bell doesn’t sound, it doesn’t matter. There is no “expectation for the trick” and this can enhance the realistic experience of spirit contact. Then you can show in physical form using a “Spirit Writing” or other phenomena a manifestation of the spirits. Now, you can suggest movement if you want in subtle manners, so you can create indirect influence with the participant so he will move the bell (using the same code as with the “Circle of Spirits”, in which no sound is NO and sound means YES”). For this, I can recommend you 127

Pablo Amira-Ideas about Pendulums and his “Suggestion Force” technique. You can let your participant stand up or in a chair in the center of your performing space. You can also add him a blindfold so the aesthetic, suggestion and self-suggestion works even better.

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I normally invite the sitter to participate and induce him into a light trance, using an Mesmerising technique of “eye fascination”. You can study old style Hypnotism for this or just apply the techniques of modern hypnosis that you can already know.




Now hand him the “Bell Pendulum” and explain that he will be the medium and he just let everything just happens. He will be a channel and after the experience he will be full of positive energy and blessings (this is important to implant as positive suggestion due the nature of the piece) Then, depending your style of séance, the question will be offered to the spirits (closed questions of YES/NO) and then just let the participant do his job. Again, selfsuggestion is powerful. Do this as much as you can handle It, keeping it upbeat but serious, always giving it importance to what you are doing. 128

After several questions, take back the bell and awake your participant from the trance. After his participation I normally gave a clear quartz crystal as a way to clean every part of the participant mind, body and spirit. As you can see, a beautiful spirit bell that don’t use any gimmicks!


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Now, if you want to have a little more control, we can add to the clapper of this bell the technologies that as Mystery Performers we have, and use invisible thread to it. So you can take thread and make a connection between the clapper and the end, which will have a small amount of “Magician Wax”. In this way, you can clip the thread and move the clapper whenever you want.



I rarely used this method in the past, because the ungimmicked method is enough.

You can explore other ways to create sound with this bell. For this you can study the science behind sound and came up with great things (think ventriloquism)


Emesqua Seance I only move in the psychic world nowadays, I don’t do shows anymore or offer myself as “Mindreader” or “Mentalist”, but whenever I host private séance this are ideas and techniques that I always use.

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I do real séances. I don’t rely on tricks. I set up the context that I want my group to experience and I let strange phenomena to ocurr. Yes, I can use extra aids and embellishments, but I don’t rely on them at all




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I record every séance with my phone, so then I can share it as file to my clients. If I want, I can alter some waves to add some strange sounds, but it is not needed, and even if I do it, people will not suspect of tricks, because people don’t want to experience tricks when they see me. They see the real deal, because I am. I invite you to do the same. Don’t offer fake realities, offer real realities. Use the OUIJA, use pendulums as a way to let them contact their own loved ones from the other side. In using pendulums, you can even explain the science of ideomotor response and how as soon as we synchronize with our spirit, the manifestation of the movement is not just our individual unconscious, but it becomes a collective unconscious with those other spirits. 130

In séance you can use billets and just read them, or use an old technique from one of my friends in the psychic demonstration business (Which I will not reveal her name for now). She just ask people to write questions in pieces of paper, while they are collected in a big box. Because the box is deep enough, she just opens the billets inside (using the “Umbrella Move”) the box and peeks while using a pendulum of top of it!

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You can watch this performance from the fantastic Richard Ireland to imagine this



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Because in the context of a real séance, people wants to receive the answer and not just “being entertained”, you can just open secretly the pieces of paper without using blindfolds.


But again, billets are not needed, the questions just can be said outloud, and the experience is still created. Pre-show is a fantastic tool to add to séances, and it doesn’t need to be using a secret tool such as impression devices, but you can just ask to any of the clients before the séance the name of someone who transcend into the other dimension of existence (never said “someone dead”, it is just bad), and then just create “dual reality” while naming this person during the séance.


Again, you don’t need to “fool” anyone doing real style séances. Remember that the séances start even before the participant arrive. Use candles, incenses, add different symbols and decorations that will open new sensations and perceptions to your clients. In each of the chairs place a small gift for them so they can take, asking them to not open until they arrive home. You can add in there your contact information, a Tarot Card, a quartz crystal, a pendulum, etc.

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With this small detail, you already open them and you show in an indirect manner that you care about them, and in consequence, they will care about you.




This is a small investment in comparison of how much money you can make for each séance. If you can afford it, maybe it is time to ask for higher fees and really understand what is the value that you offer. So, the structure of my séances are like this: I open the space and let all people (10-13 people) take their seats, taking their gifts I salute everyone and open with a powerful script that creates the context.


I then hand them pendulums (or ask them to take the one that you offer them in ther bag) so they can be in-tune with the presences around us. Then we can use any of the methods for spirit bells that I offer you in this work, answering questions that are named outloud, or written before hand.

Then you can use “Spirit Writing” using chalkboard to manifest other reply from the spirits.

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Finally, I ask him to take the quartz crystal from the bag and I energize each one of them with pure light and powerful intention.




My séances are approximately one-hour long, this is a good length so people can experience something unique and exclusive.

Please, don’t rely on tricks to do séances. Explore genuine ones and remember that you ARE a Mystery Performer, no a trick-maker. Less is more.




Thanks for the interest in this work. I am sure that you will take value from my ideas and experience.

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I hope all the best energies for you.




If you are interested in more profound work, study Millard Longman, Richard Webster, Neal Scryer and Paul Voodini (available at Mentalism Center)

Love and peace

Carlos, 2018






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Secret Prediction System


Introduction This is one of my most precious routine...PLEASE...use it wisely.

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The Secret Prediction System is a complete paradigm for predictions. Don’t see it as a trick, or as an effect, but a way. A way to connect with your participant during your Mentalism or a client during your readings.


As the wonderful David Hoy said: “Bold and Subtle”, be bold and be subtle.



With the SPS you will be able to reveal anything, but again, don’t see it like that, rather see it as a tool for connections and amazing moments. I hope that you can enjoy your reading and always remember that no matter what you do, do it with love.

Carlos Emesqua, 2018


Table of Content

SPS Technique SPS Variants SPS for Stand Up Performances

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1. SPS Reading

4. SPS Zodiac

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3. Triple SPS



5. SPS Birthday


You are seated with a participant.

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The mystery man writes something in one blank card and places it face down

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The participant names ANYTHING




The card is revealed to show 100% correct prediction.


SPS Technique

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The original and basic technique for “Secret Prediction System” is based in the old concept of secret writing. Mediums have used nail writers for ages, and old ones even use their feet to do the work. I love the idea of secretly writing information and based on that and the classic use of the “lap” and the natural cover that a table gives you (originally to peek information) starts the SPS Technique, but this is only half of the core method.




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So, during the conversation and performance with your participant/client, you will secretly write the information under the table, but the written card is visible on the table…Well, that’s because we will use again the opportunities that working seated in a table gives you, to switch the tabled card for the one that you secretly write. So…it is a secret writing and a switch? That’s the core method in a simplistic manner, but it is much more than this. We have a lot of options that we will study. Observing the natural dynamics that being seated at a table gives you will allow you to create a flowing moment of actions that will look just like the description from the participant’s perspective. 140

First of all, take a stack of blank business cards, your pen/marker and follow these simple instructions. Let’s say that you will use SPS to predict a 2-digit number. Write your prediction, but leave the blank space for the final information:

The number



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will be


Now turn the complete stack over and execute a “glide”. In doing so, you will take a blank card face down (“dummy”), keeping the written card secretly in the stack. If you don’t know how to execute a “glide”, you can watch this video:


(One of the secrets of SPS is the casual attitude. You don’t need to over-demonstrate nothing. You are a psychic that is predicting thoughts)

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After this, just take off the focus on the props (this is the perfect moment to just place your hands in your legs, leaving the stack of cards and the marker in there for a moment) and focus in your participant and the performance, using the narrative that you feel is needed. I ask the participant to go back to childhood and imagine playing with chalk writing a 2-digit number on the street while he is touching the tabled card with one finger only.




During the visualization, your participant will name the 2-digit number. At this moment, DON’T DO the writing right away. Keep the focus in the experience, you will have plenty of time to write those 2-digits. (For this, you need to understand your performance as interesting EVEN without the prediction. Only in this manner the visualization will be something interesting to experience). In an appropriate moment, just relax your body. In that non-verbal action, it is natural to place your hands on your legs. In this moment just take the marker and write the needed numbers. Don’t look directly to your legs, but use peripheral vision to do it. 142

So now, you secretly wrote the number. Now you need to switch the dummy from the table to the one that you have in the stack. I will offer you some different ways in which you can do this, but always remember that more important that the “sleight of hand” used, is the “sleight of mind”.


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1. Keep the written prediction in your left hand, in a “gamblers cop” position. With your right hand drag the dummy card across the table, like doing a natural action of taking something. As soon as the dummy reaches the border of the table just let it fall to your lap while you show the written prediction in your left hand.



Study the normal actions without a switch, and then replicate the same visual with the technique. 2. Palm the written prediction in your right hand, and with that same hand, drag the card across the table. As with the first option, as soon as the dummy reaches the border ot the table, just let it fall and show the one that you had in your palm. 3. Place the written prediction on top of your stack. Now just drag the card to the border of the table and just drop the card to the top of the stack. Now a double turnover can do the switch. If the cards that you are using are double blank, the dummy will work as a 143

“double back”, so then you can take cleanly the written prediction. 4. You can also use other “glide” to switch the card. For this you just need to place the stack on top of the tabled dummy and execute the move to apparently take the card that was always on the table. For this approach to be natural, you need to find a proper motivation to do that action. I will let you work on that.

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5. The “Scoop Switch” and similar techniques also can work in this situation.




As you can read, SPS is a wonderful way to predict anything. With practice you will be able to predict long words, drawings and more complex type of information. Start with simple ones, always remembering that the sleights that you use are not relevant, and everything that we do with our hands must be completely natural and invisible. You just wrote something. And then you will take it.


SPS Variants

From the original, we can expand new options and possibilities

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1. Extra Props in the lap: If you want, you can keep an extra card and an extra marker in your lap, so the stack and the marker that you use during performance are always visible.




I always carry not just a Sharpie marker and a mini one for this approach. So I take the stack, write the prediction, place the dummy on the table and drop the written prediction in my lap, in which I already placed the mini marker.

2. SPS Eyes Close: If you ask the participant to visualize something, you can ask him to close his eyes and to touch the dummy with his index finger. This from the outer reality alludes to the connection with the prediction and indirectly suggest that the card will not be switched. As you can understand, the secret writing in the lap is far easier in this manner. 145

3. Folded SPS: I don’t do this, but if you want, you can fold the dummy on the table and then fold secretly the written prediction in your lap. In this manner the idea of writing has an extra degree of separation and the switching options opens (like a normal billet switch). Again, I don’t find it necessary, but you can use this option if you desire.

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4. No-Visible Dummy: Do you know that you can switch an invisible object?




Write your prediction card (leaving the space) and act as if place it below a book that you have in your table. That’s the outer reality. The inner reality is that you will do the Ed Marlo-Rub a Dub Vanish action, so you will keep It in the stack. Then you can go with the secret reading and finally “take it from below the book”. As you might imagine, you will palm the card and act as if you are taking it.

5. SPS Dual Reality. You can quickly flash the written prediction before placing it on the table to other member of the audience, obviously covering the blank space. This 146

will allude in a subtle manner that you actually showed the complete prediction.




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As soon as you start playing with this versatile system of predictions, you will be able to found more ideas that you can use in performance.


SPS for Stand Up Performances If you want to use SPS in stand up performances, in which you don’t have the cover of a table, you can change some aspects of the core routining to fit the context.

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1. If you don’t have a table, you can place the dummy in your pocket and use “Double Writing” instead of the “Lap Writing”, for more ideas on “Double Writing” you can check the wonderful work from my friend Pablo Amira at his book “Simply Mental”




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2. You can also use “Pocket Writing” as substitute technique. For this you need a “Pocket writing desk” in your pocket. You can use just a credit card as rigid support. The downside of this is that the prediction needs to be the only writing on the card. Another option is to use Pablo Amira-Universal Peek Device, which will allow you have more written words on the card, not just the prediction, and be able to Pocket Write at the needed position. If you don’t want to use a pencil, you can use the “Valiant Concepts Keychain Pen” (KEEP this as secret) 3. You can also write your needed information in front of your participant, without need of “secret writing”. For this approach, you need to structure a 2-phase act. In the first we will ask the information that we want to predict and keep the revelation in suspense. Then, in going with any 148

other routine in which you have natural motivation to write an information as REVELATION of mindreading, you will write the previous prediction.

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So let’s say that you will predict a name and you will combine this prediction moment with a book test. So you will write your prediction and place the dummy in your right pants pocket. So now, you have the prediction in your stack. You will go with whichever type of process you want to ask the participant at the end any name of someone relevant in his life. Keep that in suspense and go with the book test.


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“That’s interesting, and that was not random, so lets try now something random to continue this psychodynamic…”



Now go with any book test that you want. I use the “Little Prince Book Test” from Arkanosophy, which uses the Flashback principle. So now I have the perfect natural motivation to write something. I take the stack of business card and while I apparently write something and dismiss it, I will write the thought of name. After I write it, I act as if I am scratching the written word, but I don’t do it. I place now the written prediction (later to be revealed) on top of the stack and now I write the word from the book test. 149




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I give the participant the card with my mindreading revelation, the word is revealed and now I am in the perfect position to palm the top card (the prediction) and act is I am taking it from the pocket.






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Let’s see some example routines. Remember that SPS is a system, so you need to adapt them to your own style and desires


SPS Reading Experience: The psychic offers a mysterious experience for the participant. He takes one blank card and write something on it. Then the participant is invited into a reading in which several different conversations and interesting ideas start to appear.




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After the reading experience, the mystic performer takes the piece of paper, which correctly predicts one of the ideas or insights that were talked during the reading.


This is one of my preferred routines using SPS, and the idea of predicting “one of the ideas” from the reading is fascinating. Think for a moment from the participant´s perspective. You received an intuitive insight about “something” than then was clear during the reading. I structure the prediction like “I feel the word…” , and the blank space that you will secretly fill in your lap. So, you leave the dummy on the table, safe below a pendulum (or other object that I might have on the table) and then I proceed with the reading. You can use Tarot, 152

Runes, any system that you desire. The beautiful aspect of this is that you have complete focus into the reading, so you can secretly write in a very calmed manner. Remember that in this approach, we are NOT deceiving anyone. We don’t need to lie, but show a new reality. Be bold, be subtle. So after your reading, take the dummy and do the needed switch (my preferred type in this routine is the first one (Page 13)




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As you can see, an effective piece of Reading, with a precognitive surprise at the end.


SPS ACAAN Experience: The performer offers a blank business card which is used to select a position in a shuffle deck of cards. The participant tries to know using pure intuition which is the position and which is the card.


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No matter what happens, the routine finish with a fantastic moment of mystery and/or a precognitive surprise




As you can read, in this approach to SPS the card is not directly a prediction, rather an object that selects a position (number) and a playing card. So maybe, your participant REALLY will get the number, the card or BOTH (or very close). If you desire then, the experience will not use any SPS technology, rather pure exploration and boldness. I had some experiences in which my participant said 23 and the Queen of Clubs, and it was 25 and the Jack of Clubs… and I just left the experience there. I love when real mystery happens.


As you might imagine, for this routine we need a deck of cards. This one can be borrowed and shuffle, or your own.

But, if you want to give this moment a climatic ending, you just need your secret stack and marker in your lap, with a prepared card that says:

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Thanks for cutting




cards and arrive to the

As you can see, I have the blank positions to fill. Remember to never directly see the card, rather just use your peripheral vision while you have a natural motivation to look down (watching the deck for example). At the end, you can choose any of the switching technique that we talked about to direct the attention to the piece of paper not just as a “cut card” but also as a surprising prediction. 155

This model of performing a prediction can be extrapolated to other experiences. Most of the time a prediction is purely based in suspense, in this case is based purely in surprise.




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So now you can surprise your audience and participant using a borrowed, shuffle deck and the possibilities that SPS offers you.


Triple SPS Experience:


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The psychic performer asks three member of the audience to participate into a strange experience. One of them thinks in a person of his life, the other thinks in a desirable place from the world and the last one a meaningful word at the present moment in his life.



The performer writes each information before anything is said outloud. At the end, all three are shown to be 100% correct.

Method: In this routine we place the SPS in service of the classic triple prediction routine in Mentalism. The nice thing about this approach is that you don’t need to force any information and that you can offer this experience not just as prediction, but as mindreading (this is what I do). I prefer to do it as mindreading because it allows you to 157

have wonderful revelations using your reading and intuitive abilities. I assume that you know this classic routine, in which normally the core method is the “one ahead” in conjunction with a (normally weak) force thought. So now you don’t have excuse to do a weird triple prediction of something relevant, something fantastic and a trivial playing card.

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So, you take your stack of cards and connect with your first participant asking him to focus in that important person. Now, START the mindreading process, reveal different aspects from that person. If you are bold and you know how to do readings, you can do it!



Remember that the written information is not a prediction in this case, it is mindreading.


In this card you will write: “The word is….” Lets apply now the “No Visible Dummy” strategy. So pretend to drop the first card below a book (or a similar object) but keep it in the stack and ask for this particular person, his relation and other interesting facts. Let’s say that the name is “SARAH”. Now you need to drop this written card to your lap for later.


Go with the 2nd participant and you ask for a location, a place to travel. Again, create a real experience of mindreading with that location. After some strange connections, take other card and write “Thanks for thinking in SARAH” and deposit that card for real below the book. Now you can change the dynamic (without using the stack and the false move) but just taking the individual card while you say:

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“This one goes on top of the previous written card…”

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Ask the participant to tell you the destination. Let’s say that he says “ITALY”




Finally, you will ask your participant to focus in a short, important word at the present moment in his life. After a few moments of revelation about that word, situations, emotions and other aspect of that idea, take your card and write “The country will be Italy”. Then take that card, lift a little bit the book and place it on top of the other one. Now ask the participant to say to you that word (don’t mention again the restriction about being short). Let’s say that the participant says “Mother”. Now comes the time to do the secret writing. Keep a mini marker in your legs, and use it to write “MOM” on there. It is far better now to NOT write the precise 159

word. This creates credibility and an in-crescendo of the reveals. Do the secret writing while you ask the participant (as ritual) to focus in that word to be connected with the hereand-now. This is the perfect time to write “MOM” in the card from your lap.

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Now you just need to palm that card and while you lift the book with your left hand, deposit the palmed card on top of the other cards. Now you don’t need to do any switching of the order, you are ready to reveal all three mindreading pieces with 100% success and happiness.




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As you can read, this “Triple SPS” routine gives you a new structure to work with “Triple Prediction” routines, transforming them into mindreading moments using common objects, a focus into the real mindreading personal experience, not extra strange props, and no switches.

You can play this routine without problems with the classic “prediction” framework, it is your choice, but I prefer this one as more effective.

Play with your options, change the themes of each thought if you want, and have fun! 160





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SPS Zodiac

Experience: The psychic performer leaves a blank card on top of a table and ask someone from the audience to name his birthday.


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The participant joins you on the table and reads the written card, which precisely predicts the participant zodiac sign.




In this instance, we will use a new approach for “SPS” in which we will not write information, but alluding to it, while the participant sees other visual. Due to the scripting, the audience will assume that the zodiac sign is written, but it will be only referenced by a simple dot.





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For this you need a card with this chart

You can do this just by hand, or print it in one of your cards. So in performance, keep this card in your lap. Watch the audience, take a blank card from your stack and say: “I had an intuitive insight this morning, at 9 AM, and I wrote something…” Select a participant and ask him to tell you his birthday. As soon as he says this to you, you will know of course his zodiac sign.


Now, while he reaches you to join you in your table, you have the perfect opportunity to just secretly do the appropriate dot in the card in your lap. If you are not performing with an audience and you don’t have that time lapse and you are in a casual situation after a dinner (for example), just asking for a round of applause will properly take focus of yourself and your actions, while you do your secret writing.



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Now you just need to execute any of the switches that we talked already to show the card from your lap as the the card from the table, for this routine I prefer to do the one in which I swipe the tabled card with my right hand, while palming the real prediction, throwing the dummy in my lap and show the prediction in my fingers.


The script in this moment is important: “We never met each other right? But for some strange reason I had an intuitive insight this morning, at 9 AM. You are a Libra, right? And the card correctly predicts that… “

His reaction will be indication of the correct prediction, after this say: 164

“Thanks for being a Libra… an applause for my participant”




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You can give the card away and ask the participant to comeback to his seat, or inviting him to other experience at your performing space.


SPS Birthday Experience: The psychic performer leaves a stack of cards with a ribbon on top of the table nvites a beautiful lady to visualize an important birthday from his past or her future and the important number of years in that event.





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After some interesting moments, the ribbon from the stack of cards is removed and inside the stack is found a card which predicts the correct number of years.

In this approach of SPS we will use the theme of birthday in an interesting manner, asking the participant to focus in either a birthday from the past or the imaginary future. This leads to interesting options. Also, in a methodological aspect we will not switch the card, rather load the secretly wriiten card inside this stack of cards with a ribbon (emulating a gift box), which offers a memorable aesthetic.


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In your lap you will have a mini marker and a card with a drawn birthday cake,


Inside the cake you will predict the number of years.



So, invite your participant to think in a birthday event from his past OR to imagine a desire birthday from her future. You can play with all the potential options that this offers you. At one moment of that visualization, ask her about how many years she is celebrating and others aspects of the event. Now that you know the number, you can write the number during the visualization or after while the participant starts to remove the ribbon from the cards. 167

After this you just need to load the card on the stack and take it from the middle. This is very easy. First, you need to add the card secretly at the bottom of the stack and then execute a “Turnover Pass” to create the reality that the card was in the middle the whole time

Again, you can see how many different options we have with SPS. It is not just about the writing technique and a switch.

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There is a saying that the “imagination is the limit” and it is not true. If you constantly expand your imagination, you will not have limits!




Just the correct tools allow this, and I am happy to say that SPS is that kind of tool for you now.


Bonus: The Bird Experience:

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While the performer talks about the power of numbers in our life, the participant focus in several different numbers. After some moments, the performer receives personal information from the participant, revealing not intimate information but also predicting the future for him in a constructive way.





The Bird uses a very simple idea. As you can understand, if you know your participant birth month, you will reduce your options from 12 to just 2, so we will do that in “The Bird”. This will be motivated with the theme of numbers in our life, and the invisible influence that they have in us.

In this routine there is some simple math to use, although this is not just a basic math magic trick, rather other psychological tools and techniques, all with at tight script. 169

“Numbers are all around us, they have meaning in our lives. Some people have favourite numbers, others have lucky numbers…I have one that we will use in a moment… For now, lets do this, think in your birth month and transform it into a numbers, so if you born in December, you will think in 12, if you born in April you will think in 4, ok? “


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The theme of numbers is ready, the idea that you have a “lucky number” is presented and now your participant is thinking in his birth month as a number. In a moment, in a covert manner you will know his birth month and then, you will be able to reveal his precise zodiac sign.



“Ok, so you have that number in mind, a number that has meaning for you, so let’s add that number with a random number, just use your right hand and throw any number…”

Now your participant will start to throw numbers with his hand. From this point you need to observe and count! You can use secretly your right hand to count. Let’s say that the participant throws a 4… “Now, throw other number with your hand, but one now from your own phone number, ” 170

Let’s say that the participant throws a 2… “Now, another random number….” Let’s say that the participant throws a 3 So to this situation, you know that the participant is thinking in a number which is: X plus addition number, which in this case is 9 (4+2+3) X being the birth month.


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“Now, lets subtract my favourite number, which is 6… So we mix several random numbers, and you arrive to an apparently random number, but a number that for sure says a lot about your present state. Tell me which is the number that you have in mind now”



At this point, just say any number that was not mentioned before. Because your participant will name his number outloud, you just need to do the proper calculation to know his original birth month! So if the participant in this case says 12, you know that the original number was 9 (12-3 =9), so your participant born in September. So, the original sequence in the participant mind was: 9+4+2+3=18


Your “favourite number” was 6, which is lower by 3 for 9, the “addition number” You participant tells you “12”, so now you subtract 3 (the difference between the addition number and your “favourite number”) and you know his birth month!

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Now it is time to do a numerology reading. If your participant names a 2-digit number, just add them together to get a single digit.




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This brief reading will be an interesting, congruent moment, but also will create a time direction between the fact that you know his birth month. People after this don’t even remember that say anything outloud.

One: Energetic, motivated, and dynamic. An independent individual who easily initiate new ideas. In the other side, they can be over-bearing, impatient, and self-centered. Two: Cooperative, receptive, and agreeable. They go out of their way to lead a balanced, peaceful, and harmonious life. In the other side, they may be dependent, indecisive, overly subjective, and lacking in willpower. 172

Three: Creative, sociable, self-expressive, humorous, fun-loving, resourceful, and clever. They are restless, versatile people who seek variety. They need channels for their ideas, or else they can be prone to worry and indecision. Four: Realistic, committed, reserved, hard-working, and security-conscious. They can be micro-managers, very caught up in details. They look for stability and security. Too much change in their lives feels overwhelming.

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Five: Intelligent, restless, adventurous, creative, and freedom-loving. They are multi-taskers who are witty, enterprising, and enthusiastic. In the other side, they can be inconsistent, unreliable, and too easily bored.




Six: They are home-loving, caring, loving, artistic, and dependable. They can be complacent, allowing their lives to get into ruts as they wait for things to happen to them. Seven: Faithful, intuitive, spontaneous, idealistic, and spiritual. They can be too dreamy to the point of expecting too much from others and from life. If expressed negatively, they can be withdrawn, confused, and self-absorbed. Eight: Goal-oriented and strong. They are determined people who work hard, are good with money, realistic, and dependable. In the other side, be too controlling and stubborn. 173

Nine: Humanitarian and helpful. They are sentimental people who can sometimes get too caught up in taking an escape route in life.

After your reading, you will reveal his zodiac sign. For this you will use a ploy that I call “Surrounding Energy”

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Because you have two potential signs, you will name one as if “the participant has that energy around” and wait for reply. If the participant reacts, it means that it is actually his zodiac sign, but if not you will just (apparently) continue your reading by saying:




“… but that energy comes from a external source, maybe a person that you will meet in the near future or you already know but you are not conscious about his energetic influence in you…” and then you will just reveal the other one in a dramatic manner

January: Capricorn or Aquarius. February: Aquarius or Pisces. March: Pisces or Aries April: Aries or Taurus. 174

May: Taurus or Gemini June: Gemini or Cancer. July: Cancer or Leo August: Leo or Virgo September: Virgo or Libra October: Libra or Scorpio. November: Scorpio or Sagittarius


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December: Sagittarius or Capricorn



So, as an example, lets say that you know that the number is 4, so your participant born in April, so the options are Aries or Taurus…

“I feel a very strong energy regarding Aries around you….”

Now is the time to be observant and sensible. If the participant reacts, you know that is his sign, but if he 175

doesn’t react, add the “Surrounding Energy” script and reveal then Taurus as the correct zodiac sign.




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At the end of the revelation one important factor that I found is NOT communicate that this climax is the end of the routine. This whole experience isn’t about the zodiac revelation, rather how numbers are meaningful, keeping the reading always positive.



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You have a piece of my mind and heart now. Use SPS in a subtle manner, be bold, care about your participants and respect the mystery arts.




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Thanks for your kind attention. Love and peace for you

Carlos, 2018






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