60 Meal Replacement Smoothies eBook English.pdf

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Copyright © 2016,2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please use the contact page located on www.YourHealthyWorldPlans.com.


Disclaimer: The information contained within this eBook does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before beginning a new health care regime. The recipes in this eBook are not formulated to suit any medical conditions, nutrient deficiencies, allergies or any other food related health problems. The authors cannot guarantee that the recommendations provided in this eBook will provide you with the benefits mentioned. Causes for being overweight or obese vary from person to person. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss and wellbeing results will also vary from person to person. Although the authors have attempted to provide accurate nutritional information with the recipes, they should only be viewed as estimates and not as a guarantee. Varying factors such as product types or brands purchased, natural fluctuations in fresh produce, and the way ingredients are processed change the effective nutritional information in any given recipe. Under no circumstances will the authors be responsible for any loss or damage resulting for your reliance on nutritional information. The authors shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person with regards to any loss or damage caused by the ideas, advice, suggestions, information or recommendation of any products contained in this eBook. Should you decide to follow the advice provided in this eBook, you shall do so at your own risk. By reading this eBook, you agree to be legally bound to all the statements made above.


CONTENTS 7 Introduction 12-71 Recipes

Authors Top Pick Contains higher calories. Recommended for days when you require extra energy, such as heavy workout days. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Cranberry Crisp Peanut Butter Baby Fruit Sunshine Appleberry Pink Dream Almond Vanilla Breakfast  Tropical Passion Thickshake Raspberry Coconut Mango Creamsicle Watermelon Mint Crush Strawberry Honey Chocolate Ginger Cookie  Blueberry Muffin  Peanut Butter Oatmeal Energy  Strawberry Shortcake Mango Orange Sunrise Gingerbread Oatmeal Creamy Strawberry Vanilla Choc Caramel Slice Energy Booster Breakfast  Pumpkin Pie Powershake Almond Banana Breakfast Blueberry Mornings


34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66

Heavenly Salted Caramel   Early Rise Energizer Tropical Crunch Apple Pie Slice  Vanilla Peach Berry Creamy Avocado Kale Banana Bread Bliss  Mint Choc Chip “Icecream” Shake   Avocado Green Tea Key Lime Pie  Tropical Protein Bomb Cinnamon Crunch Boost  Strawberries & Cream Choco Coffee  Light Lunch Peach Vanilla Cinnamon Roll  Peanut Butter & Jelly Citrus Summer Sunny Monday Breakfast Grape Granola  Mango Green Tea Choc Peanut Butter Banana Mango Tropical Energy Blueberry Energy Kick  Green Glow Pomegranate Refresher Sweet Potato Pie Green Goddess Vanilla Latte Thickshake  Cinnamon & Honey Fruit Oats Red Sunset Chocolate Avocado


67 68 69 70 71

Skinny Colada Double Chocolate Peppermint Ginger Pear Cinnamon Oat  Honeydew Delight Skinny Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake 


Hello and welcome to your 60 Meal Replacement Smoothies eBook! A lot of time, love and smoothie drinking has gone into developing these 60 recipes to ensure they are the perfect balance of nutrients to keep you healthy, fuel your body and help you to lose weight...not only that, but they also taste delicious! And I mean DELICIOUS! I am so excited for you to try these recipes, I know you are going to love them! So, what is a meal replacement smoothie? Usually smoothies are viewed as just a beverage or snack, but they can actually offer a complete meal if made with the right balance of ingredients. A meal replacement smoothie has been designed so it can be consumed instead of your traditional breakfast, lunch or dinner. Meal replacement smoothies provide sufficient calories and nutrients to not only satisfy your hunger but to also meet all of your nutritional requirements. Meal replacement smoothies are simple to make, but with all the power of a full meal! Why drink meal replacement smoothies? Ever skipped breakfast because you simply didn’t have time to prepare/sit down and eat it? And because you were so hungry you then binged on fatty or sugary foods to keep you full until lunchtime? Unfortunately, this is a common scenario for many people. Skipping proper meals and then eating fast/convenience food is one of the main reasons as to why people gain weight and struggle to lose it. Meal replacement smoothies help solve this problem of not having time to prepare/sit down to eat as they are quick and easy to make, portable and convenient! These extremely healthy and delicious meal replacement smoothies can be prepared in just 2 minutes flat!


Many people also do not have the time to make varied healthy meals, so they become stuck in the cycle of having the same boring chicken and broccoli day in day out....and they enivitably end up quiting their diet. With 60 different and delicious meal replacement recipes to choose from, you will never be bored! Meal replacement smoothies are also amazing for your health, they are packed with vitamins and minerals which will not only help slim your waistline, but improve your energy levels and make your skin glow! I challenge you to incorporate these smoothies daily for two weeks, and you will already notice the differences in how you feel and how your body looks! Couldn’t I just use a meal replacement shake powder instead? Meal replacement shake powders are highly processed and mostly, very unhealthy. They are not real food, simply a “food like” product. They cannot provide all of the nutritional components of whole foods, which include antioxidants and other protective substances. They are usually packed full of fillers, added sugar, artificial flavorings and provide very little vitamins and minerals. They do not contain enough substance to actually satiate you and give your body the fuel it needs. Plus who wants to drink the same flavor shake for days and days on end until you have finally made your way through the whole bag of powder? Not us!


How can these meal replacement smoothies help with weight loss? There have been many trials and studies that have shown that people do lose weight with smoothies. But how exactly can they help? 1. They make weight loss simpler These meal replacement smoothies are an excellent tool for making weight loss simple. You don’t need to spend ages calculating and preparing healthy meals to transform your body and reach your weight loss goals. For fast weight loss, simply replace your breakfast and lunch with a meal replacement smoothie and eat a healthy protein rich meal for dinner, that is around 500 calories. For steady weight loss, just replace breakfast with a meal replacement smoothie and eat a healthy meal for lunch & dinner, that are around 600 calories each. If you need help tracking your daily calories, I would recommend using a calorie tracking App such as My Fitness Pal. 2. They reduce sweet cravings One of the greatest causes of excess weight is our sweet tooth. Smoothies create weight loss by helping curb your cravings for sweet things; sipping on a healthy, tasty, fiber-packed green or fruit smoothie not only fills you up and lessens actual hunger; it also takes care of your sweet tooth. Which means goodbye midafternoon sugary donut cravings!


3. They improve the effectiveness of your workouts Drinking smoothies will also help improve the effectiveness of your workouts. Exercise is a whole lot easier if you are incorporating smoothies into your diet because you feel ten times lighter and it is that much easier to carry yourself. Plus, the different nutrients travelling through your veins means you burn calories faster than you normally would. Drinking smoothies will also give you more energy for your workouts, as the ingredients have already been broken down by your blender, it makes it that much easier for your body to digest, therefore conserving your energy. Not sold on the idea that digestion takes energy from us? Think back to the last time you ate a huge meal and you spent the following hour slumped in a food coma. Certainly didn’t feel like embarking on a 2 mile run immediately after did you? 4. They help keep your metabolism high What most people do not realize is that no matter how much or how little they eat, if they aren’t consuming nutrients, their metabolism shuts down and their body goes into stress mode. This means it is more difficult to burn fat, despite diet and exercise. Smoothies provide your body with all sorts of much needed nutrients which in turn keep your metabolism awake and raring to go. You can shed a great deal of weight just from drinking smoothies made with the right ingredients.


Now you are familiar with all the wonderful benefits of these meal replacement smoothies, I bet you are keen to make your first recipe! Please note that all of the following recipes are for one serving. These recipes can be prepared using any blender, but the best consistency will be achieved when using a high powered blender (I used a 1500W blender to make all these recipes). Ideally, these smoothies should be consumed straight away for the best taste and consistency but can be kept for 24 hours if stored in an airtight container (glass jar or BPA free bottle with lid recommended) and kept in the fridge. When a recipe calls for frozen fruit, remember to wash/peel and chop the fruit up before freezing. Ever tried peeling a frozen banana? It’s not fun. When purchasing dairy products such as milk and yogurt, always buy the best quality you can afford. I recommend using organic or rBGH-free dairy products. I hope you enjoy these smoothies as much as I do! I would LOVE to hear your feedback on these recipes, so if you ever have a spare few minutes, please feel free to leave your eBook review, by going to www.YourHealthyWorldPlans.com and scrolling down to the reviews section or simply click here.






























































12 Day Smoothie Slim Detox eBook Kick-start your weight loss AND drop inches fast! Lose up to 16lbs (7kg) in only 12 days. Spend 12 days replacing breakfast, lunch and dinner with nutritious homemade detox smoothies, plus two healthy snacks. There is also the option to include one light healthy meal per day. Cleanse your body of months (or even years worth) of harmful toxins, which are caused by an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. These toxins cause slow metabolism and make weight loss difficult – despite diet and exercise! Burn stubborn fat in the stomach, thigh, back and arm area. Achieve amazing results without any gruelling workouts. Naturally increase your energy levels . Improve your digestion and skin health. Easy to follow 12 day plan, all you need is a blender. Complete with a 12 day budget friendly shopping list. Access to private Facebook group. Get support and share your progress with others. CLICK HERE TO BUY & DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK OR VISIT www.YourHealthyWorldPlans.com