Power Booty 2.0 by Lauren Simpson

WEEK 1-2 WEEK 1-2 GLutes KB Box Squat 15 REPS X 3 SET REST: NONE Day 1 Tempo: 2211 TRISET 1 Stand in front of a

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WEEK 1-2

WEEK 1-2

GLutes KB Box Squat


Day 1

Tempo: 2211


Stand in front of a box, facing away from it, with a kettlebell held in front of your chest. Hinge at the hips and squat down until your bum touches the box, then press through the feet to stand back up.

DB lying leg curl


Tempo: 2222

Lie on the floor, face down, with a dumbbell held between your feet. Curl the dumbbell up, bending the knees. Lower back down.

Sock Hamstring Curl

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Lie on the floor, with a sock underneath your heels. Press the hips up off the floor, and curl your heels in towards you, sliding the socks along the floor. Keeping the hips up, stretch the legs back out long.



DB Glute Bridge

Tempo: 1221

Hold a DB just below your hips. Drive through your heels to push up fast, and squeeze at the top to engage your glutes. Slowly lower down each rep. If you don’t feel it in your glutes, lift your toes off the floor so only your heels are in contact.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

DB 1 + 1/4 Rep Romanian Deadlift

Tempo: 1111

Stand with your feet hip width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Hinge at the hips to lower the dumbbells down along your legs, pushing the hips back. Come back up 1/4 of the way, then go back down to the bottom of the rep. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings to stand back up straight.



DB Good Morning

Tempo: 2211


Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing the front of your shoulders. Keeping a straight back, hinge forward at the hips bringing your torso towards the floor. Squeeze the hamstrings to come back upright.

BB Frog Pumps


Tempo: 1221

Loop a booty band around your thighs, just above your knees. Lie on your back with your feet together and knees out wide. Press through the feet and squeeze the glutes to raise your hips up off the floor. Slowly lower back down.

Reverse Lunges

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: 60 Secs

Stand with your feet together. Step backwards with one foot and lower the knee down towards the floor. Stand back up with your feet together. This is one rep. Perform all reps on one side before switching to the other.


BB Bridge Abductions


Tempo: 1111

Lie on the floor with a booty band around your knees. Knees are bent with your feet on the floor hip width apart. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips up towards the ceiling, at the top abduct your legs out to the side feeling a squeeze in your glutes, then bring them back in to centre then lower back down.

Booty Band Lateral Walks

12 REPS each Way X 2 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE


Wrap the resistance band just above your knees. Squat down until parallel keeping your knees out against the band. Take small steps one way for the required number of reps, then repeat in the opposite direction ensuring glutes are always engaged. Don’t stand up between reps!

15 REPS Each Leg X 2 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Booty Band Donkey Kicks

Wrap the booty band just above your knees. Get on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under hips. Lift your left leg parallel to the floor with your knee bent and foot flexed. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for same side.

15 REPS Each Leg X 2 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Booty Band Step Outs

Hold a half squat position and step out as far as possible, keeping all the weight in your other leg. Repeat for the opposite leg keeping as much tension on the band the whole time. The wider your steps, the harder this is.

Curtsy Lunges (Booty Band)

15 REPS Each Leg X 2 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Stand with your feet hip width apart and a booty band around your knees. Take a step back with one foot, bringing it behind your opposite leg and lunge down. Stand back up to your starting position. Alternate legs.

15 REPS X 2 SET REST: 30 Secs

Squat Pulses

Tempo: 1111

Pulse slightly up and down from the bottom position where you would normally stop your squat. Ensure you are pulsing above and below parallel. Keep weight in the base of your big toe AND your heel when pulsing.


WEEK 1-2

Upper Body Lateral Raise 2 Sec Pause At Top Home


Day 2

Tempo: 1221


Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Back is straight and core is engaged. Hold dumbbells next to side of body with palms facing towards you. Keeping arms straight, raise them to shoulder height. Stop when arms are at shoulder height and pause for 2 seconds. From this position lower your arms completely to side of body.

10 REPS EACH arm X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Renegade Rows (Home)

Perform a plank position with feet apart, holding dumbbells instead of placing hands on the ground. Lift one dumbbell up so the elbow stays close to the side of the body, lower this back down and repeat on the other side. Ensure the hips and torso stay stable throughout.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Squat + Upright Row + Press

Tempo: 1111

Come to standing position with feet shoulder width apart, chest up, shoulders down and back, dumbbells at side of body. Lower down to squat position, stand up and bring arms up to upright row (palms facing towards body) and elbows wide. Lower back to a squat, and as you rise up press weights straight above head. Lower back down and repeat motion.



DB Front Raise

Tempo: 1221


Hold dumbbells in each hand. Slowly raise them up in front of you until parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Pause at the top for 2 seconds before slowly lowering.

DB Rear Delt Fly Home


Tempo: 1221

Place feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend at the hips. Hips and torso should almost be aligned. Keep back straight, core engaged, and eye level tall. Dumbbells start hanging by the side of the body. From starting position, fly your arms out to the side of your body. Stopping when in line with torso. Focus on leading with your elbows, keeping a soft curve in the arm and slowly draw the shoulders together. Pause at the top and then slowly lower back to starting position.

Kneeling Single 15 REPS each Arm X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 Arm Arnold Press REST: 60 Secs Kneel on the floor with one leg up in front of you. Hold a dumbbell to your shoulder in the same side as the leg that is on the floor. Press the arm straigh up to the ceiling, then lower back down. Keep the rest of your body still.


WEEK 1-2


Day 3

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

Booty Band Kickbacks

Wrap the resistance band around both ankles. Slightly bend over and hold on to the frame for balance. Kick one leg back high with a straight leg. Pause at the top for 1 second and squeeze your glutes. Return to the starting position and repeat for the same leg.


Standing Booty Band Abductions

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

Stand with feet hip width apart and a booty band around your thighs. Squat down and hold this position. Press the knees out, then bring them back in.

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Booty Band B Stance Squats

Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down, then press through the front heel to stand back up.

Booty Band B Stance 15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 Squat Pulses REST: 60 Secs Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down. Pulse slowly up and down in the bottom half, keeping the tension through the front heel.


15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Foot elevated lateral squat


Hold dumbbell at chest and bring one foot onto raised surface and extend straight out. Lower on other leg into a single leg squat, shifting weight backwards, keeping chest upright. Make sure you are shifting weight into heel when pushing backwards. Stand upright and repeat on that leg.

Home DB Bulgarian Split Squat

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up behind you on a bench and drop down like a squat and back up. Pause at the bottom of the movement for 1 second. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel.

Bulgarian Split Squat Pulses

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Stand a large step in front of a chair, and place one foot on the chair behind you. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lunge down into the front leg until parallel. Come up halfway, then all the way back down. Continue these pulses for the required reps.variation.

Heels Elevated Goblet Squat Home


Tempo: 2211


Hold a dumbbell under your chin, and place your heels on a weight plate. When you are squatting down, keep your knees in line with your big toe. Keep your chest up each rep to really work your upper back mobility. Ensure you are going below parallel for maximum glute/hamstring activation.

DB Good Morning


Tempo: 2211

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing the front of your shoulders. Keeping a straight back, hinge forward at the hips bringing your torso towards the floor. Squeeze the hamstrings to come back upright.

Booty Band Donkey Kick + Fire Hydrant

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: 60 Secs

Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor. Kick one leg straight back behind you, squeezing the glute. Bring the knee back down. Straight away, lift the leg out beside your body while maintaining the bend in your knee. Lower back to the start position.




DB Hip Thrust 1 -1/4

Tempo: 1111

Place your feet shoulder width apart with knees in line with heels, position shoulder blades on bench and dumbbell rested on hip bone, with glutes hovering off ground. From starting position, drive your hips towards the roof, coming into a bridge position. Ensure back is flat and core is engaged. Pause at top of the motion and then lower 1/4 of the way before driving back up to the top. Slowly lower all the way back to the starting position. This is one rep.

BB B-Stance RDL Single Leg

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Stand with on one foot, and the other foot slightly behind and on your toes. Loop a booty band around the bottom of the front foot and hold it with both hands at the other end. Your back should be flat, and hips pushed back behind you. Squeeze the glutes to stand up straight, pulling on the band. Slowly lower back down.

Squat Jumps (Home)

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Bend your knees and lower yourself down into a squat position. Keep your chest upright, knees out and hips back. Push out of the balls of your feet and explosively jump up as high as you can. When your feet touch the floor, immediately squat down and repeat.


WEEK 1-2

Rest or Cardio Ankle Reach’s

Day 4

6 REPS Each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Position into a raised plank position. Shoulders over hands, core engaged and flat back. From plank position, reach one hand to opposite ankle, repeat on other side and alternate.


Cardio Burpee


Tempo: 1111

Start with feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. Lower both hands onto the ground and jump both feet backwards, bringing you into a raised plank position. Jump feet towards hands, stand upright and explosivly jump straight up. Repeat motion.

Single Lift + Twist

10 REPS Each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: None

Extend one leg straight on ground and other leg bent. Make sure back is flat and core is engaged. Bring one hand behind head, and rest other on ground. Keeping leg straight, lift torso and twist towards leg - simultaneously reach opposite elbow to leg, and then slowly lower back down.


12 REPS X 4 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Lie with your knees bend and feet on the floor. Hands are beside your head, with elbows out wide. Crunch your head and shoulders off the floor, squeezing the abdominals, then slowly return back down.


Single Lift + Twist

Plank Hold Shoulder Taps

10 REPS Each ARm X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Come to a plank position. Keep the plank still, and take one hand to tap your opposite shoulder. Alternate arms.


Split Lunges Alternating

8 REPS each leg X 4 SET REST: NONE

Tempo: 1111

Stand with feet together. Spring legs to lung position, ensuring 90 degree angle and that weight is evenly distributed between each leg, chest up and core engaged. Jump feet back together and repeat, alternating between each side. Add a dumbbell to make this exercise more difficult.

Russian Twists

10 reps each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Hold a medicine ball, dumbbell or kettlebell in your arms. Lift your chest and legs so they are off the ground. Slowly twist your upper body from side to side, leading with the medicine ball. Both sides is 1 rep.

10 reps each leg X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 Slow Paused Mountain Climbers REST: 60 Secs Come to a plank position. Bring one knee up towards the opposite side elbow holding for a few seconds and squeezing core, then place your foot back on the floor. Alternate sides.


WEEK 1-2

Glutes BB B-Stance RDL Single Leg

Day 5

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Stand with on one foot, and the other foot slightly behind and on your toes. Loop a booty band around the bottom of the front foot and hold it with both hands at the other end. Your back should be flat, and hips pushed back behind you. Squeeze the glutes to stand up straight, pulling on the band. Slowly lower back down.


Extended Clam Shells

15 REPS Each Side X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

Lie on your side, with your hips stacked on top of one another. Bottom knee is bent in front of you, top leg is straight. Raise the top leg up, then lower back down.

Seated Abduction lean back (Home)

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1221

Sit on a bench or box and place a band around your legs, just above your knees. Hinge backwards at the hips so you are leaning backwards (you may want to hold onto bench or chair), then pull your knees apart. Slowly return to the start position.


DB Hip thrust paused


Tempo: 1321

Wide Step Walking Lunges


Tempo: 1221


Rest your shoulders against a bench or low box. Place a dumbbell on your pelvis. Your feet should be about hip width apart, with a 45 degree bend at the knees. Press through the heels and lift your hips to create a line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause at the top, squeezing your glutes. Lower the hips back down.

Stand up holding a dumbbell in each hand. Take a large step forward and perform a wide lunge. Press through the front heel to stand back up and continue the next repetition.

DB Wide + Narrow Squat

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet together and dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower down into a narrow squat stand upright and step out to the side. Lower to a standard squat position, stand up and step back to narrow stance, lower into narrow squat and repeat on other side, alternating between sides. Ensure knees do not track in front of toes, and weight is shifted into heels when lowering into squat position.

15 REPS eACH LEG X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

DB Side Lunges


Hold a dumbbell against your chest. Lunge down to one side, step back to the centre then move across to the other leg - this is 1 rep. Pause at each side for 1-2 seconds and squeeze your glutes.

Wide Squat + Heel Lift

15 REPS eACH LEG X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Stand with your feet in a wide stance squat position. Bring dumbbells to shoulder height. Toes slightly pointing outwards and just hover hip width apart. As you lower into a squat lift one foots heel of the ground, shifting your weight to the ball of the foot. Keep your chest up, shoulders down and back. At the base of squat repeat then drive up to standing position. Repeat on other side, alternating.

Wide Squat + Rotate Jump

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Come to wide stance, with feet over shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Lower down to a wide squat, and then jump. Once at standing position, rotate body towards one side, ensuring both feet swivel to lunge position. Lower down to lunge and jump. Once standing come back to beginning position and repeat on the other side, alternating between left and right.


Booty Band Donkey Kicks Left Leg


Tempo: 1111

Wrap the booty band just above your knees. Get on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under hips. Lift your left leg parallel to the floor with your knee bent and foot flexed. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for same side.


Fire Hydrants (Booty Band) Left Leg


Tempo: 1111

Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor, with a booty band around your knees. Keep the shoulders and hips square as you lift one knee out and squeeze the glute. Slowly lower the knee back down.

Booty Band Donkey Kicks Right Leg


Tempo: 1111

Wrap the booty band just above your knees. Get on your hands and knees with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and knees under hips. Lift your left leg parallel to the floor with your knee bent and foot flexed. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat for same side.

Fire Hydrants (Booty Band) Right Leg

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 30 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor, with a booty band around your knees. Keep the shoulders and hips square as you lift one knee out and squeeze the glute. Slowly lower the knee back down.



WEEK 1-2

DB Swings


Day 6

Tempo: 1111


Hold the dumbbell between your legs. Bend over slightly by pushing your hips back and knees slightly bent. Swing the dumbbell up and then back through in between your legs. Swing the dumbbell with the movement of your hips thrusting forward and back, not your arms.

Lunge Jumps


Tempo: 1111

Lower yourself down into a lunge position. Push out of the balls of your feet and explosively jump up as high as you can. Switch your feet in the air, and when your feet touch the floor, immediately repeat.

Plank Toe Taps (Booty Band)


Tempo: 1111

Come to a plank position with a booty band around your ankles. Keep the shoulders and hips still as you step one foot out, then back in. Alternate feet.





Tempo: 1111

Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your legs backwards and do 1 push up. Throw your legs forward into the squat position. Jump up as high as you can with your hands over your head.

Single Leg Glute Bridge 1 1/4


Lie on your back on the floor, with one foot on the floor and the other lifted up. Press through the heel on the floor to lift your hips. Add an extra 1/4 rep at the top before lowing your hips back down.

Weighted Squat Jumps (Home)


Tempo: 1111

Hold a plate against your chest. Bend your knees and lower yourself down into a squat position. Keep your chest upright, knees out and hips back. Push out of the balls of your feet and explosively jump up as high as you can. When your feet touch the floor, immediately squat down and repeat.


WEEK 3-4


WEEk 3-4


Day 1

DB Hip Thrust 1 1/4


Deficit Curtsy Lunge Home

15 REPS each leg X 4 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Single Leg Box Squat (Home)

15 REPS each leg X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111


Place your feet shoulder width apart with knees in line with heels, position shoulder blades on bench and dumbbell rested on hip bone, with glutes hovering off ground. From starting position, drive your hips towards the roof, coming into a bridge position. Ensure back is flat and core is engaged. Pause at top of the motion and then lower 1/4 of the way before driving back up to the top. Slowly lower all the way back to the starting position. This is one rep.

Bring both feet onto weight plate. Hang dumbbells by side of body, facing towards your body. Step one foot backwards angling it across your body as you step backwards. Ensure when you lower down into “curtsy” position that your front knee does not hyperextend. From curtsy position, step the rear foot back to the front foot, and repeat on other side.

Keep your hips level and don’t allow your upper body to twist. Start by pushing your hips back and slowly lower to the bench keeping your knee inline with your middle toe. When you start to find these easier, try not to touch the bench. Complete all reps on one leg before switching.


Single Leg Glute Bridge

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

DB 1 + 1:4 Wide Squat + Heel Lift

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none


Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet drawn up towards your glutes. Lift one leg up and drive through the heel of the foot that remains on the ground to push up fast, and squeeze at the top to engage your glutes. Slowly lower down each rep. If you don’t feel it in your glutes, lift your toes off the floor so only your heels are in contact.

Stand with your feet in a wide stance squat position. Bring dumbbells to shoulder height. Toes slightly pointing outwards and just hover hip width apart. As you lower into a squat lift one foots heel of the ground, shifting your weight to the ball of the foot. Keep your chest up, shoulders down and back. At the base of squat repeat a 1/4 rep “pulse” and then drive up to standing position. Repeat on other side, alternating.

DB Sumo Pulse Squats

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 secs

Tempo: 1111

Hold the dumbbell under your chin and pulse slightly up and down from the bottom position where you would normally stop your squat. When you are squatting down, keep your knees in line with your big toe. Ensure you are pulsing above and below parallel. Keep weight in the base of your big toe AND your heel for maximum glute and VMO activation.


DB Good Morning


Tempo: 2211

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing the front of your shoulders. Keeping a straight back, hinge forward at the hips bringing your torso towards the floor. Squeeze the hamstrings to come back upright.

Home DB Bulgarian Split Squat

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE


Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up behind you on a bench and drop down like a squat and back up. Pause at the bottom of the movement for 1 second. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel.

DB Bulgarian Split Squat Pulse

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up behind you on a bench or chair and drop down like a squat, pause at the bottom of the movement for the number of reps. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel. Repeat on other side.

BB B-Stance RDL Single Leg

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: 60 secs

Stand with on one foot, and the other foot slightly behind and on your toes. Loop a booty band around the bottom of the front foot and hold it with both hands at the other end. Your back should be flat, and hips pushed back behind you. Squeeze the glutes to stand up straight, pulling on the band. Slowly lower back down.



Booty Band Squats

Tempo: 2311

Wrap the resistance band just above your knees. Squat down until parallel keeping your knees out against the band. Slowly come back up, ensuring there is still resistance against the band.


Booty Band Lateral Walks

15 REPS each way X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Wrap the resistance band just above your knees. Squat down until parallel keeping your knees out against the band. Take small steps one way for the required number of reps, then repeat in the opposite direction ensuring glutes are always engaged. Don’t stand up between reps!


BB Bridge Abductions

Tempo: 1111

Lie on the floor with a booty band around your knees. Knees are bent with your feet on the floor hip width apart. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips up towards the ceiling, at the top abduct your legs out to the side feeling a squeeze in your glutes, then bring them back in to centre then lower back down.

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 30 Secs

Booty Band Donkey Kick + Fire Hydrant

Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor. Kick one leg straight back behind you, squeezing the glute. Bring the knee back down. Straight away, lift the leg out beside your body while maintaining the bend in your knee. Lower back to the start position.


WEEk 3-4

Upper Body Single Arm DB Lateral Raise (Home)

Day 2

15 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE


Hold a dumbbell in one hand. Slowly raise the dumbbell up to the side until parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your elbow, and pause at the top for 2 seconds before slowly lowering. Complete all reps with this arm before switching sides.

Home DB Bent Over Row


Tempo: 1221

Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip. Keep your elbows close in to your sides like a t-rex as you pull the dumbbells up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top for 2 seconds.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Plank Climbs

Tempo: 1111

Come to a plank position. Lower one arm down to your elbow, followed by the other arm so that you are in a low plank position. Walk the arms back up to a high plank.


BB single arm lat pulldown

15 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE


Hold a booty band above your head with straight arms, one side in each hand. One arm stays locked out, while the other arm pulls the booty band down, then releases back up.

Lunge + Upright Row

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Tricep Kickbacks 1 & 1/4 Reps

15 REPS each Arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Bring feet together in standing position with dumbbells at side of body. Step backwards to lunge position. At the same time of stepping back bring weights upwards to upright row. Palms should be facing towards body, and elbows pulling to ears. Once at base of lunge, step back to beginning position and repeat on other-side.

Place one knee and one hand on bench. Your hip and knee should be in line with each other, and your hand directly under your shoulder for support on the bench. Place your other foot on ground, slightly backwards. Ensure you have a flat back and eye level is looking in front. With the exterior arm hold the dumbbell, and draw your elbow to side of body. From the starting position, extend your arm straight backwards to be in line with body. When arm is extended complete a 1/4 rep, dropping back towards body. Then extend straight back, from there lower dumbbell back towards ground, without letting your elbow unlock from side of body.


DB Seated Neutral Shoulder Press Home


Tempo: 1111


Sitting on a chair, hold two dumbbells to your shoulders, palms facing each other. Press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling, then slowly lower back to your shoulders.


DB Front Raise to Lateral Raise

Tempo: 1111

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Slowly raise one dumbbell in front of you and the other up to the side until parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Pause at the top for 2 seconds before slowly lowering and switching sides.

10 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: 60 Secs

Renegade Rows (Home)

Perform a plank position with feet apart, holding dumbbells instead of placing hands on the ground. Lift one dumbbell up so the elbow stays close to the side of the body, lower this back down and repeat on the other side. Ensure the hips and torso stay stable throughout.


15 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

DB Single Arm Snatch Home

Bring feet shoulder width apart. With dumbbell in one hand lower down to a squat position. Ensuring core is engaged, back is flat and eye level tall. From the squat position in one fluid motion, snatch the dumbbell from ground and rotate to above head. Make sure that when dumbbell comes above head that back is straight and core is engaged. If necessary slow the motion down to perfect technique.


Booty Band Shoulder Press


Tempo: 1221

Come to standing position. Hold onto the loop of the booty band with each hand. Press upwards to above head. Once arms are straight above the head lower downwards, pulling band outwards and behind the head. Once hands are in line with ears, press upwards and bring arms straight up. Repeat.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Weighted Star Jumps

Tempo: 1111

Bring your dumbbells to just above shoulders, press upwards to above head, and jump feet out at the same time to start position, jump feet back together and repeat. Keep your core engaged, flat back and eye level up.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 secs

Floor Push-Up

Tempo: 2211

Come to a plank position. Lower your body down towards the floor, bending the elbows back, until you are lying completely on the floor. Press the body back up to a plank, keeping your body nice and straight.


WEEk 3-4

Glutes Single leg DB hip thrust 1 & ¼ rep

Day 3

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE


Place your feet shoulder width apart with knees in line with heels, position shoulder blades on bench. Place a dumbbell to rest across hips holding it with one or both hands. Lift one foot off the ground, and perform a hip extension with your stable leg, rising hips toward the ceiling in line with your body. Lower 1/4 of the way down and then all the way back up. Lower back to starting position and this is one rep.

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Foot elevated lateral squat

Hold dumbbell at chest and bring one foot onto raised surface and extend straight out. Lower on other leg into a single leg squat, shifting weight backwards, keeping chest upright. Make sure you are shifting weight into heel when pushing backwards. Stand upright and repeat on that leg.

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: none

Booty Band B Stance Squats

Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down, then press through the front heel to stand back up.

Booty Band B Stance 15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 Squat Pulses REST: 60 Secs Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down. Pulse slowly up and down in the bottom half, keeping the tension through the front heel.


15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

Extended Clam Shells


Lie on your side, with your hips stacked on top of one another. Bottom knee is bent in front of you, top leg is straight. Raise the top leg up, then lower back down.


Heels elevated goblet squat 1 & ¼ rep Home

Tempo: 2211

Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest, and place your heels on a weight plate. Feet are hip width apart. Send the hips back and down into a squat. Come 1/4 of the way back up, then all the way down. Press through the feet to stand back up straight.

DB Front Rack Alternating Lunges

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: 60 Secs

Holding dumbbells at shoulders in a front squat position, take a long step forward with your left leg into a lunge and drop the back knee towards the ground. Make sure your front knee does not move past your toes. Drive out of your front heel and step back to the start. Alternate legs each rep.

Booty Band Seated Abduction (Home)


Tempo: 1221


Sit on the edge of a bench with a booty band around your knees. Feet and knees start together, then open your knees wide and squeeze the glutes. Slowly close the knees.

Seated Abduction lean back (Home)


Tempo: 1221

Sit on a bench or box and place a band around your legs, just above your knees. Hinge backwards at the hips so you are leaning backwards (you may want to hold onto bench or chair), then pull your knees apart. Slowly return to the start position.

Seated Forward Leaning Abductions (Home)

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1221

Sit on a bench or box and place a band around your legs, just above your knees. Hinge forward at the hips so you are leaning forward, then pull your knees apart. Slowly return to the start position.


Frog Pumps Home

30 REPS X 3 SET REST: 30 secs

Tempo: 1221

Lie on the floor with your knees bent out and bottoms of your feet together. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips up towards the ceiling. Slowly lower back down.


WEEk 3-4

Rest or Cardio



Forward Jump Burpee


Day 4

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. Jump forward into a squat, lower both hands onto the ground and jump both feet backwards, bringing you into a raised plank position. Walk hands towards feet, stand upright and explosivly jump straight up. Repeat motion.

DB V-Sit

12 REPS X 4 SET REST: 30 secs

Tempo: 1111

Come to ground in hover position with dumbbell at chest height. Extend legs straight out (If you need to make easier, bring feet fully to ground) and lower backwards to almost ground. Keep core engaged and chin tucked in. Pull body back up to starting position and repeat.

Controlled Tuck

12 REPS X 4 SET REST: None

Oblique DB Crunches

12 REPS each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 30 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Start in standing position, feet shoulder width apart. Lower down to a 1/4 squat position and explosively propel your body to a tuck position. Knees coming towards chest, hands in front of body, core engaged and chest upright. Land, lowering toe to heel through the landing, come back to full standing position and repeat motion. Take your time with refining the form of this motion.

Hold a dumbbell in 1 arm. Slowly lower to the same side you are holding the dumbbell, keeping it close to your leg. Pause at the bottom for 1 second before using your obliques to lift back up to the start. Keep your core engaged the whole time. Complete the same amount of reps on the other side.


Single Lift + Twist


DB Single Arm Swings

12 REPS Each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Hold the dumbbell with one hand between your legs. Bend over slightly by pushing your hips back and knees slightly bent. Swing the dumbbell up and then back through in between your legs. Swing the kettlebell with the movement of your hips thrusting forward and back, not your arms.

Home Crunches

12 REPS X 4 SET REST: 30 secs

Lie with your knees bend and feet on the floor. Hands are beside your head, with elbows out wide. Crunch your head and shoulders off the floor, squeezing the abdominals, then slowly return back down.

Decline Pendulums


Tempo: 1111

12 reps each side X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Bring feet together onto bench, step or solid raised surface. Come to a raised plank position. Tap one foot laterally to the ground, step back to center and repeat on other side. Keep flat back and core engaged at all times.

12 reps X 4 SET REST: 30 Secs

Soft Knee Leg Lowers

Tempo: 1111

Lie on your back with legs straight toward the roof keeping knees soft. Slowly lower your legs stopping just above the floor, before rising back to the start. Keep your lower back flat and abs engaged the whole time.


WEEk 3-4

Glutes Lying Side Leg Raises Booty Band

Day 5

15 REPS Each Leg X 4 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE


Loop a booty band around your legs placed tight just above your knees. Lie on your side with the bottom knee bent in front of you, and the top leg stretched out long. Raise the top leg up, squeezing the glute, then lower back down.

DB Front Foot Elevated Split Squat Home

15 REPS Each leg X 4 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up in front of you on a bench (or step) and drop down like a squat and back up. Pause at the bottom of the movement for 1 second. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel.

DB Glute Bridge

20 REPS X 4 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1221

Hold a DB just below your hips. Drive through your heels to push up fast, and squeeze at the top to engage your glutes. Slowly lower down each rep. If you don’t feel it in your glutes, lift your toes off the floor so only your heels are in contact.


DB Romanian DL


Tempo: 2211


Neutral stance holding the dumbbells. Drive hips and glutes back as you bend over. Thrust your hips forward as you come back up and squeeze your glutes at the top. Do not completely lock out legs.

DB lying leg curl


Tempo: 2121

Lie on the floor, face down, with a dumbbell held between your feet. Curl the dumbbell up, bending the knees. Lower back down.

Weighted Wall Sit (Home)

60 Secs X 4 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 1111

Come into a 90 degree box squat position on wall. Make sure feet are shoulder width apart, hips and knees are in line with each other. Core is engaged, glutes are activated and lower back is not arching off the wall. Bring the weight to chest height, and hold this position.



Lat Lunge + Narrow squat

15 REPS eACH LEG X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Narrow Squat Jump


Start with feet together and dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower down into a narrow squat stand upright and step out to the side. Step wide and push back to a lateral lunge, with leg straight, and hinging backwards. stand up and step back to narrow stance, lower into narrow squat and repeat on other side, alternating between sides. Ensure knees do not track in front of toes, and weight is shifted into heels when lowering into squat / lunge position.

Tempo: 1111

Stand with your feet together. Send your hips back to squat down, then as you stand up jump so that your toes come off the floor. Land softly with your feet still together.

Booty Band Donkey 15 REPS each leg X 4 SET Tempo: 1111 Kick + Fire Hydrant REST: 60 Secs Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor. Kick one leg straight back behind you, squeezing the glute. Bring the knee back down. Straight away, lift the leg out beside your body while maintaining the bend in your knee. Lower back to the start position.


BB Lateral Kicks

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Bring the booty band to above knees or around ankle’s (depending on the resistance strength, around the ankles will be more difficult). Stand upright next to wall or fixed object, extend one leg laterally at around 45 degrees (making sure resistance on the band). Lower back to ground and repeat.

Booty Band Kickbacks

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE


Wrap the resistance band around both ankles. Slightly bend over and hold on to the frame for balance. Kick one leg back high with a straight leg. Pause at the top for 1 second and squeeze your glutes. Return to the starting position and repeat for the same leg.

DB Wide Squat Pulses


Tempo: 1111

Hold a dumbbell with two hands in front of your body. Feet slightly turned out and wider than shoulder width apart. When you are squatting down, keep your knees in line with your big toe. Pulse up and down at lower position.

Single Leg Hip Extension 1 & 1/4

12 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Place your feet shoulder width apart with knees in line with heels, position shoulder blades on bench. Lift one foot off the ground, and perform a hip extension with your stable leg, rising hips toward the ceiling in line with your body. Lower 1/4 of the way down and then all the way back up. Lower back to starting position and this is one rep.

Glute Bridge Hold Marches

10 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 secs

Lie with your shoulders on the floor and your knees bent, with your feet on the floor in towards you. Raise your hips up to a bridge position, and keeping your hips still raise and lower one foot at a time off the floor.


WEEk 3-4

HIIT Glute Bridge March Home

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Day 6

Tempo: 1111


Lie with your shoulders on the floor and your knees bent, with your feet on the floor in towards you. Raise your hips up to a bridge position, and keeping your hips still raise and lower one foot at a time off the floor.

DB Wide + Narrow Squat

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Wide Squat + Rotate Jump

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet together and dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower down into a narrow squat stand upright and step out to the side. Lower to a standard squat position, stand up and step back to narrow stance, lower into narrow squat and repeat on other side, alternating between sides. Ensure knees do not track in front of toes, and weight is shifted into heels when lowering into squat position.

Come to wide stance, with feet over shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Lower down to a wide squat, and then jump. Once at standing position, rotate body towards one side, ensuring both feet swivel to lunge position. Lower down to lunge and jump. Once standing come back to beginning position and repeat on the other side, alternating between left and right.


DB Step Downs Home

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Set up a step or bench (the higher this is the more glute activation). Step down with one leg by keeping all the weight in the heel of the raised leg. The key is for your toe to just touch the floor, but not take any weight. As this gets easier, don’t allow your toe to touch at all.


Split Lunges Alternating

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Stand with feet together. Spring legs to lung position, ensuring 90 degree angle and that weight is evenly distributed between each leg, chest up and core engaged. Jump feet back together and repeat, alternating between each side. Add a dumbbell to make this exercise more difficult.

Sumo Squat + Burpee

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Come to wide stance, with feet over shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Lower down to a wide squat, place hands onto floor and jump feet back in to burpee (plank position) jump feet back to hands and jump up explosively. Repeat for required reps.

DB Pulse Squats

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Bring your feet shoulder width apart, toes gently pulling outwards. Lower down into a squat position, with knees in line with toes, chest open, shoulders down and back, recruiting glutes and core engaged. Once in squat hold, bring dumbbells on both shoulders and pulse in this position for allocated time.

In & Out Squat Jumps

30 SECS X 4 SET REST: 90 secs

Tempo: 1111

Bend your knees and lower yourself down into a squat position. Keep your chest upright, knees out and hips back. Push out of the balls of your feet and explosively jump up as high as you can, bringing them together towards the midline of the body. When your feet touch the floor, immediately bend down and jump the feet back out wide and repeat.


WEEK 5-6


WEEK 5-6

GLutes Booty Band B Stance Squats

Day 1

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down, then press through the front heel to stand back up.


DB Glute Bridge


Tempo: 1221

Hold a DB just below your hips. Drive through your heels to push up fast, and squeeze at the top to engage your glutes. Slowly lower down each rep. If you don’t feel it in your glutes, lift your toes off the floor so only your heels are in contact.

Standing Booty Band Abductions

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Tempo: 1221

Stand with feet hip width apart and a booty band around your thighs. Squat down and hold this position. Press the knees out, then bring them back in.

Booty Band Kickbacks

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: 60 secs

Wrap the resistance band around both ankles. Slightly bend over and hold on to the frame for balance. Kick one leg back high with a straight leg. Pause at the top for 1 second and squeeze your glutes. Return to the starting position and repeat for the same leg.


Tempo: 1221

BB Frog Pumps


Deficit Curtsy Lunge Home

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: none


Loop a booty band around your thighs, just above your knees. Lie on your back with your feet together and knees out wide. Press through the feet and squeeze the glutes to raise your hips up off the floor. Slowly lower back down.

Bring both feet onto weight plate. Hang dumbbells by side of body, facing towards your body. Step one foot backwards angling it across your body as you step backwards. Ensure when you lower down into “curtsy” position that your front knee does not hyperextend. From curtsy position, step the rear foot back to the front foot, and repeat on other side.

Seated Abduction lean back (Home)

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Extended Clam Shells

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: 60 secs

Tempo: 1221

Sit on a bench or box and place a band around your legs, just above your knees. Hinge backwards at the hips so you are leaning backwards (you may want to hold onto bench or chair), then pull your knees apart. Slowly return to the start position.

Lie on your side, with your hips stacked on top of one another. Bottom knee is bent in front of you, top leg is straight. Raise the top leg up, then lower back down.


DB Bulgarian Split Squat

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up behind you on a bench and drop down like a squat and back up. Pause at the bottom of the movement for 1 second. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel.


DB Bulgarian Split Squat Pulse

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Put one foot up behind you on a bench or chair and drop down like a squat, pause at the bottom of the movement for the number of reps. Drive back to the starting position by pressing through your front heel. Repeat on other side.

DB Step Downs Home

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE

Set up a step or bench (the higher this is the more glute activation). Step down with one leg by keeping all the weight in the heel of the raised leg. The key is for your toe to just touch the floor, but not take any weight. As this gets easier, don’t allow your toe to touch at all.

Narrow stance lunges with double pulse

15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: 60 secs

Stand with your feet together. Take a step back with one foot, and lower the back knee down towards the floor. Add a pulse up and down, then stand back up bringing your feet together.

Elevated Glute 100 REPS X 1 SET Bridge (Booty Band) REST: NONE

Tempo: 1221

Place a booty band around your thighs, and place your heels on a box, bench or stair while lying down in front of it. Your heels should be about hip width apart, and knees out wide. Press through the heels to bring your hips up, squeezing the glutes. Slowly lower the hips back to the floor.


WEEK 5-6

Upper Body DB Seated Neutral Shoulder Press Home


Day 2

Tempo: 1111

Sitting on a chair, hold two dumbbells to your shoulders, palms facing each other. Press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling, then slowly lower back to your shoulders.


DB Rear Delt Fly Home


Tempo: 1221

Place feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend at the hips. Hips and torso should almost be aligned. Keep back straight, core engaged, and eye level tall. Dumbbells start hanging by the side of the body. From starting position, fly your arms out to the side of your body. Stopping when in line with torso. Focus on leading with your elbows, keeping a soft curve in the arm and slowly draw the shoulders together. Pause at the top and then slowly lower back to starting position.

Lateral Raise 2 Sec 15 REPS X 3 SET Pause At Top Home REST: none

Tempo: 1221

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Back is straight and core is engaged. Hold dumbbells next to side of body with palms facing towards you. Keeping arms straight, raise them to shoulder height. Stop when arms are at shoulder height and pause for 2 seconds. From this position lower your arms completely to side of body.

Decline Push Ups

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 secs

Tempo: 2211

Place your feet on a bench or step, and your hands on the floor. Your body should be straight from your shoulders to your feet, with shoulders stacked over your hands. Bend the elbows and lower your chest down towards the floor, then squeeze the chest muscles to push back up.


DB Seated Arnold Press Home


Tempo: 1111

Hold dumbbells in each hand against your shoulders with underhand grip. Push the dumbbells towards the roof, internally rotating your hands as you do so. As you lower your arms, externally rotate them to finish in the start position.


Home DB Bent Over Row


Tempo: 1221

Hold dumbbells with a neutral grip. Keep your elbows close in to your sides like a t-rex as you pull the dumbbells up. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top for 2 seconds.


Booty Band Shoulder Press

Tempo: 2222

Come to standing position. Hold onto the loop of the booty band with each hand. Press upwards to above head. Once arms are straight above the head lower downwards, pulling band outwards and behind the head. Once hands are in line with ears, press upwards and bring arms straight up. Repeat.

10 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 secs

Plank Hold Shoulder Taps

Come to a plank position. Keep the plank still, and take one hand to tap your opposite shoulder. Alternate arms.


BB single arm lat pulldown

15 REPS each arm X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 REST: NONE

Hold a booty band above your head with straight arms, one side in each hand. One arm stays locked out, while the other arm pulls the booty band down, then releases back up.


DB Front Raise


Tempo: 1221

Hold dumbbells in each hand. Slowly raise them up in front of you until parallel to the floor. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Pause at the top for 2 seconds before slowly lowering.

Plank Hip Drops Home

10 REPS each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Bring body into plank position. Shoulders over elbows, back flat, core engaged and feet together. From plank position, slowly lower one hip towards the mat. Almost hit the mat and then rotate back to centre. Pause in centre and repeat on other side. Ensuring that when you are dropping hip to mat that obliques are connecting in the motion.

1+ 1&4 DB Bicep Curls

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 secs

Tempo: 1111

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your elbows close in to your sides and raise them with a supinated grip up towards your shoulders. Pause at the top and lower 1/4 rep then raise back to top. Lower until your arms are straight. Focus on feeling each rep in the middle of your bicep. Repeat for as many reps required.


WEEK 5-6


Day 3

Booty Band Donkey 15 REPS Each Leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1221 Kick + Fire Hydrant REST: NONE Come to a four point kneeling position on the floor. Kick one leg straight back behind you, squeezing the glute. Bring the knee back down. Straight away, lift the leg out beside your body while maintaining the bend in your knee. Lower back to the start position.


DB Hip thrust paused


Tempo: 1321

Rest your shoulders against a bench or low box. Place a dumbbell on your pelvis. Your feet should be about hip width apart, with a 45 degree bend at the knees. Press through the heels and lift your hips to create a line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause at the top, squeezing your glutes. Lower the hips back down.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

DB 1 1/4 Squat

Tempo: 1111

Hold a pair of dumbbells to your shoulder. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Squat down, keeping the knees out. Come 2/4 of the way out of your squat, then all the way back down. Press through the ffet to stand all the way back up.

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Chair Box Jumps

Tempo: 1111

Place a heavy chair up against a wall. Push out of the balls of your feet and explosively jump up as high as you can. When your feet touch the chair, control your landing making sure to land in the middle as to not make the chair fall over, then immediately step down and repeat as fast as possible.


DB Good Morning


Tempo: 2211

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing the front of your shoulders. Keeping a straight back, hinge forward at the hips bringing your torso towards the floor. Squeeze the hamstrings to come back upright.


Sissy Squats


Tempo: 2211

Bring hand on to wall / solid surface. Standing upright with feet just shoulder width apart. Push weight forward into knees and rolling into balls of feet, lower to your range of motion. Keep chest upright, shoulders down and back and core engaged. Push off the balls of your feet to come to standing position. Repeat.

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2222 REST: none

DB B-Stance RDL

Stand with on one foot, and the other foot slightly behind and on your toes. Holding dumbells down by your side in a neutral grip, and arms straight. Lean down so your dumbells are down by your ankles, your back should be flat, and hips pushed back behind you. Squeeze the glutes to stand up straight. Slowly lower back down.

Sock Hamstring Curl

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 Secs

Tempo: 2222

Lie on the floor, with a sock underneath your heels. Press the hips up off the floor, and curl your heels in towards you, sliding the socks along the floor. Keeping the hips up, stretch the legs back out long.


15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2222 REST: NONE

DB Walking Lunges

Holding dumbbells, take a long step forward with your left leg into a lunge and drop the back knee towards the ground. Make sure your front knee does not move past your toes. Drive out of your front heel to stand up and bring your back leg forwards. Alternate legs each step.

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: NONE


Front Foot Elevated Split Squat Pause For 2 Seconds

Place one foot on weight plate, and step one foot back (around shoulder width apart). Dumbbells should be hanging by side of body with palms facing towards you. Once in split stance position, push forward into lunge position. In the downward motion, drive weight into front foot. Your front knee can push over your front toe. Pause for 2 seconds at base of lunge, and then drive back to starting position.

15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Single Leg Box Squat (Home)

Keep your hips level and don’t allow your upper body to twist. Start by pushing your hips back and slowly lower to the bench keeping your knee inline with your middle toe. When you start to find these easier, try not to touch the bench. Complete all reps on one leg before switching.

Spring Lunge Home 15 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 secs Stand with one foot forward and other backwards. Lower to a single lunge position. Once at base of the lunge position, with knee at 90 degree angle, chest up and core engaged. Jump upwards in a “spring” motion. Lower back to starting lunge position and repeat on the same leg.

Elevated Glute 40 REPS X 1 SET Bridge (Booty Band) REST: none

Tempo: 1221

Place a booty band around your thighs, and place your heels on a box, bench or stair while lying down in front of it. Your heels should be about hip width apart, and knees out wide. Press through the heels to bring your hips up, squeezing the glutes. Slowly lower the hips back to the floor.


WEEK 5-6

Rest or Cardio Ankle Reach’s

Day 4

8 REPS each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Position into a raised plank position. Shoulders over hands, core engaged and flat back. From plank position, reach one hand to opposite ankle, repeat on other side and alternate.


Cardio Burpee

12 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet shoulder width apart and standing tall. Lower both hands onto the ground and jump both feet backwards, bringing you into a raised plank position. Jump feet towards hands, stand upright and explosivly jump straight up. Repeat motion.

Oblique DB Crunches

10 REPS each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: None

Hold a dumbbell in 1 arm. Slowly lower to the same side you are holding the dumbbell, keeping it close to your leg. Pause at the bottom for 1 second before using your obliques to lift back up to the start. Keep your core engaged the whole time. Complete the same amount of reps on the other side.

Slow Paused Mountain Climbers

12 REPS each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Come to a plank position. Bring one knee up towards the opposite side elbow holding for a few seconds and squeezing core, then place your foot back on the floor. Alternate sides.


Single Lift + Twist

Knee Squeeze To Dish Home


Tempo: 1111

Lie on mat and extend arms straight above head, and legs straight in front of you. Ensuring your core is engaged, lift your knees towards your chest and your torso off the mat simultaneously. Grab your knees and squeeze towards chest. From squeeze, release arms and legs and lower back onto mat.


Pike Pushups

12 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Tempo: 1111

Come to a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your wrists. Lower the chest towards the floor, bending the elbows back. Press through the hands to come back up. Lift your hips up towards the ceiling at the top for your pike. Then lower back to the plank position.

Step Transfer

10 reps each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Bring one foot onto solid surface (bench, step or box) and other foot on the ground. Push the foot off the solid surface and transfer the other leg up onto the level. Alternate between left and right. Keep knees soft, core engaged, chest up and weight in balls of feet.

Bicycle Crunches

10 reps each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Lie on the floor with your fingers by your ears and elbows out wide in a slight crunch position. Bring your legs to tabletop position. Twist your shoulders so that you bring one elbow to the opposite knee and extend the other leg straight out. Alternate sides


Side Plank Rotations (Home)

10 REPS each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE

Bring your body into a side plank position. Ensure your shoulder is over your elbow on the floor, and core is activated. In this position you should be thinking about your obliques activating to keep you balanced. Extend your hovering arm straight towards the roof. Once stable, lower the extended arm towards the ground and under the supporting arm. From this position, extend arm back towards roof.


Weighted Star Jumps

10 REPS X 3 SET REST: none

Tempo: 1111

Bring your dumbbells to just above shoulders, press upwards to above head, and jump feet out at the same time to start position, jump feet back together and repeat. Keep your core engaged, flat back and eye level up.

Hip Lift Plus Leg Lower

12 reps X 3 SET REST: none

Tempo: 1111

Lie flat on ground. Bring your legs straight up to 90 degree angle. Lower down to almost ground ensuring lower back doesn’t arch off ground. Come back to starting position and pull feet towards roof, lifting hips off ground. Slowly lower back down and repeat.

DB Russian Twist

12 reps each side X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Hold a dumbbell in your arms. Lift your chest and legs so they are off the ground. Slowly twist your upper body from side to side, leading with the medicine ball. Both sides is 1 rep.


WEEK 5-6

Glutes Feet Elevated Frog Pumps


Day 5

Tempo: 1111

Lie on the floor with your feet elevated onto a step or chair, heels facing each other and knees out wide. Press through the heels to lift your hips up, squeezing the glutes. Lower the hips back down.

Squat Hold + Tap Lateral + Tap Reverse (Home)

12 REPS Each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: NONE


Bring your feet shoulder width apart, toes gently pulling outwards. Lower down into a squat position, with knees in line with toes, chest open, shoulders down and back, recruiting glutes and core engaged. Once in squat hold, tap one leg out to the side then tap backwards, then bring back to centre. Repeat with other leg.

Booty Band B Stance Squats

20 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2211 REST: none

Hold a DB just below your hips. Drive through your heels to push up fast, and squeeze at the top to engage your glutes. Slowly lower down each rep. If you don’t feel it in your glutes, lift your toes off the floor so only your heels are in contact.

Booty Band B Stance Squat Pulses

20 REPS each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: none

Stand with a booty band around your knees and feet hip width apart, but one foot slight behind your body and on it’s toes. Keeping the knees pressed out, squat down. Pulse slowly up and down in the bottom half, keeping the tension through the front heel.

Squat Hold To Abductor (Home)

15 REPS X 3 SET REST: 60 secs

Tempo: 1111

Bring booty band to above knees. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Lower down to squat position, keeping chest upright core engaged. Staying in squat hold hover. In this position gently pull knees inwards and outwards. Keeping resistance on the booty band.


Heels Elevated Goblet Squat Home


Tempo: 2211

Hold a dumbbell under your chin, and place your heels on a weight plate. When you are squatting down, keep your knees in line with your big toe. Keep your chest up each rep to really work your upper back mobility. Ensure you are going below parallel for maximum glute/hamstring activation.


DB lying leg curl


Tempo: 1221

Lie on the floor, face down, with a dumbbell held between your feet. Curl the dumbbell up, bending the knees. Lower back down.

BB B-Stance RDL Single Leg

15 reps each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 2222 REST: none

Glute Bridge March Home

15 reps each leg X 3 SET Tempo: 1111 REST: 60 Secs

Stand with on one foot, and the other foot slightly behind and on your toes. Loop a booty band around the bottom of the front foot and hold it with both hands at the other end. Your back should be flat, and hips pushed back behind you. Squeeze the glutes to stand up straight, pulling on the band. Slowly lower back down.

Lie with your shoulders on the floor and your knees bent, with your feet on the floor in towards you. Raise your hips up to a bridge position, and keeping your hips still raise and lower one foot at a time off the floor.


WEEK 5-6



DB Wide + Narrow Squat 1 + 1/4

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Day 6

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet together and dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower down into a narrow squat and do a 1/4 motion, stand upright and step out to the side. Lower to a standard squat position and do 1/4 squat , stand up and step back to narrow stance, lower into narrow squat and do 1/4 squat, repeat on other side, alternating between sides. Ensure knees do not track in front of toes, and weight is shifted into heels when lowering into squat position.

Narrow Squat Jump

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Stand with your feet together. Send your hips back to squat down, then as you stand up jump so that your toes come off the floor. Land softly with your feet still together.

Lat Lunge + Narrow squat

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Sumo Squat + Burpee

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Start with feet together and dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower down into a narrow squat stand upright and step out to the side. Step wide and push back to a lateral lunge, with leg straight, and hinging backwards. stand up and step back to narrow stance, lower into narrow squat and repeat on other side, alternating between sides. Ensure knees do not track in front of toes, and weight is shifted into heels when lowering into squat / lunge position.

Come to wide stance, with feet over shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Lower down to a wide squat, place hands onto floor and jump feet back in to burpee (plank position) jump feet back to hands and jump up explosively. Repeat for required reps.


Reverse Lunge + Knee up

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111


Stand with your feet hip width apart. Take a step back with one foot and lower the knee towards the floor. Press through the front foot to stand back up. As you do so, bring the leg stright up until your knee is in line with your hip. Repeat.

Split Lunges Alternating

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Stand with feet together. Spring legs to lung position, ensuring 90 degree angle and that weight is evenly distributed between each leg, chest up and core engaged. Jump feet back together and repeat, alternating between each side. Add a dumbbell to make this exercise more difficult.

Wide Squat + Rotate Jump

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Come to wide stance, with feet over shoulder width apart and toes pointing outwards. Lower down to a wide squat, and then jump. Once at standing position, rotate body towards one side, ensuring both feet swivel to lunge position. Lower down to lunge and jump. Once standing come back to beginning position and repeat on the other side, alternating between left and right.

Frog Pumps

30 SECS X 6 SET REST: 10 secs

Tempo: 1111

Lie on the floor with your knees bent out and bottoms of your feet together. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips up towards the ceiling. Slowly lower back down.