Duolingo Test 4.docx

DUOLINGO TEST 4 Two Audio Type Questions through whatsapp (1) Vocabulary type (2) Listen and Speak 3. Prepare to speak f

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DUOLINGO TEST 4 Two Audio Type Questions through whatsapp (1) Vocabulary type (2) Listen and Speak 3. Prepare to speak for atleast 30 seconds about the question below: Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early.  when did you get up early  why you got up early  what did you do? Describe a party that you joined.  What was it about?  Where was it held?  what did people do at the party?


4. Select the English words in the list…..Time 1 minute Serendipit y Petrichor Operation



Pulviophile Euforia Theaterikal Peanuts




Sequoia Lathargic

Sequence Leisure

Theif Rescue


Century Universit Psychedeli y k Infiniti Rather Posh Livelihood Symptomati Teeth Helping Hizzing k Pandora Bonjour Rust

Visionarry Salute Empathi Astre Windw Colossal

Bizzare Tint Ginger



Down Giddy

Angir Greazy

Anatomy Yallow tafeal

Pinch Ubiquotous L’appel 

5. Record yourself saying the statement below. (20 Seconds) 1. “The suffering of the poor people needs to be considered by the government.” 2. “The weather forecast says it will rain in the evening.” 3. Let's face it: Naming a dog is a lot more fun than naming a baby. 4. It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and wellpreserved buildings.


6. Write one or more sentences that describe the image below. (60 Seconds)

7. Describe image (Only 3 sec)


8. Type the missing letters/words to complete the text below. (3 minutes) The peacock is the na_ _ _ _ _ _ bird of India. T_ _ _ have colourful feathers, two legs a_ _ a small beak. They _ _ _ famous f_ _ their dance. When a peac _ _ _ dances, then it spreads its feathers like a fan. It _ _ _ a long shiny dark blue neck. Peacocks _ _ _mostly found _ _ the fields. They are very beautiful birds. The females are known as ‘Peahen’ and _ _ _ _ _ feathers are used _ _ _ making jackets, purses etc. We can see _ _ _ _ in a zoo.


9. Type the statement that you hear ( 60 seconds) The Doctors, Nurses and other healthcare workers are working hard.


Respond in writing to a question (5 minutes)

Respond to a question in at least 50 words. “ Describe a hobby that you pursue. Why do you pursue it?


VIDEO INTERVIEW Choose a topic to write about TOPIC 1 Name a female leader you admire. Why do you admire that person? What do you think you can learn from her? OR

TOPIC 2 Describe a sport that you like to play. Why do you like it?

Choose a topic to talk about for 1-3 minutes. TOPIC 1 Describe a tourist attraction you once visited. When you visited it? What you liked the most about it.

OR TOPIC 2 Describe your favourite TV show- Name of the show and when it is telecasted. What the theme of the show is? Why you like it?


Answer Key 4. National, they, and, are, for, peacock, has, are, in, their, for, them