Unit 10

Verb patterns • used to Infinitives • Rhymes Writing - formal and informalletters 1 Scared to death Verb patterns I

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Verb patterns • used to Infinitives

• Rhymes

Writing - formal and informalletters


Scared to death

Verb patterns Infinitive or -ing? Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, infinitive (with or without ta), or -ing. Sometimes two forms are possible. 1 enjoy walking (walk) in the rain. Would you like ta have (have) something to eat? It started ta rainlraining (rain) while we were out. 1 My family is trying go on holiday.

(decide) where to

2 I'd like change.

(go) somewhere different for a

3 1enjoy before.

(visit) places I've never been to

4 But my children hate


S They prefer all day.

_ (play) in a swimming pool

6 They refuse hot.

(go) out on trips if it's too

2 Choosingthe correct form

7 Last year we managed that suited everyone. 8 We decided swimming pool.


(find) a holiday

(rent) a house with a

9 A woman from a travel agency helped us ____ (choose) a nice house. 10 When we arrived, the people next door invited us ____

(have) a drink with them.

11 We began (talk) about next year's holiday two months ago. 12 Everyone hopes (enjoy) themselves on holiday, but it isn't always easy. 13 Mywife and 1 are starting should stay at home.

(think) we

Choose the correct form of the verbo 1 He agreed start I starting I ta startthe job as soon as possible. 2 1 stopped read I ta read I readingmy book and went to bed. 3 My teachers always expected me daing I ta da Ida well In exams. 4 Let me ta pay I paying I pay for the meal. You paid last time. S The dentist told me being I ta be I be more careful when 1 brush my teeth. 6 1 asked Monica buying I buy I ta buy some stamps. 7 1 never liked ga I ta ga I gaingto church when 1 was a child. 8 Have you finished writing I write I ta write that letter yet? 9 You can't parking I ta park I park your car outside the hospital. 10 David always enjoyed play I playing I ta play football at school.

Unit 10 • Sea red to death


3 Infinitive or -ing? Complete the text with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in the box.

III!II read have sail

drink visit stay

relax sunbathe decide

My friend and I had a problem about our holiday last

lie help



a lazy seaside holiday


because 1 was tired and needed (2) (3)

. I love

in the sun, (4)

and (5)

ice-cold beer

a good book. But Natalie likes busy,

cultural holidays. She Iikes (6)

museums and

galleries. She hates (7) goes


____ (9)



because she always The


us and suggested



Greece. I said I'd love

tú a quiet island, but of course Natalie

said she'd Iike (10)

in Athens. It was easy

what to do - we flew to Athens together,


Natalie stayed there and I travelled to the island úf Kos!

4 Asking questions III!IJ Ask a question with the verb in brackets and do. Use the correct tense. 1 A What are yau trying to do? (try)

4 A My mother was so helpful while she was staying

B 1'm looking for my contact lens. Can you see it? 2 A 1'11help you. What

with uso

me to do? (want)

B What

B Could you do the washing-up while 1 do the cooking? Thanks. 3 A What

you to do? (te11)

to do? (help)

A She helped me to paint the kitchen. 5 A What to do tonight? (would like) B What about going out for a meal?

B She (the doctor) told me to stay in bed for a few

6 A What


to do after university? (hope)

B 1'd like to get a job in publishing.

used to 5 Matching Match a line with A with a line in B. Complete the line in B with a subject and



1 My family had some lovely holidays.

fo11owme everywhere.

2 1was very fit when 1was young.

go everywhere by bus.

3 The teachers at my school were horrible.

freeze on winter mornings.

4 My sister's room was so untidy.

fly Concorde.

5 1 had a dog when 1 was a kid. 6 When 1 was young, we didn't have a caro

never tidy it at a11. do a lot of exercise.

7 And we didn't have central heating.

hit the pupils.

8 My un de was a pilot for British Airways.


used fa.

Unit 10 • Sea red tú death

We used fa

go camping a11over Europe.

6 Things used to be different

lII:iIJ Sentences

with used ta which show how things were different.

Infinitives 7

Infinitives after adjectives

Complete the sentences.

1 This town's so ugly.

1 hard/find a good job

It used ta be sa pretty.

It's hard ta find a gaad jab.

2 There are so many tourists.

2 I1surprised/see you here

There didn't use ta be any taurists.

I'm surprised ta see you here.

3 The houses are very expensive.

3 This book/easylread 4 The streets are dirty.

4 lovely/see you last night

5 There is so much litter on the streets.

5 easy/make mistakes when you're learning a language

6 important/keep

6 The car parks are always full.

vocabulary records

7 I1pleased/see you've stopped smoking

7 There is a lot of traffic on the roads.

8 impossible/keep the house tidy with five children 8 It's noisy at night. 9 unusual/have long, hot summers in England 9 We don't have a park any more.

la Now there are blocks of flats. 5 3 628 4 71

library money


Infinitives of purpose

Match a line in A with a verb in B and a line in C. the house smell nice. what time the play fresh air. to buy some shopping. B get 1went 1 bought want for borrow ato esome walk some totosome town a new car. started. to visit wrote John house. change mybooks. I'm phoned going the the Paris theatre flowers explain how tofriends. get to to my to do A1 ask to make

Unit 10 . Sea red to death


9 How to do itlsomething to eat


Match a line in A with a word in B and a line in C.

eBen, phone him. talk eat. toyou.' about it.knowgot look for it. 'You're 'No, I'm noto I've had I'm I've need hungry. lost todrunk!' my speak passport, Ime need to to and but Ineed don't don't know I'Give Can have can't you ado big tell myproblem, homework. but IIall don't know me f5, Pete: Tm sorry. Inight: haven't help drink me. to lend get to the station?

B how when who where anymoney nothing somebody something


Vocabulary 8 A You're yawning. Are you listening to what I'm

10 -ed or -ing adjectives? Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Careful! They are not all used.

saying? B I am! I'm really what happened.

worried excited tired bored interested worrYll1g annoYll1g boring surpnSll1g interesting frightened exciting



. I want to know It's just that I feel very

. I went to bed very late last night.

9 A I'm going on a three-month East. B How 10 A Was your father

1 The TV programme

was so

that I fell

asleep. 2 Children can't get to sleep on Christmas They're too _

for you.

. I often buy you

presents. B But it isn't my birthday! 5 The art exhibition

was very

. I loved it,

but I had to leave after three hours. My feet were killing me! I find going round museums


art galleries and


6 Some people don't go out at night because they're _____ 7 Our financial

that someone situation

will rob them.

is very


We spend more and more, but we're earning less and less.


Unit 10 • Scared to death

when you told him

your exam results? B He was furious.

11 Rhymes

B Carol! Thank goodness you rang! Where have you been? We've been so about you!

A Don't look so

! Lucky you!


3 A Hi,Mum!

4 A Hello, darling. I've got a present 10 258473 96 11 B For me?

holiday to the Far

In the groups of three words, two words rhyme and one doesn't. Circle the one which is different. war boot wear bull mece flower lord home food crowd sung


some law hair wrong pies plece young far lower fool wool flour lo word come bored road ud ear wood suit good C§)

Writing 12 Formal and informalletters


1 Here are two letters. Put the lines in each letter in the correct order.

January 13th Dear Reception

O Could you possibly check if tbis is so? O dThel· service was superb and the f; d . 00








you mind h aVlng .

a look

for me?

The conversation was excellent the food delicious!



and Jim


1 think 1 left a pair of brown trousers in the wardrobe of my room. 1 had a wonderful

Please can you let me know find them?

if you

me to stay

It was lovely to . , see you all. you agaln soon.

O Could you do something O Thanks a loto

1h~ve lost a pair of brown trousers, which 1thmk 1left in the wardrobe of my room.

O We had a very pleasant stay. O 1look forward to hearing from you. O ~any thanks for the weekend break

that my wlfe and 1 enjoyed at your hotel recently.


Thank you for having last weekend.


O We hope to visit your hotel again O 1 would like to ask you a favour. O 1 would be most grateful.



Yours sincerely

for me?


2 The first letter is informal, written to friends. The second letter is formal, written to a hotel. Compare the language used. Could you do something for me? Thanks a loto

I would like to ask you a favour. I would be very grateful.

Would you mind having a look for me?

Could you possibly check if this is so?

3 Write the reply to each letter. Explain that you looked very carefully for the trousers, but couldn't find them. Atice and Jim's letter

The hotel's letter

Dear Jack Thanks for your letter. We enjoyed ... , too. I'm sorry, but 1looked everywhere , and 1 couldn't ,

Dear Mr Higgins Thank you for your letter of 13 January. We are delighted that ... We are sorry to inform you that ... unable to find ... We looked ... We look forward ...

Have you looked ... ? Perhaps you ... ? Sorry 1 can't help any more. See you soon!

Unit 10 • Scared to death