Escuela Profesional: Primer avance: INGENIERIA INDUSTRIAL 3 Trabajo académico: Curso: INGLES IX Docente: DRA. MERC

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Escuela Profesional: Primer avance:


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Criterios de evaluación del Trabajo Académico El trabajo académico es calificado considerando los criterios de evaluación según la naturaleza del curso: 1. Presentación adecuada del trabajo. Evalúa la redacción, ortografía, y presentación del trabajo 2. Investigación bibliográfica. Considera la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y electrónicas confiables y pertinentes a los temas tratados de acuerdo a la normativa APA. 3. Situación problemática o caso práctico. Considera el análisis contextualizado de casos o la solución de situaciones problematizadoras de acuerdo a la naturaleza del curso. 4. Otros contenidos. Abarca la aplicación de juicios valorativos ante situaciones y escenarios diversos, componentes actitudinales y éticos.



Write 10 company strategies using (communication strategy, policy, change plan, ...) Management (buy-in, ownership, on board. You have to use The present subjunctive and The past subjunctive (5 marks)

1. In our company, the boss suggest that the graphic designer change the logo, because we need to be more attractive to young people. 2. When customers go to the store. We recommend that people test our products before they buy them, in this way we offer more reliability. 3. In order to the complaints book. The marketing manager insists that the company innovate their products with new technologies. 4. To improve our sales, the marketing area proposes the general manager change the company’s policies, since last year sales were low. 5. My friend requires that our service offers more customer confidence. People need to feel relax when they are going to get something. 6. If I were rich, I would like to buy a lot of ownership in different places to develop my business. 7. If only I had a faster computer, I would sell more products by online market. 8. My brother wishes he could buy new machines for his factory because he needs them to build modern smartphones, but he hasn’t money.

9. If I were Bill Gates, I would like to buy actions of other companies. 10. In ACDC company, we prefer that customers buy our products with high quality but at a fair price.

II. Decide if the following expressions are more suitable for A FORMAL or INFORMAL situation and write on the table. It´s possible some expressions could be used in both. (3 MARKS) I´w like to introduce Mrs. Peterson Hi, I´m Karla How do you do? May I introduce Miss Carson Carl, meet Morgan. Morgan, this is Carl. Nice to meet you. Do you know Dick? This is Merly Pattaky. She´s our sales manager Pleased to meet you

    

FORMAL I’d like to introduce Mrs. Peterson May I introduce Miss Carson? Nice to meet you. This is Merly Pattaky. She´s our sales manager Pleased to meet you

    

INFORMAL Hi, I´m Karla How do you do? Carl, meet Morgan. Morgan, this is Carl. Do you know Dick? Nice to meet you

III. Write about this image communication activities related to the start of negotiation. In this description incorporate 'May' ,'Might' ,'Some' ,'Any' , 'Should' and 'ought to': advice (4 MARKS)

First of all, when you are going to have a meeting with important people you need to be polite. You might start shaking your hands and showing security. Don’t forget to speak strong and clear. When you are talking with the other person. You should see his eyes directly. If someone offers you something and you don’t want it. Don’t be disrespectful. You may say “No, thank you so much”. Avoid to talk a lot. You ought to get to the point, in order to the negotiation goes in a good way. Some people might be hard to convince, but you should keep on mind that all people have a weak point.

IV. Choose three situations from this quiz and then why? (3 marks) 1. If someone pushes a shopping cart in front of you in the supermarket, do you: a. Give the person an angry look but say nothing? b. Ask the person to please stop? c. Push the cart back at the person? I say him/her stop. Because I can’t behave the same way, I prefer to keep calm and continue with my things. 2. If a friend gives you a gift you really don´t like, do

you: a. Take it but never use it? b. Take it but use it only when your friend is there? c. Take it but give it to someone else? Because I prefer to be honest and give the present to other people who can need it. 3. If a friend borrows money from you and forgets to pay you back, do you: a. Tell your friend that you need some money and hope he or she remembers? b. Ask your friend for the money? c. Refuse to talk to your friend until you get the money? Because If I really need the money, I would say him the truth that he needs to pay me back. 4. A friend cancels a night out with you, saying she has to work. If you see the friend later that evening at the movie theater, do you? a. Say nothing? b. Ask your friend why she isn´t at work? c. Refuse to go out with your friend again? 5. If you forget a friend´s birthday, do you: a. Send a card right away and say the mail is slow? b. Send a card and apologize for forgetting? c. Send no card and say it got lost in the mail?


Now you have to

Write a paragraph describing

Meetings are often held so that workers can be informed on the recent

company developments. Explain why you

hold this type of meeting. Use the different tenses and vocabulary developed in the learning sessions (05 marks) In our company it’s very important to have meeting often. Because workers need to know all the recent developments of the company. For example, if you give constant training, workers would answer with more efficiently. Working with people that you trust is satisfactory. For these reasons it’s important to meet the people who works around you. On the other hand, I believe that the communication with the staff its necessary to establish good relationships between coworkers. Usually you might make dynamic activities to relax and lower the stress of workers. In this way, people work better and happy. It means higher production, less troubles and an improvement in general.