Task 1 - English Diagnostic Test - 2 Intento

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INGLES II - (90021A 614) Página Principal ► Cursos ► INGLES II - (90021A_614) ► Entorno de Evaluación y Seguimiento ► Task 1- English diagnostic test. Comenzado el

















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jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019, 14:04 Finalizado jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019, 14:30 26 minutos 9 segundos 10,00/15,00 16,67 de 25,00 (67%) You did a good job, but it’s necessary to check your reading and listening skills.

Finalizar revisión Pregunta 1 Finalizado

Based on the given question, choose the right option:

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Well, since you need a Biology book, you have to leave your identification card. Do you have any?

1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. No, I do b. No, I don’t c. Yes, I am d. Yes, I does.

Pregunta 2

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. They are Italian. b. They is Italy. c. They Italian.

Pregunta 3

Which option completes the sentence?


____________ many people in the party.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. There are b. There is

Pregunta 4

Which option completes the sentence?


Is it this purple hat _____?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. yours b. you c. your

Pregunta 5

Choose the correct answer according to the picture

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. Yes, I'll have the roasten meat please b. Yes, I'll have the fish please c. Yes, I'll have the chicken fillet please d. Yes, I'll have the dessert please

Pregunta 6

Which word completes the sentence?


We don't go ...... train.

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. to b. by

Pregunta 7

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. No. My is Peruvian. b. No. I am Peruvian. c. No. My are Peruvian.

Pregunta 8

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. Their mother's name are Karen. b. Their mother name are Karen. c. Their mother's name is Karen.

Pregunta 9 Finalizado

Answer the question according to the listening

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00


: A trip to Denmark

Marcar pregunta

Lisa says that shopping in Copenhagen is expensive but it is also a _________ because of the open air markets. Seleccione una: a. wonderful place to shop b. easier place to find bargains. c. relaxing place to shop d. difficult place to shop

Pregunta 10

Choose the correct sentence:

Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. Where is Luisa studying in this moment? b. Where is Luisa studing in this moment? c. Where does Luisa studying in this moment? d. Where does Luisa study in this moment?

Pregunta 11

Select the appropriated answer for the following question:


Good Morning, is she the new exchange program student?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. No, she isn’t. She is not here yet. b. Yes, she isn’t. She is waiting for you. c. No, she is. She is not here yet. d. Yes, she are. She is waiting for you

Pregunta 12

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. He two brothers. b. I has two brothers. c. He has two brothers.

Pregunta 13

Which option completes the sentence?


__________ not much pollution in this city.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Pregunta 14

Seleccione una: a. There is b. There are

Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. She is next to the dryer b. She is next to the washer c. She is next to the fridge d. She is next to the stove

Pregunta 15

Which option completes the sentence?


Can you come to ____ house this afternoon?

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Seleccione una: a. ours b. our

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