Task 1- English Diagnostic Test

1/9/2019 Task 1- English diagnostic test. Página Principal ► Cursos ► INGLES II - (90021A_614) ► Entorno de Evaluación

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Task 1- English diagnostic test.

Página Principal ► Cursos ► INGLES II - (90021A_614) ► Entorno de Evaluación y Seguimiento ► Task 1- English diagnostic test. Comenzado el domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019, 14:17 Estado Finalizado Finalizado en domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2019, 14:24 Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 1 segundos Puntos 12,00/15,00 Calificación 20,00 de 25,00 (80%) Comentario - You have done an excellent process. Keep it up!

Pregunta 1

Which answer is correct?


Where do you live?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. My live is Amsterdam. b. I live in Amsterdam c. I am live in Amsterdam. d. I lives in Amsterdam.

Pregunta 2

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. My name is Margaret. b. My name are Margaret. c. Margaret are my name.



1/9/2019 Pregunta 3

Task 1- English diagnostic test.

Choose the correct answer according to the picture

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. Yes, I'll have the fish please b. Yes, I'll have the dessert please c. Yes, I'll have the chicken fillet please d. Yes, I'll have the roasten meat please

Pregunta 4 Finalizado

Answer this question. What place is it?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre



Seleccione una: a. The post office b. The supermarket. c. The police station d. The church.

Pregunta 5

Which sentence is correct?

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. She be born in Paris. b. She is born in Paris. c. She was born in Paris.



1/9/2019 Pregunta 6

Which option completes the sentence?

Task 1- English diagnostic test.


Is it this purple hat _____?

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. you b. yours c. your

Pregunta 7

Which option completes the sentence?


__________ some sand in my shoe.

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. There are b. There is

Pregunta 8

Choose the best option according to the picture.


What does the sign mean?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. Turn right b. Go away c. Stop d. Turn left



1/9/2019 Pregunta 9

Task 1- English diagnostic test.

Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. She is next to the washer b. She is next to the fridge c. She is next to the dryer d. She is next to the stove

Pregunta 10

Which word completes the sentence?


Peter and Sidney are ...... Australia.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. for b. from



1/9/2019 Pregunta 11

Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Task 1- English diagnostic test.

Choose the correct answer. From the picture we can say that

Seleccione una: a. They are behind the chair b. They are in the back off the chair c. They are in back of the armchair d. They are in back of the bed chair

Pregunta 12 Finalizado

Which option completes the sentence? ____________ many people in the party.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. There is b. There are



1/9/2019 Pregunta 13

Task 1- English diagnostic test.

Choose the best option according to the picture.


Where can you find this?

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Seleccione una: a. Inside the houses b. In the streets and parks c. In the hospitals d. In the post-offices

Pregunta 14 Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Read the following answer. Then, choose the best question for it: A:

Are you going to the church tonight


B: No, I am not going tonight.

Pregunta 15

Answer the question according to the listening

Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

: A trip to Denmark Josh asks Lisa if it is necessary to take a phrase book (dictionary) to Denmark, because Seleccione una: a. She can't speak English b. People speak other language c. She needs to shop d. People speak English




Task 1- English diagnostic test.

