Sweeping tips

-sweep with "OM" -sweep circles as in MCO, sideways and front-back circles -sweep horozontally as well as vertically -sw

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-sweep with "OM" -sweep circles as in MCO, sideways and front-back circles -sweep horozontally as well as vertically -sweep especially fingertips, toes, genitals, nose, mouth -sweep visualising the body as 'empty space' -sweep to balance 5 elements -sweep in figure 8s from top down -sweep to balance all aspects of life - prosperity, relationships etc -different sweeps for dosha -vata dosha - sweep from top to bottom (grounding vata) -kapha dosha - sweep from bottom to top (mobilising kapha) -pitta dosha - sweep sideways (correlate to navel energy) ===================== You may visualize luminous white prana sweeping and washing the patient from the crown to the feet when doing downward sweeping. Visualize the health rays being straightened. You do not have to do upward sweeping unless the patient is quite sleepy or has weak legs. When doing the upward sweeping, you may visualize the ground prana going up from the sole chakras to the crown chakra. This should be done after the patient has been cleansed sufficiently with downward sweeping. Ap plying upward general sweeping before applying downward sweeping may result in t ransferring diseased bioplasmic matter to the head and brain areas. This may res ult in serious harm to the patient, so don't do it. In sweeping, special attention should be placed on the back bioplasmic channel o r the governor meridian3, which interpenetrates the spine, and the front bioplas mic channel or functional meridian, which is opposite to the spine. Except for t he spleen chakra, almost all the major chakras are located along these two chann els or nadis. Cleansing or applying localized sweeping on these two channels wou ld clean the major chakras located along these two meridians resulting in a much faster rate of healing DRAWING IN GROUND, AIR AND TREE PRANA There is a minor chakra in each foot. This chakra is called the sole chakra. By concentrating on the sole c hakras and simultaneously doing p ranic breathing, y ou can tremendously increase the amount of ground prana absorbed through the sol e c hakras. Concentrating on the sole chakras activates them to a certain degree . Pranic breathing greatly facilitates or helps the sole chakras in drawing in g round prana. my tip- concentrate on each chakra and do pranic breathing In drawing in prana, there are several possible positions: Reaching for the Sky Pose, Egyptian Pose, and Casual Pose. In the Reaching for the Sky Pose, if you i ntend to draw in pranic energy through the left hand chakra, raise your left arm and turn the palm upward as shown in figure 11 on page 44. The act of raising t he arm upward is like that of unbending a water hose. There is a meridian or bio plasmic channel in the armpit area which is connected to the left and right hand chakras. The unbending of this meridian allows prana to flow with minimum resis tance. The act of concentrating on the left hand chakra is like turning on the w ater pump. By concentrating on the left hand, the left hand chakra is activated and draws in a lot of prana since there was an intention or expectation to draw in rather than to project prana. In the Egyptian Pose, if you intend to draw in pranic energy through your right

hand chakra, bend the right elbow until it is almost parallel to the ground. The arm is moved slightly away from your body to make a small opening in your armpi t area. This has the effect of unbending the meridians in the armpit area. The p alm is turned upward. This conditions the mind to receive prana. (See figure 12a on page 44.) In the Casual Pose, if you intend to draw in pranic energy through your left han d chakra, let your left arm hang loosely and casually. The arm is moved slightly away from the body to allow a small opening in the armpit area. The palm is in casual position and is not raised upward. (See figure 12b.) The casual position requires more concentration for beginners since the upward position oflthe palm which conditions the mind to receive prana is not used. I usually use the Egyptian Pose because it is more comfortable and does not look too strange. This reduces resistance from the patient. It is quite possible for a patient to partially and unintentionally block most of the prana projected to him by the healer if he finds the healer too strange or if he strongly rejects and disbelieves this form of healing. That is why it is better to establish rapp ort with the patient to make healing faster and easier. ========== Pranic Healing in a Nutshell Joseph Rinoza Plazo author of Ph.D of Persuasion and Psychic First you have to absorb tremendous amounts of surplus KI energy. One way is to use the Aura Meld. The other way is to charge up your chakras with the methods y ou already read from the book. There is yet another way. Through Pranayama (or Pranic Breathing) After pranic breathing is accomplished, you simply have to project your energy to the afflicted part. Pranic Breathing steps: 1) Sit down or stand up. Calm yourself and close your eyes. 2) Breathe in VERY slowly, into you belly (NOT YOUR CHEST). This means that your belly starts protruding. Allow your breath to course in for SIX slow counts. 3) Hold your breath for three counts. 4) Exhale slowly, using your stomach muscles to expel the air. The stomach should sink in. DO this for SIX slow counts. 5) Hold your breath (with your lungs empty) for 3 counts. 6) Repeat the cycle 100 times. This type of breathing with that specific rhythm causes the absorption of KI through the entire aura and all chakras, for some reason. The yogis have been doing this for ages. Clairvoyants (those who can see invisible energies) will be able to witness tremendous gushes of energy around people who breathe in this manner. The aura will extend for about 10 to 15 feet around you after the hundredth breathe. Furthermore, you may feel giddy and hyperventilated. Your immune system will boost and so will your personal people because you will radiate energy. Notice how some just by their presence? They have auras lacking energy le. You are the contrast. You will exude ki energy that le.

appeal to people seem to drain you so they drain other peop will envelope other peop

It's great for charisma. But Charisma isn't the end goal. Healing is.

The Actual HEALING: 1) In your CHARGED state, reach out your palms and activate the palm chakras. Tear them open. Once they are throbbing, you know you are ready. 2) Put your hand over the afflicted part (two inches above). Now start making dusting ,motions, as though you are cleansing and sweeping away dirt from the damaged organ. As you make these motions, feel that you are psychically removing the debris and clogged energy that is causing the hurt. See the hurts as murky energy and filthy debris. With each sweeping motion, the debris lightens and clears up. 3) Soon, the damaged organ will be pure. (It takes 5 minutes of sweeping) 4) Now is the fun part: ENERGIZING! 5) Hold your palms 5 inches away, both facing the damaged organ. Open the chakras and send out streams of energy. See and feel the energy cleansing and energizing the affected part. You must see the damaged organ lighting up and clearing. 6) The energy will eventually cease, indicating that charging can no longer continue. You must do some sweeping again over the part to smooth out the patient's AURA and ensure that the energy stays there. 7) See a bandage of blue light sealing in the energy. No leaks must occur during healing. The colors of healing energy to use are as follows: White: for general cleansing and revitalizing. All purpose Green: for healing of general organs and minor disinfecting Blue: To break through blockages and muscle knots and create calming effects on stressed organs. Also a tranquilizer If you charge someone's arms with blue energy, the arm will grow very limp and may not even function. Red: To increase vitality, virility and vigor. Great to charge up depressed and physically stressed people. Silver: For the knitting of broken bones, slipped disks and enhancement of the third eye Orange: Very potent anti bacterial and anti virus color. If someone is infected with bacteria, this is the color to use. Here's an experiment. Get a microscope and look at strains of bacteria. Now, flood the sample with orange KI light. Within minutes they will DIE. Do not overcharge with orange. It can lead to madness Yellow: For increasing concentration and intelligence In the second part of this report, Self-Healing using Pranic Systems
