
 Relationships Relationships Breaking up with someone is really hard, but if you don’t love this person sometimes is th

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Relationships Breaking up with someone is really hard, but if you don’t love this person sometimes is the best, the relationships always are very complicates, you should go out with someone who be attractive for you, and has a good intentions with you. You should think about someone who has a good job. Be sure that person you settle down with is someone you can trust the rest of your live, because the trust is all. You should go out with someone who… Be sure that the person you settle down with is… Breaking up with someone is always difficult. It's better not to stay friends with someone after you break up. You should go out with someone who has a good sense of humor. Just don't settle down until you've finished school and have a good job! Be sure that the person you settle down with is someone you really want to spend the rest of your life with.

1. Who do you get along well with? Why? I get along well with my co-worker because we have the same ideas for our work, and we can work together, we can spend hours texting us or talking with whatsapp. 2. Do you like to go away for summer vacation? Yes, I do, I want to go away in the summer to Miami and Disney with my family. 3. Where do you and your friends like to hang out? We like to hang out at the ice cream shops or in our lunch-break, the most of my friends are working with me., so we spend long time together. 4. Do you always write back immediately when someone sends you an email? No, not really, I check out my email when I have time to do it, for example every morning or at the night. 5. Are there any classes you would like to sign up for? I’d really like to sign up for a yoga class, I think I need to work out in my flexibility, but I never have time. 6. Do you think you'll ever move far away from home? No, I don't want to move far away from my family, because I’d like to visit my parents all weekend.

Do you think you'll ever move far away from home? No. I don't really want to move far away from my family. I get homesick if I go away for a weekend.

1. What's something you're bad at? What's something you're good at? I think I’m a little bad making handstand in yoga. I’m really good running, though. 2. What's your worst quality? What's your best quality? I guess, I’m kind of obsessive with my work, I work a lot. I’m always have my work organized, though. 3. What's difficult about learning English? What do you like about learning English? I think the most difficult to learn is the English Grammar. I love talking in English, though. 4. What annoying habit does your friend have? What's nice about your friend? I guess my friend is a little quarreling if you don’t have the same opinion. She’s very honest, though. 5. What's your least favorite kind of music? What's your favorite kind? Probably the reggaeton is my least favorite kind of music. I love Tecno Music and rock music, though.

Check that you use: • expressions to soften your comments like I guess / I think; probably / maybe; kind of / sort of; a little / a (little) bit; just; in a way • though to give a contrasting idea

What's something you're bad at? What's something you're good at? I guess I'm kind of bad at playing tennis. I'm really great at playing chess, though. What's your worst quality? What's your best quality? I'm probably a little disorganized. I'm always on time, though. What's difficult about learning English? What do you like about learning English? I guess l think that learning English grammar is difficult in a way. I really love reading in English, though. What annoying habit does your friend have? What's nice about your friend? My friend is always sort of complaining about things. Nothing ever seems right for her. She's very generous, though. What's your least favorite kind of music? What's your favorite kind? Maybe country is my least favorite kind of music. I prefer rock, really. I like folk music, though. I love folk music, though

Your circle of friends   How did you meet? Why did you become friends? What is your friend like? What do you have in common? What do you do together?

I met my best friend Bárbara in the Collage in 2012. Both of us studied behavior psychology. We get along very well because we both love work with children and we both started our company together. She’s someone I can trust, she’s very honest and great person. Neither of us is good cooking, we both prefer baking different desserts. Genesis is another friend, we met in my work last year. Both of us like eat ice cream and a different cakes, we’re always eating lot dissert for the break-lunch. She’s like make a different sports, we both practice one sport, she prefers swimming and I prefer yoga, but neither of us are a quiet person.

I met my friend Kevin at a party last year. We get along well because he's someone who's very easygoing and easy to talk to. We both share a love of soccer and we support the same team. Neither of us plays, but we love watching it on TV.  Adam is another friend who likes sports, but he prefers baseball to soccer. We both tried out for a local baseball team last year, but neither of us made it. Now, we go to watch the games together and practice on weekends. Maybe next year we’ll get on the team.

2 Common ground (C) Write an email to an old friend you haven't seen in a long time. Include things you did and didn't have in common. Think about . . . • how you met • why you became friends • what you did together • meeting up again Check that you use: • both, both of us, and neither of us to describe the things you did / didn't have in common • both after the verb be or before other verbs

• both of us as the subject of a verb • a singular verb after neither of us

2 Common ground (C) Write an email to an old friend you haven't seen in a long time. Include things you did and didn't have in common. Think about . . . • how you met • why you became friends • what you did together • meeting up again Check that you use: • both, both of us, and neither of us to describe the things you did / didn't have in common • both after the verb be or before other verbs • both of us as the subject of a verb • a singular verb after neither of us

Use your own ideas. Here is an example. Dear Rosa, I ran into Caitlin in the store yesterday. You remember Caitlin - from high school? She asked me about you. We both said we'd like to get together some time, but as neither of us had any recent news from you, we don't know if you're still around here So how are you? Do you still swim? Do you remember those awful early morning practices in high school? Neither of us enjoyed them. We both wanted to be in the cafeteria drinking hot chocolate! We used to sit there after swim class and have long discussions about our favorite bands. Neither of us liked the other's taste in music, though. You said my music was old-fashioned and I said yours was too strange! Anyway, it was great to see Caitlin again, and both of us would love to see you, too. How about meeting somewhere for a hot chocolate?

Dear Marisela, how are you? We have a long time we don’t speak, the other day I was see Mayra. She asked me about you. Neither of us have notice about you, so, you still are living in Antioquia? How is your sister? Remember when we studied together? We spent lot time together at the Collage with all our friends. I don’t know nothings about Victor, Wendy, Kimberly and Helen. I remember when we both playing the piano at my home, and we both playing Nintendo 64, it was great! Do you remember our teacher of General Psychology? Neither of us liked him, he was very strict and his method was very orthodox. Do you remember when we both practicing theatre? I remember you used to act with Victor and do the simulation of very commercial, it was so funny! Do you still practice theatre?. Well, I hope see you soon! Maybe, we have meeting for a coffee one upon time.