Modulo 12 Mi vida en otra lengua.pdf

Guía de Estudio Módulo 12 Mi vida en otra lengua GUÍA DE ESTUDIOS DEL PLAN MODULAR PREPARATORIA ABIERTA Campo(s) disci

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Guía de Estudio Módulo 12 Mi vida en otra lengua


Módulo: Mi vida en otra lengua

Nivel: Métodos y contextos

Competencias disciplinares básicas: CB13 Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe. CB2 Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de su contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos. CB4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la intención y situación comunicativa. CB8 Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. CB10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural. CB11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa. CB12 Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad Con qué saberes cuento de las págs. 15 a 18 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Unit 1. What are you doing? (¿Qué estás haciendo?) What am I going to do and how? In your life you’ll need to compare quantities, express about celebrations, explain some past events or give information on specific topics. This will need knowledge and practice of the use of verbs tenses, past, present and future. During the study of this unit you’ll be developing the required competencies to do all this.

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 1

With what purpose? The purpose of this unit is to provide you with the tools to explain others about what is happening in the present moment, to talk about clothes, weather, anecdotes, pastimes, customs, food, health and wellbeing. You’ll be able to talk about the information needed on past experiences, and to say who did what and to whom. Also you’ll be able to talk about different kinds of celebrations, like the ones that celebrated in your family, community or nation. You will be capable to do all this in a spoken and in a written way. What am I going to learn? In this unit you will learn to share information with the people around you about facts of the present and the past. You will also develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to speak in the present and past. You’ll reinforce the use of the Wh-questions, as they are very common in daily English. What to wear… (Qué usar –vestir-) Present progressive… (Presente progresivo o presente continuo) El presente progresivo o presente continuo indica que las acciones están pasando en el presente. También se le conoce como presente continuo. Usamos el presente progresivo para hablar de cosas que están pasando en el momento. Por ejemplo: I´m studying… (Yo estoy estudiando) You´re working… (Tú estás trabajando) She´s playing the guitar… (Ella está tocando la guitarra) El presente progresivo se forma con la forma presente del verbo “to be” (am, is, are) + el verbo con terminación “ing”. También se acompaña de alguna o algunas palabras que indican que algo está sucediendo en el presente como “today” (hoy) y “now” (ahora). A estas palabras se les conoce como expresiones de tiempo. Reglas para agregar ing a un verbo Ejemplos Cuando el verbo termina en –e, se elimina la -e y se agrega -ing make - making Cuando el verbo es de una sola sílaba y termina en vocal y consonante, se duplica la última consonante y luego se agrega – run - running ing. Cuando el verbo termina en –y, sólo se agrega –ing. lay - laying Cuando el verbo termina en –ie, cambia la terminación por –y, die - dying entonces se agrega –ing. En todos los demás casos, sólo se agrega -ing talk - talking ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 2 sobtre el uso verbos en presente progresivo usando ing de las Pags. 25 y 26 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Las distintas formas del presente continuo. Presente progresivo afirmativo Sujeto Be + verbo con ing I am reading You, We, They are reading

Complemento a book a book

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 2

He, She, It

Is Reading

a book

Presente progresivo negativo Sujeto I You, We, They He, She, It

Be + not + verbo con ing am not reading are not reading Is not reading

Complemento a book a book a book

Recuerda que también puedes usar contracciones para el sujeto y el verbo To Be. Ejemplos: I´m reading a book. He´s not reading a book. Presente progresivo interrogativo Verbo To Be Sujeto Verbo con ing Complemento Am I reading a book? Are You, We, They reading a book? Is He, She, It reading a book? Respuestas cortas (Sí/No) en forma del Presente progresivo Yes, sujeto + be No, sujeto + be + not y con contracción (pronombre + be) + not Yes, I am. No, I am not. - No, I´m not. Yes, you/ we/they are. No, you/we/they are not. - No, you/we/they´re not. Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not. – No, he, she, it´s not. Example: Are we going to the party? Affirmative: We are going to the party. Negative: We’re not going to the party. / We are not going to the party. Short yes: Yes, we are. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 3 sobre enunciados afirmativos, negativos y cortos de sí y no de las págs. 27 y 28 del libro de texto, corrobora las respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 5 sobre la forma correcta del presente progresivo de las págs. 28 y 29 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Whats the weather like?... (¿Cómo está el clima?) Lee el siguiente diálogo: Alex: Why are you going to Oaxaca? Maria: Because Raul is telling me that it’s a wonderful place to visit and neither Ana nor I know it. M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 4

Raul: When are you leaving? Ana: We’re leaving next summer vacation. Alex: Where are you planning to stay in? Maria: I don’t know yet. I’m trying to make the reservation on line, but right now there’s no Internet connection. Raul: Who else is going with you? Ana: No one else. Just Maria and I. Alex: Are you planning to practice an extreme sport? Maria: I don’t know. Why? Alex: Because there is a great variety of extreme sports you can practice thanks to many natural resources that Oaxaca has, but many of them depend on the weather conditions. Maria: Ok, let me see the weather channel to find out what the weather is like right now in Oaxaca. Raul: I’m afraid it’s rainy season. Ana: It’s raining a lot! Why does this always happen to me?! Como recordarás, las palabras marcadas en negritas, son llamadas Wh-questions y te proporcionan información específica que necesitas saber. Revisa la siguiente información:

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 5

Wh-questions Where indica lugar When indica tiempo Who indica persona Why indica razón

¿A dónde vas? A la librería ¿Cuándo te vas? Mañana en la noche ¿Quién eres? Soy una trabajadora ¿Por qué estás triste? Porque no encuentro mi mascota. What indica cosa o razón ¿Qué es esto? Es un periódico ¿Qué estás haciendo? Estoy estudiando de hacer o How indica manera ¿Cómo te puedo ayudar? Llevándome a mi manera de estar casa. ¿Cómo estás? Bien, gracias. ACTIVIDAD 10: ✓ Realiza la actividad 10 sobre Wh question de la pág. 35 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 11 sobre el ordena la estructura de las preguntas de la pág. 36 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 5

Type weather… Tipos de clima Rainy – Lluvioso Sunny – Soleado Cloudy – Nublado Snowy – Nevado Foggy – Brumoso Windy – Ventoso Recordemos las estaciones del año: Spring – Primavera Summer – Verano Autumn or Fall – Otoño Winter – Invierno

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 6

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 14 sobre las estaciones de la pág. 39 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Outfits son los accesorios requeridos para determinada ocasión. Por ejemplo: gloves (guantes), sunglasses (lentes), etc. Lee el siguiente diálogo: Coffee with Alex! Ana: Tell me Alex, when did you start playing soccer? Alex: When I was 6 years old. In school, I loved playing at recess time. It started as a hobbie, but as you know, now I play with the Sub-17 national selection. Ana: Yes, I know, that is why you are not coming with us to Oaxaca, but, anyway, how did you enroll to the soccer team? Alex: Professor Gomez, our sports teacher, once asked me to be part of the soccer team because he was sure I was a very good player. My parents allowed me to be in it only if I wasn’t careless with my grades in school. I joined C.D. Guadalajara at the age of 9 and signed my first professional contract when I was 16. Ana: Wow! It’s so interesting what you’re telling me. Now I understand why you travel so much. Alex: Yes, that’s why I’m studying now. I promised my parents not to leave my studies. Ana: Your parents must feel very, very proud of you. I can’t believe I’m speaking to our next “Chicharito”! Can you give me your autograph? Alex: Come on, stop kidding! Las palabras marcadas con negritas corresponden al past tense, que se utiliza para referirse a acciones realizadas en el pasado. Existen dos formas de palabras del past tense: 1. Los verbos que utilizan la terminación –ed. Son los llamados verbos regulares. 2. El verbo auxiliar Did que se utiliza en las formas negativa, interrogativa y en las respuestas cortas Yes/No.

El present tense tiene dos verbos auxiliares dependiendo del pronombre personal (do/does) en pasado es la misma forma para todos (did). El auxiliar did es utilizado con la forma simple del verbo.

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Example: Affirmative: I worked hard. (regular verb ending in –ed) Negative: I didn’t work hard. (auxiliary did + simple verb not ending in –ed).

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 23 sobre formas negativas e interrogaivas del presente (do/does) al pasado (did) de la págs. 47 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Uso del simple past en verbos regulares en sus formas afirmativa, negativa, interrogativa y respuestas cortas (Yes/No).

Terminación ed en verbos irregulares: Terminaciones 1. Cuando el verbo termina en –e, se agrega –d. 2. Cuando el verbo termina en –y. se cambia por –i y se agrega –ed.

Ejemplos change - changed study - studied

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 8

3. Cuando el verbo de una sola sílaba termina en vocal + consonante, se duplica la consonante (excepto w,x ó y) antes de – ed. 4. Cuando el verbo de más de dos sílabas termina en vocal + consonante se duplica la consonante antes de –ed si la última sílaba es sílaba tónica. Si la última sílaba no es tónica, la consonante no se duplica

plan allowed)

planned (Excepción: allow


omit - omitted (la última sílaba suena más fuerte) visit - visited (la última sílaba no es fuerte)

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 24 sobre el cambio de verbos regulares a pasado de las págs. 48 y 49 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 25 sobre uso del pasado de la pág. 49 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Pastime or hobby… (Pasatiempo o entretenimiento)

Juegos de cartas Dardos Correr Tocar la guitarra Ir al cine Ir a museos

Cocinar Tenis Hacer joyería Leer poesía Ir a conciertos Ir de compras

Other hobbies… otros pasatiempos. Hobby Pasatiempo swimming Nadar writing e-mail

escribir elect.

con Juegos patinetas Deportes acuáticos Juegos de dados Excursionismo Pintura Twitear

Hobby composing

correos riding motor-cycle

Escalada Arte de papel Videojuegos Leer un libro Organizar fiestas Chatear

Pasatiempo componer (música o escritura) manejar motocicleta

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 9

knitting playing chess

Tejer jugar ajedrez

biking walking in the park

andar en bicicleta caminar en el parque

Verb to be paste tense WAS/WERE… Verbo ser o estar en tiempo pasado WAS/WERE.

** afraid - miedo ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 30 sobre el uso de was y were de la págs. 56 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Read the following dialogue…Lee el siguiente diálogo: Alex: Where were you last night? Raul: I was at home. Why? Alex: I was waiting for you to go to the cinema together. Raul: Oh, that’s right! I’m sorry, I forgot. I was waiting for the girls at the bus station. Alex: That’s right, they are back already. I was thinking on inviting them. Did you tell them to come? Raul: Yes but they weren’t able to come. Ana was unpacking her suitcase and Maria was chatting with her friends from Oaxaca in Facebook. By the way, how was your game yesterday? Alex: Not so bad. The only problem was that while we were playing it started to rain, so we had to stop. Raul: Were you winning the game when you stopped playing? Alex: Of course. The other team wasn’t playing with all its players. That gave us a great advantage. Raul: Oh, don’t be modest! You were going to win anyway! Las palabras en negritas están en la forma de pasado progresivo o pasado continuo. Se utiliza para decir que alguien estaba haciendo algo durante cierto tiempo. Ejemplos: I was studying for the exam. (Yo estaba estudiando para el examen). You were studying for the exam. (Tú estabas estudiando para el examen).

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Actividad sugerida: ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 33 sobre el uso de was y were + ing de las págs. 59 y 60 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

Para saber más (traducción) El ejercicio 33 existen algunos nombres de personas que presentan apóstrofe (´) y una “s” al final “´s”. Esto significa que la información que sigue pertenece a esa persona. Ejemplos: Ana´s grandmother = la mamá de Ana.

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Raul´s little siblings = los hermanos pequeños de Raúl. Tony´s pizza place = el lugar de pizza de Tony. La ventaja es que se pueden ahorrar varias palabras. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 35 sobre el cambio de verbos a pasado progresivo de la pág. 61 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Connectors WHILE and WHEN… Conectores “mientras” y “cuando”. Lee el siguiente texto: Welcome back party! While Maria and Ana were in Oaxaca, the boys decided to organize a “welcome back” party with all of their closest friends. They did everything really fast, because they didn’t have a lot of time so, while Alex called all of their friends, Raul bought all the things they were going to need. When they realized it was too much work, they asked their friends for help: when Lucy arrived, she had to bake the cake. While Alex and Raul organized the balloons, Ralph and Mark set the table. When the girls arrived, they didn’t know what a huge surprise they were going to have! ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 36 sobre el uso de while o when, de la pág. 62 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en le Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD 38: ✓ Realiza la actividad 38 sobre el uso de pasado y usa conectores de las págs. 63 y 64 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Anecdotes…anéctodas. Una anécdota es una historia corta y divertida sobre un incidente o persona. Se expresan en pasado o pasado progresivo. Lee la siguiente anécdota e identifica los verbos en past o past progressive: Anecdote My sister was taking a shower when her 2 year old son came into the bathroom and wrapped himself in toilet paper. Although he made a mess, he looked adorable, so she ran for my camera and took a few shots. They came out so well that she had copies made and included one in each of their Christmas cards. Days later, I called her about the picture, laughing hysterically, and suggesting her to take a closer look. Puzzled, my sister stared at the photo and was shocked to discover that in addition to her son, she captured her reflection in the mirror wearing nothing but a camera! ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 41 sobre la escritura de una anécdota de la pág. 65 del libro de texto.

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Irregular verbs… verbos irregulares. Irregular verbs Verbo Past Simple form Ser o estar Be Was/were Golpear Beat Beat Convertirse Become Became Comenzar Begin began Doblar Bend Bent Apostar Bet Bet Morder Bite Bit Sangrar Bleed Bled Romper Break Broke Traer Bring Brought Construir Build Buildt Comprar Buy Bought Poder Can Could Cachar Catch Caught Elegir Choose Chose Venir Come Came Costar Cost Cost Cortar Cut Cut Cavar






Beber Conducir/manejar Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Pelear Encontrar Volar Conseguir Dar Ir Brillar Encoger Hundir Dormir Hablar idiomas Brotar Picar Abofetear Barrer Balancear

Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Fly Get Give Go Shine Shrink Sink Sleep Speak Spring Sting Strike Sweep Swing

Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Flew Got Gave went Shone Shrank Sank Slept Spoke Sprang Stung struck Swept Swung

Verbo Crecer Colgar Tener Escuchar Golpear Sostener Herir Mantener Saber Echar Dirigir Dejar Prestar Dejar Iluminar Perder Abandonar Preparar/ Hacer Querer decir/significar Conocer personas Pagar/prestar Poner/colocar Renunciar Leer Montar Sonar Correr Decir Ver Vender Enviar Colocar/poner Disparar Cantar Sentar Deslizarse Desperdiciar Estar de pie Pegar/adherir Ensartar Nadar Tomar/coger

Simple form Grow Hang Have Hear Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Lay Lead Leave Lend Let Light Lose Leave Make






Pay Put Quit Read Ride Ring Run Say See Sell Send Set Shoot Sing Sit Slide Spend Stand Stick String Swim Take

Paid Put quit Read Rode Rang Ran Said Saw Sold Sent Set Shot Sang Sat Slid Spent Stood Stuck Strung Swam Took

Grew Hung Had Heard Hit held Hurt Kept Knew Laid Led Left Lent Let Lit Lost Left Made

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 13

Enseñar Pensar Entender Llorar

Teach Think Understand Weep

Taught Thoufht Understood Wept




Decir Lanzar Despertar Mojar/ humedecer Escribir

Tell Throw Wake Wet

Told Threw Woke Wet



NOTA: Para una mejor comprensión y uso del tiempo pasado, es importante memorizar estos verbos. Realiza la siguiente actividad. Investiga si los siguientes verbos son regulares o irregulares: order = ordenar reorder = reordenar complete = completar select= seleccionar form = formar identify = identificar wear= usar (ropa)

refer = referirse match = relacionar answer = contestar forget= olvidar

include = incluir find = encontrar give = dar

regard = considerar look at = mirar make = hacer use = usar

ACTIVIDAD 45: ✓ Realiza la actividad 45 sobre pasado de la pág. 70 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Nutrition…nutrición Vocabulary…vocabulario. Fruits - frutas Grease and oil - Grasa y aceite Milk - leche Meat - Carne Bread Pan Cereals - cereales Vegetables - vegetales

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 14

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 50 sobre el orden de las oraciones en un diálogo de la pág. 77 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Diseases or health problems…(Enfermedades o problemas de salud) Disease estomach ache back ache headache toothache earache

Enfermedad dolor de estómago dolor de espalda dolor de cabeza dolor de muelas dolor de oído

Disease cough fever cold sore throat rash

Enfermedad tos fiebre resfriado dolor de garganta erupción de la piel

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 52 determina que oraciones son cierta o falsas de la pág. 79 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 53 sobre estilos de vida diario y hábitos de la pág. 80 del libro de texto, corrobora rus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 55 sobre el cambio de presente a presente progresivo de las págs. 81 y 82 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

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ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 56 sobre pasado progresivo de la pág. 82 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Realiza la actividad 58. Utiliza while y when. (pag. 83 del libro de texto). Ejemplo: 1. I hurt my knee. I was playing soccer. (While) While I was playing soccer, I hurt my knee. Recomendaciones de estudio: ✓ Pon especial atención en el tema presente progresivo o continuo. ✓ Identifica la estructura y eso del tiempo pasado: verbos regulares e irregulares, y uso de was/were. ✓ Repasa las Wh questions. ✓ Identifica el vocabulario relacionado con clothing (ropa). ✓ Identifica el vocabulario para referirse a enfermedades. ✓ Identifica el vocabulario de comida. ✓ Memoriza la lista de verbos, toma en cuenta que la lista incluye verbos que no se encuentran el libro de texto y que son importantes para poder resolver adecuadamente tu examen del módulo. ✓ Procura realizar todas las actividades sugeridas. Unit 2. I didn´t know about it (Yo no sabía eso) What am I going to do and how? Day to day it is necessary to talk about what has happened, recently or historically, sharing the other people’s experiences in the past, compare and contrast characteristics of many things. This will need knowledge and practice of the use of verb’s tenses, past and present. During the study of this unit you’ll be learning and developing the required competencies to do all these. With what purpose? The purpose of this unit is to provide you with the tools to share relevant or interesting information about different events, historical characters, within your personal, familiar, local, national and international environment. What am I going to learn? In this unit you will learn how to... Share relevant or interesting information about several facts and History characters in a personal, family, local, national and world levels. Auxiliar Did. Lectura. My great-grandfather Yesterday Raul came back home at 5 o‘clock and saw his mother cleaning a drawer. Many things were on the table; papers, clothes and some books. Suddenly one book caught his attention. In fact, it was not exactly a book. It was a very old family album.

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He took the album and looked through it. It was a big surprise for him because it was the first time he met his forefathers. When he opened it, he felt excited and astonished. All the photos he looked at were in black and white, with strange people in different places. In one, he saw two men in the middle of a field, one taller than the other. One of them was his grandfather. In the photo, his grandfather was younger than when Raul met him as senior adult. In another he saw children playing in a yard: one girl and two boys. When he turned the page one photo caught his attention. This photograph was older than the other. Yes, no doubt, the man in the photo was his great grand-father dressed with his soldier costume, perfectly combed with a big black mustache standing next to his great grand-mother, a beautiful woman wearing a long dress without make-up and with long black hair. She looked like a young adult and was carrying a baby in her arms. Raul was in front of his greatgrandparents! Raul remembered that when he was a child and before going to bed, his mother told him anecdotes about his greatgrandfather. He participated in the Mexican Revolution and that made Raul’s mother feel very proud of him and her family. From that moment on, Raul also felt proud of his grandfather. Answer the next questions: (contesta las siguientes preguntas) 1. What did Raul find? 2. Where did he find it? 3. How did he feel about it? 4. When did his mother tell him anecdotes? 5. Who was his great-grandfather? Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives. (Adjetivos: comparativos y superlativos) We use comparative adjectives when we compare two things, persons or ideas. After comparatives we add -er ending to the adjective. Examples: 1. The blouse is too large. I need a smaller size. (La blusa es muy larga. Necesito una talla más chica.) 2. Today you woke up earlier than yesterday. (Hoy te levantaste más temprano que ayer.) Usamos adjetivos comparativos para (como su nombre lo dice) comparar dos cosas, personas o ideas. Ejemplos: We can also use more or it’s opposite less. The comparative uses the word than to establish the link between the two things that are being compared, but sometimes you don’t need to write it because you can understand it with the information you are given. Example: Don’t go by airplane. It’s more expensive than train. (Between airplane and train, train costs less money than the airplane.) Para formar un comparativo agregamos la terminación –er al final del adjetivo. También podemos utilizar las palabras “more… than” (más… que) o su opuesto “less… than” (menos… que). Ejemplo: No vayas en avión. Es más caro que el tren. (Entre avión y tren, el tren cuesta menos dinero que el avión).

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Formas del comparativo y superlativo Regla Adjetivo ▪ Cuando el adjetivo es de una sílaba, se Barato agrega –er o –est. ▪

Cuando el adjetivo Bonito termina en –y, se cambia por –i y se agrega –er o –est. Grande Cuando el adjetivo termina en vocal y consonante, se duplica la consonante y sezagrega –er o –est. Inteligente Cuando el adjetivo es de 2 o más sílabas, se utiliza more/less o most/least.



Más barato

El más barato

Más bonito

El más bonito

Más grande

El más grande

Más inteligente Menos inteligente

El más inteligente El menos inteligente

Irregular adjetives (Adjetivos irregulares)

Recuerda memorizarlos

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 18

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 3 sobre comparativos y superlativos de los adjetivos de las págs. 93 y 94 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Stages of life… Etapas de la vida Birth Toddler Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Middle age Senior adult

Nacimiento Niñito (menos de 3 años) Niñez Adolescencia Adultez Edad madura Vejez

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 8 sobre etapas de la vida de las págs. 98 y 99 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Plurals… (Plurales)

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Vocabulary (vocabulario) cheek mejilla bus autobús box caja beach playa radio radio tomato jitomate toy juguete wife esposa child niño foot pie tooth diente mouse ratón scissors tijeras pants pantalones binoculars binoculares shoes glasses sheep analysis crisis curriculum

zapatos lentes oveja análisis crisis currículum

nose glass wish buzz bush baby calf man woman louse bacterium goose trousers tongs jeans earrings deer fish basis datum

nariz vidrio deseo zumbido arbusto bebé becerro hombre mujer piojo bacteria ganso pantalones tenazas pantalón mezclilla aretes ciervo pez base dato


ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 14 sobre formas singulares y plurales de la pág. 103 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Expressions of time… Expresiones de tiempo. (Prepositions)

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Read the following dialogue. Identify the expressions of time… Lee el siguiente diálogo. Identifica las expresiones de tiempo. Ana: Ok Raul. Give me the exact date of your birth. Raul: I was born at 10 o’clock on October 25th in 1996 in Santa Teresita’s Hospital. Ana: I didn’t mean so exactly. When was your mother born? Raul: On April 25th, 1967. Ana: This means that your grandmother maybe was born in the 1940s or 1950s. Raul: My mother told me that in 1940 and that my greatgrandfather died in 1965 at the age of 80. Ana: Bingo! Your great-grandfather was born in… ACTIVIDADES: ✓ Realiza las actividades 18 y 19 sobre el uso de in, on ó at de la pág. 108 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Past tense… Tiempo pasado Activity. Change the verb (in bold) to past tense. On November 20, 2011 Mexico (celebrate) the Centenary of the Mexican Revolution. On this date, in the year 1910 the revolutionary war to overthrow President Porfirio Díaz (begin). Porfirio Díaz (stay) in the government for 30 years. A small minority of the people (be) in control of most of the country´s power and wealth, while the majority of the population (live) in poverty. One young man who (oppose) to Diaz regime (be) Francisco I. Madero, a man from a family with great wealth. He (be) from Coahuila, a state that borders with Texas. He (attend) Berkeley University, where he (study) agriculture and (finish) his education in France in 1895. He (start) his own cotton plantation and (help) to create a successful cotton industry in Coahuila. In 1910, Francisco I. Madero (want) to unseat Porfirio Díaz with the slogan “effective suffrage and no reelection”, but Díaz (send) him to prison. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 21 uso de los los verbos en past tense de la pág. 110 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Lee el siguiente diálogo: Maria: I like to go to many parties. It’s so much fun dancing, eating food, and sharing time with your best friends. Alex, do you like to go to parties? Alex: Not too much. Remember that I’m a soccer player and I can’t keep awake late at night. Besides people in the parties like to smoke many cigarettes and I don’t like that. Maria: That sounds very boring. When was the last time you had a party or a celebration? Alex: I like to celebrate when the Mexican soccer team wins a game, especially, if Mexico wins a game during a World Cup. I like to go and celebrate in El Ángel de la Independencia.

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A lot of people gather around the monument, we start running round it, waving the flag and screaming: Mexico!, Mexico!, Mexico! Maria: I don’t have any idea about soccer, but the way you talk about it is so exciting. I’m going to look up for some information about it and maybe next time we can go together to celebrate their victory. Alex: I know you won’t regret it. It’s a lot of fun. Just remember that there are many people in the monument and too much sound of trumpets during the celebration. Maria: Don’t worry Alex. Remember that I like to participate in all kinds of parties. Alex: Good. Don’t forget to invite Raul and Ana. Maria: Of course not. There are many people in the world, but few best friends like you. De acuerdo al diálogo anterior señala si las siguientes frases son True (verdadero) or False (falso): 1. Maria likes to go to any kind of parties. 2. Alex likes to go to parties. 3. The four friends will go together to El Ángel de la Independencia. 4. Alex thinks that parties are boring. 5. Alex doesn’t like to be awake late at night. Sustantivos incontables Usamos how much, much, a lot of, some or any para sustantivos incontables. How much = cuánto much= mucho Por ejemplo: You need to drink much wáter… (Tú necesitas tomar mucha agua). El agua no se puede contar porque es líquida. How much (cuanto es, o cuánto cuesta) se utiliza en la forma interrogativa. Ejemplos: How much information do you need? Ana needs a lot of information… (Ana necesita mucha información) Ana needs some information… (Ana necesita alguna información) Ana doesn’t need any information. (Ana no necesita ninguna información) También se aplica para: Money, news, coffee, information, water, knowledge. Sustantivos contables Usamos how many o many para sustantivos contables. Por ejemplo: You need to drink many glasses of wáter… Tú necesitas tomar muchos vasos de agua. How many (cuántos) se utiliza en la forma interrogativa. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 28 sobre elementos contables e incontables de las págs. 118 y 119 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 20 sobre el uso de how much o how many de las págs. 119 y 120 del libro de texto, corroora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

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A, an, some, any… (Un, algunos, ninguno)

Some se utiliza para decir algunos, pocos, una pequeña cantidad o número. Any se usa en oraciones negativas o preguntas y significa alguno, algún. A lot of significa mucho. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 41 sobre el uso de a, an, some o any de la pág. 120 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Expressions of time… Expresiones de tiempo Yesterday I went to the movies. (Ayer fui al cine). I went to the movies yesterday. (Yesterday expresses a day before and the verb is in past tense) Today I’m watching TV. (Hoy estoy viendo Televisión). I’m watching TV today. (Today expresses at this moment and verb in present progressive) Tomorrow I will go to Los Angeles. (Mañana iré a Los Ángeles). I will go to Los Angeles tomorrow. (Tomorrow indicates the following day and the verb is in future time) ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad sobre presente, pasado y futuro de la pág. 122 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Read the next paragraph… (Lee el siguiente párrafo) An anniversary is a specific date on which an event took place in a previous year. Anniversaries are celebrated because of an historical event that occurred in the world, to commemorate an event that happened in your country or to you or your family. For example, if your parents married 10 years ago, then in the current year they are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. Not always a celebration of an anniversary is reason for happiness; sometimes they are related to death or tragic events in the history of a country or a family.

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ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 41 sobre una reseña en past tense de la pág. 128 del libro de texto. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 44 sobre past time de las págs. 131 y 132 del libro de texto. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 48 sobre el uso de him/her de las págs. 134 y 135 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Read the next lesson… (Lee el siguiente texto) The Second World War World War II, or the Second World War (often abbreviated as WWII or WW2), was a global war that started in 1939 and ended in 1945. It involved many nations —including all of the great powers— forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people serving in military units. In a state of “total war”, the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by significant events involving the mass death of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, it resulted in 50 million to over 70 million fatalities. These deaths make the war the deadliest conflict in human history. Even when President Lazaro Cardenas declared Mexico neutral during World War II, President Manuel Avila Camacho allied Mexican troops, known as Squadron 201, with the United States. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 51 sobre el uso de Wh-questions de la pág. 136 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Recomendaciones de estudio: ✓ Revisa especialmente los temas de tiempo pasado ✓ Identifica claramente los adjetivos ✓ Identifica las diferentes preposiciones y su uso adecuado. ✓ Identifica el auxiliar Did para el tiempo pasado. ✓ Identifica la diferencia entre sustantivos contables e incontables. ✓ Procura realizar todas las actividades sugeridas. Unit 3. What happened to you? Qué has hecho? What am I going to do and how? In your everyday life you attend to shopping centers, museums, restaurants, supermarkets and many other public places. Besides, sometimes you spend a special celebration in one of these places. In this unit you will share experiences about attending public places in the past, and also talking about celebrations. This will need knowledge and practice of

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the use of verbs in past tense. During the study of this unit you’ll be learning and developing the required competencies to do all these. With what purpose? The purpose of this unit is to share information with others about experiences in the past in a familiar and social environment. You’ll be able to talk about past experiences, assistance to public places and to give information of who did what and to whom. You will do all this in an oral and in a written way. You’re going to talk about celebrations in a familiar and social context. What am I going to learn? In this unit you will learn how to...

Where did we buy a present? Objects pronouns

La diferencia entre los pronombres sujetos y los pronombres objetos es que los primeros son parte del sujeto en la oración y los segundos forman parte del predicado. Read the following conversation: Maria: Hello, everybody. How are you? I was wondering if all of you remember that in two days is my birthday! Ana: Yes, I do. Do you remember the last birthday party that we organized for you last year? Maria: Of course I remember! It was terrific. I will never forget it. Ana: Everybody helped me with the organization. My mother helped cooking the meal, Alex and Raul buying your birthday present, Raul was also our D.J. and all the guests helped us to keep the secret. We really had a good time. What are you planning to do this year? Maria: Didn’t you tell them Alex? Sorry, I only told him but I invite you to go dancing to the disco. Alex: I didn’t tell them because you asked me to be discrete. Raul: Well, thank you for the invitation. This time the surprise was for us. Wasn’t it Ana? Ana: You’re right, Raul.

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Object pronouns are found as object of the predicate. (Los pronombres objetivos son parte del predicado de la oración. A diferencia del pronombre subjetivo que es el núcleo del sujeto en la oración). Read the following examples: John plays soccer. He plays soccer. I saw him play soccer. I saw Mary in Church. I saw her in Church. She loves me. I love her. I call him. He answer me. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 2 sobre pronombre objetivo de la pág. 153 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 3 sobre pronombre objetivo o subjetivo, de la pág. 154 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Vocabulary. Going to the mall. Mall: (noun) (also shopping mall) a large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail stores and typically also restaurants. Read de next dialogue: Raul: This shopping center is very big. I bet we can find Maria something useful and cheap. Alex: The problem is, what do we buy her? She’s not the kind of girl who likes wearing rings, earrings, bracelet, etc. Raul: You’re right Raul. That’s why I’m going to buy her a blouse or let’s go to a music store to see if we can find her a CD of pop or rock music. Alex: Where do we go first? To the second floor or do we stay here in the ground floor? Raul: I don’t know, why don’t we ask this policeman if he knows where the music store is. Alex: While you go and ask him, I’m going to that sports store to look for a T shirt. Raul: Why don’t you go and ask him? Meanwhile I’ll buy an ice-cream. Alex: Neither you nor I. Here’s a directory. Maybe we can find it easier if we look at it. Let’s see if we find what we’re looking for. Seeks the meaning of the following words in the dictionary

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ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 7 sobre lugares públicos de la pág. 157 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 9 sobre lugares públicos de las págs. 159 y 160 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Read the next dialogue and answer the questions. Ana: Good evening, Sir. Seller: Good evening young lady. Can I help you? Ana: Yes. How much does this chocolate cake cost? Seller: It costs three hundred pesos. Ana: Three hundred pesos! Well, thank you, anyway. Seller: Wait, here’s a strawberry cake and it’s cheaper and more delicious. Ana: Yes? How much does it cost? Seller: It’s one hundred pesos. You won’t regret. Ana: All right, I’ll take it. Thank you. 1. Did Ana buy the chocolate cake? Why? 2. Did Ana buy the strawberry cake? Why? ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 14 sobre anécdotas y practica tu pronunciación de las págs. 163 y 164 del libro de texto, comparte esta actividad con tu asesor o alguien que tenga dominio del inglés. Adverbs of frequency. (Adverbios de frecuencia) Remember that an adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Adverbs of frequency and are used to say how often something happens. Adverbs of frequency answer the question: How often? or How frequently? Adverbs of frequency come after any form of the verb to be, but before other verbs. Example: I usually go to the gym. (Yo, usualmente voy al gimnasio) Adverbs of frequency.

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Adverbios de frecuencia Nunca Rara vez Raramente Casi nunca Ocasionalmente Algunas veces Generalmente Seguido Regularmente Frecuentemente Usualmente Siempre

Menos frecuente

Más frecuente

Read the dialogue and pay attention to the words in bold. Raul: Alex, how often do you go to the gym? Alex: I always go to the gym. Making exercise makes me feel good. And you? How often do you exercise your body? Raul: Oh no, that’s not for me. I rarely exercise. Alex: That’s too bad Raul. Why don’t you try walking once or twice a week from 20 to 30 minutes in the morning? Your body will be grateful. Raul: But Alex, I usually walk from my house to the bus stop and then to attend classes and so on. Besides, I’m always late because I can’t wake up early in the morning and you want me to wake up even earlier! I don’t think I will do it. Alex: I insist. You must regularly exercise. Right now you’re a very young boy, but when you become a young adult you’re going to regret you didn’t exercise. You’re going to have all kind of pains and illness. Raul: Alex, you sometimes exaggerate. That will never happen to me. Alex: I hope so. You know you’re my best friend and I often give advice to the people I appreciate like you. Answer these questions:

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1. How often does Alex exercise? 2. How often does Raul exercise? 3. Why is Raul always late in the morning? 4. What advice does Alex give to Raul? 5. Do you agree with Alex’s advice? Why or why not? ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 18 sobre adverbio de frecuencia de pág. 168 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Expressions of frequency.

Once = una vez Twice = dos veces Three times = tres veces

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 19 sobre adverbios de frecuencia de la pág. 169 del libro de texto. Read the following information. Then write the correct wh- question for each given answer. The City of Palaces Mexico City is a city that is proud of its history and culture. One can visit more than 100 museums. The historical center of Mexico City is its main square, the Zocalo, where the center of Tenochtitlan once stood. In the center of the Zocalo or Plaza Mayor flies a gigantic national flag. The square is used for parades, celebrations, ceremonies or concerts. Today it is one of the world’s largest public squares. Bordering the Zocalo are some of Mexico’s City’s oldest and greatest buildings. The Metropolitan Cathedral dates to the middle 1500s and is the largest church in Latin America. The construction of the Cathedral took almost 300 years! The National Palace is the government office. Inside of it, huge murals by Diego Rivera, one of Mexico’s greatest and famous artist, draw Mexican history from Aztec times to early 1900s. On the square’s northeast corner are the remains of the Templo Mayor, the great Aztec ceremonial pyramid and was discovered in 1970. Southwest of the Zocalo,

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Chapultepec Park is one of the world’s largest urban parks. The area was once used by Aztec emperors. 1. ? You can visit more than 100 museums. 2. ? You can find a gigantic national flag at the center of the Zocalo. 3. ? The square is used for parades, celebrations, ceremonies and concerts. 4. ? It took 300 years to construct the Cathedral. 5. ? Diego Rivera painted the huge murals. 6. ? The Aztec ceremonial pyramid was discovered in 1970. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 23 sobre verbos en past tense de la pág. 173 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. How to ask for a place… (cómo preguntar por un lugar) Read the dialogue. Raul: Good morning, policeman. Policeman: Good afternoon. May I help you? Raul: Yes, Where is the Café Tacuba? Policeman: The restaurant you are asking for is on the street of Tacuba. Raul: How do I get there? Policeman: Walk three blocks straight, turn left and on your right hand side you’ll see the restaurant. Raul: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welcome. Recomendaciones de estudio: ✓ Pon especial atención en las lecturas de la unidad, te ayudarán a aumentar tu vocabulario. ✓ Identifica los pronombres objetivos y su uso adecuado. ✓ Identifica los verbos irregulares en su tiempo pasado. ✓ Repasa la estructura del pasado progresivo. ✓ Identifica los adverbios de frecuencia y su función en la estructura de la oración. ✓ Procura realizar todas las actividades sugeridas.

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UNIT 4. I will be a lawyer (Yo seré abogado) What am I going to do and how? In the previous unit you learned how to narrate past events. You talked about History and you wrote a simple autobiography. To do this you used the past tense. Our personal story is important as it explains who we are as people. Up until now you have a life that defines you, but your future depends on you. You are going to learn now learn to talk about your future, to express your professional interests and the plans you have already for your life, in short, medium and long term. This means we are going to talk about your life project. With what purpose? The purpose of this unit is to provide yourself with the tools to explain others about your future, to talk about your own projects, including short, medium and long term plans. You’ll be able to talk about your future, and give information of your ideas and interests. You will be capable to do all these in a spoken and written way. What am I going to learn? In this unit you will learn how to…

Simple future form Read the following information and answer the questions: Fortune cookies A fortune cookie is a crisp cookie usually made from flour, sugar, vanilla, and oil with a “fortune” wrapped inside. A “fortune” is a piece of paper with words of wisdom or a vague prophecy of a particular event that might occur in your future. The message inside may also include a Chinese phrase with translation or a list of lucky numbers used by some as lottery numbers, some of which have become actual winner numbers. Some 3 billion fortune cookies are made each year, almost all of them in the United States. But the crisp cookies wrapped around enigmatic sayings have spread around the world. A surprisingly high number of winning tickets in Brazil’s national lottery in 2004 were traced to lucky numbers from fortune cookies distributed by a Chinese restaurant chain called Chinatown. Now the researcher Yasuko Nakamachi in Japan believes she can explain the origin of fortune cookies. Her first pieces of evidence are the generations-old small family bakeries making obscure fortune cookie-shaped crackers by hand near a temple outside Kyoto. She has also turned up many references to the cookies in Japanese literature and history, including an 1878 image of a man making them in a bakery decades before the first reports of American fortune cookies. Fortune cookies are often served as a dessert in Chinese restaurants, but are absent in China. The exact provenance of fortune cookies is unclear, though various immigrant groups in the United States claim to have popularized them in the early 20th century, basing their recipe on a traditional Japanese cracker. Fortune cookies have been summarized as being introduced by the Japanese and popularized by the Chinese.

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1. What is a fortune cookie? 2. What message does a fortune cookie have? 3. How many fortune cookies are made every year? 4. Are the fortune cookies related with winning tickets in national lottery? 5. Which is the origin of fortune cookies? 6. Who popularized the fortune cookies around the world? Expressions in future… (Expresiones en futuro) Alex: Hi Ana, What are you doing? Ana: I’m reading this brochure about professions. Alex: Do you have any idea of what you want to study? Ana: Yes, I decided a long time ago. I want to be a lawyer! Alex: You will be the best lawyer! You’re a very dedicated and intelligent person. Besides you can be my lawyer and give me advice any time I need to sign a new contract. Good choice Ana! Ana: Tomorrow I will go to the university and ask for more information especially about schedules because I’m going to look for a part time job to help my mother with all the expenses. What about you Alex. What are you going to study? Alex: I will continue playing soccer and I will be the best soccer player of all times. But at the same time, I want to have a business. Maybe Maria can be my partner and we can start an Internet-café. Ana: Great! Will you invite me to have a cup of coffee? Alex: Well, I’ll have to think about it. Just kidding! Simple future: To talk in a future tense in English you have to use the following form: Will + verb in present simple Example: In the afternoon, I will go to the cinema. (En la tarde, voy a ir al cine). Look at the following information to learn more about how to use the future tense.

El auxiliar WILL se utiliza de la misma forma para todos los pronombres:

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Para responder a una pregunta con la estructura: (Will + pronoun + verb), se puede hacer de dos maneras de acuerdo a la decisión. Por ejemplo:

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 3 sobre futuro simple de las págs. 186 y 187 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. There are many time expressions that are used with future tense. Here are some new ones: soon = pronto later = luego tomorrow = mañana next week = próxima semana in a few minutes = en unos minutos next month = mes próximo a year from now = dentro de un año the day after tomorrow = pasado mañana the day before yesterday = antier at noon = al mediodía in a little while = en un momento a week from now = en una semana ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 4 sobre expresiones en futuro en las págs., 187 y 188 del libro de texto. What are you going to do? Maria’s sister is going to graduate next Friday. She is going to invite Ana and Raul’s family. She’s going to call some of her relatives too. Later today, she will make a list of

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guests and will write the invitations. Then she will plan the games and the refreshments. So Maria’s parents are always asking her about what she is going to study, where she is going to do it, what kind of job she wants, and they never seem to stop! The words in bold correspond to another way of talking about the future. The form: Be + going to + verb in present simple is probably the most common way to express future actions and it is frequently used when you’re talking about intentions. An intention is a plan in the future that you have already thought about. Example: She is going to work in a hospital when she gets her degree.

Possible answers: Yes, I am / No, I´m not.

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ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 6 sobre enunciados en futuro y su cambio forma interrogativa y negativa de la pág., 191, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice Recuerda que puedes utilizar las contracciones: I am → I’m You are → You’re He is/ She is/ It is → He’s/ She’s/ It’s We are → We’re They are → They’re ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 9 sobre future tense de la pág. 193 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. La forma del tiempo futuro will se utiliza para cosas o situaciones espontáneas, que están en duda, que pueden o no pasar. La forma going to es para declarar planes que implican mayor intención o certeza. Otra forma de expresar acciones futuras es con el present progressive form cuando se habla de acuerdos o planes con otras personas. Example: Ana is coming tomorrow to the meeting. Is coming is present progressive but tomorrow gives us an idea of future. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 13 sobre present progressive form de la pág. 196 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuetas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 16 sobre future tense y future time expressions de la pág. 197 de texto, corrobora las respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Eating and making plans. Read the next dialogue: Ana: I would like a hamburger and a large order of French fries. Maria: Would you like a salad? I think I will order a small one. Alex: That sounds delicious. What dressing would you like? Thousand Island, Italian or French? Maria: You choose. Raul: I think I’m going to order the same as you, but I would also like a soda. Maria: By the way Ana, Alex told me you would go to the university tomorrow to ask for information about a career. Ana: Yes, I think it’s time to make a decision about my future. I would like to know more about getting my law collage degree. That’s why, tomorrow, I will go to college to look up for more information about this career. I am also going to look up in the newspaper for a part time job. If I start to work I will save money to buy my computer. I think I’m going to need it once I’m at the University. What about you, Maria? Are Alex and you going to be partners in the Internetcoffe?

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Maria: I never thought Alex would ask me to be his partner. That sounds great! I’m planning to study a technical career, maybe Technical in computers or something like that. What about you Raul? I bet you will be a musician or something similar. Raul: Oh no, I’m too young for this. First I need to finish my high school. In fact, I don’t know what to do or study. Ana: Maybe it’s time you go with a career counselor or adviser. They can help you if you don’t know what to study or if you’re in doubt. Alex: Hey, I need one that can help me with my business. Maria: By the way Ana, you don’t need to look for a job in the newspaper; it’s easier if you do it by Internet sites. I would be pleased to help you. Ana: Thank you. You three are the best friends anyone would like to have. Now let’s eat! Now complete the following order: Waiter: What you like to order? You: I a hamburger please. Would es un verbo modal y se utiliza en diferentes formas:

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 17 sobre would o will de la págs. 199 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 18 sobre uso de would de la pág. 200 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Jobs or occupations… (Empleos u ocupaciones) A part time job is when you do not work in a complete shift, that means that you only work for (4) hours a day. This schedule fits very well to students because they can work in the morning and study in the evening or vice versa. A full time job means you work 8 hours a day. It’s very difficult to have a full time job and a part time the same day. Some people do it to earn more money. Fortunately, Ana and Maria found this add in which a professional career is not necessary. They also read some ads looking for people who had experience in a particular trade. What is the difference between a trade and a profession?

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A trade is an occupation that requires a course, a little bit of training or a certification. It’s often related with manual or mechanical skills. Example: baker, bricklayer, hairdresser, etc. A profession is a specialized knowledge and it often requires a long and intensive academic preparation that gives you a college degree. Example: Engineer, Doctor, Lawyer, etc. Vocabulary. Job or occupation Job or occupation barber barbero secretary secretario (a) actor actor actress actriz businessman hombre de negocios businesswoman mujer de negocios waiter mesero waitress mesera policeman policía (hombre) policewoman policía (mujer) steward mayordomo stewardess sirvienta hairdresser peluquero (a) clerk Empleado (a) president presidente director director (a) assitant asistente manager gerente cashier cajero (a) typist mecanógrafo (a) Nota: Actor también se puede utilizar para femenino, al igual que actress. Otras profesiones: Veterinarian= veterinario, Biologist= biólogo, Engineer= ingeniero, Architect= arquitecto ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 23 sobre profesiones y oficios de la pág. 204 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad sobre profesiones de la pág. 205 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1. Goal or purpose… (Meta o propósito) Read the following lesson: My goal: a computer! Do you remember that Ana said she wanted to look for a job and save money to buy a computer? This can be a short or medium term goal or purpose. There are short, medium or long-term goals. The achievement of a goal depends on the situation you are living in, on if it’s something possible to do or have or if it is something almost impossible to commit, but most of all this things depends on the courage, will and attitude to do it. There is no rule of time in achieving a goal, but more or less this is the way a short, medium and long-term purpose can be done. A short-term can be done in fewer than two months. A medium term goal can take from three months to three years to achieve. Medium term goals can be achieved if you have worked and done short term ones. A long-term goal requires three or more years to get it. This goal can be reached with the work and dedication of medium and short-term goals. Ana’s purpose depends on how much she earns in her job, how much she saves every month and how much the computer, that she wants, costs. If she considers these things and is constant and careful, she will feel a great satisfaction at the end if she

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buys her new computer with the money she earned from her work. The most important thing is to have a goal to achieve and work on it. To reach it or not reach it depends in your attitude! Life proyect… (Proyecto de vida) In this section you are going to establish your personal life project and think about which are the best options you have in both your personal and professional area. You will be able to use all the vocabulary that you learned throughout each unit, as well as the grammatical structures in past, present and future forms.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 25 sobre metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo utilizando el future tense de la pág. 207 del libro de texto.

Interviews… Entrevistas Read the following dialogue between Ana and a Human Resources Manager HRM: Good morning lady. Please take a seat. Ana: Thank you very much. HRM: Thank you for applying for the job. I see you’re very young so my doubt is, why do you want to start working and not studying? Ana: No, it’s not like that. I’m going to continue studying. In fact I want to be a lawyer. I want to start working because that way I can help my mother with the expenses. This is a great opportunity for me because I can work in the morning and study in the afternoon or vice- versa. HRM: All right Ana. In this firm, we’re interested in the experience of the employees, but most of all we’re interested in the person. What I’m trying to say is that we like to know very well the person we’re going to hire. I’m going to make you many questions about your past life. Also, I’m going to ask your interests and pastimes, and finally I want you to answer me your life project, this is, the way you would like to be in the future in your personal and professional area. Be sincere, feel confident and I want you to answer with the complete truth. Any question, Ana? Ana: No, not at all. HRM: Are you ready? Ana: Yes, I am. Questions in an interview: 1. What’s your name? (¿cuál es tu nombre?) 2. Where were you born? (¿dónde naciste?) 3. How old are you? (¿cuántos años tienes?) 4. Where do you live? (¿dónde vives?) 5. Who do you live with? (¿con quién vives?) 6. Do you have brothers or sisters? (¿tienes hermanos o hermanas?) 7. Where did you study? (¿dónde estudiaste?) 8. Did you study any particular course? (¿qué cursos has estudiado?)

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9. Do you know how to use a word processor and Internet? (¿sabes utilizar procesador de texto e internet?) 10. How many languages do you speak? (¿cuántos idiomas hablas?) Possible answers: 1. My name is Ana García Rendón. 2. I was born in Jalapa, Veracruz on 18th May 1994. 3. I’m eighteen years old. 4. When I was four, my father had a good job opportunity here in Mexico, so my parents decided to come to live to the city. 5. At the present time I live with my mother. My father died four years ago as consequence of an incurable disease. 6. I’m only child. 7. I studied at Adolfo López Mateos elementary and middle high school. I have very good memories of my childhood in that school. I finished middle high school in 2008, but I didn’t start immediately high school because my father got sick. I quit my studies and helped my mother with housework while she attended my father and looked for a job to earn money so she could afford the expenses of the house and the sickness of my father. 8. I enrolled to an “open school system” to study high school. I’m about to finish. 9. I took a computer course to learn how to use a word processor, Internet and social networks. 10. I’m studying English. ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 27 sobre pasado, pasado progresivo, presente o presente progresivo de la pág., 210 del libro de texto.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 28 sobre presente y presente progresivo de la pág., 211 del libro de texto. To finish… para terminar ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 32 sobre will o going to, según corresponda de la pág. 219 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad 34 sobre would, según corresponda de la pág. 220 del libro de texto, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

ACTIVIDAD: ✓ Realiza la actividad Am I ready?, ¿Ya estoy listo? de las pág., 223 a 230, corrobora tus respuestas en el Apéndice 1.

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Recomendaciones de estudio: ✓ Te recomendamos utilizar otras herramientas como aplicaciones para dispositivos electrónicos o el internet para reforzar tus conocimientos. ✓ Pon especial atención a la lista de verbos que anexamos en la sección “Irregular verbs”, ya que incluye algunos verbos utilizados en la redacción de las preguntas del examen. Esta lista no se encuentra en el libro de texto. ✓ Revisa especialmente los temas de tiempo futuro simple con el auxiliar “will”. ✓ Identifica la estructura de forma interrogativa en el tiempo futuro. ✓ Identifica el uso del verbo “going to” para oraciones en futuro. ✓ Identifica el vocabulario para expresiones de tiempo. ✓ Repasa el vocabulario para referirse a diferentes profesiones.

M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 41

AUTOEVALUACIÓN 1) Match the WH word on the left with the corresponding concept it is used for on the right: WH word 1. When 2. Why 3. Who 4. Where

A) [1-e] B) [1-a] C) [1-a] D) [1-e]

[2-c] [2-c] [2-d] [2-b]

Concept a. time b. objects c. reason d. people e. places [3-d] [3-d] [3-c] [3-c]

[4-a] [4-e] [4-b] [4-a]

2) The following digital presentation shows a clothing line for sale.

Choose the list that includes only names of clothing shown in the presentation: A) shoes, pants, coat, dress B) gloves, boots, scarf, coat C) boots, pants, jacket, skirt D) gloves, hat, heels, scarf

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3) Complete the sentences with the most logical verb in past: 1. Elena _______ to the movies last night. 2. David ______ very sad yesterday. 3. She ________ a new dress to the prom! 4. He ______ for 10 hours. He was tired. A) [1-traveled] [2-felt] [3-used] [4-slept] B) [1-traveled] [2-fell] [3-used] [4-dreamt] C) [1-went] [2-fell] [3-wore] [4-slept] D) [1-went] [2-felt] [3-wore] [4-slept] 4) Match the names of these health problems on the left to their description on the right: Health problems 1. fever 2. earache 3. sore throat 4. rash

A) [1-b] B) [1-d] C) [1-c] D) [1-d]

[2-a] [2-e] [2-e] [2-a]

[3-e] [3-a] [3-a] [3-e]

Description. When... a. you feel pain in your throat b. something appears in your skin c. you have a runny nose and sneeze d. your temperature is too high e. you feel pain in your ear

[4-d] [4-b] [4-b] [4-c]

5) Select the list that includes only vocabulary of food shown in the next document:

A) peach, cream, rice, banana B) potatoes, beef, soda, milk C) cheese, beef, soda, milk D) cheese, bread, rice, banana

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6) Change the following sentence to present progresive: We play a game at the stadium. A) We are playing a game at the stadium. B) We will be playing a game at the stadium. C) We were playing a game at the stadium. D) We are going to play a game at the stadium. 7) Choose a WH word that you can use to make a question about the information provided: 1. ______________________? My mom made it. 2._______________________? He was born in Veracruz. 3. ______________________? He's fine, thank you. 4. ______________________? They are architects. 5. ______________________? He was born 4 years ago. A) [1-who] [2-where] [3-how] [4-what] [5-when] B) [1-who] [2-when] [3-how] [4-what] [5-where] C) [1-how] [2-where] [3-who] [4-who] [5-when] D) [1-what] [2-when] [3-who] [4-how] [5-where] 8) Choose the comparative (COMP) or superlative (SUP) form for the following sentences: 1. She is the ___________ (SUP) girl of the class. 2. Angel is __________ (COMP) than his brother. 3. The prices in HEB are _______ (COMP) than the ones in Soriana. 4. Chocolate is the _________ (SUP) candy I know. A) [1-taller] [2-friendlier] [3-lower] [4-sweetest] B) [1-taller] [2-more friendly] [3-lowest] [4-sweeter] C) [1-tallest] [2-more friendly] [3-lower] [4-sweeter] D) [1-tallest] [2-friendlier] [3-lower] [4-sweetest]

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9) Look at the four definitions from a website. Choose T (true) or F (false) according to what they say.

A) [1-F] B) [1-F] C) [1-F] D) [1-T]

[2-F] [2-T] [2-F] [2-F]

[3-F] [3-F] [3-T] [3-F]

[4-T] [4-F] [4-F] [4-F]

10) Complete the sentences with IN, ON or AT: 1. The show begins _____ 10 pm. 2. We have to leave _____ 15 minutes. Move! 3. Is your party _____ Saturday? 4. My birthday is _____ February. A) [1-at] B) [1-in] C) [1-at] D) [1-in]

[2-in] [3-on] [2-at] [3-on] [2-in] [3-on] [2-on] [3-in]

[4-in] [4-in] [4-on] [4-in]

11) Complete the following paragraph with the prepositions IN, ON or AT: My birthday party is [1]_____ 2 weeks. I'm a little nervous because not everything is ready. The party is [2] ______ Friday 14th, but my birthday is officially [3]_______ Saturday. My friends say it should begin [4] ______ 9 pm. A) [1-on] [2-in] [3-in] [4-on] B) [1-in] [2-on] [3-in] [4-at] C) [1-in] [2-on] [3-on] [4-at] D) [1-at] [2-in] [3-on] [4-on]

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12) Choose either HOW MUCH or HOW MANY to complete the following sentences: 1. ___________ money do you need for the dinner? 2. ___________ people are there in your class? 3. ___________ sheep does the farmer have? 4. ___________ water is there in the bottle? A) [1-how much] B) [1-how many] C) [1-how many] D) [1-how much]

[2-how many] [2-how much] [2-how much] [2-how many]

[3-how many] [3-how much] [3-how many] [3-how much]

[4-how much] [4-how many] [4-how many] [4-how much]

13) Select C for COUNTABLE nouns and U for UNCOUNTABLE nouns of the following list: 1. money 2. ham 3. sugar 4. peach A) C, U, U, C B) U, C, C, U C) U, U, U, C D) C, U, U, U 14) Complete the sentences using SOME or ANY: 1. For tonight's dinner we need ______ wine. 2. There isn't ______ milk in the fridge. 3. Do you need ______ vegetables from the supermarket? 4. I'm going to eat ______ snacks. I'm very hungry!

A) [1-some] [2-any] B) [1-any] [2-some] C) [1-any] [2-some] D) [1-some] [2-any]

[3-some] [4-any] [3-any] [4-some] [3-some] [4-any] [3-any] [4-some]

15) Choose the WH word that you can use in a logical question for the answers provided: 1. _____________________? Christopher Colombus discovered it. 2. _____________________? The World War II ended in 1945. 3. _____________________? The earthquake of 1985 happened in Mexico City. A) [1-who] B) [1-how] C) [1-who] D) [1-how]

[2-when] [2-when] [2-what] [2-what]

[3-where] [3-when] [3-where] [3-when]

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16) Choose A, AN, SOME or ANY to complete the following sentences: 1. I have ______ letters to send in the post office. 2. There aren't ____ people in your house right now. 3. She needs to buy _____ cake for her mom's birthday. 4. There's _____ new airport in the city. A) [1-any] [2-some] B) [1-any] [2-some] C) [1-some] [2-any] D) [1-some] [2-any]

[3-a] [4-an] [3-an] [4-a] [3-a] [4-an] [3-a] [4-a]

17) Choose the correct object pronoun to complete the sentences, the first one is provided: 1. I love you. You love ____. 2. She called him. He called ____. 3. They wrote to us. We wrote to _____. 4. We saw her. She saw ____. A) [1-me] B) [1-my] C) [1-my] D) [1-me]

[2-she] [2-her] [2-she] [2-her]

[3-their] [4-us] [3-they] [4-our] [3-their] [4-our] [3-them] [4-us]

18) Choose the regular and irregular verbs in past that complete the paragraph: Silvia [1]________ (buy) a present for her nephew yesterday. She went to the mall because she [2] _______ (think) about different options. There [3]______ (be) a little problem, she [4]______ (wait) 30 minutes in line at the cashier but she [5]________ (forget) the money at home!! A) [1-bought] [2-touched] [3-were] [4-wait] [5-forgot] B) [1-buy] [2-taught] [3-was] [4-wait] [5-forgotten] C) [1-buy] [2-taught] [3-was] [4-waited] [5-forgotten] D) [1-bought] [2-thought] [3-was] [4-waited] [5-forgot] 19) Make a sentences in past progressive with the words in parenthesis and WHILE: Sara (bake a cake), Dani and Luis (buy plates). A) Sara was baking a cake while Dani and Luis were buying plates. B) Sara is going to bake a cake while Dani and Luis were buying plates. C) Sara will be baking a cake while Dani and Luis will be buying plates. D) Sara is baking a cake while Dani and Luis are buying plates.

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20) Mark the sentences as C (CORRECT) or I (INCORRECT), based on the position of the frequency adverb before or after the verb: 1. Carlos is sometimes late. 2. My mother goes frequently to the beach. 3. We usually watch TV at night. 4. He never is going to change. A) [1-I] [2-I] [3-C] [4-C] B) [1-C] [2-I] [3-C] [4-I] C) [1-I] [2-C] [3-I] [4-C] D) [1-C] [2-C] [3-I] [4-I] 21) Complete the sentences with an object pronoun according to the context: 1. The kids are very bored. I will take _______ to the park. 2. My dog doesn't like this food. I won't buy ______ again. 3. Cristina doesn't love Samuel. She wants to divorce ____. 4. Sandra is visiting her grandma. She really cares for ____. A) [1-them] [2-them] [3-him] [4-she] B) [1-they] [2-him] [3-he] [4-her] C) [1-them] [2-it] [3-him] [4-her] D) [1-they] [2-it] [3-he] [4-she] 22) Identify the sentence that is in simple future: A) She will cook a special dish tonight. B) She is going to cook a special dish tonight. C) She will be cooking a special dish tonight. D) She was cooking a special dish tonight. 23) Change the following sentence in idiomatic future to interrogative affirmative: They're going to travel next month. A) Are they traveling next month? B) Will they travel next month? C) Are they going to travel next month? D) Aren't they going to travel next month? 24) Choose either WILL or GOING TO to complete these sentences, remember to identify if it expresses a sudden decision or plans: 1. It's 3 o'clock?! It's really late! I ______ take the bus to work!. 2. My family and I _________ travel next summer. 3. I think it ______ rain next week. A) [1-am going to] B) [1-will] C) [1-will] D) [1-am going to]

[2-am going to] [2-will] [2-are going to] [2-will]

[3-will] [3-is going to] [3-will] [3-is going to] M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 48

25) Choose the list that includes only professions vocabulary that is applicable to both female and male: A) actor, hairdresser, driver, cashier B) policeman, nurse, director, waitress C) clerk, actress, chef, stewardess D) typist, waiter, secretary, president 26) Match the careers on the left with their corresponding definitions on the right: Careers 1. Veterinarian 2. Biologist 3. Engineer 4. Architect

A) [1-d] B) [1-b] C) [1-b] D) [1-d]

[2-b] [2-d] [2-d] [2-b]

[3-a] [3-c] [3-e] [3-e]

Perso who... a. designs buildings. b. has knowledge to treat animals. c. has training in the study of numbers. d. studies humans, plants and the environment. e. designs and maintains machines and structures. [4-e] [4-e] [4-a] [4-a]

27) Determine if the following sentences using WOULD are gramatically CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I): 1. She would love to go to the movies. 2. They would are afraid if they were alone at night. 3. Would you like some coffee? 4. They think they don't would like to buy a new house. A) [1-C] B) [1-I ] C) [1-C] D) [1-I ]

[2-I ] [2-C] [2-I ] [2-C]

[3-I ] [3-C] [3-C] [3-I ]

[4-C] [4-I ] [4-I ] [4-C]

28) Which of the following lists includes only expressions regarding a life project for the future? A) in two years, my studies, my dreams, a career B) in ten years, my health, as a baby, college C) as a child, my health, my dreams, last month D) my beliefs, my old habits, my studies, a career 29) Choose a verb for the sentence: “The Gomez family members ____ dinner together every night.” A) drink B) eat C) wash D) take

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30) Complete the conversation using the modal auxiliary would. You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer him your seat. You: ________________________________________ Man: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much. A) Would you like to sit down? B) Will you sit down? C) Do you like to sit down? D) Sit down old man! 31) Choose a connector for the sentence. “ ____ I played soccer, everybody was shouting.” A) When B) Last C) While D) Then 32) Choose a verb for the sentence. “Susan and Peter ___ very early.” A) drink B) wake up C) look up D) cook 33) Choose the correct connector for the next sentence: I was studying ______ Mom was making dinner. A) when B) while C) although D) because 34) Choose a logical word to complete the sentence. “Was he seriously injured ____ he died? " A) what B) why C) while D) when

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35) Choose a connector for the sentence. “I was driving to work ____ she read the newspaper.” A) when B) then C) while D) last 36) Choose a connector for the sentence. “_______ he was singing along to the music on the radio, he took a shower.” A) While B) When C) Last D) Then 37) Choose a verb for the sentence. “Peter ____ TV in the evening “ A) watching B) watched C) watch D) watches 38) Complete the question: “Will you please call me up when you ___ there?” A) would arrive B) arrive C) will arrive D) arrives 39) Complete the next sentence with the correct form of the verb “to talk”: “In earlier, more violent times, one could never be certain of a stranger's intentions; however, if each person grasped the other's hand and held it while we _______, both could feel reasonably secure because most men held their weapons in the right hands.” A) to talk B) talking C) take D) were talking 40) You're invited to a wedding and the invitation says: "After the ceremony, there's a reception with family and friends”. You understand that: A) Relatives and friends will get together a day after the wedding. B) There will be a reception after the end of the ceremony. C) There will be a reception before the end of the ceremony. D) Relatives and friends will get together a day before the wedding. M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 51

41) In the next sentence, identify the type of verb, not the tense. The girl lives in Mexico. A) Perfect B) Regular C) Irregular D) Progressive 42) In the next sentence, identify the type of verb, not the tense. I work in a school on weekdays. A) Irregular B) Perfect C) Progressive D) Regular 43) In the next sentence, identify the verb type, not the tense. I go to the football game every Sunday. A) Irregular B) Participle C) Regular D) Perfect 44) In the next sentence, identify the verb type, not the tense of conjugation. I see movies every Saturday with my friends. A) Present B) Regular C) Irregular D) Perfect 45) Complete the next question with the correct words: “____ Mr. Calderon _____ Mexico at the present?”. A) Do / rules B) Does / rule C) Do / rule D) Does / rules

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46) What is the tense for each sentence? The British Trevor Baylis invented in 1996 a wind-up radio. It doesn't need electricity or batteries. You wind it up by hand. He got the idea for the radio while he was watching TV. A) Past, present, present, past, past progressive. B) Past, present, past, present, past progressive. C) Past, present, present simple, past progressive. D) Past, past simple, present, past progressive. 47) Why do we use the verb in past form only in affirmative sentences? A) The auxiliary verb did expresses past time and is used in the negative and interrogative form. B) The past is not possible with some specific verbs. C) In other forms the past is indicated by the auxiliary "do". D) Because it´s easier to understand it in affirmative. 48) Is it possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why? A) No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation. B) Yes, you can do it if you analyze its ending or the "s". C) It´s always possible if the auxiliary used is analized. D) Sometimes it´s possible, sometimes it´s impossible. 49) Is it possible to distinguish in the third person if the verb is regular or irregular? A) It´s possible if you observe the auxiliary of the sentence. B) It´s impossible to distinguish them, no matter what the form is. C) It´s possible to distinguish them only in the first person. D) It´s possible to do it only if it´s affirmative or negative.

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50) Look at this poster:

What is the purpose of the poster? A) The store sells jewels at a lower price this week. B) The store only sells cheap jewels now. C) The store only sells expensive jewels. D) The store only sells jewels this week. 51) Rewrite the sentence using plural nouns and change the number 1 for 100. "There is one mouse in the kitchen." A) There are one hundred mouse in the kitchen. B) There are one hundred mice in the kitchen. C) There is one hundred mouse in the kitchen. D) There is one hundred mice in the kitchen. 52) Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form. “We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it _____. A) has died B) were dying C) had died D) died

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53) We call them regular verbs because the past tense of each is formed by adding "ed" to the end of the verb. But some verbs have many different ways of forming the past tense, because there is no regular pattern, these verbs are kown as irregular verbs. Change to past tense the following verbs: choose, weep, like, beat, drive, fly A) chose, wept, liked, beat, drove, flew. B) chose, wept, liked, beated, drived, flew. C) choose, weped, liked, beat, drove, flew. D) chose, weped, liked, beated, drived, flyed. 54) Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in future. “ I ____ hot chips.” A) am going eating B) am going to eat C) are going to eating D) am eating 55) Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive. “I ___ at the party.” A) are dancing B) were eating C) was dancing D) is looking 56) Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive. “ It ____ last winter.” A) is raining B) are singing C) was snowing D) were coughing 57) The sentence “I'm working right now."

A) Temporary present, even though it´s not happening at the moment. B) Some plans for the future, with the structure of present continuous. C) A habit that you repeat everyday and at he same time. D) Something that happens at the same time you´re talking.

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58) Choose the gramatically correct negative form of the following sentence: “I'm taking care of Mary's pet.” A) “I'm not taking care of Mary's pet.” B) “I don't taking care of Mary's pet.” C) “I not taking care of Mary's pet.” D) “I'm not take care of Mary's pet.” 59) Complete the next sentence using the correct tense and form of the verb: “When you rang me yesterday, I ____ _____ a shower.” A) were taking B) was taken C) was taking D) have taken 60) Complete the following question: “______ were you born?” I was born in 1980. A) What B) Where C) Which D) When 61) The expressions and words below aren´t in order. Choose 5 of them and indicate the sequence they must follow to create a logical and complete sentence in present progressive. 1. the radio 2. listen to 3. When you are 4. hear his voice 5. listening to 6. you can 7. you A) 7 → 2 → 1 → 6 → 4 B) 3 → 2 → 1 → 6 → 4 C) 7 → 5 → 1 → 6 → 4 D) 3 → 5 → 1 → 6 → 4 62) Indicate if the following sentences are in simple present (S) or present progressive (P): 1. He reads the newspaper at mornings. 2. I'm speaking English to you because you want to practice it. 3. They speak Italian and Chinese every day. A) 1-S, 2-P, 3-P B) 1-S, 2-P, 3-S C) 1-P, 2-P, 3-S D) 1-S, 2-S, 3-S M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 56

63) Read this sentence: Mary works. Change it to present progressive in the next forms: 1. Affirmative 2. Negative 3. Interrogative A) 1- Mary does work, 2- Mary doesn't work, 3- Does Mary work? B) 1- Mary is work, 2- Mary is not work, 3- Is Mary work? C) 1- Mary is working, 2- Mary is not working, 3- Is Mary working? D) 1- Mary working, 2- Mary not working, 3- Mary working? 64) Based on the picture, answer the following question:

What are they doing? A) They won´t dance. B) They like to dance. C) They are singing. D) They are dancing. 65) Which sentences are in simple present? 1. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment. 2. I often write poems to my wife. 3. Your parents are walking to the classroom now. 4. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment. 5. The sun barely shines with this weather.

A) 2, 4, 5 B) 2, 5 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 1, 3

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66) What is the correct answer for the following question? "Who is playing soccer?" A) At five P.M. B) Tomás Roca. C) They love it. D) In my house. 67) Decide which answer matches each question. Questions 1. How many servings of fruit do you eat each day? 2. How much junk food do you eat? 3. How often do you exercise or play a sport per day?

A) [1-a] B) [1-b] C) [1-b] D) [1-c]

[2-c,b] [2-a,c] [2-a,c] [2-a,b]

Answers a. Very little. b. Two or more. c. A lot of it. d. Never. e. Weekly.

[3-e] [3-d] [3-e] [3-d]

68) Choose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous. “ They ______ football at school." A) were playing B) was playing C) are playing D) is playing 69) Choose a correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous. “ We ____ in a small town.” A) were living B) is living C) are living D) was living 70) Choose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous. “My parents ___ for me.” A) are waiting B) were waiting C) was waiting D) is waiting

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71) What's the gramatically correct answer to the following question? "What were you doing yesterday at 3 PM?" A) I did not work on my PC. B) I was working on my PC. C) I were working on my PC. D) I have worked on my PC. 72) Past progressive indicates: A) An action that began in the past and continues in the present. B) A finished or completed action in the past at a specific time. C) An action in progress in the past at a specific time. D) An action that happened before another action in the past. 73) What's the correct and logical question for this answer? "She's writing a poem on the blackboard". A) What is she doing? B) Where is she? C) Who is writing? D) What does she write? 74) What's the correct and logical question for this answer? "Beto is presenting his findings to Andres". A) What is Beto doing? B) Where did Beto go? C) When will Beto go? D) How does Beto do it? 75) Read the following sentence: "Every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills." Now, change it to the gramatically correct interrogative form asking "why?" A) Why every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? B) Why is every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? C) Why does every word is working hard to highlight your talents and skills? D) Why every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills?

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76) Relate the tenses on the left to their corresponding questions on the right. Tenses 1. Simple Present 2. Present continuous

A) [1-a,b,d] B) [1-b,d] C) [1-c,e] D) [1-a,c,e]

Questions a. What are you doing? b. What do you do? c. Where is Mexico playing? d. Is your sister at school? e. Is Rafael working in the office, now?

[2-c,e] [2-a,c,e] [2-a,b,d] [2-b,d]

77) Which questions are logical and gramatically correct? 1. What do you do? 2. What is Lorenzo playing? 3. Why are Rebeca watching TV? 4. Are Sergio a doctor? 5. What are you doing? A) 3, 5 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 2, 5 D) 3, 4 78) Which sentence is gramatically correct? A) Why Mexican families are changing? B) What are one important change in American families? C) Why is Julieta working as a hospital administrator this year? D) Have Rafael and Julieta Morales three children? 79) Complete the conversation using the correct form of the verbs for past progressive. Use the verbs in parenthesis. Lupe: I’m afraid I’ve broken the pot for the mole. Pedro: Oh no! What 1_____________ (do)? Lupe: I 2 __________ (take) it into the dinning room. I bumped into Chayo. She 3____________ (come) out just as I 4_________ (go) in. A) 1- are you doing 2- am taking 3- is coming 4- am going B) 1- were you doing 2- was taking 3- was coming 4- was going C) 1- was you doing 2- were taking 3- were coming 4- were going D) 1- is you doing 2- is taking 3- are coming 4- is going

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80) Order 6 of the following numbers to make a coherent sentence. 1. potato chips 2. the saltiest 3. why 4. are 5. snack 6. does 7. is 8. ? A) 3 → 6 → 2 → 1 → 7 → 5 B) 7 → 1 → 3 → 2 → 5 → 4 C) 3 → 4 → 1 → 2 → 5 → 8 D) 6 → 2 → 1 → 7 → 3 → 8 81) If you want to remember the things that you experienced as a kid, which of the following phrases would correspond to that purpose? 1. I live in a house with a garden full of plants. 2. On my first birthdays I was afraid of clowns. 3. When I see pictures from my childhood I feel nostalgic. 4. I still see some of my schoolmates from elementary school. 5. My best friend lives two houses down the block from me.

A) 1, 3, 5 B) 5, 4, 3 C) 2, 3, 4 D) 3, 1, 4 82) Choose a superlative adjective for the sentence. “China's population is ____ of all the countries.” A) the largest B) small C) fatter D) heavy 83) Choose a comparative adjective for the sentence. “ Sandy's hair is _____ Nancy's.”

A) fat B) tallest C) longer than D) skinny

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84) Match the comparative and superlative on the left with the sentences in the column on the right. Comparative or superlative 1. larger 2. the largest

A) [1-c,d] B) [1-a,d] C) [1-a,b] D) [1-c,b]

Sentences a. Which state is _________, Chihuahua or Zacatecas? b. Michoacan is ________ than Hidalgo. c. Which city has the ________ population: Guadalajara, Mexico City or Monterrey? d. Mexico City has ________ population of the country.

[2-a,b] [2-b,c] [2-c,d] [2-a,d]

85) Choose a comparative adjective for the sentence. “ My brother is ____ me" A) older than B) fat C) skinny D) tallest 86) Choose a superlative adjective for the sentence. “ Have you seen ____ man in the world?” A) heavier B) taller than C) the tallest D) attractive 87) The following sentence: “Mi automóvil corre más rápido que el tuyo”, would be translated to English as: A) My car runs faster than yours. B) My car run more faster than you. C) My car runs fastest than yours. D) My car runs more fast than yours.

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88) Choose the statement that uses the correct superlative form of "expensive" based on the prices of the following items. Sunglasses “a” cost $65. Sunglasses “b” cost $50. Sunglasses “c” cost $80. A) Sunglasses “c” are most expensivest. B) Sunglasses “c” are the most expensive. C) Sunglasses “c” are the least expensive. D) Sunglasses “c” are the more expensive. 89) Choose the correct answer according to the picture below. Which is the nearest mainland neighbor?

A) Russia B) South Korea C) Shikoku and Kyushu D) Sakhalin Island

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90) Match the correct type of adjective on the left with the sentences on the right. Adjectives 1. Superlative 2. Comparative

A) [1-b,d] B) [1-a,c] C) [1-c,d] D) [1-a,b]

Sentences a. Which city is bigger, San Luis Potosi or Zacatecas? b. The views in Guadalajara are more beautiful than in México City. c. Merida is the most beautiful city in Mexico. d. Canada has the longest coastline of any country on earth.

[2-a,c] [2-b,d] [2-a,b] [2-c,d]

91) Choose the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis for each of the following sentences. 1. "This is (cheap, cheaper, cheapest) than that one", said the seller. 2. Today there are (nice, nicer, nicest) people than yesterday. 3. Sorry, teacher, could you tell me who the (smarter, smartest, most smart) pupil in your class is? 4. There is no doubt about it. She is the (better, best, more good). A) 1-cheaper / 2-nicer / 3-smartest / 4-best. B) 1-cheapest / 2-nice / 3- most smart / 4-best. C) 1-cheaper / 2-nicest / 3-smartest / 4-better. D) 1-cheap / 2-nice / 3-smarter / 4-more good. 92) Form the correct plural form of the following word: Child A) Childrens B) Children C) Child's D) Childs 93) Choose the correct plural noun for the following sentence. “ As we get older,so do our ____ !” A) tooth B) teeths C) teeth D) tooths 94) Choose the correct plural noun for the following sentence. “With this cold weather, my ___ are frozen.” A) foots B) feets C) feet D) foot

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95) Form the correct plural form of the following word: Mouse A) Mous B) Mice C) Mouses D) Mices 96) Choose the correct plural noun for the following sentence. “The Sánchez have eight _____.” A) child B) childs C) childrens D) children 97) Choose the sentences that use the plural noun correctly. 1. My dog has three foots. 2. Three mans work hard. 3. These children are nice. 4. I have some mice in my house. 5. My father has a lot of moneys. A) 1, 2 B) 3, 4 C) 3, 4, 5 D) 1, 2, 5 98) Determine which of the following sentences use the correct quantifier. 1. We bought many butter. 2. People should drink a lot of water. 3. You need many luck to win the lottery. 4. The postman delivered much mail today. 5. I have a lot of work to do. A) 2, 4, 5 B) 2, 5 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 1, 3, 5 99) Why is the following sentence incorrect?: “Too much mouses threatens public health” A) Because "...may mouses threaten..." should be used in order to have coherence with the interrogative, the plural and the verb. B) Because the plural of "mouse" is "mice. Changing that would make the sentence correct. C) Because the plural of "mouse" is "mice". The verb is not used in the correct form. We don´t use "much" with countable nouns. D) Because "many" should be used with "mouses" and the verb should be "threaten". M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 65

100) Change the following singular nouns to plural nouns. The shepherd saw his watch and ran after his sheep in order to escape from the fox. The __________ saw ___________ and ran after _________ in order to escape from the ________. A) shepherd  his watches  his sheeps  foxs B) shepherd  his watches  their sheeps  foxs C) shepherds  their watches  their sheep  foxes D) shepherds  their watches  his sheep  foxes 101) The plural of "deer" is: A) deer B) door C) deers D) deeres 102) Rewrite the following sentence using plural nouns and change the number 1 to the number 100. "In the farm we have 1 goose." A) In the farm we have one hundred gesse. B) In the farm we have one hundred gooses. C) In the farm we have one hundred geese. D) In the farm we have one hundred goose. 103) Indicate whether the shaded words in the following text are correct "C" or incorrect "I". The bed is five feet long. Its width are six foots. It's good enough for the children. My two childs will be very comfortable on it. A) C - I - C - C - I B) I - I - I - C - I C) C - I - I - C - I D) I - I - C - I - C 104) Which of the following sentences use the plural nouns correctly? 1. Thieves are bad people 2. These womans are pretty. 3. Who are those mans? 4. There are many people at school. 5. Ricardo likes to play with dies. A) 3, 5 B) 1, 4 C) 2, 3, 5 D) 1, 2, 4

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105) What is the difference between countable and uncountable nouns? A) There is no difference between the forms. We can use both depending on the context. B) Countable nouns have a plural form and the uncountable nouns can't be used in plural form. C) Countable nouns do not have plural form, we can use them only in singular. D) Countable nouns do not have singular form, we use them only in plural form. 106) Indicate which of the following words in the sentence is an uncountable noun: The school has 5 backyards, 3 slides and 2 bookstores. A) Slides B) Backyard C) None D) School 107) Complete the following word using the correct quantity expression. (much, many, some or any). 1. How ____ sugar do you like in your coffee? 2. How _____ people were there at the America-Chivas football game? 3. Sorry, I need _____ help. 4. I can't see ____ pencils on the desk. A) much  many  any  some B) many  much  some  some C) many  many  some  any D) much  many  some  any 108) Choose the correct words to complete the following sentence: Javier has ______ books on his desk, but Sandra doesn`t have _____ books on her desk. A) some  some B) many  much C) much  many D) some  any 109) Indicate which of the following words is an uncountable noun: noise, street, star, bottle A) Street B) Bottle C) Noise D) Star

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110) Choose the correct preposition ( at, on, in or after) for the sentence: Hidalgo was born _____________Guanajuato ____________________1753. A) at - at B) in - in C) on - in D) after - at 111) Use the correct preposition of time in the following sentence. The post office closes ________________ 5:00 pm. A) in B) to C) on D) at 112) Complete the next paragraph with the correct time expressions given in parenthesis. Write the answer following the sequence of the numbers. “We traveled1 _____ (on-it-at) Friday. We got to the airport2 _____ (on-in-at) time to have a coffee before checking in, 3 ____ (on-in-at) the airline's counter. Fortunately, the plane took off4 ________ (on-in-at) time. A) at  on  in  on B) on  on  at  on C) on  at  in  at D) on  in  on  at 113) In the next sentence, do you need any of these prepositions : “in”-“on” or “at”? or nothing? “All our relatives came for a celebration ____ last Christmas.” A) nothing B) at C) in D) on 114) Choose the correct expressions "in-at-on" to complete the sentences: 1. “My mother's birthday is ____ April.” 2. “I always get up early ___ Friday mornings”. 3. “Please, try to be home ___ lunch time.” A) 1-in / 2-on / 3-at B) 1-in / 2-in / 3-on C) 1-on / 2-in / 3-at D) 1-on / 2-at / 3-at

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115) Match the time expressions on the left with the sentences on the right. Choose X if the sentence does not need a time expression. Time expressions 1. at 2. on

A) [1-a,d] B) [1-a,d] C) [1-d] D) [1-a]

[2-b,c] [2-b,e] [2-a,c,e] [2-c]

Sentences. a. They arrived ___ three o'clock in the afternoon. b. Maradona was born ______ the 3rd of February. c. My children got up ______ Sunday morning. d. I went to Saltillo _______ age five. e. My daughter moved to La Paz_____ last year. [X-e] [X-c] [X-b] [X-b,d,e]

116) This expression of time is used for a precise time. A) next B) at C) on D) in 117) In this sentences you use ______ as time expression. 1. I get up ____ 7:00 A.M. 2. I get home late ____night. 3. My teacher usually drives home _____ noon. A) in B) on C) at D) since 118) In which of these sentences are the time expressions used correctly? 1. My daughter will go at the park at noon. 2. She es going to study next week. 3. I see you later. 4. They in a while go. A) 1, 2, 4 B) 1, 2, 3 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4

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119) Match the correct grammar preposition of time. Prepositions may repeat. Example 1. ___ February 14th, is Valentine's day. 2. ___ half past three, i'm going to the cinema. 3. ___ June, I will do it.

A) [1-b] B) [1-c] C) [1-c] D) [1-b]

[2-c] [2-b] [2-a] [2-a]

Preposition of time a. at b. in c. on

[3-b] [3-c] [3-b] [3-c]

120) Use an appropriate preposition for the following sentence: "My birthday is __________ May." A) at B) in C) on D) since 121) Choose an appropriate preposition for the following sentence: "Mary has classes _______________ the afternoon." A) at B) since C) in D) on 122) Use an appropriate preposition for the following sentence: "I was born ______________ 1990." A) on B) since C) in D) at 123) Use “for” o “since” to complete the next sentence: I've been studying hard _____ six months. I'm taking an English course at the UNAM _____ March. A) for  for B) since  since C) for  since D) since  for

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124) Order the following words to make a coherent sentence. 1. be 2. will 3. Christmas 4. where 5. Eve 6. you 7. on 8. ? A) 4 → 6 → 2 → 1 → 7 → 3 → 5 → 8 B) 7 → 3 → 5 →  → 6 → 2 → 1 → 8 C) 4 → 2 → 6 → 1 → 7 → 3 → 5 → 8 D) 7 → 3 → 5 →  → 2 → 1 → 6 → 8 125) Complete the next sentence with the correct object pronoun: “I love Mary, I've just bought a nice bunch of flowers for_____.” A) she B) he C) him D) her

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126) Mayra has to do some homework about "subject pronouns" and "object pronouns". Instead of consulting a book Mayra decided to check a forum on a website called "MiTarea . com". After asking her questions she got several answers she has to analyze before she can take one as correct. This is the dialogue:


Hello everyone: Can anyone tell me when we use a "subject pronoun" and when an "object pronoun"? sent 2 hours ago


when the noun is in the position of the object and we don´t want to repeat the noun, bye


when we want to substitute a noun in a sentence. If the noun is before the verb we use the "subject pronoun". If the noun is after the verb we use the "object pronoun". 1 person liked this answer when the noun has the function of a subject and we don´t want to repeat it, oxoxo  1 person liked this answer



when we want to substitute a noun. If the noun is singular, we use a "subject pronoun"...if the noun is plural we use the "object pronoun" ok?


Thank you everyone, all your answers are interesting but I think only one is correct. 1 hour ago

Who gave the right answer? A) Jonás B) Juan C) Miguel D) Ismy

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127) Mark the following sentences as correct C, or if they have errors E. 1. María Felix was an actress. Everybody knows about she. 2. Jane was aware that something special occurred to him. 3. My brother and me left earlier than usual. A) [1-E] B) [1-C] C) [1-E] D) [1-C]

[2-C] [2-E] [2-C] [2-C]

[3-E] [3-E] [3-C] [3-E]

128) Complete the following sentence with the corresponding pronoun. Laura saw _______ (her friends) last week. A) they B) him C) her D) them 129) Identify the object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us , you, them) Which object form of the personal pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? The boys are riding their bicycles. A) It B) her C) his D) them 130) Which object pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? Can you tell the people the way to the train station? A) them B) her C) him D) it 131) Which object pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? Can you help my sister and me to finish the homework, please? A) Her B) It C) Us D) Him

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132) Explain if the object pronoun in the following sentence is correct or not: “People all over the world are claiming for a lot more freedom of expression for it” A) It's totally correct. "People" is singular, so the object pronoun is “it”. B) It's incorrect. "People" is plural, and the correct object pronoun is “them”. C) It's incorrect. "People" is singular and the object pronoun is "us". D) It's incorrect. "People" is plural and the object pronoun is "theirs". 133) Read the text and complete it with the correct pronouns : 1. He came to church with ____ (her/she), as ____ (him/he) always did. 2. ____ (her/she) took the precaution to place ____ (him/he) next to her. A) her  he  she  him B) her  him  she  him C) her  he  she  he D) she  he  she  him 134) Indicate the correct sequence of the numbers in order to complete a coherent sentence: 1. her 2. didn't love 3. he 4. everyday, but 5. him 6. wrote a letter to 7. she A) 3 → 6 → 1 → 4 → 7 → 2 → 5 B) 5 → 6 → 7 → 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 C) 3 → 6 → 7 → 4 → 1 → 2 → 5 D) 5 → 6 → 1 → 4 → 7 → 2 → 3 135) Choose whether the underlined word in the sentence is a subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun or predicate nominative. María and Tomás helped us. A) Object pronoun B) Possessive pronoun C) Subject pronoun D) Predicate nominative 136) What's the correct question to get this underlined answer?: I went to the movies yesterday. A) What time did you go to the movies? B) How did you go yesterday? C) When did you go to the movies? D) Why did you go to the movies? M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 74

137) Which sentences are incorrect based on the grammar for simple past? 1. Where did you picked up your English? 2. Why did you slam the door? 3. When does she had the accident? 4. What time did the match was start? A) all of them B) 1- 3 - 4 C) none of them D) 2- 3 - 4 138) What's the correct question to get this answer based on the grammar for simple past and the best choice of a question word? “The concert began at six o'clock”. A) What time did the concert began? B) When did the concert begin? C) When did the concert began? D) What time did the concert begin? 139) Why is the following question incorrect? “Why do you did that during last class?” A) Because "do" can not be repeated as an auxiliary and as a verb in the same sentence. B) Because "do" and "did" can never be used together in the same sentence. C) Because "do" is for questions in present and this is a question in past. D) Because the auxiliary in past is "did", the verb should be in infinitive without "to". 140) Turn this statement into a question: "Molly buys gift certificates at the department store". Did Carla ________ gift certificates at the department store? A) buy B) buyed C) buys D) bought 141) Change the statement below to the negative form in past tense: "She mixes the ingredients for the Thanksgiving stuffing". She __________the ingredients for the Thanksgiving stuffing this morning. A) did mixed B) doesn't mix C) didn't mix D) didn´t mixed

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142) Complete the sentences below with the appropriate word: A. _____ you go to Veracruz on Saturday? B. No, we ______ We went to Acapulco. A) Are  aren't. B) Did  didn't. C) Will  won't. D) Do  don't. 143) Classify the following sentences as true (T) or false (F). Sentences 1. Negatives in the simple past tense are formed by adding DID NOT before the simple form of the verb. 2. The verb BE is not an exception to the previous sentence. 3. YES / NO questions in the simple past are NOT created using the auxiliary DID. 4. Questions with WH words in simple past are created by using the auxiliary DID before the subject. A) [T-2,3] B) [T-2] C) [T-1,3,4] D) [T-1,4]

[F-1,4] [F-1,3,4] [F-2] [F-2,3]

144) The answer for the question "Where did the teacher live before?" is: A) In Michoacan. B) In January. C) In the kitchen. D) in the morning. 145) Select the best answer for the sentence below: "Where did you go?" A) We met an old friend. B) We went around 10:00. C) To San Luis Potosi. D) With my brother. 146) Choose the correct words to complete the next text in English. If it´s necessary you can use a word more than once. “Tell me, please. Why _____you _____ him _____ Mary _____ know he was the thief? A) did  invited  when  do B) did  invite  when  did C) did  to invite  when  do D) did  invited  when  did

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147) Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense "I am a teacher". A) I will be a teacher. B) I will a teacher. C) I will be teaching. D) I was a teacher. 148) Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense. "The team has a party". A) The team will party. B) The team will have a party. C) The team have a party. D) The team will has a party. 149) Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense: "Juan is an expert on using computers". A) Juan is being an expert on using computers. B) Juan be an expert on using computers. C) Juan will an expert on using computers. D) Juan will be an expert on using computers. 150) What's the contraction of "will not"? A) willn't B) wan't C) will not D) won't 151) How would you express with correct grammar the following sentence in English? “Hace frío. Cerraré la ventana”. A) “Is cold. I will close the window.” B) “I'm cold. I' will close the window.” C) “It's cold. I'll close the window:” D) “It's cold. I´m close the window.” 152) Complete the sentence using the verb “to go” and the auxiliary for simple future, in affirmative or negative: “I ____ surely ____ . Mary ____ ____; she's very busy right now.” A) will  go / will  go B) will  go / won't  go C) won't  go / will  go D) won't  go / won't  go M12. Mi vida en otra lengua 77

153) What does this sentence express? “I'll take a seat. Look over there, there's an empty chair.” A) Plans about the future. B) Uncertainty of actions happening in the future. C) A decision made at the moment of speaking. D) A prediction or promise. 154) What does this sentence express? “It will probably rain tomorrow morning.” A) A planned action in the future. B) A prediction about the future. C) Something that won´t happen. D) Uncertainty about the future. 155) Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb “buy” and the form of future using “going to”: “I _______________ a new car next year. I´m already saving money.” A) am buying B) 'm gonna buy C) am going to buy D) am going buying 156) What does “going to be” indicate in the next expression? “There are no clouds in the sky. It's going to be a lovely day." A) The wish for something to happen. B) Something that is going to happen for sure. C) A very unlikely situation about the future. D) A prediction about the future based on the present. 157) Complete the sentence using idiomatic future: “going to”. “Lupita and Lalo (rent) _________________ a car to travel along the country.” A) will going to rent B) are going to rent C) are going renting D) is going to rent

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158) Read the sentence and answer the question: "I'm going to be a pilot when I grow up." Why do they use "going to", if we can also use "will" to talk about the future? A) Because it's an intention about the future. B) It's a promise. C) It's a prediction. D) Because we can't know if it will happen. 159) We use "going to" to refer to: A) Promises or predictions about the future. B) Situations that will happen for sure. C) Spontaneous decisions based on the present. D) Actions that may or may not happen. 160) If we are planning to buy a new book in preparation for an exam, it is best to use: A) will be buying B) will buy C) going to buy D) shall buy 161) Order the words to make a coherent sentence. 1. movies 2. the 3. I 4. to 5. am 6. going A) 3 → 6 → 5 → 4 → 2 → 1 B) 4 → 1 → 2 → 3 → 5 → 6 C) 4 → 2 → 1 → 3 → 5 → 6 D) 3 → 5 → 6 → 4 → 2 → 1 162) How do you offer a drink in a polite way? A) What do you want to drink? B) What drink would you prefer? C) What would you like to drink? D) What do you like to drink?

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163) Choose one option to complete the expression below: “I'm a little worried. She's 2 hours late. Why ______ she _______ so late?” A) would  be B) won´t  be C) would  to be D) will  to be 164) Write a logical sentence with the given words: Told / he/ me/ 10:00/ would/ after/ be/he/ here A) He told me would be he here after 10:00. B) He told me would he be here after 10:00. C) He told me after 10:00 he be would here. D) He told me he would be here after 10:00. 165) What's the right short answer for this? “Would you like to go to the movies next weekend?” A) No, I would not like. B) No, I wouldn't like. C) No, I would not. D) No, I wouldn't. 166) Order the following words to make a coherent sentence. 1. he 2. be 3. would 4. the 5. organizing 6. not 7. ? 8. evidence A) 3 → 1 → 2 → 6 → 5 →  → 8 → 7 B) 3 → 1 → 6 → 2 → 5 → 4 → 8 → 7 C) 1 → 3 → 2 → 6 → 5 → 4 → 8 → 7 D) 1 → 3 → 6 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 8 → 7

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167) Complete the conversation using a polite expression. Joko: has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat: You: __________________________________ Joko: No, thanks. I’m not hungry. A) Do you like something? B) What do you want to eat? C) Would you like something to eat? D) What would you eat? 168) Complete the conversation using a polite expression. A friend of yours is interested in one of your books. You invite him to borrow it. Friend: this book looks very interesting. You: Yes it's very good. ________________________________ A) Would you like to borrow it? B) Would you borrow it? C) Do you want to borrow it? D) You need to borrow it

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