Materials Design for Virtual Environments

Materials Design for Virtual Environments Unit 2: Step 2 - Tools in learning environments Grupo: 551021_5 Tutora Astr

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Materials Design for Virtual Environments

Unit 2: Step 2 - Tools in learning environments

Grupo: 551021_5

Tutora Astrid Yanira Lemos

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. - UNAD Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación. - ECEDU Licenciatura en inglés como Lengua Extranjera

Tools that create or support a virtual learning environment.

Nowadays, thanks to technological advances, we can count on a great variety of tools that we can have according to the pedagogical objectives. These tools are of great help to create virtual spaces as well as to create virtual materials or to plan lessons, etc. Among the most used we have:

The ActivExpression. (basic application on the Promethean board) provides teachers with real-time information about students' understanding and progression of their learning, while students work at their own pace or as a class.

Blackboard. (learning management system) is a flexible, simple and intuitive computational platform that contains the necessary functions to create the necessary documents to administer a course that is accessed remotely by students and using the Internet as a medium.

DropBox. stores and shares files and folders via Internet

Edmodo. is a technological, social, educational and free platform that allows communication between students and teachers in a closed and private environment as microblogging, created for a specific use in higher secondary education.

ExamView is a tool for the creation and evaluation of online and paper exams. It includes a question editing bank which allows you to quickly create questions in any format, as well as create study guides or test guides in just minutes.

GoKnow software learning environment for mobile devices.

iWeb Apple software for building websites

MyUdutu. (rapid e-learning authoring tool) Is used to build interactive educational materials. It is an online software, that is, you can work from a technological platform without having to download or install a program on your computer.

Puzzle maker Is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents.

Quia builds activities, quizzes, online worksheets

Raptivity rapid e-learning authoring tool

SharePoint Microsoft collaborative work space

Schoology learning management system

Trackstar lesson plan storage/depository

Moodle is a free and open source software platform. Moodle is similar to Edmodo in that it emphasizes building communities in the classroom.

Brain Pop is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 [2] short animated films for students in grades K-12 (ages 6-17), along with quizzes and related materials, covering science, social studies, English, math, engineering and technology, health, and art and music.

Study Island. A proven K-12 practice and evaluation tool Programs aligned with state standards to boost competition High Risk Assessment Preparation. Customizable classroom assessments and flexible practice. Real-time progress monitoring to track student outcomes

These tools help teachers quickly create interactive instructional resources or curricula that are then stored online. This allows documents to be edited collaboratively and asynchronously, provides places for teachers to upload and make resources available to students, as a way to track student progress and a place to publish assignments. Supporting the sharing of resources is a way of stimulating student interest in a topic. It is a way to ensure that all work and discussion in the virtual classroom occurs within an educational space and under the teacher's umbrella. In conclusion, they are tools that improve the teaching-learning progress and offer variety to satisfy the pedagogical objectives supporting the virtual learning environment.