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Listen UP!(115).indd 1 29/06/2016 14:23:04 Children’s first day of school. 10.31 COMMON MISTAKES: TO CALL TO, PEOPLE I

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Listen UP!(115).indd 1 29/06/2016 14:23:04

Children’s first day of school. 10.31 COMMON MISTAKES: TO CALL TO, PEOPLE IS, THOUSAND OF PEOPLE, TO ASSIST Autor: Michael Slevin Uttley Coordinación y edición: Adriana Moody y Rubén Palomero Diseño: Jacobo Lamas ( y Alejandro González Imágenes interiores: Michael Slevin Uttley y depositphotos Imagen portada: Marta Tovar Voces: Michael Slevin Uttley, Daniel Rivarola, Rosanna Ryan, Adriana Moody, Joshua Clewes, Nick Keyte, Tracey Durso, Richard O’Connor, Hayley Howarth, Jessica Brennan, Rachael Collins, Tom Chell, Daniel Richardson, Lucía Fraile, Alberto Alonso, Alex Davies, Maria Dwane, Nicola Wylie, Stuart Coulter, Kyle Millar y Mark Green. Sonido: Ignacio Carvajal, Juan García Escribano, Juan José Durán, Daniel Escudero Depósito Legal: M-23615-2016

ISBN: 978-84-15978-88-6 2 Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 2 29/06/2016 14:23:05



Children’s first day of school. Listen UP!(115).indd 3 29/06/2016 14:23:06

Listen UP!(115).indd 4 29/06/2016 14:23:07

¿Cómo descargar el audio de los libros? PASO 1 Entra en y pulsa en “REGÍSTRATE” para crear tu cuenta. Pincha en “ENTRA” si ya te registraste. PASO 2 Introduce la clave: 7943VAUGHAN167952. Pulsa “Agregar código”. PASO 3 Aparecerá un mensaje diciendo que el audio se ha cargado y verás una imagen del libro que has introducido (cada vez que entres en la web con tus credenciales aparecerán todos los libros de los que hayas metido el código de descarga). Pasa el ratón sobre el libro, de manera que aparezca un recuadro naranja con dos iconos. Pincha sobre el altavoz para descargar el audio en tu dispositivo (comprimido en un zip); pincha sobre el libro para ver detalles del libro. Para cualquier duda puedes consultarnos en [email protected] Listen UP!(115).indd 5 29/06/2016 14:23:07

Children’s first day of school. 10.31 Introduction COMMON MIST A la hor AKES: T a de apr OC ender ingl ALL TO, PEOPLE IS, THOUS és, una de las principales dificult AND OF PEOPLE, T ades es la comprensión or O ASSIST al. No es de extrañar que, si uno no puede entender lo que alguien le está diciendo en inglés, no sepa cómo responder. Hay muchos factores que pueden hacer que un diálogo con un anglo-parlante nativo parezca imposible: hablan muy rápido o muy bajo, tienen un acento muy cerrado, contraen o acortan las palabras, usan palabras que desconoces y a veces simplemente te bloqueas. Por ello hemos querido crear un producto exclusivamente para trabajar el listening que te ayudará a entender mejor el inglés, tengas el nivel que tengas. Listen Up!, ‘¡Escucha!’, está diseñado para poner el foco de atención en algunas áreas claves del inglés —la comprensión, la gramática y el vocabulario. El objetivo es mejorar tu comprensión del inglés hablado mediante textos y audios sobre 88 situaciones cotidianas. Cada capítulo trabaja un tema distinto como la familia, el transporte, el trabajo, el tiempo libre, etc. Con cada situación tendrás el texto en inglés y en español, aprenderás la gramática, el vocabulario y las expresiones necesarias para entender bien el contenido y, además, tendrás una variedad de ejercicios para consolidar lo aprendido. Los contenidos irán subiendo en nivel de dificultad a medida

que avances en el libro. Y para que puedas trabajar tu oído con distintos acentos en inglés, hemos grabado los párrafos y diálogos en más de 20 voces nativas de Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, Irlanda, Irlanda del Norte, Escocia, Gales, Australia y Canadá. 6 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 6 29/06/2016 14:23:09

Children’s first day of school. ¡T Cómeo u sto ar el l c ibro Para sacar el may a! or provecho a este material didáctico, recomendamos que escuches los párrafos de la forma más relajada posible. No debes intentar entender cada palabra. Relájate e intenta comprender el sentido general de las frases. Si entiendes poco o nada, no te preocupes, sigue escuchándolo las veces que haga falta. A fuerza de oír los sonidos ingleses, tu oído comenzará a discriminar entre ellos y comprenderás el significado de estos 88 párrafos. Una vez que lo hayas escuchado varias veces y sientas que captas la idea general del texto, ya puedes pasar a leer el párrafo a la vez que escuchas el audio. En la primera página te indicamos la gramática y el vocabulario que vas a trabajar con el siguiente párrafo y, además, te ponemos el párrafo en español para que lo puedas contrastar. En cada párrafo verás palabras destacadas con cuatro colores distintos —fucsia (gramática), verde (vocabulario), azul (expresiones) y rojo (notas adicionales). En la siguiente página, ¡te toca trabajar! Tendrás que hacer distintos ejercicios que contienen y repasan estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario vistos en el párrafo. De vez en cuando notarás que los ejercicios también repasan contenidos de los párrafos anteriores porque siempre es importante recordar lo que hemos aprendido. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7 Listen UP!(115).indd 7 29/06/2016 14:23:10

Children’s first day of school. 10.31 Los ejercicios serán los siguientes: COMMON MISTAKES: TO CALL TO, PEOPLE IS, THOUSAND OF PEOPLE, TO ASSIST Spot the Mistake Tienes que encontrar el error en la frase y corregirlo. Translate Tapa la columna derecha y traduce las frases de inglés a castellano y vice versa. Comprehension Questions Contesta una serie de preguntas sobre el párrafo de la página anterior para asegurarte que lo has entendido todo. Audio Exercise Escucha la pista de audio y apunta los datos o contesta preguntas sobre lo que has escuchado. Preposition Corner Elige la preposición correcta. Change to the... Practica los tiempos verbales cambiando las frases a la estructura indicada. Circle the Synonym Selecciona el sinónimo correcto de cada palabra.

Vocabulary Review Haz un repaso del vocabulario de los párrafos anteriores. Fill in the Gap Completa las frases poniendo la palabra que falta. Complete the Question Fijándote en las respuestas, tienes que formular la pregunta correcta (el texto en negrita te ayudará). Match… Une las palabras según el criterio que te demos; puede ser castellano con inglés, verbos con sustantivos, expresiones, etc. Irregular Verbs Practica con los verbos irregulares en inglés y su conjugación correcta. ¡Al final del libro tienes todas las soluciones a los ejercicios en el Answer Key! 8 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 8 29/06/2016 14:49:22

Children’s first day of school. ¡Te toc Taa!ble of Contents Chapter 1 Family..................................................................................................................10 Chapter 2 Work ....................................................................................................................28 Chapter 3 Holidays ..........................................................................................................46 Chapter 4 Health .................................................................................................................64 Chapter 5 Music ...................................................................................................................82 Chapter 6 Transport ................................................................................................100 Chapter 7 Food and Drink ................................................................................118

Chapter 8 Sports ..........................................................................................................136 Chapter 9 Education .................................................................................................154 Chapter 10 Shopping ...................................................................................................172 Chapter 11 Free Time ................................................................................................190 Answer Key ............................................................................................ 208 Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9 Listen UP!(115).indd 9 29/06/2016 14:23:11

Listen UP!(115).indd 10 29/06/2016 14:23:12

Chapter 1 Family BEGINNER 1 Visiting the new baby in the family - 3rd person (to have and to be), dates and years 2 Moving out of your parent’s house - there + to be, saxon genitive (I) 3 Meeting the in-laws - adjectives to describe people 4 Getting a pet - some vs. any 5 Family Christmas dinner - saxon genitive (II), prepositions of place 6 Dealing with a moody teenager - to have 7 Don’t forget your wedding anniversary! - more than, less than, fewer than 8 My wife is pregnant and she needs to get to the hospital! – near vs. far from, as + adjective/adverb + as Listen UP!(115).indd 11 29/06/2016 14:23:13

1.1 Visiting the new baby in the family. 3RD PERSON (TO HAVE AND TO BE), DATES AND YEARS • Recuerda que en el presente con la tercera persona, para decir ‘tiene’ hay que decir “has” — ¡no “have”! — y para decir ‘es’ o ‘está’ usamos “is” ¡y no “are”! • En inglés se puede decir la fecha de dos maneras: J el 1 de enero - January first o the first of January • ¿Y qué pasa con los años? Se dicen los años entre 1000 y 1999 en dos partes — la primera pareja juntos y la segunda pareja juntos: J 1998 - nineteen ninety-eight Después del 2000 ya decimos los años como números normales: J 2012 - two thousand and twelve 2004 - two thousand and four wife = mujer / esposa baby = bebé to weigh = pesar brother = hermano uncle = tío to be born = nacer daughter = hija son = hijo cute = adorable / mono I can’t believe it, I’m an uncle! My brother’s wife gave birth to their lovely daughter on the 10th of October, 2015. Her name is Eve and she weighs 3.4 kg. She has brown hair and she has the South Dublin smallest hands I’ve ever seen! My brother was born on the 12th of October, 1986; almost the same day as his daughter, except he is 29 years old*! She is a quiet baby —she doesn’t make much noise at the moment! My friend’s son was born two days before, on the 8th of October, 2015, and they’ve named him Daniel. He is a little bigger than Eve, but just as cute. Now we have many babies to visit! No me lo puedo creer, ¡ya soy tío! La mujer de mi hermano ha dado a luz a su preciosa hija el 10 de octubre de 2015. Su nombre es Eve y pesa 3.4 kg. Es morena y ¡tiene las manos más pequeñas que jamás he visto! Mi hermano nació el 12 de octubre de 1986, casi el mismo día que su hija, ¡solo que él tiene

29 años*! Es un bebé tranquilo —¡no hace mucho ruido de momento! El hijo de mi amigo nació dos días antes, el 8 de octubre de 2015, y le han puesto Daniel. Es un poquito más grande que Eve, pero tan mono como ella. ¡Ya tenemos muchos bebes para visitar! * A menudo con edades, se dice “months old” o “years old” después de la edad. Por ejemplo: “The baby is 10 months old.” 12 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 12 29/06/2016 14:23:14

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. It’s the 13th of June of 2014. 2. She was born in the 16th of June, 1979.

3. He is 16 years. 4. He have three daughters. 5. She are my friend. Comprehension Questions 1. Did my brother’s wife give birth to a 3. How much does she weigh? daughter or a son? 4. Does she have brown hair or blonde hair? 2. What is her name? 5. When was my brother born? Translate 1.2 He was born on the 20th of September, 1978. Él nació el 20 de septiembre de 1978. He has brown hair and he’s very cute! ¡Es moreno y es muy mono! She has two daughters and a son. Ella tiene dos hijos y una hija. Today is the 21st of July, 2016. Hoy es el 21 de julio de 2016. My friend’s wife gave birth to a boy. La mujer de mi amigo dio a luz a una niña.

Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 13

Listen UP!(115).indd 13 29/06/2016 14:23:15

1.3 Moving out of your parent’s house. THERE + TO BE, SAXON GENITIVE (I) J Recuerda que “there + to be” = ‘haber’, pero si es plural, ¡es diferente! Fíjate: Hay un gato en el árbol. There is a cat in the tree. Hay dos gatos en el árbol. There are two cats in the tree. Hubo un gato en el árbol. There was a cat in the tree. Hubo dos gatos en el árbol. There were two cats in the tree. Habrá un gato en el árbol. There will be a cat in the tree. Habrá dos gatos en el árbol. There will be two cats in the tree. J El genitivo sajón se usa para expresar posesión. Por ejemplo, si la casa, “the house,” es de mi padre, “my father”, diría “my father’s house”. to move out = irse de casa (permanentemente) to live with (someone) = vivir con (alguien) parents = padres* neighbourhood = barrio cousin = primo o prima expensive = caro flat = piso to rent = alquilar sister = hermana for rent = en alquiler * Ten cuidado de no decir, “my fathers”. ¿Tienes dos padres? Next week, I’m going to move out! I live with my parents, but there are opportunities to live with friends or even by myself, and my parents’ house isn’t very big. There is a new flat close Glasgow to my cousin’s house that looks really nice. There is also a room for rent in my uncle’s house. There are loads of nice flats in the city centre, but they are quite expensive. I would love to live in my sister’s neighbourhood, but it’s too far away from my friends’ houses! La semana que viene, ¡me voy de casa! Vivo con mis padres, pero tengo la oportunidad de vivir con amigos o incluso yo solo, y la casa de mis padres no es muy grande. Hay un piso nuevo cerca de la casa de mi primo que tiene buena pinta. También hay una habitación en alquiler en la casa de mi tío. Hay un

montón de pisos en el centro de la ciudad, pero son bastante caros. Me encantaría vivir en el barrio de mi hermana, ¡pero está demasiado lejos de las casas de mis amigos! 14 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 14 29/06/2016 14:23:15

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH

expensive ................................ ................................ mono at the moment ................................ ................................ primo loads of ................................ Spot the Mistake 1. There are a cat. 4. I live on a nice neighbourhood. 2. My fathers are here. 5. The house of my cousin is very big. 3. My parent house isn’t big. Audio Exercise 1.4 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. When did she move out? 4. Did her neighbour (vecino) give birth to a boy or a girl last week? 2. Who does she live with? 5. Who will visit her next week? 3. Are there loads of expensive houses in her neighbourhood? 6. Who will visit her next month? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 15 Listen UP!(115).indd 15 29/06/2016 14:23:15

1.5 Meeting the in-laws. ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE PEOPLE En este párrafo veremos algunos adjetivos para describir a personas: J tall = alto J ugly = feo J shy = tímido J slim = esbelto J outgoing = extrovertido J chubby = regordete J short = bajo J kind = amable J pretty = guapa/bonita (chicas) J grumpy = gruñón J handsome = guapo (chicos) J interesting = interesante father-in-law = suegro the in-laws = los suegros mother-in-law = suegra It’s about time he met his in-laws! His wife is tall and very pretty, so he thought that maybe her parents would be too. But no, his father-in-law isn’t handsome at all! He’s short and Nova Scotia chubby, but very kind —it’s personality that matters. His mother-in-law is an interesting lady; she runs her own online business. She’s slim and pretty, but when she works a lot she’s extremely grumpy. He was nervous about meeting the in-laws, but he has nothing to worry about because he’s outgoing, unlike his shy wife! ¡Ya era hora de que conociera a sus suegros! Su mujer es alta y muy guapa, así que pensó que quizás sus

padres podrían serlo también. ¡Pero no, su suegro no es guapo en absoluto! Él es bajo y regordete, pero muy amable —lo que importa es la personalidad. Su suegra es una mujer interesante; dirige su propia empresa online. Ella es esbelta y guapa, pero cuando trabaja mucho es muy gruñona. Está nervioso por conocer a sus suegros, pero no tiene nada por lo que preocuparse porque es extrovertido, ¡a diferencia de su mujer tímida! 16 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 16 29/06/2016 14:23:16

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review - Antonyms 1. tall

.................... 2. pretty .................... 3. outgoing .................... 4. chubby .................... 5. boring .................... Translate 1.6 My father-in-law is tall and slim. Mi suegro es alto y esbelto. Is your mother-in-law kind and outgoing? ¿Tu suegra es amable y extrovertida? It’s about time you met my cousin! ¡Ya era hora de que conocieras a mi primo! There are loads of nice apartments in my Hay un montón de apartamentos buenos en el mother-in-law’s neighbourhood. barrio de mi suegra. My brother wants to move out soon. Mi hermano se quiere ir de casa pronto. Spot the Mistake 1. He is an interested person. 4. She is a handsome woman. 2. My fathers want to visit me. 5. The cute baby was born on the 14th of December of 2014. 3. I am at the house of my father. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 17 Listen UP!(115).indd 17 29/06/2016 14:23:17

1.7 Getting a pet. SOME VS. ANY Cuando queremos saber cantidades o si alguien tiene algo, usamos “some” y “any”. Normalmente usamos “any” para hacer una pregunta. Por ejemplo, ‘¿Tienes mascotas?’ no es “Do you have pets?” sino “Do you have any pets?”. Veamos todas las combinaciones de “some” y “any”. ¡Ten cuidado con los sustantivos contables e incontables! afirmativo afirmativo negativo negativo pregunta pregunta singular plural singular plural singular plural contable some any any incontable some some any any pet = mascota kitten = gatito puppy = cachorro (de perro) pet shop = tienda de mascotas hamster = hámster aunt = tía cat = gato dog = perro to look after = cuidar de My cousins have never had any pets and they have always wanted one. So we went to a pet shop,

and asked, “Do you have any hamsters?” London “Unfortunately, no,” the owner responded, “We don’t have any hamsters, but we have some cats.” “Do you have any black kittens?” my cousin asked. “Yes, we have one black kitten and some puppies, I can’t remember how many,” he replied. He decided to get a black kitten because his parents, my aunt and uncle, used to have some black cats. “Do you have any advice* about looking after cats?” we asked the owner. “No, I don’t have any advice about cats because my wife looks after them and she isn’t here right now. But I have some toys for cats and some cat food too!” We took the cat home and named it Mia. My aunt and uncle love him, and now the family has an extra member! Mis primos nunca han tenido una mascota y siempre han querido una. Así que fuimos a una tienda de mascotas y preguntamos, —¿Tienes hamsters? —Lamentablemente, no —respondió el dueño —No tenemos ningún hamster, pero tenemos algunos gatos. —¿Tienes gatitos negros? —preguntó mi primo. —Sí, tenemos un gatito negro, algunos perritos, no me acuerdo de cuántos— respondió. Él decidió comprar un gatito negro porque sus padres, mi tía y mi tío, antes tenían unos negros. —¿Tienes algún consejo* para cuidar de gatos?— le preguntamos al dueño. —No, no tengo ningún consejo sobre los gatos porque mi mujer los cuida y no está aquí ahora mismo. ¡Pero tengo unos juguetes para los gatos y comida de gatos también! Nos llevamos el gato a casa y le pusimos Mia. A mi tía y mi tío les encanta, ¡y ahora la familia tiene un miembro más! * Cuidado, ¡“advice” es incontable! La palabra “advices” no existe. 18 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 18 29/06/2016 14:23:17

¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. He was born on / in / at the 24th of / on / in December. 2. We went at / on / to a pet shop. 3. Do you have any advice about / in / at looking after cats? 4. My cousin and my sister work at / on / in the city centre. 5. Do your parents live on / in / about a good neighbourhood? Fill in the Gap – some or any? 1. Do you have ............... water? 4. Do you have ............... pets? 2. Yes, I have ............... water. 5. Yes, I have ............... pets. 3. No, I don’t have ............... water. Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH advice .................................

................................. responder to name ................................. ................................. gatito to run a business ................................. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 19 Listen UP!(115).indd 19 29/06/2016 14:23:17

1.8 Family Christmas dinner. SAXON GENITIVE (II), / PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Sigamos con el genitivo sajón. Fíjate, cuando usamos el genitivo sajón, nunca usamos “the” con nombres de personas. Si dices “the John’s cat” en vez de “John’s cat” ¡me harás daño a los oídos! Echemos un vistazo también a algunas preposiciones de lugar: J behind = detrás de J in front of = delante de J next to = al lado de J on top of = encima de J under = debajo de Christmas dinner = cena de Navidad feast = banquete / festín scraps = sobras to look for = buscar

to sit = sentarse to relax = descansar / relajarse to pull crackers* = tirar crackers fair = justo to cook = cocinar * “Tirar crackers” es una costumbre británica — dos personas tiramos de cada lado de un tubo hecho de papel, estalla y el lado que tenga el juguete dentro ¡gana! It’s December the 25th, and that can only mean one thing…it’s time for Christmas dinner! Every Christmas, we go to my uncle John’s house for Christmas dinner. My brother and my sister West Sussex always sit next to me, and my sister’s boyfriend sits next to her. John’s dog, Frank, is always under the table looking for scraps. Sometimes my brother’s girlfriend and my dad pull crackers behind my uncle to surprise him. Then, when my aunt finishes cooking everything, she puts all the delicious food down in front of us and we have a feast. When we’re stuffed we pile the plates on top of each other, do the washing up and let my aunt relax. It’s only fair! Es el 25 de diciembre, y solo puede significar una cosa… ¡es la hora de la cena de Navidad! Todas las Navidades, vamos a la casa de mi tío John para la cena de Navidad. Mi hermano y mi hermana siempre se sientan al lado de mí, y el novio de mi hermana se sienta al lado de ella. El perro de John, Frank, siempre se queda debajo de la mesa buscando sobras. A veces la novia de mi hermano y mi padre tiran crackers detrás de mi tío para sorprenderle. Luego, cuando mi tía termina de cocinar, pone toda la comida deliciosa delante de nosotros y nos damos un banquete. Cuando estamos llenos, amontonamos los platos uno encima de otro, lavamos los platos y le dejamos a mi tía descansar. ¡Es lo justo! 20 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 20 29/06/2016 14:23:17

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. Where is the dog? 2. Does his brother sit next to him or his dad? 3. Who sits next to his sister? 4. Where do his brother’s girlfriend and his dad pull crackers? 5. Does his aunt put the food down in front of them or behind them? Spot the Mistake 1. She puts the food up in front of them. 4. We went in my brother’s house. 2. I don’t have some food. 5. He sits behind of him. 3. The John’s cat is always under the table. Translate 1.9 Does your brother sit next to you? ¿Tu hermano se sienta a tu lado? Is the table behind you or in front of you? ¿La mesa está detrás de ti o delante de ti? Are the books on top of the desk? ¿Los libros están sobre el escritorio? Are there any cats under the car? ¿Hay gatos debajo del coche? Are you behind the pet shop or next to the pet ¿Estás detrás de la tienda de mascotas o al shop? lado de la tienda de mascotas? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 21

Listen UP!(115).indd 21 29/06/2016 14:23:18

1.10 Dealing with a moody teenager. TO HAVE Veamos “to have” de nuevo. Es uno de los verbos más comunes en inglés, pero también es un verbo que muchas veces los españoles usan mal. ¡Recuerda que hay que tener cuidado en el presente en la tercera persona, especialmente en el negativo! Él tiene un libro. He has a book. Él no tiene un libro. He doesn’t have a book. Como puedes ver, el afirmativo y el negativo son distintos, ¡no caigas en la trampa! teenager = adolescente patience = paciencia to have a bad temper = tener mal genio/ to be lucky = tener suerte carácter to remind = recordar to be in a bad mood = estar de mal humor sometimes = a veces bike = bici Sometimes, it’s difficult to deal with a teenager who has a bad temper, but that’s life. My brother doesn’t have a bike, and he is in a bad mood at the moment because he wants one Perth very much. My parents have a lot of patience with him. It’s a good thing, because you have to be patient with teenagers. He is* sixteen years old and he has almost everything he wants — he’s* very lucky. He has a great family, and sometimes it’s important to remind people to focus on what they have instead of what they don’t have. A veces es difícil tratar con un adolescente que tiene mal genio, pero así es la vida. Mi hermano no tiene una bici, y está de mal humor ahora porque tiene muchas ganas de tener una. Mis padres tienen mucha

paciencia con él. Menos mal, porque hay que tener paciencia con los adolescentes. Él tiene* 16 años y tiene casi todo lo que quiere —tiene* mucha suerte. Tiene una gran familia y a veces es importante recordar a la gente que se centren en lo que tienen en vez de lo que no tienen. * Ya que estamos te vamos a recordar cuándo no debes usar el verbo “to have” en inglés: Para hablar de edad, usamos “to be”. “He is sixteen years old.” Para hablar de suerte, usamos “to be”. “He is very lucky.” 22 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 22 29/06/2016 14:23:18

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. He has 16 years. 2. My brother has not a bike. 3. I have a lot of luck. 4. Do you have any patient? 5. Sometimes, I have bad temper. Preposition Corner 1. I need to focus in / over / on my work. 2. I’m in a bad mood in / at / of the moment. 3. Are there any birds next to / next of / next in the lake? 4. We piled the plates on / in / at top of / on / in each other. 5. There is a person in front in / of / on him. Audio Exercise 1.11 ¡Escucha la conversación y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. Does Liz’s family have any pets?

4. Does her uncle have any pets? 2. What pets does Liz’s family have? 5. Does George’s neighbour have any pets? 3. How many? 6. What pet did George have when he was a child? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 23 Listen UP!(115).indd 23 29/06/2016 14:23:18

1.12 Don’t forget your wedding anniversary! MORE THAN, LESS THAN, FEWER THAN Para comparar cosas, vamos a usar estas estructuras a menudo. ¡Es bastante fácil! J more than = más que/de J less than = menos que/de (sustantivos incontables) J fewer than = menos que/de (sustantivos contables) to forget = olvidar(se) husband = marido to remember = recordar / acordarse de grandparents = abuelos anniversary = aniversario grandfather = abuelo to get married = casarse colleague = compañero de trabajo date = fecha

a couple = una pareja What could be more important than remembering your anniversary? When you get married, you have to remember, more than anything, that very important date once a year. I know a Yorkshire couple who have been married less than four years and the husband has already forgotten their anniversary more than twice! If you forget it more than a couple of times, you could get into trouble. My grandparents have been married more than thirty years, and my grandfather has forgotten fewer times than my colleague. Now that’s true love! ¿Qué podría ser más importante que recordar tu aniversario de boda? Cuando te casas, tienes que recordar, más que nada, esa fecha tan importante cada año. Conozco a una pareja que lleva casada menos de cuatro años y ¡al marido ya se le ha olvidado su aniversario más de dos veces! Si se te olvida más de un par de veces, podrías meterte en problemas. Mis abuelos llevan casados desde hace más de treinta años, y a mi abuelo se le ha olvidado menos veces que a mi compañero de trabajo. ¡Eso es amor verdadero! 24 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 24 29/06/2016 14:23:19

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH

................................ adolescente grandmother ................................ ................................ vecino advice ................................ anniversary ................................ Translate 1.13 My grandparents had more money than us. Mis abuelos tenían más dinero que nosotros. He doesn’t have any patience. Él no tiene (ninguna) paciencia. They moved out less than four years ago. Se fueron de casa hace menos de cuatro años. It’s a good thing you are here! ¡Menos mal que estás aquí! She wants to sit next to me. Ella quiere sentarse a mi lado. Fill in the Gap 1. Is marriage more important ______ work? 4. Do you have _______ family in Berlin? 2. You could get _____ trouble if you forget 5. I have ______ friends than Sally. your anniversary. 3. Is it difficult to deal ______ grumpy people? Primero, repasemos cómo se dice si algo está cerca o lejos: Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 25 Listen UP!(115).indd 25 29/06/2016 14:23:19

1.14 My wife is pregnant and she needs to get to the hospital! NEAR VS. FAR FROM, AS + ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + AS • Primero, repasemos cómo se dice si algo está cerca o lejos: J near = cerca de J far from = lejos de • Segundo, sigamos con el comparativo. Para decir que una cosa es igual que otra cosa, se dice así: as + adjective/adverb + as The doctor’s is as far as the hospital! ¡El médico está tan lejos como el hospital! Para decir que un sustantivo no es igual a otro, se dice así: J not as + adjective/adverb + as My uncle isn’t as old as my aunt. Mi tío no es tan mayor como mi tía. to be pregnant = estar embarazada to be nervous = estar nervioso rush hour = hora punta to give birth = dar a luz doctor’s surgery (UK) / doctor’s office (USA) = motorway (UK) / highway (USA) = autopista consultorio médico My wife is pregnant and I need to take her to the hospital as soon as possible, because she is about to give birth! We live far from the hospital and it’s rush hour. There is a doctor’s surgery near* New York our house, but it’s closed. I’ll have to drive as fast as I can, but also as carefully as I can. The baby is on its way and we don’t have as much time as I would like! We live near a motorway, so I can drive as fast as the speed limit allows, but there are some roadworks near our house. I hope our baby is as patient as we are and can wait a few more hours! I’m as nervous as I was when I got married! Mi mujer está embarazada y necesito llevarla al hospital lo antes posible ¡porque está a punto de dar a luz! Vivimos lejos del hospital y es hora punta. Hay un consultorio médico cerca de nuestra casa, pero está cerrado. Tendré que conducir lo más rápido que pueda, pero también con el mayor cuidado posible. El bebé está de camino y ¡no tenemos tanto tiempo como quisiera! Vivimos cerca de una autopista así que puedo conducir tan rápido como permita el límite de velocidad, pero hay obras cerca de nuestra

casa. ¡Espero que el bebé tenga tanta paciencia como nosotros y que pueda esperar unas horas más! ¡Estoy tan nervioso como el día que me casé! * ¿Cuántas veces habrás dicho “near to”? Decir “to” en este caso está mal. Si quieres que la gente piense que tienes buen nivel, ¡no lo digas! 26 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 26 29/06/2016 14:23:19

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. Do they live far from the hospital? 2. Do they live near a doctor’s surgery or

far from a doctor’s surgery? 3. Are there any roadworks near their house? 4. Do they live near a motorway or far from a motorway? 5. Is he as nervous as when he got married? Translate 1.15 They live near a church. Viven cerca de una iglesia. She’s giving birth and it’s rush hour! ¡Está dando a luz y es la hora punta! I will drive as carefully as I can. Conduciré con el mayor cuidado posible. / Conduciré con tanto cuidado como pueda. Will we get into trouble? ¿Nos meteremos en problemas? My brother’s wife is pregnant. La mujer de mi hermano está embarazada. Spot the Mistake 1. Can you give me any advices? 4. I don’t have any waters. 2. Do you live near to the hospital? 5. They get married less than two years ago. 3. I drive as fast that I can. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 1: FAMILY 27 Listen UP!(115).indd 27 29/06/2016 14:23:20

Listen UP!(115).indd 28 29/06/2016 14:23:20

Chapter 2 Work BEGINNER 1 An interview in a foreign language - future with going to, nationalities, work vs. job 2 My daily routine is finally changing - present simple, telling the time 3 You got a promotion! - comparatives (II) 4 I passed the interview - superlatives, future with ‘will’ 5 Getting to know your colleagues - the present perfect, for vs. since 6 First day at the new job! - people are, present simple vs. present perfect, too vs. either 7 A colleague is unfairly dismissed - future conditional 8 Call the IT department! - anyone, someone, everyone, no one Listen UP!(115).indd 29 29/06/2016 14:23:21

2.1 An interview in a foreign language. FUTURE WITH GOING TO, NATIONALITIES, WORK VS. JOB • El futuro con “going to” se usa para expresar lo que vamos a hacer en el futuro y se construye así: J sujeto +“to be” + “going to” + el verbo infinitivo • Los españoles a menudo confunden las palabras “work” y “job”: Según lo utilices “work” puede ser… J un verbo (“Do you like to work?”) J un destino (“I’m going to work”) J un sustantivo incontable que expresa la J un sitio (“I’m at work”) cantidad de trabajo (“Do you have a lot of work?”) Sin embargo “job” puede ser… J un sustantivo contable (“I have a job”, “He has two jobs”) J usado con pronombres posesivos (“He likes his job”) J usado con adjetivos (“She has a difficult job”) to get = conseguir nervous = nervioso interviewer = entrevistador interview = entrevista prepare (for) = prepararse (para) candidate = candidato ¡Recuerda estas nacionalidades! French German English American Russian Italian It’s amazing that you are going to try to get a new job, but are you really going to have a job interview in French? How many other candidates are there going to be? My colleague is going South Dublin to have an interview in German, and I know he’s going to be very nervous. He wants to live in Germany with his Russian wife so he’s going to need lots of classes! Do you need to speak French for your job? How are you going to prepare for your interview? It’s going to be tough, but I’m sure you’ll get it! I had an interview in Italian but the interviewers were American and British so it was easy. Unfortunately, I

didn’t get the job, so I’m going to keep looking until I do. Es genial que vayas a intentar conseguir un trabajo nuevo, pero ¿de verdad vas a tener una entrevista en francés? ¿Cuántos candidatos más serán? Mi compañero de trabajo va a tener una entrevista en alemán y sé que va a estar muy nervioso. Quiere vivir en Alemania con su mujer rusa así que ¡va a necesitar muchas clases! ¿Necesitas hablar francés para tu trabajo? ¿Cómo vas a prepararte para la entrevista? Va a ser duro, pero ¡estoy seguro que lo conseguirás! Tuve una entrevista en italiano pero los entrevistadores eran americanos y británicos así que fue fácil. Desafortunadamente no conseguí el trabajo, así que voy a seguir buscando hasta que lo consiga. 30 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 30 29/06/2016 14:23:22

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap - work or job? 1. I am at .................. . 2. What is your .................. ? 3. I am going to .................. at 8 o’ clock. 4. She has a very easy .................. at the moment. 5. They have a lot of .................. because the company is going well. Translate 2.2 Are you going to have an interview tomorrow? Is he going to get the job? Are they going to be nervous? My new job is going to be tough. Do you need to speak Italian at work? Spot the Mistake 1. Her new colleague is Germany. 4. I’m going work now. 2. I’m going to prepare the interview. 5. My Italy colleague has a difficult work. (2 mistakes) 3. I love my new work! Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 31 Listen UP!(115).indd 31

¿Vas a tener una entrevista mañana? ¿Va a conseguir el trabajo? ¿Van a estar nerviosos? Mi trabajo nuevo va a ser duro. ¿Necesitas hablar italiano en el trabajo?

29/06/2016 14:23:22

2.3 My daily routine is finally changing. PRESENT SIMPLE, TELLING THE TIME • El presente simple se usa en inglés para describir hábitos, hechos, cosas que suceden de forma regular y afirmaciones. Se usa mucho en inglés y hay que dominarlo desde el principio. • Cuando hablamos de horas es muy importante entender a todo el mundo. Por ello veremos cómo dicen la hora los británicos y los americanos. daily = diario desk = escritorio colleague = compañero de routine = rutina to have lunch = comer (a trabajo a job = un empleo / trabajo mediodía) timetable = horario to wake up = despertarse a break = un descanso My daily routine is finally changing as I now have a new job! At the moment, I wake up at 6:30 in the

morning, I leave the house at 7:15 and I take the Underground to work. I start work at 9:00 —the Florida normal time in London. The Underground is always so busy at rush hour, it’s crazy. London is a very multicultural city —you always hear languages from all over the world being spoken. I have lunch with my colleagues at 12:30, I’m usually very hungry at that time! At 1:30 I return to work, full and ready for the afternoon. I continue working at my desk until I have a quick break at 3:45 and I go home at around 5:30, depending how much work I have. But now, that is going to change —I’ll work from home and I’ll have my very own timetable! Por fin mi rutina diaria está cambiando ¡porque ahora tengo un trabajo nuevo! De momento, me levanto a las 6.30 h, salgo de casa a las 7.15 h y cojo el metro al trabajo. Empiezo el trabajo a las 9.00 h —la hora habitual en Londres. El metro está siempre muy concurrido a la hora punta, es de locos. Londres es una ciudad muy multicultural —siempre se oyen idiomas de todos los países del mundo. Como con mis compañeros de trabajo a las 12.30 h ¡suelo tener mucha hambre a esa hora! A las 13.30 h vuelvo a trabajar, satisfecho y preparado para la tarde. Sigo trabajando en mi escritorio hasta que tengo un pequeño descanso a las 15.45 h y me voy a casa sobre las 17.30 h, dependiendo del trabajo que tenga. Pero ahora esto va a cambiar —¡trabajaré a distancia y tendré mi propio horario! 32 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 32 29/06/2016 14:23:22

¡Te toca!

Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH German ................................ ................................ rutina timetable ................................ ................................ escritorio to take (the ................................ Underground) Audio Exercise 2.4 ¡Escucha la conversación y rellena los huecos! Para aprovechar este ejercicio también puedes anotar en otra página las horas que oigas sin leer el texto. I wake up at .............. in the morning and I leave the house at ............... I start work at .............. and I have a break at ............... I have lunch with my colleagues at .............. —I’m usually very hungry at that time! At .............. I return to work, full and ready for the afternoon. I continue working until I have a quick break at .............. and I go home at around ............... Fill in the Gap 1. How are you going to prepare .............. the interview? (prepararse) 2. My .............. are British. (compañeros) 3. Everyday, I wake .............. at 6:30. (levantarse) 4. I .............. always .............. before lunch. (tener hambre) 5. She’s going to work .............. home tomorrow. (trabajar a distancia) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 33 Listen UP!(115).indd 33 29/06/2016 14:23:23

2.5 You got a promotion! COMPARATIVES (II) Al igual que en castellano, el comparativo se usa cuando queremos comparar dos cosas. Verás que usamos “than” después de todos: Moscow is colder than London. Hace más frío en Moscú que en Londres. Aquí hay algunos ejemplos, pero cuidado, ¡hay muchos más! Adjectivo ¿Qué hacemos? Comparativo 1 sílaba (regular) big - small - old + er bigger - smaller - older 1 sílaba (irregular) good - bad - much/many ¡memorízalos! better - worse - more 2 sílabas con -y pretty - scary - friendly + ier prettier - scarier - friendlier 2 sílabas y más famous - beautiful + more more famous - more beautiful a promotion = un ascenso foreigner = extranjero salary / wage = sueldo popular = popular friendly = amigable office = oficina / despacho position = puesto commute* = viaje al trabajo * “Commute” puede ser un verbo también: “to commute” (viajar al trabajo a diario) I can’t believe it, you finally got a promotion! I’m sure you’re going to receive a higher salary than your previous position. Is your office going to be bigger? It’s a shame you have to move to Kent Moscow, it’s much colder than London! I hear the people in London are friendlier too, but I’m not sure about that. I think Moscow’s metro system is busier than London’s and more beautiful than the Tube too. Will your commute be longer? I think, as the only foreigner in your new office, you will be more popular than before, but I’m certain the beer will be worse than in London!

No me lo puedo creer, ¡por fin has conseguido un ascenso! Estoy seguro que vas a recibir un sueldo más alto que en tu puesto anterior. ¿Tu despacho va a ser más grande? Qué lástima que tengas que mudarte a Moscú, ¡hace más frío que en Londres! He oído que la gente in Londres también es más amigable, pero no estoy seguro de que así sea. Creo que el metro de Moscú va más lleno que el de Londres y es más bonito que el Tube también. ¿Será más largo tu viaje al trabajo? Creo que al ser el único extranjero en tu oficina nueva, serás más popular que antes, ¡pero estoy convencido que la cerveza será peor que en Londres! 34 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 34 29/06/2016 14:23:23

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review – Antonyms bigger ................. prettier ................. less famous ................. older ................. better ................. Spot the Mistake

1. The Eiffel Tower is more bigger than 3. Do you have much work than John? Blackpool Tower. 4. Apple is famouser than Dell. 2. The weather in Spain is more beautiful that in Belgium. 5. Your salary is going be more higher that mine. (3 mistakes) Translate 2.6 Is his job more difficult than yours? ¿Su trabajo es más difícil que el tuyo? Lunchtime is at 2:45 —later than yesterday. La hora de comer es a las 14.45 —más tarde que ayer. My office is bigger now that I’ve got a Mi despacho es más grande ahora que me han promotion. ascendido. It’s a shame you didn’t get the job! ¡Qué lástima que no hayas conseguido el trabajo! My commute is longer in the morning than in Mi viaje al trabajo es más largo por la mañana the afternoon. que por la tarde. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 35 Listen UP!(115).indd 35 29/06/2016 14:23:23

2.7 I passed the interview. SUPERLATIVES, FUTURE WITH WILL • Se usan los superlativos para decir que algo es más grande, ‘mejor’, ‘peor’ o ‘más...’ que los demás. ¡Y recuerda incluir “the” delante del superlativo!. Canada is the biggest country in the world. Canadá es el país más grande del mundo. Adjectivo ¿Qué hacemos? Superlativo 1 sílaba (regular) big - small - old + est biggest - smallest - oldest 1 sílaba good - bad ¡memorízalos! best - worst (irregular) much/many most 2 sílabas con -y scary - friendly + iest scariest - friendliest 2 sílabas y más famous - beautiful + more most famous - most beautiful • Al hablar del futuro usamos ”will” para expresar una acción voluntaria, “Don’t worry, I’ll do it”; una promesa, “I’ll call you tomorrow!”; o para expresar una predicción, “It’ll be cold next week”. to pass = pasar / aprobar (un examen o una clase) company = empresa interview stage = etapa/fase de entrevista nerve-wracking = estresante headquarters = oficina central CEO = Director Ejecutivo reputation = reputación sector = sector career = carrera profesional Yesterday I had the most difficult interview I’ve ever had, but I passed! The next interview stage will be at the company’s biggest offices, the headquarters in fact. The company has one Perth of the best reputations in its sector and it will be a great company to work for. If I get the job, it will be the highest position I have held and it will be great for my career. The most interviewers

I’ve ever had in an interview was three people last year, and that was nerve-wracking. But the worst thing about the next interview stage is that the CEO will be one of the interviewers! Ayer tuve la entrevista más difícil que he tenido nunca, ¡pero la pasé! La próxima fase de entrevista será en las oficinas más grandes de la empresa, en la oficina central de hecho. La empresa tiene una de las mejores reputaciones en su sector y será una gran empresa para trabajar. Si consigo el trabajo, será el puesto más alto que he tenido y será genial para mi carrera. El mayor número de entrevistadores que he tenido en una entrevista fueron tres personas el año pasado, y eso fue muy estresante. Pero lo peor de la próxima etapa de entrevista es que ¡el Director Ejecutivo será uno de los entrevistadores! 36 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 36 29/06/2016 14:23:23

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ....................... viajar al trabajo diariamente .......................

candidato ....................... de hecho ....................... sueldo ....................... ascenso Spot the Mistake 1. Russia is the most biggest country in the world. 2. This is the beautiful place in the world. 3. This interview is going to be the most difficultest interview I’ve ever had. 4. Carlos Slim is richest person in the world. 5. This is best cake I’ve ever eaten! Comprehension Questions 1. What happened yesterday? 4. What is the highest number of interviewers he has had? 2. Did he pass the interview? 5. What is the worst thing about the next 3. Where will the next interview stage be? interview stage? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 37 Listen UP!(115).indd 37 29/06/2016 14:23:24

2.8 Getting to know your colleagues. THE PRESENT PERFECT, FOR VS. SINCE • Para hablar en inglés es muy importante que domines el present perfect a la perfección. Su estructura es: sujeto + “have” + verbo participio. ¿Cuándo lo utilizamos? J Para hablar de una cosa o un evento que ha empezado y que continua. Por ejemplo,“The weather has been terrible recently.”. Indicadores: “recently” (‘recientemente’) / “lately” (‘últimamente’) J Para hablar de cosas que has hecho a lo largo de la vida y que aún son ciertas. Por ejemplo, “I’ve lived in the UK for six years.” . Indicadores: “for” (‘durante’) / “since” (‘desde’) J Para hablar de cosas que han ocurrido varias veces en un tiempo actual. Por ejemplo, “I’ve received 30 emails so far this morning.”. Indicadores: “so far” / “up to now” (‘hasta ahora’) J Para hablar de eventos que han pasado últimamente. Por ejemplo, “I’ve just spoken to my colleague about the problem.”. Indicadores: “just” (‘acabar de’) / “already” (‘ya’) • ¡Un truco para evitar equivocaciones! Con “since” usamos un día o una fecha concreta, por ejemplo, (“since yesterday”, “since 1984”, “since December 14th”). Con “for” usamos una duración, por ejemplo, “for 2 years”, “for 12 days”, “for 6 months”. staff = personal / empleados networking = hacer contactos to be promoted = ascender firm = empresa / agencia ambitious = ambicioso experience = experiencia current = actual encouraging = alentador eye-opening = revelador/a I’ve worked at my current company for three weeks now and it’s been an eye-opening experience. It’s very different to the previous firm I worked for. Although it’s been a steep Pembrokeshire learning curve, I’ve met some ambitious and open-minded people. It’s been a great lesson in networking too —meeting people that are like-minded is very encouraging. One colleague has been promoted several times and he has only worked here for a short period of time. Another colleague has trained new staff and has gained a lot of experience in this area. This is a great firm to work for! Trabajo en mi empresa actual desde hace tres semanas ya y ha sido una experiencia reveladora. Es muy

distinto a la empresa anterior en la que trabajaba. Aunque haya sido una empinada curva de aprendizaje, he conocido a gente ambiciosa y de mente abierta. Ha sido una buena lección en cómo hacer contactos también —conocer a gente afines es muy alentador. Un compañero de trabajo ha ascendido varias veces y lleva trabajando aquí poco tiempo. Otro compañero ha formado a los nuevos empleados y ha ganado mucha experiencia en este ámbito. ¡Ésta es una gran empresa para trabajar! 38 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 38 29/06/2016 14:23:24

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap - for or since? 1. I’ve worked at Ford ................. 2013. 2. I’ve been here ................. last week. 3. I’ve lived in New York City ................. 10 years.

4. I’ve known him ................. several weeks. 5. I’ve gone to San Francisco 4 times ................ 1995. Translate 2.9 How many times have you been to Vancouver? ¿Cuántas veces has estado en Vancouver? Your progress is very encouraging. Tu progreso es alentador. Have you ever visited Rome? ¿Has visitado Roma alguna vez? Is networking more important than good ¿Hacer contactos es más importante que work? trabajar bien? I’ve been to the headquarters a lot recently. He ido mucho a la oficina central últimamente. Vocabulary Review – Antonyms the biggest ........................ the easiest ........................ the best ........................ the oldest ........................ the most exciting ........................ Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 39 Listen UP!(115).indd 39 29/06/2016 14:23:24

2.10 First day at the new job! PEOPLE ARE, PRESENT SIMPLE VS. PRESENT PERFECT, TOO VS. EITHER • En inglés, la palabra “people” es plural. Este es un error que cometen a menudo los españoles. Recuerda que siempre decimos “people have,” “people are”, etc. • Volvamos a echar una ojeada al presente simple y al pretérito perfecto. Es importante que sepas la diferencia — el “present perfect” se relaciona con el tiempo y el “present simple” se relaciona con hábitos, características, hechos, rutinas y afirmaciones. En este párrafo, el “present perfect” es naranja y el “present simple” es rojo. Ten cuidado, que los tiempos verbales no son iguales en los dos idiomas. • Los adverbios “too” y “either” se colocan al final de la frase. J too = también J either = tampoco welcoming = cordial manager = director comfortable = cómodo boss = jefe to be confident = estar seguro de sí mismo meeting = reunión to achieve = lograr / conseguir It’s my first day and I’ve been really excited about my new job these last few days. I guess most people are nervous on their first day, and I’m a little nervous too. But everything has Glasgow been great so far —the people here are very nice and welcoming. I feel comfortable here, and I’m confident about what I can achieve here too. I’ve never worked as a manager before and I’ve never worked in a big company either, so there are loads of new things I’m going to come across. People here aren’t sure if the boss will hold a meeting with me on the first day, and I’m not sure if I’m ready for that either! Es mi primer día y estoy realmente entusiasmada con mi nuevo trabajo estos últimos días. Supongo que la mayoría de la gente está nerviosa en su primer día, y yo estoy un poco nerviosa también. Pero todo ha sido genial hasta ahora —la gente aquí es muy amable y cordial. Me siento cómoda y también estoy segura de que podré lograr mucho aquí. Nunca he trabajado como directora antes y tampoco he trabajado en una empresa grande, así que hay un montón de cosas nuevas con las que me voy a

encontrar. La gente aquí no está segura si el jefe tendrá una reunión conmigo el primer día, ¡y tampoco estoy segura de estar lista para eso! 40 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 40 29/06/2016 14:23:24

¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. I leave the house in / at / on 7:15 every day. 2. People are usually nervous in / on / at their first day.

3. The weather in / on / at London is worse than in / on / at Barcelona. 4. I had an interview in / at / on Italian. 5. I work at / on / in my desk 7 hours a day. Audio Exercise 2.11 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. Where has he moved recently? 4. How much higher is his salary? 2. Which floor does he live on? 5. How many candidates and interview stages were there? 3. How does he travel to work? Translate 2.12 I hear that people in Edinburgh are friendlier He oído que la gente en Edimburgo es más than the people in Paris. amable que la gente en Paris. How many foreigners work in your office? ¿Cuántos extranjeros trabajan en tu oficina? I’ve met some ambitious people in this He conocido a gente ambiciosa en esta company. empresa. The next interview is going to be very La próxima entrevista va a ser estresante. nerve-wracking. I’ve interviewed five people so far this week. entrevistado a cinco personas en lo que va de esta semana. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 41 Listen UP!(115).indd 41 29/06/2016 14:23:25


2.13 A colleague is unfairly dismissed. FUTURE CONDITIONAL El condicional futuro se usa para expresar lo que pasará o lo que harás en el futuro si algo pasa ahora, pronto o en un futuro cercano. Por ejemplo: If I find a new job, I will leave this company. Si encuentro un trabajo nuevo, dejaré esta empresa. I will be disappointed if I don’t get that job. Estaré decepcionado si no consigo ese trabajo. to leave (a company) = renunciar, marchar fair = justo workmate = compañero de trabajo redundancy package/payment = una to be fired = ser despedido indemnización por despido to get away with = salirse con la suya unfair dismissal = despido injustificado If I get any more news like this, I’ll leave the company. It’s ridiculous. Another workmate of mine has been fired, and he hasn’t done anything wrong. There have been too many cases of Kent unfair dismissal —if the company treats the staff like this, people won’t want to work here. How do companies get away with things like this? If my colleague (or ex-colleague, let’s say) doesn’t receive a redundancy package, he will contact a lawyer for sure —although, as he’s been fired, it is unlikely. It just isn’t fair at all. If the bosses continue to behave like this, I will start looking for a new job. Si recibo otra noticia así, me marcharé de la empresa. Es ridículo. Otro compañero mío ha sido despedido, y no ha hecho nada mal. Han sido demasiados casos de despido injustificado —si la empresa trata al personal así, la gente no querrá trabajar aquí. ¿Cómo las empresas se salen con la suya así? Si mi compañero (o ex-compañero, digamos) no recibe una indemnización por despido, seguro que contactará con un abogado —aunque, como ya ha sido despedido, es poco probable. No es justo en absoluto. Si los jefes siguen comportándose así, empezaré a buscar un trabajo nuevo. 42 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 42 29/06/2016 14:23:25

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ........................ entrevistar interviewer ........................ ........................ amigable recently ........................ ........................ empleados Comprehension Questions 1. What will he do if he receives any more 4. What will his colleague do if he doesn’t news like that? receive a redundancy package? 2. What has happened to his colleague? 5. What will he do if the bosses continue to behave like that? 3. How many cases of unfair dismissal have there been? Spot the Mistake 1. My colleague is leaving the company, and 4. If he fires me, I leave the company.

I’m leaving either. 5. The people here works hard, and I work 2. He got away firing all the staff. (salirse con hard either. (2 mistakes!) la suya) 3. I got some bad new. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 43 Listen UP!(115).indd 43 29/06/2016 14:23:25

2.14 Call the IT department! ANYONE, SOMEONE, EVERYONE, NO ONE Ahora ponemos el foco en estas palabras útiles: Castellano Uso en Inglés Inglés Ejemplo alguien preguntas anyone Does anyone here work for the government? (normalmente) alguien frases afirmativas

someone Yes, someone here works for the government. nadie frases negativas anyone I don’t know anyone here. nadie frases afirmativas no one No one here works for the government. todo el frases afirmativas, everyone Everyone here works for the government! mundo negativas y preguntas cualquier frases afirmativas, anyone Anyone can do that job, it’s easy. persona negativas y preguntas to fix / repair = arreglar geek = friki to work = funcionar to have a look = echar un vistazo the IT department = departamento de TIC computer = ordenador Daniel: Do you know anyone who can fix my computer? It’s not working! Richard: Yes, I know who can help you with that —get in touch with someone from the IT department.* Daniel: I don’t know anyone in the IT Department. Who should I call? Lancashire Richard: I know someone, his name is James. Call him and he will have a look at your computer. Daniel: Ok. Is everyone in the IT Department a geek? Richard: No, of course not everyone there is a geek. Some are, and some aren’t. James is a geek — he Perth knows a lot about computers— and he’s a cool guy. Daniel: Ok, I’ll call him. Is anyone there now? It’s 7 o’clock in the morning… Richard: No, maybe there isn’t anyone there right now. But try anyway, you have a lot of work to do. Daniel: No, there’s no one there. I’ll call again later. In the meantime, I’ll use David’s computer! Daniel: ¿Conoces a alguien que pueda arreglar mi ordenador? ¡No funciona! Richard: Sí, sé quién puede ayudarte con eso —ponte en contacto con alguien en el departamento

de TIC. Daniel: No conozco a nadie en el departamento de TIC. ¿A quién debo llamar? Richard: Yo conozco a alguien, se llama James. Llámale y le echará un vistazo a tu ordenador. Daniel: Vale. ¿Todo el mundo es un friki en el departamento de TIC? Richard: No, por supuesto que no todo el mundo allí es un friki. Algunos sí, y otros no. James es un friki —sabe mucho de ordenadores— y es un chico majo. Daniel: Vale, le llamaré. ¿Hay alguien allí ahora? Son las 7 de la mañana…. Richard: No, a lo mejor no hay nadie allí ahora mismo. Pero inténtalo en cualquier caso, tienes mucho trabajo que hacer. Daniel: No, no hay nadie. Vuelvo a llamar luego. Mientras tanto, ¡usaré el ordenador de David! * Cuando hablamos de departamentos, utilizamos “the”, por ejemplo, “the HR department” or “the IT department.” 44 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 44 29/06/2016 14:23:26

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ........................

el mejor worse ........................ ........................ ascender career ........................ ........................ puesto Fill in the gap - anyone, someone, everyone or no one? 1. Do you know .............. who speaks Russian? 2. No, I don’t know .............. who can speak Russian. 3. .............. in this room works for this company. (todo el mundo) 4. .............. needs to have a look at my laptop. (alguien) 5. .............. here speaks German. (nadie) Audio Exercise 2.15 ¡Escucha con atención la conversación y rellena los huecos! Para aprovechar este ejercicio, anota las horas en otra página sin leer el texto. I wake up at ...................... in the morning and I leave my apartment at ....................... I start work at ...................... and I have a break at ....................... I have lunch with my workmates at ....................... At ......................, I return to work with my colleagues, ready for the afternoon. I continue working until I have a quick break at ...................... and I go home at around ....................... Listen Up! • CHAPTER 2: WORk 45 Listen UP!(115).indd 45 29/06/2016 14:23:26

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Chapter 3 Holidays INTERMEDIATE I 1 Hurricane! - the weather 2 Losing your passport - using “the” 3 My Grandfather’s holidays - used to 4 Complaining about a dirty swimming pool - to take (tardar) 5 Booking a honeymoon - been to 6 Making friends on holiday - to meet vs. to know 7 Getting used to the food and weather - to be used to vs. to get used to 8 Being upgraded in your hotel - too vs. enough Listen UP!(115).indd 47 29/06/2016 14:23:28

3.1 Hurricane! THE WEATHER Tal vez no lo sepas pero a los angloparlantes les encanta hablar del tiempo, ¡especialmente en el Reino Unido! En inglés, al hablar del tiempo no se usa ‘hacer’ (“to make” / “to do”) sino el verbo “to be”. También se usa “it” como sujeto normalmente, por ejemplo, “It’s cold” (‘hace frío’) o “It’s raining” (‘está lloviendo’). Fíjate en estos ejemplos útiles: Hace sol. It’s sunny. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What’s the weather like today? Hace calor. It’s warm. Hace 10 grados. It’s 10 degrees. stormy = tormentoso weatherman = hombre del tiempo hurricane = huracán storm = tormenta windy = ventoso shelter = refugio to book a holiday / vacation* = to return to normal = volver a la normalidad reservar vacaciones Se dice “vacation” en EEUU y “holiday” en Reino Unido. It’s going to be very stormy tomorrow —a hurricane is coming! It’s going to be windy all day and it’s probably going to rain cats and dogs. There won’t be a hurricane here, but one is Texas expected about 250 kilometres away and we’ll get the tail end of it. This isn’t what we imagined when we booked our holiday —we were hoping for warm and beautiful weather. The weatherman said that the storm will arrive around midday, so we’re going to take shelter in the hotel. Hopefully the following day the weather will return to normal. We helped some lovely locals get ready for the hurricane, which was a great cultural experience —every cloud has a silver lining! Va a haber una gran tormenta mañana —¡viene un huracán! Va a hacer viento todo el día y seguramente va a llover a mares. No habrá un huracán aquí, pero sí esperan uno a 250 kilómetros y nosotros sufriremos la cola de ello. Esto no es lo que nos imaginábamos cuando reservamos nuestras vacaciones

—esperábamos un tiempo bueno y caloroso. El hombre del tiempo ha dicho que la tormenta llegará sobre el mediodía, así que vamos a refugiarnos en el hotel. Esperemos que al día siguiente el tiempo vuelva a la normalidad. Ayudamos a algunos residentes encantadores a prepararse para el huracán, lo cual ha sido un gran experiencia cultural, ¡no hay mal que por bien que venga! 48 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 48 29/06/2016 14:23:28

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. When is there going to be a storm?

2. How far away will the hurricane be? 3. What kind of weather were they hoping for? 4. What time will the storm arrive? 5. What did they help the locals do? Translate 3.2 Someone said there is going to be a storm. haber una tormenta. The weather in the Caribbean is better than El tiempo en el Caribe es mejor que el tiempo the weather in Ireland. en Irlanda. Do you know anyone who is a weatherman? ¿Conoces a alguien que sea hombre del tiempo? If it rains cats and dogs, I’m staying at home! Si llueve a mares, ¡me quedo en casa! Is it going to be windy tomorrow? ¿Va a hacer viento mañana? Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ..................... compañero de trabajo manager ..................... ..................... hija to give birth ..................... ..................... hora punta

Alguien ha dicho que va a

Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 49 Listen UP!(115).indd 49 29/06/2016 14:23:28

3.3 Losing your passport. USING “THE” En inglés, con sustantivos abstractos como ‘la vida’, ‘el amor’, ‘la creatividad’, ‘la belleza’, no es necesario el artículo, de hecho, ¡está mal! “Life”, “love”, “creativity” y “beauty” no llevan “the”, pero en los siguientes casos sí necesitamos el artículo “the” junto al sustantivo: antes de los superlativos y números ordinales: para hacer referencia a algo que ya se sabe: This is the best hotel in the city, but the The cathedral (that I mentioned) is very close. cathedral is the first place I want to visit. cuando hay una única cosa en ese sitio: para identificar personas u objetos específicos: Take a picture of the rhino! (porque hay The man in the red hat is from France. solamente un rinoceronte) en cláusulas con “only”: con las décadas: She is the only person in the room. Many things changed in the 1960’s. con nombres de áreas geográficas, cadenas montañosas, grupos de islas, ríos y océanos: The Himalayas and the Philippines are in Asia. passport = pasaporte backpack = mochila ruin = arruinar belongings = pertenencias embassy = embajada helpful = servicial bump into = chocar(se) con police station = comisaría trip = viaje I can’t believe I’ve lost my passport. I’m usually very careful with my belongings! When I was waiting for the train, the guard bumped into me and knocked my backpack onto the floor. I think my South Dublin passport fell out of my bag and now I have to go to the police station and then to the Embassy. The policewoman that helped me at the station was very helpful and, hopefully, I can get a

new passport within a few days. The loss of my passport isn’t going to ruin my holiday, in fact, I’m thinking about extending my trip*! No me puedo creer que haya perdido mi pasaporte. ¡suelo tener mucho cuidado con mis pertenencias! Cuando estaba esperando el tren, el guardia se chocó conmigo y tiró mi mochila al suelo. Creo que mi pasaporte se salió de la mochila y ahora tengo que ir a la comisaría y luego a la embajada. La policía que me ayudó en la comisaría fue muy servicial y, con un poco de suerte, podré conseguir un pasaporte nuevo dentro de unos días. La pérdida de mi pasaporte no va a arruinarme las vacaciones, de hecho, ¡estoy pensando en prolongar mi viaje! * ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “trip” y “travel”? Muy fácil —“trip” (‘viaje’) es un sustantivo y “to travel” (‘viajar’) es un verbo. 50 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 50 29/06/2016 14:23:28

¡Te toca! Fill in the gap - trip or travel?

1. Are you going to ............. to America for work? 2. How many ............. have you taken so far this year? 3. Did you enjoy your .............? 4. I’ve ............. to many different parts of Spain by car. 5. I have a business ............. next week. Audio exercise 3.4 ¡Escucha el audio sobre el tiempo y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. What was the weather like last week? 4. What kind of weather does he hate? 2. What temperature was it? 5. What’s the weather going to be like next week and what will the temperature be? 3. What season is it —summer or winter? Translate 3.5 Are we going to book a holiday this year? ¿Vamos a hacer una reserva de vacaciones este año? It was 30 degrees yesterday. Hacía 30 grados ayer. Do you travel to France every year? ¿Viajas a Francia todos los años? How did you lose your passport? ¿Cómo perdiste tu pasaporte? Life is full of love and creativity. La vida está llena del amor y la creatividad.

Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 51 Listen UP!(115).indd 51 29/06/2016 14:23:29

3.6 My Grandfather’s holidays. USED TO Es muy fácil usar “used to”. Se usa para hablar de algo que solíamos hacer habitualmente en el pasado pero que ya no hacemos. No lo confundas con los otros —“usually”, “get used to” y “be used to”— que suenan parecidos. package holiday = paquete turístico to sunbathe = tomar el sol coast = costa caravan = caravana to pack one’s suitcase = hacer la maleta to book = hacer una reserva / reservar long weekend = fin de semana largo (puente) bed & breakfast = alojamiento y desayuno winter = invierno hostel = hostal My grandfather often tells us stories about where he used to go on holiday —they sound very different to our holidays! For a start, there didn’t used to be package holidays. They used to Kent pack their suitcases, book a hotel on the coast and stay there for a couple of weeks! They also used to take long weekends on the coast too, even if it was winter and they weren’t able to sunbathe. They used to stay in bed & breakfasts or caravans —not the modern hotels and hostels that we book online nowadays. How things have changed! A menudo mi abuelo nos cuenta historias de donde solía ir de vacaciones, ¡suenan muy diferente a nuestras vacaciones! Para empezar, no había ningún paquete turístico. ¡Solían hacer las maletas, reservar un hotel en la costa y quedarse allí un par de semanas! También se cogían los fines de semana largos por la costa, incluso si era invierno y no podían tomar el sol. Se quedaban en sitios de alojamiento y desayuno o caravanas —no los hoteles y hostales modernos que reservamos por internet hoy en día. ¡Cómo han cambiado las cosas! 52 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 52 29/06/2016 14:23:29

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap 1. I want to go ............. holiday. 2. Do you live ............. the coast? 3. I was born ............. winter. 4. He bumped ............. me. 5. Do you have to go ............. the police station? Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ............................ embajada package holiday ............................ ............................ temperatura windy ............................ ............................ el hombre del tiempo Spot the Mistake

1. Where does she used to go on holiday? 4. It makes great weather today! 2. The Daniel has a holiday house near the port. 5. She went on a business travel to Colombia. 3. I’m used to visit my friends in Lisbon every year. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 53 Listen UP!(115).indd 53 29/06/2016 14:23:29

3.7 Complaining about a dirty swimming pool. TO TAKE (TARDAR) Esperemos que no tardes mucho en entender esta lección. Se trata de ‘tardar’, “to take”. J El impersonal en el presente:“it takes” + la duración + verbo infinitivo It takes three hours to fly to Greece. Se tardan tres horas en volar a Grecia. How long does it take to fly to Greece? ¿Cuánto se tarda en volar a Grecia? J El personal en el presente: “it takes” + pronombre objeto + la duración + verbo infinitivo It takes him 30 minutes to drive to work. Él tarda 30 minutos en llegar al trabajo en coche. How long does it take him to drive to work? ¿Cuánto tarda en llegar al trabajo en coche? clean = limpiar to stay = quedarse / alojarse

swimming pool = piscina reception = recepción room = habitación holiday resort = complejo turístico to make a complaint = poner una queja How long does it take to clean a swimming pool? We’ve been here for four days now and we haven’t been able to use the pool due to the fact that it needs to be cleaned. It took us an hour Belfast to make a complaint at reception. We have stayed at this holiday resort five times before and never had these problems. They told us that it takes two days to clean the pool —I don’t understand how it takes so long. It takes a couple of hours to clean a room, so why does it take two days to clean a pool? It took three hours to fly here, so I expect to have a good time! ¿Cuánto se tarda en limpiar una piscina? Ya llevamos cuatro días aquí y no hemos podido usar la piscina debido a que hay que limpiarla. Tardamos una hora en poner la queja en recepción. Nos hemos alojado cinco veces en este centro turístico antes y nunca habíamos tenido estos problemas. Nos dijeron que se tarda dos días en limpiar la piscina —no entiendo cómo se tarda tanto tiempo. Se tarda un par de horas en limpiar un cuarto, así que ¿por qué se tarda dos días en limpiar una piscina? Se tarda tres horas en volar hasta aquí, así que ¡quiero pasármelo bien! 54 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 54 29/06/2016 14:23:30

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH bed & breakfast

............................ ............................ tomar el sol ............................ salirse con la suya fair

............................ ............................ volar Fill in the Gap 1. ............... takes three hours to fly to England from Greece. (tardar) 2. I ............... used to the weather in America. (estar acostumbrado) 3. I would like to ............... a complaint. (reclamar/ quejarse) 4. We have been here ............... seven weeks. (desde hace) 5. She used ............... live in Edinburgh. (ella vivió) Comprehension Questions 1. How long have they been there? 2. Why haven’t they been able to use the pool? 3. How long did it take to make a complaint at reception? 4. How many times have they been to the resort? 5. How long does it take to clean the pool? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 55 Listen UP!(115).indd 55 29/06/2016 14:23:30

3.8 Booking a honeymoon. BEEN TO Cuando hablamos de sitios en los que hemos estado, a menudo usamos “been to”. Por ejemplo, “Have you ever been to the USA?” (‘¿Has estado alguna vez en EEUU?’). Un error común que cometen los españoles es decir, “Have you ever been in the USA?”. Recuerda, no decimos “been in” sino “been to”. honeymoon = luna de miel humid = húmedo to get married = casarse travel agency = agencia de viajes fiancée / fiancé = prometida / prometido to book online = reservar por internet

similar = parecido island = isla My brother is getting married, and it’s time for him to book his honeymoon! He and his fiancée have never been to the Caribbean. Have you ever been there*? I would love to go. I’ve West Sussex been to Thailand, which is similar as it also has some beautiful tropical islands, but never to the Caribbean. Our parents have been to Florida, which is quite close to the Caribbean but much more humid. My brother and his fiancée have been to a travel agency this morning to get a quote on their trip. I told them to get with the times and book online —I’m sure it will be much cheaper. Mi hermano se va a casar, y ¡es la hora de reservar su luna de miel! Su prometida y él nunca han estado en el Caribe. ¿Has estado allí alguna vez? Me encantaría ir. He estado en Tailandia, que es parecido porque también tiene algunas islas tropicales preciosas, pero nunca en el Caribe. Nuestros padres han estado en Florida, que está bastante cerca del Caribe pero es mucho más húmedo. Mi hermano y su prometida han ido a una agencia de viajes esta mañana para solicitar un presupuesto para el viaje. Les dije que se modernicen y que reserven por internet —estoy seguro de que será mucho más barato. * Con “there” o “here” no necesitamos decir “to.” Por ejemplo, “Have you ever been here before?” 56 Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 56 29/06/2016 14:23:30



¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. The beauty isn’t as important as you think. 2. She’s been in India three times. 3. It makes very hot weather today. 4. I’m used to wake up early every day. 5. It’s necessary to enjoy the life. Translate 3.9 It isn’t always easy for artists to find No siempre es fácil para los artistas encontrar inspiration. la inspiración. Is the weather going to be terrible again ¿Va a volver a hacer un tiempo terrible tomorrow? mañana? How did you meet? (plural) ¿Cómo os conocisteis? The conference will start at 10:45am. El congreso comenzará a las 11 menos cuarto. Have you been to any conferences this year? ¿Has estado en algún congreso este año? Preposition Corner 1. Are you going to try in / on / to get a new job? 4. London is much bigger than / that /of 2. I’m in / on /of holiday at / in / on the moment. Edinburgh. 3. How many times have you been on / in / to 5. We’re going to take shelter in / on / of the the Caribbean? hotel. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 57

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3.10 Making friends on holiday. TO MEET VS. TO KNOW Hay dos formas de decir ‘conocer’ en inglés, ¡solucionemos esta duda ya! J “To meet” es ‘conocer’ y lo usamos la primera vez que conoces a alguien. Where did you meet your wife/husband? ¿Dónde conociste a tu mujer/marido? Did you meet your best friend at school? ¿Conociste a tu mejor amigo en el colegio? J “To meet” también es ‘quedar’ y lo usamos cuando hablamos de tener una cita u organizar un lugar de encuentro. Let’s meet outside the bar. Quedemos en la puerta del bar. Did you meet her for coffee yesterday? ¿Quedaste con ella para tomar café ayer?

J “To know” es ‘conocer’ o ‘saber’ y lo usamos si ya conoces a alguien o si alguien sabe algo. You know my boss? I didn’t know that! ¿Conoces a mi jefe? ¡No lo sabía! Do you know if George knows Peter? ¿Sabes si George conoce a Peter? girlfriend = novia local = lugareño / habitante local enjoyable = placentero / agradable traveller = viajero to keep in touch = mantenerse en contacto expat (expatriate) = expatriado to go travelling = irse de viaje I remember meeting lots of people on holiday as a child. It was one of the most enjoyable things about going on holiday. I’ve kept in touch with a couple of them —I’ve known them for years now. My Pembrokeshire friend met his girlfriend on holiday in the US in 2004. He knew that he wanted to live in America, so that worked out well for him. How many people did you meet on your last holiday? When I went travelling around Asia, I didn’t know a single person but I met so many interesting people —locals, travellers and expats. I knew

that I would meet more people travelling alone than if I had travelled with someone. Meeting people is always useful because —you know what they say— it’s not what you know, it’s who you know! Recuerdo conocer a mucha gente de vacaciones de pequeño. Era una de las cosas más divertidas de ir de vacaciones. Me mantengo en contacto con un par de ellos —ya les conozco desde hace años. Mi amigo conoció a su novia estando de vacaciones en EEUU en el 2004. Él sabía que quería vivir en América, así que le ha salido bien. ¿A cuántas personas conociste en tus últimas vacaciones? Cuando me fui de viaje por Asia, no conocía ni una sola persona pero conocí a tanta gente interesante —lugareños, viajeros y expatriados. Sabía que conocería a más gente viajando solo que si hubiera viajado con alguien. Conocer a gente siempre es útil porque —ya sabes lo que dicen— ¡lo importante no es lo que sabes sino a quién conoces! 58 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 58 29/06/2016 14:23:31

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap - to know or to meet? 1. I .............. my best friend on holiday. 2. I don’t .............. Mark, Does George .............. him? 3. Which famous person would you like to ..............?

4. Where are we going .............. later? 5. I don’t .............. when we will ............... Comprehension Questions 1. What was one of his most enjoyable things about going on holiday? 2. How many people has he kept in touch with? 3. Where did his friend meet his girlfriend and when? 4. Did he know he wanted to live in America? 5. Who did he meet when he went travelling around Asia? Audio Exercise 3.11 ¡Escucha el audio y rellena los huecos! There is going to be a ............... tomorrow and we have to leave at ............... in the morning. We have to take all our ............... in our ................ We are currently ............... and we are going to travel to a city ............... away. It takes ............... to fly and three hours ................ Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 59 Listen UP!(115).indd 59 29/06/2016 14:23:31

3.12 Getting used to the food and weather. TO BE USED TO VS. TO GET USED TO Aunque a los hispanohablantes os suene parecido “to be used to” y “to get used to”, tened mucho cuidado porque tienen significados diferentes: J to be used to = estar acostumbrado a J to get used to = acostumbrarse a Fíjate que cuando los usamos en el párrafo ambos siempre van seguidos de un verbo en el gerundio. foreign = de fuera / extranjero authentic = auténtico climate = clima to travel = viajar homesick = nostálgico / tener morriña Western = occidental pollution = contaminación Getting used to foreign food isn’t always easy, especially if it’s a country like China. I’m used

to eating Chinese food in restaurants in London, but that’s not authentic Chinese food. It London takes a few weeks to get used to a new climate and food at the same time; plus I’ve been a little homesick. I’m getting used to the climate —it’s more humid here than at home— but the pollution is terrible and I don’t think I could ever get used to that. Although I’m used to travelling, I’m not used to travelling outside of Western countries. It’s a more fulfilling experience, but a more challenging one too! I wonder if it’s as difficult for Chinese people to get used to Western food and culture as it is for us… Acostumbrarse a la comida extranjera no es fácil, especialmente si es de un país como China. Estoy acostumbrado a comer comida china en los restaurantes de Londres, pero esa no es la auténtica comida china. Tardas unas semanas en acostumbrarte a un clima nuevo y a una comida nueva a la vez; además he estado un poco nostálgico. Me estoy acostumbrando al clima —es más húmedo aquí que en mi país— pero la contaminación es terrible y creo que jamás podría acostumbrarme a ello. Aunque esté acostumbrado a viajar, no estoy acostumbrado a viajar fuera de países occidentales. Es una experiencia más gratificante pero ¡también es una experiencia más difícil! Me pregunto si a los chinos les cuesta acostumbrarse a la comida y a la cultura occidental tanto como nosotros… 60 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 60 29/06/2016 14:23:31

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. It take three weeks to read a book. 2. I never been in New York. 3. I’m going to go to there next month. 4. Are you going to trip during summer? 5. I knew him for the first time yesterday. Translate 3.13 Are you used to eating spicy food? ¿Estás acostumbrado a comer comida picante? It takes a couple of years to get used to a Lleva un par de años acostumbrarse a un different climate. clima diferente. He’s used to staying at expensive hotels. Está acostumbrado a quedarse en hoteles caros. Is he getting used to living in the countryside? ¿Se está acostumbrando a vivir en el campo? I’m not used to such hot weather. No estoy acostumbrado al tiempo tan caluroso. Vocabulary Review

ENGLISH SPANISH .................. viajero useful .................. .................. placentero fiancée .................. .................. reservar por internet Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 61 Listen UP!(115).indd 61 29/06/2016 14:23:32

3.14 Being upgraded in your hotel. TOO VS. ENOUGH • “Enough” siempre se coloca detrás del adjetivo y delante del sustantivo. Se usa en una frase negativa cuando algo no es ‘suficientemente’ grande, pequeño, bueno, rápido, etc. We don’t have enough time. No tenemos suficiente tiempo. Why isn’t it good enough? ¿Por qué no es suficientemente bueno? • “Enough” también se usa para decir que es ‘suficiente’ o ‘perfecto’ para la situación. The room is big enough for three people. La habitación es suficientemente grande para tres personas. Is the food hot enough? ¿Está suficientemente caliente la comida? • “Too” se coloca delante del adjetivo. Se usa en una frase afirmativa para expresar que es demasiado. This city is too cold! ¡Hace demasiado frío en esta ciudad! Is the food too spicy? ¿La comida es demasiado picante? to check in = hacer el check in / registrarse lobby = vestíbulo jet-lagged = afectado por el jet lag / desfase horario an upgrade = una mejora / una habitación hen party (UK) / bachelorette party (US) = superior (en hotel) despedida de soltera

suite = suite We arrived at the hotel too early to check in, and as we were too jet-lagged to do anything, we decided to wait in the lobby for our room. It wasn’t quiet enough to do any work while we were Neath Port Talbot waiting for our room because there was a hen party checking in too and they seemed a little too excited! When we checked in they told us that there were enough rooms, but they still weren’t ready so we got a free upgrade —to a suite! I couldn’t believe the suite; it was spacious enough for six people! Sadly, we didn’t have enough time to enjoy all of it, as we were only staying for a few days —what a shame! Llegamos al hotel demasiado temprano para hacer el check in, y como estabamos demasiado afectados por el jet lag para hacer algo, decidimos esperar nuestra habitación en el vestíbulo del hotel. No era suficientemente tranquilo para trabajar mientras esperábamos nuestra habitación porque había una despedida de soltera haciendo el check in también ¡y parecían exageradamente entusiasmadas! Cuando nos registramos, nos dijeron que había suficientes habitaciones, pero que todavía no estaban preparadas así que nos dieron una habitación superior —¡una suite! No me podía creer la suite, ¡había suficiente espacio para seis personas! Por desgracia, no tuvimos suficiente tiempo para disfrutarlo del todo, porque solo nos quedábamos unos días, ¡qué pena! 62 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 62 29/06/2016 14:23:32

¡Te toca! Match the Antonyms spicy dry hot fake authentic unknown humid cold known mild Translate 3.15

Egypt is too hot to visit in the summer. Hace demasiado calor en Egipto para visitar en verano. The food is too spicy for me because I’m not La comida es demasiado picante para mí porque used to spicy food. no estoy acostumbrado a la comida picante. The car isn’t big enough for four people! ¡El coche no es lo suficientemente grande para cuatro personas! There is enough money in my account for Hay suficiente dinero en mi cuenta para la the transfer. transferencia. We are not rich enough to live in Monaco. No somos lo suficientemente ricos para vivir en Mónaco. Fill in the Gap - Expression Review 1. It rained ............... and ................ (llover a mares) 2. I hope you ............... a good time! (pasárselo bien) 3. I ............... if everything will ............... out well. (preguntarse + resultar bien) 4. Every ............... has a ............... lining! (¡No hay mal que por bien que venga!) 5. You need to get with the ...............! (modernizarse) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 3: HOLIdAYS 63 Listen UP!(115).indd 63 29/06/2016 14:23:32

Listen UP!(115).indd 64 29/06/2016 14:23:33

Chapter 4 Health INTERMEDIATE I 1 Calling in sick to work - will/won’t be able to 2 Having your appendix out - was/were able to 3 Late for a doctor’s appointment - present perfect continuous 4 Signing up for a gym - to last 5 Getting a prescription - present perfect vs. past simple 6 The dentist’s appointment - should vs. shouldn’t, so much vs. so many 7 Suffering from allergies in a new country - irregular verbs 8 Getting an eye test - have to, don’t have to Listen UP!(115).indd 65 29/06/2016 14:23:34

4.1 Calling in sick to work. WILL/ WON’T BE ABLE TO En inglés es bastante fácil hablar de lo que ‘podrás o no podrás hacer en el futuro’. La estructura que tienes que usar es: + pronombre sujeto + “will be able to” + verbo infinitivo - pronombre sujeto + “won’t be able to” + verbo infinitivo ¡Ya lo tienes! to be sick = estar enfermo to take care of = cuidar de to have a headache = tener dolor de cabeza right away = en seguida to go/come back = volver doctor = médico Dave: Good morning, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to come into work today. Mary: Hello! Why? Are you sick? Lancashire Dave: Yes, I’m feeling a little under the weather. I have a headache and a fever; I will have to go to the doctor. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to come in tomorrow either. Mary: Ok, that’s not a problem. When will you be able to come back to work? Florida Dave: Hopefully I’ll come back to work on Wednesday if I’m better. Mary: Ok. Get well soon! Will you be able to email me a list of outstanding jobs so we can take care of them?

Dave: Sure, I’ll be able to do that right away. And then I’m going back to bed! Dave: Buenos días, me temo que no podré ir al trabajo hoy. Mary: ¡Hola! ¿Por qué? ¿Estás enfermo? Dave: Sí, no me encuentro muy bien. Me duele la cabeza y tengo fiebre; tendré que ir al médico. No estoy seguro si podré ir al trabajo mañana tampoco. Mary: Vale, sin problema. ¿Cuándo podrás volver al trabajo? Dave: Espero volver a trabajar el miércoles si me encuentro mejor. Mary: Vale. ¡Mejórate pronto! ¿Podrás mandarme un correo con un listado de cosas que faltan por hacer para que nos hagamos cargo? Dave: Sí, podré hacerlo en seguida. ¡Y luego me vuelvo a la cama! 66 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 66 29/06/2016 14:23:34

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH to be sick

................... ................... hacer el check in to wonder ................... ................... isla room ................... Spot the Mistake 1. The room isn’t enough big. 4. I feel ill too to work! 2. Is too spicy the food. 5. Moscow is much cold too for me! 3. There isn’t food enough for all of us. Audio Exercise 4.2 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. How many days will he not be able to work? 4. What’s his email address? 2. Why can’t he work? 5. Who do you need to tell? 3. What’s his number? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 67 Listen UP!(115).indd 67 29/06/2016 14:23:35

4.3 Having your appendix out. WAS/ WERE ABLE TO ¡Ten cuidado con el verbo “to be” en el pasado, “was” y “were”! Acuérdate que el verbo es diferente dependiendo de la persona gramatical: J I/ he/ she/ it + was J you/ we/ they + were A veces decimos “could” en el pasado, pero la forma más correcta es decir “was/were able to”. appendix = apéndice to put someone to sleep = sedar / anestesiar to have an operation = operarse scar = cicatriz to be in pain = tener dolores to show off = presumir hospital = hospital Last year I had my appendix out at the local hospital and I wasn’t able to leave for several days. I had a routine operation to remove it because I was in a lot of pain, and if you don’t have West Sussex an operation to remove it, it can kill you. The operation only lasted an hour, but they put me to sleep for around two or three hours and I was able to go home after a couple more hours. The only bad thing was that I wasn’t able to play football for around two weeks! Now I have a small scar where they removed it which I show off every once in a while! El año pasado me extirparon el apéndice en el hospital local y no me pude ir durante varios días. Fue una operación rutinaria para extirpármelo porque me dolía mucho, y como no tengas una operación para quitártelo, te puede matar. La operación solo duró una hora, pero me sedaron unas dos o tres horas y pude irme a casa después de un par de horas más. ¡Lo malo fue que no pude jugar al futbol alrededor de dos semanas! ¡Ahora tengo una cicatriz donde me lo extirparon de la que presumo de vez en cuando! 68 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 68 29/06/2016 14:23:35

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. Why did he have his appendix out? 2. What can happen if you don’t have it removed? 3. How long was he asleep? 4. How long was he unable to play football? 5. What does he have now where they removed his appendix? Translate 4.4 Are you feeling under the weather today? ¿Te encuentras mal hoy? When will you be able to work again? ¿Cuándo podrás volver a trabajar? Were you able to go to hospital? ¿Pudiste ir al hospital? Was he able to walk after the operation? ¿Podía andar después de la operación? Did they put you to sleep for the operation? ¿Te sedaron para la operación? Preposition Corner 1. I go there once on / of / in a while. 2. I had my appendix out / in / over last year. 3. I’ll come back in / to / over work next week. 4. I’m used to / in / of working abroad. 5. I’ve kept on / of / in touch with my friends. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 69 Listen UP!(115).indd 69 29/06/2016 14:23:35

4.5 Late for a doctor’s appointment. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Con este tiempo verbal se usan las mismas expresiones que con el “present perfect”; por ejemplo “for”, “since”, “this week”, etc. La diferencia es que los usamos para poner el énfasis en la acción. Estudia con detalle la diferencia entre estas dos frases: I’ve waited for an hour. He esperado una hora. I’ve been waiting for an hour. He estado esperando una hora. La forma de construir el presente perfecto continuo es la siguiente: J pronombre sujeto + “has/have” + “been” + participio presente doctor’s appointment = cita con el médico doctor’s surgery = consultorio médico traffic jam = atasco blood pressure = tensión arterial somehow = de alguna forma / por alguna razón heart rate = ritmo cardiaco GP (general practitioner) / family doctor = to get stressed = estresarse médico de familia accurate = preciso / exacto I’ve been waiting in traffic for an hour and I’m late for my doctor’s appointment again. I’ve been feeling ill all week and then somehow I get stuck in a traffic jam. I made an London appointment with my GP on Monday and I haven’t got better since. The doctor’s surgery is on the other side of town so it takes a while to get there. Usually, when you visit the doctor’s* they take your blood pressure and listen to your heart rate, but I’ve been getting so stressed in this traffic jam that I don’t think they will be accurate this time! He estado esperando en un atasco durante una hora y vuelvo a llegar tarde para mi cita con el medico. Me he encontrado mal toda la semana y ahora por alguna razón acabo parado en un atasco. Pedí una cita con mi médico de familia el lunes y no he mejorado desde entonces. El consultorio está en el otro lado de la ciudad así que se tarda bastante en llegar. Normalmente, cuando vas al consultorio te toman la tensión y el ritmo cardiaco, pero me he estado estresando tanto en este atasco ¡que no creo que sea muy preciso esta vez!

* Cuando decimos “doctor’s” queremos decir “doctor’s surgery” pero es más fácil (y más común) decir “doctor’s”. 70 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 70 29/06/2016 14:23:36

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap 1. She has .............. waiting for him all morning. 2. I’m late .............. my dentist’s appointment. 3. I’ve been stuck in a .............. jam for hours. 4. I wasn’t able to play tennis .............. three months. 5. The doctor .............. my blood pressure. Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ...................... cicatriz to show off ...................... ...................... en seguida to take care of ...................... ...................... nostálgico Spot the Mistake 1. I’ll able to book the tickets tomorrow. 4. He weren’t able to cancel the booking.

2. I’m coming home back right now. 5. He have been watching television since two hours. (2 mistakes!) 3. I have to take care my children. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 71 Listen UP!(115).indd 71 29/06/2016 14:23:36

4.6 Signing up for a gym. TO LAST El verbo ‘durar’ en inglés es “to last”. Es un verbo regular, fíjate que este verbo en el pasado se pronuncia así: /las-ted/ How long did the film last? ¿Cuánto duró la película? The film lasted 2 hours. La película duró 2 horas. sign up = apuntarse to take a class = tener una clase gym = gimnasio work out = hacer ejercicio motivated = motivado weights = pesas to get fit/ in shape = ponerse en forma body = el cuerpo membership = afiliación diet = dieta healthy / healthier = saludable / más saludable Guess what, I’ve decided to sign up for a gym! I’m really motivated to get fit… I hope that will last. It’s about time I got fit and I’ve been thinking about signing up for a while. The South Dublin membership lasts six months and I need to find a gym buddy*. I’m sure my motivation will last longer with someone to push me. I have a new healthier diet too. Today I took my first gym class — spinning— and it lasted an hour. I was so exhausted afterwards; I have some work to do before I can keep up with the others! Tomorrow I’m going to work out with some weights, let’s see how long my body lasts! ¿Sabes qué? ¡He decidido apuntarme al gimnasio! Estoy muy motivado para ponerme en forma… Espero que eso dure. Ya tocaba ponerme en forma y llevo tiempo pensando en apuntarme.

La afiliación dura seis meses y necesito encontrar a un amigo para el gimnasio. Estoy seguro de que mi motivación durará más con alguien que me empuje. Sigo una dieta más saludable también. Hoy he tenido mi primera clase en el gimnasio —spinning— y duró una hora. Estaba agotadísimo después de la clase, ¡tengo que trabajar mucho hasta que pueda seguir el ritmo de los demás! Mañana voy a hacer ejercicio con pesas, ¡a ver cuánto aguanta mi cuerpo! * “Buddy” es otra forma (más coloquial) de decir “friend”. 72 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 72 29/06/2016 14:23:36

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What has he decided to sign up for? 2. How long does the membership last?

3. What was the first gym class he took? 4. How did he feel after the class? 5. What is he going to do tomorrow? Fill in the gap with the missing verb! 1. to ...................... blood pressure 2. to ...................... a headache 3. to ...................... an appointment 4. to ...................... an operation 5. to ...................... sick/ ill Translate 4.7 The spinning class lasted 45 minutes. La clase de spinning duró 45 minutos. I’ve been working out for two hours! ¡Llevo dos horas haciendo ejercicio! How long does a dentist’s appointment last? ¿Cuánto dura una cita con el dentista? Does a check-up last longer than 30 minutes? ¿Una revisión dura más de 30 minutos? How long does it take to get fit? ¿Cuánto se tarda en ponerse en forma? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 73 Listen UP!(115).indd 73 29/06/2016 14:23:36

4.8 Getting a prescription. PRESENT PERFECT VS. PAST SIMPLE Se usa “the past simple” cuando una acción o evento ha terminado. Si el evento o la acción continúa, se usa “the present perfect”. Las siguientes palabras te ayudarán a identificar qué tiempo verbal es. J Present Perfect J Past Simple Today I’ve done many things! (hoy) I graduated four years ago. (hace x tiempo) This week I haven’t been to work. (esta semana) I went to the gym yesterday. (ayer) This morning* I’ve visited four friends. Last week I got a new job.

(esta mañana) (el año/mes/semana pasado/a) I’ve been there recently. (recientemente) Have you ever been to Ecuador? No, I’ve never been there. (nunca - alguna vez) I haven’t seen her lately. (últimamente) He hasn’t finished his project yet. (aún/todavía) I’ve just left work. (acabar de) * Si sigue siendo por la mañana y la acción continúa. prescription = receta médica to suffer (from) = sufrir tablet / pill = pastilla pharmacist (US) / chemist (UK) = farmacéutico pharmacy (US) / chemist’s (UK) = farmacia genetic = genético migraine = migraña I’ve been to the doctor’s today to get a prescription so that I can get some tablets from the pharmacy. I have suffered from* migraines my whole life, and it’s something I have to keep Glasgow in check. Last year I only had three migraines, but so far this year I’ve had three already. Do you know anyone who suffers from migraines? My mum suffers from them too —she told me she has had them since she was 14. As far as I know, it can be genetic. The pharmacist recommended that I take one of these new pills as soon as I feel a migraine —hopefully I can stop them before they get me! He visitado al médico hoy para obtener una receta y conseguir unas pastillas de la farmacia. He sufrido migrañas toda la vida, y es algo que tengo que mantener controlado. El año pasado sufrí tres migrañas pero ya he sufrido tres en lo que llevo de año. ¿Conoces a alguien que sufra migrañas? Mi madre las sufre también —me dijo que las ha sufrido desde tenía 14 años. Por lo que sé, puede ser genético. El farmacéutico me ha recomendado que me tome una de estas pastillas nuevas en cuanto sienta una migraña —¡esperemos que las pueda frenar antes de que me ataquen! * Acuérdate, tienes que decir “suffer from” no solamente “suffer”. 74 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 74 29/06/2016 14:23:37

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. I’ve been to the doctor last week. 2. I suffer migraines regularly. 3. I went to the gym twice so far this week. 4. A football match last 90 minutes. 5. Last week I injured the leg. Preposition Corner 1. I want to get on / over / in shape! 2. I was in hospital for / during / since two days. 3. I’ve lived in London since / for / during 2010. 4. I went to the doctor’s and I asked of / for / to a prescription. 5. Last week I worked out / up / in at the gym four times. Audio Exercise 4.9 ¡Escucha el audio y rellena los huecos! The .................... gave me .................... to take over 20 days —..................... I have to take them after every .................... and this should hopefully help with my ..................... He also gave me some .................... in case my headaches return. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 75 Listen UP!(115).indd 75 29/06/2016 14:23:37

4.10 The dentist’s appointment. SHOULD VS. SHOULDN’T, SO MUCH VS. SO MANY Para dar consejos, usamos “should” y “shouldn’t”: J should + verbo + more/ less/ otro adjetivo You should exercise more! You should work harder! J should + verbo + more/ less (sustantivo incontable)/ fewer (sustantivo contable) You should eat fewer sweets! You should eat less meat! J shouldn’t + verbo + so many + sustantivo contable You shouldn’t eat so many chocolate bars! You shouldn’t ask so many questions! J shouldn’t + verbo + so much/ so + adjetivo + (sustantivo incontable) You shouldn’t drink so much beer! You shouldn’t drive so fast! dentist = dentista to brush one’s teeth = cepillarse los dientes check-up = revisión to stain = manchar toothache = dolor de muelas mouthwash = enjuague bucal teeth (singular - tooth) = dientes My friend John had a dentist’s appointment last week because he had a serious toothache. His dentist told him he should brush his* teeth more often —five times a day in fact— and that he Neath Port Talbot should use mouthwash more often. He also told him that he shouldn’t eat so many sweets and have so many sugary drinks as they are very bad for your teeth. He mentioned that he should make a dentist’s appointment every six months in order to have a regular check-up. He also said he shouldn’t drink so much coffee because this stains teeth. In other words, John shouldn’t have so much fun! Mi amigo John tuvo una cita con el dentista la semana pasada porque tenía un dolor de muelas grave. Su dentista le dijo que debería cepillarse los dientes más a menudo —cinco veces al día de hecho— y que

debería usar enjuague bucal con más frecuencia. También le dijo que no debería comer tantos dulces ni tomar tantos refrescos azucarados porque no son buenos para los dientes. Mencionó que debería pedir cita con el dentista cada seis meses para hacer una revisión regular. También le dijo que no debería tomar tanto café porque mancha los dientes. Es decir, ¡John no debería pasárselo tan bien! * Normalmente en inglés, usamos los pronombres posesivos con ‘los dientes’, ‘el cuerpo’, ‘los brazos’, etc. Diríamos “my teeth”, “my body”, “my arms”, etc. 76 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 76 29/06/2016 14:23:37

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH

.................... lesión painkillers .................... .................... migraña to work out .................... .................... médico de familia Translate 4.11 You shouldn’t worry so much. No deberías preocuparte tanto. You should drink more water. Deberías beber más agua. You shouldn’t eat so many burgers. No deberías comer tantas hamburguesas You should eat more healthy food. Deberías comer más comida saludable. Why shouldn’t I watch TV so much? ¿Por qué no debería ver la tele tanto? Comprehension Questions 1. Why did John have a dentist’s appointment? 4. How often should he make a dentist’s appointment? 2. How many times a day should he brush his teeth? 5. Why shouldn’t he drink so much coffee? 3. What should he use more often? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 77 Listen UP!(115).indd 77 29/06/2016 14:23:38

4.12 Suffering from allergies in a new country. IRREGULAR VERBS

Sabemos que te has pasado media vida estudiando los verbos irregulares en inglés. Recordemos de nuevo los más comunes, ¡escribe los verbos en castellano para estar seguro de que te los sabes! castellano infinitivo el pasado participio castellano infinitivo el pasado participio _______ be (is/are/am) was/were been _______ feel felt felt _______ say said said _______ grow grow grewn _______ give gave given _______ have had had _______ take took taken _______ cost cost cost _______ do did done _______

eat ate eaten _______ tell told told _______ go went gone _______ speak spoke spoken allergies = alergias to sneeze = estornudar allergic = alérgico medication = medicación pollen = polen itchy = con picor anti-histamines = antihistamínicos Have you ever had allergies? My brother is allergic to some kinds of pollen, so when he went to Washington last year his doctor gave him some anti-histamines. My brother took one a Belfast day, but he still suffered a lot. He spoke to a local doctor and he told him that it was pollen season, so he had some bad luck. He felt terrible —he was sneezing constantly and had itchy eyes. The medication cost a lot and it wasn’t very effective, what a rip-off! ¿Alguna vez has sufrido alergias? Mi hermano es alérgico a algunos tipos de polen, así que cuando fue a Washington el año pasado su médico le dio antihistamínicos. Mi hermano se tomó uno al día, pero seguía sufriendo mucho. Habló con un médico allí y le dijo que era la temporada de polen, así que tenía mala suerte. Se sentía fatal —estaba estornudando constantemente y tenía picor de ojos. La medicación costó mucho y no fue muy eficaz, ¡vaya estafa! 78 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 78 29/06/2016 14:23:38

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review - Antonyms to go to c .................... to stand up to .................... down to sleep to wake .................... to enter to l .................... to be well to .................... sick Spot the Mistake 1. I’ve took two pills this morning. 2. The medication costed 10 pounds. 3. I’ve ate so much today that I’m feel ill! (2 mistakes) 4. He used suffer from allergies when he was a child. 5. You shouldn’t to do it like that. Fill in the Gap 1. I shouldn’t work ..................... 2. You shouldn’t eat so .................... salt. 3. You should do .................... exercise. 4. He shouldn’t say so .................... bad things about his friends. 5. They shouldn’t spend so .................... money on holiday. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 79 Listen UP!(115).indd 79 29/06/2016 14:23:38

4.13 Getting an eye test. HAVE TO / DON’T HAVE TO Saber usar “have to” y “don’t have to” es fundamental en inglés y en la vida misma. Tienes que saber cuándo ‘tienes que’ hacer algo, ¡y cuándo ‘no tienes que’ hacerlo! J Present have to = tener que don’t/ doesn’t have to = no tener que J Past had to = tenía que didn’t have to = no tenía que to notice = notar / darse cuenta glasses = gafas eyes = ojos optician = oculista eye test = examen de la vista contact lenses (contacts) = lentillas to deteriorate = empeorar self-conscious = cohibido / tímido I noticed last week that I had to strain my eyes to be able to see something quite close. That’s when I knew I had to get an eye test! I went to the optician’s thinking I would have to wear Yorkshire glasses, as it seemed my eyes were deteriorating, but they weren’t as bad as I thought. In the end, I don’t have to wear glasses, but I will get them to stop my eyes getting worse. The optician said I didn’t have to wear them for driving, but it was recommended. I’ve decided to get contact lenses instead of glasses as I can be a little self-conscious. Me di cuenta la semana pasada que tenía que hacer un esfuerzo para ver de cerca. ¡Fue cuando supe que tenía que hacerme un examen de la vista! Fui al oculista pensando que tendría que llevar gafas porque parecía que mis ojos estaban empeorando, pero no fue tan grave como pensaba. Al final, no tengo que llevar gafas, pero las conseguiré para prevenir que mis ojos vayan a peor. El oculista me dijo que no tengo que llevarlas para conducir, pero es recomendable. He decidido comprar lentillas en vez de gafas porque a veces soy un poco tímido.

80 Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 80 29/06/2016 14:23:39



¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ....................

estafa pollen .................... .................... dolor de los dientes to brush one’s teeth .................... .................... apuntarse Fill in the Gaps - Irregular Verbs 1. You .............. it yesterday! (hacer) 2. I’ve .............. to him this morning. (hablar) 3. I .............. him the anti-histamines last week. (dar) 4. He’s .............. to the pharmacist twice this week (ir) 5. They didn’t come because they .............. ill. (estar) Translate 4.14 You don’t have to wear glasses if you don’t No tienes que llevar gafas si no quieres. want to. I went to the pharmacy and spoke to the Fui a la farmacia y hablé con la farmacéutica. pharmacist. You have to make an appointment if you want Tienes que pedir una cita si quieres hablar con to speak to a doctor. un médico. Will you be able to have an operation soon? ¿Podrán operarte pronto? I’ve been talking to a nurse all morning about He estado hablado con una enfermera toda la my condition. mañana sobre mi enfermedad. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 4: HEALTH 81 Listen UP!(115).indd 81 29/06/2016 14:23:39

Children’s first day of school. 10.31 COMMON MISTAKES: TO CALL TO, PEOPLE IS, THOUSAND OF PEOPLE, TO ASSIST Chapter 1 Family 82 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 82 29/06/2016 14:23:41

Children’s first day of school. Chapter 5 Music Chapter 1 BEGINNER BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATE I + COMMON MISTAKES 1 1 Visiting the ne Going t w baby in the f o a gig - call to, peoplamily - 3rd person (to hav e is, thousand of people, t e and t o assiso be), dat t to es and years

2 2 Moving out of y Selling old rec our par ords t ent’s house - ther o make research, t e + to be, sax o be agree, t on genitiv o list e (I) Family en music, to confirm 3 Meeting the in-laws - adjectiv someone, the important is es (tall, short, pretty, ugly, fat, slim, etc.) 4 3 Getting a pet - some v Taking music clas s. any ses - to explain someone, to attend to a class, to talk with 5 4 Famil St y Christmas dinner - sax arting a band! – we are thr on genitiv ee, to ask t e (II), pr o, t epositions of plac o be success e 6 5 Dealing with a moody t Discovering a ne eenager - t w artis o hav t - adjectiv e es (-ed vs. -ing), in vs. on, to ask 7 6 Don’t forget y Buying tick our wedding anniv ets outside the v ersary! - mor enue… t

e than, l o buy or not t ess than, f o buy? - t e o mak wer than e a question, on one hand vs. on the other hand, to enter in 8 My wife is pregnant and she needs to get to the hospital! – near vs. far from, as + 7 adjectiv His guite/adverb + as ar has been lost and his gig is tonight! - to have sense, to discuss, a new 8 Fighting over the radio station - the + saxon genitive, the next weeks Listen UP!(115).indd 83 29/06/2016 14:23:43

5.1 Going to a gig. COMMON MISTAKES: TO CALL TO, PEOPLE IS, THOUSAND OF PEOPLE, TO ASSIST TO llamar a alguien = call someone NOT call to someone! la gente es = people are NOT the people is! mil personas = a thousand people NOT a thousand of people! asistir al concierto = to attend a concert NOT assist to a concert! band = grupo noisy = ruidoso gig / concert = concierto venue = lugar / local drummer = batería / baterista spare = de sobra / de repuesto crazy = loco performance = actuación I attended my first gig in London last night, and it was incredible! My best friend called me to tell me she had a spare ticket. I wasn’t sure about going to gigs in the past, because there Belfast are always so many people and they can be so crowded, not to mention sweaty and noisy. The drummer was completely crazy. When he came onstage, he was screaming at the crowd,

and three thousand people screamed back at him even louder. The band had so much energy and they completely controlled the venue with their performance. I’m hooked, and it’s easy to see why people are crazy about this band! I called my friend the next day to thank her, but she had lost her voice! Asistí a mi primer concierto anoche en Londres, y ¡fue increíble! Mi mejor amiga me llamó para decirme que tenía una entrada de sobra. Antes yo dudaba si ir a conciertos, porque siempre hay tanta gente y pueden estar tan abarrotados, por no hablar de sudorosos y ruidosos. El batería estaba totalmente loco. Cuando subió al escenario, le gritaba al público, y tres mil personas le contestaron gritando incluso más alto. El grupo tenía muchísima energía y dominaron el local por completo con su actuación. ¡Estoy enganchada, y es fácil entender por qué la gente está loca por este grupo! Llamé a mi amiga al día siguiente para darle las gracias, ¡pero ella había perdido la voz! 84 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 84 29/06/2016 14:23:43

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. Where was her first concert? 2. Was her best friend male or female? 3. Who lost his/her voice? 4. Who was screaming at the crowd? 5. Why wasn’t she sure about going to gigs? Translate

5.2 I’m hooked on a new band. Estoy enganchado a un grupo nuevo. My boss was crazy. Mi jefe estaba loco. Why did you enter the office without ¿Por qué has entrado en el despacho sin permission? permiso? The next gig will be crowded too! ¡El próximo concierto estará abarrotado también! I didn’t have a spare ticket. No tenía una entrada de sobra. Spot the Mistake 1. She attended to her first class. 4. The people at the concert is crazy. 2. He was screaming to the crowd. 5. There are four thousand of concerts in Manchester every year. 3. Why don’t you call to your friend? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 85 Listen UP!(115).indd 85 29/06/2016 14:23:44

5.3 Selling old records. COMMON MISTAKES: TO MAKE RESEARCH , TO BE AGREE , TO LISTEN MUSIC , TO CONFIRM SOMEONE , THE IMPORTANT IS hacer investigación = to do research NOT to make research! estar de acuerdo / acceder a = to agree NOT to be agree! escuchar música = to listen to music NOT to listen music! confirmar = to confirm something to someone NOT confirm someone! lo importante es…. = the important thing is… NOT the important is….! vinyl record = disco de vinilo downtown = el centro de la ciudad laptop = portátil speaker = altavoz/ bafle value = valor over the phone = por teléfono Last week, I agreed to sell all my vinyl records. I don’t listen to them anymore —when I listen

to music, I listen to it on my laptop. Record experts agree that the important thing when London selling records is to do your own research* to know the real value. You don’t want to get ripped off! I called a record shop downtown and they confirmed the price over the phone for my whole collection —six hundred euros**! We agreed on a price immediately, and now I have six hundred euros to buy some new speakers! La semana pasada, accedí a vender todos mis discos de vinilo. Ya no los escucho —cuando escucho música, la escucho en mi portátil. Los expertos de vinilos están de acuerdo que lo importante a la hora de vender discos es hacer tu propia investigación para saber el valor real. ¡No quieres que te engañen! Llamé a una tienda de discos en el centro de la cuidad y me confirmaron el precio por teléfono por toda la colección —¡seiscientos euros! Nos pusimos de acuerdo en el precio inmediatamente, ¡y ahora tengo seiscientos euros para comprar unos bafles nuevos! * “Research” no es contable sino incontable; “researches” no existe como sustantivo y suena mal. ** Ten cuidado con la pronunciación de “euro” —no es igual que en castellano— se pronuncia como las dos palabras inglesas “you-row.” 86 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 86 29/06/2016 14:23:44

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap 1. I agreed ____ sell my laptop. (acceder)

2. I need to _____ some research. (hacer) 3. The people from London _____ English. (ser) 4. Downtown is very ______. (con mucho ruido) 5. I ________ ____ music ____ night. (escuchar/ anoche) Translate 5.4 How did you get ripped off? ¿Cómo fuiste engañado? We should do our own research. Deberíamos hacer nuestra propia investigación. I don’t know why he was screaming at me. No sé por qué él me estaba gritando. I will confirm the time later. Te confirmaré la hora luego. The important thing is to agree on a time. Lo importante es estar de acuerdo en una hora. Preposition Corner 1. I talked to him over / in / at the phone. 2. Are we going to agree in / on / at a price? 3. I don’t listen on / at / to records anymore. 4. Did you enter in / at / on the concert with a friend? 5. The first show I attended was at / in / on Dublin. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 87 Listen UP!(115).indd 87 29/06/2016 14:23:44

5.5 Taking music classes. COMMON MISTAKES: TO EXPLAIN SOMEONE , TO ATTEND TO A CLASS , TO TALK WITH explicar = explain to someone NOT explain someone! asistir a una clase = to attend a class NOT to attend to a class! hablar con alguien = to talk to someone NOT to talk with someone!* *En realidad, no es un error imperdonable, sin embargo, solemos decir “talk to.” drumming lesson = clase de batería bass drum = bomba amazing = increíble / asombroso snare drum = caja style (of music) = estilo cymbal = platillo

song = canción therapeutic = terapéutico I had so much fun at my drumming lesson, it was amazing! I’m attending classes because I want to start a band, and there are few drummers around. I love taking my frustration Pembrokeshire out on the drums, it’s very therapeutic. I was talking to my teacher and he explained to me all the different styles —jazz, rock, metal. I explained to him that I’m going to start a punk band, and he explained to me how each drum is played —the bass drum, snare, hi-hat and cymbals. Now I can play two Queen songs! Me lo pasé muy bien en mi clase de batería, ¡fue increíble! Asisto a classes porque quiero formar un grupo, y hay pocos baterías. Me encanta descargar mi frustración con la batería, es muy terapéutico. Estaba hablando con mi profesor de batería y me explicó todos los estilos diferentes —jazz, rock, metal. Le expliqué que voy a formar un grupo de punk, y él me explicó cómo se toca cada instrumento de percusión —la bomba, la caja, el hi hat y los platillos. ¡Ya puedo tocar dos canciones de Queen! 88 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 88 29/06/2016 14:23:45

¡Te toca! Circle the Synonym 1. to speak (hablar) – see / do / talk / eat 2. to start (empezar) – think / begin / talk / fly 3. song (canción) – laptop / book / tune / table 4. concert (concierto) – key / gig / cup / speaker

5. band (grupo) – guitar / group / drum / listen Audio Exercise 5.6 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. How many concerts are there in New York 4. How many records did record shops sell in every year? 1968? 2. How many artists played last year? 5. In what year did music shops sell 123,476 speakers? 3. Where did they play? Spot the Mistake 1. Did she explain you the decision? 4. Finally, we are agree. 2. He entered in the record shop at 7pm. 5. I listened him. 3. I’m going downtown this night. 6. We’re going to listen music all night. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 89 Listen UP!(115).indd 89 29/06/2016 14:23:45

5.7 Starting a band! COMMON MISTAKES: WE ARE THREE, TO ASK TO, TO BE SUCCESS somos tres = there are three of us - NOT we are three! le pregunté = I asked him - NOT I asked to him! tener éxito = to be successful - NOT to be success! patient = paciente vocalist = cantante hard-working = trabajador join = unirse / apuntarse musical = musical talent = talento guitarist = guitarrista My dad asked me, “Why don’t you start a band?” I thought it was difficult to be successful in music —you have to be very patient and hard-working. I asked my musical friends if they South Dublin wanted to start a band, and now there are three of us —a guitarist, a drummer and

a vocalist. There will be five of us hopefully. I asked another two of my friends to see if they would join. I think if we work hard, we could be successful within three years. There’s a lot of talent in this group, but we still don’t have a name! Mi padre me preguntó, —¿Por qué no formas un grupo?— Yo pensaba que era difícil tener éxito con la música —hay que ser muy paciente y trabajador. Les pregunté a mis amigos musicales si querían formar un grupo, y ya somos tres —un guitarrista, un batería y un cantante. Con suerte seremos cinco. Se lo he preguntado a otros dos amigos para ver si se apuntarían. Creo que si trabajamos duro, podríamos tener éxito dentro de tres años. Hay mucho talento en este grupo, ¡pero todavía no tenemos un nombre! 90 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 90 29/06/2016 14:23:46

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What did his dad ask him? 2. Did he think it was easy to be successful in music? 3. How many of them will there be? Going to a gig. 4. Does he think there’s a lot of talent in the group? 5. Do they have a name for the group? Translate 5.8 I asked him if he likes The Decibels. Le pregunté si le gusta The Decibels. There will be four of us in the car. Seremos cuatro en el coche. You have to be patient when you learn an Tienes que ser paciente cuando aprendes a instrument. tocar un instrumento He explained the styles of music to me. Él me explicó los estilos de música. Do you want to be successful in music? ¿Quieres tener éxito con la música? Vocabulary Review

ENGLISH SPANISH amazing .................... .................... entrada speaker .................... .................... drummer hard-working .................... Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 91 Listen UP!(115).indd 91 29/06/2016 14:23:46

5.9 Discovering a new artist. COMMON MISTAKES: ADJECTIVES (-ED VS. -ING) , IN VS. ON , TO ASK estoy aburrido = I’m bored NOT I’m boring!* en el autobús = on the bus NOT in the bus! pedir = to ask for** NOT to ask!** * “I’m boring” significaría ‘Soy aburrido’. ¡No creo que quieras decir eso! No eres aburrido, ¿verdad? ** Para pedir algo, usamos “ask for” + sustantivo. Con un verbo la estructura es así: “ask” + nombre/ pronombre + “to” + verbo. recommendation = recomendación excited = emocionado / entusiasmado record shop = tienda de discos discover = descubrir I’m glad = me alegro shop worker = dependiente exciting = emocionante live = en vivo I was interested in discovering some new bands because I was a little bored of my music, so I asked for a recommendation when I was in the record shop. And I’m glad I did! The shop

Hampshire worker recommended The Decibels, and I haven’t stopped listening to them since. I thought they were boring at first, but last week I listened to them on the bus, on the flight home, in the car, even on my bike! I love discovering new artists, it’s so exciting. I’m excited to see them play live, and I’ll be asking for more recommendations soon! Estaba interesado en descubrir algunos grupos nuevos porque estaba un poco aburrido con mi música, así que pedí una recomendación cuando estuve en la tienda de discos. ¡Y me alegro de haberlo hecho! El empleado me recomendó The Decibels, y no he dejado de escucharlos desde entonces. Pensé que eran aburridos al principio, pero la semana pasada les escuché en el autobús, en el vuelo a casa, en el coche, ¡incluso en la bici! Me encanta descubrir artistas nuevos, es tan emocionante. Estoy entusiasmado de verles en vivo y ¡pronto pediré más recomendaciones! ¡Un truco para evitar caer en la trampa de los adjetivos! Para expresar un sentimiento o una emoción, se usan los adjetivos que terminan en “-ed.” Para describir una característica, se usan los que terminan en “-ing”. 92 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 92 29/06/2016 14:23:47

¡Te toca!

Preposition Corner 1. There is a lot of talent at / in / on this group. 2. We never listen to / at / on music in / on / at the car. 3. I practice the guitar on / in / at the bus. 4. I saw a famous musician on / in / at the plane. 5. I’m interested on / of / in learning an instrument. Translate 5.10 I’m bored of my drumming lessons! ¡Estoy aburrido de mis clases de batería! Are you glad you went to the concert? ¿Te alegras de haber ido al concierto? My trip to Rome was so boring! ¡Mi viaje a Roma fue tan aburrido! Are you interested in discovering new types of ¿Estás interesado en descubrir nuevos tipos music? de música? I haven’t stopped thinking about the concert, No he parado de pensar en el concierto, estoy I’m really excited. muy entusiasmado. Audio Exercise 5.11 Escribe aquí todo el vocabulario que escuches. ¡A ver si pillas 11 palabras que ya has visto en este capítulo! 1. 7. 2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. 11. 6. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 93 Listen UP!(115).indd 93 29/06/2016 14:23:47

5.12 Buying tickets outside the venue… to buy or not to buy? COMMON MISTAKES: TO MAKE A QUESTION , ON ONE HAND VS. ON THE OTHER HAND , TO ENTER IN hacer una pregunta = to ask a question NOT to make a question! por un lado, por otro lado = on one hand, on the other hand* entrar en = to enter NOT to enter in * Esta conjunción se suele usar incorrectamente. La usamos para decir dos cosas contrarias o distintas, por ejemplo, “On one hand, the weather in Ireland is terrible, but on the other hand, the people are wonderful.” to get = conseguir ticket = entrada to sell out = agotarse resell = revender tout / ticket scalper = revendedor even though = aunque Can I ask you a question? Do you know how hard it is to get tickets for The Decibels? They always sell out right away. We had to buy them from a tout before entering the venue. On Glasgow one hand, it’s good that you can still get tickets after they are sold out, but on the other hand, they’re more expensive. If anyone asks me, I tell them I bought the tickets online because I’m not sure if ticket reselling is legal. It was a great gig, even though my ears were still ringing when I entered my house! ¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta? ¿Sabes lo difícil que es conseguir entradas para The Decibels? Siempre se agotan enseguida. Tuvimos que comprárselas a un revendedor antes de entrar en la sala. Por un lado, es bueno que aún se puedan conseguir entradas después de agotarse, pero por otro lado, son más caras. Si alguien me pregunta, le digo que me las compré por internet porque no estoy seguro de que sea legal revender entradas. Fue un concierto genial, ¡aunque me seguían pitando los oídos cuando entré en casa! 94 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 94 29/06/2016 14:23:48

¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. He’s interested in / on / at learning the drums. 2. Why do you listen to music on / in / at the bus? 3. He played the drums in / over / on the Underground hallway. 4. In / on one hand, it’s going to be a great gig. On / in the other hand, it’s going to be very crowded. 5. I never listen to music on / in / over my bike. Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH noisy ................................. ................................. agotarse ................................. inmediatamente ............................... en vivo ............................... revender Fill in the Gap 1. I told him about the band .......... the phone. (por teléfono) 2. My ears are .......... because of the music. (me pitan los oídos) 3. Berlin is famous .......... its history. (famoso por) 4. I’m going to ask .......... more recommendations. (pedir) 5. I take my frustration .......... on the guitar. (descargar la frustración) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 95 Listen UP!(115).indd 95 29/06/2016 14:23:48

5.13 His guitar has been lost and his gig is tonight! COMMON MISTAKES: TO HAVE SENSE , TO DISCUSS , A NEW tener sentido = to make sense NOT to have sense! discutir = to argue NOT to discuss! una noticia = news* NOT a new! * “News” siempre se escribe con “s” y es incontable —si quieres decir ‘dos o tres noticias’, tienes que decir “two or three pieces of news.” Si no, ¡suena horrible! show = concierto / espectáculo customer service = atención al cliente airport = aeropuerto to cancel = cancelar angry = enfadado airline = aerolínea to land = aterrizar case = caja / estuche to lose = perder George has a show tonight in New York, but he’s just received some bad news. He landed at JFK airport twenty minutes ago and his guitar has been lost by the airline. He was arguing Neath Port Talbot with the customer service agent for 10 minutes because he was angry and it just doesn’t make sense. How could they lose a guitar that was in its case? As he doesn’t know if they will find it in time, it makes sense to cancel the show. Bad news, but that’s life! George tiene un concierto esta noche en Nueva York, pero acaba de recibir una mala noticia. Ha aterrizado en el aeropuerto de JFK hace veinte minutos y la aerolínea ha perdido su guitarra. Estaba discutiendo con la agente de atención al cliente durante 10 minutos porque estaba enfadado y es que no tiene sentido. ¿Cómo han podido perder una guitarra que estaba en su estuche? Como no sabe si la encontrarán a tiempo, tiene sentido cancelar el concierto. Una mala noticia, ¡pero así es la vida! 96 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 96 29/06/2016 14:23:48

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. I have a good new for you! 2. Cancelling the gig doesn’t have sense. 3. Is she the responsible of the band? 4. We entered in the house at 10am. 5. I’m boring of this album. Translate 5.14 My guitar string has broken! ¡La cuerda de mi guitarra se ha roto! The rock star’s helicopter has landed. El helicóptero de la estrella de rock ha aterrizado. The airline has lost his cymbals. La aerolínea ha perdido sus platillos. Playing an instrument makes sense if you love Tocar un instrumento tiene sentido si te music. encanta la música. Do you know how to play the violin? ¿Sabes tocar el violín? Comprehension Questions

1. Where is George’s show? 4. Who was he arguing with? 2. What has the airline lost? 5. How long was he arguing with her for? 3. Which airport has he landed at? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 97 Listen UP!(115).indd 97 29/06/2016 14:23:49

5.15 Fighting over the radio station. COMMON MISTAKES: THE + SAXON GENITIVE , THE NEXT WEEKS la guitarra de George = George’s guitar NOT the George’s guitar! las próximas semanas = the next few weeks NOT the next weeks! radio station = emisora de radio journey = viaje to refuse = negarse test = prueba to drive = conducir friendship = amistad whole = entero We usually listen to music in Daniel’s car, but we always argue about the radio station. When I ask him to change it, he refuses. He says, “Daniel’s car, Daniel’s music!” However, I Belfast don’t agree. In the next few weeks we’re driving to* Los Angeles and I hope we don’t have to listen to West Coast FM the whole journey! I enjoy listening to rock and roll in the car, but if I have to listen to jazz the whole way, I will go crazy. The next few car journeys in Daniel’s car will be a test of our

friendship. Solemos escuchar música en el coche de Daniel, pero siempre discutimos sobre la emisora de radio. Cuando le pido que lo cambie, él se niega. Dice, ¡el coche de Daniel, la música de Daniel! Sin embargo, yo no estoy de acuerdo. En las próximas semanas, vamos a conducir a Los Angeles y ¡espero que no tengamos que escuchar West Coast FM el viaje entero! Disfruto de escuchar rock and roll en el coche, pero si tengo que escuchar jazz el camino entero, me volveré loco. Los próximos viajes en el coche de Daniel serán una prueba de nuestra amistad. * A veces, se puede usar el presente contínuo en vez del futuro para expresar algo que pasará muy pronto, por ejemplo, “I’m going next week” o “I’m signing the contract tomorrow.” 98 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 98 29/06/2016 14:23:49

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH string ......................

...................... romper case ...................... ...................... volverse loco airline ...................... Translate 5.16 He usually listens to the radio in his car. Suele escuchar música en su coche. She enjoys playing jazz. A ella le gusta tocar música jazz. He refuses to drive without music. Se niega conducir sin música. I’ll go crazy if I lose my bass guitar. Me volveré loco si pierdo mi bajo. Ask him to change the radio station. Pídele que cambie la emisora de radio. Preposition Corner 1. He listens to / at / on music in / on / at his car. 2. Playing instruments on / in / through planes isn’t allowed. 3. The drums were in / on / over the cases. 4. I found the album on / in / at the internet. 5. The string on / in / over my guitar has broken. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 5: MUSIC 99 Listen UP!(115).indd 99 29/06/2016 14:23:50

Listen UP!(115).indd 100 29/06/2016 14:23:51

Chapter 6 Transport INTERMEDIATE II 1 Rush hour on the Underground - yet vs. already 2 Transferring flights in a large airport - the same as 3 Train strike! - to be able to 4 Hiring a car - present perfect continuous (II) 5 The airport taxi is late - for vs. since (II) 6 Upgraded to first class for free! – never vs. ever 7 Commuting to work… what a dilemma! - modal verbs 8 I’ve lost my ticket on the train! - still vs. anymore Listen UP!(115).indd 101 29/06/2016 14:23:52

6.1 Rush hour on the Underground. YET VS. ALREADY “Yet” se usa en una pregunta para averiguar si algo ha sucedido ya o aún no. También se usa en una respuesta negativa para indicar que todavía no ha sucedido. “Already” se usa para expresar que algo ya ha pasado. ¡Y nunca olvides colocar “yet” al final de la frase! Castellano Inglés Uso en Inglés Ejemplo ya yet pregunta Has the bus arrived yet? ¿Ha llegado el autobús ya? todavía yet frase negativa No, the bus hasn’t arrived yet. No, el autobús no ha llegado todavía. ya already frase afirmativa Yes, it has (already)* arrived. Sí, ya ha llegado. * Observa que no es totalmente necesario decir “already”, pero si quieres enfatizar algo úsalo. Veamos unos ejemplos más: Have you done it yet? ¿Lo has hecho ya? No, I haven’t done it yet. No, no lo he hecho todavía. Yes, I’ve (already)* done it. Sí, lo he hecho ya. packed = abarrotado carriage = vagón rush hour = hora punta platform = andén station = estación to leave = salir commuter = persona que viaja to get on = subir to figure out = averiguar cada día de su casa al trabajo

line = línea Is it rush hour yet? It always feels like rush hour on the Underground! I already know when I leave my house in the morning that the Underground is going to be packed. This morning, the Lancashire train hadn’t arrived yet and the platform was already full of commuters. Everyone tried to get on the carriage at the same time, but there were too many people. I got on in the nick of time, just before the doors closed! Some stations and lines are busier than others, although I haven’t figured out which stations yet. Sadly, when I leave the office later, it will already be rush hour again! ¿Ya es la hora punta? ¡Siempre parece la hora punta en el metro! Cuando salgo de casa por la mañana ya sé que el metro va a estar abarrotado. Esta mañana, el tren no había llegado todavía y el andén ya estaba lleno de gente que iba al trabajo. Todo el mundo intentó subir al vagón al mismo tiempo, pero eran demasiados. Subí por los pelos, ¡justo antes de que cerraran las puertas! Algunas estaciones y líneas están más ocupadas que otras, aunque todavía no he averiguado qué estaciones. Cuando salga de la oficina más tarde, ¡ya será la hora punta otra vez! 102 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 102 29/06/2016 14:23:52

¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. He usually listens in / to / of music on the bus. 2. Next week I’m going on / to / over drive to Chicago. 3. The plane landed in / on / at the wrong airport! 4. She had an argument to / at / with the ticket inspector about her ticket. 5. She works in / on / at New York City.

Translate 6.2 I arrived at the station in the nick of time. Llegué a la estación por los pelos. Is it rush hour yet? ¿Ya es hora punta? If the train doesn’t leave now, I’ll go crazy. Si no sale el tren ahora, me volveré loco. The station will close in the next few hours. La estación se cerrará en las próximas horas. The taxi hasn’t arrived yet. El taxi no ha llegado todavía. Fill in the Gap 1. I’m .............. here! (ya) 2. Did you get .............. the Underground this morning? (subir) 3. It doesn’t .............. sense to wait on the platform in the cold. (tener sentido) 4. I would like to .............. you a question. (hacer una pregunta) 5. I need to figure .............. the best route. (averiguar) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 103 Listen UP!(115).indd 103 29/06/2016 14:23:52

6.3 Transferring flights in a large airport. THE SAME AS Para decir ‘igual que’ decimos “the same as”. Un error muy común que cometen los españoles es decir “the same like” o “the same than”. La única forma correcta es “the same as”. to transfer = hacer escala/trasbordo to catch a flight = coger un avión flight = vuelo delay = retraso airport = aeropuerto to land = aterrizar terminal = terminal plane = avión Transferring flights at Heathrow airport isn’t the same as transferring back home. It’s easier said than done —it’s such a huge airport! With five terminals, it isn’t the same as the other California airports serving London. It’s much bigger and has much more air traffic. Tomorrow I have to catch a flight to Heathrow and change terminals, and if it’s the same as American airports, there will be delays! If it is the same terminal as before, it is miles away from the terminal where I arrive, so I don’t want to wait on* the plane for too long when we land! Hacer escala en el aeropuerto de Heathrow no es lo mismo que hacer escala en mi país. Es más fácil

decirlo que hacerlo —¡es un aeropuerto tan grande! Con cinco terminales, no es igual a los otros aeropuertos que prestan servicio a Londres. Es mucho más grande y tiene más tráfico aéreo. Mañana tengo que coger un vuelo a Heathrow y cambiar de terminal, y si es igual a los aeropuertos americanos, ¡habrá retrasos! Si es la misma terminal que antes, está lejos de la terminal donde llegaré, ¡así que no quiero esperar en el avión demasiado cuando aterricemos! * Se dice “on” the plane, no “in”. 104 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 104 29/06/2016 14:23:53

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH .......................

emisora (de radio) friendship ....................... ....................... hacer trasbordo angry ....................... ....................... viaje Spot the Mistake 1. Are you going to go on a business trip in the 3. Bad new, our flight has been cancelled! next weeks? 4. The terminal is the same than last time. 2. That is the Steve’s car. 5. Are you in the plane yet? Audio Exercise 6.4 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. What time does the plane leave? 4. What time will the plane land? 2. What is the flight number? 5. On which days does this flight go? 3. Where is it going from and to? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 105 Listen UP!(115).indd 105 29/06/2016 14:23:53

6.5 Train strike! TO BE ABLE TO Para asegurarnos de que lo usas bien, vamos a ver “to be able to” otra vez. Recuerda, el verbo “to be” cambia, pero nada más. Were you able to sleep on the plane? ¿Pudiste dormir en el avión? She will be able to catch that flight. Ella podrá coger ese vuelo. on time = a tiempo bus = autobús strike = huelga coach = autobús turístico / autocar mile = milla taxi = taxi to visit = visitar to afford = estar al alcance / permitirse I’m not going to be able to get to my friend’s surprise birthday party on time. There is a train strike! There hasn’t been a strike in ages! How am I going to be able to travel 100 miles* Pembrokeshire without a car? I was going to kill two birds with one stone and visit my friends at the same time as some family, but I won’t be able to now! There are no buses or coaches either, and it’s too far for a taxi —I wouldn’t be able to afford that! There’s no other way to get there by road, so it looks like I’ll have to cancel my trip. No voy a poder llegar a la fiesta de cumpleaños sorpresa de mi amigo a tiempo. ¡Hay una huelga de trenes! ¡Hace siglos que no ha habido una huelga de trenes! ¿Cómo voy a poder viajar 100 millas sin coche? Iba a matar dos pájaros de un tiro y visitar a mis amigos al mismo tiempo que a mi familia, ¡pero ahora no podré! No hay ningún autobús o autocar tampoco, y está demasiado lejos para un taxi —¡no podría permitírmelo! No hay otra manera de llegar por carretera, así que parece que tendré que cancelar mi viaje. * ¡Ten en cuenta que todavía se usan millas en el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidosl! 106 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 106 29/06/2016 14:23:55

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions Para asegurarnos de que lo usas bien, vamos a ver “to be able to” otra vez. Recuerda, el verbo “to be” cambia, pero nada más. 1. Where won’t he be able to arrive on time? Were you able to sleep on the plane? ¿Pudiste dormir en el avión? She will be able to catch that flight. Ella podrá coger ese vuelo. 2. What kind of strike is there? 3. How far does he need to travel? 4. How was he going to kill two birds with one stone? 5. Why can’t he go by taxi? Translate 6.6 I won’t be able to arrive on time. No podré llegar a tiempo. Have you been able to get to work on time ¿Habéis podido llegar al trabajo a tiempo recently? (plural) últimamente? Travelling by bus in India is easier said than ¡Viajar por autobús en la India es más fácil done! decirlo que hacerlo! Are you going to be able to afford the flight? ¿Vas a poder permitirte el vuelo? First class isn’t the same as economy La clase preferente no es igual que la clase class —it’s much better! turista, ¡es mucho mejor! Preposition Corner 1. I have of / to / at change my flight

4. It’s difficult to travel in Africa on / at / by road. 2. I’m not able to get there because of / in / on 5. Will he get to the meeting on / at / of time? a strike. 3. He doesn’t want of / in / to travel in economy class. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 107 Listen UP!(115).indd 107 29/06/2016 14:23:55

6.7 Hiring a car. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (II) Echemos otro vistazo al tiempo verbal “present perfect continuous”. Como he dicho en el capítulo anterior, ¡se usa con verbos de acción para poner el énfasis en la acción! to drive = conducir off-road = todo terreno automatic (car) = (coche) automático sat-nav (satellite navigation) = GPS (en coche) strange = raro toll road = autopista de peaje to change gear = cambiar de marcha roadmap = mapa de carreteras to hire = alquilar / contratar trunk (US) / boot (UK) = maletero I’ve been driving for six years now and I’ve never driven an automatic before, it’s strange! We’ve been driving around the west coast of the US for three weeks and I’ve just got used South Dublin to not changing gear! We hired an SUV so that we can go off-road, but we’ve been using the highways until now. We hired sat-nav too —we’ve been using it our whole trip— and I can’t imagine driving without it anymore! Although, it’s taken us along three toll roads, so we have a roadmap in the boot just in case. Llevo seis años conduciendo y nunca he llevado un coche automático, ¡es raro! Hemos estado conduciendo por la costa oeste de Estados Unidos durante tres semanas y ¡me acabo de acostumbrar a no cambiar de marcha! Alquilamos un 4x4 para poder ir por todo terreno, pero hemos estado usando las autopistas hasta ahora. Alquilamos un GPS también —lo llevamos usando todo el viaje— y ¡ya no me imagino conducir sin él! Aunque nos ha llevado por tres autopistas de peaje, así que tenemos un mapa de carreteras en el maletero por si acaso. 108 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 108

29/06/2016 14:23:56

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap 1. We’ve .................. driving for 10 hours! 2. Have you .................. living in Glasgow for more than four years? 3. .................. he been following the map? 4. .................. have been walking all day. (ellos) 5. Have you been .................. recently? (allí) Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH .......................... permitirse / estar al alcance road .......................... .......................... retraso to catch a flight .......................... .......................... a tiempo Spot the Mistake 1. He have been working abroad a lot. 4. She’s travelling with the same airline like last time. 2. I’ve not already left my house. 5. Have you yet arrived? 3. I won’t able to travel tomorrow, I’m sick. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT

109 Listen UP!(115).indd 109 29/06/2016 14:23:56

6.8 The airport taxi is late. FOR VS. SINCE (II) Vamos a repasar “for” (‘desde hace’/ ‘durante’) y “since” (‘desde’), que ya vimos en el capítulo 2. Se usan con dos tiempos verbales que hemos visto (“the present perfect” y “the present perfect continuous”) y un tiempo que no hemos visto (“the past perfect”). • Con “since”, decimos un día o una fecha concreta (“since yesterday”, “since 1984”, “since December 14th”, etc.) • Con “for”, decimos una duración (“for 2 years”, “for 12 days”, “for 6 months”, etc.) I’ve been in this taxi for 30 minutes. Llevo 30 minutos en este taxi. Have you been here since last week? ¿Llevas aquí desde la semana pasada? pay in advance = pagar por adelantado punctual = puntual to fly = volar to order / to ask = pedir arrive = llegar luggage = equipaje We’re flying to France and we’ve been waiting for our airport taxi since 2 o’clock! It must be stuck in traffic. I ordered it three hours ago and I paid in advance. We’ve been waiting outside Hampshire with our luggage for half an hour, but it hasn’t arrived and we haven’t heard anything. Taxis are not usually late in this country, but this time it definitely is! Perhaps our neighbour will give us a hand. We’ve been neighbours for years and they’re friends of ours —perhaps they will take us! I am outraged. Taxis have to be punctual, otherwise people miss their flights! We’ll wait another ten minutes, and then that’s it, we’ll ask someone else. ¡Volamos a Francia y llevamos esperando al taxi del aeropuerto desde las 14h! Debe de estar en un atasco. Lo pedí hace tres horas y pagué por adelantado. Hemos estado esperando en la calle con nuestro equipaje durante media hora, pero no ha llegado y no sabemos nada. Los taxis no suelen llegar tarde en este país, ¡pero esta vez definitivamente llega tarde! A lo mejor nuestro vecino nos echa una mano.

Somos vecinos desde hace años y somos amigos —¡quizá nos lleven! Estoy indignada. Los taxis tienen que ser puntuales, si no, ¡la gente pierde sus vuelos! Esperaremos otros diez minutos, y después de eso se acabó, se lo pediremos a otra persona. 110 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 110 29/06/2016 14:23:56

¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. I paid for everything in / on / of advance.

2. Is the luggage at / on / in the boot? 3. He’s been sleeping for / since / during hours. 4. We’re going to drive on / in / around the east coast of Mexico. 5. They have been friends at / for / of ours for many years. Translate 6.9 We’ve been at the airport since 2:30am. Llevamos en el aeropuerto desde las 02.30. Can you give me a hand with my luggage? ¿Me echas una mano con el equipaje? Do you think it’s important to be punctual? ¿Crees que es importante ser puntual? What have you ordered? ¿Qué has pedido? They haven’t driven here because of the snow. No han venido en coche por la nieve. Audio Exercise 6.10 Escribe aquí todo el vocabulario que escuches. ¡A ver si pillas 12 palabras que ya has visto en este capítulo! 1. 7. 2. 8. 3. 9. 4. 10. 5. 11. 6. 12. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 111 Listen UP!(115).indd 111 29/06/2016 14:23:57

6.11 Upgraded to first class for free! NEVER VS. EVER Siguiendo con el “present perfect”, echemos una ojeada a “never” y “ever”. Castellano Inglés Uso en Inglés Ejemplo alguna vez ever pregunta Have you ever been on the bullet train in Japan? ¿Has viajado en el tren bala en Japón alguna vez? nunca never frase negativa No, I’ve never been on the bullet train. No, nunca he viajado en el tren bala. frase afirmativa* Yes, I’ve been on the bullet train. Sí, he viajado en el tren bala. * No necesitamos nada con una frase afirmativa. to board = embarcar / subir a captain = capitán to be upgraded = subir de categoría departure lounge = zona de preembarque cabin steward/ stewardess = auxiliar de vuelo first class = clase preferente / azafata economy class = clase turista destination = destino passenger = pasajero Have you ever travelled in first class on a plane? My friend George was upgraded on his last flight for free because he is a regular flyer. The stewardess told him out of the blue and he Glasgow was very surprised —he had never travelled in first class before. Before boarding, in the departure lounge, he had access to the first class lounge —a special area only for first class passengers. When he arrived at his destination, he could get off first. I’m so jealous, I’ve never got* off first before. I’m always last! Will I ever be able to travel in first class? George loves that airline now! ¿Has viajado en clase preferente alguna vez? A mi amigo George le subieron de categoría gratis en su

último vuelo porque es viajero frecuente. La azafata se lo dijo inesperadamente y fue una gran sorpresa —nunca había viajado en clase preferente antes. Antes de embarcar, en la zona de preembarque, tenía acceso a la sala de clase preferente —una zona especial solamente para viajeros de clase preferente. Cuando llegó a su destino, se pudo bajar el primero. Qué envidia, yo nunca me he bajado el primero. ¡Siempre soy la última! ¿Alguna vez podré viajar en preferente? ¡A George le encanta esa aerolínea ahora! * Recuerda, no hay ninguna diferencia entre “got” y “gotten” —“got” se usa en el Reino Unido y “gotten” se usa en EE.UU. 112 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 112 29/06/2016 14:23:57

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH .......................... automático luggage

.......................... .......................... pagar por adelantado toll road .......................... .......................... raro Comprehension Questions 1. Why was George upgraded on his last flight? 4. Which passengers could use the first class lounge? 2. What was his reaction? 5. What could George do when he arrived at his 3. Had he travelled in first class before? destination? Spot the Mistake 1. I told to him that I wanted to change my 4. Before to board, you have to show your reservation. passport. 2. We went to the bar when we arrived to the 5. I’ve been going to France on holiday since 10 hotel. years. 3. I’ve ever been to the Caribbean. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 113 Listen UP!(115).indd 113 29/06/2016 14:23:58

6.12 Commuting to work… what a dilemma! MODAL VERBS Y ahora, practiquemos con unos verbos raros… ¡los verbos modales! Los “modal verbs” son verbos auxiliares que se colocan delante del verbo principal. El verbo principal no se conjuga y no lleva “to”. Por ejemplo, “could,” “would,” y“can” son muy comunes. Ten cuidado, ¡no se pronuncia la ‘l’! to commute = viajar diariamente al trabajo to move house = mudarse to change = cambiar to cycle = montar/ir en bici to travel/go by = viajar/ir en carpool = compartir el coche After moving house, I now have to commute to work. The only thing is, I have a dilemma —I can’t decide how to commute! I should travel by train, but I have to change twice and Neath Port Talbot it’s quite expensive. I would cycle, but it’s too cold in winter. I could drive, but I would have to buy and maintain a car and that’s just extra hassle! Going by train I could kill two birds with one stone —I’d travel and would also be able to do some work on the train at the same time. My friend is in a carpool and loves it. This would be a great idea, but it seems unreliable. I should live closer, it would be so much simpler! Ahora que me he mudado tengo que viajar diariamente al trabajo. Lo único es que tengo un dilema —¡no puedo decidir cómo desplazarme! Debería ir en tren, pero tengo que cambiar de tren dos veces y es bastante caro. Iría en bici, pero hace demasiado frío en el invierno. Podría ir en coche, pero tendría que comprar un coche y mantenerlo en buenas condiciones y ¡eso es un lio! Yendo en tren, podría matar dos pájaros de un tiro —podría viajar y hacer trabajo en el tren a la vez. Mi amigo comparte el coche y le encanta. Sería una idea genial, pero parece poco fiable. Debería vivir más cerca, ¡sería mucho más sencillo! 114 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 114 29/06/2016 14:23:58

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review - Antonyms in front of .......................... enemy .......................... to leave .......................... after .......................... to sell .......................... Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH .......................... subir to go by .......................... .......................... ir al trabajo diariamente to get off .......................... .......................... abarrotado Fill in the Gap 1. Excuse me, could you give me a ................... ? (echar una mano)

2. I know George, he is a friend ................... mine. (amigo mio) 3. I ................... fly economy class, it’s much cheaper. (siempre) 4. Do you know ................... to get to Baker Street? (como llegar) 5. I don’t want to wait on the platform, it’s ................... cold. (demasiado) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 115 Listen UP!(115).indd 115 29/06/2016 14:23:58

6.13 I’ve lost my ticket on the train! STILL VS. ANYMORE • “Still” se usa cuando algo (una acción o un evento) continúa. Por ejemplo: Is the strike still going on? ¿Sigue la huelga? Yes, the strike is still going on. Sí, sigue la huelga. • “Anymore” se usa (al final de la frase) para decir que algo no sigue. ¡Se acabó! No, the strike isn’t going on anymore. No, ya no hay huelga. Castellano Inglés Uso en Inglés Ejemplo todavía/ still pregunta Are you still waiting to catch your flight? seguir ¿Todavía estás esperando para coger tu vuelo? todavía/ still frase afirmativa Yes, I’m still waiting for my flight! seguir Sí, ¡todavía estoy esperando a mi vuelo! ya no anymore frase negativa No, I’m not waiting for it anymore. it’s cancelled. No, ya no estoy esperando. Está cancelado. to lose = perder to bribe = sobornar

ticket inspector = revisor ticket = billete a bribe = un soborno journey = viaje fine = multa to realise = darse cuenta to get off = bajarse I’ve just realised I’ve lost my train ticket! It’s not in my bag anymore! I’m still on the train and the ticket inspector hasn’t checked mine yet. I’ve already set off on my journey, so if he finds Texas me without one, even though I’ve lost it, I will still have to pay a fine. I could try to bribe him, but I don’t think ticket inspectors accept bribes, and it would still be cheaper to buy a ticket. I will have to get off at the next station and buy a new one, I can’t believe it —I’ve really got off on the wrong foot today! Acabo de darme cuenta de que ¡he perdido mi billete de tren! ¡Ya no está en mi bolso! Todavía estoy en el tren y el revisor no ha comprobado mi billete todavía. Ya he empezado mi viaje así que si me encuentra sin billete, a pesar de que lo he perdido, todavía tendré que pagar una multa. Podría intentar sobornarle, pero no creo que acepten sobornos los revisores, y de todas formas sería más barato comprar un billete. Tendré que bajarme en la próxima estación y comprar un billete nuevo, no me lo puedo creer —¡realmente he empezado el día con el pie izquierdo! 116 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 116 29/06/2016 14:23:59

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake

1. I have the same ticket like you! 2. I should to go to the supermarket by bike. 3. I got down the plane last! 4. He have been travelling for 10 hours. 5. I no ride my bike at the weekends anymore. Match - Expression Review in the nick of time

empezar con el pie izquierdo to get off on the wrong foot de la nada to be out of the blue

justo a tiempo to be easier said than done echar una mano to give someone a hand ser más fácil decirlo que hacerlo Translate 6.14 Do you still commute by car? ¿Sigues yendo al trabajo en coche? You’ve arrived in the nick of time! ¡Has llegado justo a tiempo! I don’t have to drive 40 miles to see my family Ya no tengo que conducir 40 millas para visitar anymore. a mi familia. How many fines did you receive last year? ¿Cuántas multas recibiste el año pasado? I could go by train but that would be expensive! Podría ir en tren ¡pero sería caro! Listen Up! • CHAPTER 6: TRAnSPORT 117 Listen UP!(115).indd 117 29/06/2016 14:23:59

Listen UP!(115).indd 118 29/06/2016 14:24:00

Chapter 7 Food and Drink INTERMEDIATE II 1 Wine tasting on holiday! - may have, could have, would have, should have 2 Too much food on the bill - polite speech and questions 3 My friend has become a vegetarian - most 4 Rude service in a restaurant - most of the ... 5 Going on a diet - should/ shouldn’t , remind vs. remember 6 Dining out with a fussy eater - indirect questions 7 Dinner party with the in-laws - should have/ shouldn’t have 8 Allergic to nuts! - must + logical conclusion Listen UP!(115).indd 119 29/06/2016 14:24:01

7.1 Wine tasting on holiday! MAY HAVE, COULD HAVE, WOULD HAVE, SHOULD HAVE Ya hemos visto algunos verbos modales en el capítulo anterior, pero ahora es el momento de centrarnos en los verbos modales en el pasado. La estructura es muy fácil: J verbo modal + “have” + participio pasado to drink = beber / tomar food = comida wine tasting = cata de vino appetisers = aperitivos / entrantes to try = probar winery = bodega grape = uva bottle = botella wine = vino I think I may have drunk too much last night! We had a wine tasting yesterday and we tried some incredible wines from all over the world in a beautiful winery. I would have tried more West Sussex but there were so many different grapes, vintages and varieties. I should’ve* eaten more before the session, then I could’ve drunk some more. The tasting should have included food too; this would’ve* made it much better. We could have had some appetisers or something similar. But we still had a great time. I could have bought many more bottles than I did, but thankfully, I was careful! ¡Puede que haya bebido demasiado anoche! Tuvimos una cata de vinos ayer y probamos algunos vinos increíbles de todas las partes del mundo en una bodega preciosa. Yo habría probado más pero había tantas uvas, cosechas y variedades diferentes. Debería haber comido algo más antes de la sesión, entonces podría haber bebido más. La cata debería haber incluido comida también; habría sido mucho mejor. Podríamos haber tomado unos aperitivos o algo similar. Aun así nos lo pasamos muy bien. Podría haber comprado muchas más botellas de lo que hice, pero gracias a Dios ¡tuve cuidado! * Lo más común es contraer“should have” a “should’ve” y “would have” a “would’ve”. 120 Gramática




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¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What happened last night? 2. Why didn’t he try more wines? 3. Why should he have eaten more before? 4. What does he think the session should have included? 5. Could he have bought more wine than he did? Spot the Mistake 1. I started on the left foot this morning! 2. They ordered the same wine like you. 3. He’s not still in the restaurant. 4. I could to order another glass of wine… 5. You’re going to kill two birds with one shot! Irregular Verb Review - Past Tense 1. He ................ at the wine tasting session last week. (estar) 2. She ................ a glass of wine and an appetiser. (tener) 3. We ................ to an amazing winery. (ir) 4. They ................ wines from all over the world. (ver) 5. I ................ there was going to be food! (pensar) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 121 Listen UP!(115).indd 121 29/06/2016 14:24:02

7.2 Too much food on the bill. POLITE SPEECH AND QUESTIONS Los angloparlantes solemos ser bastante formales a la hora de hablar. Siempre decimos “sorry”, “please” y “thank you”, ¡a veces incluso cuando no es necesario! Para preguntar o pedir algo, a menudo decimos: Would you like….? ¿Le gustaría…? Could you…? ¿Podría(s)...? Would you mind + gerundio…? ¿Le importaría….? I would like… Me gustaría… Do you mind + gerundio …? ¿Le importa…? the bill = la cuenta dessert = postre roast beef = carne asada to pay in cash = pagar en efectivo main course = plato principal to charge = cobrar to pay by card = pagar con tarjeta salad = ensalada starter = entrante soup = sopa Waiter: Here is the bill. Would you like to pay in cash or by card? John: I would like to pay by card, however there’s a small problem. We haven’t ordered all this food. For example, we didn’t have* these starters or these desserts. Could you take them off the bill? Lancashire Waiter: Ok, apologies for that. Let me have a look at it and I’ll come right back. John: Ok, that’s no problem.

Perth Waiter: I’m sorry, there has been a problem with your bill. Can you remember which starters and

main courses you ordered? John: Yes, I can. Waiter: Which ones did you have? John: We had salad and soup for starters, and pasta and roast beef for our main courses. Waiter: Ok, I’ll remove them from the bill and you won’t be charged for these. Would you like a drink on the house for the inconvenience? John: Yes, we would like two glasses of wine please! Camarero: Aquí tienes la cuenta. ¿Les gustaría pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta? John: Me gustaría pagar con tarjeta, sin embargo hay un pequeño problema. No hemos pedido toda esta comida. Por ejemplo, no hemos tomado estos entrantes ni estos postres. ¿Podrías quitarlos de la cuenta? Camarero: De acuerdo, disculpe. Déjeme revisarlo y vuelvo enseguida. John: Vale, sin problema.

Camarero: Lo siento, ha habido un problema con su cuenta. ¿Se acuerda de qué entrantes y platos principales han pedido? John: Sí. Camarero: ¿Qué platos han tomado? John: Hemos tomado una ensalada y sopa como entrantes, y pasta y carne asada como platos principales. Camarero: Vale, los quitaré de la cuenta y no os cobraremos estos. ¿Les gustaría una copa cortesía de la casa por las molestias? John: Sí, ¡dos copas de vino por favor! * Recuerda —es muy común oír “to have food/ drink”. No decimos “to take a beer” sino “to have a beer.” 122 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 122 29/06/2016 14:24:03

¡Te toca! Fill in the Gap 1. ............................. you like to see the dessert menu? (¿A usted le gustaría…?) 2. I would ............................. eaten more, but I wasn’t hungry. (Yo habría comido más…) 3. I would like to pay in ............................. (en efectivo) 4. ............................. , nothing bad happened! (Gracias a Dios…) 5. I haven’t ordered a ............................. course. (plato principal) Complete the Question 1. I ordered two desserts. ......................... desserts did you order? 2. Maria had a salad. ......................... had a salad? 3. I eat soup almost every day! ......................... do you eat soup? 4. The Italian restaurant was in North London. ......................... was the Italian restaurant? 5. We ate out last night. ......................... did you eat out? Translate 7.3 Are you a waiter? ¿Eres camarero? I should order something healthier! ¡Debería pedir algo más saludable! I’m going to order a starter, a main course and Voy a pedir un entrante, un plato principal y un a dessert.

postre. Are you still eating? ¿Sigues comiendo? Could you buy more wine please? ¿Podrías comprar más vino por favor? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 123 Listen UP!(115).indd 123 29/06/2016 14:24:03

7.4 My friend has become a vegetarian. MOST Algo que los españoles dicen mal es “most”. Cuando hablamos de algo en general, solo necesitamos decir “most” + sustantivo, por ejemplo, “most people”, “most animals” o “most countries”. vegetarian = vegetariano vegan = vegano fad = moda pasajera fruit = fruta diet = dieta vegetables = verduras dish = plato hungry = hambriento meat = carne Most people eat meat but nowadays more and more are becoming vegetarian. My friend has just become a veggie*. Most vegetarians are young people who think it’s fashionable —like Lancashire my friend— but I certainly don’t! It’s just a fad diet. Fad diets are a bit of a hot potato at the moment because some aren’t good for you at all! And vegans, they’re crazy. Most vegans don’t get

the right amount of nutrients and vitamins —it isn’t a healthy diet, in my opinion. If most people just had a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables and meat, that would be fine. Wow, I’m getting hungry talking about all this food! La mayoría de la gente come carne pero hoy en día más y más gente se está haciendo vegetariana. Mi amigo se acaba de hacer vegetariano La mayoría de los vegetarianos son gente joven que piensa que está de moda —como mi amigo— ¡pero yo desde luego no! Solo es la dieta de moda. Las dietas de moda son un tema polémico en estos momentos porque ¡algunas no son sanas en absoluto! Y los veganos, están locos. La mayoría de los veganos no consiguen todos los nutrientes y vitaminas que necesitan — no es una dieta sana, en mi opinión. Si la mayoría de la gente simplemente siguiera una dieta equilibrada con fruta, verdura y carne, sería lo mejor. Guau, ¡me está entrando hambre de hablar de toda esta comida! * “Veggie” significa ‘vegetariano’. Es una forma más coloquial de decirlo. 124 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 124 29/06/2016 14:24:03

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ..................... cobrar

bottle ..................... ..................... pagar con tarjeta the bill ..................... ..................... camarero Irregular Verb Review - Present Perfect 1. I’ve ..................... too much today! (comer) 2. Have you ..................... enough water? (beber) 3. I haven’t ..................... anything to eat all day! (tener) 4. It’s ..................... a long time to cook this meal. (tardar) 5. Claire has ..................... hungry all day. (estar) Audio Exercise 7.5 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. How many restaurants has he been to this 4. What kind of restaurant was the third one? month? 5. What did they eat? 2. What kind of food is his favourite? 3. What was lucky about the Indian restaurant? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 125 Listen UP!(115).indd 125 29/06/2016 14:24:04

7.6 Rude service in a restaurant. MOST OF THE TIME, MOST OF THE PEOPLE, ETC. Vamos a volver a utilizar “most” pero esta vez, con frases en las que hablamos de cosas específicas. Por ejemplo, “most of the people here are English” o “most of the cars on this street are new”. to go out = salir por la noche / cenar fuera rude = maleducado staff = empleados poor = mediocre / pobre waiter / waitress = camarero / camarera Most of the time, we go out for dinner on a Friday, but we won’t be going back to Freddy’s again. The staff were so rude to us! Most of the waiters in the restaurant didn’t care at all, London and a few of them were quite rude. Most of the people in the restaurant seemed to be having a good time, but not us. We don’t go to most of the restaurants in our area because they’re poor, and now we can add Freddy’s to that list. American food isn’t my cup of tea anyway, so I’ll be happy not to go back! La mayoría de las veces, cenamos fuera los viernes, pero no volveremos a ir a Freddy’s más. ¡Los empleados fueron muy groseros con nosotros! Casi todos los camareros en el restaurante mostraban muy poco interés, y algunos de ellos fueron bastante maleducados. La mayoría de la gente en el restaurante parecía pasárselo bien, pero nosotros no. No vamos a la mayoría de los restaurantes de nuestra zona porque son mediocres, y ya podemos añadir Freddy’s a esa lista. La comida americana no es plato de mi gusto de todas formas, ¡así que estaré encantada de no volver! 126 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 126 29/06/2016 14:24:04

¡Te toca! Change to the Past Tense 1. We go out for dinner most of the time. 2. I drink water most of the time. 3. He should drink more water. 4. I could eat more food. 5. Are you going out for dinner? Preposition Corner 1. He would like to pay in / on / out cash, please. 4. Most in / about / of the people here like 2. Do you want to talk on / in / about the meal? Indian food. 3. Why are you going to pay in / by / about card? 5. I got off / in / over the bus and walked into the bar. Translate 7.7 We should have gone to a nicer bar. Deberíamos haber ido a un bar mejor. Most of the people in my family don’t like A la mayoría de las personas en mi familia no Mexican food. les gusta la comida mexicana. I would have changed my order, but I couldn’t. Habría cambiado mi pedido, pero no pude. Would you mind ordering another beer for me? ¿Te importaría pedir otra cerveza para mí? Most of the restaurants in our area aren’t very La mayoría de los restaurantes en nuestra good. zona no son muy buenos. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 127

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7.8 Going on a diet. SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T, REMIND VS. REMEMBER • Empezamos con, “should” y “shouldn’t.” Como ya sabemos, se usan para dar recomendaciones educadas: You should go to the doctors when you’re sick! ¡Deberías ir al médico cuando estás enfermo! You shouldn’t eat fast food. No deberías comer comida rápida. • Y ahora veamos la diferencia entre “remind” y “remember”, que son parecidos pero su uso es distinto: J remember = acordarse/ recordar Es el contrario de olvidar. También es lo que hacemos con los recuerdos. I remembered the day of the meeting, but I Me acordé del día de la reunión, pero se me forgot the time. olvidó la hora. I remember he used to cry all night. Recuerdo que él lloraba toda la noche. J remind = recordar Es lo que tenemos que hacer con otra gente para que no se olvide de (hacer) algo. I’m going to remind you* about the Te voy a recordar de la cita mañana. appointment tomorrow. * Fíjate que necesitamos un pronombre objeto (o un nombre) con “remind.” nutrition = nutrición to do exercise = hacer ejercicio junk food = comida basura calorie = caloría nutritionist = nutricionista vitamins = vitaminas health = salud

processed food = alimentos elaborados to take care of yourself = cuidarse takeaway (UK) / takeout (US) = comida para llevar I remember when I was younger I used to take care of myself much better. Now it’s time to get back to eating well and doing exercise. I went to see a nutritionist and he reminded me that it will take a little time Hampshire to see some results. He advised me that I shouldn’t eat so much junk food and processed food and that I should start eating more fruit and vegetables. You are what you eat, they say. He said I should consume fewer calories and this will help my health improve. I should be back in shape in no time if I remember to do everything he told me! Recuerdo que cuando era más jóven solía cuidarme mucho mejor. Ahora llegó el momento de volver a comer saludable y hacer ejercicio. Fui a ver un nutricionista y me recordó que lleva algo de tiempo ver resultados. Me avisó que no debería comer tanta comida basura y alimentos elaborados y que debería ponerme a comer más fruta y verdura. Eres lo que comes, se dice. Dijo que debería consumir menos calorías y esto me ayudará a mejorar la salud. ¡Debería volver a estar en forma en seguida si me acuerdo de hacer todo lo que me ha dicho! 128 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 128 29/06/2016 14:24:05

¡Te toca! Complete the Question 1. Hayley reminded me to take my vitamins. ................ reminded you take your vitamins?

2. Junk food contains hundreds of calories. ................ calories does junk food contain? 3. The steak is the most expensive dish on the menu. ................ is the most expensive dish on the menu? 4. I’m going to see a nutritionist because I want to take better care of myself. ................ are you going to see a nutritionist? 5. You can take better care of yourself by exercising and eating well. ................ can I take better care of myself? Audio Exercise 7.9 ¡Escucha lo que quiere pedir el cliente y apunta los datos! 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. Spot the Mistake 1. Most of people in England drink tea in the 4. Give me some bread please. (haciendo un morning. pedido) 2. I could have went to the concert. 5. I remembered him to bring some wine. 3. I reminded to go to the shop. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 129 Listen UP!(115).indd 129 29/06/2016 14:24:06

7.10 Dining out with a fussy eater. INDIRECT QUESTIONS Las preguntas en inglés pueden ser muy difíciles. Tenemos preguntas directas e indirectas. En general, las indirectas son más formales y educadas. Si haces una pregunta directa con alguien que no conoces, quizás seas demasiado directo. Fíjate en el orden de las palabras —es importante. Con preguntas indirectas, los verbos “to be” y “to have” van detrás del sujeto y no usamos verbos auxiliares. Pregunta directa

Pregunta indirecta Where is George?

Can you tell me where George is? How do you know that? Do you mind telling me how you know that? How old is she?

Do you know how old she is? How many brothers does he have? I’d like to know how many brothers he has. chips (UK) / fries (US) = patatas fritas cheese = queso seafood = marisco glass = vaso fussy = tiquismiquis plate = plato

to dine out = cenar fuera spotless = impecable snack = tentempié Matthew: Do you think you are a fussy eater? Paul: No, I don’t think I’m a fussy eater at all. In fact, I like to spice things up and eat exotic, strange food every once in a while. Lancashire Matthew: Can you remember the last time you dined out with a fussy eater? Paul: No, fussy eaters are the worst. I eat whatever is on my plate. Matthew: Do you know what it’s like to eat with someone who doesn’t like anything? Last week I Maryland went out for dinner with a colleague and it was so difficult —it took him half an hour to choose a dish! He doesn’t like anything except chips and cheese it seems! Paul: Does he realise how frustrating he is to dine out with? Matthew: I don’t think so. He even eats a snack before dinner in case he doesn’t like anything. And all the cutlery and plates have to be spotless. What an awful night! Matthew: ¿Crees que eres un tiquismiquis comiendo? Paul: No, no creo que sea un tiquismiquis comiendo en absoluto. De hecho, me gusta ponerle un poco de chispa a la cosa y comer comida exótica y rara de vez en cuando. Matthew: ¿Te acuerdas de la última vez que cenaste fuera con un tiquismiquis? Paul: No, los tiquismiquis son lo peor. Yo como lo que haya en mi plato. Matthew: ¿Sabes lo que es cenar con alguien al que no le gusta nada? La semana pasada fui a cenar con un compañero de trabajo y fue muy difícil —¡tardó media hora en elegir un plato! ¡Parece que no le gusta nada salvo las patatas fritas y el queso! Paul: ¿Se da cuenta de lo frustrante que es salir a cenar con él? Matthew: Creo que no. Incluso se toma un tentempié antes de cenar por si acaso no le gusta nada. Y todos los cubiertos y platos tienen que estar impecables. ¡Qué noche más horrible! 130 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 130 29/06/2016 14:24:06

¡Te toca! Change to a Direct Question 1. Do you know where Wellington Street is? 2. Can you remember who Maria is? 3. Can you tell me if George has a girlfriend? 4. Do you know how many brothers Jack has? 5. Can you tell me if Oliver is here? Fill in the Gap 1. Can you tell me where the toilets ................ ? (pregunta indirecta) 2. I shouldn’t eat so ................ junk food. (tanto) 3. ................ in my family have a car. (la mayoría de las personas) 4. Do you know if he ................ a bicycle? (pregunta indirecta) 5. ................ in Europe work five days a week. (la mayoría de la gente) Preposition Corner 1. Are we going to dine over / off / out tonight? 2. She wants to take better care about / of / on herself. 3. They are going to the gym because they want to get back in / on / about shape. 4. It’s Saturday night —are you going in / on / out? 5. Cycling isn’t my cup in / on / of tea. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 131 Listen UP!(115).indd 131 29/06/2016 14:24:07

7.11 Dinner party with the in-laws. SHOULD HAVE/ SHOULDN’T HAVE Ya conocemos “should” y “shouldn’t”. Ahora vamos a profundizar en el pasado —“should have” y “shouldn’t have”. Se usan cuando piensas que algo debería haber pasado de otra forma. Por ejemplo: I didn’t get good grades at school; I should’ve No saqué buenas notas en el colegio, ¡debería worked harder! haber trabajado más! Now I’m really full; I shouldn’t have eaten all Ahora estoy muy lleno, ¡no debería haber that food! comido toda esa comida! dinner = cena (have dinner = cenar) to gossip = cotillear to be burnt/burned = quemado table manners = modales (en la mesa) to cook = cocinar to end up = resultar / acabar to spill = derramar to burn = quemar Why is it always so difficult to have dinner with my in-laws? Something always goes wrong. It should have been a great, stress-free evening, but it wasn’t. My boyfriend cooked roast Glasgow dinner, but I think he should’ve made something a little easier because he ended up burning the potatoes. The moment my father-in-law spilled wine on the carpet I thought, we shouldn’t have had dinner at his house, we should’ve gone to a restaurant! My brother-in-law had terrible table manners too —gossiping about inappropriate things all night. He shouldn’t have done that. It was such a disaster! ¿Por qué siempre es tan difícil cenar con mis suegros? Siempre sale algo mal. Debería haber sido una noche genial sin estrés, pero no fue así. Mi novio cocinó carne al horno con verduras, pero creo que debería haber hecho algo un poco más fácil porque acabó quemando las patatas. En el momento que mi suegro derramó vino en la moqueta pensé que no deberíamos haber cenado en su casa, ¡deberíamos haber ido a un restaurante! Mi cuñado tuvo unos modales horribles también —cotilleando sobre cosas inapropiadas toda la noche. No debería haber hecho eso. ¡Fue un gran desastre! 132 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas

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¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ....................... maleducado to do exercise ....................... ....................... vitaminas cheese ....................... ....................... empleados Translate 7.12 If you are trying a new diet, maybe you Si estás probando una dieta nueva, ¡quizás no shouldn’t be eating that cake! deberías estar comiendo esa tarta!

Can you remember if she is a fussy eater? ¿Te acuerdas si es quisquillosa para comer? Would you prefer seafood or just a snack? ¿Preferirías marisco o solo un tentempié? Can you please remind him that I don’t like ¿Puedes recordarle que no me gusta el seafood? marisco por favor? I eat healthily most of the time. Como saludablemente la mayor parte del tiempo. Change to the Future with “going to” 1. I went to my favourite restaurant in the city. 4. We dined out every night on holiday. 2. I did lots of exercise last week. 5. I ate lunch at work. 3. I had a snack before lunch. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 133 Listen UP!(115).indd 133 29/06/2016 14:24:08

7.13 Allergic to nuts! MUST + LOGICAL CONCLUSION Hay dos situaciones en las que se usa “must”. La primera es con un obligación interna, por ejemplo, “I must eat healthier food”. La segunda es al hacer una deducción en base a la información que tienes. Echa un vistazo a las deducciones de estas frases: The man on the street has old, dirty clothes He must be homeless and he mustn’t have and he has no shoes. any money. That woman is wearing expensive jewellery She must be a rich woman and she must have and drives a nice car. a lot of money. ambulance = ambulancia to contain = contener to dial 999 = marcar 999 to pour = verter / servir nuts = frutos secos

red wine = vino tinto customers = clientes allergic = alérgico I can’t imagine what it must be like being allergic to nuts —you have to be so careful with everything! I was having dinner in a restaurant last week and there was a customer that Neath Port Talbot must have been allergic to them. He must have accidentally ingested something because the manager dialled 999*. There is always a disclaimer in restaurants saying “may contain traces of nuts”, but I guess you can’t live wrapped up in cotton wool! He must have been okay though, because later he came back into the restaurant and poured himself another glass of red wine! No me puedo imaginar lo que debe ser ser alérgico a los frutos secos —¡tienes que tener tanto cuidado con todo! Estaba cenando en un restaurante la semana pasada y había un cliente que debía ser alérgico a los frutos secos. Debió haber consumido algo sin querer porque el gerente marcó el 999. En los restaurantes siempre hay una advertencia que dice “puede contener trazas de frutos secos”, ¡pero supongo que no se puede vivir entre algodones! Sin embargo debió estar bien, porque luego volvió a entrar al restaurante ¡y se sirvió otra copa de vino tinto! * Para contactar con los servicios de urgencia, en Inglaterra marca “999” y en EEUU marca “911”. ¡Recuérdalo, por si acaso! 134 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 134 29/06/2016 14:24:08

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ...................... bodega to charge

...................... ...................... vegano to remind ...................... ...................... pan Match - Expression Review Une las expresiones españoles con sus equivalentes ingleses. ponerse en forma Nowadays, diets and people’s weight are hot potatoes! gracias a Dios Thankfully, they gave us extra drinks on the house. ponerle un poco de chispa Thai food isn’t really my cup of tea.

no ser plato de su gusto My doctor told me I need to get in shape.

cortesía de la casa I’m going to spice things up at work with some new ideas. asunto difícil hoy en

día Match the Verbs and the Nouns To ...................... breakfast pay To ...................... in cash/ by card have To ...................... care of yourself take To ...................... a roast dinner

order To ...................... food cook Listen Up! • CHAPTER 7: FOOd And dRInk 135 Listen UP!(115).indd 135 29/06/2016 14:24:08

Listen UP!(115).indd 136 29/06/2016 14:24:09

Chapter 8 Sports INTERMEDIATE II - PHRASAL VERBS 1 Going to a football match! - to stand up, to sit down, to kick off, to fall over, to call off, to turn out 2 Golf with a best friend - to tee off, to fall out, to get along with, to catch up, to make up with 3 Running a marathon - to take up, to plan out, to keep up, to fall behind, to catch on 4 Getting injured playing tennis - to hit back, to throw up, to land on, to fall over, to run over to, to end up 5 Falling off the ski lift - to tumble/fall over, to fall off, to push off, to clip in 6 Losing a key in the swimming pool - to dive in, to get out, to get in, to come off 7 Getting lost on a cycling trip - to get on, to get off, to turn out, to keep an eye out 8 Taking a friend to a rugby match - to take off, to give away, to pay off, to concentrate on Listen UP!(115).indd 137

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8.1 Going to a football match! TO STAND UP, TO SIT DOWN, TO KICK OFF, TO FALL OVER, TO CALL OFF, TO TURN OUT to stand up = ponerse de pie to fall over = caerse to sit down = sentarse to call off = cancelar to kick off = empezar el partido to turn out = resultar stands = gradas goal = portería team = equipo match (UK) / game (US) = partido pitch (UK) / field (US) = campo to score = marcar players = jugadores entertaining = entretenido It took us a long time to buy tickets for the match. There weren’t many tickets left, but in the end we got some. We were sitting down for most of the match, but everyone stood up when South Dublin we scored! We had great seats close to the middle of the pitch. We could see both goals and all the players easily. It was raining when they kicked off and we thought they might call it off because the rain was so heavy! But they didn’t! A couple of players fell over because of the puddles —that was very entertaining. It turned out to be a good afternoon! Tardamos mucho en comprar entradas para el partido. No quedaban muchas entradas, pero al final conseguimos algunas. Estuvimos sentados durante la mayoría del partido, pero ¡todo el mundo se puso de pie cuando marcamos! Teníamos asientos fantásticos cerca del medio del campo. Podíamos ver ambas porterías y todos los jugadores fácilmente. Llovía cuando empezó el partido y pensamos que a lo mejor lo cancelaban ¡porque la lluvia era muy intensa! ¡Pero no lo hicieron! Un par de jugadores se cayeron por culpa de los charcos —fue muy entretenido! ¡Resultó ser un buen día! 138

Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 138 29/06/2016 14:24:11



¡Te toca! Preposition Corner 1. The match kicked out / in / off at 3pm. 2. He came back into / onto / up the stadium. 3. They ate in / on / over a Greek restaurant. 4. Did you spill water at / in / on the carpet? 5. The game turned out / off / in very interesting. Complete the Question 1. I bought three tickets for the match. ................ tickets did you buy for the match? 2. She fell over because she couldn’t see. ................ did she fall over? 3. Johnny called off the match. ................ called off the match? 4. They will play the game in Paris next week. ................ will they play the game next week? 5. We stood up because it was time to leave. ............... did you stand up? Change to the Present Perfect 1. I’m going to sit down next to her. 2. How did they fall over? 3. The match was called off.

4. The results turned out great. 5. She scored three goals. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 139 Listen UP!(115).indd 139 29/06/2016 14:24:11

8.2 Golf with a best friend. TO TEE OFF, TO FALL OUT, TO GET ALONG WITH, TO CATCH UP, TO MAKE UP WITH to tee off = empezar to catch up = ponerse al día to fall out = pelearse to make up with = reconciliarse to get on/along with = llevarse bien golf = golf hole-in-one = hoyo en uno club = palo de golf 18 holes = 18 hoyos golf course = campo de golf Tomorrow I’m going to play golf with my best friend for the first time. I get along with him very well; we’ve known each other for years. We see eye to eye on most things. We have only Lancashire ever fallen out once over something silly and we made up in no time. We’re going to play at a famous golf course outside the city. It’s a quiet course and it has a great bar where we can catch up. The last time I played with another friend, Richard, he got a hole-in-one —lucky guy! My clubs have been collecting dust and I think I’ll be a little rusty. We tee off at 10 —let’s see if I can manage 18 holes! Mañana voy a jugar al golf con mi mejor amigo por primera vez. Nos llevamos muy bien; nos conocemos desde hace años. Solemos estar de acuerdo en la mayoría de cosas. Solo nos hemos peleado una vez por alguna tontería y nos reconciliamos en cuestión de segundos. Vamos a jugar en un campo de golf famoso fuera de la cuidad. Es un campo tranquilo y hay un bar estupendo donde nos podemos poner al día. La última vez que jugué con otro amigo, Richard, marcó un hoyo en uno —¡qué suerte tiene! Mis palos

de golf han estado acumulando polvo y creo que me faltará práctica. Empezamos a las diez —¡a ver si sobrevivo los 18 hoyos! 140 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 140 29/06/2016 14:24:12

¡Te toca! Audio Exercise 8.3 ¡Escucha el audio y anota los datos! kick-off time .................................. ticket price .................................. meeting place .................................. teams .................................. number of people .................................. Translate 8.4 Did it take you a long time to find your seats at ¿Tardaste mucho en encontrar tus asientos en the game? el partido? Are you going to call off the meeting? ¿Vas a cancelar la reunión? What time will it kick off? ¿A qué hora empezará? Why did you fall over? ¿Por qué te caíste? Who scored? ¿Quién ha marcado? Spot the Mistake 1. They took a long time to get tickets. 4. How much cost the tickets? 2. We get along very good. 5. I haven’t played in a long time —I’m going to be a little rust. 3. She has known him during many years. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 141 Listen UP!(115).indd 141 29/06/2016 14:24:12

8.5 Running a marathon. TO TAKE UP, TO PLAN OUT, TO KEEP UP, TO FALL BEHIND, TO CATCH ON to take up = empezar a hacer algo nuevo to keep up = seguir el ritmo (un hobby) to fall behind = quedarse atrás to plan out = planificar to catch on = ponerse de moda / establecerse to be exhausted = estar agotado course = recorrido / ruta to train = entrenar hills = colinas / cuestas running trainers = zapatillas para correr marathon = maratón running gear = equipación para correr hobby = afición / hobby shorts = pantalones cortos My brother thinks he’s going to run a marathon, but he has barely trained at all! Does he have any idea how exhausted he’s going to be? He only took up running six months ago, and he West Sussex hasn’t planned out his training at all. Running has really caught on in London. So many people are taking it up as a hobby. He says he’s going to try to keep up with his friend, who will be running his third marathon —he’s crazy. He’ll fall behind after the first kilometre! Also, It’s a difficult course —there are lots of hills. He’s bought himself a ton of running gear too —shorts, running trainers. Now the ball is in his court. He just has to run 26.1 miles… Mi hermano piensa que va a correr un maratón ¡pero apenas ha entrenado! ¿Tiene alguna idea de lo agotado que va estar? Empezó a correr solo seis meses, y no ha planificado su entrenamiento en absoluto. Correr se ha puesto de moda en Londres. Muchísima gente está empezando a correr como hobby. Dice que va a intentar seguir el ritmo de su amigo, que corre su tercer maratón —está loco. ¡Se quedará atrás después del primer kilómetro! Además, es un recorrido difícil —hay muchas cuestas. Se compró toda la equipación para correr también —pantalones cortos, zapatillas para correr. Ahora la pelota está en su tejado. Solo tiene que correr 26,1 millas… 142

Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 142 29/06/2016 14:24:13



¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What is his brother going to do? 2. When did he take up running? 3. Where has running caught on? 4. How many marathons has his friend run? 5. What did he buy himself? Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ...................... cancelar pitch ...................... ...................... marcar golf course ...................... ...................... llevarse bien Fill in the Gap 1. I’m going .............. play tennis with my

4. You’re going to be .............. after going to the friend tomorrow. (voy a jugar) gym. (agotado) 2. Can you stand .............. please? (estar de pie) 5. You should wear .............. trainers when 3. He wants to play 18 .............. of golf. running. (zapatillas para correr) (18 to fall over = caerse hoyos) to go over on one’s ankle = torcerse el tobillo Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 143 Listen UP!(115).indd 143 29/06/2016 14:24:13

8.6 Getting injured playing tennis. TO HIT BACK, TO THROW UP, TO LAND ON, TO FALL OVER, TO RUN OVER TO, TO END UP to run over to = correr hacia to hit back/ to return = devolver (el golpe) to land on = aterrizar/caer sobre to end up = resultar / acabar to throw up = vomitar to fall over = caerse / tropezar con to get injured = lesionarse net = red tennis court = cancha de tenis outside the line = fuera de la línea racket = raqueta clumsy = torpe tennis shoes = zapatillas de tenis I always seem to get injured playing tennis —I don’t know why. Maybe I’m clumsy, or I have

terrible balance, but I always end up falling* over. This morning at the tennis court I twisted Hampshire my ankle once again. I ran over to the back of the court and was stretching for the ball when my old tennis shoes skidded on the surface. To add insult to injury, I didn’t realise it was outside the line anyway. I landed on my racket, and I was in so much pain I thought I was going to throw up! I only managed to hit the ball back to the net. Perhaps I should take up a less strenuous sport like chess. Parece que siempre me lesiono jugando al tenis —no sé porque. Quizás soy torpe, o tengo un equilibro pésimo, pero siempre acabo cayéndome. Esta mañana en la pista de tenis me torcí el tobillo de nuevo. Corrí hacia el fondo de la cancha y estaba estirándome para alcanzar la pelota cuando mis zapatillas de tenis viejas resbalaron en el suelo. Para poner sal en la herida, no me di cuenta de que estaba fuera de la línea de todas formas. Aterricé sobre la raqueta y me dolió tanto que ¡pensé que iba a vomitar! Solamente logré devolver la pelota hasta la red. Quizás debería dedicarme a un deporte menos extenuante como el ajedrez. * Cuando usamos un verbo detrás de “end up” usamos el gerundio. 144 Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 144 29/06/2016 14:24:13



¡Te toca! Audio Exercise 8.7 Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas. 1. What would the caller like to cancel? 2. What time was the reservation? 3. How long was the reservation for? 4. Why can’t they play anymore? 5. When would the caller like to play next and for how long? Preposition Corner

1. The dog ran over / under / in to the tree 4. We get along so well that we never fall out / where the cat was hiding. on / over. 2. If you fall over / on / behind, you will have to 5. Clumsy people fall over / out / in if they’re catch up! not careful. 3. I was going to go swimming but on / at / in the end I decided to watch TV. Irregular Verbs - The Past Simple 1. I ................ here yesterday but I didn’t see 4. Last year I ................ injured so I couldn’t you. (estar) run for months. (lesionarse) 2. Football ................ on in Europe in the early 5. We fell out about something silly, so we 20th century. (ponerse de moda) ................ up quickly. (reconciliarse) 3. He was so exhausted after the race that he ................ up. (vomitar) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 145 Listen UP!(115).indd 145 29/06/2016 14:24:14

8.8 Falling off the ski lift. TO TUMBLE/FALL OVER, TO FALL OFF, TO PUSH OFF, TO CLIP IN to fall off = caerse de to clip in = fijar to tumble/fall over = tropezar con / caerse to push off = empujarse / impulsarse to ski = esquiar skier = esquiador to snowboard = hacer snowboard snowboarder = esquiador de snowboard T-bar = remonte jump = salto ski lift / chair lift = telesilla rail = raíl ski slope = pista de esquí I hate ski lifts, they’re scary. I have fallen off a T- bar several times, and I’ve fallen off a ski lift too. I pushed off from the chair when it reached the top, but I lost control and tumbled over. Yorkshire It’s not easy on a snowboard because your back foot isn’t clipped in. Skiing is much easier,

but I find skiing boring. I’ve always wanted to snowboard ever since I saw snowboarders using jumps and rails. They’re much cooler than skiers... except when they fall off lifts. It’s funny to see other people falling over, but it’s not funny when it’s you! Odio los telesillas, me dan miedo. Me he caído de un remonte varias veces, y de un telesilla también. Me di impulso para bajar de la silla cuando llegué a la cima, pero perdí el control y me caí. No es fácil en una tabla de snowboard porque el pie trasero no está fijado. Esquiar es mucho más fácil, pero lo encuentro aburrido. Siempre he querido hacer snowboard desde que vi a esquiadores de snowboard usando los saltos y raíles. Son mucho más molones que los esquiadores… menos cuando se caen de los telesillas. Es gracioso ver a los demás cayéndose, ¡pero no es gracioso cuando eres tú! 146 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 146 29/06/2016 14:24:14

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ..................... pista de tenis to train ..................... .....................

ponerse al día player ..................... ..................... caerse de Translate 8.9 Have you ever fallen off a chairlift? ¿Te has caído de un telesilla alguna vez? Skiing is much easier than snowboarding. Esquiar es mucho más fácil que hacer snowboard. I ended up going to the doctor’s. Acabé yendo al médico. I got injured skiing last year. Me lesioné esquiando el año pasado. It hurt so much I nearly threw up. Me dolió tanto que casi vomité. Change to a Direct Question 1. Do you know where the nearest chairlift is? 4. Does he know if the pitch will be open tomorrow? 2. Can you remember how to clip in your ski boots? 5. Can you remember if the marathon course passes through here? 3. Can you tell me where I can find the tennis courts? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 147 Listen UP!(115).indd 147 29/06/2016 14:24:15

8.10 Losing a key in the swimming pool. TO DIVE IN, TO GET OUT, TO GET IN, TO COME OFF to get in = entrar

to come off = soltarse/caerse de to get out = salir to dive in = zambullirse / tirarse de cabeza to swim underwater = nadar bajo el agua lane = calle pool = piscina locker key = llave de taquilla deep end = parte honda goggles = gafas de natación shallow end = parte menos profunda lengths = largos sports centre = polideportivo Jane lost her locker key again at the sports centre —this time, in the pool! She tied it to her foot but she lost it while swimming. She was swimming lengths from the shallow end to the Nova Scotia deep end, and she changed lanes a few times so it could have been anywhere. It probably came off when she dived in. She got in and out several times because she didn’t even know if it was in the pool. Luckily, I had my goggles, so I could swim underwater and see clearly. I found it lying at the bottom of the pool, and I also found two pounds! Jane perdió la llave de su taquilla otra vez en el polideportivo —esta vez, ¡dentro de la piscina! Ella se la ató al pie pero la perdió mientras nadaba. Estaba nadando largos desde la parte menos profunda a la parte honda, y se cambió de calle varias veces así que podría estar en cualquier lugar. Probablemente se le soltó cuando se tiró de cabeza. Ella entró y salió varias veces porque ni siquiera sabía si estaba en la piscina. Afortunadamente, yo llevaba mis gafas de natación, así que pude nadar bajo el agua y ver claramente. La encontré en el fondo de la piscina, ¡y también encontré dos libras! 148 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 148 29/06/2016 14:24:15

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. I think football is bored. 2. Is funny seeing people fall over. 3. To add injury to insult, I didn’t get the point. 4. Run has really caught on in Manchester. 5. Where you bought your running gear? Comprehension Questions 1. What kind of key did Jane lose in the 4. What was the speaker able to do with his swimming pool? goggles? 2. Where did she tie the key? 5. What else did he find at the bottom of the pool? 3. What was she doing in the pool? Complete the Question 1. Oslo is the capital city of Norway. 4. Maria decided to take up playing football. ................ is the capital city of Norway? ................ decided to take up playing 2. I play tennis every Sunday because I want to football? exercise regularly. 5. We’re going to go to the rugby match next ................ do you play tennis every Sunday? Saturday. 3. I go to the gym every other day. ................ are we going to go to the rugby ................ do you go to the gym? match? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 149 Listen UP!(115).indd 149 29/06/2016 14:24:16

8.11 Getting lost on a cycling trip. TO GET ON, TO GET OFF, TO TURN OUT, TO KEEP AN EYE OUT to get on = montar to keep an eye out = mantenerse alerta

to get off = bajarse to turn out = resultar to get lost = perderse to camp = acampar cycling = ciclismo / en bicicleta fire = fuego /fogata adventure = aventura bear = oso saddle-sore = dolor en las posaderas bike = bici Getting lost isn’t usually fun, but we decided to take a spontaneous cycling trip for the weekend and it turned out to be an adventure. I hadn’t got on my bike in a while, so I was a Perth little saddle-sore when I got off my bike* the first day, but we had so much fun. We camped, built a fire and swam in a lake. It was amazing. A friend of ours told us to keep an eye out for bears, but I’m not sure if he was pulling our leg as we didn’t see any. We got lost several times, but with our modern GPS we were never too far away from civilisation. I can’t wait to do it again next summer! Perderse no suele ser divertido, pero decidimos hacer un viaje espontaneo en bicicleta el fin de semana y ha resultado ser una aventura. Hacía tiempo que no montaba en bici, así que me dolían las posaderas cuando me bajé de la bici el primer día, pero nos lo pasamos muy bien. Acampamos, hicimos una fogata y nadamos en un lago. Fue increíble. Un amigo nos pidió que nos mantuviésemos alerta por si hubiera osos, pero me pregunto si nos estaba tomando el pelo porque no vimos ningún oso. Nos perdimos varias veces, pero con nuestro GPS moderno nunca estábamos demasiado lejos de la civilización. ¡Tengo muchas ganas de repetirlo el verano que viene! * “Bike” es una forma más corta de decir “bicycle”. 150 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 150 29/06/2016 14:24:16

¡Te toca! Match the Verbs and Nouns to get out of a bike to score a hobby to fall out with a goal to take up a pool to get on a friend Match - Phrasal Verb Review to fall behind

bajarse to fall over resultar/ acabar to keep up quedarse atrás to end up seguir el ritmo to get off caerse Translate 8.12 I got off my bike and went home. Me bajé de la bici y me fui a casa. Keep an eye out for thieves! ¡Manteneros alerta por si hay ladrones! Are you pulling my leg? ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? She cant wait to go camping again. Está deseando acampar de nuevo. I was swimming for an hour. Estuve nadando durante una hora. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 151 Listen UP!(115).indd 151 29/06/2016 14:24:17

8.13 Taking a friend to a rugby match. TO TAKE OFF, TO GIVE AWAY, TO PAY OFF, TO CONCENTRATE ON to take off = irse corriendo to pay off = dar buenos resultados to give away = regalar / perder la posesión to concentrate on = concentrarse en algo (deportes) rules = reglas a try (a goal in rugby) = un ensayo (un gol en atmosphere = ambiente rugby) stadium = estadio My friend from Norway paid me a visit and as I’m a big fan of rugby, I decided to take him to a rugby match. I couldn’t believe he had never been to a rugby match before! As soon as he arrived, Glasgow we took off to the stadium and it was jam-packed. The atmosphere was amazing —it was electric. By the way, have you ever tried to explain the rules of rugby? It’s impossible. What happens if he gives the ball away? What’s “a try”? At least he picked up the rules quite quickly. I couldn’t concentrate on the game, but my explanations paid off —he wants to go to another game next week! Mi amigo de Noruega me visitó y como soy muy fan del rugby, decidí llevarle a un partido de rugby. ¡No me podía creer que nunca había ido a un partido de rugby! En cuanto llegó, nos fuimos corriendo al estadio y estaba hasta arriba de gente. El ambiente era increíble —era electrizante. A propósito, ¿alguna vez has intentado explicar las reglas del rugby? Es imposible. ¿Qué pasa si pierde la posesión de la pelota? ¿Qué es un “ensayo”? Al menos se aprendió las reglas bastante rápido. No me pude concentrar en el partido, pero mis explicaciones han dado buenos resultados, ¡quiere ir a otro partido la semana que viene! 152 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 152 29/06/2016 14:24:17

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ...................... perderse goggles ...................... ...................... pista de esquí sports centre ...................... ...................... torpe Fill in the Gap 1. Is she going to ...................... you a visit? (visitar) 2. I can’t ...................... to play tennis with him again! (esperar) 3. Can you swim ......................? (bajo el agua) 4. He swims from the ...................... to the ...................... (parte menos profunda/ parte honda) 5. He won the tennis tournament, but he ...................... very lucky! (tener suerte) Match the Expressions to add insult to injury la pelota está en tu tejado to pull one’s leg

estar oxidado / faltar práctica the ball is in your court estar de acuerdo to see eye to eye echar sal en la herida to be rusty

tomar el pelo Listen Up! • CHAPTER 8: SPORTS 153 Listen UP!(115).indd 153 29/06/2016 14:24:18

Listen UP!(115).indd 154 29/06/2016 14:24:18

Chapter 9 Education ADVANCED 1 Nerves before taking an exam - so vs. such 2 First day at University - to be used to vs. to get used to, conjunctions: even though, anyway 3 Deciding to continue studying — masters or no masters? – conjunctions: however, nevertheless 4 Children’s first day of school - remind vs. remember (II) 5 Too much homework! - the present conditional 6 Training day with a nightmare colleague - not to 7 Graduation day - mixed conditionals 8 Learning how to study again! - due to vs. due to the fact that vs. because of Listen UP!(115).indd 155 29/06/2016 14:24:19

9.1 Nerves before taking an exam. SO VS. SUCH ¿Cómo se usan “so” y “such”? Es fácil. Aunque ambos significan ‘tan’, usamos “so” con adjetivos y “such” con sustantivos solos o sustantivos + adjetivos. Por ejemplo: His car was so fast. Su coche era tan rápido. He had such a fast car. Tenía un coche tan rápido. ¡Recuerda también que “so much” significa ‘tanto’ y “so many” significa ‘tantos’! to study for = estudiar para to take = hacer (un examen) to pass = aprobar exam = examen to fail = fracasar / fallar / suspender pressure = presión school = escuela / colegio exam hall = sala de exámenes My brother was so nervous last week about taking his exam that he thought he wasn’t going to be able to do it. There is so much pressure with exams these days; it seems to be all that kids Belfast do at school. I mean, if you fail one exam, it’s not the end of the world, right? My uncle says schools are just exam factories. My brother has been studying for these exams for so long, but he’s such a worrier he’s still scared he might fail. He’s taken so many practice exams now, you might think he’d be used to them. But no; when he sees the exam hall he still gets scared. I’m sure he’ll pass* all of them! Mi hermano estaba tan nervioso la semana pasada por hacer un examen que pensó que no iba a poder hacerlo. Hoy en día hay tanta presión con los exámenes; parece que es lo único que hacen los niños en el colegio. En serio, si suspendes un examen, no es el fin del mundo, ¿verdad? Mi tío dice que los colegios son fábricas de exámenes. Mi hermano lleva estudiando para estos exámenes tanto tiempo, pero es tan agonías que todavía tiene miedo de suspender. Ha hecho tantos exámenes ya que debería estar acostumbrado. Pero no; cuando ve la sala de exámenes todavía tiene miedo. ¡Estoy seguro de que los aprobará todos! * Para decir ‘aprobar’ nunca digas “to approve”. Decimos “to pass.” 156 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 156

29/06/2016 14:24:20

¡Te toca! Change to the Past Simple 1. There are so many exams to take this year. 2. There is a lot of pressure to pass the exam. 3. She is going to study really hard for her English exam. 4. I’m going to retake my science exam tomorrow. 5. It’s such a difficult exam. Complete the Question 1. My brother was nervous about his exam. .............. was nervous about his exam? 2. No, she didn’t fail any of her exams. ................ she fail any of her exams? 3. The exams will take place in the exam hall. ............... will the exams take place? 4. They’re going to take their exams tomorrow. .............. are they going to take their exams? 5. He failed because he didn’t study enough. .............. did he fail? Preposition Corner 1. After my exam I’m going to take on / in / off immediately! 2. He gave in / away / on all the answers before the exam. 3. All that studying has finally paid off / in / out. 4. I can’t concentrate on / in / of my studies! 5. I think the exam is going to turn out / on / in well. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 157 Listen UP!(115).indd 157 29/06/2016 14:24:20

9.2 First day at University. TO BE USED TO VS. TO GET USED TO, CONJUNCTIONS: EVEN THOUGH, ANYWAY • Primero veamos algunas frases útiles para desarrollar tu forma de expresarte en inglés. Estas dos conjunciones son geniales: “even though” (‘aunque’) y “anyway” (‘de todas formas’). • Y ahora, dos puntos gramaticales que son fáciles de confundir: J to get used to = acostumbrarse a J to be used to = estar acostumbrado a También, existe “used to” (‘solía hacer algo’) pero no lo trabajaremos aquí. ¡No te confundas! university (uni) = universidad lecture = clase campus = campus to miss out on = perderse (algo) university society = asociación universitaria lifestyle = estilo de vida hall of residence (UK) / dorm (US) = residencia universitaria Even though I’m looking forward to attending university*, I have to say I was a little scared about leaving home for the first time. I hear that joining societies for sports or activities is a good way to Lancashire get used to life as a student and to meet people. My halls of residence are on campus so I don’t have far to travel; great for those early morning lectures**! I’m used to getting up early anyway because of school. The campus is located about five miles from the city, but the distance doesn’t matter. We’ll travel into the city at night anyway. We don’t want to miss out on the uni nightlife. Even though it’s the first time I’ll live near a city, I’m already used to the lifestyle. I don’t think I’ll want to return to a small village after this. Aunque tengo muchas ganas de asistir a la universidad, tengo que decir que tenía un poco de miedo de irme de casa por primera vez. He oído que apuntarse a asociaciones universitarias de deporte o de actividades es una buena manera de acostumbrarse a la vida estudiantil y de conocer a gente. Mi residencia universitaria está en el campus así que no tengo que ir muy lejos, ¡ideal para esas clases tempranas! Estoy acostumbrado a madrugar de todas formas por el cole. El campus está a unas cinco millas de la ciudad, pero la distancia da igual. Iremos a la ciudad por la noche de todas formas. No nos queremos perder la vida

nocturna universitaria. Aunque vaya a ser la primera vez que vivo cerca de una ciudad, ya estoy acostumbrado al estilo de vida. No creo que quiera volver a un pueblo pequeño después de esto. * Un error común es decir “the university”. Pero recuerda que no es necesario aquí porque no se refiere a una universidad específica. ** “A lecture” es una clase en una sala grande con centenas de personas —no es una clase típica. 158 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 158 29/06/2016 14:24:21

¡Te toca! Audio Exercise

9.3 Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas. 1. How old was the speaker when he left university? 2. What did he do when he graduated? 3. Where did he do this? 4. How long was he at university and where? 5. When did he graduate? Translate 9.4 Even though the exam was difficult, I passed. Aunque el examen fue difícil, lo aprobé. It was such a boring lecture that I fell asleep. que me dormí. I’m not used to failing exams! suspender exámenes! It was raining a lot, but I went to my class anyway. formas. Are you getting used to the lifestyle at university? vida de universidad? Spot the Mistake 1. I’m used to live in a very big city. 4. I’m so happy. I approved my exam! 2. Yesterday, I couldn’t attend the university. 5. The course was such difficult I failed. 3. I’m get used to the course. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 159 Listen UP!(115).indd 159 29/06/2016 14:24:21

Fue una clase tan aburrida ¡No estoy acostumbrado a

Llovía mucho, pero fui a clase de todas ¿Te acostumbras al estilo de

9.5 Deciding to continue studying —master’s or no master’s? CONJUNCTIONS: HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS Nos ponemos las pilas con dos conjunciones más: “however” (‘sin embargo’) y “nevertheless” (‘no obstante’). “However” normalmente se usa para expresar algo negativo después de decir algo positivo. “Nevertheless” se usa al revés —para expresar algo positivo después de decir algo negativo. Dos ejemplos: J Sin embargo: I’ve passed all of my exams so far! However, I still have five exams to take. J No obstante: I’m not enjoying my English course at the moment. Nevertheless, I’ve noticed an improvement in my English. grant = beca / subvención to go ahead = avanzar / seguir adelante scholarship = beca education = la educación undergraduate study = estudios universitarios to procrastinate = dejar para después / posponer post-graduate study = estudios de posgrado a master’s (degree) = un máster It’s decision time —to do a master’s or not to do a master’s*? If I decide to go ahead and do it, it will cost an arm and a leg. Education isn’t cheap in this country! Nevertheless, it would Hampshire be fantastic for my career. If I can get a scholarship, that will make it much more realistic. However, it would be another year of incredibly hard work. For postgraduate study, it isn’t possible to get grants** like it sometimes is for undergraduate study. I’m boring myself talking about all this! Nevertheless, I’m going to procrastinate for a while and make a decision later. However, I don’t have very much time to think about it… Llegó la hora de tomar una decisión —¿hacer un máster o no hacer un máster? Si decido seguir adelante y hacerlo, costará un ojo de la cara. ¡La educación no es barata en este país! No obstante, sería fantástico para mi carrera profesional. Si puedo conseguir una beca, sería mucho más razonable. Sin embargo, sería otro año de trabajo muy duro. Para hacer un programa de posgrado, no es posible conseguir una beca como los que ofrecen para los estudios universitarios. ¡Me aburro a mí mismo hablando de todo esto! No obstante, voy a posponerlo por un tiempo y tomar una decisión más adelante. Sin embargo,

no tengo mucho tiempo para pensármelo… * En inglés no se dice “master” sino “master’s”. **¿Cuál es la diferencia entre “grant” y “scholarship”? Normalmente para conseguir “a scholarship” hay que sacar buenas notas. Dependiendo del país se puede conseguir “a grant” si tienes el perfil indicado, por ejemplo edad, asignatura, etc. 160 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 160 29/06/2016 14:24:22

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. How much will a master’s cost? 2. Will a master’s be easy or hard work? 3. Will it be more realistic if she can get a scholarship? 4. What isn’t it possible to get grants for? 5. Does she have much time to think about it? Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ENGLISH SPANISH

to fail .................... .................... presión .................... estilo de vida even though .................... to retake .................... Fill in the Gap 1. It’s hard! .............. , it will be good for your 4. I’m not .............. taking so many exams! studies. (no obstante) (estar acostumbrado) 2. There were .............. schools with good 5. There is .............. pressure in schools these results it was difficult to choose one. (tantos) days. (tanta) 3. It’s so expensive. It’s going to cost an ........... and a .............. . (costar un ojo de la cara) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 161 Listen UP!(115).indd 161 29/06/2016 14:24:22

9.6 Children’s first day of school. REMIND VS. REMEMBER (II) Volvemos a trabajar con los verbos “remind” y “remember” así que, “let’s remind ourselves!” J remember = acordarse / recordar Es lo que tenemos que hacer todos los días, con cumpleaños, citas, reuniones, etc. I didn’t remember his birthday. No me acordé de su cumpleaños. También es lo que hacemos con los recuerdos. I remember I enjoyed PE a lot when I was at Recuerdo que me gustaba mucho la educación school. física cuando estaba en el colegio.

J remind = recordar Es lo que tenemos que hacer a otra gente ¡para que no se les olvide algo! I’m going to remind her* that she needs to apply for Le voy a recordar que tiene que hacer la her master’s course before the end of the week. inscripción del máster antes del fin de semana. Remind him* to check his university timetable. Recuérdale comprobar su horario de universidad. * Fíjate que necesitamos un pronombre objeto (o un nombre) con “remind”. primary school = primaria / colegio classroom = aula secondary school = secundaria / instituto modern = moderno Can you remember your first day at primary school? My child’s first day at school reminded me a lot of my first day. We visited the school six months ago, and my son still remembered where his Belfast classroom was going to be! It’s a modern school with lots of computers. It isn’t how I remember my school! I remember we had three or four computers in the whole school. Visiting my son’s new school reminded me how much schools and technology have changed. I remember how fun school was; I would go back to primary school at the drop of a hat if I could! However, I would have to think a lot harder about secondary school. ¿Te acuerdas de tu primer día en primaria? El primer día de clase de mi hijo me recuerda mucho a mi primer día. Visitamos el cole hace seis meses y ¡todavía se acordaba mi hijo de dónde va a estar su aula! Es un colegio moderno con muchos ordenadores. ¡No es como yo recuerdo mi colegio! Me acuerdo de que teníamos tres o cuatro ordenadores en todo el cole. Visitar el colegio nuevo de mi hijo me recordó cuanto han cambiado los colegios y la tecnología. Me acuerdo de lo divertido que era el cole; ¡volvería a primaria a la más mínima si pudiera! Sin embargo, tendría que pensarme mucho lo de secundaria. 162 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 162 29/06/2016 14:24:23

¡Te toca! Audio Exercise 9.7 Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas. 1. When was the speaker’s first day of school? 2. How old was the speaker? 3. What was the name of the speaker’s first teacher? 4. Where was she from? 5. How long was she the speaker’s teacher? Irregular Verbs - The Present Perfect 1. I’ve ................... seven exams so far this year and I’ve passed all of them. (hacer) 2. My new books for university have ................... an arm and a leg. (costar) 3. Have you ................... used to university life yet? (acostumbrarse) 4. She ................... getting up early for years. (estar) 5. The new courses have ................... ahead. (seguir adelante) Preposition Corner 1. In the end, I decided to / on / for do a 4. I’m studying for / of / in my medicine exams. master’s course. 5. I’m going to think on / in / about going to 2. After my lecture, I took off to / on / at my house. university again. 3. Do you live far away from / of / at the campus? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 163 Listen UP!(115).indd 163 29/06/2016 14:24:24

9.8 Too much homework! PRESENT CONDITIONAL Ahora vamos a echar un vistazo al “present conditional”, probablemente el condicional más común (también se llama el segundo condicional). Se usa para hablar de una situación improbable o hipotética. Se construye así: J If ... pasado simple ..., ... would + verbo infinitivo sin “to” ... J ... would + verbo infinitivo sin “to”... if ... pasado simple … If I were a student in the USA, I would have to Si fuera un alumno en EEUU, tendría que improve my written English. mejorar mi inglés escrito. He would remember his classes and Recordaría sus clases y sus deberes si se homework, if he were better organised. organizara mejor. (to do) homework = (hacer) deberes biology = biología to ban = prohibir geography = geografía teacher = profesor grades / marks = notas detention = castigo (después de clase) to get stuck = atascarse maths (mathematics) = matemáticas My teacher has given me too much biology homework* again! I would ban homework if I could. What’s the point? I wouldn’t do it if I knew I wouldn’t get into trouble. But I didn’t do it Glasgow last week, and my mathematics** teacher said that if I didn’t do my homework again, I’d get detention. Our teachers are always giving us far too much and I don’t have time to do it all. If it improved my grades I would do it, but I just get stuck, especially with my geography homework. What else can you do when you don’t understand the questions? I hate it. ¡Mi profesor me ha mandado demasiados deberes de biología otra vez! Yo prohibiría los deberes si pudiera. ¿De qué sirve? No los haría si supiera que no me metería en líos. Pero no los hice la semana pasada, y mi profesor de matemáticas dijo que si no hacía los deberes de nuevo, me quedaría castigado después de clase. Nuestros profesores siempre nos están mandando hacer demasiado y no tengo

tiempo para hacerlo todo. Si mejorara mis notas lo haría, pero solo me atasco, especialmente con los deberes de geografía. ¿Qué más puedes hacer cuando no entiendes las preguntas? Lo odio. * No digas “homeworks” ¡suena muy mal! Se dice “3 pieces of homework” para expresar numerosos deberes. ** Se dice “maths” en Reino Unido y “math” en EEUU. 164 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 164 29/06/2016 14:24:24

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH

......................... notas primary school ......................... ......................... residencia remind ......................... ......................... beca / subvención Translate 9.9 My boss told me not to be late again. Mi jefe me dijo que no volviera a llegar tarde. I would do a master’s degree if I had more Yo haría un máster si tuviera más tiempo. time. She decided not to do her homework. Ella decidió no hacer sus deberes. I would make more friends if I joined a society. Haría más amigos si me apuntara a una asociación. I’m looking forward to leaving home and being Tengo ganas de irme de casa y ser independent. independiente. Change to a Direct Question 1. Can you remember what your first day at 4. Does he know if we have to be here early university was like? tomorrow? 2. Do you know what marks you got in the exam? 5. Can you remember what date the course finishes? 3. Can you remember what time the class starts? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 165 Listen UP!(115).indd 165 29/06/2016 14:24:25

9.10 Training day with a nightmare col eague. NOT TO

El negativo del infinitivo es importante. Un truco para evitar decirlo mal es recordar a… ¡Shakespeare! La frase la conocemos todos, “To be or not to be —that is the question.” training = formación to be a nightmare = ser pesado (una persona) personal development = desarrollo personal to not be able to stand = no soportar / no training day = día de formación tolerar compulsory = obligatorio Every once in a while, we have a training day in our office. I decided not to attend the last one because they aren’t compulsory. But my boss told me not to miss the next one as it won’t look Adelaide good on my personal record if I miss many. The problem is I can’t stand one of my colleagues —he’s a nightmare! All he does is talk about himself. What can I do? I can’t ask him not to talk to me so I just try not to be around him. Apparently, the training days are all about personal development. I think my colleague really needs it more than I do. De vez en cuando, tenemos un día de formación en la oficina. Decidí no asistir al último porque no son obligatorios. Pero mi jefe me dijo que no me perdiera el siguiente porque no quedará bien en mi expediente si falto a muchos. El problema es que no soporto a uno de mis compañeros —¡es muy pesado! Lo único que hace es hablar de sí mismo. ¿Qué hago? No le puedo pedir que no me hable así que simplemente intento no estar cerca de él. Por lo visto los días de formación van de desarrollo personal. Creo que lo necesita mi compañero más que yo. 166 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 166 29/06/2016 14:24:25

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. How often do they have a training day in the office? 2. Why did he decide not to attend the last one? 3. Why did his boss tell him not to miss the next one? 4. What is his problem? 5. Why doesn’t he like his colleague? Spot the Mistake 1. If I have a good teacher, I would get good 4. He told me to not go home. grades. 2. I haven’t done all my homeworks. 5. If I studied maths at university, I will become a maths teacher. 3. I remembered him that his class started at 10 o’clock. Complete the Question 1. I went to university in Dublin. 4. I graduated in 2012. ................ did you go to university? ................ did you graduate? 2. I got good grades by studying very hard! 5. I did a master’s because I wanted to be ................ did you get good grades? better qualified. 3. Matthew and Daniel go to this school. ................ did you do a master’s? ................ goes to this school? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 167 Listen UP!(115).indd 167 29/06/2016 14:24:26

9.11 Graduation day. MIXED CONDITIONALS Antes de trabajar el “past conditional” en la siguiente sección, vamos a ver una mezcla de los condicionales presente y pasado. Se pueden mezclar estos dos condicionales si hablamos de algo del pasado que puede influir en el presente. Por ejemplo: If I had taken French in secondary school, I Si hubiera estudiado francés en secundaria, would have more job opportunities. tendría más oportunidades de trabajo. If I had told him to do the job, I wouldn’t have Si le hubiera pedido que hiciera el trabajo, no to do it now. tendría que hacerlo yo ahora. ¡Fíjate en la primera parte! “if” + “had” + participio ceremony = ceremonia to be proud = ser/estar orgulloso cap & gown = toga y birrete certificate / diploma = título / diploma to drop out = dejar / retirarse degree = grado académico to graduate = graduarse After four long years, it’s finally time to graduate. Sometimes I wonder where I would be now if I hadn’t gone to university. My parents —who convinced me to go to uni— are coming to the Pembrokeshire ceremony and they’re really proud. They wouldn’t be proud if I had dropped out! I wanted to leave halfway through, but I thought if I didn’t finish my degree I would have wasted the previous two years. Now I have to wear a cap and gown and walk onstage in front of hundreds of people. If I could just collect my certificate at the end, that would be much better. Después de cuatro largos años, por fin ha llegado el momento de graduarme. A veces me pregunto dónde estaría ahora si no hubiera ido a la universidad. Mis padres —que me convencieron de ir a la universidad— vienen a la ceremonia y están muy orgullosos. ¡No estarían orgullosos si lo hubiera dejado! Quería dejarlo a mitad de la carrera pero pensé que si no terminaba el grado académico habría desperdiciado los dos años anteriores. Ahora tengo que llevar la toga y birrete y subir al escenario delante de un montón de gente. Si pudiera simplemente recoger el diploma al final, sería mucho mejor. 168 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas

Listen UP!(115).indd 168 29/06/2016 14:24:26

¡Te toca! Match the Verbs and Nouns to get student life to drop out of homework to do good grades to do university to get used to a master’s

Translate 9.12 What would you be doing now if you hadn’t ¿Qué estarías haciendo ahora si no hubieras gone to university? ido a la universidad? I asked him not attend the training day Le pedí que no asistiera al día de formación because we have a lot of work. porque tenemos mucho trabajo. Would you be a teacher if you hadn’t gone to ¿Serías profesor si no hubieras ido a la university? universidad? Would you have a good job if you didn’t get ¿Tendrías un buen trabajo si no sacaras good grades? buenas notas? Were you proud of yourself when you ¿Te sentiste orgulloso de ti mismo cuando te graduated? graduaste? Match - Expression Review in the nick of time por si acaso at the drop of a hat hasta arriba to cost an arm and a leg por los pelos jam-packed

a la más mínima just in case

costar un ojo de la cara Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn

169 Listen UP!(115).indd 169 29/06/2016 14:24:26

9.13 Learning how to study again! DUE TO VS. DUE TO THE FACT THAT VS. BECAUSE OF Vemos algunos conectores útiles expresarse mejor: J due to / due to the fact that = debido a (que) J because of = por / a causa de Due to my job, I’m not able to live in the Debido a mi trabajo, no puedo vivir en el countryside. campo. I’m not able to live in the countryside because No puedo vivir en el campo a causa de mi of my job. trabajo. Due to the fact that my job is in the city, I’m not Debido a que mi trabajo está en la ciudad, no able to live in the countryside. puedo vivir en el campo. to concentrate = concentrarse subject = asignatura distance learning = estudiar a distancia / social life = vida social educación no-presencial full time = jornada completa Due to the fact that I want to change careers, I’ve decided to study again. I forgot how hard it was! Due to leaving university ten years ago and not studying since then, I’m finding it to New York be a challenge. Not because of the subject or the material, but due to the fact that I need to concentrate for so many hours! I’ve started a distance learning course because I’m still working full time. Working full time and studying is no walk in the park —I’m not sure that I will have much of a social life during the next year. Because of my work timetable, I will have to study in the mornings. That’s if I don’t spend too much time procrastinating. Debido a que quiero cambiar de carrera profesional, he decidido estudiar de nuevo. ¡Se me olvidaba lo

duro que es! Debido a que terminé la universidad hace diez años y no he estudiado desde entonces, me cuesta un poco. No por la asignatura ni el material, ¡sino debido a que tengo que concentrarme tantas horas! He empezado un curso a distancia porque sigo trabando a jornada completa. Trabajar a jornada completa y estudiar no es pan comido —dudo que tenga mucha vida social durante este próximo año. Por el horario que tengo en el trabajo, tendré que estudiar por las mañanas. Eso es si no lo voy dejando y dejando para hacer más tarde. 170 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 170 29/06/2016 14:24:27

¡Te toca! Match - Phrasal Verb Review to drop out perderse algo to get stuck avanzar to go ahead atascarse to miss out on dejar to study for

estudiar para Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH to ban .................... .................... título / diploma compulsory .................... .................... biología geography .................... Fill in the Gap 1. Have you done your ..................? (deberes) 2. Is she going to change her ..................? (carrera profesional) 3. Have you chosen your ..................? (asignaturas) 4. Can you .................. me to study for my exams? (recordar) 5. Are you .................. of your grades? (orgulloso) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 9: EdUCATIOn 171 Listen UP!(115).indd 171 29/06/2016 14:24:27

Listen UP!(115).indd 172 29/06/2016 14:24:28

Chapter 10 Shopping ADVANCED 1 Returning clothes - past conditional 2 I hope I survive the January sales! - despite vs. in spite of 3 Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve - to hope, to wait for, to expect 4 Going for a haircut - past continuous 5 Grocery shopping - lost child! to get + adjective 6 Shopping for big shoes - review: too, enough, most + noun 7 Looking for items in a supermarket - to make vs. to do 8 Haircut gone wrong! - present and past conditional review Listen UP!(115).indd 173 29/06/2016 14:24:29

10.1 Returning clothes. THE PAST CONDITIONAL (THIRD CONDITIONAL) Ahora ¡el condicional del pasado! También se llama el tercer condicional y se usa para expresar algo que podría haber pasado, pero no pasó. Normalmente, se usa con situaciones reales. J If… past perfect…, would have + participio J … would have + participio… if … past perfect If I had known the shops were closed, I Si hubiera sabido que las tiendas estaban wouldn’t have gone. cerradas, no habría ido. I would’ve talked to you if I had seen you there. Habría hablado contigo si te hubiera visto allí. to return = devolver jumper (UK) / sweater (US) = jersey shop assistant = dependiente to exchange = cambiar / intercambiar to try on = probarse refund = reembolso to sell out = agotarse (un product) customer = cliente to fit = quedar bien size = talla Customer: Good morning, I’d like to return these jumpers please, they don’t fit properly. Shop assistant: That’s no problem at all. Did you try them on when you bought them? Customer: Well, I would’ve tried them on if I had had time, but unfortunately I didn’t. Belfast Shop assistant: Ok. I suppose if you had tried them on first you wouldn’t have had to come back today. Would you like a refund or to exchange them for something else? Customer: I would like to exchange them for a smaller size, please. Neath Port Shop assistant: Unfortunately, we don’t have a smaller size anymore. If you had come yesterday, Talbot you would’ve been able to exchange them, but this size sold out this morning.

Customer: That’s a shame, I would’ve been able to come yesterday if I hadn’t had a doctor’s appointment. Ok, no problem, I’ll take a refund. Shop assistant: Ok, here you are. Cliente: Buenos días, me gustaría devolver estos jerseys por favor, no me quedan bien. Dependiente: Sin problema. ¿Se los probó cuando los compró? Cliente: Bueno, me los habría probado si hubiera tenido tiempo, pero lamentablemente no pude. Dependiente: Vale. Supongo que si se los hubiera probado primero no habría tenido que volver hoy. ¿Le gustaría un reembolso o cambiarlos por otra cosa? Cliente: Me gustaría cambiarlos por una talla más pequeña, por favor. Dependiente: Lamentablemente, ya no tenemos una talla más pequeña. Si hubiera venido ayer, se los habríamos podido intercambiar, pero esta talla se ha agotado esta mañana. Cliente: Qué lástima, habría podido venir ayer so no hubiera tenido una cita con el médico. Vale, sin problema, cojo el reembolso. Dependiente: Vale, aquí lo tiene. 174 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 174 29/06/2016 14:24:30

¡Te toca! Change to the Past Simple 1. Everything is going to sell out within a few hours. 2. I’m not able to concentrate because of the noise. 3. The fact the shops are closed again just adds insult to injury! 4. Will you be able to get used to spending less money? 5. We usually see eye to eye, even if we spend hours shopping. Complete the Question 1. I spent 70 dollars on clothes yesterday. 4. If I had bought a broken watch I would have ............. did you spend on clothes yesterday? returned it. 2. Size 54 shoes hardly ever sell out. ............. would you have done if you had ............. do size 54 shoes sell out?

bought a broken watch? 3. I make sure I never have to return clothes by 5. I try on everything I buy because I want to always trying them on. see if it fits. ............. do you make sure you never have to ............. do you try on everything you buy? return clothes? Preposition Corner 1. The shopping centre was packed because 4. I didn’t want to drop out of / on / over of / in / for the sales. university, but I didn’t have a choice. 2. I should be studying for / about / in my 5. I used to / for / over go shopping every exams but instead I’m shopping. Saturday, but not anymore. 3. He told me not on / to / at buy those trousers. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 175 Listen UP!(115).indd 175 29/06/2016 14:24:30

10.2 I hope I survive the January sales! DESPITE VS. IN SPITE OF ¿Cómo se dice ‘a pesar de’ o ‘a pesar de que’ en inglés? Tienes varias opciones: “in spite of”, “despite”, “in spite of the fact that” y “despite the fact that.” J We went to the football match despite/ in spite of the wind and the rain. (a pesar de) J We went to the football match despite the fact that/ in spite of the fact that it was windy and raining. (a pesar de que) Como ves, el significado es igual, pero la estructura es diferente. El primer ejemplo no necesita una segunda oración, pero el segundo sí. ¡El primer ejemplo también funciona con un verbo en gerundio! J Despite/ In spite of not liking metal music, I went to the concert. bargain = ganga to queue = hacer cola to spend on = gastar en to shop online = comprar por internet to go shopping = ir de compras

January sales = rebajas de enero shopping centre/ shopping mall = centro comercial Despite the fact that I hate it, I decided to go shopping* in the January sales to look for a bargain. I like clothes shopping despite going only once in a blue moon. I just don’t have the Nova Scotia patience for shopping centres, to queue for the changing rooms, or to queue to pay. If I could, I would shop online for everything and save myself a lot of time. My wife spent a fortune on new clothes in spite of the fact that they are probably going to go out of fashion soon anyway! At least it’s not my money! A pesar de que lo odio, decidí ir de compras en las rebajas de enero para buscar una ganga. Me gusta ir a comprar ropa a pesar de solo ir de Pascuas a Ramos. Pero no tengo paciencia para los centros comerciales, ni para hacer cola en los probadoras, ni hacer cola para pagar. Si pudiera, compraría todo por internet y me ahorraría un montón de tiempo. Mi mujer se gastó un dineral en ropa nueva ¡a pesar de que seguramente se vaya a pasar de moda enseguida! ¡Al menos no es mi dinero! * No confundas “to go shopping” y “to do the shopping”. “To go shopping”, como en castellano, es ir a comprar cosas como ropa, música, móviles, libros, etc., pero “to do the shopping” es ‘hacer la compra’. 176 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 176 29/06/2016 14:24:31

¡Te toca! Audio Exercise

10.4 Escucha el audio y escribe todas las cosas que ha comprado. ............................. ............................. ............................. was bought from the second hand shop ............................. ............................. were the cheapest Translate 10.3 Would you have returned it if it had been the ¿Lo habrías devuelto si hubiera sido la talla right size? correcta? Despite all the bargains, Anne didn’t buy A pesar de todas las gangas, Anne no compró anything at all. nada en absoluto. Do you feel like going shopping today? ¿Te apetece ir de compras hoy? In spite of the fact that I don’t like shopping, I A pesar de que no me gusta ir de compras, spent four hours in the January sales. pasé cuatro horas en las rebajas de enero. I would’ve been able to buy it online if I had Habría podido comprarlo por internet si had enough money. hubiera tenido suficiente dinero. Spot the Mistake 1. I asked the dependent where to find the 4. I want to go of shopping at the weekend. winter jackets. 5. My size is so popular that it always sells in. 2. I’m going to try in these trainers. 3. Despite of going to the supermarket late, it was still very busy. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 177 Listen UP!(115).indd 177 29/06/2016 14:24:31

10.5 Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve. TO HOPE, TO WAIT FOR, TO EXPECT Aunque estas tres palabras significan ‘esperar’, cada una tiene un uso particular: J to hope = esperar (tener la esperanza que algo pasará en el futuro) I hope I pass all my exams! ¡Espero aprobar todos mis exámenes! J to wait (for) = esperar (la acción de quedarse esperando porque tienes una cita o una reunión) I’m waiting for my friend; she is in the queue. Estoy esperando a mi amiga; está en la cola. J to expect = esperar, anticipar, pensar (cuando es probable que lo que piensas o esperas se cumpla) I expect to be home before midnight. Espero llegar a casa antes de medianoche. Christmas Eve = Nochebuena to wrap = envolver last minute = último minuto / de última hora to cut corners = hacer algo mal, deprisa y midnight = medianoche corriendo Usually I wouldn’t be caught dead shopping on Christmas Eve, but guess what? Here I am, in the crowds, hoping to get home soon. But judging by the amount of people here in the shopping Lancashire centre, I expect it’s going to take a long time. I expect I’ll be home before midnight to wrap the presents, but my children —Jack and Jonathan— are waiting for me, so I hope I’ll be back before then! I’ve been waiting for the right moment to go Christmas shopping but it never arrived. This year I was hoping I could have it done at the beginning of December. Now I have to cut a few corners because I’m running out of time and I’m getting everything at the last minute. I expect I might be in trouble with some people! Normalmente nunca iría de compras en Nochebuena ni muerto, pero ¿sabes qué? Aquí estoy entre la muchedbumbre esperando llegar a casa pronto. Pero vista la cantidad de gente aquí en el centro comercial, me imagino que voy a tardar mucho. Espero llegar a casa antes de medianoche para envolver los regalos, pero me esperan mis hijos Jack y Jonathan, así que ¡espero que llegue antes! He estado esperando un buen momento para hacer las compras de Navidad pero nunca lo encontré. Este año esperaba tenerlo todo hecho a principios de diciembre. Ahora tengo que hacerlo mal, deprisa y

corriendo porque no me da tiempo y estoy comprando todo a última hora. ¡Me imagino que algunos de los regalos me traerán problemas! 178 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 178 29/06/2016 14:24:32

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH bargain ........................... ........................... a pesar de ........................... hacer cola Christmas Eve ........................... ........................... envolver Comprehension Questions 1. What wouldn’t the speaker usually be caught dead doing on Christmas Eve? 2. When does the speaker expect to be home? 3. Why is it going to take a long time to get home? 4. Who is waiting for the speaker? 5. What are the children’s names? Fill in the Gap 1. In .............. of the terrible weather everybody 4. Would you .............. arrived before midnight still went out. (a pesar de) if you .............. been delayed? (tercer

2. I .............. go to the supermarket if I ............. condicional) groceries. (segundo condicional - necesitar) 5. I .............. go shopping on Mondays when it’s 3. Do you .............. trying on those new shoes? quiet. (normalmente) (apetecer) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 179 Listen UP!(115).indd 179 29/06/2016 14:24:32

10.6 Going for a haircut. PAST CONTINUOUS El “past continuous” se usa para expresar una acción contínua en el pasado. A menudo se usa con los verbos de acción como “to do”, “to make”, “to go” y “to say”. También se puede usar para describir qué hacías o qué ocurría en el momento que otra acción ocurrió. J sujeto + “was” / “were” + gerundio I was getting a haircut when suddenly the Me estaba cortando el pelo cuando de repente door opened. se abrió la puerta. J “Was” / “Were” + sujeto + gerundio? What were you doing when I arrived? ¿Qué estabas haciendo cuando llegué? to get a haircut = cortarse el pelo blonde = rubio to get/ to have your hair cut = hacer que te barber = peluquero (para hombres) / barbero

corten el pelo hairdresser = peluquero (para mujeres) to cut = cortar incident = incidente scissors = tijeras Where do you get your hair cut? When I was living in London, I used to get my haircut at a well-known barber’s shop around the corner from my house. Once, when I was having my New York hair cut, I sneezed suddenly. The barber was using scissors at the time, and he cut a chunk out of my hair. He had to cut my hair quite short to hide it. As I have blonde* hair it wasn’t so obvious, but he was apologising for fifteen or twenty minutes. What’s funny is that when I was visiting some friends two weeks ago, I bumped into him and he still remembered the incident! ¿Dónde te cortas el pelo? Cuando vivía en Londres, me cortaba el pelo en una barbería conocida a la vuelta de la esquina de mi casa. Una vez, cuando me estaba cortando el pelo, estornudé de repente. El peluquero estaba usando las tijeras en ese momento, y me cortó un mechón de pelo. Tuvo que cortarme el pelo bastante corto para disimularlo. Como soy rubio no era muy evidente, pero me estuvo pidiendo disculpas durante quince o veinte minutos. Lo gracioso es que cuando estaba visitando a algunos amigos hace dos semanas, me encontré con él y ¡todavía se acordaba del incidente! * “Blonde” significa ‘rubio’ / ‘rubia’ y normalmente decimos “you have blonde/ red/ brown hair.” (‘eres rubia/ pelirroja / morena’). 180 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 180 29/06/2016 14:24:33

¡Te toca! Change to a Direct Question 1. Do you know how far it is to the shoe shop? 2. Can you tell me what time the supermarket closes? 3. Do you remember where the department store is? 4. Do you know how much it costs? 5. Can you tell me what sizes you have? Irregular Verbs - Past Simple/ Present Perfect 1. Have you ................ a haircut this month? (tener) 2. Last week, I ................ a lot of corners because I had so much to do. (cortar) 3. I ................ you were going to be in the shopping centre for hours. (pensar) 4. No I don’t want to go out, I ................ shopping this morning and I’m tired. (ir) 5. Why have you ................ all your money? That was supposed to last all week! (gastar) Preposition Corner 1. When I got onto the bus, I sat over / on / down. 2. I needed to stand up / over / on to have a look in the mirror. 3. I always avoid shopping at / on / in at Christmas Eve. 4. If I’m late, I’m going to be at / in / on trouble. 5. Who said that these jobs were going to be a walk at / on / in the park? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 181 Listen UP!(115).indd 181 29/06/2016 14:24:33

10.7 Grocery shopping — lost child! TO GET + ADJECTIVE “To get” es un verbo ubicuo en inglés. Se usa para expresar mucho, y aquí vemos como se usa con algunos adjetivos: to get angry = enfadarse to get lost = perderse to get upset = disgustarse to get worried = preocuparse aisle = pasillo to pay in cash = pagar en efectivo checkout = caja to wander off = alejarse / separarse groceries = provisiones / comestibles staff = empleados produce section = sección de fruta y verdura I got worried when I was in the supermarket getting* some groceries last week. We were in the produce section and my son got lost by walking down the wrong aisle! I got a little bit Glasgow angry because this is the second time he’s done this. I can’t do the shopping and keep my eye on him at the same time! Luckily the supermarket staff looked everywhere in the supermarket for him. When they found him, he got a little bit upset —I hope he will learn not to wander off! We paid in cash and left before he could get lost again! Me preocupé cuando estaba en el supermercado comprando provisiones la semana pasada. Estábamos en la sección de fruta y verdura ¡y mi hijo se perdió metiéndose por el pasillo equivocado! Me enfadé un poco porque ya es la segunda vez que lo hace. ¡No puedo hacer la compra y vigilarle al mismo tiempo! Afortunadamente los empleados del supermercado le buscaron por todas partes. Cuando le encontraron se disgustó un poco —¡espero que aprenda que no puede alejarse de mí! Pagamos en efectivo y nos fuimos ¡antes de que pudiera perderse de nuevo! * También “get” puede significar ‘conseguir’, ‘recoger’ o ‘comprar’. 182 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 182

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¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. I will like to return these items please. 2. I get very worried yesterday. 3. He didn’t remember of the accident. 4. I only do the shopping once in a green moon. 5. We always eat out despite we busy. Translate 10.8 Don’t get lost, this is a big place! No te pierdas, ¡este es un sitio muy grande! I’m going to get worried If you don’t do your Me voy a preocupar si no haces tus compras Christmas shopping soon. de Navidad pronto. Don’t get angry if I’m late, I’m very busy! No te enfades si llego tarde, ¡estoy muy ocupado! Do you want to pay in cash or by card? ¿Quieres pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta? Don’t go to that hairdresser’s, it’s terrible! No vayas a esa peluquería, ¡es horrible! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ......................... tijeras

......................... peluquero (para hombres) ......................... a última hora ......................... ropa ......................... intercambiar Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 183 Listen UP!(115).indd 183 29/06/2016 14:24:34

10.9 Shopping for big shoes. REVIEW: TOO, ENOUGH, MOST + NOUN J Recuerda que “enough” siempre se coloca detrás del adjetivo y delante del sustantivo. Cuando va detrás de un adjetivo significa ‘lo suficientemente’: This size isn’t big enough for me. Esta talla no es suficientemente grande para mí. Are those trousers long enough? ¿Son suficientemente largos esos pantalones? Y cuando va delante de un sustantivo significa ‘suficiente’: Do you think we have enough time? ¿Piensas que tenemos tiempo suficiente? Yes, I think we have enough time. Sí, tenemos tiempo suficiente. J “Too” se coloca delante del adjetivo y se usa para expresar que algo es ‘demasiado’: This shopping centre is too big! ¡Es demasiado grande este centro comercial! No, it isn’t too expensive.

No, no es demasiado caro. • Y acuérdate que decimos “most” seguido de un sustantivo para decir ‘la mayoría de’. shoe shop = zapatería to come (back) into fashion = (volver a) estar de trainers (UK) / sneakers (US) = zapatillas moda deportivas shoes = zapatos to be comfortable = ser/estar cómodo footwear = calzado to stock = tener en existencia frustrating = frustrante Colourful trainers are coming back into fashion and I want a pair! I’m not usually someone who jumps on the bandwagon, but most people I see running at the moment have super West Sussex colourful footwear. The problem I have is that most trainers don’t fit me because they’re too small. I have big feet —too big, I’d say— and most shoe shops don’t stock big enough sizes. I buy most clothes and footwear online because, otherwise, it takes too long to visit all the different shops. Unfortunately, shopping online means I can’t try things on first, which is frustrating! Most trainers are more comfortable than shoes, but of course, most jobs require you to wear shoes. The search continues! ¡Las zapatillas de deporte coloridas vuelven a estar de moda y yo quiero un par! No suelo seguir al rebaño, pero la mayoría de la gente que veo corriendo ahora lleva calzado súper colorido. El problema que tengo es que la mayoría de las zapatillas no me quedan bien porque son demasiado pequeñas. Tengo los pies muy grandes —demasiado grandes, diría yo— y la mayoría de las zapaterías no tienen tallas suficientemente grandes. Me compro la mayoría de ropa y calzado por internet porque, si no, se tarda demasiado tiempo yendo a todas las tiendas. Por desgracia, eso significa que no me puedo probar la ropa antes, ¡qué frustrante! La mayoría de las zapatillas son más cómodas que zapatos, pero claro, la mayoría de trabajos require que lleves zapatos. ¡Continúa la búsqueda! 184 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 184 29/06/2016 14:24:35

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What are coming back into fashion? 2. What is the speaker’s problem? 3. What is wrong with the speaker’s feet? 4. Where does the speaker buy clothes? 5. What are more comfortable than shoes? Translate 10.10 Are they too big or too small? ¿Son demasiado grandes o demasiado pequeños? Why aren’t they big enough? ¿Por qué no son suficientemente grandes? I don’t usually jump on the bandwagon. No suelo seguir al rebaño. Do you know if they have this size in stock? ¿Sabes si tienen esta talla en stock? I got lost because the store was too big! ¡Me perdí porque la tienda era demasiado grande! Complete the Question 1. No, we don’t have that size in stock. .......... you have this size in stock? 2. We always shop online. .......... do you shop online? 3. I don’t do the shopping because I work 9 hours a day. .......... don’t you do the shopping? 4. I’m going to do the shopping on Thursday. .......... are you going to do the shopping?

5. Those are Linda’s trainers. .......... trainers are those? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 185 Listen UP!(115).indd 185 29/06/2016 14:24:35

10.11 Looking for items in a supermarket. TO MAKE VS. TO DO ¡Saber cómo decir ‘hacer‘ es uno de los grandes desafíos del inglés! Normalmente, “do” está relacionado con acciones y “make” es para cuando creamos algo. Veamos algunos ejemplos: to make dinner = hacer la cena to do the shopping = hacer la compra to make a mistake = cometer un error to do a favour = hacer un favor to make an effort = hacer un esfuerzo to do homework = hacer deberes to make food = hacer comida to do exercise = hacer ejercicio to make a right/ left = girar a la derecha/ izquierda to do business = hacer negocio shelf = expositor to put back = colocar de nuevo dry foods = alimentos secos beans = alubias frozen section = alimentos congelados rice = arroz bakery section = panadería fridge = nevera Customer: Hello, I’m going to make a big effort and make dinner for my extended family and I need to buy several things, but I’ve no idea where they are! Shop assistant: No problem, how can I help you?

Belfast Customer: I need to find beans, rice, bread, and spices. I’m making Mexican food and I need to do a really good job. I don’t want to make any mistakes. Shop assistant: Of course! For beans, go to the end of the aisle and make a right. There you will find all kinds of dry foods, including rice too. For spices, have a look in the cooking aisle, which is opposite the dry Neath Port Talbot foods section. Customer: That’s great, thank you! I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket in case I make a mistake, so I’m going to buy some frozen things too. Shop assistant: Good idea! The frozen food section is at the opposite side of the supermarket, next to the fridges. Customer: Thank you. Can you do a favour for me? Would you mind putting this cream back? I thought I would need it, but I don’t. Shop assistant: No problem at all. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll do a great job! Cliente: Hola, voy a hacer un gran esfuerzo y hacer la cena para toda mi familia y necesito comprar varias cosas ¡pero no tengo ni idea de dónde están! Dependiente: Sin problema, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle? Cliente: Necesito encontrar alubias, arroz, pan y especias. Voy a preparar comida mejicana y tengo que hacer un buen trabajo. No quiero cometer ningún error. Dependiente: ¡Claro! Para las alubias, vaya al final del pasillo y gire a la derecha. Encontrará allí todo tipo de alimentos secos, y el arroz también. Para las especias, eche un vistazo en el pasillo de cocina, que está en frente de la sección de alimentos secos. Cliente: Muy bien, ¡gracias! No quiero jugármelo todo a una sola carta por si acaso me equivoco, así que voy a comprar algunos congelados también. Dependiente: ¡Buena idea! Los congelados están al otro lado del supermercado, al lado de las neveras. Cliente: Gracias. ¿Me puede hacer un favor? ¿Le importaría colocar de nuevo esta nata? Pensaba que la necesitaría, pero no me hace falta. Dependiente: Sin problema. Mucha suerte, estoy segura que ¡hará un gran trabajo! 186 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 186 29/06/2016 14:24:36

¡Te toca! Match - Make or Do? do a change make the shopping do a favour do a mistake make a job Audio Exercise 10.12 ¡Escucha el audio y escribe lo que necesita!

1. ............................ cans of ............................ 2. ............................ packets of ............................ 3. ............................ box of ............................ 4. ............................ bunches of ............................ 5. ............................ bottle of ............................ 6. ............................ loaves of ............................ 7. ............................ 8. ............................ Match the Expressions once in a blue moon

estar metido en líos to put all one’s eggs in one basket seguir al rebaño to jump on the bandwagon no tener tiempo to run out of time

de Pascuas a Ramos to be in trouble

jugárselo todo a una carta Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 187 Listen UP!(115).indd 187 29/06/2016 14:24:36

10.13 Haircut gone wrong! PRESENT AND PAST CONDITIONAL REVIEW ¡Veamos si te acuerdas de cómo usar el condicional del presente y del pasado! El present conditional se usa para una situación improbable o hipotética del presente: J If ... past simple ..., ... would + verbo infinitivo sin “to” ... J ... would + verbo infinitivo sin “to”... if ... past simple … If the barber gave me a bad haircut, I wouldn’t Si el peluquero me hiciera un corte de pelo go back. malo, no volvería. El past conditional se usa para expresar algo que podría haber pasado, pero no pasó. Normalmente, se usa con situaciones reales: J If… past perfect…, would have + participio J … would have + participio… if … past perfect If I had done my Christmas shopping sooner, I Si hubiera hecho mis compras de Navidad wouldn’t have been so stressed. antes, no habría estado tan estresado. to walk out = salir andando / largarse to discuss = discutir / razonar to mess up = equivocarse / estropear to wash one’s hair = lavarse el pelo to go back = volver useless = inútil to argue = discutir / pelearse My worst fear is a haircut going wrong, and it happened to me last weekend. I wouldn’t have gone to that hairdresser’s if I had known they were going to mess it up! I asked them to cut Hampshire it to shoulder length, but the hairdresser cut it much shorter. I would have asked them to fix it if they hadn’t done such a bad job washing my, hair too. They were useless. I tried to argue, but it was pointless. If the hairdresser had been a reasonable man, maybe I could’ve discussed the problem in a civilised way. But instead I walked out. Companies’ reputations often depend on word of mouth, so I don’t think it will last long if they continue like that. I wouldn’t go back if you paid me! Mi mayor miedo es que un corte de pelo salga mal, y me pasó el fin de semana pasado. ¡No habría ido a esa peluquería si hubiera sabido que me iban a estropear el pelo! Les pedí que me lo cortasen por

los hombros, pero el peluquero me lo cortó mucho más corto. Les habría pedido que lo arreglasen si no lo hubieran hecho tan mal lavándome el pelo también. Fueron inútiles. Intenté discutir con ellos, pero fue una pérdida de tiempo. Si el peluquero hubiera sido un hombre razonable, a lo mejor podría haber hablado del problema de manera civilizada. Pero en vez de eso me largué. Las reputaciones de las empresas a menudo dependen del boca a boca, así que no creo que dure mucho si siguen así. ¡Yo no volvería aunque me pagaras! 188 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 188 29/06/2016 14:24:37

¡Te toca! Match - Phrasal Verb Review Match the verbs with the correct prepositions! All these phrasal verbs have been seen in this chapter! walk up mess on try

back go on spend out Vocabulary Review English Spanish ................... discutir ................... colocar de nuevo ................... estar cómodo ................... frustrante ................... inútil Fill in the Gap 1. I need to wash ................. hair. (lavarse el pelo) 2. ................. you visit your family if you had enough time? (segundo condicional) 3. Can you ................. me a favour? (hacer un favor) 4. Why are all the shoes not big .................? (suficientemente) 5. I would like to pay ................., please. (en efectivo) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 10: SHOPPIng 189

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Chapter 11 Free Time ADVANCED 1 Going to the cinema - words starting with ’s’ 2 An art gallery tour in a foreign language - review: to hope, to wait, to expect 3 Taking up yoga with a friend - there + to be 4 Going to the theatre on a date - to not matter, to not mind, to not care 5 Visitors come to stay! - look forward to, to meet, to meet up with, to get to know 6 Go-karting at the weekend - to know how to 7 Going to the theme park on a rainy day - quite vs. quite a lot, another vs. the other vs. other 8 Having someone look after your dog - to plan to, to think about Listen UP!(115).indd 191 29/06/2016 14:24:39

11.1 Going to the cinema. WORDS STARTING WITH “S” Un error de pronunciación en inglés que a menudo cometen los españoles es con palabras que empiezan por “s”. Recuerda que nunca, nunca, nunca ponemos el sonido “eee” antes de la “s”. Practica con estas frases: J “Sarah Smith sails south of central Spain.” J “Steve and Sam sometimes sit still on Sandra’s sofa.” cinema (UK) / movie theater (US) = cine to watch = ver usher = acomodador credits = créditos film / movie = película scene = escena trailer = tráiler to reserve online = reservar por internet I enjoy going to the cinema, but it can be a stressful experience sometimes. This is especially true when someone is talking during a film. I think it’s strange that people will go to the Adelaide cinema and pay to watch a film, but then they talk all the way through it. Nobody minds during the trailers or the credits, but during a special* or important scene, I think it’s disrespectful to everyone else. Sometimes an usher comes to ask people to be quiet, but not always. I think that should be standard practice! Me gusta ir al cine, pero a veces puede ser una experiencia estresante. Esto es verdad sobre todo cuando alguien habla durante la película. Creo que es extraño que la gente vaya al cine y pague por ver una película, pero luego se pase la película entera hablando. A nadie le molesta si es durante los tráilers o los créditos, pero en una escena especial o importante creo que es una falta de respeto a los demás. A veces se acerca un acomodador para pedir a la gente que se calle, pero no siempre. ¡Creo que debería ser una norma común! * Ten cuidado, no digas “an especial” ¡eso es un error clásico de los españoles! 192 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 192 29/06/2016 14:24:40

¡Te toca! Complete the Question 1. The walls in the office were blue. .............. were the walls in the office? 2. I got to the cinema in a taxi. .............. did you get to the cinema? 3. “To reserve online” means to buy tickets on the internet. .............. does “to reserve online” ..............? 4. The cinema belongs to a multinational company. .............. does the cinema belong to? 5. My brother likes to do water sports. .............. of sports does your brother like to do? Change to the Past Simple 1. He is very disrespectful to the staff. 4. They are slow, so they will run out of time! 2. She often goes back to the same 5. She does many favours for me. hairdresser’s. 3. They spend a fortune when they do the shopping. Preposition Corner 1. Would you like to talk with / to / at the 4. Why have you been arguing with / on / at manager? Daniel? 2. Please don’t talk on / during / at the film. 5. I will walk out / over / in if the film is 3. Being disrespectful over / at / to other terrible. people isn’t a good idea. Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 193 Listen UP!(115).indd 193 29/06/2016 14:24:40

11.2 An art gallery tour in a foreign language. REVIEW: TO HOPE, TO WAIT, TO EXPECT J to hope = tener la esperanza o desear que algo pase en el futuro I hope nobody talks during the film! ¡Espero que nadie hable durante la peli! J to wait (for) = quedarse esperando porque tienes una cita o una reunión I’m waiting for my date, she is on her way. Estoy esperando a mi cita, está de camino. J to expect = esperar, anticipar o pensar con certeza que algo va a pasar I expect we’ll have to wait a long time. Creo que tendremos que esperar mucho tiempo. to take a tour = hacer un tour/recorrido painter = pintor art gallery = galería de arte tour guide = guía turístico a painting = una pintura / un cuadro to be on holiday (UK) / vacation (US) = estar de sculpture = escultura vacaciones artist = artista expectations = expectativas I’m on holiday and today I’m visiting an art gallery with a new friend! I’m waiting outside the gallery for her to arrive. I expected it to have tours in English but for some reason they only Hampshire have French-speaking tour guides. I’ve only been learning French for two years so I wouldn’t expect to understand everything, but I think I’d understand some of it. This gallery is full of paintings and sculptures by well-known artists, so I expect it to be busy. I hope we can get tickets, but I expect we’ll have to wait about 30 minutes, which is normal I guess. I hope it lives up to my expectations! Estoy de vacaciones y ¡hoy visito una galería de arte con una amiga nueva! Le estoy esperando en la puerta de la galería. Pensaba que tendrían tours en inglés, pero por algún motivo solo tienen guías turísticos que hablan francés. Solo llevo dos años estudiando francés así que no espero entenderlo todo, pero creo que algo sí entenderé. Esta galería está llena

de cuadros y esculturas por artistas conocidos, así que me imagino que estará concurrido. Espero que consigamos entradas, pero anticipo que tendremos que esperar unos 30 minutos, que es normal supongo. ¡Espero que cumpla mis expectativas! 194 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 194 29/06/2016 14:24:41

¡Te toca! Spot the Mistake 1. I can’t believe it, I did a mistake! 2. He’s waiting me outside the restaurant. 3. In what year did you know him? 4. I hope many people is there. 5. It was a very especial scene in the movie, it was beautiful. Translate 11.3 I’m going to wait outside the gallery for you. Te voy a esperar fuera de la galería. Do you sometimes get stressed at the cinema? ¿Te estresas a veces en el cine? How many films have you watched recently? ¿Cuántas películas has visto últimamente? I hope we do a good job this morning. Espero que hagamos un buen trabajo esta mañana. Would you be a tour guide if you lived in Barcelona? ¿Serías guía turística si vivieses en Barcelona? Audio Exercise 11.4 ¡Escucha el audio y responde a las siguientes preguntas! 1. What hobbies does the speaker have? 4. Why hasn’t the speaker played tennis recently? 2. How many times did the speaker go to the cinema last week? 5. When does the speaker hope to be playing tennis again? 3. How often does the speaker go skiing? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 195 Listen UP!(115).indd 195 29/06/2016 14:24:41

11.5 Taking up yoga with a friend. THERE + TO BE Ahora, vemos de nuevo la estructura “there + to be”, pero esta vez un poco más complicado porque añadimos unos verbos modales. Hay que dominar “there + to be” así que ¡practica con todas las formas que hemos visto! J there would have to be = tendría que haber J there could/ might be = podría haber / puede que haya J there should be = debería haber to take up = empezar a hacer algo tight = tenso / apretado yoga = yoga apprehensive = aprensivo / preocupado to stretch = estirar exhausting = agotador to laugh at = reírse de to be hot/stuffy = hacer calor / estar sofocante to socialise = socializar If I took up yoga, like my friend wants me to, there would have to be some things that we agree on first. For example, no laughing at me! There could be a lot of people at the yoga London classes, so there should be good opportunities to socialise, but I’m still a little apprehensive. I think it’s going to be exhausting, and I think there might be things I can’t do because my muscles are so tight! My friend said the yoga studio is often quite stuffy, which doesn’t sound inviting either. I think there could be easier hobbies to take up, but it’s good to try everything at least once. Si empezara a hacer yoga, como quiere mi amigo, primero tendría que haber algunas cosas en las que nos pusiéramos de acuerdo. Por ejemplo, ¡no reírse de mí! Puede que haya mucha gente en las clases de yoga, así que debería haber muchas oportunidades para socializar, pero aun así estoy un poco preocupada. Creo que va a ser agotador, y creo que podría haber cosas que no seré capaz de hacer ¡porque tengo los músculos muy tensos! Mi amigo me dijo que suele hacer mucho calor en el estudio de yoga, que tampoco suena muy tentador. Creo que podría haber hobbies más fácil para empezar a hacer, pero también es bueno probar las cosas por lo menos una vez. 196

Gramática Vocabulario Listen UP!(115).indd 196 29/06/2016 14:24:42



¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH .......................... pintor .......................... expectativas .......................... discutir/ razonar .......................... empezar a hacer algo .......................... estirar Irregular Verbs - Present Perfect (including the auxiliary verb) 1. ............... you ............... a tour of the city yet? (to take) 2. How many tickets ............... she ............... ? (to buy) 3. ............... it ............... stuffy in the yoga studio lately? (to be) 4. Why ............... gyms ............... into fashion recently? (to come) 5. ............... he ............... a good effort in class today? (to make) Change to a Direct Question 1. Do you remember where the hairdresser’s is? 4. Does she know where this cinema is? 2. Can you tell me what this word means? 5. Can you tell me how to get to the art gallery? 3. Do you know what that film is called?

Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 197 Listen UP!(115).indd 197 29/06/2016 14:24:42

11.6 Going to the theatre on a date. TO NOT MATTER, TO NOT MIND, TO NOT CARE J Para decir que algo ‘da igual’ o ‘no importa’, usamos “to not matter” y se suele usar en tercera persona: It doesn’t matter if he arrives late. Da igual si llega tarde. J Para expresar que algo ‘no le importa’, ‘no le molesta’ o ‘le da igual’ a alguien, decimos “to not mind”: He doesn’t mind living on a noisy street. No le importa vivir en una calle ruidosa. Y si usas “to not mind” en una pregunta, puede ser una forma educada de pedir algo o también de expresar indiferencia: Do you mind if we stay in? ¿Te importa si nos quedamos en casa? J Finalmente, aunque “to not care” es parecido a “to not mind”, es mucho más fuerte, así que ¡ten cuidado! I don’t care what you think. No me importa nada lo que piensas. She doesn’t care about anybody else, only A ella no le importan los demás, solo se herself. preocupa por sí misma. a play = una obra de teatro a date = una cita theatre = teatro to go on a date = tener una cita romántica actor / actress = actor / actriz to date = salir con Would you mind if someone arrived late to a date? My best friend was late to his date at the theatre last week. Luckily his date didn’t care at all! Apparently, she’s usually late so she Nova Scotia doesn’t mind other people being late either. It turned out that my friend knew one of the actors, so he asked Bob —his friend that’s an actor— if he minded being introduced to his date after

the play. Of course, he didn’t mind at all, and everyone got on like a house on fire. Dating can be so much fun or a total disaster, but as long as everyone has a good time, it doesn’t matter. To tell you the truth, I don’t think my friend cared about the play much in the end! ¿Te importaría si alguien llegara tarde a vuestra cita? Mi mejor amigo llegó tarde a una cita en el teatro la semana pasada. Afortunadamente ¡a su acompañante no le importó en absoluto! Por lo visto, ella suele llegar tarde por lo que le da igual que los demás lleguen tarde. Resulta que mi amigo conocía a uno de los actores, así que le preguntó a Bob —su amigo el actor— si le importaría que le presentara a su acompañante después de la obra. Por supuesto, no le importó para nada, y todos hicieron migas enseguida. Tener citas puede ser muy divertido o un desastre total, pero mientras que todos se lo pasen bien, da igual. Para serte sincero, ¡al fin y al cabo no creo que a mi amigo le importara mucho la obra! 198 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 198 29/06/2016 14:24:43

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. Who was late to his date last week? 2. Did his date care? 3. Why or why not? 4. Who did his best friend know?

5. Did they all get along? Preposition Corner 1. Why did you arrive late to / in / at your date? 2. Are you going to go in / at / on a date next week? 3. Why did he laugh of / at / in him? 4. What new hobbies are you going to take up / over / on? 5. Are you in / on / at holiday at the moment with your family? Translate 11.7 Might there be a problem if you say that to him? ¿Puede que haya un problema si le dices eso? I don’t mind if you’re going to arrive late, but No me importa si vas a llegar tarde, pero let me know. avísame. Are you going to introduce me to your friend? ¿Me vas a presentar a tu amigo? Why could there be a problem? ¿Por qué puede que haya algún problema? Why do you expect it to be a good play? ¿Por qué piensas que será una obra buena? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 199

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11.8 Visitors come to stay! TO LOOK FORWARD TO, TO MEET, TO MEET UP WITH, TO GET TO KNOW J Primero, “to look forward to” lo decimos a menudo en inglés cuando ‘tenemos ganas de’ hacer algo o ‘estamos emocionados’ por algún acontecimiento. Se construye así: “to look forward to” + gerundio Are they looking forward to visiting their ¿Tienen ganas de visitar a sus abuelos? grandparents? J Si hablamos de ‘conocer a alguien por primera vez’, usamos “to meet”. Where did you meet your wife/ husband? ¿Dónde conociste a tu mujer/ marido? J Cuando queremos ‘quedar’ con alguien u organizar un lugar de encuentro, usamos “to meet up with” o “to meet”. Let’s meet outside the bar. Quedemos en la puerta del bar. Did you meet up with her yesterday? ¿Quedaste con ella ayer? J Para hablar del proceso de ‘conocer a personas o lugares’, usamos “to get to know”. I like my new job, but I’d like to get to know Me gusta mi trabajo nuevo, pero me gustaría my colleagues better. conocer a mis compañeros mejor. to stay = quedarse to eat out / in = comer en un restaurante/ to show around = enseñar / mostrar un lugar a comer en casa to host = alojar / acoger I’m really looking forward to my brother and his new girlfriend coming to stay with me for a few days. My brother said he’s looking forward to me showing them around the city. I’ve never Lancashire met my brother’s girlfriend, so I’m looking forward to meeting her and getting to know her. I enjoy hosting visitors and doing whatever they want to do, whether that’s eating in, eating out or getting to know the city more. We might meet up with some of my friends for a drink; that way they can meet more people and get more tips on the city. I don’t really mind what we do; we always have a blast! Tengo muchas ganas de que vengan mi hermano y su nueva novia a quedarse conmigo unos días. Mi hermano ha dicho que tiene ganas de que les enseñe la ciudad. Nunca he conocido a la novia de mi

hermano, así que tengo ganas de quedar con ella y conocerla mejor. Me gusta tener visita y hacer lo que les apetezca hacer, ya sea comer en casa, salir o conocer la ciudad mejor. A lo mejor quedamos con algunos de mis amigos para tomar algo; así pueden conocer a más gente y recibir más consejos sobre la cuidad. A mí realmente me da igual lo que hagamos, ¡siempre nos lo pasamos muy bien! 200 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 200 29/06/2016 14:24:44

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ................. mostrar un lugar . ................. teatro ................. ansioso ................. escultura .................

agotador Fill in the Gap 1. I want to ................ some friends but I don’t have time. (quedar) 2. How long does it take to ................ someone? (conocerse) 3. Are you going to take up a new ................ to get fit? (deporte) 4. Do you have tight ................ after running? (músculos) 5. No, I’m not looking forward to the exam ................. (tampoco) Spot the Mistake 1. I don’t matter if we go to the cinema or go out for dinner. 2. We make to know each other over a period of several months. 3. It doesn’t care where we eat. 4. The weather’s great, so it could be many people many there. 5. There will be food after the play? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 201 Listen UP!(115).indd 201 29/06/2016 14:24:44

11.9 Go-karting at the weekend. TO KNOW HOW TO Para expresar conocimientos y capacidad, decimos “to know how to”. “Do you know how to use ‘to know how to’?” Ten en cuenta que se usa para expresar que ‘sabes hacer’ cosas reales, como hablar una lengua o conducir. Do you know how to speak Italian? ¿Sabes hablar italiano? Yes, I know how to speak Italian. Sí, sé hablar italiano. Do you know how to fly a plane? ¿Sabes pilotar un avión? No, I don’t know how to fly a plane. No, no sé pilotar un avión.

to beat = vencer to celebrate = celebrar to go go-karting = ir a hacer karting to come in last = llegar el último go-kart = kart helmet = casco to spin = girar / hacer un trompo (en automóvil) overalls = mono (ropa) John: Hey! Are you ready to go go-karting? Ian: Yes, I’m ready, but I don’t know how to drive a go-kart! Adelaide John: Well, do you know how to drive a car? Ian: Yes, I know how to drive a car, but I don’t know how much that will help! I’ll probably come in last! John: Don’t worry. If you know how to press the gas and brake pedal and you know how to steer, Lancashire then you know how to drive a go-kart. Ian: Okay, yes I know how to do those things. I’m willing to give it a go! John: Awesome! And even if you don’t know how to drive a go-kart very well, you can celebrate with me after I beat everyone else. Now put on your overalls and helmet! And try not to spin! Ian: Good luck! I hope you know how to spray champagne like race winners do! John: ¡Hola! ¿Estás listo para ir a hacer karting? Ian: Sí, estoy listo, ¡pero no sé conducir un kart! John: Pues, ¿sabes conducir un coche? Ian: Sí, sé conducir un coche, ¡pero no sé cuánto me ayudará eso! ¡Seguramente llegaré el último. John: No te preocupes. Si sabes pisar el acelerador y el freno y sabes dirigir, entonces sabes conducir un kart. Ian: Vale, sí sé hacer esas cosas. ¡Estoy dispuesto a intentarlo! John: ¡Genial! Y aunque no sepas conducir un kart muy bien, puedes celebrar conmigo cuando venza a los demás.¡Ahora ponte el mono y el casco! ¡E intenta no hacer un trompo! Ian: ¡Mucha suerte! ¡Espero que sepas rociar el champán como los ganadores! 202 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 202 29/06/2016 14:24:45

¡Te toca! Comprehension Questions 1. What activity are they going to do? 2. Does Ian know how to drive a car? 3. In what position does he think he will come in? 4. What are they going to do after? 5. What does he have to put on? Translate 11.10 Do you know how to cook pasta? ¿Sabes cocinar pasta? Why didn’t you meet up with Carla last night? ¿Por qué no quedaste con Carla anoche? She didn’t know how to stretch before she took Ella no sabía cómo estirar antes de dar clases yoga classes. de yoga. When did you get to know her? ¿Cuando la llegaste a conocer? I’m not looking forward to going on a date ¡No tengo muchas ganas de ir a una cita esta tonight! noche! Complete the Question 1. It’s 20 miles from here to the nearest town. 4. She’s been here for 6 hours. ..................... from here to the nearest town? ..................... has she been here? 2. I was 18 when my niece was born. 5. I can get there within half an hour. ................. were you when your niece was born? ..................... can you get there? 3. I want to go to the cinema on North Road, not the one on Church Street.

..................... cinema do you want to go to? Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 203 Listen UP!(115).indd 203 29/06/2016 14:24:45

11.11 Going to the theme park on a rainy day. QUITE VS. QUITE A LOT, ANOTHER VS. THE OTHER VS. OTHER J quite a lot = ‘bastante’ You’ve been studying quite a lot lately. Has estado estudiando bastante últimamente. J “quite a lot of” + sustantivo = ‘bastante’ + sustantivo There are quite a lot of people here! ¡Hay bastante gente aquí! J “quite” + adjetivo = ‘bastante’ + adjetivo The play was quite good. La obra fue bastante buena. J “other” + sustantivo contable/incontable = ‘otro/ otros’ sustantivo contable/incontable There are other choices too. Hay otras opciones también. J “another” + sustantivo singular (contable) = ‘otro/ otra’ + sustantivo singular (contable) There is another person in the room! ¡Hay otra persona en la habitación! J the other/s = el otro/ los otros I would like to go to the other restaurant. Me gustaría ir al otro restaurante. theme park = parque de atracciones rollercoaster = montaña rusa ride = atracción showers = llovizna We were so unlucky the other day. We decided to go to the theme park, but it was raining quite a lot. There’s another theme park called “Park & Ride” that we were considering visiting, but it’s quite small. Belfast

We wanted to visit a bigger one that has quite a lot of rollercoasters so that we could spend all day there. In fact, there are quite a lot of theme parks with great rides in this country. But the others are further north and, on a rainy day like yesterday, I imagine it would have been quite cold! We still had quite a good time despite the showers. Next time, we will visit one of the others and choose another time of year to avoid bad weather! Tuvimos muy mala suerte el otro día. Decidimos ir al parque de atracciones pero estaba lloviendo bastante. Hay otro parque de atracciones que se llama “Park & Ride” al que estábamos considerado ir, pero es bastante pequeño. Queríamos visitar uno más grande que tiene bastantes montañas rusas para poder pasar todo el día por allí. De hecho, hay bastantes parques de atracciones con atracciones buenísimas en este país. Pero los otros están más al norte y, con un día lluvioso como hizo ayer, ¡me imagino que habría hecho bastante frío! Todavía nos lo pasamos bastante bien a pesar de la llovizna. La próxima vez visitaremos uno de los otros ¡y elegiremos otra época del año para evitar el mal tiempo! 204 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 204 29/06/2016 14:24:46

¡Te toca! Match the Verbs with the Nouns to take up to a date to go to

a tour to take playing football to get to know the theatre to arrive late a person Audio Exercise 11.12 ¡Escucha el audio y escribe lo que quiere! How many tickets?

................................................. What time is the play? ................................................. Which seats?

................................................. Phone number?

................................................. Availability? ................................................. Match - Expression Review to have a blast

cumplir las expectativas to give it a go

por boca a boca to get along like a house on fire

pasárselo bien to live up to expectations

llevarse muy bien word of mouth intentarlo Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 205 Listen UP!(115).indd 205 29/06/2016 14:24:46

11.13 Having someone look after your dog. TO PLAN TO, TO THINK ABOUT J “To think about” es lo que haces antes de decidir hacer algo, primero lo ‘consideras’ o ‘piensas’. I’m thinking about leaving my company.

Estoy considerando dejar la empresa. J “To plan to” es lo que haces después de decidir hacer algo. Tras considerarlo ya sabes lo que ‘piensas hacer’. I plan to go to university next year. Pienso ir a la universidad el año que viene. to take a dog for a walk = sacar al perro lead (UK) / leash (US) = correa park = parque to feed = dar de comer a breed = raza to be well behaved = portarse bien David: Hello, Sam. I’m planning to go on holiday in summer and I’m looking for someone to look after Brian, my dog. Would you be willing to help? Sam: Hi David, I’m planning to go on holiday in summer too; at the end of August. Maryland David: That’s fine. I’m planning to go at the beginning of August, so that would work perfectly. Would you be able to look after him? You would need to take him for walks in the park, feed* him twice a day and make sure he’s ok. Lancashire Sam: Yes, I could do that, no problem. Have you thought about taking your dog with you on holiday? David: Actually, yes, I’ve thought about that. But we’re staying in a hotel and, of course, most hotels don’t allow pets. I was thinking about staying in an apartment, but as I’m planning on doing lots of activities I don’t want to cook or be at the apartment so much. Sam: That sounds great. Can I let Brian off his lead? What breed is he? David: He’s a Labrador. Yes, you can let him off his lead, he’s very well behaved and gets along with other dogs well. I thought about taking him to dog training classes when he was a puppy, but he’s so well behaved it wasn’t necessary! David: Hola, Sam. Estoy pensando irme de vacaciones este verano y busco a alguien que cuide de Brian, mi perro. ¿Me ayudarías? Sam: Hola, yo también estoy pensando irme de vacaciones este verano; a finales de agosto. David: Está bien. Yo estoy pensando ir a principios de agosto, así que sería perfecto. ¿Podrías cuidarle? Tendrías que sacarle al parque, darle de comer dos veces al día y asegurarte de que esté bien. Sam: Sí, puedo hacerlo, sin problema. ¿Has considerado llevarte al perro contigo de vacaciones? David: Pues, sí, lo he considerado. Pero nos quedamos en un hotel y, claro, no se permiten mascotas en la

mayoría de los hoteles. Estaba considerando quedarme en un apartamento, pero como pienso hacer muchas actividades no quiero cocinar ni pasar mucho tiempo en el apartamento. Sam: Me parece genial. ¿Puedo soltarle la correa? ¿Qué raza es? David: Es un labrador. Sí, le puedes soltar la correa, se porta muy bien y se lleva bien con otros perros. Consideré llevarle a clases de formación cuando era cachorro, ¡pero se porta tan bien que no ha sido necesario! 206 Gramática Vocabulario Expresiones Notas Listen UP!(115).indd 206 29/06/2016 14:24:47

¡Te toca! Vocabulary Review ENGLISH SPANISH ..............................


.............................. parque de atracciones .............................. llovizna .............................. celebrar .............................. alojar / acoger Translate 11.14 Didn’t you say it was quite cold yesterday? ¿No dijiste que hacía bastante frío ayer? I’ve been planning to go to Ireland for a long Llevo mucho tiempo pensando en ir a Irlanda. time. Have you thought about making a doctor’s ¿Has considerado pedir cita con el médico? appointment? I have quite a lot of friends who work for that Tengo bastantes amigos que trabajan en esa company. empresa. We are going to go another day. Vamos a ir otro día. Fill in the Gap 1. I said I would ..................... her dog. (dar de comer) 2. Are you ..................... to go snowboarding this weekend? (pensar en) 3. Can you please send me ..................... copy of the document? (otra) 4. It is going to be ..................... warm tomorrow. (bastante) 5. Do you know ..................... speak Japanese? (saber hablar) Listen Up! • CHAPTER 11: FREE TIME 207 Listen UP!(115).indd 207 29/06/2016 14:24:48

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Chapter XX AX nsxxxx wer Key XXXXXXXXXXX Soluciones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Listen UP!(115).indd 209

29/06/2016 14:24:50

Answer Key CHAPTER 1 I moved out on the 19th of May, 2004, and now I live with my friend, George Clooney. There are loads of expensive Visiting the new baby in the houses in our neighbourhood and a lot of young families. family. Our neighbour gave birth to a boy last week –there will (page 12) be many children the same age for him to play with! My parents will visit me next week, and my cousin and my Spot the Mistake sister will visit me next month! I can’t wait! 1. It’s the 13th of June, of 2014. 2. She was born in on the 16th of June, 1979. Meeting the in-laws. (page 16) 3. He is 16 years old. 4. He have has three daughters. Vocabulary Review 5. She are is my friend. tall short Comprehension Questions pretty

ugly outgoing shy 1. She gave birth to a daughter. chubby slim 2. Her name is Eve. boring interesting 3. She weighs 3.4 kg. 4. She has brown hair. Spot the Mistake 5. He was born on the 12th of October, 1986. 1. He is an interested interesting person. 2. My fathers parents want to visit me. Moving out of your parent’s 3. I am at the house of my father’s house. house. 4. She is a handsome pretty woman. (page 14) 5. The cute baby was born on the 14th of December, Vocabulary Review of 2014. expensive caro cute mono Getting a pet. (page 18) at the moment de momento cousin primo Preposition Corner loads of un montón de 1. He was born on the 24th of December. 2. We went to a pet shop. Spot the Mistake 3. Do you have any advice about looking after cats? 1. There are is a cat. 4. My cousin and my sister work in the city centre. 2. My fathers parents are here. 5. Do your parents live in a good neighbourhood?

3. My parent’s house isn’t big. 4. I live on in a nice neighbourhood. Fill in the Gap 5. The house of my cousin My cousin’s house is very big. 1. Do you have any water? 2. Yes, I have some water. Audio Exercise 3. No, I don’t have any water. 1. She moved out on the 19th of May, 2004. 4. Do you have any pets? 2. She lives with George Clooney. 5. Yes, I have some pets. 3. Yes, there are. 4. She gave birth to a boy. Vocabulary Review 5. Her parents will visit her next week. advice consejo 6. Her cousin and her sister will visit her next month. to respond responder 210 Listen UP!(115).indd 210 29/06/2016 14:24:51

Answer Key

to name poner un nombre, nombrar 5. Yes, George’s neighbour has a dog. kitten gatito 6. He had a chinchilla when he was a child. to run a business dirigir una empresa George: Does your family have any pets? Liz: Yes, we have two dogs. My uncle has a cat too. Our Family Christmas dinner. (page 20) family has always had pets. What about you? Does your family have any pets? Comprehension Questions George: No, my family doesn’t have any pets at all. But my 1. The dog is under the table. neighbour has a dog, and it barks all the time! 2. His brother sits next to him. Liz: Yes, my neighbour’s pets make a lot of noise too. 3. His sister’s boyfriend sits next to his sister. George: When I was young, I had a chinchilla. 4. His brother’s girlfriend and his dad pull crackers Liz: A chinchilla! What an interesting pet! behind his uncle. George: Yes, it was a great pet. But my brothers were 5. His aunt puts the food down in front of them. allergic to it, so we couldn’t keep it anymore! Spot the Mistake Don’t forget your wedding 1. She puts the food up down in front of them. anniversary! (page 24) 2. I don’t have some any food. 3. The John’s cat is always under the table. Vocabulary Review 4. We went in to my brother’s house. teenager adolescente 5. He sits behind of him. grandmother abuela neighbour vecino Dealing with a moody teenager. advice consejo anniversary

aniversario (page 22) Fill in the Gap Spot the Mistake 1. Is marriage more important than work? 1. He has is 16 years old. 2. You could get into trouble if you forget your 2. My brother has not doesn’t have a bike. anniversary. 3. I’m very lucky have a lot of luck. 3. Is it difficult to deal with grumpy people? 4. Do you have any patient patience? 4. Do you have any family in Berlin? 5. Sometimes, I have a bad temper. 5. I have fewer friends than Sally. Preposition Corner My wife is pregnant and she 1. I need to focus on my work. 2. I’m in a bad mood at the moment. needs to get to the hospital! 3. Are there any birds next to the lake? (page 26) 4. We piled the plates on top of each other. 5. There is a person in front of him. Comprehension Questions 1. Yes, they live far from the hospital. Audio Exercise 2. They live near a doctor’s surgery. 1. Yes, her family has a lot of pets. 3. Yes, there are some roadworks near their house. 2. Liz’s family has dogs. 4. They live near a motorway. 3. They have two dogs. 5. Yes, he is as nervous as when he got married. 4. Yes, her uncle has a cat. 211 Listen UP!(115).indd 211 29/06/2016 14:24:52

Answer Key Spot the Mistake Fill in the Gap 1. Can you give me any advices? 1. How are you going to prepare for the interview? 2. Do you live near to the hospital? 2. My colleagues are British. 3. I drive as fast that as I can. 3. Everyday, I wake up at 6:30. 4. I don’t have any waters. 4. I am always hungry before lunch. 5. They get got married less than two years ago. 5. She’s going to work from home tomorrow. CHAPTER 2 You got a promotion! (page 34) An interview in a foreign Vocabulary Review - Antonyms language. bigger smaller (page 30) prettier uglier Fill in the Gap less famous more famous

older younger 1. I am at work. better worse 2. What is your job? 3. I am going to work at 8 o’clock. Spot the Mistake 4. She has a very easy job at the moment. 1. The Eiffel Tower is more bigger than Blackpool 5. They have a lot of work because the company is Tower. going well. 2. The weather in Spain is more beautiful that than in Spot the Mistake Belgium. 3. Do you have much more work than John? 1. Her new colleague is Germany German. 4. Apple is more famouser than Dell. 2. I’m going to prepare for the interview. 5. Your salary is going to be more higher that than mine. 3. I love my new work job! 4. I’m going to work now. I passed the interview. (page 36) 5. My Italy Italian colleague has a difficult work job. Vocabulary Review My daily routine is finally to commute viajar al trabajo diariamente changing. (page 32) candidate candidato in fact de hecho Vocabulary Review salary sueldo German alemán promotion ascenso routine

rutina timetable horario Spot the Mistake desk escritorio 1. Russia is the most biggest country in the world. to take coger 2. This is the most beautiful place in the world. 3. This interview is going to be the most difficultest Audio Exercise interview I’ve ever had. I wake up at 7:00 in the morning and I leave the house at 4. Carlos Slim is the richest person in the world. 7:30. I start work at 8:30 and I have a break at 11:00. I have 5. This is the best cake I’ve ever eaten! lunch with my colleagues at 12:45 –I’m usually very hungry at that time! At 1:45 I return to work, full and ready for the Comprehension Questions afternoon. I continue working until I have a quick break at 1. Yesterday, he had the most difficult interview he’d 3:45 and I go home at around 5:30. ever had. 212 Listen UP!(115).indd 212 29/06/2016 14:24:52

Answer Key 2. Yes, he passed the interview. 3. The next interview stage will be at the headquarters. A colleague is unfairly 4. The highest number of interviewers he’s had is three. dismissed. (page 42) 5. The worst thing is that the CEO will be one of the interviewers. Vocabulary Review to interview entrevistar Getting to know your interviewer entrevistador colleagues. friendly amigable (page 38) recently recientemente Fill in the Gap employees empleados 1. I’ve worked at Ford since 2013. Comprehension Questions 2. I’ve been here since last week. 1. If he receives any more news like that, he will leave 3. I’ve lived in New York City for 10 years. the company. 4. I’ve known him for several weeks. 2. His colleague has been fired. 5. I’ve gone to San Francisco four times since 1995. 3. There have been many cases of unfair dismissal. Vocabulary Review - Antonyms 4. If he doesn’t receive a redundancy package, he will contact a lawyer. the biggest the smallest the easiest the most difficult 5. He will start looking for a new job if the bosses the best

the worst continue to behave like that. the oldest the youngest Spot the Mistake the most exciting the most boring 1. My colleague is leaving the company, and I’m leaving First day at the new job! (page 40) either too. 2. He got away with firing all the staff. Preposition Corner 3. I got some bad news. 1. I leave the house at 7:15 every day. 4. If he fires me, I will leave the company. 2. People are usually nervous on their first day. 5. The people here works hard, and I work hard either too. 3. The weather in London is worse than in Barcelona. 4. I had an interview in Italian. Call the IT department! (page 44) 5. I work at my desk 7 hours a day. Vocabulary Review Audio exercise the best el mejor 1. He has recently moved to Dublin. worse peor 2. He lives on the 20th floor. to be promoted ascender 3. He travels to work by car. career carrera profesional 4. His salary is €550 euros higher. position puesto 5. There were 27 candidates and 3 interview stages. Fill in the Gap I’ve moved to Dublin recently for work and now I live in an 1. Do you know anyone who speaks Russian? apartment on the 20th floor. Every day I travel to and from 2. No, I don’t know anyone who can speak Russian. work by car and everything is going great. I now receive a 3. Everyone in this room works for this company. higher salary than before; exactly €550 euros higher than

4. Someone needs to have a look at my laptop. before! There were 27 candidates for the job and three 5. No one here speaks German. interview stages, so I was lucky to get the job! 213 Listen UP!(115).indd 213 29/06/2016 14:24:52

Answer Key Audio Exercise The weather was terrible last week. It was freezing cold –3 degrees Celsius– and it rained all week. It’s winter at I wake up at quarter to seven (6:45) in the morning and I the moment, so it’s not unusual, but I hate rain! It’s a good leave my apartment at quarter past seven (7:15). I start thing the weather is going to improve next week – it’s going work at 8 o’clock (8:00) and I have a break at half past to be sunny and warm all week. Hopefully it will be 15 ten (10:30). I have lunch with my workmates at quarter degrees, not bad for winter! to one (12:45). At half past one (1:30), I return to work with my colleagues, ready for the afternoon. I continue working until I have a quick break at half past three My Grandfather’s holidays. (page 52) (3:30) and I go home at around quarter past five (5:15). Fill in the Gap CHAPTER 3

1. I want to go on holiday. 2. Do you live on the coast? Hurricane! 3. I was born in winter. (page 48) 4. He bumped into me. Comprehension Questions 5. Do you have to go to the police station? 1. There is going to be a storm tomorrow. Vocabulary Review 2. The hurricane will be 250 kilometres away. embassy embajada 3. They were hoping for warm and beautiful weather. package holiday paquete turístico 4. The storm will arrive around midday. temperature temperatura 5. They helped the locals get ready for the hurricane. windy ventoso weatherman el hombre de tiempo Vocabulary Review colleague compañero de trabajo Spot the Mistake manager director 1. Where does did she used to go on holiday? daughter hija 2. The Daniel has a holiday house near the port. to give birth dar a luz 3. I’m used to visit my friends in Lisbon every year. rush hour hora punta 4. It makes is great weather today! 5. She went on a business travel trip to Colombia. Losing your passport. (page 50) Complaining about a dirty Fill in the Gap swimming pool.

1. (page 54) Are you going to travel to America for work? 2. How many trips have you taken so far this year? Vocabulary Review 3. Did you enjoy your trip? bed & breakfast alojamiento y desayuno 4. I’ve travelled to many different parts of Spain by car. to sunbathe tomar el sol 5. I have a business trip next week. to get away with salirse son la suya Audio Exercise fair justo to fly volar 1. The weather was terrible and freezing cold last week. 2. It was 3 degrees Celsius. Fill in the Gap 3. It is winter at the moment. 1. It takes three hours to fly to England from Greece. 4. He hates rain. 2. I am used to the weather in America. 5. It’s going to be sunny and warm and it will be 15 3. I would like to make a complaint. degrees Celsius. 214 Listen UP!(115).indd 214 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key 4. We have been here for seven weeks. Audio Exercise 5. She used to live in Edinburgh. There is going to be a hurricane tomorrow and we have Comprehension Questions to leave at 6:15 in the morning. We have to take all our 1. belongings in our backpacks. We are currently on the They have been there for four days. coast and we are going to travel to a city 150 kilometres 2. Because it needs to be cleaned. away. It takes 30 minutes to fly and 3 hours to drive. 3. It took them an hour to make a complaint. 4. They have been to the resort four times. Getting used to the food and 5. It takes an hour to clean the pool. weather. (page 60) Booking a honeymoon. (page 56) Spot the Mistake Spot the Mistake 1. It takes three weeks to read a book. 1. The beauty isn’t as important as you think. 2. I’ve never been in to New York. 2. She’s been in to India three times. 3. I’m going to go to there next month.

3. It makes is very hot weather today. 4. Are you going to trip travel during summer? 4. I’m used to wake up early everyday. 5. I knew met him for the first time yesterday. 5. It’s important to enjoy the life. Vocabulary Review Preposition Corner traveller viajero 1. useful útil Are you going to try to get a new job? 2. enjoyable placentero I’m on holiday at the moment. fiancée prometida 3. How many times have you been to the Caribbean? to book online reservar por internet 4. London is much bigger than Edinburgh. 5. We’re going to take shelter in the hotel. Being upgraded in your hotel. Making friends on holiday. (page 58) (page 62) Fill in the Gap Match the Antonyms 1. I met my best friend on holiday. spicy - mild hot - cold 2. I don’t know Mark. Does George know him? authentic - fake 3. Which famous person would you like to meet? humid - dry 4. Where are we going to meet later? known - unknown 5. I don’t know when we will meet. Comprehension Questions Fill in the Gap 1. It rained cats and dogs. 1. One of the most enjoyable things about going on 2. I hope you have a good time!

holiday was meeting lots of people. 3. I wonder if everything will work out well. 2. He has kept in touch with a couple of them. 4. Every cloud has a silver lining! 3. His friend met his girlfriend in America in 2004. 5. You need to get with the times! 4. Yes, he knew he wanted to live in America. 5. He met locals, travellers, and expats. 215 Listen UP!(115).indd 215 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key CHAPTER 4 2. I had my appendix out last year. 3. I’ll come back to work next week. Calling in sick to work. 4. I’m used to working abroad. (page 66) 5. I’ve kept in touch with my friends. Vocabulary Review Late for a doctor’s to be sick estar enfermo appointment. to check in hacer el check in

(page 70) to wonder preguntarse Fill in the Gap island isla 1. room cuarto She has been waiting for him all morning. 2. I’m late for my dentist’s appointment. Spot the Mistake 3. I’ve been stuck in a traffic jam for hours. 1. The room isn’t big enough big. 4. I wasn’t able to play tennis for three months. 2. Is too spicy the food is too spicy. 5. The doctor took my blood pressure. 3. There isn’t enough food enough for all of us. Vocabulary Review 4. I feel too ill too to work! scar cicatriz 5. Moscow is much too cold too for me! to show off presumir Audio Exercise right away en seguida to take care of cuidar 1. He won’t be able to work for three days. homesick nostálgico 2. He can’t work because he has a headache and a temperature. Spot the Mistake 3. His number is 07564190304. 1. I’ll be able to book the tickets tomorrow. 4. His email address is matthew.simpson@ 2. I’m coming back home back right now.

3. I have to take care of my children. 5. I need to tell Dave. 4. He weren’t wasn’t able to cancel the booking. 5. He have has been watching television since for two Hello, I’m sorry to say I won’t be able to work for hours. three days as I am sick! I have a headache and a high temperature. Here’s my number in case you need to ask Signing up for a gym. me anything - it’s 07564190304 - or my email address (page 72) [email protected]. Please let Dave know I’ll return to work on Thursday. Thank you! Comprehension Questions 1. He has decided to sign up for a gym. Having your appendix out. (page 68) 2. The membership lasts six months. 3. The first class he took was a spinning class. Comprehension Questions 4. He felt exhausted after the class. 1. Because he was in a lot of pain. 5. He’s going to work out with some weights tomorrow. 2. It can kill you. 3. He was asleep for around two or three hours. Fill in the Gap 4. He wasn’t able to play football for around two weeks. 1. to take blood pressure 5. He has a small scar. 2. to have a headache Preposition Corner 3. to make/ book an appointment 4. to have an operation 1. I go there once in a while. 5. to be/ feel sick/ ill 216 Listen UP!(115).indd 216 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key Getting a prescription. llevar/ coger/ tomar take took taken (page 74) hacer do did done decir/ contar tell told told Spot the Mistake hablar speak spoke spoken 1. sentir(se) feel felt felt I’ve been went to the doctor last week. crecer grow

grew grown 2. I suffer from migraines regularly. tener have had had 3. I went ’ve gone to the gym twice so far this week. costar cost cost cost 4. A football match lasts 90 minutes. comer eat ate eaten ir go went gone 5. Last week I injured the my leg. Preposition Corner Vocabulary Review - Antonyms 1. I want to get in shape! to go to come 2. I was in hospital for two days. to stand up to sit down to sleep to wake up 3. I’ve lived in London since 2010. to enter to leave 4. I went to the doctor’s and I asked for a prescription. to be well to be sick 5. Last week I worked out at the gym four times. Spot the Mistake Audio Exercise 1. I’ve took taken two pills this morning. The pharmacist gave me 20 pills to take over 20 days –1 2. The medication costed 10 pounds.

per day. I have to take them after every morning meal and 3. I’ve ate eaten so much today that I’m feel ill! this should hopefully help my headaches. He also gave me 4. He used to suffer from allergies when he was a child. some painkillers in case my headaches return. 5. You shouldn’t to do it like that. The dentist’s appointment. (page 76) Fill in the Gap Vocabulary Review 1. I shouldn’t work so much. injury lesión 2. You shouldn’t eat so much salt. painkillers analgésico 3. We shouldn’t run so many miles today. migrane migraña 4. He shouldn’t say so many bad things about his to work out hacer ejercicio friends. GP/ family doctor médico de familia 5. They shouldn’t spend so much money on holiday. Comprehension Questions Getting an eye test. (page 80) 1. Because he had serious toothache. 2. He should brush his teeth five times a day. Vocabulary Review 3. He should use mouthwash more often. a rip-off estafa 4. He should make one every six months. pollen polen 5. Because it stains teeth.

toothache dolor de muelas to brush one’s teeth cepillarse los dientes Suffering from allergies in a to sign up apuntarse new country. (page 78) Fill in the Gap Irregular Verbs 1. You did it yesterday! 2. I’ve spoken to him this morning. castellano infinitivo el pasado participio 3. I gave him the anti-histamines last week. ser/ estar be (is/are/am) was/were been decir say said said 4. He’s gone to the pharmacist twice this week dar give gave given 5. They didn’t come because they were ill. 217 Listen UP!(115).indd 217 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key CHAPTER 5 Audio Exercise 1. There are 7,000 concerts in New York every year. Going to a gig. (page 84) 2. 6,703 artists played last year. 3. They played in the streets. Comprehension Questions 4. Record shops sold 506,312 records in 1968. 1. His first concert was in London. 5. In 1984 music shops sold 123, 476 speakers. 2. His best friend was female. 3. His friend lost her voice. There are 7000 concerts every year in New York. 6,703 4. The drummer was screaming at the crowd. artists played in the streets last year. Record shops sold 5. Because they were sweaty and noisy. 506,312 vinyl records in 1968 and music shops sold 123,476 speakers in 1984. Spot the Mistake 1. She attended to her first class. Spot the Mistake 2. He was screaming to at the crowd. 1. Did she explain you the decision to you? 3. Why don’t you call to your friend? 2. He entered in the record shop at 7pm. 4. The people at the concert is are crazy. 3. I’m going downtown this night tonight. 5. There are four thousand of concerts in Manchester 4. Finally, we are agree. every year. 5. I listened to him. 6. We’re going to listen to music all night. Selling old records. (page 86) Starting a band! (page 90) Fill in the Gap Comprehension Questions 1. I agreed to sell my laptop. 1. His dad asked him why he didn’t start a band. 2. I need to do some research.

3. The people from London are English. 2. No, he didn’t think it was easy to be successful in music. 4. Downtown is very noisy. 3. There will be five of them. 5. I listened to music last night. 4. Yes, he thinks there’s a lot of talent in the group. 5. No, they don’t have a name for the group. Preposition Corner Vocabulary Review 1. I talked to him over the phone. amazing asombroso 2. Are we going to agree on a price? ticket entrada 3. I don’t listen to records anymore. speaker altavoz / bafle 4. Did you enter the concert with a friend? (¡no drummer batería (persona) necesitas preposición con “enter”!) hard-working trabajador 5. The first show I attended was in Dublin. Discovering a new artist. Taking music classes. (page 92) (page 88) Preposition Corner Circle the Synonym 1. There is a lot of talent in this group 1. to speak (hablar) - talk 2. We never listen to music in the car. 2. to start (empezar) - begin 3. I practice the guitar on the bus. 3. song (canción) - tune 4. I saw a famous musician on the plane. 4. concert (concierto) - gig 5. I’m interested in learning an instrument. 5. band (grupo) - group 218 Listen UP!(115).indd 218 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key Audio Exercise 4. We entered in the house at 10am. 5. I’m boring bored of this album. 1. concert 5. boring 9. famous 2. band 6. venue 10. vinyl record Comprehension Questions 3. drummer 7. song 11. CD 4. gig 8. play 1. His show is in New York. 2. The airline has lost his guitar. Did you attend a concert last night? What was the band 3. He landed at JFK (airport). called? Did you meet the drummer? Where was the gig? 4. He was arguing with the customer service agent. Was it boring? Where was the venue? How many songs did 5. He was arguing with her for 10 minutes. the play? Are they a famous band? How many people were

in the band? Do you have the vinyl record or a CD? Fighting over the radio station. Buying tickets outside the venue… (page 98) to buy or not to buy? (page 94) Vocabulary Review: string cuerda Preposition Corner to break romper 1. He’s interested in learning the drums. case estuche 2. Why do you listen to music on bus? to go crazy volverse loco 3. He played the drums in the Underground hallway. airline aerolínea 4. On one hand, it’s going to be a great gig. On in the other hand, it’s going to be very crowded. Preposition Corner 5. I never listen to music on my bike. 1. He listens to music in his car. 2. Playing instruments on planes isn’t allowed. Vocabulary Review 3. The drums are in the cases. noisy ruidoso 4. I found the album on the internet. to sell out agotarse 5. The string on my guitar has broken. immediately inmediatamente live en vivo CHAPTER 6 to resell revender

Fill in the Gap Rush hour on the Underground. 1. I told him about the band over the phone. (page 102) 2. My ears are ringing because of the music. 3. Berlin is famous for its history. Preposition Corner 4. I’m going to ask for more recommendations. 1. He usually listens to music on the bus. 5. I take my frustration out on the guitar. 2. Next week I’m going to drive to Chicago. 3. The plane landed at the wrong airport! His guitar has been lost and his 4. She had an argument with the ticket inspector about gig is tonight! her ticket. (page 96) 5. She works in New York City. Spot the Mistake Fill in the Gap 1. I have a good news for you! 1. I’m already here! 2. Cancelling the gig doesn’t have make sense. 2. Did you get on the Underground this morning? 3. Is she the responsible in charge of the band? 219 Listen UP!(115).indd 219 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key 3. It doesn’t make sense to wait on the platform in the cold. Preposition Corner 4. I would like to ask you a question. 1. 5. I need to figure out the best route. I have to change my flight 2. I’m not able to get there because of a strike. Transferring flights in a large 3. He doesn’t want to travel in economy class. airport. 4. It’s difficult to travel in Africa by road. (page 104) 5. Will he get to the meeting on time? Vocabulary Review Hiring a car. (page 108) radio station emisora de radio Fill in the Gap friendship amistad to transfer hacer trasbordo 1. We’ve been driving for 10 hours! angry enfadado 2. Have you been living in Glasgow for more than four journey viaje years? 3. Has he been following the map? Spot the Mistake 4. They have been walking all day. 1. Are you going to go on a business trip in the next few 5. Have you been there recently? weeks? 2. That is the Steve’s car. Vocabulary Review 3. Bad news, our flight has been cancelled! to afford

permitirse / estar al alcance 4. The terminal is the same than as last time. road carretera 5. Are you in on the plane yet? delay retraso to catch a flight coger un vuelo Audio Exercise on time a tiempo 1. The plane leaves at 9:45am. Spot the Mistake 2. The flight number is FL 565. 3. It’s going from Barcelona to Munich. 1. He have has been working abroad a lot. 4. The plane will land at 11:15am. 2. I’ve not already left my house yet. 5. This flight goes Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and 3. I won’t be able to travel tomorrow, I’m sick. Saturday. 4. She’s travelling with the same airline like as last time. 5. Have you yet arrived yet? The plane leaves at 9:45am –the flight number is FL565. It’s going to fly from Barcelona to Munich and it will land Airport taxi is late. at 11:15am. This flight runs four times a week –Monday, (page 110) Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Preposition Corner Train strike! 1. I paid for everything in advance. (page 106) 2. Is the luggage in the boot? Comprehension Questions 3. He´s been sleeping for hours. 1. He won’t he be able to arrive on time to his friend´s 4. We’re going to drive around the east coast of Mexico. surprise birthday party. 5. They have been friends of ours for many years.

2. There’s a train strike. Audio Exercise 3. He needs to travel 100 miles. 1. fly 5. luggage 9. drove 13. strikes 4. He was going to visit his friends and family at the 2. afford 6. boot 10. highways 14. delays same time. 3. hired 7. left 11. off-road 15. airport 5. Because he wouldn’t be able to afford that. 4. SUV 8. flying 12. miles 16. drove 220 Listen UP!(115).indd 220 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key

We were going to fly to Las Vegas but in the end we weren’t Vocabulary Review able to afford it. So instead, we hired an SUV, put our luggage in the boot and left! It was much more fun than to get on subir flying - we drove along highways, we drove off-road, we to go by viajar/ ir en drove for miles without seeing another car! In the end, to commute viajar al trabajo diariamente there were strikes and delays at the airport, so it was a to get off bajarse good job we drove! packed abarrotado Upgraded to first class for Fill in the Gap free! 1. Excuse me, could you give me a hand? (page 112) 2. I know George, he is a friend of mine. Vocabulary Review 3. I always fly economy class, it’s much cheaper. 4. Do you know how to get to Baker Street? automatic automático 5. I don’t want to wait on the platform, it’s too cold. luggage equipaje to pay in advance pagar por adelantado toll road autopista de peaje I’ve lost my ticket on the train! strange raro (page 116) Comprehension Questions Spot the Mistake 1. Because he was a regular flier. 1. I have the same ticket like as you! 2. He was surprised. 2. I should to go to the supermarket by bike. 3. No, he hadn’t. 3. I got down off the plane last!

4. First class passengers could use the first class 4. He have has been travelling for 10 hours. lounge. 5. I no don’t ride my bike at the weekends anymore. 5. He could get off first. Match Spot the Mistake 1. in the nick of time - justo a tiempo 1. I told to him that I wanted to change my reservation. 2. to get off on the wrong foot - empezar con el pie 2. We went to the bar when we arrived to at the hotel. izquierdo 3. I’ve never been to the Caribbean. 3. to be out of the blue - de la nada 4. Before to board boarding, you have to show your 4. to be easier said than done - ser más fácil decirlo passport. que hacerlo 5. I’ve been going to France on holiday since for 10 5. to give someone a hand - echar una mano years. Commuting to work… what a CHAPTER 7 dilemma! (page 114) Wine tasting on holiday! (page 120) Vocabulary Review - Antonyms Comprehension Questions in front of - behind 1. They had a wine tasting. enemy - friend 2. Because there were so many. to leave - to arrive 3. Because then he could have drunk more. after - before to sell - to buy 4. He thinks it should have included some appetisers. 5. Yes, he could have. 221 Listen UP!(115).indd 221 29/06/2016 14:24:53

Answer Key Spot the Mistake 3. I haven’t had anything to eat all day! 4. It’s taken a long time to cook this meal. 1. I started on the left wrong foot this morning! 5. Claire has been hungry all day. 2. They ordered the same wine like as you. 3. He’s not still in the restaurant anymore. Audio Exercise 4. I could to order another glass of wine… 1. He has been to at least 3. 5. You’re going to kill two birds with one shot stone! 2. Mexican is his favourite. Irregular Verb Review 3. It served lots of vegetarian food. 4. It was an Italian restaurant. 1. He was at the wine tasting session last week. 5. They ate pizza and tiramisu. 2. She had a glass of wine and an appetiser. 3. We went to an amazing winery. I’ve been to several restaurants this month, at least three. 4. They saw wines from all over the world. They have all been amazing! The first one was a Mexican 5. I thought there was going to be food! restaurant, and Mexican is my favourite. The second was an Indian restaurant, which was lucky because it served

Too much food on the bill. (page 122) lots of vegetarian food and my friend is vegetarian. The third was an Italian restaurant. We ate pizza and tiramisu Fill in the Gap and it was incredible! 1. Would you like to see the dessert menu? 2. I would have eaten more, but I wasn’t hungry. Rude service in a restaurant. 3. I would like to pay in cash. (page 126) 4. Thankfully, nothing bad happened! 5. I haven’t ordered a main course. Change to the Past Tense 1. We went out for dinner most of the time. Complete the Question 2. I drank water most of the time. 1. How many desserts did you order? 3. He should have drunk more water. 2. Who had a salad? 4. I could have eaten more food. 3. How often do you eat soup? 5. Did you go out for dinner? 4. Where was the Italian restaurant? 5. When did you eat out? Preposition Corner 1. He would like to pay in cash, please. Friend has become a 2. Do you want to talk about the meal? vegetarian. 3. Why are you going to pay by card? (page 124) 4. Most of the people here like Indian food. Vocabulary Review 5. I got off the bus and walked into the bar. to charge cobrar bottle botella Going on a diet. (page 128) to pay by card pagar con tarjeta the bill la cuenta Complete the Question

waiter camarero 1. Who reminded you take your vitamins? 2. How many calories does junk food contain? Irregular Verb Review 3. What is the most expensive dish on the menu? 1. I’ve eaten too much today! 4. Why are you going to see a nutritionist? 2. Have you drunk enough water? 5. How can I take better care of myself? 222 Listen UP!(115).indd 222 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Spot the Mistake Dinner party with the 1. Most of people in England drink tea in the morning. in-laws. (page 132) 2. I could have went gone to the concert. 3. I reminded remembered to go to the shop. Vocabulary Review 4. Give me Could I have some bread please? rude maleducado

5. I remembered reminded him to bring some wine. to do exercise hacer ejercicio Audio Exercise vitamins vitaminas cheese queso 1. bread staff empleados 2. salad 3. chicken wings Change to the Future with “going to” 4. beef burger and vegetarian burger (veggie burger) 1. I’m going to my favourite restaurant in the city. 5. chocolate cake 2. I’m going to do lots of exercise next week. Hello, I would like to order a takeaway please. I’d like some 3. I’m going to have a snack before lunch. bread, and for starters we’d like salad and chicken wings. 4. We are going to dine out every night on holiday. For the main course we’d like two burgers, one beef and 5. I’m going to have lunch at work. one vegetarian. And for dessert we would like to order chocolate cake. Thank you! Allergic to nuts! (page 134) Dining out with a fussy eater. Vocabulary Review winery bodega (page 130) to charge cobrar Change to a Direct Question vegan vegano to remind recordar 1. Where is Wellington Street? bread

pan 2. Who is Maria? 3. Does George have a girlfriend? Match - Expression Review 4. How many brothers does Jack have? nowadays - hoy en día 5. Is Oliver here? hot potatoes - asunto difícil thankfully - gracias a Dios Fill in the Gap on the house - cortesía de la casa 1. Can you tell me where the toilets are? not my cup of tea - no ser plato de su gusto 2. I shouldn’t eat so much junk food. get in shape - ponerse en forma 3. Most of the people in my family have a car. spice things up - ponerle un poco de chispa 4. Do you know if he has/ owns a bicycle? 5. Most people in Europe work five days a week. Match the Verbs and the Nouns To have breakfast Preposition Corner To pay in cash/ by card 1. Are we going to dine out tonight? To take care of yourself 2. She wants to take better care of herself. To cook roast dinner 3. They are going to the gym because they want to get To order food back in shape. 4. It’s Saturday night –are you going out? 5. Cycling isn’t my cup of tea. 223 Listen UP!(115).indd 223 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key CHAPTER 8 4. How much did cost the tickets cost? 5. I haven’t played in a long time –I’m going to be a Going to a football match! little rusty. (page 138) Preposition Corner Running a marathon. (page 142) 1. The match kicked off at 3pm. Comprehension Questions 2. He came back into the stadium. 1. He’s going to run a marathon. 3. They ate in a Greek restaurant. 2. He took up running six months ago. 4. Did you spill water on the carpet? 3. Running has caught on in London. 5. The game turned out very interesting. 4. His friend has run three marathons. Complete the Question 5. He bought himself lots of running gear, including shorts and running trainers. 1. How many tickets did you buy for the match? 2. Why did she fall over? Vocabulary Review 3. Who called off the match?

to call off cancelar 4. Where will they play the game next week? pitch

campo de futbol 5. Why did you stand up? to score marcar Change to the Present Perfect golf course campo de golf to get on/along with llevarse bien 1. I’ve sat down next to her. 2. How have they fallen over? Fill in the Gap 3. The match has been called off. 1. I’m going to play tennis with my friend tomorrow. 4. The meal has turned out great, thank you. 2. Can you stand up please? 5. She has scored three goals. 3. He wants to play 18 holes of golf. 4. You’re going to be exhausted after going to the gym. Golf with a best friend. (page 140) 5. You should wear running trainers when running. Audio Exercise Getting injured playing tennis. kick-off time 4:15pm ticket price £30.50 (page 144) meeting place The South Entrance (the food stall) Audio Exercise teams Manchester United and Barcelona number of people 7 1. He’d like to cancel their tennis court reservation.

2. The reservation was at 10:30am. Hello! Ok, kick off between Manchester United and 3. The reservation was for two hours. Barcelona will be at 4:15pm, so make sure you aren’t late! 4. They can’t play anymore because one of the players We’re going to meet at The South Entrance to the stadium. has injured his ankle. There is a food stall there. Tickets are £30.50 each. There 5. The caller would like to play next next Friday for one hour. are going to be seven of us going to the game, so I think we’re going to have a great time! Good morning, can you take a message for me? I need to cancel our tennis court reservation. It was at 10:30am for Spot the Mistake 2 hours. We can’t play because my friend has injured his 1. They It took them a long time to get tickets. ankle. I would like to change the reservation to next Friday 2. We get along very good well. at 6pm as I would like to play with another friend. Can we 3. She has known him during for many years. book it for 1 hour? 224 Listen UP!(115).indd 224 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Preposition Corner

Comprehension Questions 1. The dog ran over to the tree where the cat was 1. She lost a locker key. hiding. 2. She tied it to her ankle. 2. If you fall behind, you will have to catch up! 3. She was swimming lengths in the pool. 3. I was going to go swimming but in the end I decided 4. He was able to see underwater. to watch TV. 5. He found two pounds. 4. We get along so well that we never fall out. 5. Clumsy people fall over if they’re not careful. Complete the Question 1. What is the capital city of Norway? Irregular 2. Why do you play tennis every Sunday? 1. I was here yesterday but I didn’t see you. 3. How often do you go to the gym? 2. Football caught on in Europe in the early 20th 4. Who decided to take up playing football? century. 5. When are we going to go to the rugby match? 3. He was so exhausted after the race that he threw up. 4. Last year I got injured so I couldn’t run for months. Getting lost on a cycling trip. 5. We fell out about something silly, but we made up (page 150) with each other quickly. Match the Verbs and Nouns Falling off the ski lift. (page 146) to get out of a pool to score a goal Vocabulary Review to fall out with a friend tennis court pista de tenis to take up a hobby to train entrenar to get on a bike to catch up ponerse al día player

jugador Match - Phrasal Verb Review to fall off caerse de to fall behind -quedarse atrás to fall over -caerse Change to a Direct Question to keep up -seguir el ritmo 1. Where is the nearest chairlift? to end up -esultar/ acabar 2. How do you clip in your ski boots? to get off -bajarse 3. Where are the tennis courts? 4. Will the pitch be open tomorrow? Taking a friend to a rugby 5. Does the marathon course pass through here? match. (page 152) Losing a key in the swimming Vocabulary Review pool. (page 148) to get lost perderse goggles gafas de natación Spot the Mistake ski slope pista de esquí 1. I think that football is bored boring. sports centre polideportivo 2. Is It’s funny seeing people fall over. clumsy torpe 3. To add injury insult to insult injury, I didn’t get the point. 4. Running has really caught on in Manchester. 5. Where did you bought buy your running gear? 225 Listen UP!(115).indd 225 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Fill in the Gap First day at University. (page 158) 1. Is she going to pay you a visit? 2. I can’t wait to play tennis with him again! Audio Exercise 3. Can you swim underwater? 1. He was 24 when he left university. 4. He swims from the shallow end to the deep end. 2. He did a master’s course. 5. He won the tennis tournament, but he was very 3. He did it in Berlin. lucky! 4. He was at university in London for four years 5. He graduated in 2012. Match the Expressions 1. to add insult to injury - echar sal en la herida Even though I left university when I was 24, I continued 2. to pull one’s leg - tomar el pelo studying. I decided to do a master’s course in Berlin 3. the ball is in your court - la pelota está en tu tejado because I managed to get a scholarship. I was at university for four years in London, it was amazing. I 4. to see eye to eye - estar de acuerdo joined the athletics society and I met lots of people there. 5. to be rusty - estar oxidado / faltar práctica I graduated in 2012 and after my master’s in Berlin, I got

a job here. CHAPTER 9 Spot the Mistake Nerves before taking an exam. 1. I’m used to live living in a very big city. 2. Yesterday, I couldn’t attend the university. (page 156) 3. I’m get getting used to the course. 4. I’m so happy. I approved passed my exam! Change to the Past Simple 5. The course was such so difficult I failed. 1. There were so many exams to take last year. 2. There was a lot of pressure to pass the exam. Deciding to continue studying – 3. She studied really hard for her English exam. master’s or no master’s? 4. I retook my science exam. (page 160) 5. It was such a difficult exam. Comprehension Questions Complete the question 1. It will cost an arm and a leg. 2. It will be hard work. 1. Who was nervous about his exam? 3. Yes, it will. 2. Did she fail any of her exams? 4. It isn’t possible to get grants for postgraduate study. 3. Where will the exams take place? 5. No, he doesn’t. 4. When are they going to take their exams? 5. Why did he fail? Vocabulary Review to fail fracasar Preposition Corner lifestyle estilo de vida 1. After my exam, I’m going to take off immediately! to retake volver a hacer 2. He gave away all the answers before the exam. pressure presión 3. All that studying has finally paid off. even though aunque

4. I can’t concentrate on my studies! 5. I think the exam is going to turn out well. Fill in the Gap 1. It’s hard! Nevertheless, it will be good for your studies. 2. There were so many schools with good results it was difficult to choose one. 226 Listen UP!(115).indd 226 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key 3. It’s so expensive. It’s going to cost an arm and a leg. 4. Do we have to be here early tomorrow? 4. I’m not used to taking so many exams! 5. What date does the course finish? 5. There is so much pressure in schools these days. Training day with a nightmare Children’s first day of school. colleague. (page 166) (page 162) Comprehension Questions Audio Exercise 1. They have a training day every once in a while. 1. His first day of school was the 22nd of August, 1994. 2. Because they’re not compulsory. 2. He was four years old. 3. Because it won’t look good on his record.

3. His first teacher’s name was Mrs Davies. 4. He can’t stand one of his colleagues. 4. She was from Scotland. 5. Because all he does is talk about himself. 5. She was his teacher for two years. Spot the Mistake My first day at school was on the 22nd of August, 1994 and I 1. If I have had a good teacher, I would get good was four years old. My first teacher was called Mrs Davies grades. and she was Scottish. She was my teacher for two years, 2. I haven’t done all my homeworks. and she was an excellent teacher! 3. I remembered reminded him that his class started Irregular Verbs at 10 o’clock. 1. I’ve taken seven exams so far this year and I’ve 4. He told me not to not go home. passed all of them. 5. If I studied maths at university, I will would become 2. My new books for university have cost an arm and a leg. a maths teacher. 3. Have you got/ gotten used to university life yet? 4. She’s been getting up early for years. Complete the Question 5. The new courses have gone ahead. Where did you go to university? How did you get good grades? Preposition Corner Who goes to this school? 1. In the end, I decided to do a master’s course. When did you graduate? 2. After my lecture, I took off to at my house. Why did you do a master’s? 3. Do you live far away from the campus? 4. I’m studying for my medicine exams. Graduation day. (page 168) 5. I’m going to think about going to university again. Match the Verbs and Nouns Too much homework! (page 164) to get good grades to drop out of university Vocabulary Review to do a master’s

grades/ marks notas to do homework primary school escuela primaria to get used to student life halls of residence residencia remind recordar Match - Expression Review grant beca/ subvención in the nick of time - por los pelos at the drop of a hat - a la más mínima Change to a Direct Question to cost an arm and a leg - costar un ojo de la cara 1. What was your first day at university like? jam-packed - hasta arriba 2. What marks did you get in the exam? just in case - por si acaso 3. What time does the class start? 227 Listen UP!(115).indd 227 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Learning how to study again! (page 170)

Preposition Corner 1. The shopping centre was packed because of the sales. Match - Phrasal Verb Review 2. I should be studying for my exams but instead I’m to drop out - dejar shopping. to get stuck - atascarse 3. He told me not to buy those trousers. to go ahead - avanzar 4. I didn’t want to drop out of university, but I didn’t to miss out on - perder have a choice. to study for - estudiar 5. I used to go shopping every Saturday, but not Vocabulary Review anymore. to ban prohibir I hope I survive the January degree título/ diploma compulsory obligatorio sales! (page 176) biology biología geography geografía Audio Exercise brown boots Fill in the Gap perfume 1. furniture was bought from the second hand shop Have you done your homework? some new blouses 2. Is she going to change her career? flowers were the cheapest 3. Have you chosen your subjects? 4. Can you remind me to study for my exams? Hello, you’ll never believe what I bought yesterday! I 5. Are you proud of your grades? bought some new brown boots in the sales, and I bought some furniture from the second hand shop too. I also

bought flowers, perfume and some new blouses. The CHAPTER 10 flowers were the cheapest! Returning clothes. Spot the Mistake (page 174) 1. I asked the dependent shop assistant where to find Change to the Past Simple the winter jackets. 1. Everything sold out within a few hours. 2. I’m going to try in on these trainers. 2. I wasn’t able to concentrate because of the noise. 3. Despite of going to the supermarket late, it was still 3. The fact the shops were closed again just added very busy. insult to injury! 4. I want to go of shopping at the weekend. 4. Were you able to get used to spending less money? 5. My size is so popular that it always sells in out. 5. We usually saw eye to eye, even if we spent hours shopping. Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve. (page 178) Complete the Question 1. How much did you spend on clothes yesterday? Vocabulary Review 2. How often do size 54 shoes sell out? bargain ganga 3. How do you make sure you never have to return clothes? in spite of/ despite a pesar de 4. What would you have done if you had bought a to queue hacer cola broken watch? Christmas Eve Nochebuena 5. Why do you try on everything you buy? to wrap envolver 228 Listen UP!(115).indd 228 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Comprehension Questions 5. Who said that these jobs were going to be a walk in the park? 1. He usually wouldn’t be caught dead shopping on Christmas Eve. 2. He expects to be home before midnight. Grocery shopping –lost child! 3. It’s going to take a long time to get home because of (page 182) all the crowds. 4. His children are waiting for him. Spot the Mistake 5. Their names are Jack and Jonathan. 1. I will would like to return these items please. 2. I get got very worried yesterday. Fill in the Gap 3. He didn’t remember of the accident. 1. In spite of the terrible weather everybody still went 4. I only do the shopping once in a green blue moon. out. 5. We always eat out despite the fact that we are busy. 2. I would go to the supermarket if I needed groceries. 3. Do you feel like trying on those new shoes? Vocabulary Review

4. Would you have arrived before midnight if you had scissors tijeras been delayed? barber peluquero (para hombres) 5. I usually go shopping on Mondays when it’s quiet. at the last minute a última hora clothes ropa Going for a haircut. to exchange intercambiar (page 180) Change to a Direct Question Shopping for big shoes. (page 184) 1. How far is it to the shoe shop? Comprehension Questions 2. What time does the supermarket close? 1. Colourful trainers are coming back into fashion. 3. Where is the department store? 2. Most trainers are too small for his feet. 4. How much does it cost? 3. HIs feet are too big. 5. What sizes do you have? 4. He buys clothes online. Irregular Verbs - Past Simple/ Present 5. Most trainers are more comfortable than shoes. Perfect Complete the Question 1. Have you had a haircut this month? Do you have this size in stock? 2. Last week, I cut a lot of corners because I had so How often do you shop online? much to do. Why don’t you do the shopping? 3. I thought you were going to be in the shopping When are you going to do the shopping? centre for hours. Whose trainers are those? 4. No I don’t want to go out, I went shopping this morning and I’m tired. Looking for items in a 5. Why have you spent all your money? That was

supermarket. (page 186) supposed to last all week! Match Preposition Corner do the shopping 1. When I got onto the bus, I sat down. make a change 2. I needed to stand up to have a look in the mirror. do a favour 3. I always avoid shopping on Christmas Eve. do a job 4. If I’m late, I’m going to be in trouble. make a mistake 229 Listen UP!(115).indd 229 29/06/2016 14:24:54

Answer Key Audio Exercise 3. Can you do me a favour? 4. Why are all the shoes not big enough? 1. two cans of black beans 5. I would like to pay in cash, please. 2. three packets of rice 3. one box of oranges 4. three bunches of bananas

CHAPTER 11 5. one bottle of water 6. three loaves of bread Going to the cinema. (page 192) 7. some frozen vegetables 8. some chocolate Complete the Question 1. Good morning! Ok, I need you to pick up the following What colour were the walls in the office? things for me. I need two cans of black beans, three 2. How did you get to the cinema? packets of rice, a box of oranges, three bunches of bananas 3. What does “to reserve online” mean? and a bottle of water. I also need three loaves of bread and 4. Who does the cinema belong to? some frozen vegetables. Also, if you could pick up some 5. What kind of sports does your brother like to do? chocolate that would be fantastic! Change to the Past Simple Match the Expressions 1. He was very disrespectful to the staff. 2. She often went back to the same hairdressers. once in a blue moon - de Pascuas a Ramos 3. They spent a fortune when they did the shopping. to put all one’s eggs in one basket - jugárselo todo a una carta 4. They were slow, so they ran out of time! to jump on the bandwagon - seguir el rebaño 5. She did many favours for me. to run out of time - no tener tiempo Preposition Corner to be in trouble - estar metido en líos 1. Would you like to talk to the manager? Haircut gone wrong! 2. Please don’t talk during the film. (page 188) 3. Being disrespectful to other people isn’t a good idea. Match - Phrasal Verb Review 4. Why have you been arguing with Daniel? 5. I will walk out if the film is terrible. walk out mess up try on

Art gallery tour in a foreign go back language. (page 194) spend on Spot the Mistake Vocabulary Review 1. I can’t believe it, I did made a mistake! to argue discutir 2. He’s waiting for me outside the restaurant. to put back colocar de nuevo 3. In what year did you know meet him? to be comfortable estar cómodo 4. I hope many people is are there. frustrating frustrante 5. It was a very especial special scene in the movie, it useless inútil was beautiful. Fill in the Gap Audio Exercise 1. I need to wash my hair. 1. His hobbies are skiing, playing tennis and going to 2. Would you visit your family if you had enough time? the cinema. 230 Listen UP!(115).indd 230 29/06/2016 14:24:55

Answer Key 2. He went to the cinema twice last week. 3. Because apparently she’s usually late. 3. He goes skiing every winter (sometimes twice 4. His best friend knew an actor. a year). 5. Yes, they all got along like a house on fire. 4. He hasn’t played tennis recently because he is injured. 5. He hopes to be playing tennis again next month. Preposition Corner 1. Why did you arrive late to your date? I have lots of hobbies, but my main hobbies are skiing, 2. Are you going to go on a date next week? playing tennis and going to the cinema. I went to the 3. Why did he laugh at him? cinema twice last week! I go skiing in France every winter 4. What new hobbies are you going to take up? and sometimes twice a year if the snow is good. I haven’t 5. Are you on holiday at the moment with your family? played tennis recently due to an injury but I hope I will be playing again next month. I have a tournament in my local club, so I hope I am ready! Visitors come to stay! (page 200) Taking up yoga with a friend. Vocabulary Review to show around mostrar un lugar

(page 196) theatre teatro Vocabulary Review apprehensive aprensivo escultura sculpture painter pintor exhausting agotador expectations expectativas to discuss discutir/ razonar Fill in the Gap to take up empezar a hacer algo 1. I want to meet up with some friends but I don’t have to stretch estirar time. Irregular Verbs 2. How long does it take to get to know someone? 3. Are you going to take up a new sport to get fit? 1. Have you taken a tour of the city yet? 4. Do you have tight muscles after running? 2. How many tickets has she bought? 5. No, I’m not looking forward to the exam either. 3. Has it been stuffy in the yoga studio lately? 4. Why have gyms come into fashion recently? Spot the mistake 5. Has he made a good effort in class today? 1. I don’t matter mind if we go to the cinema or go out Change to a Direct Question for dinner. 2. We make got to know each other over a period of 1. Where is the hairdressers? several months. 2. What does this word mean? 3. It doesn’t care matter where we eat. 3. What is that film called? 4. The weather’s great, so it there could be many

4. Where is this cinema? people many there. 5. How do you get to the art gallery? 5. There Will there be food after the play? Going to the theatre on a date. Go-karting at the weekend. (page 198) (page 202) Comprehension Questions Comprehension Questions 1. His best friend was late to his date last week 2. No, not at all. 1. They are going to go go-karting. 2. Yes, he does. 231 Listen UP!(115).indd 231 29/06/2016 14:24:55

Answer Key 3. He thinks he will come last. 4. They are going to celebrate after. Having someone look after your 5. He has to put on his overalls and helmet.

dog. (page 206) Complete the Question Vocabulary Review 1. How far is it from here to the nearest town? breed raza 2. How old were you when your niece was born? theme park parque de atracciones 3. Which cinema do you want to go to? showers llovizna 4. How long has she been here? to celebrate celebrar 5. How soon can you get there? to host alojar Theme park on a rainy day. Fill in the Gap (page 204) 1. I said I would feed her dog. Match the Verbs with the Nouns 2. Are you planning to go snowboarding this weekend? to take up playing football 3. Can you please send me another copy of the to go to the theatre document? to take a tour 4. It is going to be quite warm tomorrow. to get to know a person 5. Do you know how to speak Japanese? to arrive late to a date Audio Exercise How many tickets? 5 tickets What time is the play? at 9:30pm Which seats? near the front, in the centre

Phone number? 07695863111 Availability? between 10:30am and 6:30pm Hello, I would like to reserve five tickets for the theatre tonight. I would like tickets to see the play at 9:30pm and we would like seats near the front, in the centre. My number is 07695863111 and my availability is between 10:30am and 6:30pm, so please call me between those times. Thank you! Match - Expression Review to have a blast - pasárselo bien to give it a go - intentarlo to get along like a house on fire - llevarse muy bien to live up to expectations - cumplir las expectativas word of mouth - por boca a boca 232 Listen UP!(115).indd 232 29/06/2016 14:24:55

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Document Outline Cover Copyright Title Page Introduction Table of Contents Answer Key