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Installation procedure GNUHealth 2.8.1 in ubuntu 14.04, equipment with new installation of ubuntu OS Ubuntu 14.04 GNUhea

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Installation procedure GNUHealth 2.8.1 in ubuntu 14.04, equipment with new installation of ubuntu OS Ubuntu 14.04 GNUhealth 2.8.1 Tryton (client & server) 3.4 postgresql 9.3 *first Install all package $ sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev \ libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python-ldap \ libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev libtiff4-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev \ zlib1g-dev python-imaging python2.7-cracklib postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all *Second activate the account ROOT $ sudo passwd root * Third Entering as root adduser gnuhealth run the following command $ su root passw $ sudo adduser gnuhealth password repeat password and four times entry and Yes "Y" *Four we put the password to the user or administrator Postgresql or not allow register the password for the newly created user gnuhealth database postgresql Log in as ROOT $ su root password you type the following command $sudo su postgres $psql $alter user postgres with password 'passwd'; note If the response program with the message 'ALTER ROLE' password was changed successfully. To exit this utility by typing: \ q to exit the user 'postgres' type: exit Done. The password was changed successfully. Testing the Connection To test the connection you can use the same utility 'psql' as follows: psql -U postgres -W Press ENTER and enter the new password (you must have changed it in the example above, if you did not the password is 'passwd'). * Fifth Log in as root run the following command to access the database to the newly created user gnuhealth

su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --no-createrole --no-superuser gnuhealth" *Sixth to ensure that the user of postgresql take the password that gnuhealth digit when the user created in the * third point execute the following command as root NOTE typing the password that we record in the third point $ su root password $ sudo su - postgres $ psql -c "ALTER ROLE gnuhealth WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword@gnuhealth' ;" * Seventh postgresql restart the server with the following command in a new terminal $ su root password $ sudo service postgresql restart * Eighth Close entire system and between the newly created user ghuhealth and lower gnuhealth version 2.8 with the following command $ wget Decompress $ tar xzf gnuhealth-latest.tar.gz $ cd gnuhealth-* run the installer ./ the system will ask typing and confirm a Password for the server trytond, this you will be requested when start the customer to create a new database. the same is encryptara and will be included automatically in the file Tritond_ conf. then enable the batch environment with the following command $ source $HOME/.gnuhealthrc * Ninth TRYTOND_CONFIG Edit the file, this is in $ home / gnuhealth / tryton / server / config [database] uri = postgresql://localhost:5432 path = /home/gnuhealth/attach [session] super_pwd =hgu5877&^%6 detail

uri = postgresql://userDB:PasswordDB12345678@localhost:5432 User DB typing gnuhealth password DB we typing the password which was created the third and sixth point. path = /home/gnuhealth/attach. NOTE include the command jsonrpc* 8000 to accept connections from any terminal not only from local host The file should look like this [database] uri = postgresql://gnuhealth:bladerunner1983@localhost:5432 path = /home/gnuhealth/attach.

[jsonrpc] listen=*:8000 [session] super_pwd = Yr3v6E/pFQbmk Suave file * Tenth Start Tryton server Log in user gnuhealth Command $ cdexe after $ ./trytond see a message like this: gnuhealth@gpiezal-Aspire-5336:~/gnuhealth/tryton/server/trytond-3.4.1/bin $ ./trytond [Mon Feb 16 02:35:51 2015] INFO:trytond.server:using /home/gnuhealth/gnuhealth/tryton/server/config/trytond.conf as configuration file [Mon Feb 16 02:35:51 2015] INFO:trytond.server:initialising distributed objects services [Mon Feb 16 02:35:51 2015] INFO:trytond.server:starting JSON-RPC protocol on localhost:*8000 This message indicates that the server was executed and will accept external connections. *Eleventh Login as root create a new user for this run the Tryton client

$ su "root $sudo adduser cliente password password four times entry and YES "Y" close the system and login with your newly created user cliente * Twelfth Download the Tryton client (this must match the version of the server) $ wget decompressed using the following command : $ tar -xzvf tryton-3.4.1.tar.gz Loging as ROOT for install $ su root Install using the following command : $cd tryton-3.4.1 $sudo python install then run the client using the following command tryton from here you configure the Client. Click on the profiles management Manage Profiles, and then click Add. Give your new connection a name in the place left and complete the fields on the right side. If you are doing the installation in the same machine, choose localhost as hostname End I hope this instructive them useful. Greetings Gerson