Capsim quiz set 2

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HR QUIZ Note: Your Dashboard will show this lesson is complete the next time you click the Dashboard link.  

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1. True or False: Production runs can be scheduled in one or two shifts. A. True B. False Up to twice the production line's First Shift Capacity can be scheduled for each individual product. Production runs that exceed the First Shift Capacity result in either Overtime and/or a Second Shift, depending on the Worker Complement.

2. True or False: Hiring the Needed Complement will always eliminate a Second Shift. A. True B. False Hiring the Needed Complement eliminates all Overtime. The Second Shift workers are paid the same as workers on Overtime, however, Second Shift workers are more efficient and do not seek work elsewhere, therefore reducing turnover.

3. True or False: Management should strive to increase Turnover. A. True B. False Lowering Turnover reduces Recruitment costs.

4. True or False: Increasing Capacity tends to reduce the number of workers on Second Shift. A. True B. False Increasing Capacity tends to reduce the number of workers on the Second Shift. As an example, a production order of 1,200 units on a line with a Capacity of 800 units (numbers in thousands) will require 400 units to be produced by the Second Shift. Increasing Capacity to a total of 1,000 units will result in 1,000 units manufactured by First Shift labor, and only 200 units produced by more expensive Second Shift labor.

5. True or False: Increasing Training Hours tends to both increase and decrease the Needed Complement. A. True

B. False In the short term, increasing Training Hours will increase the Needed Complement-- Workers are taken off the production line and put in the classroom. However, as time goes on, investing in Training Hours increases worker productivity, and therefore tends to decreases the Needed Complement.

6. _________ are incurred when production runs increase and teams match hiring to Needed Complement. A. Separation costs B. Recruiting costs C. Overtime costs D. Training costs Increasing production and then matching the Needed Complement will result in new hires, and therefore increase Recruiting Costs.

7. Assuming the Productivity Index is greater than 100%, adding Overtime will ____________ the Productivity Index. A. Increase B. Decrease C. Not change While the Productivity Index can never fall below 100%, it is possible for teams to increase the Index by investing in a higher quality of worker (Recruiting Spend) and in education (Training Hours). However, scheduling Overtime will decrease the Index because workers will become tired and disgruntled.

8. True or False: Worker training is entered by the dollar. A. True B. False Hours are entered on the HR Screen. Training costs $20.00 per hour per worker.

9. Teams _______________ Recruiting Costs if they wish. A. can eliminate all of their B. can eliminate half of their C. can eliminate all but the $1,000 base cost per new employee Teams can choose to enter 0 in the Recruiting Spend cell on the Human Resources screen, however that number is in addition to a base Recruiting Cost of $1,000 per worker. A Recruiting Spend entry facilitates recruiting a better quality of worker.

10. . Generally, __________ will be incurred when production levels decrease and / or Automation levels increase. A. Training costs B. Recruiting costs C. Separation costs D. Overtime costs The Needed Complement is determined by a combination of: a) the number of units ordered into production; and b) the Automation level of the assembly lines. Decreasing the number of units produced from one year to the next will decrease the Needed Complement. Similarly, increases in Automation will decrease the Needed Complement. If teams adjust the This Year cell to match the Needed Complement, Separation Costs will be incurred.

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 1. True or False: Diminishing returns will occur when investing in the same TQM Initiative round after round. A. True B. False With sufficient investment, initiatives will improve processes and quality to the greatest extent possible, however, each initiative will reach a point where no further improvement is possible, therefore the investments create no additional returns.

2. True or False: According to the S-Shaped curve, diminishing returns for a single year budget become noticeable at $2,000,000. A. True B. False The S-Shaped curve predicts return on investment. Depending on the slope of the curve, the return on investment can be small or large. For example, suppose a project is budgeted at $500,000. This project might go through a planning stage that produces a set of recommendations, but there is no money left to implement the recommendations. At $1,000,000, sufficient funds are available to plan, and begin implementing the recommendations. At $1,500,000, the budget is sufficient to plan and put in place most of the recommendations. At $2,000,000, all of the recommendations have been implemented, and additional money beyond that level has little or no effect.

3. True or False: If a company with low automation wanted to invest in a single area that exclusively lowers labor costs, they would select QIT (Quality Initiative Training).

A. True B. False The TQM area allows teams with an established strategy to invest in areas, which will benefit them the most. For example, if a team formulates a strategy that sacrifices labor cost so it can complete R&D projects faster, it would want to invest in QIT, which reduces labor costs.

4. True or False: The exact outcome of TQM efforts appear on the TQM Report, and as bar charts on the TQM spreadsheet. These results are for the previous round only, assuming no additional investment is made. A. True B. False TQM investments take effect the year they are made, and are cumulative, paying off year after year.

5. The TQM report can be accessed from the ____________. A. Capstone(r) Courier B. Industry Conditions Report C. Annual Reports The TQM information appears on the last page of the Capstone Courier


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 1. True or False: Forecasts are set on the Marketing Budget Detail spreadsheet. A. True B. False When the Advanced Marketing Module is activated, marketing activities are divided between two spreadsheets. Prices and forecasts are entered on the Pricing & Forecasting spreadsheet.

2. True or False: Each market segment responds to different types of media (e.g. print, direct mail, etc.) to a varying degree. It follows that each product must be identified with its target segment. Product target segments are identified by their placement on the Perceptual Map. A. True B. False The Marketing Budget Detail includes a combo box for each product that allows teams to define the product's target segment. If teams anticipate moving a product from one segment to another (perhaps an R&D project completes in mid year) they can define the target segment at the beginning of the year.

3. Each additional advertisement increases customer awareness by _____________the first. A. the same amount as B. a lesser amount than C. a greater amount than Increasing the number of advertisements does not linearly increase Awareness. When the advertisement runs a second time, a percentage of people who saw it the first time will see it again. Those who see the ad twice do not become aware of the product when they see it the second time. Therefore, the second placement does not add as much Awareness as the first-- the result, diminishing returns apply.

4. True or False: The Marketing Budget Detail asks teams to determine budgets by product and segment. A. True B. False On the Marketing Budget Detail, the Promotion Budget Resource sections asks teams to assign budgets by product, but the section also asks teams to assign a target segment for each product. This facilitates products that might start the year in one segment, then as an R&D project completes, moves to another segment. Teams can begin promoting in the new segment prior to the move. The same holds true for a product that will have a new segment drift over it. In the Sales Budget Resource, Sales budgets are allocated by Segment. However, Sales budgets can be fine tuned with the Product Allocations box. For example, if teams have two products in one segment, the Product Allocations box can be used to prioritize one product over the other.

5. In the Promotion Budget Resource, teams can select which of the following media areas. A. Print Media and Television B. Email and Telephone Contact C. Trade and Road Shows D. Web Media and Direct Mail The scenario utilizes business to business media outlets that reach Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Television, for example, is not an efficient way to reach OEMs.

6. The Target Segment selection lets teams: A. move their products from one location on the Perceptual Map to another

B. select which segment their promotion efforts should be directed towards. C. Both A and B The Target Segment selection pertains exclusively to Promotion, and allows teams to select which segment their promotion efforts should be directed towards.

7. In the Sales Budget Resource, the outside sales force meets with customers face-to-face. The cost of each salesperson includes which of the following? A. Salary and commission B. Travel and Support C. None of the above D. Both A and B Each salesperson costs $125,000, which includes salary, commission, travel and support.

8. Each inside salesperson costs. A. $50,000 B. $75,000 C. $60,000 D. $40,000 The inside sales staff works the existing customer list. Each inside salesperson costs $50,000.

9. True or False: Distributors are a separate Sales channel. A. True B. False Distributors place your product in their own showrooms. You pay each distributor $100,000 per year to stock your product line.


1. True or False: The new contract that you negotiate with Labor will take affect starting January 1st of the year the contract is renegotiated. A. True B. False

2. True or False: Generally speaking, a team with high levels of automation would be inclined to Make a "low ball" offer to the unions in order to further lower costs.

A. True B. False

3. Which team(s) does labor see the opening offers from? A. One team B. All teams C. Two teams D. Only your team

4. The maximum length of a strike is: A. 4 weeks B. 8 weeks C. 12 weeks D. 16 weeks

5. Suppose workers earn $20.00 in the current contract. There are only two teams, Andrews and Baldwin. Labor demands $22.00. Andrews gives its negotiators a range of $23.00 to $25.00. Baldwin gives its negotiators a range of $20.20 to $22.20. Will Labor strike: A. Andrews B. Baldwin C. Both D. Neither

6. In the current contract, the workers wage rate is $20.00. Which of the following negotiation ranges would be outside the rules? A. $18.00 to $18.00 B. $15.60 to $16.80 C. $30.20 to $32.20 D. $30.00 to $32.00 E. Both B and C would be outside the rules.

7. There are two teams, Andrews and Baldwin. As a result of an earlier labor negotiation, Andrews workers earn $20.00. Baldwin workers earn $22.00. What will Labor demand? A. Andrews $22.00. Baldwin $24.20. B. Andrews $24.20. Baldwin $24.20. C. Andrews $24.20. Baldwin $22.00. D. Andrews $24.00. Baldwin $24.00 E. None of the above.