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26-Nov-15 Andersen Consulting- EMEAI: Reorganization and Revitalization Session 9 Group 7: Divyanshu Jain (PGP/19/312)

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Andersen Consulting- EMEAI: Reorganization and Revitalization Session 9

Group 7: Divyanshu Jain (PGP/19/312) Ravisha Porwal (PGP/19/331) Shorya Chaplot (PGP/19/344) Suraj Tripathy (PGP/19/350) Tushar Johri (PGP/19/354)

How is AC-EMEAI organized in Europe? What are its strengths and weaknesses? • Matrixed on three dimensions: industry, geography and service line • Differentiation business-level strategy • Use of skills to differentiate products for customer groups that want and can afford differentiated products

Strengths: • Focused approach to customer problems leading to improved service quality across various domains • Country-wise differentiation leads to better understanding and handling of local clients • Wide area of focus leads to wider range of opportunities and client base, thereby widening the revenue base as well Weaknesses: • Cross-country development and exchange of ideas amongst professionals is limited • Time devotion on repetitive jobs even when a similar project has already been executed elsewhere, due to lack of communication • Power sub-centres are formed at various nodes of differentiation

Source: Pearson Education, Inc.



How is the landscape for consulting changing in Europe? Does it favor integration? If so, then on what dimensions – country or service or industry? Consulting landscape in Europe

Dimensions: Country or Service or Industry

The demand for Business Integration model is increasing

• The dimension for Integration to be on the basis of Industry offered to the client

We can see a lot of mergers, as lot of mid sized companies trying to enter in consulting domain

• Strategic Council IT Services Management advice Outsource (If required)

The market for Integrated business solutions is becoming more informed and formed and will be a potent force

• The companies are developing Core competencies in various services to offer a better Integrated consulting advice

The client base involves more multinational companies

• But there are dissent to this Idea as well, they prefer to maintain functional resources to remain competitive

It is challenging for companies to build the dual capabilities and integrate them Yes, the changing landscape, especially in terms of client demands, favours integration

What are the challenges to AC-EMEAI trying to integrate its operations? • Cross-culture compatibility and coordination • Lack of common goals, demands, focus across functions and geography • Varied skillset of consultants across geographies and varied core competencies • Demand of more autonomy from country partners • Finding the right combination of transfer price and budget while forming cross-functional crossgeographic teams • Difficulties in devising integration mechanisms such as task forces and integrating roles • Addressing the needs for electronic integration and management networks • Non-standardized customer requirements prohibits high level of integration



Should AC-EMEAI change its structure? If so, how, i.e. which alternative that Vernon Ellis is considering is most suitable? Else, is there any other alternative that he is not considering? AC-EMEAI should consider changing its structure. • AC-EMEAI should change its structure for strategic reasons and to reduce the burden on senior management • Reorganization according to service lines (most suitable) • They can leverage the expertise of a service line across countries and it could leverage the expatriates as well as experts of each service line. • The problem of entering new countries with weaker people can be avoided, if we structure based on service line. • Division of Europe into three regions • It should divide entire Europe into three regions: Anglo-Saxons of UK and Nordic countries; Germanic culture of Central Europe; and the Latins of France, Spain and Italy. • Employees would be more motivated as there would be better growth opportunities within the same culture, without having to adapt to new cultures.