An Alchemist's Notebook

An Alchemist's Notebook .°.NDC.°. - Nicholas D. Collette [email protected] This little notebook is a compilatio

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An Alchemist's Notebook .°.NDC.°. - Nicholas D. Collette [email protected]

This little notebook is a compilation of letters I've sent to other alchemists and posts I've submitted to internet forums. The information contained herein reveals enough so that anyone with an understanding of the alchemy art can create the Stone.

The 2nd edition of the book will have a great deal of information and photographed experiments. But the main thing which makes it difficult to share with others is the section on transmutation. And even if I make that a different book, this book still reveals how to make the true stone in many different ways, and people will still find out what it can do to metal. So I ask you -- if you knew how to make gold, how many people could you really keep it a secret from? You would surely tell your family, and then they would tell their friends in need, and so on. This would quickly spread like wild fire, and eventually gold would be worth less than copper. And what would they do with the money they made selling their gold? They would buy nice things for themselves and give some to charity, and wouldn't exert any effort in trying to make this world better. This money is made possible by the mighty gift God blessed us with (this stone) and it's morally reprehensible to abuse it. Also, an Angel has never failed to wring the necks of all those who revealed the Philosophic Mysteries of Alchemy too plainly. This is a medicine that can heal the sick, enlighten the week minded, and give wealth to the poverty stricken nations of this world. But tell me, are you ready to accept such a great weight on your shoulders? How many days can you last looking out at a world you know you can easily change, but to reveal this to everyone would be the greatest evil a human can commit.


The Pyramid & Etherization of the body

>With thousands of >tonnes of limestone on top of the granite chamber the five layers of granite >must form a capacitor of permanent charge?

Actually, the electrical effects of applying pressure to quartz cancel themselves out (positive plus negative = zero). No electrical charge is actually around the granite. To use the electricity requires the quartz be cut at computer precision angles and other electrical components must be present. Which is why there are no electric generators you can buy to power your house that are just quartz under pressure. Free energy is a little more tricky -- Tesla found that when an electric arc is sealed in a vacuum, there is extra electrical energy generated which can be absorbed by a metallic mesh screen around the electrodes in the vacuum tube. But when you wrap a wet paper around a wine bottle in the Kings Chamber, it creates sparks as the electricity builds up. However, the answer isn't in the electricity. Pyramids that are made of wood, and create no electricity, still make plants grow like crazy, and etherize the human body until it starts to fade in photographs and so on...If you want to see something incredible happen to you, then just live in a pyramid and eat only food grown in it, and in a year you will "get there". .°.NDC.°.

>PS, I have a hunch that Merelles method is too easy to produce gold and its my belief that the easy paths are not always the best paths... Am I right?? The easy paths are easy because they borrow something from nature. In the Merelle method the precipitate is treated and digested with wine. It's actually the fire or oil in the wine (the sulfur) that does this "multiplication" of the gold precipitate. Separating out this oil from the wine is a good trick to help speed up the process by eliminating all the excess alcohol and water. This can sometimes be accomplished quite easily because when the wine is being produced in the wooden barrels at the vineyards, an oil can be seen rising to the surface. This oil joins and marries itself again with the alcohol as the fermentation continues, and it's then hidden from us. If we evaporate the clear rectified and distilled alcohol from wine, we see that nothing remains, so we assume that it must contain nothing but alcohol solvent (especially since a chemical assay shows that to be the case). But it does indeed still contain the wondrous oil we are after. And this oil is the Alkahest. And to separate it from the alcohol, we need only add something which will make it impossible for the oil to evaporate with the alcohol by causing a divorce of the 2 married elements. And of course, I will explain that process to you now:

Laurence Gardner reminds us in one of his many fine books on alchemy about the origins of the word alcohol. In the ancient Arab world antimony was called kuhl (or kohl). The related word 'alcohol' stems from the Arabic al-kuhul, the highly refined Philosophical Mercury prepared from spirits of wine rectified over antimony (ethyl alcohol). The antimony was only used to assist in the process of fractionally distilling the alcohol and isn't required. The only problem is that he defined alcohol as the Philosophical Mercury instead of the Alkahest. Alcohol isn't the Alkahest either, but it does contain it if prepared from wine (which is where alchemists of the old days always obtained their alcohol). The term Alkahest comes from the word Alkaline, so it's no surprise that any alkaline salt can used to make it. Paracelsus thought limestones alone contained the Alkahest, so he used calcium oxide distilled 10 times with alcohol to make it a clear salt, then added potash to the lime salts and heated it with alcohol in the receiver flask. A vapor fume comes over and is absorbed by the alcohol. When the alcohol is evaporated, an incombustible oil remains -- our Alkahest. But Paracelsus mistakenly though this was the Spirit of Lime. This quote is from "Alchemistical Compositum" by Saint Dunstan: "Extract the salt of the crude and white calcined tartar; purify and clarify it often, till it be as bright as the tear of the eye, and can be brought no higher; therewith you may sharpen its own spirit of wine, which dissolveth Sol and Lune. " And below I have explained what this means: 1. When tartar is strongly heated (calcined), it becomes potassium carbonate. To extract it's salt and clarify it, you dissolve it in wine alcohol (near 100%), then distill off the wine. Repeat this seven times, and the potassium carbonate will be a clear salt left in the distillation flask, with it's wine in the receiver flask. 2. Now to sharpen it's spirit of wine, you simply heat the potash and leave the spirit of wine in the receiver flask. A cloudy white liquid will distill into the wine spirit, along with vapors which the alcohol naturally absorbs. Burn the spirit away, and the Alkahest will remain behind as an oil that can dissolve all metals radically. I personally prefer this method because it uses Tartar which contains the earth sediment which forms during the fermentation of grape juice to make wine. So it contains more than just potassium bitartrate. Also the Philosophical Wine (Philosophical Mercury - a special Acetone) can be made from calcined tartar and the natural acetic acid in grape juice and wine. Thus all the mystical ingredients required to produce the Philosopher's Stone can be obtain from one single plant -- the grape vine. Thus the reason that grapes are shown in one of the engravings at for the Red Lion process. It is the "prime materia" for

that path. The Philosophical Wine made from this process has a fragrance better than any perfume.

Apples also contain acetic acid and can be used instead of grapes. Perhaps this is the reason for the Apple beging the "Forbidden Fruit" in the bible. *There are 2 oils produced from wine. The one described above is the non-volatile clear oil. The other one is highly volatile red oil that floats on the wine and can be distilled off. It is the oil for rejuvination and long life, aswell as transmutation. .°.NDC.°.

The White Stone

With regards to m-state elements and baths, here is an extract from  Fulcanelli ~ The Dwellings of the Philosophers :

"The white Elixir," says Batsdorff, "performs marvels on illnesses of all animals and especially on those women suffer from... for it is the true potable moon (silver) of the Ancients". The anonymous author of The Key to the Great Work, mentioning Batsdorff's text once more, asserts that "this medicine possesses other even more incredible virtues. When it is at the white stage of the Elixir, it has so much sympathy with women that it can renew their bodies and render them as robust and vigorous as they were in their youth... For this effect, a bath is first prepared with several fragrant herbs with which they should scrub themselves clean; then they go into a second bath without herbs, but in which 3 grains of the white elixir were dissolved in a pint of wine spirit and then poured into the water. They remain in this bath for a quarter of an hour; after which, without drying themselves, a great fire is to be prepared to dry this precious liquor. The ladies then feel so strong within themselves, and their body is rendered so white that they could not imagine it without having experienced it. Our good father Hermes agrees with this operation, but, besides these baths, desires that, at the same time and for seven consecutive days, this Elixir be taken internally; and he adds, if a lady does the same thing every year, she will live exempt from all diseases to which other ladies are subject without experiencing any discomfort."

Notoriously the White Stone would transmute all planetary metals to Silver. Often we see that silver is used in it's production, but the menstruum or secret solvent used on the silver was the same used with gold to make the Red Stone. Paracelsus affirms that his Treasure of Treasures is a menstruum which is combined with the tincture of other metals to produce a stone which transmutes the planetary metals into that one. So even the stone made from copper will transmute other metals to copper and so on. This menstruum is the Philosophical Oil (or Mercury) of Wine. And it's my belief that it dissolves the metals so radically that it actually makes them monatomic in one step, but also imparts an energy to them which can only be obtained from fermentation of organic matter, since Wine isn't the only place you can find this oil. In the book "A Catalogue of Menstruums" or "Secrets of the Adepts", there are 150 processes for menstruums, and most involve the Oil of Wine. The table of contents to that book I uploaded in the ORMUS_SWG forum. And it's also no surprise that the White Stone had so many medicinal qualities and cured a wide variety of disease, since even colloidal silver has killed every virus it has been tested on, but getting it to do that in the body is another task altogether. Then there is the special form of silver which has a single atom of silver with oxygen atoms arranged around it in such a way that the silver can pulse out an electron and essentially "electrocute" viruses, specifically AIDS. The patent for that invention was awarded in 1997 and can be found at ---- patent # 5,676,977 And even though we have seen so much achieved with m-state elements, don't make the mistake of thinking a complete Philosopher's Stone could ever be achieved without the Philosophical Oil. This oil alone can notoriously cure every disease, enhance the mind, regenerate the old and keep the body young until the last day, which will be considerably postponed by the longevity this Holy Medicine provides us with. And the horrible irony is that this Oil is produced naturally during the fermentation of many organic chemicals. But in the fermentation of grapes to wine, it is rarely seen and more must be done to the wine afterwards to form this colorful oil. The energy contained in this precious oil must certainly be from the organic life essence from which is was fermented and created, and trying to give a chemistry lesson on how it achieves such wonders would be futile. And a physics lesson how it can accomplish the transmutation of metal would be even more futile. Once you witness these wonders with your own eyes, your mind will be forever in awe of this immense energy compacted down into such a tiny space, which our Ancestors have dedicated with the name "Philosopher's Stone" because philosophy, theory, and conjecture will forever try to explain it's workings, but it can never be understood. Lastly, concerning the above recipe for bathing with the White Stone, we would need to read Batsdorff's book from which this extract was taken in order to know what kind of White Stone he was using. We do know that he used the Philosophical Spirit of Wine (the oil) with the white stone because he says "3 grains of the white elixir were dissolved in a pint of *wine spirit* ". It's obvious that he himself never actually did the process because he refers to the Spirit of Wine as ordinary wine spirit (alcohol) and he most likely obtained the recipe from someone else, then failed to interpret it correctly. Any alchemist here who has read an appreciable amount of old manuscripts knows that "wine spirit" is an ingredient in countless formulas for the stone. From 1300 to

1900, we can count well over 100 procedures for the production of the Great Tincture which all require the Spirit of Philosophical Wine we mistakenly have learned to interpret as "wine spirit", and the book "Catalogue of Menstruums" is a glorious documentation of this. And the fact that there were so many European alchemists writing about the Stone could indeed be proof that it was very widespread and known to quite a great number of people. Which would explain why someone in my own neighborhood demonstrated the use of the White Stone with rain water to make a cloud of vapor rise up to the full moon an eclipse it, just as it says in "Jacob Juran: Hyle and Coahyl". If only we could also get our hands on the complete version of that book so we can see which White Stone he was talking about. But the extract from that book came from Robert Nelson ( when he went to a library in some European country and found an original copy of that manuscript. And unfortunately, he didn't copy down the text in it's entirety. All of this I have thought a great deal about, because the White Stone is ironically more illusive than the Red. While some old authors assert that the Red stone is made from the White stone, I have found it's only on occasion that a recipe will produce a white product before the Red, and always that white product isn't the true White Stone, but merely a white calx which has been mislabeled. Which is why it's no surprise that the authors of those texts didn't mention the White Stone being able to cure so many disease and all the other miraculous uses we find for it in other texts.  Always we see in the old artwork the 2 elixirs, the White and the Red, represented with Sun and Moon beside them. And in alchemy, Sun=Gold and Moon=Silver. I think what we have here with the White Stone is a situation where the alchemists had such a fondness for Silver and Gold, they mistakenly assumed those were the 2 true elixirs, and no other metal could compare. This delusion was reinforced by the wonders each of these stones can perform. But though copper, for instance, might not produce a stone with readily *apparent* incredible properties, it is nonetheless just as transcendental in how it works as the stone made from Silver and Gold. I believe each of the 12 platinum group metals which can become high-spin monatomic matter (energy?) are all equally amazing in how they work in this universe and overcome it's limitations by stepping out of the boundaries of space-time as David Hudson claimed. And I also believe there are more elements than just the platinum group. From "A Rosicrucian Notebook" Willy Schrodter wrote: "The zip-fastener king, Dr. Othmar Winterhalter (born 1890) rejuvinated himself in 1950 with a radioactive tincture prepared from element 85 (Astanine). " I haven't been able to locate any information on the Net about Dr. Othmar Winterhalter and his tincture of Astatine or his invention of the zipper at  Maybe that's not what Willy meant by "zip-fastener king"? But during a psychic reading about the Oil of Wine and it's uses, I did get the word "Astatine".


>The internet was not in operation in 1974, I was signed up with AMORC, in California. Yes, but still, they have now put up a website. And they are the most popular organization which pretends to be the true Rosicrucians, and maybe they actually believe they are. But here is a simple way to prove they aren't the true Order -- on there website, they have a computer generated picture of a golden emblem with the rose. The true Order would easily be able to take a photo of one of their real gold emblems. Also, they wouldn't need to charge you for membership. The lack of money these people have is the dead giveaway. Plus the fact they let anyone and everyone join. To become a member of the true Order, you have to demonstrate that you already have developed your psychic powers to a great degree, and you must astral project and show up at their doorstep as a visible semi-manifested apparition. >must be the ormus plus... Irridium and Rhodium Ormus? No. It's not ORMUS. There are 2 stones -- the one for psychic functions is ORMUS. The one for health and rejuvenation is from organic sources because that is the only place you can get the life force. That's why alchemists always stressed using minerals from natural sources -- because they are dirty (contain bacteria) and then you *ferment* the minerals. When using metals and organic chemistry you are actually creating both stones at once. The organic stone also has the wonderful ability to radically dissolve metals and divide them down to their first matter. So ORMUS made with the shinning organic stone is far better. This will all be in the next edition of my book. >How can I make irridum ormus Nick? >and Rhodium Ormus? It's actually very easy. I attached the file. You should take Ir, Rh, and Au together as the Trinity for each of the 3 higher glands -pituitary, pineal, and thalamus. >I know for a fact the Iridium and Rhodium, Gold and other PMG's are the key to anti has to be... am i right? No. The organic stone is for anti-aging. It has this power because it is the life essence that is given up by organic life as it dies and decays (ferments) and it collects as a colorful oil which can be worked with chemically, hence the birth of Alchemy. This life-force in the oil is then treated with the first organic chemical that created life (which is everywhere -- in our sweat and urine, and even household cleaning agents) and this turns the oil red after it goes through a beautiful Peacock's tail of colors (these photos will be in the book). Now the life force has been perfected and it is unlike any other life force created by nature, since nature can't make life perfectly by itself because the conditions can't be controlled like they can in the lab. Now this life force can be multiplied in power and be made to shine. And ingesting this life-force adds it to your own, and even after death you carry it with you in your astral body. It's actually what the astral body itself is made of. But with this material for the astral body, you can have a perfected body better than nature has ever produced for anyone.


When I say "sight" I mean 2 things -- one is a psychedelic vision quest with no recognizable objects or places and never any people. It's clear and 3D and explains things so deeply and so fast that it completely boggles your mind and has a lasting impact. It's so intense that it can only be repeated once a week at most, or else you will be too overwhelmed by the "change". The 2nd sight is the ability to understand what is happening very easily. Suddenly all of your insights are deep, complicated, and extremely intricate. You become "aware", and this seems to give you the ability to stay in a state of mind which is opiated from the pleasure of gaining such wisdom. Thus, you have a light inside that you can't explain to others, and it will lead you to the things you want by showing you the way. But even it, in and of itself, is very satisfying. Then there is also the 3rd sight, which is the psychic ability to see spirits. This we won't yet go into because it's dangerous and changes everything. But there is a simple recipe for a powder that will give you this sight, which will be in the next edition of my book as the 1st and primary medicine -- not because it is better in any way, but only because it will help you meet those spirits who you were intended to know. It's the initiatory chemical change for turning you into a true Alchemist who's main goal is ultimately the materialization of permanent bodies for spirits. In the Rosicrucian Order, this happens regularly and is even how they meet their wives and interbreed humans with perfect humans materialized with perfect DNA. Those people of extreme beauty are all part of that blood line, though it may have been far back in history when such an interbreeding took place in their family tree between an Alchemist and his materialized spirit wife. I know this all sounds like science fiction, but you will see it is true eventually, and more than likely, you will also be part of it. No matter how strange it may seem in your mind right now, inevitably you will see the beauty of it, and not just the physical beauty. .°.NDC.°.

The Ark Justin, when you made your ark did you keep the inside metal and outside metal separated? If you let them touch, then it would cancel out the capacitive effect. There should be a metal box with a wooden box inside it, and another metal box inside the wooden box. The reason wood was used between the metal sheets is because it doesn't conduct electricity. If you fill your ark with salt water, then you can put a sheet of aluminum foil over a TV screen and connect the foil to the salt water, and it will charge it up with static electricity. This is dangerous though, and you could shock yourself pretty badly. Once the ark is charged, it will stay charged like a battery until you ground the charged salt water. If you make the top of the box with the angel wings (or egyptian) then you can have them spaced so sparks will jump. You make the underside of the lid of wood so it doesn't connect the 2 metal boxes. Then you have 2 strips of metal - one connected to the inner box and one to the outer. Each strip of metal is connected to an angel on the top of the box. When the electricity jumps across the wings, you might be able to use it for turning metal into m-state, but David Hudson said lighting won't create m-state, and since thunderstorms are created by static charge then your ark is producing the same effect. The coffin in the King's Chamber is made of granite because granite has quartz crystals that can produce a peizoelectric charge. And the ceiling of the room is also made of granite that is being pressed down by the immense weight of the pyramid. There is so much electric charge in that room, you can wrap a bottle of water with wet newspaper and it will start giving off sparks as it charges up. So obviously the coffin could be filled with salt water and m-state, and it would start to charge up and then do god only knows what with the electricity. The capstone of the pyramid was also made of quartz with gold particles that would emmit light when the electricity went into the quartz. This created a bright and shinning star like the sun on the pyramid - bright enough to see from space. To read about how this works, see the indroduction to Henry Kroll's book "Manna: Gold of the Gods" When I get enough money raised, I'll be working to get the Egyptian government to let me restore the Great Pyramid with the casing stones and capstone.


Henry Kroll

Henry Kroll is the author of several books that explain ORMUS or "manna", perhaps even better than Laurence Gardner. His website address is: He publishes his books using a unique "on demand" type system with Trafford Publishing, so each copy is made when an order it placed. This allowed him to have professional high quality books printed at much lower prices than would normally be required, with no books sitting in a warehouse waiting to be sold. Barry Carter should also use the same method for publishing his book. The start-up cost to get everything going is only $700 instead of tens of thousands. Henry Kroll is the guy who discovered the physics of how the pyramid works, and how it can make a quartz capstone emit white light so bright it can be seen from space. He also knows where in Alaska to get the giant quartz crystal with gold stingers inside. Just like Barry does with his workshops, Henry Kroll is available to speak at schools, colleges, universities, and social events for a small fee to cover travel expenses. I think it would be wonderful if these 2 got together to do presentations.


Hyle & Coahyl

Ah yes! Thank you Neil for finding that manuscript!!!! They even have the microfilm copy! Robert Nelson at is the only person who has an extract of that book in his own book "Adept Alchemy". He said he found it in the Hamburg library but only copied a small portion of it. But he has the Author's name as "Jacob Juran" when actually it was written by Jurain not Juran and translated by Jacob. The importance of this manuscript is that it tells how to use the White Stone to cause a vapor cloud of water to rise up and eclipse the moon. And someone in my own neighborhood did this, and it made me go out for a walk at 2am to see what was happening. I saw the thick vapor cloud rise up from a house not far away and eclipse the moon for a minute, then it floated off like a normal cloud would do. When I went back to the house, someone yelled "No Nick - don't go inside!". I couldn't understand how they new my name, but that is also explained in the "Hyle & Coahyl" book. Years later, I read about this use of the White Stone at Robert Nelson's website, and it was the proof I needed that alchemy is real, and the Philosopher's Stone is a physical substance. It's amazing to me when I think about how these people in my own neighborhood could possible know this way of using the White Stone. Did they read the 1 manuscript found only at Hamburg? Or does that manuscript reveal a secret that is so popular in the underground community of alchemists, that even 3 centuries later, people right here in my home town know how to use the stone. I know that if I read that manuscript, I will be able to understand which White Stone the author was describing, and I will be able to make it myself. Strange that the White Stone is more secret than the Red. And for anyone who doesn't have the Red Stone yet, let me just once again tell you where you can find it -- *fermentation* of sweat, blood, urine, wine -- all of these will produce a volatile oil that floats on water and alcohol which can be made into a nonvolatile stone. And the simple recipe for the sweat method is in the book "Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology and Rituals of an Esoteric Order - Christopher McIntosh" And there it is -- in one month with no work at all, you can have the Red Tincture. And nobody ever tries it just because it involves sweat. And with urine, all you have to do it let it sit there in the dark. But it rarely ever produces the oil, yet I've seen this work myself. A phlegm forms on the surface which becomes a colorful oil, just like when you properly ferment wine. Yet there is more work with wine to get this oil to appear. And blood involves the most work. Hide something in plain sight, and you'll be surprised how it's the best hiding place of all.

"The secret about the stone, is that it's no secret at all..."

Undoubtedly, every alchemist you meet will hold the same belief about the stone being a treasure nearly impossible to find, unless you are "special" and "blessed". This idea has been burned into their brains by the hundreds of alchemy manuscripts that convince us we have little hope in ever obtaining our great reward. But the stone can be found everywhere, in nearly everything organic, yet it is no longer organic at the end of the process.


n13lkw wrote: I left a post here a few days ago relating to an alchemical document which an earlier post had mentioned, namely "Hyle und Coahyl". I related that I had personally seen this document in a library at the university in hamburg and that I would chase up its whereabouts. In confirmation of its current location, it is now in Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek in Hamburg. Here's the direct link to thier online catalogue: I hope that this is of some help to those of you who are seeking the truth behind the roots of alchemical understanding and on reflection, believe this to be a document of some value in relation to Ormus and WPG. It is dated to around 1700 if I remember correctly but much of the contained information comes from an original source of information which may go back into antiquity. Definately worth a look to anyone who has existing knowledge of Alchemy. Along side our current knowledge of Monotomic substances this document may reveil a few jems of information and possible help to clarify our forefathers use and understanding of the philosophers stone/monotomic elements. It is a document, like so many, that sit gathering dust and overlooked by all simply becuase nobody has related it to a subject of relevance. Regards to you all Neil Kellow

Intimacy with Spirits After reading the "Rosicrucian Notebook" by Willy Schrödter, I was intrigued by the idea of intimacy with spirits, and for several weeks I attempted such a meditation in the same way you practice astral projection. Eventually late one night I was overtaken by a loud female voice screaming in ecstasy and I could see her in my mind's eye. I was projected from my body by an orgasm that seemed to have no end. It became painful and little fiery spirits started coming at me from all sides. They were about the size of golf balls with human faces on a ball of fire. When they got too close, my aura lit up around my astral body in a bright white light that apparently hurt them very badly because they screamed in terror. The next day I felt drained as if I had the flu, but it was the middle of summer. From the Rosicrucian Notebook comes the following extracts: The American essayist Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) made the following comments on the subject of "twin souls" and the possibility of an alliance with them: The priests of many religions take vows of chastity, not because they would renounce wedlock in the highest sense but because the wife of a true priest, that is to say of an almost divine man has, as his spiritual half, nothing to do with the visible side of life but sends inspirations into his soul from above. If this man formed close ties with another woman, she would form a wall, a coarse element, separating him from his priestly companion, his true mate, with whom he must be united again in some form of existence. It is impossible for men or man-made laws to separate those who have truly been destined for one another from eternity. It is quite within the bounds of possibility for one soul mate to be incarnate while the other leads an existence in the invisible realms. Posterity may recognize the possibility of achieving a real connection between such separated souls, by means of the continuous fusion of their thoughts. Were the man to enter into a deep relationship during his lifetime with another woman he would be parted more than ever from his true spouse. A new barrier would be formed between him and her and many incarnations would have to pass no doubt before he regained that clarity of spiritual vision which would enable him to know the one who was truly intended for him. Sexual intercourse with spirits during meditation: Prof. Eduard Erkes (Leipzig) has this to say in "Die taoistische Meditation und ihre Bedeutung im chinesischen Geistesleben" ["Taoist Meditation and its Significance in Chinese Intellectual Life"] (Psyche, Stuttgart, 1949, Vol. 3): The original significance of meditation . . . consists in creating a state of mind in which direct intercourse with spirits is possible. It is sexual in kind. Thus, judging by its origins, meditation is an erotic affair (p. 372). The avoidance of intercourse with women had, to begin with, a quite different meaning, generally speaking. The heavenly sweetheart of the individual practicing meditation, the spirit who inspires him, is jealous, and if he makes love to earthly women she deserts and punishes him. This realization is the real reason behind priestly celibacy (p. 376, 377). .°.NDC.°.

More than monatomic gold in Alchemy

>are there recipes for anything other than ormus from the old alchemists that we should be using?Julia Yes indeed. I have at *least* 40 differntent alchemy recipes which all work as they are supposed to and will all be in the 2nd edition of my book "Magnum Opus - The Great Work" with photos of every step to every process and lab anaylsis of all chemicals produced. Each of these processes is a precious jewel, and some of them actually produce the stone without the aid of m-state, which I had a hard time believing until I did it myself. Not all of them are tincutures for the stone though. A lot them are other medinces the alchemists discovered over these last few millenia. Common ORMUS as we know it in today's world is actually just the calx of gold the alchemists used, as can be seen by the various authors who bonded base metals (calcium, sodium, potassium) to gold at the begging of their process. This was how they "calcined" the gold into whiteness, since gold oxide wouldn't stay a nice white oxide in open air, and calcination is the first step in most alchemy work. That's all they were trying to do is make the gold white. Little did they know what was actually happening to the gold atoms. But like I said, some processes don't even use m-state to produce the stone. But is this to say that the stone isn't m-state? The way I see it is that the life force can be obtained from many different places using the basic techniques. So the stone is this lifeforce, and it can be extracted from m-state, but m-state is merely a gateway to this life-force. For instance, the stone can be made from gold sulfide, or it can be made from White Powder Gold calx. The gold sulfide process couldn't possilby produce m-gold right? And why can't commercial gold sulfide be used? What is missing? What is it that nature puts in the gold sulfide that doesn't show up as 'atoms' under our electron microscopes? That's the question nobody will ever be able to answer. It was nice believing for a while that the stone's incredible properties were explainable by chemistry reactions and quantum physics. We tend to think the old alchemist didn't know what they were talking about just because they didn't have the chemistry knowledge we do. But even though we know about atoms and a lot about how they work, what we mostly do is just give everything a label and then we assume we understand it. This also sucks all the "magic" out of the world. We see it all as a machine now because we believe we know how it works and so for some reason that makes us think it's not magical in any way. We have labels for everything, and we have little interest in the word "magic" now. So when we read the old alchemist's explanation for how the stone works and what it's made of, we think "oh isn't that cute" like they are as ingnorant as little children. But what if they were right? What if there actuallyis a universal life force that extends through all of creation and it can be concentrated and ingested in the form a stone with the maximum amount of life-force compacted into the minumum amount of space. .°.NDC.°.

>What does the red lion do? also what does the green lion do? The Red Lion materializes thoughts. The Green Lion opens the 3rd eye so you can go on vision quests as clear as TV for hours on end. The White Lion makes your thoughts have the sense of touch, especially in dreams. The White Lion is taken at a does of 1/8 a teaspoon per day for 1 year. The Green Lion dosage is 1ml a day for 1 month. The Red Lion is 1 drop, then wait 7 days and take another if you can handle it. Then there is the Purple Lion, and others after that. The fully annealed and properly prepared Lions are first to be digested with the Oil (Mercury) of Wine Spirit until they become married and united with the oil. Then the volatile oil is fixed into a non-volatile stone, which can then be dissolved in alcohol of wine for ingestion. >What does the oil of green m-gold do? The oil obtained from acetone distilled off a salt of metal is actually a synthetic chemical. I recently found that in an online encyclopedia. Acetone actually reacts with a lot of things, even ammonia, which is used by some modern alchemists to make a false Philosophical Acetone. If only they took the time to read an encyclopedia. The proper ways to obtain the oil from the Lion would be fully anneal them first, then treat them with the Oil of Wine and distill it into a receiver flask. This will separate the oil from the earth and the sulfur, but this would actually be counter productive since you can just leave the Lion with the Oil in the flask and digest it into the completed stone. Oils of metals were invented by alchemists who did not know the way to the stone. Yes, the do have benefits, but why make just the oil when you have everything for the stone?


The Red Lion is radio-isotope 195 of gold, and it's monatomic. It isn't the Philosopher's Stone by itself, but is a part of the complete stone. The book needs to be updated again. It was updated twice while it on was on that little website. But now 2 major changes have been made: First -- Repeated evaporation of the gold chloride will never get it small enough to form the Lion colors correctly. They should be deep colored, and they get darker the longer you store the solution. After a year, they are so dark you can barely see the beam of a flashlight through the liquid. So you must use pH swings to get the gold chloride small enough, which is in the 2nd part of the book. But as you can see in Experiment 1, ordinary pH swings aren't good enough to get clear gold chloride. You must first use electrolysis on the gold. Conventional chemistry says that sodium doesn't bond to the gold cathode during electrolysis, but I believe something more is obviously happening than has been discovered and understood up to this point. Once you have clear gold chloride, don't evaporate the solution because it will recombine the gold and make larger clusters. Keep it as it is, then add the salt and seal the flask using a clip ( item# QC2002). Heat for 21 days, then add more salt, and heat for 21 more days. If it doesn't change to green, then you need to remove it from the heat and do more pH swings on it, and it will change to green now, whereas before it would remain clear no matter how many pH swings you did on it. Second -- You need to use the Spirit of Philosophical Wine (Oil of Wine) on the Red Lion to make it capable of transmutation and able to rejuvenate the old, and give everlasting youth and health. It's the Oil of Wine that is able to do this on it's own. But it has no psychic effects on the mind without the Red Lion, only physical effects on the body. The Red Lion; It's use is for the manifestation of thoughts, the Green Lion is for opening the 3rd eye so you can see visions as clear as TV for hours if you relax enough, and the White is for giving all 5 senses to your imagination (your dreams will be completely real and you will be able to feel what you see on TV). After ingesting the Green and White it will seem like your thoughts should easily manifest since they seem so solid and real. But there is gateway that must be opened to allow this to happen, and that's what the Red Lion does. Also you can go beyond the Red Lion to deep violet, and even beyond that. The dosage of the White Lion is 1/8 a teaspoon per day for an entire year. The dosage of the Green is 1 ml each day for a month, and the Red is a single drop once every week until you feel like you can't handle anymore. Remember that the dried and annealed Lions become liquid when they are digested with the Oil of Wine. How this oil is to be prepared, I may inform you later. I have another book with over 30 Alchemy processes which I am now performing and photographing, and each one is a jewel and treasure. But I don't explain which methods make the true stone, and which ones are only making a medicinal tincture. Attached is the most recent update to the book, and I may not add the information about the Oil of Wine since it should be kept secret.


Tartar and the Philosophical Wine

Let me now explain why your work with extracting m-state from this sediment is indeed on the correct path: It's very special that you decided to work with this sediment because it can be made into an Alkahest, just as the sediment from human urine can. This is what is revealed in the manuscript "ALKAHEST by EIRENÆUS PHILALETHES" and also a letter from Mr. Lentz sent to Sigismund Bacstrom which can't be found on the net because it reveals an extremely simple method of making the stone from morning urine (also links to morning dew which also produces much sediment during fermentation -- the Morning Star is Venus which is only visible right before sunrise in the morning. The word Rosicrucian even means ROS cross instead of ROSE cross. And Ros means Dew.). There is an oil produced during fermentation (of wine and of urine) which is to be united with the sediment that precipitates to the bottom as an earth. You can digest them together, then evaporate the moisture, and it will form a brittle red mass which has transmutation powers. The oil itself can be made into a stone without the sediment, so it appears to be very important. Yet the sediment can be made into the Alkahest on it's own. Getting this oil out of the wine can be tricky, and sometime requires distilling off the alcohol and water, but this also fails a lot and doesn't always work. The solution must be kept in the dark during fermentation for this oil to show itself, and sometimes it won't form unless you evaporate a lot of the excess water from the solution using a water bath with the beaker in it. Too much heat, or direct heat from a metal hot plate will cause the sediment to explode and splash the solution everywhere, and then an oil won't form either after that. Also from grapes, one can produce Philosophical Wine. The reason it's called wine is because it comes from fermented grapes just like wine, and it's flammable just like alcohol, but produces far better extracts on herbs than alcohol, and can even be used on metals to extract their soul, which is unlike any other solvent. As you just read in the preceding paragraph, the fermentation has a special effect and produces a wonderful oil which is ignored by everyone who ferments wine. You must not proceed further until you see that this oil has formed because it is what will make this solvent so special. Like many have guessed, this Philosophical Wine is actually a type of acetone produced solely from grapes with nothing added. The process is revealed in Riply's notes which reference an alchemy text not available anywhere today. The grape juice contains natural acetic acid. It's distilled off to separate it, and the residue in the retort forms a gum. The grapes (and the vine) the juice came from are calcined to white ashes. This is mostly potassium hydroxide and some mstate (especially in those days when the soil was still packed with it -- but even now David Hudson still says their is lots of m-state in good grapes). The calcined ashes and the gum residue (from the distillation of the juice) are combined and heated into one mass. This is digested with the clear solution you distilled from the purple grape juice.  This clear solution contains acetic acid among other wonderful things, and the potassium hydroxide interacts with it to form potassium acetate. Or another way is to dissolve the calcined ashes in the fermented grape juice first, then distill off the clear water, and the gum will form with potassium acetate in it. The solution is distilled again to separate the clear water and the colored gum will be left behind. This is repeated a few times to be sure all the potassium is converted properly to potassium acetate, and the whole solution is well digested and unified. Then all of the water is distilled off and when the gum is hard, it's time to change the receiver flask and lute (seal) it well with plaster so the whole distillation apparatus is airtight. Now acetone is produced from this red gum by destructive distillation. I won't give any further instruction on this because it's too dangerous for the inexperienced people to try. This Philosophical Wine smells wonderful, and no perfume can match it. Even my favorite scent of the Royal Jasmine Flower can't compare. It heals all affliction outward *and* inward. It's wonderful for the skin unlike normal acetone. And acetone is naturally produced by the body and found in urine along with ammonia so it's no wonder that taking a few drops of this Philosophical Wine doesn't poison you. But it is a wonder how it can heal. I'll post some photos later of this process. It's a wonderful thing because you can go to the grocery store and buy your "prime materia" as a bag of grapes and you don't need anything else. This path to is exactly the opposite as the one with

urine in regard to smell ;-) Urine also contains acetic acid by the way, and the Philosophical Acetone can be made from it with the addition of potassium chloride salt first. This is why urine saturated with potassium is was known as "the secret solvent". It wasn't a solvent yet, but after being used in the alchemy processes, the solvent would be created in the same way it's created from grapes. The picture book about the Red Lion at also shows grapes being picked by the hand of God. Yet the Red Lion discussed in Paracelsus' Treasure of Treasures doesn't require any Philosophical Wine for it's production. This is why it's wrong to assume there is only one Red Lion (and thus the reason I can't see why the Essene's potent red tincture from gold can't be called the Red Lion on this forum, especially considering what it can do)


Transmutation & the Oil Tincture >The main problem with this Art, is that being an Artist, >making this universal medicine, is impossible to learn. >I mean, all the documents I browsed are vague, not clear. Cryptic.

Yes indeed. That's why you should browse *my* documents. I have several times clearly explained how to make the Universal Medicine on this forum using simple processes, some of which I discovered myself. Like the fast way to make the Oil of Wine using gold chloride, instead of waiting 40 days for the wine to putrefy in Balneo Mary at 120°F, then redistilling the alcohol over and over until the oil forms on the surface. It only takes a few hours using gold chloride because it's a strong corrosive. >If transmutation is real, please someone, >do something that will stop the world from >being worshippers of Bullion, and make the >world hence become worshippers of Human life.

If the secret of how to make gold was revealed, then the other precious medals would become the new metals we base the foundation of this world economy on. >I thought, well, yes, these guys want to keep the secrets >to themselves. Probably have a reason like, it should not >be known to all, etc. And, of course, with this thought I >snapped again. What kind of crap is this?

The reasoning behind the secrecy is simple: The medicinal effects of the stone are merely side effects to perfecting the mind. What it does is give POWER. And if that power falls into the wrong hands, WE ALL will be living in the End of Days. There is an Illuminati of people who have Megalomania, which means they believe themselves to be more important than anyone else, and they are obsessed with everything "big" they can do to affect this world. They want control over the nations, so they work to position leaders in each country, yet they are so blinded by their obsession, they forget that even if they do control the Kings of the Nations, that will only give them the political world. The real world made of PEOPLE is the one they will never have control over, unless they obtain some supernatural power over us -- hence the Stone. Sounds insane I know, and that's because IT IS! I also wished dearly this Stone was meant for the masses, but even with ORMUS we have seen that isn't the case. Don Nance has cured people of cancer with his ORMUS, yet that same precipitate can cause make you a little nuts if you aren't prepared for it. It's simply not meant to be a medicine and cure for all disease *for everyone*. DMT can also cure every disease when an Amazon rainforest shaman doctor uses it to heal his tribes members, which has been demonstrated and video taped, and anyone who wants to can go there themeselves to see these mystic doctors. But give DMT to everyone and hope they all will be cured and not go nuts? I don't think so! But since this tiny little forum can hardly be thought of as an outlet to the entire world, I will without worry repeat here yet again some main points that are most important: - Every true recipe for the Stone will include a comment about dissolving the end product in the Spirit of Wine, or using the Sprit during the process to make the red stone. In some rare instances, this is meant to be alcohol distilled from wine. But 99% of the time, it means this Oil of Wine which swims on the surface of the water & alcohol (which I will provide photos of shortly). - There is also another Oil of Wine which is produced by digestion of alcohol with calcium oxide and potassium carbonate and hydroxide, all combined together. This oil is found after burning away all the alcohol. It is incombustible, and is sometimes called the "Alkahest" because of the

alkaline salts used to make it. It's a medicine in it's own right, but not the Universal Medicine which rejuvenates and restores youth like the other Oil of Wine. - Both the Oil made from wine by the gold chloride and the Oil made from putrefied urine have the same qualities, and must surely contain the same energy, since they both transmute twice their weight of metal to gold (which is all the proof you need to confirm this is the TRUE stone). Then when in a solidified stone form, the ratio is 10 times base metal weight to stone. And yet we can surely say that there is no way the 2 oils are the same chemical, but both are produced by the destruction of living material. It would also be no surprise if the intense mental effects of ingesting this oil is do to a mold or fungus that forms during the fermentation process. Yet it's doubtful any form of life would survive the process. Gold chloride is an extremely destructive compound. When you touch it with your fingers, initially there seems to be no effect. But the gold chloride has killed the skin cells, and within an hour, you will see purple and black stains on your hands because the cells are decaying. This is exactly what it does to the wine and all the "life" material in it. Using chlorides of other metals will not produce the same effect, and no oil will form. Using too little gold chloride also will result in failure. - This oil can also be obtained from blood and even flesh. It's also in sweat, and if you collect enough sweat, you can pound it with gold leaf, then leave it to sit in the sun for a month, and it will go through the color changes and make the long sought goal of our Art. It's very easy to collect sweat if you simple go up into a hot attic during the summer. And using a calx of gold instead will prevent you from having to pound the gold with the sweat. - These oils are used on potash and other alkaline salts to make them become so volatile they distill with the oil. All of that is explained in the book "Secrets of the Adepts" in this forum's file section. The more salt you fit into this oil, the stronger it's multiplication will be. - The oil swims on water, and can therefor be easily cleaned by mixing with new batches of water. A separatory funnel is the perfect tool for separating the oil and water. - This oil does not dissolve gold metal as is, but will extract a deep ruby red tincture from it if you first calcine the gold. - The oil is sympathetic with whatever metal or plant material you put in it. It takes on the characteristic or energy of that material, and therefor becomes specified as a new particular medicine. Thus thousands of medicines can be created by simply placing the metal calx, or herb in the oil, then distilling it off to purify it again and leave all traces of the metal or plant behind. But also this means you must take care too keep it pure. Even letting it touch your lips by drinking directly from the bottle is a sure way to introduce impurities that will spoil it. - And finally, a stern warning: this oil CAN KILL YOU in large doses, or if you multiply it's power too far. I've already killed a lab mouse by doubling his dosage. Use the up most caution, and have the up most respect for it. Carry it on your person in a little bottle and negative people will feel the need to stay away from you. After you know it's usage and dosage, feel free to cure whomever you wish with it. But keep it's manufacture process secret, lest you tempt the Angels who guard it. I don't know who they are, or what species they are, or what they're plans are, but they WILL defend the secret and do whatever must be done to you in order to prevent the release of this secret. And why I'm aloud to reveal so much here in this forum is a mystery even to me. I guess it's because posts on Internet forums have a special way of not getting read by certain people, and ignored by almost everyone. Even something as simple to make as this won't be attempted by many people here. I'll even post some photos and videos of it's production, and send a sample to Barry so he can confirm my words are true by performing a transmutation himself. And yet still, I will remain somehow out of harms way, and nobody will be coming to stop me. They just leave me

alone and trust that I walk the thin line with enough caution. Already I've shared it with a few people in different countries, and I thought surely that was going too far. I think it has a lot to do with coincidences, and how I stay in sync with them so well -thats how I stumbled upon this secret...there were a few lucky clues on the net, and few lucky encounters with other alchemists, and a few lucky experiments inspired by some subconscious understanding of what needed to be done. For some reason I always digested my precipitates in wine after I was done making them, and I never understood my obsession with wine. But my subconscious knew why. And several times during experiments I noticed the formation of that oil swimming on the surface, and I admired the way it reflected on the surface, and it would make me feel like I was remembering something important, but I couldn't quite see what. Nostrodomus, by the way, used *oil* in a brass bowl of water with 2 candles on each side to see his *visions* of the future. It was his "mirror which reflects all pictures of the world". And I guess that same 'luck' is what keeps this information about this gift moving into the right hands. So now I roll the dice again, and submit this post to the forum, and pray it falls into it's right place. Peice be with you my Brothers. (And maybe someday our Sisters will join us in this Alchemy work; I don't know what supernatural force is keeping them from succeeding)


In response to the question about ormus increasing seritonin production: First lets start with Laurence Gardner's book "Genesis of the Grail Kings". Here are a lot of important extracts that relate to pineal and pitiutary secretions, and our beloved monatomic gold: "The

brain's pineal gland was associated with the Tree of Life, for this tiny gland was said to secrete the "nectar of supreme excellence' - the very substance of active longevity, called soma, or ambrosia by the ancient Greeks." "Endocrinal supplements are used by today's organo-therapy establishment, but their inherent secretions (such as melatonin and serotonin) are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which exist only in live human glandular manufacture." "Just

as 'secret' has its origin in a previous English translation of an ancient word, so do other related words have their similar bases. As already cited(Chapter 7), the word amen was used in Egypt to signify something hidden or concealed. The word occult meant much the same: 'hidden from view' — and yet today we use 'amen' to conclude hymns and prayers, while something 'occult' is erroneously deemed sinister. In real terms, they both relate to the word 'secret', and all three words were, at one time or another, connected with the mystic science of endocrinal secretions.." "High melatonin production heightens energy, stamina and physical tolerance levels, and it is directly related to sleep patterns, keeping the body temperately regulated with properties that operate through the cardiovascular system. It is the body's most potent and effective antioxidant, and it has positive mental and physical anti-ageing properties." "The Cainite kings of Mesopotamia —the first Pendragons of the Messianic bloodline — while already being of high Anunnaki substance, were, therefore, fed with extracts from Anunnaki Star Fire to increase their perception, awareness and intuition, so that they became masters of knowingness, almost like gods themselves. At the same time, their stamina levels and immune systems were dramatically strengthened so that the anti-ageing properties of the regularly ingested Anunnaki melatonin and serotonin facilitated extraordinary lifespans. All records of the era confirm that this was the case — and in this regard there is no reason to be over-sceptical about the great ages of the patriarchs given in the book of Genesis." "Through the regular use of Anunnaki Star Fire, the kingly recipients had been moved into realms of heightened awareness and consciousness because of the inherent melatonin and serotonin. This was the realm of advanced enlightenment (the dimension of the orbit of light) which was called the Plane of Sharon (a style later corrupted and misapplied to the coastal Plain of Sharon in Israel), and the Star Fire gold was deemed to be the primary route to the Light. The mundane person (lead) could thus be elevated to a heightened state of awareness (gold) — and this was one of the roots of alchemical lore by which base metal was said to transmute into gold."

"As identified in the Egyptian Book of the Dead—the oldest complete book in the world—the pharaohs had been taking the white manna of gold from the third millennium BC. This was the truly mystical, alchemical manna that was placed in the Ark of the Covenant by Aaron (Exodus 16:33-34), and in the New Testament book of Revelation (2:17) it is said, 'To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.'" "As far back as 2180 BC, the pharaohs were using the schefa-food to enhance their pineal activity and thereby heighten their perception, awareness and intuition—but only the metallurgical adepts of the mystery schools (the Master Craftsmen) knew the secret of its manufacture. These adepts were operational priests, and the High Priest of Memphis held the title of Great Artificer.16 As formerly related, the overall process of rejuvenation was conducted through a programme of thirty-three degrees and, to facilitate the process, the hermetic philosophers taught initiates how to prepare a miraculous 'powder of projection'" "The key to the Parzival allegory lies in the description of the Phoenix 'burned to ashes' —but from those very ashes comes the great enlightenment. So, what exactly is the Phoenix? One might answer that it is a mythical bird (the bennu-bird) which burned to a powder in the Temple at Heliopolis and was resurrected in a blaze of light. Heliopolis was a centre of the Essene therapeutics and the Great White Brotherhood of Master Craftsmen. But phoenix is actually the ancient Greco-Phoenician word for 'crimson' or 'red-gold'. The Greek historian Herodotus (c.450 BC) claimed that the Phoenix represented the red and gold of the setting and rising sun. The Phoenix is in fact the utmost symbol of the ritu, the red-gold which burns to a powder: the shern-an-na of the 'highward fire-stone'.(ORMUS)"

"So, given the facilities of today's scientific advancement and our knowledge of atoms and nuclei, is it possible (as it was in the distant past) to convert gold into a sweet-tasting, ingestible white powder? Is it possible for that powder to outweigh its optimum weight of gold? Is it also possible for that same powder to underweigh itself and to weigh less than nothing? Under such circumstances, is it possible that the powder can disappear from sight into another dimension of space-time and then be returned to its original state? The answers to each of these questions is 'yes' — for this is the post-Star Fire mystery of the Phoenix, and it is the key to the Messianic bloodline enhancement through the fire-stone. As to why the fire-stone was called 'highward' by the ancient Mesopotamians, we shall now discover as we enter the realm of highspin metallurgy. (Then he goes on to discuss David Hudson)"

"In simplistic terms, the white powder is created by striking the metal sample, under strictly controlled conditions for a precalculated time, with a designated high-heat — *perhaps* from a DC arc: a single directional current from two electrodes."

An experiment conducted in the USA in the late 1970s made apparent the effect of the mystical white light in open-air conditions, without the controls of vacuums and inert gasses necessary for contained results. In this test the substance completely disappeared in an enormous blaze of light equivalent to some 50,000 flash-bulbs. It was, in effect, an explosion, but there was absolutely no blast, and an unsupported pencil (that was stood on end within the explosion) was left standing upright afterwards." (According to Chaz from Priestess Alchemy, this is a lie, and it was zinc that eploded....but I've seen plenty of tall tales come from Chaz - he claims to teleport fish, see through walls, and lots of other wild tales)


"It is also known that gold and the platinum metals, in their monatomic highspin state, can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels. The highward sheman-na is capable of defying gravitational attraction, and it would appear that it perhaps activates the body's so-called 'junk DNA', along with the generally unused parts of the brain"

"We have now stepped beyond the bounds of the Bible to witness the alchemical and scientific process which facilitated the genesis of the Grail Kings. This dynastic line from Cain (through the kings of Sumer and the pharaohs of Egypt) to King David and onward to Jesus was purpose-bred to be the earthly purveyors of the Light. They were the true sons of the gods, who were fed first on Anunnaki Star Fire from about 3800 BC, and afterwards on high-spin metal supplements. In short, they were bred to be leaders of humankind, and they were both mentally and physically maintained in the highward state."

"The content of the prized Book of Thoth describes how, through the process of the mysteries, certain areas of the brain can be stimulated to extend human consciousness beyond any imagining."

So as you have read above, Laurence Gardner has apparently come to the conclusion that ORMUS does indeed increases seritonin and melatonin production, and the effects of this are reach much further than simply 'feeling good' like a drug.

The only other source of information that seems to support this claim is and they won't say how they obtained such information or ideas.

From my own website come the following extract: " Alchemy is the science of perfecting the mind, and fine tuning it like a precision instrument. There are many ways to do this, and the chemistry part of the work should only be seen as the medicine that helps acheive this goal. But you should aslo do everything you can to develop your mental abilities, especially the ones related to visualization and the ability to feel things deeply. Alchemy has helped me to fall back in love with life again. It has shown me the glory of God in all creation, aswell as helping me actually comunicate with God. I can now see the importance of existence and reason for all of this. This "sight" is the most precious gift alchemy has to offer. It will completely change you, in every way. You will become so insightful and creative, that it will blow your mind. You will see visions that can not be described, and you will hear sounds and music that shapes and alters your mind into absolute perfection. Alchemy will make you appreciate the material world, instead of detach from it. The material world is a gift from God, and the pleasure of it all should be enjoyed to fullest. Don't confuse your love for the material world as being 'materialistic' - it isn't at all the same thing. The superconducting white and red stones cause your pineal and pituitary glands to make more seritonin and melatonin. This will cause your senses to become amplified and you will be able to experience the world like you did when you were a little kid. You will feel alive and invigorated. This will make you appreciate life much much much more. The drug MDMA (ecstacy) works by causeing a massive amount of seritonin to be released into the brain. And since the superconductors do the same thing (but not so extreme) you will feel very good. Truly, alchemy is "reality gone Super-Nova"!"

From what I have experienced, I can assume that most of the changes in my brain have come from the ORMUS I've taken [a lot of Don Nance's White Dove at and some of my own White, Green, Blue, and Pink gold]

For example, now that I can go on a vision quest for hours like it's 3D TV, I assume this was because of the Green Lion gold I ingested because I only obtained that ability after ingesting a very small amount of the Green gold. But maybe I just finnaly got the hang of it? Or maybe it happend during one of my lucid dreams when I asked for assistance from my Higher Mind. It's hard to say what the cause was for sure.

But other things are easier to see how they must have come from the ingestion of ORMUS - like the fact I have all five senses in my dreams, and I have continues REM sleep, neither of which can be obtained without drugs with a 'normal' human brain. And certainly, neuroscientists would be quite perplexed about this, and eager to have me come in for researching my brain function.

It's actually a very big deal to have REM sleep constantly and instantly after falling alseep. As we age, we have REM sleep much less. Even when we are infants we don't have continues REM sleep, but almost. So could this be a hint of evidence that ORMUS does change the body and brain in ways related to aging?

So, maybe all that will help your question - or maybe it will just lead to many more.


>>By bastardizing Hudson's terms, "ormes" and "ormus" you have essentially pulled a bait & switch on all of your followers and convinced most of them that the placebo effects they are having now are just as good as any of the benefits that Hudson talked about. feeling that there is a whole lot more than what Hudson talks about. There are 2 stones -- One from the death and fermentation of living matter, and the other from metals. The first one can be used as a solvent to make the 2nd one easily. And we could go on forever philosophizing about how the first one must be the Spirit of Matter, and the one from metals must be the Body since it's m-state that's required and found in all life on this planet. The spirit must reside in it, and therefor these 2 stones are perfect for each other. But what is actually happening physically with these 2 substances is something that will forever remain a mystery to modern science. Only psychic ability is a tool fine enough to see how this material works and does what it does. From a Rosicrucian perspective, the m-state is the material our Astral Bodies are made of, and the life force found inside the m-state is the Soul. If you leave your body, then leave your astral body, you will then be in the Celestial Kingdom. As crazy as it sounds, in the oil we find that Soul, and the m-state is the vehicle of physical matter which acts as a gateway between the 2 worlds by canceling itself out of this universe via superconduction, yet still existing here, yet technically not existing here. >I'd like to know, is anybody here fluent and practised in Alchemy? How fluent and practiced is enough to meet your criteria? How amazing of an Alchemist must a person be to fulfill your preconceptions of what an Alchemist is capable of? I can materialize a solid blood and bone body for a spirit, is that amazing enough? I have made the stone and will send you a sample if you so desire to take the risk, is that enough? Let me say this, and don't judge me and think I'm just rambling on about myself: There is no way anyone else could have been as lucky as I was just by pure chance when it comes to how I became an Adept. I have what I have purely because of impossible coincidences so numerous it must be divine intervention. Maybe not from God himself, but from someone, perhaps even my own subconscious. I prayed to find my way down the path by doing it during lucid dreams when it's easy to contact the subconscious or Higher Mind. When I've felt like I was in the presence of God because of the immense electrical energy screaming through my brain, I would think to myself "No it can't be, this must be just DMT since it's produced during astral projection and lucid dreams and NDEs". And then there would be a mighty thundering all the way deep down into my soul, and I learned to respect and not doubt my Savior, whomever or whatever he may be. Alchemy is real. The Stone is real. And yes, you will have your proof soon enough.


The Formula o Putrefy wine in Balneo Mary for a Philosophical Month. o Distill off the alcohol then put it back in with the wine and distill again. Repeat until you see an oil floating on the wine. This oil alone transmutes twice it's weight of base metal to gold. o Digest and distill the oil with potash repeatedly until all of the potash becomes volatile and distills over with the oil (also try ammonia chloride) o Digest this multiplied oil with a calx of gold, and it will extract a deep red essence o Distill the oil and it will carry the red essence of gold over into the receiver flask and a dead white body of gold will be left behind o Repeat this operation on new gold to multiply the power of the stone .°.NDC.°.