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Gramàtica essencial Trobareu explicacions gramaticals més detallades al Grammar Workshop, Student’s Book, pàgines 86–101

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Gramàtica essencial Trobareu explicacions gramaticals més detallades al Grammar Workshop, Student’s Book, pàgines 86–101.

Temps verbals TEMPS o FORMA ESTRUCTURA Afirmativa

USOS Negativa


Present simple

I/You/We/They work. I/You/We/They do not (don’t) Do I/you/we/they work? work. He/She/It works.

Present continuous

I am (’m) working. He/She/It is (’s) working. You/We/They are (’re) working. I/You/We/They have (’ve) worked.

• dades i estats • hàbits i accions que es repeteixen He/She/It does not (doesn’t) Does he/she/it work? • verbs d’estat work. Am I working? I am (’m) not working. • accions que passen en aquest He/She/It is (’s) not working. Is he/she/it working? moment • situacions temporals Are you/we/they You/We/They are (’re) not • amb valor de futur, per a plans i working? working. activitats organitzades I/You/We/They have not (haven’t) worked.

Have I/you/we/they worked?

He/She/It has (’s) worked. I/You/We/They have (’ve) been working.

He/She/It has not (hasn’t) worked. I/You/We/They have not (haven’t) been working.

Has he/she/it worked? Have I/you/we/they been working?

He/She/It has (’s) been working.

He/She/It has not (hasn’t) been working.

Past simple

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They worked.

I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not (didn’t) work.

Past continuous

I/He/She/It was working.

I/He/She/It was not (wasn’t) working.

You/We/They were working. I/You/He/She/It/ We/They had (’d) worked. I/You/He/She/It/We/ They used to work. I/You/He/She/It/We/ They would (’d) work. I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will (’ll) work.

You/We/They were not (weren’t) working. I/You/He/She/It/We/They had not (hadn’t) worked.

Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous

Past perfect simple used to would per a hàbits del passat will

be going to

I am (’m) going to work. He/She/It is (’s) going to work.

Future continuous Future perfect simple

You/We/They are (’re) going to work. I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will (’ll) be working. I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will (’ll) have worked.

• situacions actuals que van començar en el passat • experiències passades, sense especificar quan es van produir

• accions repetides que afecten el present • una acció repetida recent que Has he/she/it been influeix en el present working? • l’explicació d’una acció o un fet del passat Did I/you/he/she/it/we/ • accions acabades o fets del passat they work? • fets que es van repetir en el passat • estats del passat Was I/he/she/it • accions que es donaven en un moment determinat del passat working? • accions passades interrompudes Were you/we/they por uns altres fets del passat working? Had I/you/he/she/it/ • estats o accions anteriors a uns altres fets del passat we/they worked?

I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not (didn’t) use to work. I/You/He/She/It/We/They would not (wouldn’t) work. I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not (won’t) work.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/ they use to work? Would I/you/he/she/it/ we/they work?

You/We/They are (’re) not going to work. I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not (won’t) be working.

Are you/we/they going to work? Will I/you/he/she/it/ • accions futures que es donaran al we/they be working? llarg d’un període de temps • accions de futur ja planificades Will I/you/he/she/ • esdeveniments o accions que s’hauran acabat en un moment it/we/they have concret worked?

• hàbits o situacions del passat que ja no són certs en l’actualitat • hàbits o situacions del passat que ja no són certs en l’actualitat

Will I/you/he/she/it/ we/they work?

• prediccions o opinions sobre el futur • decisions espontànies Am I going to work? • prediccions basades en evidències I am (’m) not going to work. • plans i intencions Is he/she/it going to He/She/It is (’s) not going to work? work.

I/You/He/She/It/We/They will not (won’t) have worked.

Gramàtica essencial 115

Oracions interrogatives Les preguntes amb formes verbals ‘contínues’ inclouen la forma en -ing del verb principal.

What were you doing yesterday?

En preguntes amb formes verbals ‘simples’, s’utilitza l’infinitiu del verb principal.

• tell + objecte indirecte (+ that) + estil indirecte.

The policeman told me (that) they had arrested the burglar. Per a ordres o instruccions indirectes, no s’utilitza say, sinó tell + objecte (+ not) + to + infinitiu.

‘Be quiet!’

The teacher told us to be quiet.

What did you do yesterday?

Preguntes indirectes 

Oracions interrogatives de subjecte i d’objecte

En la forma interrogativa de l’estil indirecte, l’ordre és diferent del de les preguntes directes. També canvia el temps verbal, com a la forma afirmativa de l’estil indirecte. Verb + subjecte (pregunta directa).

En una pregunta de subjecte, la partícula interrogativa fa referència al subjecte de la frase. L’ordre de la frase no s’inverteix, i no s’hi utilitza un verb auxiliar.

Who likes Annie? Auggie likes Annie.

‘How tall are you?’ he asked.

En una pregunta d’objecte, la partícula interrogativa fa referència a l’objecte de la frase. S’inverteix l’ordre de la frase, i s’hi inclou un verb auxiliar.

He asked me how tall I was.

Who does Annie like? Annie likes Auggie.

Estil indirecte: temps verbals ESTIL DIRECTE


Present simple He said, ‘I watch TV.’ Present continuous He said, ‘I am watching TV.’ Present perfect simple He said, ‘I have watched TV.’ Past simple He said, ‘I watched TV.’ will He said, ‘I will watch TV.’ can He said, ‘I can watch TV.’ must He said, ‘I must watch TV.’

Past simple He said he watched TV. Past continuous He said he was watching TV. Past perfect simple He said he had watched TV. Past perfect He said he had watched TV. would He said he would watch TV. could He said he could watch TV. have to He said he had to watch TV.

Estil indirecte: verbs introductoris VERB


declare suggest explain insist say recommend invite order tell agree offer promise apologize (for) suggest

verb + proposició encapçalada per that

He declared that he loved her. verb + objecte + to + infinitiu

He told her to sit down. verb + to + infinitiu

She offered to pay for coffee. verb + forma en -ing

She apologized for being late.

say i tell Els verbs say i tell, que introdueixen l’estil indirecte, tenen el mateix significat, però es fan servir d’una manera diferent. • say (+ that) + estil indirecte.

The policeman said (that) they had arrested the burglar. 116 Gramàtica essencial 

Subjecte + verb (pregunta indirecta).

Proposicions de relatiu PRONOM RELATIU which / that who / that whose ADVERBI RELATIU when where

USOS referència a objectes referència a persones expressió de possessió USOS referència temporal referència espacial

PROPOSICIÓ DE FORMA RELATIU Proposició She’s the girl especificativa who helped me. Proposició The girl, who explicativa was very clever, helped me.

USOS informació essencial sobre el substantiu del qual va darrere informació addicional, no essencial, sobre el substantiu del qual va darrere

Omissió del pronoun relatiu  El pronom relatiu es pot ometre si no constitueix el subjecte de la proposició de relatiu especificativa.

That’s the DVD (that / which) Soledad bought. He’s the man (that / who) I was telling you about.

Sovint s’ometen els relatius who, which i that en la llengua parlada. Whose no es pot ometre mai.

La voz pasiva TEMPS VERBAL



Present simple Present continuous Present perfect Past simple Past continuous Past perfect will be going to

open is opening has opened opened was opening had opened will open is going to open

is opened is being opened has been opened was opened was being opened had been opened will be opened is going to be opened

Veu activa

veu passiva

Quan es passa una frase de la veu activa a la veu passiva, l’objecte es converteix en subjecte de la nova oració. Activa: The driver subjecte

subjecte Passiva: The door


the door.




(by + agent)

was opened (by the driver).

Ús de la veu passiva La veu passiva emfatitza l’acció ( = el verb) per damunt de qui la fa (= l’agent).

El causatiu El causatiu s’utilitza per descriure accions que algú o alguna cosa porta a terme per nosaltres.

He had his shoes cleaned. (= Ell no es va netejar les


El causatiu es construeix amb have / get + objecte + participi passat. Have i get poden aparèixer en qualsevol temps verbal, però get se sol fer servir en frases menys formals. Igual que en la veu passiva, by + agent es pot ometre si no s’especifica qui o què fa l’acció.

Oracions condicionals FORMA


De primer grau if / unless + present simple, will + infinitiu O will + infinitiu if / unless + present simple De segon grau if + past simple, would + infinitiu O would + infinitiu if + past simple De tercer grau if + past perfect, would have + participi passat O would have + participi passat if + past perfect

fets possibles o probables en el futur

situacions hipotètiques ara o en el futur

fets hipotètics del passat

Verbs modals VERB MODAL (o estructura relacionada) can / can’t could / couldn’t be able to / not be able to must may / may not (NO PAS mayn’t) could / couldn’t might / mightn’t can’t have to / don’t have to need to / needn’t must (NO PAS mustn’t) should / shouldn’t ought to / oughtn’t to mustn’t

USOS • descriure capacitat

• expressar certesa • expressar possibilitat

• expressar impossibilitat • expressar obligació

• aconsellar • fer recomanacions • expressar prohibició

VERB MODAL COMPOST must have + participi passat can’t have + participi passat

USOS expressar certesa en el passat expressar impossibilitat en el passat may / might have + participi expressar possibilitat en el passat passat could have + participi passat suggerir una acció passada alternativa should have + participi passat criticar una acció passada

Infinitiu i forma en -ing VERB admit avoid can’t stand can’t imagine consider don’t mind enjoy

finish imagine mention miss practise report suggest

USOS només amb la forma en -ing

afford agree arrange ask attempt choose decide expect

hope learn manage pretend promise seem want

només amb to + infinitiu

begin like hate

love prefer start

amb l’infinitiu o amb la forma en -ing

La forma en -ing amb funció de substantiu  La forma en -ing pot fer la funció de substantiu, sovint com a subjecte de la frase.

Living in a capital city can be very expensive.

Gramàtica essencial 117

Introducció als phrasal verbs (verbs amb partícula) Phrasal verbs de significat literal i / o idiomàtic Els phrasal verbs estan formats per un verb i una partícula; aquesta última pot ser una preposició o un adverbi: per exemple, in, out, on, off, for, over. Alguns phrasal verbs tenen un significat literal que es pot deduir a partir del verb i la partícula, ja que tant l’un com l’altra conserven el significat.

The teacher told the students to sit down.

Uns altres phrasal verbs tenen un significat idiomàtic. En aquest cas, el verb i la partícula no n’aclareixen el significat. Cal aprendre’s aquestes estructures com si fossin paraules noves. He’s looking for a job. (= intentant trobar) Hi ha phrasal verbs que tenen un significat literal i també un d’idiomàtic.

Look up there! Is that an aeroplane? I looked up her number in the telephone directory.

1 Are the bold phrasal verbs literal or idiomatic? 1 2 3 4 5 6

In my presentation I’ll touch on several causes of global warming. Pull over to the roadside, I can see a police car coming. Oh no, I’ve run over next door’s cat! We’re going to stamp out racial inequality one day. Where shall we put up the Christmas lights this year? Searching for a new job swallows up so much time in the evening.

Phrasal verbs amb up i down Algunes partícules ajuden a deduir el significat d’un phrasal verb. Els que inclouen up i down solen indicar un procés, o bé alguna cosa que va augmentant o disminuint. It will warm up. (= La temperatura augmentarà.) It will cool down. (= La temperatura descendirà.) La partícula up també pot transmetre la idea d’acabar alguna cosa. Eat up! (= Menja-t’ho tot!) You’ve used up the milk! (= T’has acabat la llet!) The rain has cleared up. (= Ha parat de ploure del tot.)

2 Complete the sentences with up or down. the new 1 We’re not going to put calendar until New Year’s Day! 2 You should wrap warm – it’s going to be cold today. 3 I can’t believe the company tried to cover the theft. 4 I had to turn the job offer – I don’t want to move to Portugal. 5 American food is really fashionable at the moment; new restaurants are springing everywhere! 6 I think Emily needs cheering – we should take her dancing this weekend.

Phrasal verbs amb més d’un significat Molts phrasal verbs tenen més d’un significat. De vegades, també en varia l’estructura.

Please turn the radio / heating down.

(abaixar el volum, la temperatura) (transitiu / separable)

The band turned down the chance to play at Glastonbury festival. (= no acceptar) (intransitiu) Quan consultis un phrasal verb en el diccionari, comprova quina estructura gramatical té, a més del significat. Així el faràs servir correctament.

122 Introducció als phrasal verbs  

3 How many meanings can you find for these phrasal verbs? Use a dictionary to help you. A put up B set up C come across

4 Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs from exercise 3. 1 This shop has lots of great dresses, I’m sure you’ll something you like. 2 I need to a sign to warn people the road is flooded. 3 Hurry up, I want to get to the party early to help the music system!

Phrasal verbs separables i no separables Els phrasal verbs es classifiquen en tres categories: separables, no separables i intransitius.

1 Separables Aquests phrasal verbs són transitius, és a dir, tenen un objecte. Si l’objecte és un substantiu, tant pot anar davant com darrere de la partícula. We’ll pick the guests up. O BÉ We’ll pick up the guests. Si l’objecte és un pronom, ha d’anar abans de la partícula. We’ll pick them up. NO PAS We’ll pick up them.

2 No separables Aquests phrasal verbs són transitius; però quan l’objecte és un substantiu, ha d’anar darrere de la partícula. He’s looking for a job. NO PAS He’s looking a job for. Si l’objecte és un pronom, ha d’anar darrere de la partícula. He’s looking for it. NO PAS He’s looking it for. Els phrasal verbs de tres elements (dues partícules) no es poden separar. I get on with my sister. NO PAS I get my sister on with.

3 Intransitius Aquests phrasal verbs no es fan servir amb un objecte, i el verb i la partícula no es poden separar. We’re going away. Quan t’aprenguis un nou phrasal verb, a més del significat, sempre t’has d’apuntar a quin grup pertany. Un bon diccionari d’indicarà si és separable o no separable. Molts diccionaris indiquen que un phrasal verb és separable afegint sb / sth (somebody / something) entre el verb i la partícula.

pick sb / sth up

Solen indicar els phrasal verbs no separables afegint sb / sth al final.

look for sth

5 Decide whether the following phrasal verbs are separable, inseparable or intransitive. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 2 3 4 5 6

ask out catch on listen out stay in move out stand up to

6 Rewrite the bold words in the correct order to form sentences. 1 2 3

My me / teacher / off / told My . I’m going to / bread / cut / out / of / my diet I’m going . I hope have / some friends / round / to / for dinner I hope . 4 We stamp / protesting about deforestation / should / climate change / by / out We . 5 Do he / think / up tonight / turn / you / will / ? I hope so! Do I hope so!

En els phrasal verbs intransitius no s’hi afegeix sb / sth. go away

Els phrasal verbs en la llengua actual Tots els phrasal verbs són força informals, i per tant no es fan servir en el registre formal escrit. N’hi ha de molt col·loquials. Stop worrying and chill out! (= relaxa’t) (intransitiu) Constantment sorgeixen nous phrasal verbs, sovint per reflectir noves tendències o canvis tecnològics. Quan aquest llibre s’haurà publicat, la llista haurà augmentat considerablement!

7 Match the bold phrasal verbs 1–4 with the definitions A–D. 1 This designer bag I bought online is a fake, I was completely ripped off! 2 My parents would freak out if they knew I was at the party. 3 My phone’s been acting up all week. I need a new one! 4 We should go and check out the new ice cream cafe at the cinema. A B C D

Not working properly Go somewhere to see what it’s like Get upset and angry about something Cheat somebody by making them pay too much for something Introducció als phrasal verbs 123

Phrasal verbs (verbs amb partícula) PHRASAL VERB



ask out

/ˌɑːsk ˈaʊt/

demanar una cita a algú

break into

/ˌbreɪk ˈɪntə/

entrar en un lloc per la força

break up with

/ˌbreɪk ˈʌp wɪð/

tallar amb algú

bring in

/ˌbrɪŋ ˈɪn/

introduir una nova llei, etc.

bump into

/ˌbʌmp ˈɪntə/

trobar-se amb algú per casualitat

call round

/ˌkɔːl ˈraʊnd/

visitar algú a casa seva

carry out

/ˌkæri ˈaʊt/

dur a terme una tasca, un estudi, etc.

catch on

/ˌkætʃ ˈɒn/

fer-se popular o posar-se de moda

cheer up

/ˌtʃɪə(r) ˈʌp/

animar-se, animar algú

come across

/ˈkʌm əkrɒs/

trobar alguna cosa per casualitat

come along / go along

/ˌkʌm əˈlɒŋ/ /ˌɡəʊ əˈlɒŋ/

acompanyar algú

come round / over

/ˌkʌm ˈraʊnd/ /ˈəʊvə(r)/

visitar algú en un lloc

come together (as a group)

/ˌkʌm təˈɡeðə(r)/

ajuntar-se amb altres persones per crear un grup unit

come up against

/ˌkʌm ˈʌp əɡeɪnst/

enfrontar-se a algú o a alguna cosa

cover up

/ˌkʌvər ˈʌp/

encobrir errors o accions il·legals d’altres persones

cut out

/ˌkʌt ˈaʊt/

deixar de menjar, d’utilitzar o de fer alguna cosa

dress up

/ˌdres ˈʌp/

mudar-se, posar-se roba elegant o especial

drop off

/ˌdrɒp ˈɒf/

deixar algú en algun lloc

eat out

/ˌiːt ˈaʊt/

menjar fora (en un restaurant, en una cafeteria, etc.)

end up

/ˌend ˈʌp/

trobar-se en un lloc, una situació, etc.

face up to

/ˌfeɪs ˈʌp tə/

acceptar alguna cosa que és difícil i fer-hi front

feel like

/ˈfiːl ˌlaɪk/

venir de gust prendre o fer alguna cosa

find out

/ˌfaɪnd ˈaʊt/

descobrir, obtenir informació preguntant, llegint, etc.

get ahead

/ˌɡet əˈhed/

avançar, progressar més que altres persones

get by

/ˌɡet ˈbaɪ/

tirar endavant (només amb els recursos que tenim)

get on

/ˌɡet ˈɒn/

pujar a un autobús, tren, etc.

get through

/ˌɡet ˈθruː/

aconseguir fer o acabar alguna cosa

give back

/ˌɡɪv ˈbæk/

tornar alguna cosa al seu amo o mestressa

give up

/ˌɡɪv ˈʌp/

cedir, oferir una cosa nostra a una altra persona

go ahead

/ˌɡəʊ əˈhed/

seguir, avançar en alguna cosa

go back

/ˌɡəʊ ˈbæk/

tornar a un lloc

go off

/ˌɡəʊ ˈɒf/

passar-se (el menjar)

go on

/ˌɡəʊ ˈɒn/

continuar fent alguna cosa

go out

/ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt/

sortir de casa

go out with

/ˌɡəʊ ˈaʊt wɪð/

sortir amb algú com a parella

go through

/ˌɡəʊ ˈθruː/

experimentar alguna cosa

go with

/ˈɡəʊ wɪð/

combinar amb alguna cosa

go without

/ˌɡəʊ wɪˈðaʊt/

passar sense alguna cosa, no tenir alguna cosa

hand out

/ˌhænd ˈaʊt/

donar, lliurar alguna cosa a algú

124 Phrasal verbs 




hand over

/ˌhænd ˈəʊvə(r)/

donar, lliurar alguna cosa a algú

have round

/ˌhæv ˈraʊnd/

convidar algú a casa nostra

join in

/ˌdʒɔɪn ˈɪn/

participar en una activitat amb altres persones

let on

/ˌlet ˈɒn/

explicar un secret a algú

listen out for

/ˌlɪsn ˈaʊt fɔː(r)/

estar preparat sentir / escoltar alguna cosa

look after (yourself)

/ˌlʊk ˈɑːftə(r)/

take care of something, somebody, etc.

look for

/ˈlʊk fɔː(r)/


look into

/ˌlʊk ˈɪntə/

analitzar alguna cosa

make up for

/ˌmeɪk ˈʌp fɔː(r)/

compensar, fer alguna cosa per corregir una mala situació del passat

meet up with

/ˌmiːt ˈʌp wɪð/

reunir-se amb algú

move out

/ˌmuːv ˈaʊt/

abandonar la nostra antiga casa

own up to

/ˌəʊn ˈʌp tə/

reconèixer la nostra responsabilitat en alguna cosa

pack out (the streets / square)

/ˌpæk ˈaʊt/

omplir de gent (els carrers / una plaça)

pick up

/ˌpɪk ˈʌp/

agafar i alçar alguna cosa o algú

pull over

/ˌpʊl ˈəʊvə(r)/

decantar-se a un costat de la carretera amb el cotxe

put on (a show)

/ˌpʊt ˈɒn/

fer una representació davant dels altres

put up

/ˌpʊt ˈʌp/

col·locar alguna cosa on es vegi

put up with

/ˌpʊt ˈʌp wɪð/

suportar, acceptar alguna cosa o algú sense protestar

rip off

/ˌrɪp ˈɒf/

estafar algú

see through

/ˌsiː ˈθruː/

no abandonar una tasca, etc. fins a haver-la fet

set off

/ˌset ˈɒf/

sortir de viatge

set up

/ˌset ˈʌp/

parar una trampa a algú per fer-lo semblar culpable

set up

/ˌset ˈʌp/

posar alguna cosa en marxa

sniff around

/ˌsnɪf əˈraʊnd/

ensumar, mirar d’obtenir informació sobre algú o alguna cosa

spring up

/ˌsprɪŋ ˈʌp/

aparèixer amb rapidesa

square up

/ˌskweər ˈʌp/

preparar-se per enfrontar-se a algú

stamp out

/ˌstæmp ˈaʊt/

eliminar alguna cosa

stand up for

/ˌstænd ˈʌp fɔː(r)/

donar suport a algú o defensar-lo

stand up to

/ˌstænd ˈʌp tə/

enfrontar-se a una mala situació, no acceptar-la d’entrada

stay in

/ˌsteɪ ˈɪn/

quedar-se a casa, no sortir

swallow up

/ˌswɒləʊ ˈʌp/

absorbir, utilitzar alguna cosa fins a acabar-la

take (time) off

/ˌteɪk ˈɒf/

agafar-se temps lliure a l’escola o a la feina

take on

/ˌteɪk ˈɒn/

contractar (algú)

take out

/ˌteɪk ˈaʊt/

treure diners, etc. d’un compte, etc.

take up

/ˌteɪk ˈʌp/

acceptar una oferta (per exemple, de feina)

tell off

/ˌtel ˈɒf/

renyar algú perquè ha fet alguna cosa malament

touch on

/ˈtʌtʃ ɒn/

tocar un tema sense entrar en detalls

turn down

/ˌtɜːn ˈdaʊn/

rebutjar una oferta (per exemple, de feina)

turn up

/ˌtɜːn ˈʌp/

arribar a un lloc, aparèixer, presentar-se

wrap up

/ˌræp ˈʌp/

embolicar-se amb roba d’abric

Phrasal verbs 125

Verbs irregulars INFINITIU be bear beat become begin bend bet bite bleed blow break bring build burn buy catch choose come cost cut dig do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hit hold hurt keep know lead learn leave lend let lie light

126 Verbs irregulars

PAST SIMPLE /biː/ /beə(r)/ /biːt/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /bɪˈgɪn/ /bend/ /bet/ /baɪt/ /bliːd/ /bləʊ/ /breɪk/ /brɪŋ/ /bɪld/ /bɜːn/ /baɪ/ /kætʃ/ /tʃuːz/ /kʌm/ /kɒst/ /kʌt/ /dɪg/ /duː/ /drɔː/ /driːm/ /drɪŋk/ /draɪv/ /iːt/ /fɔːl/ /fiːd/ /fiːl/ /faɪt/ /faɪnd/ /flaɪ/ /fəˈbɪd/ /fəˈget/ /fəˈgɪv/ /friːz/ /get/ /gɪv/ /gəʊ/ /grəʊ/ /hæŋ/ /hæv/ /hɪə(r)/ /hɪt/ /həʊld/ /hɜːt/ /kiːp/ /nəʊ/ /liːd/ /lɜːn/ /liːv/ /lend/ /let/ /laɪ/ /laɪt/

was / were bore beat became began bent bet bit bled blew broke brought built burned, burnt bought caught chose came cost cut dug did drew dreamed, dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hit held hurt kept knew led learned, learnt left lent let lay lit

PARTICIPI PASSAT /wɒz/, /wɜː(r)/ /bɔː/ /biːt/ /bɪˈkeɪm/ /bɪˈgæn/ /bent/ /bet/ /bɪt/ /bled/ /bluː/ /brəʊk/ /brɔːt/ /bɪlt/ /bɜːnd/, /bɜːnt/ /bɔːt/ /kɔːt/ /tʃəʊz/ /keɪm/ /kɒst/ /kʌt/ /dʌg/ /dɪd/ /druː/ /driːmd/, /dremt/ /dræŋk/ /drəʊv/ /eɪt/ /fel/ /fed/ /felt/ /fɔːt/ /faʊnd/ /fluː/ /fəˈbeɪd/ /fəˈgɒt/ /fəˈgeɪv/ /frəʊz/ /gɒt/ /geɪv/ /went/ /gruː/ /hʌŋ/ /hæd/ /hɜːd/ /hɪt/ /held/ /hɜːt/ /kept/ /njuː/ /led/ /lɜːnd/, /lɜːnt/ /left/ /lent/ /let/ /leɪ/ /lɪt/

been borne beaten become begun bent bet bitten bled blown broken brought built burned, burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut dug done drawn dreamed, dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given been / gone grown hung had heard hit held hurt kept known led learned, learnt left lent let lain lit

/biːn/ /bɔːn/ /ˈbiːtən/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /bɪˈgʌn/ /bent/ /bet/ /ˈbɪtn/ /bled/ /bləʊn/ /ˈbrəʊkn/ /brɔːt/ /bɪlt/ /bɜːnd/, /bɜːnt/ /bɔːt/ /kɔːt/ /ˈtʃəʊzn/ /kʌm/ /kɒst/ /kʌt/ /dʌg/ /dʌn/ /drɔːn/ /driːmd/, /dremt/ /drʌŋk/ /ˈdrɪvən/ /ˈiːtən/ /ˈfɔːlən/ /fed/ /felt/ /fɔːt/ /faʊnd/ /fləʊn/ /fəˈbɪdn/ /fəˈgɒtn/ /fəˈgɪvn/ /ˈfrəʊzən/ /gɒt/ /ˈgɪvn/ /biːn/, /gɒn/ /grəʊn/ /hʌŋ/ /hæd/ /hɜːd/ /hɪt/ /held/ /hɜːt/ /kept/ /nəʊn/ /led/ /lɜːnd/, /lɜːnt/ /left/ /lent/ /let/ /leɪn/ /lɪt/

INFINITIU lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see sell send shake shine shoot show shut sing sink sit sleep smell speak spell spend spill spin split spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write

PAST SIMPLE /luːz/ /meɪk/ /miːn/ /miːt/ /peɪ/ /pʊt/ /riːd/ /raɪd/ /rɪŋ/ /raɪz/ /rʌn/ /seɪ/ /siː/ /sel/ /send/ /ʃeɪk/ /ʃaɪn/ /ʃuːt/ /ʃəʊ/ /ʃʌt/ /sɪŋ/ /sɪŋk/ /sɪt/ /sliːp/ /smel/ /spiːk/ /spel/ /spend/ /spɪl/ /spɪn/ /splɪt/ /spɔɪl/ /spred/ /sprɪŋ/ /stænd/ /stiːl/ /stɪk/ /stɪŋ/ /swiːp/ /swɪm/ /swɪŋ/ /teɪk/ /tiːtʃ/ /teə(r)/ /tel/ /θɪŋk/ /θrəʊ/ /ʌndəˈstænd/ /weɪk/ /weə(r)/ /wɪn/ /raɪt/

lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent shook shone shot showed shut sang sank sat slept smelled, smelt spoke spelled, spelt spent spilt spun split spoiled, spoilt spread sprang stood stole stuck stung swept swam swung took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote

PARTICIPI PASSAT /lɒst/ /meɪd/ /ment/ /met/ /peɪd/ /pʊt/ /red/ /rəʊd/ /ræŋ/ /rəʊz/ /ræn/ /sed/ /sɔː/ /səʊld/ /sent/ /ʃʊk/ /ʃɒn/ /ʃɒt/ /ʃəʊd/ /ʃʌt/ /sæŋ/ /sæŋk/ /sæt/ /slept/ /smeld/, /smelt/ /spəʊk/ /speld/, /spelt/ /spent/ /spɪlt/ /spʌn/ /splɪt/ /spɔɪld/, /spɔɪlt/ /spred/ /spræŋ/ /stʊd/ /stəʊl/ /stʌk/ /stʌŋ/ /swept/ /swæm/ /swʌŋ/ /tʊk/ /tɔːt/ /tɔː/ /təʊld/ /θɔːt/ /θruː/ /ʌndəˈstʊd/ /wəʊk/ /wɔː(r)/ /wʌn/ /rəʊt/

/lɒst/ /meɪd/ /ment/ /met/ /peɪd/ /pʊt/ /red/ /ˈrɪdn/ /rʌŋ/ /ˈrɪzn/ /rʌn/ /sed/ /siːn/ /səʊld/ /sent/ /ʃeɪkn/ /ʃɒn/ /ʃɒt/ /ʃəʊn/ /ʃʌt/ /sʌŋ/ /sʌŋk/ /sæt/ /slept/ /smeld/, /smelt/ /ˈspəʊkn/ /speld/, /spelt/ /spent/ /spɪlt/ /spʌn/ /splɪt/ /spɔɪld/, /spɔɪlt/ /spred/ /sprʌŋ/ /stʊd/ /stəʊlən/ /stʌk/ /stʌŋ/ /swept/ /swʌm/ /swʌŋ/ /ˈteɪkn/ /tɔːt/ /tɔːn/ /təʊld/ /θɔːt/ /θrəʊn/ /ʌndəˈstʊd/ /wəʊkn/ /wɔːn/ /wʌn/ /ˈrɪtn/

lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent shaken shone shot shown shut sung sunk sat slept smelled, smelt spoken spelled, spelt spent spilt spun split spoiled, spoilt spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written

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