Teachers Book Key to Bachillerato 2

4611206 KTB TG2_PRESS.indb 4 27/05/2014 13:11 Starter Starter A: Present & past tenses SB pages 4 & 5 A Read out th

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27/05/2014 13:11

Starter Starter A: Present & past tenses

SB pages 4 & 5

A Read out the first sentence and elicit the correct verb and form. Students complete the remaining sentences. Discuss the answers to the questions with the class, and discuss how each tense is used. If students have made mistakes with the verb forms, review the form and use of each tense as necessary. ANSWERS

a are watching b watch c believe d ran e was running 1 a present continuous, b present simple, c present simple, d past simple, e past continuous 2 present continuous and past continuous 3 ‘believe’ is a stative verb describing thoughts not actions, so it cannot be used in continuous tenses. B Read the two examples with the class and elicit the answers to the questions. Discuss how each tense is used, and review the form and use of the past perfect if necessary. ANSWERS

1 a: the rain stopped, b: the match started 2 had stopped, had started 3 To show that some actions took place before other actions in the past. C Read the examples with the class, then ask students to match them with A–C. Check answers, then discuss as a class which sentences include the past simple and which include the present perfect. Discuss the difference between the two tenses with the class, and, if necessary, review the form and use of the present perfect. ANSWERS

1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A past simple: 2, 4, 6 present perfect: 1, 3, 5 D Read the two examples with the class, and discuss the answers to the questions. If necessary, review the form and use of the present perfect continuous with the class. ANSWERS

1 a

2 b

Grammar Workshop The Grammar Workshop for the Starter unit on SB pages 86–87 has more information on all the tenses covered on this page. You could refer students to it now, to help them with the practice exercises.

Practice 1 Students choose the correct options. Check answers, and discuss as a class why each answer is correct. Use the information in the Grammar Workshop to help students understand how to use each tense correctly.


1 are you doing; the present continuous is used for an action in progress at the moment 2 done; the past simple is used for an action which is completed, not continuing 3 didn’t understand; understand is a stative verb and so not used in continuous tenses 4 knows; know is a stative verb 5 been learning; the continuous form is used to focus on the duration of the action 6 do you get; the present simple is used for facts and states

Fast finishers Fast finishers can write three more sentences using the tenses that are used in exercise 1. When you have checked answers, ask fast finishers to read out their sentences. See if the class can correct any errors and explain why each tense is used. 2 Do the first sentence with the class, and point out that students should think about when each action happened in the sentence (before the other action, at the same time as it, or after it). Point out that each sentence can be written in two ways. Students write the sentences. Check answers, and use the information in the Grammar Workshop to help students understand how to use each tense correctly. ANSWERS

1 She got a job after she had left school. / After she had left school, she got a job. 2 I fell asleep while I was sitting on the sofa. / While I was sitting on the sofa, I fell asleep. 3 I phoned her as soon as I’d heard the news. / As soon as I’d heard the news, I phoned her. 4 She hadn’t been out of the country before she went on holiday last year. / Before she went on holiday last year, she hadn’t been out of the country. 5 They didn’t know about the concert because they hadn’t seen the poster. / Because they hadn’t seen the poster, they didn’t know about the concert. 6 I phoned him straightaway when I had got his text message. / When I had got his text message, I phoned him straightaway. 3 Students read the dialogue and correct the five errors. Check answers, and discuss as a class why each answer is correct, referring to the Grammar Workshop if necessary. ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I’ve have had this camera for years. Where have you bought did you buy it? My daughter has given gave it to me a few years ago. (correct) Yes, I’ve taken took photos with it when I first had it. (correct) Yes, but haven’t I I haven’t used it since I bought this phone. Starter

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4 Focus on the photos and use them to teach the words puffin, whale, fox, and owl. Ask: Who takes photographs like these? (a wildlife photographer). Ask: Which photograph do you think was the most difficult to take? Which do you think was the easiest? Ask students to read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps, to check their answers. Students choose the correct options. Check answers, and discuss as a class why the other options are not possible. Ask: Would you like to work as a wildlife photographer? Why / Why not? ANSWERS

1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 10 C 11 B 12 A

5 C

6 A

7 C

8 B

9 B

Fast finishers Fast finishers can think about what kind of animal, object or event they would most like to take photographs of, and why. When you have checked answers, ask fast finishers to tell the class about their ideas. Ask other class members to respond and express their own opinions.

Extra activity: Speaking For homework, you could ask students to choose a photo that they’ve taken to bring in and show to their classmates. Tell them they should be prepared to talk about it, giving answers to the questions below: Where and when did you take the photo? What was happening when you took the photo? What had happened just before you took the photo? Have you taken any similar photos? In the next lesson, students can take turns to show the class their photo and talk about it. Alternatively, students can show their photos to each other in pairs or small groups. Monitor while students are working, and note down any errors in the use of tenses to deal with in a feedback session at the end.

Webquest If students are interested in the topic of wildlife, they could search online to find information about an animal or bird that they are interested in. There are plenty of wildlife and conservation sites that have information and photos that students can download. Students could choose a wildlife photo and imagine they took it. They could write a short text about the photo, giving some information about the animal and explaining how ‘they’ took the photo. You could use students’ work as a display in the classroom.

Reference and further practice Grammar Workshop, SB pages 86–87 Starter, WB pages 4–7 Teacher’s Resource and Tests CD-ROM iPack Grammar animations



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Starter B: Future forms & question forms SB pages 6 & 7 A Ask: How do we talk about the future in English? Elicit some examples and rules that students know. Students then work individually or in pairs to match 1–8 with the examples. Check answers with the class, and discuss the answers to the questions. If necessary, review the form and use of the future continuous and future perfect. ANSWERS

1 E 2 H 3 G 4 F 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 D A present simple, B present continuous, C future continuous, D future perfect We use the present simple to talk about future events that are part of a timetable. We use the present continuous for definite plans and arrangements in the future. B Read out each pair of examples to the class and discuss questions 1–4. Ask students to write translations for a–h in their notebooks. ANSWERS

1 b 2 c My teacher teaches me. d I teach the students. Who refers to an object in d. 3 e 4 h; (translation in students’ own language)

Grammar Workshop The Grammar Workshop for the Starter unit on SB pages 88–89 has more information on all the tenses and grammar points covered on this page. You could refer students to it now to help them with the practice exercises.


2 Students correct the errors in five of the sentences. Check answers and use the information in the Grammar Workshop to explain any difficulties students have. ANSWERS

1 I think you’re becoming you’ll become famous when you’re older. 2 The taxi will be waited waiting outside in ten minutes. 3 We’re lost! What are we going to do? 4 Who did give gave you that money? 5 (correct) 6 Have you waited been waiting here for long? 3 SPEAKING Students order the questions. Ask individual students to read out the questions, and correct any errors as a class. Students then ask and answer the questions in pairs. Ask some students to tell the class something they learned about their partner. ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

How long have you been studying English? When did you last go to the cinema? Have you ever met a famous person? What are you doing tomorrow night? Are you going to go to university? What will you be doing at 2 p.m.? Are you having a good day? Where were your parents living when you were born? How long do you spend online every day? Which sports star inspires you? How long is it since you last swam in the sea?

Fast finishers Fast finishers can write two or three more questions to ask and answer. When everyone has finished, ask fast finishers to read out their questions. Ask other students to answer them.

1 Students complete the sentences with the correct future forms. Check answers, and discuss as a class why each answer is correct. Use the information in the Grammar Workshop to help students understand how to use each future form correctly. ANSWERS

1 2 3 4

’ll help ’ll win ’m going to get ’re going to stay

5 6 7 8

’s having ’ll have been ’ll be sitting arrives

Fast finishers Fast finishers can write more sentences using the different future forms. When you have checked answers, ask fast finishers to read out their sentences. Ask the class to correct any errors and identify the future form in each sentence.


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4 Refer students to the photo and ask: Where do you think the people are? What are they doing? Elicit a few ideas, then ask students to read the text quickly to check their answers. Students then read the text again and choose the correct verbs. Check answers and discuss with the class any answers that students found difficult. Ask: Have you ever been on a school trip to another country? Would you like to? ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

we’re going I’m going to it’s going to be I’ll be sitting we’ll have finished I’ll meet I’ll

6 Focus on the photo and teach all terrain vehicle. Check that students know helmet, goggles and jungle. Students write questions about the holiday. Ask some students to read out their questions, and correct any errors as a class. 7 SPEAKING Students ask and answer their questions in pairs. Tell students to use their imagination to give interesting answers. Ask some students to tell the class about their partner’s holiday.

Reference, further practice and end-of-unit test Grammar Workshop, SB pages 88–89 Starter, WB pages 4–7 Teacher’s Resource and Tests CD-ROM Starter test, Teacher’s Resource and Tests CD-ROM iPack Grammar animations

Fast finishers Fast finishers can imagine and write the conversation that the two girls are having in the photo. When everyone has finished, ask fast finishers in pairs to read out their conversations. Decide as a class which conversation is the most realistic. 5 Refer to the photo and ask: What’s he doing? Where was the photo taken? How do you think he’s feeling? Ask students to read the text quickly to check their ideas. Read out the first answer and elicit the correct question from the class. Students then work individually or in pairs to write the remaining questions. Check answers carefully, and deal with any issues of form that arise. POSSIBLE ANSWERS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

How long is it since he did his last bungee jump? Can he remember it? Where was he staying (in Cairns)? How did he find out about the bungee jump? How many times had Chris already jumped? How did he feel when he was waiting in the queue? When did he feel terrified? What was he wearing on his helmet? What’s he doing now? Has he done it again since then? When is he going to Cairns again? Will he try another jump?

Fast finishers Fast finishers can write some more questions and answers about the text. When you have checked answers, ask fast finishers to read out their questions. See if the class can answer them from memory.



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