CrossFit Mayhem Strength

CrossFit Mayhem Strength Day 1 Warm Up Workout Definition 0:00-10:00 3 rounds: 1:00 High Kn

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CrossFit Mayhem Strength Day 1 Warm Up Workout Definition 0:00-10:00 3 rounds: 1:00 High Knees/Marching 20 Single Leg RDLs 5 Inchworms There is no "ready" Workout Definition 15:00-41:00 AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35 12 Box Jumps 24”/20” (with Step Down) -Rest 2 MinutesAMRAP 8 Minutes 8 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35 8 Box Jumps 24”/20” (with Step Down)

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE • •

Target number of Rounds per set: 7 Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 4


This workout will be non-stop movement. Try and keep moving on the Devil Press with a steady pace. Use your hips to help drive the dumbbell up over head and smooth decent into each rep to control heart rate. Box jumps allow you to Push the tempo to make up time. No Rebounding!


Scale to finish near the target time:

AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Single Arm Devils Press 35/20 12 Box Jump (Or step up) 24/20 -Rest 2 MinutesAMRAP 8 Minutes 8 Single Arm Devils Press 35/20 8 Box Jump (Or step up) 24/20 Accessory Workout Definition 41:00-60:00+ 3 rounds: 10-15 Single Arm Tempo Bench 20 Deadbugs (Controlled) 15 Single Leg Hip Bridges (R/L)

Optional Session 2 Workout Definition Warm Up 10:00 Clock: 20/16 Cal Row 10 Suitcase Deadlift (R/L) 10 Push Ups to Downward Dog Pose Why do I look like a Ringling Brother? Workout Definition 21-15-9 Deadlift 315/225 Bench Press 185/115 -Rest 5 Minutes27-21-15-9 Row Calorie Bench Press 135/95

Athletes Notes


Target Time each set: Sub 6:00 Time Cap each set: 9:00


Deadlift should be a heavy weight but not over 75% 1RM that you can hit sets of 5-8+ to start. The same applies to Bench press Keep the core and back tight! Load the hamstrings before pulling. Elbows in on bench and drive through each rep Big pulls with focused leg drive on the rower to accumulate calories quicker and save the arms Goal is 1300/1100+ calories/hour on the rower If you don’t have a rower, sub 250-200-150-100m run


Scale to finish near the target time:

21-15-9 Deadlift 225/145 Bench Press 135/85 -Rest 5 Minutes27-21-15-9 Row Calorie Bench Press 115/80 Cool Down Workout Definition 20 mins Ankle/Hip Mobility: Bottom of foot lacrosse ball 1:00 R/L TFL lacrosse ball Smash 1:00 R/L (timestamp :50) Lateral Banded Hip External Rotation Stretch 2:00 R/L (timestamp 4:00) box/bench ankle stretch 2:00 R/L ( - timestamp :30 for stretch today) Wall Hip Internal Rotation Stretch 2:00 R/L (timestamp 4:00) Heel off box stretch knee bent 2:00 R/L Day 2 Warm Up Workout Definition

0:00-10:00 Crossover symmetry activation (or Banded 7s: 7 reps of pronated Ts, supinated Ts, neutral Ts, diagonals/gators, External rotation w/ arms at side, W with hands by shoulders , and 7 Ys: -Then3 rounds: 10 PVC Pass Throughs 10 PVC Overhead Squats 5 Strict Pull Ups Into 10 Kip to Swings 26 years! Workout Definition 15:00-35:00 4 sets AMRAP 4 Minutes 10 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55 5 Bar Muscle Up -Rest 1 Minute between sets-

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE • •

Target number of Rounds per set: 4+ Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 2+10


This workout is very grip intensive so use your hips as much as possible throughout and hook grip both movements. Hang squat snatch can be done from the high hang as well to have quicker turnover. These should be light and most to all rounds should be unbroken Be Smart with grip on bar muscle ups. If you can hang onto 5 the whole time, then go for it!


Scale to finish near the target time:

4 sets AMRAP 4 Minutes 6 Hang Squat Snatch 65/45 3 Bar Muscle Up (OR 6 chest to bar pull up) -Rest 1 Minute between setsSquat Snatch 1x1

Workout Definition Work to Heavy Single *We are working on lifting under fatigue and after volume! *No more than 2 misses 35:00-50:00 Snatch Pull 5x3 Workout Definition *Aim to keep snatch pulls at 90-95%+ 1RM Snatch 50:00-60:00 Optional Session 2 Workout Definition Hinshaw Warm up: Cool Down Workout Definition 20 mins Shoulder Mobility PVC Pipe Front Rack on box w/ back straight T Spine Stretch 2:00 PVC Pipe Front Rack on box w/ back rounded lat Stretch 2:00 Arms overhead T Spine Roll 2:00 Banded Tricep Stretch (foot on band) 2:00 R/L Self Hug Stretch 2:00 R/L Wall Pec Stretch 2:00 R/L -thenCrossover Symmetry Iron Scap Optional Cardio Session Workout Definition Choose from the Run or BikeErg courtesy of Mayhem Aerobic Capacity Twenty-six years buried in the deepest, darkest jungle and I still became my father Workout Definition

BikeErg 6min at easy ""warm-up"" pace 4min at moderate pace 3min from moderate to fast pace 2min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min at easy/moderate ""cool down"" pace Duration: 60min Run "Speed" Prep Workout Definition "4x (10m acceleration, 1min rest) Rest 5min, 20m acceleration, 1-2min rest, 30m acceleration, 2-3min rest, 40m acceleration Start from a standing position. Focus on driving your arms down & back while accelerating" Just Father Sky, Mother Earth, and your dear old Uncle Tony Workout Definition Run "Speed" Workout 400m at 1-mile PR pace, 200m walk, 2x (300m at faster pace, 200m walk), 3x (200m at fastest pace, 200m walk), 4x (100m sprint, 200m walk) Workout Live with Rich! Workout Definition Click "Workout prep notes available" below to read more

Athletes Notes We are continuing to EXCLUSIVELY offer you (along with our CF Mayhem members) the opportunity to be led through a workout with Rich each day of the week (Monday through Friday) on YouTube live.

We know we have done this more recently with M|Quarantine Workouts and M|30 but this is ONLY for you guys. The workout is the first workout programmed in SugarWOD each day! Listed below are the YouTube live links which will turn on each day at 8:15 a.m. CST. We ask that you do not share the link outside of Mayhem Athletes as we are ONLY giving it to you guys. We want this to be a way we can go above and beyond to say thank you for sticking with us (especially during these trying times)! If you cannot do the workout live at 8:15 a.m. CST each day, the link will still work and you can still join in and follow along at your convenience. Day 3 Warm Up Workout Definition 3 Rounds: 2:00 Cardio Machine 10 Single Leg Pistols to Low Box (R/L) 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (R/L) 1:00 HS Hold There is no "ready" Workout Definition AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35 12 Box Jumps 24”/20” (with Step Down) -Rest 2 MinutesAMRAP 8 Minutes 8 Single Arm Devils Press 50/35 8 Box Jumps 24”/20” (with Step Down)

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE • •

Target number of Rounds per set: 7 Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 4


This workout will be non-stop movement. Try and keep moving on the Devil Press with a steady pace.

• •

Use your hips to help drive the dumbbell up over head and smooth decent into each rep to control heart rate. Box jumps allow you to Push the tempo to make up time. No Rebounding!


Scale to finish near the target time:

AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Single Arm Devils Press 35/20 12 Box Jump (Or step up) 24/20 -Rest 2 MinutesAMRAP 8 Minutes 8 Single Arm Devils Press 35/20 8 Box Jump (Or step up) 24/20 Squat Clean 6x1 @75-85% Workout Definition Technique work: - For this we will use a weight range so you can go by how your body feels - You can add weight or stay the same for each set (stay within the range) - Focus on consistent landing position with good front rack in the catch. * try and go a little heavier than last week. Dead stop Deadlift 4x5 Workout Definition Deadlift for load: #1: 5 reps @ 60% #2: 5 reps @ 65% #3: 5 reps @ 70% #4: 5 reps @ 70% Why do I look like a Ringling Brother? Workout Definition Equipment option: 21-15-9 Deadlift 315/225 Bench Press 185/115 -Rest 5 Minutes27-21-15-9 Row Calorie Bench Press 135/95

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE • •

Target Time each set: Sub 6:00 Time Cap each set: 9:00


Deadlift should be a heavy weight but not over 75% 1RM that you can hit sets of 5-8+ to start. The same applies to Bench press Keep the core and back tight! Load the hamstrings before pulling. Elbows in on bench and drive through each rep Big pulls with focused leg drive on the rower to accumulate calories quicker and save the arms Goal is 1300/1100+ calories/hour on the rower If you don’t have a rower, sub 250-200-150-100m run


Scale to finish near the target time:

21-15-9 Deadlift 225/145 Bench Press 135/85 -Rest 5 Minutes27-21-15-9 Row Calorie Bench Press 115/80 Accessory Workout Definition 3 sets: 15 Weighted Glute Bridges 5 Turkish Get Ups (Right Arm/Left Arm) 100 Meter Sled Drag (facing away from sled, or sled behind you) Cool Down Workout Definition 20 mins Ankle/Hip Mobility: Bottom of foot lacrosse ball 1:00 R/L TFL lacrosse ball Smash 1:00 R/L (timestamp :50) Lateral Banded Hip External Rotation Stretch 2:00 R/L (timestamp 4:00)

box/bench ankle stretch 2:00 R/L ( - timestamp :30 for stretch today) Wall Hip Internal Rotation Stretch 2:00 R/L (timestamp 4:00) Heel off box stretch knee bent 2:00 R/L Day 4 Warm Up AMRAP 10 10 Burpee 8 Strict Pull Up 4 Thrusters with Barbell *gradually add intensity and weight to thruster Workout 6 Rounds 12 Burpee Box Jump 9 Chest to Bar 6 Thruster (95/65) *New round every 5:00 or AMRAP Day 2 Warm Up AMRAP 10 10 inch worm 10 iron cross (laying prone with arms out bring opposite leg to hand) 10 Front Squat Barbell 10 Shoulder Press Workout 25 mins 21-15-9 Front Squat 115/75 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 *5:00 Cap - Rest 5:00 15-12-9 Front Squat 135/95 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 *5:00 Cap - Rest 5:00 Front Squat 155/105 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 *5:00 Cap

DAY 5 Conditioning: Assault bike: 4 rounds: 25 calories -Rest :4520 calories -Rest 0:4515 calories -Rest 2:00*The goal is to increase your pace within each round. For example: the 20 cal section should be at a faster pace than the 25 cal section. And the 15 cal section should be at a faster pace than the 20 cal section. Weightlifting: Power Snatch (7x2) *7 working sets of 2 reps (not Touch n' go), increasing weight with each set. Back Squat (4x10) *4 working sets of 10 reps. Increasing weight each set. Session 2 Warm Up: 3 rounds 20 cal row 15 suitcase deadlifts (each side) 10 inch worm Workout: For Time: 3 Rounds 15 deadlifts (185#/125#) 15 strict HSPU - Rest 5:00 3 rounds: 12 deadlifts (245#/165#) 12 strict HSPU (2" deficit) - Rest 5:00 9 deadlifts (275#/185#) 9 strict HSPU (4" deficit) Session 1 Warm Up: 2 rounds :30 hard effort assault bike 1:30 easy effort assault bike 100' Banded monster walk 20 air squats 20 ring rows

10 hanging kips from the rig + Front rack mobility if needed. Workout: 2 sets Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Ups *start a new set every 10:00*Masters 55-70: Complete "Fran" once. Session 2 Workout 1: AMRAP 10 2:00 ski 20 alt leg v-ups 5 strict pull ups Workout 2: 4 rounds 30 GHD Sit Up 3 Rope Climb (Round 1 and 3 are legless)*Masters 55-70: 4 rounds: 30 Ab mat sit ups 3 Rope climbs Workout 3: 20:00 for quality 50’ single arm overhead walk 10 single leg RDL (each leg) 10 upright row (each arm) Side Plank R/L 1:00 Day 6 Weightlifting: Front Squat (10x2@80%) Bench Press (10x2@80%) Workout 1: For Time: 30 SHSPU 60 T2B 90 Double Unders 120 Wall Balls (20/14)

Core / Stability: Accumulate 5 min Plank (elbows) Accumulate 5 min Dang Hang (Bar) Accessory Work: 10 rds (each) 20 Yard Right Arm Farmer carry 20 Yard Left Arm Farmer carry *Use weight you can maintain a consistent walk* Day 7 Workout 1: "Ghost" 6 rounds of: 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of double-unders - 1 minute rest *Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps completed to comments. Weightlifting: Power Clean + Push Jerk (Work up to a Heavy) 3x3 @ 70% 3x2 @ 85% 3x1 @ 90% Clean Pull (5x3 @105%) Workout 2: For Time: 21-15-9 Thrusters (135/95) 4-3-2 Rope Climbs Core / Stability: 5 rds 1 min HS Hold 1 min Plank Day 8 Warm Up: 3 Rounds 20 jumping jacks 5 Inch Worms 20 mountain climbers 0:30 plank hold

Workout: 15 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) 5 Push Ups 10 Chair Step Ups 15 Sit Ups Cool Down: 5 min Walk -then2:00 cobra stretch Day 9 Warm Up: 3 rounds: 10 hip dips (each side) 10 knee pulls in place 10 heel pulls in place 10 dead bugs Workout: 5 rounds 1:00 Burpees 1:00 High knees 1:00 Lunges rest 1:00 after each round Cool Down: 4 rounds 0:30 slow jog 0:15 torso twists 0:15 shoulder rolls (forward and backwards) 0:15 toe touch stretch 0:15 quad Stretch (each leg) Day 10 Warm up: 1000m Row Easy Workout: 4 rounds 45' side walking plank R/L 15 single leg RDL moderate R/L 150' DB single arm overhead carry moderate/heavy 1000m ski moderate Day 11

Warm up: 3 rounds 1000m easy row 20 lateral band step over R/L 1:00 side plank R/L Accessory: Single arm shoulder press 4x12 R/L Single arm upright row 4x12 R/L Day 12 Warm up: 10 min moderate bike 3 rounds 10 single leg pallof press R/L 10 1 arm suitcase deadlift R/L Accessory: 3 rounds 25 ghd sit up 1:00 plank 25 ring row DAY 13 Session 1 Conditioning: Assault bike: 4 rounds: 25 calories -Rest :4520 calories -Rest 0:4515 calories -Rest 2:00*The goal is to increase your pace within each round. For example: the 20 cal section should be at a faster pace than the 25 cal section. And the 15 cal section should be at a faster pace than the 20 cal section. Weightlifting: Power Snatch (7x2) *7 working sets of 2 reps (not Touch n' go), increasing weight with each set. Back Squat (4x10) *4 working sets of 10 reps. Increasing weight each set. Session 2

Warm Up: 3 rounds 20 cal row 15 suitcase deadlifts (each side) 10 inch worm Workout: For Time: 3 Rounds 15 deadlifts (225#/155#) 15 strict HSPU - Rest 5:00 3 rounds: 12 deadlifts (275#/185#) 12 strict HSPU (2" deficit) - Rest 5:00 9 deadlifts (315#/225#) 9 strict HSPU (4" deficit) DAY 13 Session 1 Workout 1: 2K row (+6-8 sec slower than your 2K PR pace) - Rest 3:00 Squat clean EMOM (2 reps per min) * start at 70% and add 10# until failure - Rest 3:00 1K row (hard effort) Workout 2: 50 Toe-to-bar 50 ab mat sit-ups 50 GHD Session 2 Warm Up: 2 rounds 1:00 air squat 1:00 ring row 1:00 step back lunge 1:00 side plank (each side) Workout: AMRAP 10 30 wall balls (20/14) 10 burpee box jump overs (24/20)

Day 14 Session 1 Workout 1: 50-40-30 Toes to bar 25-20-15 PHSPU *Target Time: 12:00 *Time Cap: 18:00 Workout 2: 4 rounds 25 yard sled push (+2x45s) 25 yard drag backwards (+2x45s) 15 Dball clean 150# *Time Cap: 22:00 Session 2 Workout: 3 rounds 30 cal ski 15 bar Muscle Up *Target Time: 10:00 *Time Cap: 15:00 Weightlifting: Build to Heavy Power Snatch + Snatch Day 15 Session 1 Workout 1: 42-30-18 Wallball 30# 12-10-8 Muscle Up *Target Time: 10:00 *Time Cap: 16:00 Workout 2: 21-15-9 Deadlift 275# Box jump over 48" *Target Time: 11:00 *Time Cap: 16:00

Session 2 Workout 1: 4-3-2 Legless rope climb *2 times over handstand obstacle after each round *Time Cap: 12:00 Workout 2: 8 rounds 15 cal assault bike 10 dumbbell front Squat 2x50# 150m Swim Rest 3:00 b/t rounds *Target Time each round: 5:00 *Time Cap each round: 8:00 (Sub 750m row if needed)

Day 16 Session 1 Workout 1: 9-7-5 Bench press 255# *after each round 100’ farmers carry @205# in each hand *Time Cap: 18:00 Workout 2: 9-7-5 Bench press 225# *after each round 100’ farmers carry @205# in each hand *Time Cap: 15:00 Workout 3: 10 rounds Row 30 calorie -Rest 30 secondsDay 17 Session 1 Workout 1: 9-7-5 Bench press 255# *after each round 100’ farmers carry @205# in each hand *Time Cap: 18:00

Workout 2: 9-7-5 Bench press 225# *after each round 100’ farmers carry @205# in each hand *Time Cap: 15:00 Workout 3: 10 rounds Row 30 calorie -Rest 30 secondsDay 18 Session 1 Workout 1: 42-30-18 Wallball 20# 12-10-8 Muscle Up *Target Time: 10:00 *Time Cap: 16:00 Workout 2: 21-15-9 Deadlift 205# Box jump over 36" *Target Time: 11:00 *Time Cap: 16:00 Session 2 Workout 1: 4-3-2 Legless rope climb *2 times over handstand obstacle after each round *Time Cap: 12:00 Workout 2: 8 rounds 15 cal assault bike 10 dumbbell front Squat 2x35# 150m Swim - Rest 3:00 b/t rounds *Target Time each round: 5:00 *Time Cap each round: 8:00 (Sub 750m row if needed) Day 19

Session 1 Workout 1: 50-40-30 Toes to bar 25-20-15 PHSPU *Target Time: 12:00 *Time Cap: 18:00 Workout 2: 4 rounds 25 yard sled push (+2x45s) 25 yard drag backwards (+2x45s) 15 Dball clean 100# *Time Cap: 22:00 Session 2 Workout 1: 3 rounds 30 cal ski 15 bar Muscle Up *Target Time: 10:00 *Time Cap: 15:00 Weightlifting: Power Snatch + Snatch (Heavy Single)

Warm-Up. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (2 sets each), complete: Minute 1 – Bear Crawl x 45 seconds Minute 2 – W-Holds x 5-7 @ 1313 tempo Minute 3 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps Minute 4 – Static Hang x 30-45 seconds Followed by… Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets): Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 4 reps Then… A. Four sets of: Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + 2 Front Squats Rest 2 minutes Goal is to match or improve on the four heaviest loads used last Tuesday, March 3. B. For time:

3 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs) 6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 6 Hang Squat Cleans 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 9 Hang Squat Cleans 18 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 12 Hang Squat Cleans 24 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Day 20 Warm Up Workout Definition 3 Rounds: 2:00 Row 10 Barbell Muscle Snatch 10 Strict Pull Ups 10 Barbell Clean and Shoulder Press 20 Ring Rows

26 years! Workout Definition 4 sets AMRAP 4 Minutes 10 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55 5 Bar Muscle Up -Rest 1 Minute between sets-

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE • •

Target number of Rounds per set: 4+ Minimum number Rounds before scaling: 2+10


This workout is very grip intensive so use your hips as much as possible throughout and hook grip both movements. Hang squat snatch can be done from the high hang as well to have quicker turnover. These should be light and most to all rounds should be unbroken

Be Smart with grip on bar muscle ups. If you can hang onto 5 the whole time, then go for it!


Scale to finish near the target time:

4 sets AMRAP 4 Minutes 6 Hang Squat Snatch 65/45 3 Bar Muscle Up (OR 6 chest to bar pull up) -Rest 1 Minute between setsColonel Mustard in the library with a wrench Workout Definition 5k with 20/14 Ruck or Vest

Athletes Notes • •

Sub a backpack if needed This is last workout of the week, so don’t walk and keep the leggings moving!!!

Accessory Workout Definition 16:00 For Quality: 20 Cossack Squats 10 Dumbbell Sotts Press (R/L) 15 Plate Tricep Extensions 15 Single Leg Calf Raises (R/L) Cool Down Workout Definition 20 mins Shoulder Mobility PVC Pipe Front Rack on box w/ back straight T Spine Stretch 2:00 PVC Pipe Front Rack on box w/ back rounded lat Stretch 2:00 Arms overhead T Spine Roll 2:00 Banded Tricep Stretch (foot on band) 2:00 R/L Self Hug Stretch 2:00 R/L Wall Pec Stretch 2:00 R/L -thenCrossover Symmetry Iron Scap Day 21 Optional Cardio Session Workout Definition Choose from the Run or BikeErg courtesy of Mayhem Aerobic Capacity Twenty-six years buried in the deepest, darkest jungle and I still became my father Workout Definition BikeErg 6min at easy ""warm-up"" pace 4min at moderate pace 3min from moderate to fast pace 2min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min easy recovery spin 5x (10sec sprint at max effort, 1min50sec at 75-80rpm) 5min at easy/moderate ""cool down"" pace Duration: 60min Run "Speed" Prep Workout Definition "4x (10m acceleration, 1min rest) Rest 5min, 20m acceleration, 1-2min rest, 30m acceleration, 2-3min rest, 40m acceleration Start from a standing position. Focus on driving your arms down & back while accelerating" Just Father Sky, Mother Earth, and your dear old Uncle Tony Workout Definition Run "Speed" Workout 400m at 1-mile PR pace, 200m walk, 2x (300m at faster pace, 200m walk), 3x (200m at fastest pace, 200m walk), 4x (100m sprint, 200m walk)

Day 22 Warm Up Workout Definition 3 rounds: 200m Jog or 1:00 High Knees 20 Single Leg RDLs 10 Dynamic Squat Stretch

Athletes Notes #DEMO VIDEOS: •

Single Leg RDLs: 2H9m739&index=13 Dynamic Squat Stretch:

I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares! Workout Definition 4 Sets: AMRAP 3:00 30 Air Squats 10 Box Jumps or 15 Tuck Jumps -Rest 1:00 B/T Sets-

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE: •

Goal rounds per set: 3+


Try to keep a consistent pace on the air squats. All box jumps are step down. NO rebounding! If you don't have a safe surface to box jump, substitute tuck jumps.


Air squat: 2H9m739&index=1 Tuck Jumps: 1ZI4Xv2H9m739&index=32

I've seen things you've only seen in your nightmares! Advanced Workout Definition 4 Sets: AMRAP 3:00 10 Single Arm Thruster (Right Arm) 50/35 10 Box Jump or 15 Tuck Jump 10 Single Arm Thruster (Left Arm) 10 Box Jump or 15 Tuck Jump -Rest 1:00 B/T Sets-

Athletes Notes #TARGET SCORE: •

Goal rounds per set: 2+


• • •

Start each amrap where you left off the last one. For Example: If you finished one amrap with 5 single arm thrusters on your left arm done, then start the next amrap with 5 single arm thrusters on your left arm and back into the box jumps. Keep a running round count for all 4 amraps. Single arm thrusters are ideally done unbroken all the way through each set. All box jumps are step down. NO rebounding! If you don't have a safe surface to box jump, substitute tuck jumps.


Tuck Jumps: 2H9m739&index=32

Accessory Work "Ab Burner" Workout Definition

Tabata (:20 on/:10 off): 8 sets: Sit Ups Bonus Stretching Workout Definition 1:00 Butterfly Stretch 1:00 Toe Touch Stretch 1:00 Pancake Stretch Day 23 Warm Up Workout Definition 3 rounds: 40 Jumping Jacks 10 Step Back Lunges 5 Inchworms There is no "ready" Workout Definition 3 Sets for Max Reps: 1:30 Cossack Squats 1:30 Burpees 1:30 Jumping Alternating Lunges -Rest 1:30 B/T Sets-

Athletes Notes #WORKOUT STRATEGY & FLOW: •

All reps per set is your score. Cossack squats + burpees + jumping alternating lunges = score for set 1. I recommend that you count up from each movement. For example: if i do 20 cossack squats in one minute, I will then start at rep 21 for my first burpee. Try to keep the same amount of reps per set or more!


Cossack Squats: H9m739&index=2 Burpees:

There is no "ready" Advanced Workout Definition 3 Sets for Max Reps: 1:30 Alternating Devils Press (50#/35#) 1:30 Burpees 1:30 Jumping Alternating Lunges -Rest 1:30 B/T Sets-

Athletes Notes #WORKOUT STRATEGY & FLOW: •

All reps per set is your score. Alternating devils press + burpees + jumping alternating lunges = score for set 1. I recommend that you count up from each movement. For example: if i do 20 cossack squats in one minute, I will then start at rep 21 for my first burpee. Try to keep the same amount of reps per set or more!

Accessory Work Workout Definition 3 rounds: 10-15 Single Arm Tempo Bench or Tempo Push Up 20 Deadbugs (Controlled) 15 Single Leg Hip Bridges (R/L)

Athletes Notes #WORKOUT STRATEGY & FLOW: •

The tempo bench/temp push up is a 4 second count down and a 4 second count up.


Deadbugs: v2H9m739&index=7

Accessory Work Workout Definition 3 rounds: 10-15 Single Arm Tempo Bench or Tempo Push Up 20 Deadbugs (Controlled) 15 Single Leg Hip Bridges (R/L)

Athletes Notes #WORKOUT STRATEGY & FLOW: •

The tempo bench/temp push up is a 4 second count down and a 4 second count up.


Deadbugs: v2H9m739&index=7

Bonus Stretching Workout Definition 5:00 Corpse Pose *If you're able, find a quiet space and lay down flat on your back. Set a timer and focus on breathing deeply. During this time, recognize any thoughts that come to your mind. Any negative feelings that arise about yourself, the world, or others, let them go. Recognize that you are not attached to those feelings. Any positive feelings that arise, be grateful for them, and let them go. Focus on your breath! Post in comments how it went!