Actividad de Aprendizaje 14 Evidencia 5

Actividad de aprendizaje 14 Evidencia 5: Video “Presenting orally a business process improvement plan” Aprendiz Kelly

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Actividad de aprendizaje 14 Evidencia 5: Video “Presenting orally a business process improvement plan”


Kelly Yohana Chiquillo Correa

Carrera virtual tecnólogo en Negocios Internacionales Ficha de Caracterización # 1667840

Instructora Natalia Forero

SENA Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje 2019

Actividad de aprendizaje 14 Evidencia 5: Video “Presenting orally a business process improvement plan” Aprender la habilidad de hacer presentaciones efectivas, no solamente es útil para hablar en público y dar presentaciones formales, sino también esencial en conversaciones donde el hablante quiera comunicar claramente sus ideas y convencer a otros de que esas ideas y propósitos valen la pena y merecen ser tomadas a consideración. Cuando se hace una presentación oral es importante tener las ideas claras y seguir un orden para que la audiencia pueda seguir y entender lo que usted está diciendo, por ello en esta evidencia debe realizar un plan de mejoramiento para el proceso de gestión que evaluó en la Evidencia 1: Dialogue “Evaluating product and service” de esta guía de aprendizaje. Para cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia, es importante que lea y analice previamente el material de formación denominado Presenting and improvement plan, especialmente los siguientes temas: o Past simple, para describir los problemas hallados en la evaluación. o Future tense, para que presente las soluciones a futuro. Y el subtema, Presentations: language expert, para identificar las frases a utilizar en una presentación oral, además del siguiente material complementario: o Oral presentation skills. o Business process improvement plan. Posterior a estas lecturas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia, desarrolle lo siguiente: 1. Realice un plan de mejoramiento para el proceso de gestión que evaluó en la evidencia 1, ya mencionada. 2. Grabe en un video la presentación de su plan de mejoramiento, este debe tener una duración máxima de 10 minutos.


The company COLFRUIT, is a company that is currently goig trough difficult times because it has presented severalproblems in its financing, all because they are not taking the necesarry measures to deal with al these problems, and that is causing the company to have difficulties in almost all areas. Some of the areas that we have been reviewing are.

The improvement plan integrates the strategic decision on what the changes are that must be incorporated into the different processes of the organization, so that be translated into a better perceived service. Said plan, besides serving as basis for the detection of improvements, should allow the control and monitoring of different actions to be developed, as well as the incorporation of actions corrective against possible unforeseen contingencies. For its elaboration it will be necessary to establish the objectives that are proposed achieve and design the planning of tasks to achieve them. The improvement plan allows: Identify the causes that cause the weaknesses detected. Identify the improvement actions to apply. Analyze its viability. Establish priorities in the lines of action. Have a plan of actions to develop in the future and a monitoring and control system thereof. Negotiate the strategy to follow. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of management. Motivate the university community to improve the quality level.

2.1 Identify the area of improvement Once the diagnosis is made, the unit evaluated knows the main strengths and weaknesses in relation to the environment that surrounds it. The key lies in the identification of improvement areas considering that, for this purpose They must overcome weaknesses based on the main strengths.

2.2 Detect the main causes of the problem The solution of a problem, and therefore the overcoming of an improvement area,

It begins when the cause that originated it is known. There are multiple Methodological tools for identification. Among others, it should be noted: the spine diagram (cause-effect), Pareto chart, quality house, brainstorming. The use of any of the above or similar ones will help to analyze in greater depth the problem and prepare the way when defining the improvement actions..

Protocol for the elaboration of the improvement plan To carry out the proposed improvement actions it is necessary to specify the specific tasks that must be carried out to achieve the objectives. To do this, it is necessary to determine who is responsible for the implementation and of the execution of the improvement actions, the different tasks to be developed, the necessary human and material resources, the period of achievement, the date of start, monitoring indicators and those responsible for monitoring and Track them. It is very possible that this planning involves a negotiation between all responsible and involved, at different levels, of the degree assessed. So same, the fact of giving the improvement plan an appropriate formal character, according to the characteristics and manner of each institution will favor its success, and therefore, the achievement of the previously set objective. Below we offer the protocol that must be followed to build the plan of improvements and follow-up throughout its implementation. Is integrated for a series of tables that must be filled in the order presented, such

and as explained in point 2 of the document. The Improvement Plan Program Management 11 3.1 Identification of improvement areas The set of strengths and weaknesses detected during the process of Institutional evaluation will be the starting point for the detection of the areas of improvement. It is possible that the analysis focused on the criteria of the model, given the interrelation that exists between them, from place to the appearance of strengths and weaknesses that, saving the nuances, can be seen repeated. When ever it is possible should be integrated into large blocks following an agreed logic.

The selection of improvement actions is a logical consequence of knowledge of the problem, its causes and the objective set. Applying a methodology appropriate, as recommended in section 2.4, you can select the more appropriate actions. The number of actions will depend on the complexity of the problem and organization of the internal management of the degree. It is important to keep in mind that this exercise should be done with total and full freedom, restrictions will be taken into account in the next step, when Let's have to prioritize. If there were limitations during the selection possible actions would be limited from the outset.