Writing Assignment Unit 2 - Peer Assessment

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Writing Assignment Unit 2: Peer Assessment University of the People UNIV 1001 Online Education Strategies Michelle Roberts, Instructor July 2, 2019


2 Writing Assignment Unit 2: Peer Assessment

1. What is peer assessment, and why do we use it at University of the People? Peer assessment is a collaborative education methodology that involves a group studying the same subject. In this methodology, the student has to do an assignment that is mediated by an instructor/professor. Study material or a table of content is provided as a reference for the assignment and each member of the group has two main demands: produce a text based on the topic abording the assignment task and then review and give feedback about the other members of the group. The peer assessment can be quantitative, qualitative or a mixed version of quantitative and qualitative method. In the quantitative method, a score is provided by peers. In the qualitative method, no score is provided. Instead of it, written feedback is given. The mixed version a score and written feedback is given and this is the method that is used in the University of People, generally in the discussion forum and in the written assignment (Rosa, 2016). The instructor/professor role is indispensable to ensure the quality of discussion, stimulate with relevant questions and mediate the feedback when it is needed. Sometimes the evaluation of some peers is insufficient or in cases that peers’ evaluation is inconsistent or with a wide range of grades the instructor/professor needs to complete this gap. 2. What are the benefits of peer assessment? The benefits of peer assessment are based in place all members of a community or a group as agents that contribute to building mutual knowledge. In this methodology the learning processes has the purpose of sharing of resources, which promotes an increase of knowledge, as well as the sense of belonging and identity in the people who experience it, activities and the acquisition of knowledge is not restricted only to the



educational environment, being essentially applied and used for the social, intellectual, psychological, cultural or emotional development of the individual. 3. What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment? Put relevance and stimulate the discussion in an analytical and fact bases are the most challenging aspect of giving feedback in peer assessment. To do it is required reliable information, with trusted resources. Citations and references are always needed in peer assessment in the academic environment in this aspect and to avoid plagiarism as well. Another challenge to give feedback is that in this process we always think about our own work and often notice some issues in it or a way to get better.’ In all these challenges the weight of responsibility is always present because of the personal processes of learning and the contribution to the other people process of learning. 4. What are the challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment? An open mind to new ideas and corrections are the most relevant aspects of receiving feedback in the peer assessment. And in the other way when the feedback is all compliments we lost some referential to know where to get better, what is a challenge as well. To deal with the other peers’ judgments about our work sometimes can be a difficult task, since we have to reconsider our reading of the world and our own opinion about a subject. When challenges like this are overcome, the engagement and the growing process in the studies are a huge benefit of the peer assessment. For each challenge in receiving feedback, we can get a great benefit in the processes and it is associated with the regular experience of analyze and evaluate others work and trace a parallel with our own work.



5. What strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess discussion assignments?! The most important aspect is to have the needed references for the discussion and the assessment tasks must be very clear in each element that is required: minimum word count, essential aspects of the assignment, grammar and concordance, text clearness, relevance of the content, never incur in plagiarism and always have good references to sustain the argumentative line. With this as an assess point, give feedback in the discussions assignments is supported with good and clear criteria in order to assist my peers and me. Absorb these criteria and the content of the feedback in the assess discussion assignments also gives parameters to supply the expectations of what each one needs to produce in the discussion. My personal perspective and experience are unique, as each other one that integrates the group experience is. In this aspect, give my perspective will help diversification and will enrich the discussion. As a final and no less important aspect of the strategy, it is always necessary to keep in mind that a proper language in the academic environment is obligatory. Being cordial and comprehensive with each one that is part of the group is not only a skill or a good practice, but it is also a required attitude in the peer assessment. Be as much respect as it is possible is the key to have a good relationship in the discussion process.

Word count: 846


5 References

Rosa, S. S., Coutinho, C. P., & Flores, M. A. (2016, August 04). Online Peer Assessment: Method and





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