Usui Reiki Ryoho Okuden Manual

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Usui Reiki Ryoho Okuden Manual


Okuden Training Manual

 2006 Infinite Harmony Randall Hall San Antonio, TX Phone 210.410.4980

Mikao Usui Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho

Essence of Okuden Okuden means "the deep inside" or “inner teachings” Empowering Reiki and extending the use of Reiki Four attunements are given 1. Reiki energy flow will be increased 2. Reiki energy from a higher level will be connected Symbols and Kotodama are given 1. Make use of shape and sound as catalyst for resonating with higher dimensional energy. 2. Trigger the system for resonating with Reiki vibration set by attunements. The purpose of healing beyond space and time 1. Basics – to live better now seeking for completion of learning process 2. Remote healing – Extending the space for exercising love and harmony 3. Past time healing – Getting out of the influence of negative energy for achieving self realization 4. Future time healing – Sending love and blessings to who you should be for self realization.

Introduction to Reiki Symbols Reiki symbols were introduced to help practitioners focus the energies. There are three symbols at Okuden: Focus or Power, Harmony or Emotional, and Connect or Distance symbol.\, the latter names being the traditional western names. Each of these symbols also has a jumon or Japanes mantra that can be used to invoke the same energies.

Training Wheels The symbols can be likened to the training wheels of Reiki. Some reports suggest that the symbols were introduced by Mikao Usui after his system became more popular. Students came seeking to learn the healing practice of Reiki. While his system was about more than healing, he recognized this was the path that led them to Reiki, so he gave them a method of practice. The symbols are not practiced most Japanese traditions of Reiki, in fact it should be the goal of every Reiki practitioner to move beyond the need for symbols. But for the time being, Okuden students should work with the symbols and get a strong feel for the energy each represents.

Focus (Power) Symbol Types and characteristics: First Symbol The Earth Powerup 1st and 2nd chakra

Sound (Jumon) Cho ku rei

Relation with people The earth has been producing, growing, purifying and giving creative energy to everything. Human bodies have the earth’s intention and rhythm built-in. Imbalance in it will cause one to develop disease or unhappiness.

Functions Activates the intrinsic functions of everything born on the earth by recovering its rhythm and balance, through resonation with the earth’s conscious energy.

Usage Empowering and increasing the energy, focusing it onto the target, stabilizing and fixing the energy, and also purifying the energy.

Healing Mainly used for improving the physical or materialistic energy state

Harmony (Emotional) Symbol Types and characteristics: The Moon Harmony 3rd and 4th chakra

Sound (Jumon) Sei he ki

Relation with people The moon has an effect on the earth like tides. It also causes constant changes in feelings and rhythm of human bodies. Being in sync with the moon’s conscious energy will bring emotional releases and stress reduction and help people keep in high spirit.

Functions Restores psychological and emotional balance and brings deep healing. Also promotes self-growth by increasing sensitivity and acceptance through resonation with the moon’s conscious energy.

Usage Improving human relationship, bad habits, resolving all sorts of disorders and karma/trauma with the gentle energy of love and harmony,

Healing Mainly used for restoring psychological and emotional balance.

Connection (Distance) Symbol Types and characteristics: The Sun Absentee 5th and 6th chakra Sound (Jumon) Hon sha ze sho nen Relation with people The sun has been sending energy of higher dimension to everything. Without the sun, the earth or human beings would not be able to exist even a day. The sun is the foundation of our existence. Functions Connects to the core of the target object beyond time and space and brings deep healing and transformation through resonation with the sun’s conscious energy. Usage Healing beyond time and space. Pursuing the state of silence and peace, correcting the distortion that has been an obstacle for learning. Healing Mainly used for connecting to remote objects in time and space. Often used together with other symbols.

Drawing Instructions

In Japan, kanji are drawn a very specific way. If you draw a kanji the wrong way, it does not have the same meaning. So drawing the symbols in a very specific way was very important to the Japanese students. But the symbols are merely to focus your intention. As long as the symbol focuses your intention they will create the correct effect. The fact that there are dozens of variation of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and of the master symbol, and that they all work proves that drawing the symbols in a specific manner only gives them power if you believe it does. The directions given here are a starting point for the student. I have drawn Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen many different ways, but it always works.

Kotodama Kotodama are very old. The word means 'word spirit' or 'the soul of language'. They come from Shintoism, the indigenous animist religion of Japan. At the birth of the physical and the spiritual world, there was the kotodama suuu. This developed into U, and U split into two opposing forces: A and O. The kotodama represent the forces of the universe, and there are a collection of 75 kotodama which turn up in many aspects of Japanese life. They appear within Shintoism and Buddhism as mantras for meditation, within Martial arts like Aikido, and within Reiki. There are historical accounts of kotodama being used to stop armies, to heal and to kill. There are barely a handful of kotodama Masters in the whole of Japan now, and they take us back to the earliest of Japanese spiritual traditions, almost lost in the mists of time. Japanese people of earlier times believed that words had mystical power and that the fact of saying something could make it so since each syllable or kotodama could be thought of as divine aspects of creation. Modern Japanese people do not understand the kotodama, and they do not believe in them. They are seen as ancient Shinto practices. One example of their use, though, is by pearl divers: the girls who would undertake the dives would use the kotodama 'su' to still the waters before the dived in. Some of the "New Religions" in Japan from the Meiji era to the present have diagrams that show how each sound in the Japanese language creates and sustains the universe. The founder of Aikido – Morihei Ueshiba - taught kotodama that were inspired by Onisaburo Deguchi’s new Omoto-kyo religion. The 'doka' poetry of Ueshiba was used in a similar way that Usui used Waka poetry teaching tools to help students capture the spirit of their teachings. Interestingly, the Waka poetry chosen by Usui actually contain kotodama within them. The Gakkai use a list of 125 of the Meiji Emperor's tens of thousands of Waka poems for study and meditation, but it seems that Usui used other Waka poems, chosen because they contained kotodama. Kotodama were one of the ways that Usui taught his students to connect with the different energies, the other main way being meditations, and – for maybe four students - symbols. Kotodama thus predate the use of symbols within Reiki. Of Usui's surviving students, only one was taught symbols, and they were introduced into Reiki jointly by Usui and Eguchi in about 1923, three years before Usui died. They were designed as tools that you could use to access the energies. The intention was that in time you could leave the symbols behind and then work directly with the energies that they represented. The kotodama, too, are tools to use to contact the energies, and with familiarity with the energies, these too can be left behind as you come to access the energies directly. But this took a long time. Please note that Usui’s use of kotodama is ‘classical’ kotodama, not any new interpretation that may have come through Omoto-kyo, the new religion developed by Onisaburo Deguchi, an associated of Usui and mentor of Morihei Ueshiba.

The Kotodama Energies At second-degree level, three kotodama were taught, corresponding to the three symbols used in Western Reiki. Focus ChoKuRei corresponds to the 'Focus' kotodama. This kotodama produces earth energy. Ki that emanates from the earth is heavy, firm and powerful. It grounds the body and mind, giving mental and physical strength. Earth Ki is forest green in colour and links the body to the earth. This energy can be seen as a physical healing energy, an energy that reminds you who you are. In original Usui Reiki there is no conception of the 'focus' energy being a 'power' energy, so the idea that ChoKuRei represents a 'power' symbol seems to be a Western misconception or misunderstanding: the main effect of the 'focus' kotodama is to produce physical healing, it is earth Ki, and ChoKuRei represents the same energy. Harmony SeiHeKi corresponds with the 'Harmony' kotodama. This kotodama produces heavenly energy. Ki that emanates from heaven is light, etherical (relates to the etheric body) and is passive. Heavenly Ki increases intuition, psychic ability (psychic awareness) and mental focus. Heavenly Ki is golden in colour. The harmony kotodama is heavenly Ki, and SeiHeKi represents the same energy. The kotodama are said to access the energies in a more focused way than the symbols. Connection HonShaZeShoNen corresponds with the ‘Connection’ kotodama. This kotodama does not produce an energy. It produces a state of mind in the practitioner, a state of mind of ‘oneness’. Oneness is one of the goals of Usui’s system, and chanting this kotodama, as Usui’s Shinto students would have done, helps you along this path. A side-effect of oneness, an extrapolation of the idea, is the ability to send Reiki to another person ‘at a distance’. But treating another person is an expression of oneness too.

How do you pronounce Kotodama As is the case with most mantras, one has to be careful to pronounce the syllables correctly. Remember these are all from Japanese traditions so called bija-mantras (short and meaningless words-syllables), filled with high vibrations. So, be careful to pronounce them as it is shown below: A

as in ah


as in hey


as in ee


as in nose


as in blue


as in too


as in see or tree


as in go or throw


as in may or play


as in play


as in so or go


as in go or throw



There are three respective Kotodama used in Usui Reiki Okuden Level: Name






ho ku ei

hoe koo ey-eeee



ei ei ki

ey-ee ey-ee keee



Ho a ze ho ne

hoe aah zay hoe neigh

Reiki Treatments with Symbols There are many ideas and teachings on how and where to use the symbols. Essentially only the Focus symbol was part of a treatment in the days of Mikao Usui. The Harmony symbol might be used in special cases, and the Connection symbol was only used in the case of a special request, and only if a photograph of the healing subject was provided. Some teachers start a treatment with the Connection symbol at the head of the table to connect to the recipient’s higher self, and do this at the end of the treatment. Others teach to draw the Focus symbol over each hand position. William Rand teaches to start a treatment by first drawing the Focus symbol on each of your palms, then to fill the room with the symbols, then to draw all your symbols over the recipient’s heart, or at their crown, visualizing them moving into the heart. Finally was to seal the treatment at the end by drawing the Focus symbol over the heart with that intention. You will find that you work with each person on an individual basis. That is, allow yourself to be "guided" by spirit or impulses as to how you will process with the Reiki session. Sometimes this involves all of the symbols; other times little or none at all. You should first experiment with the symbols, perhaps in one of the ways explained, and then, follow your own inner messages or impulses. A Sample Reiki Session Here is an example of how I might conduct a Reiki session, making use of most of the Reiki knowledge I have learned. Before the recipient of the Reiki session arrives, I draw all the Reiki symbols into the room to fill it with their energy and seal it. If I am at the person's house, I do this just before the session starts. You can ask the client to close his/her eyes while you do this, or do it while they are lying on the table. I perform Kenyoku Ho (dry bathing) to make sure I don’t bring any outside influences to the subject. I place my hands in gassho and raise my hands up to the heavens. As I bring them down, I see the Reiki energy connecting to the recipient. I draw all four symbols over the brown chakra. I begin by treating the head. All of the major meridians flow through the head so this is good place to focus. If I don’t feel a specific call, I will perform a general full body treatment, hitting the basic hand positions, plus do the arms and legs. If I feel a specific area needs extra work, I will draw the Focus symbol, or intone the Focus kotodama over the area. Next I will do a basic chakra treatment. I place my right hand over root chakra, connect with it visualize it. Move hand in clockwise direction, slowly spinning. Visualize root chakra is spinning with it. Then I place my left hand over sacral chakra and repeat in counter-clockwise. Keep spinning until you feel you hands moving on their own. If a chakra has difficulty spinning, I will use the Connect symbol or kotodama on the chakra to free it up. Move up one chakra, right hand on sacral, left hand on solar plexus chakra, spinning each in direction of chakra. I keep moving up one at a time until non-dominant hand does crown. Place one hand on root and one on crown and repeat. If easy, change position so root has my left hand; if not just do what is easiest. I will then do a Byosen Scan of the whole body looking for any additional imbalances. Usually this is a change in the energy flow around my hand, usually a slight tingle. I will perform a Aura Cleanse to repair any cracks in the aura. I will draw all four symbols in the aura to seal my work and provide protection to the recipient.

Treating Specific Aliments Head area Forehead (hairline), general area, temples (temple) general area Back of the head area, neck area, crown area, stomach, intestines. Eye eye, inner eye corner, outer eye corner, neck area (cranial neck vertebrae C1,2, 3.) Nose nose bone, nose flares, between eyebrows, neck area (cranial neck vertebrae C1,2, 3.) Ear ear canal, front part and back part of ear, cranial neck vertebrae C1. Mouth cover mouth without touching lips. Tongue top side of tongue, root of the tongue (most likely from the outside, neck, under the chin). Throat thyroid cartilage, neck area. Lung lung area, back, inside of shoulder blade, Thoracic vertebrae T2, T3, T4, T5 T6. Heart heart area, cranial neck vertebrae C5, C6, C7. Thoracic vertebrae T1, T2, T3, T4, T5. Liver Liver area, Thoracic vertebrae T8, T9, T10. (especially right hand side) Stomach stomach area, Thoracic vertebrae T4, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 Intestine ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon area, small intestine area, (navel point area), Thoracic vertebrae T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, Lumbar vertebrae L2, L3, L4, L5, buttocks. Bladder bladder area, Lumbar vertebrae L4, L5. Uterus uterus area and both sides of it, Thoracic vertebrae T9, T10, T11, T12, Lumbar vertebrae L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, sacrum, coccyx. Kidney Kidney area, Thoracic vertebrae T11, T12

Gendai Techniques Hatsurei-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

This is a way to enhance your Reiki channel and help you grow spiritually. It is an exercise used to cleanse the aura, so you may place your hands a little away from the body. I. Kihon Shisei (standard posture) Sit on the floor (Seiza style - on your knees, sitting on your legs) or sit on a chair. Remove all the tension from your body and relax. Close your eyes lightly. Straighten your back. Bring your attention to the Tanden (3-5 cm below the navel). Both hands on the lap, palms facing downwards. II. Mokunen (Focusing) This means to quietly tell your subconscious mind "I'll start Hatsurei-ho". III. Kenyoku (Dry bathing or Brushing off) Note: you should breathe out as you brush using the Hado method- as you exhale, say "aaaaah" or something similar - i.e. make a sound. Brushing can be either with contact (touching) or in the aura (not touching). 1. Place the fingers of your right hand near the top of the left shoulder, with the fingertips over the indentation just in from the edge of the shoulder (where the collar bone meets the shoulder). The hand is lying flat. 2. Draw the flat hand down across the chest in a straight line, over the "V" of the sternum (where the rib cage meets) down to the right hip, while doing the Hado breathing and the ‘Haa’ sound. 3. Repeat this procedure on the right side, using the left hand. Draw it flattened from the shoulder, in a straight line, across the sternum, to the left hip. 4. Repeat the procedure again on the left side. 5. Place the fingers of the right hand on the middle of the left forearm, fingertips on the edge pointing outwards. (Note: See Doi's sensei's modified version and the current URR Gakkai in the Shoden-Gendai: Kenyoku-ho technique.). Draw the right hand, flattened, down the outside of the arm, all the way to the finger tips, all the while keeping the left arm straight and at your side, while doing the Hado breathing and the ‘Haa’ sound. 7. Repeat this process on the right side, with the left hand on the right forearm and drawing it down the right arm to the fingertips. 8. Repeat the process on the left side again. IV. Connect to Reiki Raise your hands high up in the air, visualize and feel the vibration/light of Reiki flowing into your hands and running through your whole body. V. Joshin Koku ho (Cleansing Breathing) This means to purify the mind The original Gakkai method is to simply do clean breathing. As some students find this difficult to do, Doi-sensei replaces this with Joshin Koku Ho. 1. Calmly breathe in and out from the nose with pure thoughts. Both hands are on the lap, palms facing upwards and slightly curled as if holding an egg. Bring the mind to the Tanden and keep it there. Breathe naturally in a relaxed manner and release the tension from the body. 2. As you breathe in, imagine or visualise that white Reiki energy is coming through the top of the head down to the Tanden and spreading everywhere throughout the body. At the same time imagine that all the tension is melting away and making you feel relaxed 3. As you breathe out, do the Hado breathing with the ‘Haa’ sound slowly and firmly. At the same time imagine that the light which filled all of the body, is emanating out through the skin and spreading into infinity.

4. Repeat (2),(3) for a couple of minutes or as long as you like VI. Gassho Put your hands together holding them in front of your chest (like praying hands) a little higher than your heart. VII. Sei Shin Toitsu (Concentration). This means to concentrate the mind. The original Gakkai method is to simply make your mind blank. As some students find this difficult to do, Doi-sensei replaces this with Sei Shin Toitsu. 1. Keep the Gassho, bring your attention to the Tanden. Imagine that you are breathing through your hands. 2. When you breathe in, visualize that the light of Reiki flows in through your hands on to your hara line, and filling the Tanden. 3. When you breathe out, do the Hado breathing, and visualize that the Reiki light stored in your Tanden radiating out thru your hands. (your attention should remain on your breathing). 4. Repeat (1), (2) for a couple of minutes or as long as you like VIII. Mokunen Put your hands back on to your laps with your palms down. Say silently to your subconscious mind "I have finished Hatsurei-ho." Open your eyes and shake your hands up/down/left/right for a few seconds.

Uchite Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: Applying Reiki by patting with your hands or palms. A technique which can be used in areas of numbness and to stimulate the surface and allow better penetration of Reiki Method: 1. Lightly pat and stimulate the area of numbness, making sure you do not hurt the recipient. 2. This will stimulate the surface of the physical body and allow Reiki to penetrate into the body quickly, waking up the cells. Comments: As an example. Doi Sensei demonstrated by patting up and down the shoulders and arms of the recipient for a short time, and then began to apply Reiki to this area. The hands may also be cupped as you pat.

Nadete Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: Applying Reiki by stroking with your hands. Method: 1. Move your hands up and down (or drawing circles) to encourage the energy flow in the body with Reiki. Treat from the shoulders to the tips of the hands, waist to the tips of feet, giving gentle frictional stimulation. 2. Also stroke the body from top to bottom (or left and right). Try to penetrate Reiki feeling the strong flow of Reiki from your hands. Comments: Step 2 is more appropriate on the back. The circles can be performed on the right side of the spine and then on the left. I noticed that Doi Sensei would move his hands clockwise on the right side and counterclockwise on the left side.

Oshite Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: Applying Reiki by pushing gently with your fingertips. Method: 1. Push the problem area with your finger tips (your index and middle fingers or your middle and the third fingers together), sending Reiki through the fingers, identifying the state of pain and numbness 2. To loosen stiff shoulders, stiff muscles or lumps in the internal organs, push your fingers into the body area and send Reiki. 3. You can also push with your thumbs when you treat the area of stiff muscles or energy stagnation. Comments: Do not place your fingers on the bone, but simply on the muscles area. Be sensitive to your recipient's experience and do not push hard enough to cause pain.

Gyoshi-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: Healing while softly staring; giving Reiki with the eyes. Method: 1. Your eyes can be used to give out Reiki, too. You just look at the area to be healed and feel that the area is being cleansed and healed. 2. You should not try hard to focus or glare, but instead focus softly on the area.. Comments: This is most likely a technique taught at some level of Shoden, as Usui even mentions it in his comments at the front of his Usui Reiki Hikkei, given out to all Shoden stduents.

Heso Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler

Purpose: Navel healing technique. The navel is the center of your body and the healing spot for every disease. Method: 1. Put your middle finger into your navel and feel the pulse for a while. 2. Feel the pulse is gradually lead by Reiki and getting in resonance with universal energy. 3. Keep it until you feel relaxed and balanced. Comments: As shown, this technique may be done with your clothes on. You may feel a bit self conscious doing this on another person, or they may not wish to have this technique given this way. An alternate way would be to raise your hand an inch or two away from the body and focus Reiki into the navel.

Koki-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: This is a technique to send Reiki using your breath. If you feel hot in your chest, mouth or nose when you give Reiki, then you can give Reiki through breathing. Method: 1. Breathe in through your nose.

2. With your mouth shaped like when you whistle, softly breathe to the area where you want to give Reiki. Comments: This technique is useful especially when you want to give Reiki to where you cannot touch, as in a burned area. This is most likely taught in Shoden, as Usui mentions it in his Usui Reiki Hikkei, given out to all Shoden students.

Tanden Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: This is a depoisoning technique, used to rid the body of toxins. Method: 1. Place one hand on Tanden (3 cm below the navel), and the other hand on your upper forehead (the edge of where your hair grows). 2. Feel the energy from the hand on your forehead and say in your mind "please get rid of the poison from my body". Leave your hand here for a couple of minutes 3. Move the hand on your forehead and put it on the hand on your tanden. With both hands on tanden, let the Reiki flow through tanden for 20-30 minutes. Comments: This technique can easily be applied to another person, and can be inserted into any treatment.

Seiheki Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: A version of “Nentatsu-ho. A way of releasing thought patterns or bad habits by applying Reiki together with the Harmony energy (see Symbols section). Method: 1. Place one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head. Transmit the pure message through the hand on the forehead for one to two minutes. (The message or affirmation could be to improve the personality, correct bad habits, etc.) 2. Remove your hand on the forehead but keep the other hand on the back of the head for more than 5 minutes and give Reiki. While giving Reiki, no message should be transmitted. 3. You can use this technique for yourself or others. When you do it for others, make sure the message given is what the person wants. It is better and more effective to exercise short ones many times rather than giving a long one. Comments: While it is not specified here, it is assumed that as an Okuden practitioner, in Step 2 you are adding to the Reiki energy, the additional energies received in Okuden: Focus, Harmony and if you are Okuden Koki, the Connection energy as well. In the West these relate to Power, Mental/Emotional and Distant symbols. An advanced Okuden or a Shinpiden would be able to integrate all 3 energies (see Shinpiden section). See the Gendai Reiki-ho technique "Deprogramming" for Doi Sensei's version of this.

Enkaku Chiryo-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: This is a technique to send energy from a distance. Method: 1. Acquire a photograph of the intended healing subject. 2. Gassho and extend your hands upwards to bring in the Reiki energy.

3. Focus on the combined Okuden Reiki energies, from Connection, to Harmony to Focus. 4. Send Reiki to the intended recipient. Comments: Originally called Photograph Reiki, one needed to present the practitioner with a picture of the healing subject. Not many could afford this so this was used more for affluent recipients. Since the Reiki practitioner at this level would have received the 3 additional empowerments of Okuden, they were expected to use these in a combined format in their healing. See the section on Symbols.

Ketsueki Kokan-ho (Ketsueki Joka-ho) Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose: A nerve stroke technique, often used at the finish of a Reiki session. There are 2 methods: Hanshin Koketsu-ho (Half body blood cleansing) and Zenshin koketsu-ho (Full body blood cleansing) Hanshin Koketsu-ho Method: 1. Sweep down the back from center to left and center to right with your palms, working your way down the spine. You should have about 10 to15 outward sweeps. 2. Hold your index and middle fingers together in both hands and place them on both sides of the spine. Sweep down the spine from the neck to the bottom. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Then repeat. Do this for 10 to 15 times. Zenshin koketsu-ho Method: 1. The recipient may be lying face up or down, or sitting in a chair. 2. Give Reiki with your hands to the head (front & back, both sides, forehead and neck bottom). 3. Give Reiki to both lungs, heart, stomach, and intestines. 4. Sweep both arms from shoulder to the tips of hands several times. 5. Then sweep down from thighs to the tips of feet. Comments: In the workshop we used a combination of the above. Please see the Full Body treatment given in a chair in the Gendai Reiki-ho Okuden material.

Jiko Joka-ho Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose. This is a self cleansing healing technique; cleansing and activation of the energy body Method: 1. The basic position is standing. With your feet apart to shoulder width, visualise or imagine that a straight line runs through you from the heavens to the earth. Place the top of your head and spine in alignment with this line. Close or half close your eyes. 2. Gassho. Raise your hands up high and feel the Reiki vibrations of light flow through the whole of your body. 3. Lower your hands while you are feeling the light vibrations. Open your arms left and right, palms facing down. Bring the hands together, fingertips touching to the chest level. 4. While doing the Hado breathing with the ‘Haa’ sound, push both hands down so that the energy can be released from the body. Feel the energy leaving the body through the soles of the feet. Do this exercise once.

5. Breathe in gently through the nose. bring your hands upwards with the palms still facing downwards, and move the earth energy upwards. Move your hands high above the head with your palms now facing up and release the earth energy to heaven. Then receive the heaven energy. While doing the Hado breathing, face your palms down and move your hands to your head. Next, with palms facing your body, move your hands to the chest and down to the abdomen in order to move the body energy downwards, and to release the energy to the earth through the soles of the feet. 6. As you breathe out to your limit, gently breathe in through your nose again and move the earth energy to the heavens with both hands. Then, again receive heaven energy and move the body energy to the earth with Hado breathing. Comments: Your palms are facing downwards when rising, and towards the body when they are sinking. These exercises are for self cleansing and healing, and to make you feel uplifted. Do these exercises any time, anywhere you like.

Reiki Box Source: Modern Reiki Method For Healing - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Akikio Kawarai; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler

Purpose. This is a method you can use to focus Reiki on a number of projects, goals or wishes at the same time. It involves using a non-metalic box to store the papers you will use as a focus for each desire. Method: 1. Write or draw the wishes on a piece of paper. Place one wish on one sheet. You may also write/draw the object at a distance. 2. Get the images in your head that the wishes are granted, 3. Draw the third, the second and the first symbols with your finger on each paper, repeating the Kotodama for each, three times. 4. Put the papers in the box and keep it in an unseen place. 5. Draw the third, the second and the first symbols with your finger towards the box and repeat Kotodama three times 6. Send the energy everyday starting the next day. (It is more effective if you take out the paper from the box each day and do this on each piece.) Comments: It is suggested you do not use wishes based on your ego. You can also use this technique to send distant healing to friends and family. Simply write their name on a piece of paper, or place a photo in the box.

Sending Light to Your Cells Source: Essence of Gendai Reiki ho - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Yukio Miura; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler.

Purpose:. This is a technique to focus Reiki right at the cellular level. Method: 1. Stand or sit. Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes gently, straighten up your spine, and place your hands on your lap, palms face down. 2. Gassho. 3. Raise your hands high above the head. Feel the vibrations of light flushing into the whole of the body. 4. Feel the vibration, move your hands down slowly and carry-out the abdomen breathing. 5. Bring your mind up to your head and slowly move the mind's eye downwards as if you are scanning the whole of your body.

6. Try it again and when you detect an unbalanced area, that means that there is congestion there. Breathe in and while breathing out send Reiki energy into the area of congestion. 7. Mentally talk to the cells, "You are very tense but you are all right now because Reiki light has reached you. Your anger, sorrow and fear are all cleared and surrounded by the light" Say something like these examples: "You have become a perfect being. Get better and carry-out your task." 8. After saying these words then move on to the next tense area, and repeat. 9. When you master this exercise, as you detect the congestion, you will feel the white Reiki light go to it, and you only need to tell the congested area "You have been healed." Eventually white light only touches the congestion for a moment, and the healing is carried out. 10. Gassho and finish with gratitude. Comments: Instead of carrying out the scanning by the mind, you can also use a physical method as follows: Palms facing your body, and move slowly down the front of the body, to find the congestion. Then repeat the same words as above.

De-programming technique Source: Modern Reiki Method For Healing - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Akikio Kawarai; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler

Purpose: This technique is called "out-of-brainwashing" or "out-of-mind-control" and is used to work on the unconsciousness to remove bad habits. This is Doi Sensei's own version of Sei Heki Chiryo-ho Method: 1. Perform aura cleansing on the receiver 2. Put one hand on the back of the receiver’s head and draw the third, the second and the first symbols on him/her with the other hand and chant each Kotodama. 3. Put the hands on the forehead and the back of the head and feel yourself filled with the (Reiki) light and send it to the receiver, imagining the light is filling the receiver. 4. Repeat the affirmation three times in your mind. 5. When you are finished, perform aura cleansing and then complete the treatment. Comments: For step 1, in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, the Reiki practitoner would not draw symbols but simply focus on the flow of each energy. An advanced Okuden or a Shinpiden would be able to integrate all 3 energies (see the Shinpiden section).

Distant Reiki Source: Modern Reiki Method For Healing - Sensei Hiroshi Doi; translation by Akikio Kawarai; editing by Richard R. Rivard, Tom Rigler

Purpose: The purpose of healing beyond space and time: Basics – to live better now seeking for completion of learning process Remote healing – Extending the space for exercising love and harmony Past time healing – Getting out of the influence of negative energy for achieving self realization Future time healing – Sending love and bless to who you should be for self realization. Method: Using pictures or drawings 1. Prepare a picture. (Or a drawing of a person with the name.) 2. Place it on a table and repeat the name three times. 3. Send the third symbol (the second and the first symbol if necessary) to the middle of the forehead. 4. Send Reiki from head to toe and complete it after purifying aura.

5. Reiki is sent automatically to the objected person if you send the energy to your basic 12 positions (or three selected positions) after (3). Using life size images 1. Imagine a life size energy form of the objected person right in front of you. 2. Send the third symbol (the second and the first symbol if necessary) to the middle of the forehead of the image. 3. Purify aura after sending the energy. Using mini size images 1. Imagine a mini size energy form of the objected person between your hands and send the energy to the whole body. (If necessary, use an image of body part) Your hands can be held either top and bottom or right and left. Comments: Originally called Photograph Reiki, one needed to present the practitioner with a picture of the healing subject. Not many could afford this so this was used more for affluent recipients.

Appendix: Additional Material on Symbols from Reiki Masters Focus (Power) Symbol From William Rand • the top horizontal line represents the male energy of the universe. (shiva) • the line down represents energy coming to earth; also represents the spinal column. • the spiral represents the female energy (shakti or kundalini) of the universe. (an earth energy) • it means "Put all the power of the universe here". • it focuses the energy of Reiki. • it increases the strength of your Reiki. • it can be used with the intention of protection. (and it can assist in filtering out negative energy) • it can be used to open up your chakras to the light. • it is used at the end of a treatment on the solar plexus to seal the Reiki process, causing the receiver to continue to receive Reiki for hours or even days. From Dr. Anne McMurtry • empowerment symbol - operates like a volume control • the healing energy moves in a spiral - like that of the chakras, or crystals, or water going down a drain. • associated with Dr. Hayashi as he was interested in bringing Reiki to a new form of empowerment. • element associated with it is fire and the colour associated is red. • there are two ways to make the symbol: clockwise towards others ; counter-clockwise towards you. • the symbol accesses the frequencies of that Reiki energy. • besides using in a treatment (before each hand position) you can have a person think of anything they wish to materialize or empower and you can draw a large Power symbol, motioning it towards them, and it will assist in drawing that (or an appropriate) goal to them. Harmony (Emotional) Symbol From William Rand • the left side of the symbol represents the left brain. • the right side represents the right brain. • it balances and brings into harmony the left and right side of the brain. • it means "God and humanity become one". • it heals on higher levels; in the auric field. • it gets to deeper levels in that it gets to the level of original cause. • it can also be used for protection(and to filter out negative energy).

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it can be used to improve memory; to remember, in learning, during a test. it works on relationships, via affirmations, for the highest good of all concerned; write the affirmation on paper (as well as the essence it will give you - e.g. security, peace of mind) draw the mental/emotional symbol over it with your finger and Reiki it; or put your hands on your head, think of the mental/emotional symbol and its name, repeat your affirmations, end with the mental emotional symbol again.

From Dr. Anne McMurtry • (affects the Mental or Emotional level of the aura, depending on the intention of use; may be seen as a ball of energy moving from you into the aura of your client) • can give a cooling sensation. • associated with the element of water and the colour blue. • connects with Mrs. Takata and the archetype of forgiveness. • "we can stretch our hands upon the sea of the mind and say 'Peace! Be still'". • brings in the essence of the Goddess energy. • allows the mind to clear and come to peacefulness. • suggest you use specifically for no more than 10 minutes; more than this and the mind gets overloaded with clearing and releasing; if you detoxify to the extreme you may trigger a healing crisis; you don't want to consciously do this. • suggested hand position for intoning the Mental / Emotional Symbol is the nondominant hand under the head (or at the side of the head - sometimes used by Mrs. Takata) and the dominant hand on top of the head with fingers overlapping the forehead. o (in this position a person is very susceptible to suggestions or affirmations, mentally or verbally spoken; this is a good time for them to repeat their affirmations and you should only be thinking or saying positive thoughts). • you become attuned to recipient's subconscious; it is a very intimate process; you can share (with the recipient) any thoughts or feelings you get while using it. • the energy maintains itself while you intend it to. • it also lets the mind come up with everything it wants, to release it; just like the rains in India - all the worms come to the surface - then just clear away the worms. • can use to clear your mind to prepare for channeling. • like having a mental shower – • can be used before meditation.