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UNIT 1: LIVING THINGS Plants are living things. They need air, water and sunlight to grow.

Las plantas son seres vivos. Necesitan aire, agua y la luz del sol para vivir. VOCABULARY:  LIVING THINGS: Seres vivos.  AIR: Aire.  WATER: Agua.  SUNLIGHT: Luz del sol. 1. Complete.

air – water – sunlight


VOCABULARY:  SEEDS: Semillas.  STEM: Tallo.  LEAVES: Hojas.  ROOTS: Raíces.  FLOWER: Flor.

2. Complete.


Tree, bushes and grass are all plants.

VOCABULARY:  Tree: Árbol.  Bush: Arbusto.  Grass: Hierba.


Trace and match.

Los árboles de hoja caduca pierden sus hojas en otoño. Los árboles de hoja perenne mantienen sus hojas durante todo el año. Decidious trees lose their leaves in autumn.

Evergreen trees have green leaves all year.

VOCABULARY:  Decidious trees: Árboles de hoja caduca.  Evergreen trees: Árboles de hoja perenne. 4.

Circle the correct word in each sentence.

 Decidious trees / Evergreen trees have green leaves all year.  Decidious trees / Evergreen trees lose their leaves in autumn

ANIMALS Los animales son seres vivos: Nacen, crecen, se desplazan, buscan su alimento, se reproducen y mueren.

Pueden desplazarse / they can move  Por el aire (in the air)  Por la tierra (on the land)  Por el agua (in the water)

air: aire land: tierra. water: agua.

Dependiendo de lo que comen se clasifican en / According to what they eat, they are:  Hervíboros (comen plantas) Hervibores (they eat plants)  Carnívoros (comen carne) meat: carne Carnivores (they eat meat)  Omnívoros (comen plantas y carne) Omnivores (they eat plants and meat) 5.

According to what they eat, what type of animals are these? Look and write. Hervibores – Carnivores – Omnivores


Look at the picture and colour according to the code.

VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES Vertebrates animals have a skeleton and invertebrates have not a skeleton.

Los animales vertebrados tienen esqueleto mientras que los invertebrados no lo tienen. 7.

Cross out the mistake.


Circle the invertebrates.

Vertebrates can be / Los vertebrados pueden ser:  Viviparous: They are born from their mother´s womb. Vivíparos: Nacen del vientre de la madre.  Oviparous: They are born from eggs. Ovíparos: Nacen de huevos. 9.


10. Write.

11. Write the letter.

12. Do they live in land or in the water? Colour.



1. Complete air – sunlight - water


3. Look at the colour code and circle. Tree: blue - Grass: green - Bush: red

4. Match. Decidious trees ------- Evergreen trees

5. Look and write. Hervibores – Carnivores – Omnivores

6. Classify.



7. Viviparous or Oviparous?





8. Do they live on land or in the water? Put the animals in the correct place. Draw lines.