Unit 1. the Organization of Living Things

NATURAL SCIENCE. 5th LEVEL. UNIT 1: THE ORGANIZATION OF LIVING THINGS. 1. What do living things do? All living things c

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UNIT 1: THE ORGANIZATION OF LIVING THINGS. 1. What do living things do? All living things carry out the basic life processes of interaction, nutrition and reproduction. INTERACTION: All living information in their environment. Then they react to this information in



different ways. NUTRITION: All living things take in essential nutrients from their environment. These nutrients give them energy and enable them to grow and develop. REPRODUCTION: Living things can members of their own species.



2. What are living things made up of? Cells carry out the basic life processes of interaction, nutrition and reproduction. Most cells reproduce by dividing to form two new cells. ANIMAL CELL: The nucleus controls everything that happens inside the cell. The membrane surrounds and protects the cell. The cytoplasm is a thick, clear liquid protected by the membrane. LA CÉLULA VEGETAL: La pared celular es una capa gruesa y rígida que rodea la célula vegetal y le da forma. Está compuesta por una sustancia llamada celulosa. En el interior de la célula vegetal se encuentra una cavidad llamada vacuola. En su interior, se almacena agua con alimento y otras sustancias, como pigmentos que le dan color. Cuando la planta no tiene suficiente agua, la vacuola se queda vacía (la planta se marchita), pero basta con regarla para que, pocos minutos después, la vacuola se llene de nuevo y la planta vuelva a estar rígida y fresca.

3. Unicellular and multicellular organisms. Some living things, such as bacteria, are made up of only one cell. They’re unicellular organisms.

Other living things, such as trees, have many cells. They’re multicellular organisms. (En español, organismos pluricelulares).