T.harv Eker-Masterclass Workbook

5 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Training : 1. 2. Print out this Online Event Notes before the event starts s

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5 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Training :

1. 2.

Print out this Online Event Notes before the event starts so you can write down your notes as you listen.

Review the topic outline so you know what to listen out

for. Make sure you’ve set aside 2 hours of private time for this training so you’ll have an uninterrupted learning session.

3. 4.

During the event, write down ALL the interesting and new

ideas and inspirations you get while listening - that way you won’t lose the most relevant information to you.

While listening to the masterclass, write down any

immediate action steps that come to your mind... steps

that you can take right now to increase your wealth and abundance.


Be in a comfortable position (ideally not driving) so you can fully take part in the visualization exercise.

**The next part is for you to take note while you listen to Harv Eker during the masterclass. Fill in the blanks as you progress. These will be the important points that you'll take away from the session.

page 1

INTRODUCTION Fill in the rest of the pages :

1. If you think rich people are bad, then...

2. Bless

3. Create stories that

4. You will be rich, you will be wealthy. The only thing that is stopping you is

page 2

MONEY and Self Worthiness 5. I am


6. High self-worth will create a high net-worth and

MONEY, BALANCE And journey 7. You must make sure that you are doing

page 4

8. Many people loose their money because

9. Energy can be 10. To get rich you need

MONEY MANAGEMENT 11. You must be good at : i. ii. iii. 12. People are bad at it because

13. You must be a great


get financially free.

page 5

Money, Purpose and Passion 14. You have a

Money, Mind and Fear 15. I am afraid of 16.

to succeed

in anything. 17. Most of the people don't have a to success. 18. What is your to get rich?

page 6

19. My route to success must match !

Money AND RELATIONSHIP 19. Number 1 cause of breaking relationship is

Money and Spirituality 21. Your

should not be about money (that's the beauty of it).

page 7

Money, Income and Freedom 22. You will have to work hard, but for

23. We are creatures of You need to practice

24. Universe has a flow for you, you were born to be

page 8

Use this space for your own notes

page 9