Task How Things Work

Corporación Universitaria del Caribe Ingles VI Licenciatura en pedagogía infantil How things work, Estudiante: Yenni Ma

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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe Ingles VI Licenciatura en pedagogía infantil

How things work, Estudiante: Yenni Marcela Basto Flórez

CAU Málaga Santander 2020

Task 2: Create a conversation about a problem do you have with any home device. Record it and send it. Remember use vocabulary in pdf. It could be an electronical devices or household appliances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6idkO-kCKmY Task 3: Make a presentation using an online tool, (it could be prezi, emaze, or other) Describe how any electronical device work, use phrasal verbs. https://www.powtoon.com/s/dwQnr3MTRaj/1/m
