Quilting Line Color

Quilting LINE + COLOR Techniques and Designs for Abstract Quilts Yoshiko Jinzenji Gallery Hexagon Series White +

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Techniques and Designs for Abstract Quilts

Yoshiko Jinzenji


Hexagon Series

White + Elements Series

Sampler Series

Ribbon Tape Series

Connected Squares Series

Code Series

Silhouette Series

I n t h i s q u i l t , a d y n a m i c - t h re e d i m e n s i o n a l i l l u s i o n i s c re a t e d t h ro u g h t h e u s e o f t wo co n t ra s t i n g c o l o rs co m b i n e d w i t h a re p e a t i n g p a tt e r n .

Rectangle Quilt We w i l l u s e t h i s wo r k t o i n t ro d u c e t h e b a s i c t e c h n i q u e s o f sewing pieces together, basting, quilting, and binding.


line + color 5

Rectangle series: Quilt 1 Finished dimensions 46" x 34¼" (117 x 87 cm) FA B R I C S 1 Red polished cotton: 42" or 45" fabric, 1¾ yd (110 cm width 1 m 50 cm) [standard cotton fabric is 42" or 45" wide. 110 cm = 43¼"] 2 White cotton (includes binding): 42" or 45" fabric, 1¾ yd (110 cm width 1 m 60 cm)

3 2 1

3 Lining and binding, white cotton: 42" or 45" fabric, 1½ yd (110 cm width 1 m 30 cm) (Cut the bindings first, lengthwise, from the fabric).


4 Batting: 50" x 38" (123 x 93 cm)


Cut pieces A and B, adding ¼" (6 mm) seam allowance to all sides.



Cut out the patterns for pieces A and B using thick paper.

Place the patterns on the back side of the fabric, trace around the cutting lines, then cut.

Line up the cut pieces as shown in the picture.




Sew together the rows in order one at a time working side to side, omitting the row that goes around the perimeter (the border). Sew each row together and finish by sewing on the border. To stitch by hand, place two fabric pieces right sides together and sew the seam from one edge to the other. Begin by tying a knot in the end of the thread and make a single backstitch. Sew across the seam line in a running stitch (see photo at right of sewn seam). Finish with a single backstitch and cut the thread (no need for a knot).

Wrong Side

Sew together the 16 pieces of the first row.

Cut out 380 red and 379 white pieces A and 24 red and 22 white pieces B.

Offset red and white blocks in a brick pattern.

Press all the seam allowances toward the red side.

Stitch rows together and press seam allowances to one side.


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C O N T E N TS E x t e n s i o n s o f S q u a re s , Rectangles, and Hexagons Connected Squares Series Mini-Tapestry 1 Mini-Tapestry 2 Tapestry Bedcover 1 Bedcover 2

Rectangle Series

Discover the elegant simplicity of contemporary quilting

Quilt 1 Quilt 2

Hexagon Series Merry Quilt Transparent Quilt

D i s c o v e r i n g Tra n s p a re n t Fa b r i c s

Looking to fuse Japanese design and modern techniques in your quilting projects? With Quilting Line + Color, you will explore color, shape, stitching, and fabric ideas from internationally known weaver, dyer, fabric artist, teacher, and quilter Yoshiko Jinzenji. Yoshiko brings a fresh, contemporary vision to the quilting scene with more than 30 gorgeous projects, accompanied by precise instructions and detailed illustrations. From bed-size quilts to bags and pillows, you will learn to create innovative pieces while trying out new and traditional techniques. In Quilting Line + Color, Yoshiko delves into the interplay of shape and fabric, set off to striking effect with white fabric and stitching. Her asymmetrical and graphic use of color takes on a fresh, painterly feel. She shares her artistry and philosophy with you as she teaches you how to cut, piece, and stitch a variety of designs—from patchwork and innovative uses of appliqué and reverse appliqué to layered transparent fabrics and handstitching. Quilting Line + Color gives you an uncomplicated approach to adventurous yet beautifully balanced quilts.

Silhouette Series Cushion 1 Cushion 2 Bag Shoulder Bag

Spiral Series Cushion Poshette

I d e a l P ro j e c t s fo r G i f t s Sampler Series Frame Quilt

Baby Series Quilt 1 Quilt 2

Ribbon Tape Series Quilt Frame Cushion

D i g i t a l G ra p h i c s a n d C o d e Q u i l t s Digital Series

has been quilting for more than three decades. Her artisanal quiltmaking synthesizes a wide range of cultural styles, and her work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Art and Design, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the New England Quilt Museum. Jinzenji has authored multiple books about quilting and teaches quilting and fabric dyeing in Japan and Bali.

yoshiko jinzenji

Graphic Quilt Graphic Cushion

Code Series Quilt 1 Hojoki Quilt Tale of the Heike Quilt

B a l a n c i n g W h i t e s w i t h C o l o rs White + Red Series

Paperback, 8½ x 10¼, 192 pages, ISBN 978-1-59668-333-4 $28.95, Available October 2010

Shapes Quilt Balance Quilt Stripes Quilt

White + Elements Series Stripes Quilt Colors Quilt Lines Quilt The Quilting Journey Tools