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JURUSAN TEKNIK ELEKTRO PRODI TEKNIK MEKATRONIKA POLITEKNIK NEGERI BATAM 2019 Packet Tracer - Simulating IoT Devices_DONE Packet Tracer – Simulating IoT Devices Objectives Part 1: Build the Circuit Place the components in the Logical Workspace Connect the components Part 2: Program the Single Board Computer (SBC) Run the default program Modify the default program

Background / Scenario Packet Tracer has evolved to simulate IoT devices. This tutorial will guide you through the process of placing components in the Logical Workspace, connecting the components, and then programming the single-board computer (SBC) to control them.

Required Resources PC with Packet Tracer 7.1 or newer installed

Part 1: Build the Circuit Step 1: Place components in the logical workspace. a. Open Packet Tracer 7.1 or newer, and choose the Components icon. b. Place a SBC Board in the Logical Workspace. c. Place an LED and a Servo in the Logical Workspace.

Step 2: Connecting the components. a. Click the Connections icon, select an IoT Custom Cable, and connect SBC0 D0 to Servo0 D0. b. Select another IoT Custom Cable and connect SBC0 D1 to LED D0.

Part 2: Program the Single Board Computer (SBC) Note: Python used in PT is an open source Python to JavaScript interpreter that is not updating to Python 3.0. For this reason there may be slight differences in the syntax between the code observed in PT and that in devices using Python 3.

Step 1: Run the default program. a.

Double-click SBC0 and select the Programming tab.

b. c.

Double-click Blink (Python) in the left pane to open it.

c. Double-click main.py to reveal the default Python code. d. Click the Run button to run the default code. Return to the Logical Workspace. The LED should be blinking.


Return to the SBC0 Programming tab, and click the Stop button to stop the program execution.

Step 2: Modify the default program. a. Copy line 8 of the source code and paste it just below line 8. Do the same with line 11 (formerly line 10) and paste it immediately after the original line of code. b. Modify the new lines of code to read: customWrite(0, 127); and customWrite(0, -127); c. Run the modified program. The servo should now move along with the blinking LED.

Reflection What could be changed to make the servo turn in the opposite direction while the LED is blinking? =

customWrite(0, 127); and customWrite(0, -127); Packet Tracer - Sensors and the PT Microcontroller Packet Tracer – Sensors and the PT Microcontroller in Packet Tracer 7.1 Objectives Part 1: Get familiar with sensors in Packet Tracer (PT) 7.1 Part 2: Get familiar with the PT Microcontroller (PT-MCU) in PT 7.1 Part 3: Get familiar with PT Microcontroller (PT-MCU) programming in PT 7.1

Background / Scenario A microcontroller unit (MCU) is a small computer built on a System on a Chip (SoC) . It contains a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications or applications that require few computer resources. Conversely, the microprocessors used in personal computers are commonly used to support other general purpose applications that require more computer resources. Examples of applications that rely on microcontrollers are automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, toys and other embedded systems. Mixed signal microcontrollers are also common, integrating analog components needed to control non-digital electronic systems. Packet Tracer 7.1 brings support for an MCU emulator. The user can program the PT MCU to perform tasks similar to real-word MCUs. To simplify the process, the PT MCU can be programmed with Java and Python. In this activity, you will launch MCUDEMO.PKT in Packet Tracer 7.1 and familiarize yourself with the PT MCU emulator and its programming aspect.

Required Resources 1 PC with Packet Tracer 7.1 installed MCUDEMO.PKT file

Part 1: Getting Started The PT MCU is a board that has a USB port, six digital I/O ports, and four analog I/O ports. The digital I/O ports on the PT MCU allow a user to connect digital sensors and actuators. The analog I/O ports allow a user to connect analog sensors and actuators. In this demo, there is a single PT MCU connected to four sensors and four actuators. The four sensors include a digital switch, a digital toggle push button, an analog potentiometer, and an analog flex sensor. The four actuators include a light, an LED, a siren, and an analog motor. The PT MCU is programmed in Python to continuously read the sensor values and then write to the actuators, governed by conditional logic. The relationship between the sensors and actuators can be summed up by: The Switch controls the Light The Push Button controls the LED The Potentiometer controls the Siren The Flex Sensor controls the Motor

Part 2: The Sensors and the PT MCU a. Take a moment to analyze the topology. The MCU is placed in the center. The input devices (sensors and switches) are placed on the left and the output devices to the right.

b. Explore the MCU, sensors, switches and controlled devices to open their configuration windows. Notice that different devices have different tabs available. In the MCU window, the Programming tab holds the running Python code. The Python code defines the device’s behavior. c. ALT + click (hold the ALT key while clicking a device) to interact with a device. ALT + click the switch to turn on/off the light.



ALT + click the push button to turn on/off the LED.



ALT + click, hold and drag the potentiometer to control the volume of the siren.



ALT + click, hold and drag the flex sensor to control the speed of the motor.




Take note of what MCU ports the sensors, switches and devices are connected to. 

D0 MCU to D0 Switch

D1 MCU to D0 Toggle Push Button

A0 MCU to A0 Potentiometer

A1 MCU to A0 Flex Sensor

D2 MCU to D0 Lamp

D3 MCU to D0 LED

D4 MCU to D0 Siren

D5 MCU to A0 Motor

Part 3: Programming the MCU Note: Python used in PT is an open source Python to JavaScript interpreter that is not updating to Python 3.0. For this reason there may be slight differences in the syntax between the code observed in PT and that in devices using Python 3. a. Open the MCU located in the center of the topology. b. Select the Programming tab to gain access to the Python code running on the MCU. c. Take a look at the code and try to understand it. Below is a summary of the tasks it performs: In lines 1 and 2, all classes in the time and gpio libraries are imported into the program. This is important to give access to time and general purpose input/output (GPIO) functions. Four global variables are then declared and initialized in lines 4, 5, 6 and 7. These variables are going to be used to hold sensor values. A function called readFromSensors() is then created (lines 9 through 18). First, the function prepares the sensor variables (lines 10 through 13).The readFromSensors() function then calls two other functions digitalRead() and analogRead() to capture the status of the sensors and stores it in the appropriate variables (lines 15 through 18). Notice that digitalRead() and analogRead() take a pin number as a parameter. By connecting specific sensors to specific pins, the program is able to capture specific sensor status. Another function is then created in lines 20 through 39: writeToActuators() is used to change the status of the actuators based on the status of the sensors. In line 21 through 24, the program tests the contents of the switchValue variable. Since switchValue stores the status of pin 0 (see line 15), the program can decide if it should turn on the light; if the value stored in switchValue is equal to HIGH (voltage is applied or switch is ON), then the program turns on the light by writing the value 2 to the actuator 2. Conversely, if switchValue equals to LOW (no voltage or switch is OFF), the program turns off the light by writing 0 to the actuator 2. Similarly, lines 26 through 39 test and modify other actuators based on their respective controlling sensors. Lines 41 through 54 define the main() function. As stated by its name, the main() function is automatically executed when the MCU is first turned on. Lines 42 through 46 initialize the pins; pins 0 and 1 are setup as INPUT (lines 42 and 43) while pins 2, 3, and 4 are setup as OUTPUT. This is important because INPUT pins receive voltage while OUTPUT pins emit voltage generated by the MCU itself. An infinite while loop is created in lines 48 through 51. Because the condition in the loop simply states true, the MCU will be executing lines 49, 50 and 51 forever. This infinite while loop forces the MCU to: 1. Run the readFromSensors() function in line 49. 2. Run writeToActuators() function in line 50. 3. Wait 1 second in line 51 (1000 ms = 1 second). 4.

Restart the loop from the top by going back to line 49 and running readFromSensors() function again.

Notice that while infinite loops are usually undesired, it is useful in this program; the infinite loop here ensures the MCU is always checking the status of the sensors and switches (by running readFromSensors() every second) and always taking appropriate action towards the actuators (by running writeToActuators()) based on the status of the sensors.

d. Currently, the light is controlled by the switch and the LED is controlled by the push button.. Modify the code to make the switch control the LED and the push button control the light. Before


the switch control the LED

push button control the light

Part 4: Reflection The introduction of the programmable PT MCU in Packet Tracer 7.1 allows for a powerful IoT simulation environment. The use of Python as programming language also contributes for a robust platform. a. CHALLENGE 1: Port SparkFun Starter’s Kit circuit 1, “Blinking an LED” into Packet Tracer 7.1, using the PT MCU as the microcontroller. Tips: You will have to port the code presented on SIK to Python. You will also have to modify the pins used on SIK to adapt to PT MCU’s pin numbering system. Before


b. CHALLENGE 2: Using the concepts presented on SparkFun Starter’s Kit circuit 1 Blinking and LED, circuit 4 Multiple LEDs and circuit 5 Push Button, use Packet Tracer 7.1 or newer to create a circuit that illuminates one of eight LEDs in sequence, every time the push button is pressed. Requirements: You must use 8 LEDs and they must be lined up. Every time the Push Button is pressed, the currently lit LED goes dark and the next one illuminates. There must be only one LED lit up at any given time. Tip: Use the PT MCU as your microcontroller. Packet Tracer - SBC Actuate Packet Tracer – SBC Actuate With Python Objectives Become proficient using Python to program Packet Tracer’s SBC device.

Background / Scenario Python is wide-spread, robust and easy to programming language that runs on several different computer platforms. Packet Tracer 7.1 takes advantage of this and implements Python-supported IoT devices. In this Packet Tracer activity you will program the Packet Tracer 7.1’s SBC device using Python. The goal is to allow a coffee maker to start brewing coffee when someone enters the kitchen (movement is detected). A countertop lamp will also turn on.

Required Resources Packet Tracer 7.1

Part 1: Adding and Connecting the Necessary Devices You will start with an empty work space. Add the following devices to Packet Tracer’s work space: a.

A SBC device can be found under Components >> Boards >> SBC-PT.


A Coffee Maker can be found under End Devices >> Home >>Appliance.


A Counter Top Lamp can be found under End Devices >> Home>> Light.


A Motion Sensor can be found under Components >> Sensors >> Motion Sensor


Change the names of the devices to match the diagram.


Using IoT Custom Cable, connect the devices to the PT-SBC board. The IoT Custom Cable can be found under Connections.

Use the following table to find the correct ports: Device

SBC Port

Coffee Maker




Motion Sensor


Part 2: Programming the SBC The SBC mimics real-world single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. One of the advantages of SBC-PT is that it can be programmed with Python. Note: Python used in PT is an open source Python to JavaScript interpreter that is not updating to Python 3.0. For this reason there may be slight differences in the syntax between the code observed in PT and that in devices using Python 3. a.

Click on the SBC and select the Programming tab. Is there any code pre-loaded in the SBC? NO

The contents of the Programming tab are divided into two main parts. The left pane displays all the files containing the programs created by you. The right pane displays the contents of the file currently selected on the left portion. Click the New button above the left pane to create a new file. Name it main.py and selectEmpty - Python for the template type. Click Create. The left pane should now list your new file, main.py. b.

On the left pane, select main.py and click Open; the Open button is located immediately above the left pane. The right pane is now ready to receive the code for your main.py program.

c. Using the right pane, write a program to instruct the SBC to turn on the Coffee Maker and the Light when motion is detected by the Motion Detector.

Part 3: Testing To test your code, first run the main.py by clicking Run. Then press the ALT key while moving the mouse over the Motion Sensor. This should signify movement to Packet Tracer which will be captured by the PTMotion Sensor. Once movement is detected, a HIGH digital signal is sent to the SBC which in turn, turns on the coffee maker and the light. Messages also appear in the console of the SBC. Did the Coffee Maker turn on?

Did the light turn on?

What changes would have to be made in the SBC if the motion detector was moved to port D5?

KESIMPULAN Dari hasil percobaan pratikum keseluruhan menggunakan MCU atau SBC yang sama akan terhubung dengan komponen lainnya pada port yang berbeda beda yang dimana setiap port mempunyai tujuannya masing-masing. Pada pratikum 1 ada SBC akan membuat lampu LED akan menyala dan servo

bergerak ketika di run. Pada pratikum 2 ada MCU yang menhubungkan ke macam-macam perangkat dengan bermacam-macam kontak.