Nico Heinrich

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Nico Heinrich PURE MENTALISM No part of this publication may be duplicated or transmitted in any form without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016

Dear reader, thank you so much for purchasing my work. I am sure you won't regret it, because this stuff is not only practical and fun to perform – the methods are also innovative and clean. There are no complicated set ups, no gimmicks, just pure and direct mentalism. PHYSICAL EMOTIONS II is a reversed which hand effect with two emotions. Finally you reveal what they where thinking of. All you need is two business cards and a pen. It's 100% impromptu. BOLD PSYCHOMETRY is so damn clean and fooling, that I can imagine “real” psychics doing it. You ask them to think of a positive and then three negative character traits. They are written on business cards, which are mixed and placed on the table. You NEVER see the writing – yet you are able to locate and reveal the positive character trait without touching


the card. It is NOT what you expect. This looks and feels real. Again 100% impromptu. ERASING A FEAR is a technique to A) create the illusion of being able to make fears disappear and B) actually lighten someones fear. NUMBER STEAL MIND READING is just fun to perform. It's a flirty framework for any mind reading demo. Furthermore it is an extremely elegant way of getting someone's phone number. FORGOTTEN IMPRESSIONS is the boldest peek out there. You can use it with zodiac signs, numbers, dates, colors – virtually anything. What makes this concept unique though is: Later on they won't even remember that they wrote something. I know you can't wait, so let us begin ...


PHYSICAL EMOTIONS II This is a variation of an effect I released in 2013, but since it was a limited underground book, which was also written in German, you might know nothing about it. This should not cause any problems for you, because PHYSICAL EMOTIONS II can be performed as a stand alone piece. Of course if you know the first version, which uses a totally different method, feel free to combine them. While the original routine is much more emotional and intimate, this variation is rather classic “in your face” mentalism – and there is a time and a place for both I think. Effect: You ask your participant to think of two opposing emotions, like “love” and “hate” for example, and to secretly write them down on two business cards. Next both billets are mixed so nobody knows which one is which.


Your participant takes one emotion in each hand and is asked to intuit which hand holds the negative emotion. She is right! This test may be repeated with the same result. The billet with the negative emotion is put aside, leaving the participant with the positive one. Without coming near we are now able to reveal the exact feeling she is thinking of. Method: Since the first phase is actually nothing else than a reversed “which hand” effect, there are tons of different techniques of cuing the participant. Here are just a few which I like to use. Oh, the billets are marked by the way, and you know which one is which, because you put them in her hands yourself! Tactile cuing – Ask her to hold out both hands in front of her. Then reach forward to adjust


them slightly and keep holding on to them while saying: “What do you think, where is the negative one?” Just when you say the word “negative”, squeeze her hand (the one with the negative emotion of course) ever so slightly. She will subconsciously pick up on that and somehow “know” the answer. If you perform for a bigger audience, you can also be bold and squeeze a little harder – so she becomes an instant stooge. Visual cuing – This is as simple as gesturing slightly towards the certain hand when talking about the “negative emotion”. Auditory cuing – She needs to close her eyes for this one. Stand right in front of her and talk towards her face: “What do you think, where is the negative one?” While saying “negative one” talk past her head


towards the side you want to force. Of course you can also combine these cuing techniques or come up with your own. After all you do not have to be accurate every single time – because if she is wrong, it is her fault. That is obviously not what we are aiming for, so we have got an out which also may be used once without any cuing. Let us assume she was wrong the first time: “Well, that is what you THINK – but I want you to use your INTUITION here. So without thinking let one of your hands drop to the side.” If she drops the hand holding the negative emotion, say: “So this hand dropped as if weakened by the negative energy. The negative emotion must be there.” If she drops the hand containing the positive


one, say: “Well, that leaves just one option – the negative emotion must be here!” This little equivoque can be pretty convincing, if presented properly. Remember: She does not know about the markings, so we seemingly have no control either. Using the methods I just explained, you can easily do the hand test once or twice without failing. If she hits the first time, tell her you want to use another strategy the second time and don’t ask her to guess, but use the “out” instead. If she misses the first time use the out as described. That way you cannot do it again, but since nobody knows what you have planned, it doesn’t matter. For the second phase, where you are revealing the positive emotion, the negative emotion is not needed anymore – so tear it up! You guessed it: we use the center tear here –


and since the negative emotion is the exact opposite of the positive, we know the latter too now! How you reveal the information is up to you. The wording is essential in this routine. At the beginning we let the participant think of two opposing emotions, but after she has written them down, we NEVER say “opposing” or similar words again. So hopefully by the end of the routine she doesn’t remember the emotions were not just different but exactly contrasting. If she does though – so what? It would only be better if she didn’t.


BOLD PSYCHOMETRY This is the streamlined version of the “opposites technique” wrapped up into a psychometry style routine. The participant jots down one positive and three negative emotions (it also works with character traits), you eliminate the negative ones and divine the positive. The basic idea is: If we can make them forget about the fact that two emotions/traits are opposing, we can more or less openly read one of them to get to know the other one. In this example we do this using a soft pattern interrupt and time misdirection. “Please think of a positive emotion and write it down please – don’t let me see it! … Now think of the exact opposite, like if you thought of pride think of humility, yes? … Write this one down too, please! (wait for them to finish) … You know what? I have an idea, let’s make 10

this a little more interesting. Please think of two more negative emotions, just any two! So we've got three negative emotions and one positive …” The participant jots them all down on business cards, which are marked of course – so you know which one is the positive and which one is its exact opposite. The cards are mixed (they don’t have to be folded in this case) and spread out on the table, writing side down. Now you have two options: You either turn over the negative cards, one by one, so you can openly read them OR, and that is my favorite solution, you eliminate the negative cards and stack them (writing side down) putting the opposite of the positive emotion at the bottom of the pack. Then you ask your participant to take a look at the card left over (positive one), while putting the rest into your breast or inside jacket pocket – and you both peek at the same time, how cool is that!


Finally I would like to point out a few things concerning opposites in general: Chances are your participant is not able to find an accurate opposite to her emotion/trait, so watch her as she thinks. If she takes too long, she might have difficulties. Be prepared for the worst case, it won’t happen too often though. If you let her think of a positive emotion first, she will almost always think of love. If you name it as an example yourself, she will pick joy/happiness. There ARE more positive emotions, but nobody remembers them so quickly. To give your participant more freedom of choice, let her think of a positive characteristic. If you ask her to think of a positive character trait she thinks she has (or she would like to have), this routine can be pretty personal. You can then easily do a reading based on the information you got.


ERASING A FEAR Being a hypnotist for quite some time now, I have been asked pretty often, by friends and even strangers, if I could make their fear disappear. Well, since I am no hypnotherapist I never answered with a clear “yes” (and still wouldn’t) – but I actually used my techniques to lighten their fear or to help them handle it. Here is such a technique – use it with caution! Ask them to think of a certain fear they have. “In a few moments you are going to experience your fear again – but to a degree you can handle. For that I want you to close your eyes and imagine a situation where you have that certain feeling (they close their eyes) … you are feeling it right now, do you? Good. Now take that pen and send your emotions into the pen – just imagine doing that! (they do so) … Great, take the pen and manifest that feeling on the paper by writing down the name of 13

your fear – one word will do! I am not looking by the way.” Here is a nice subtlety: Wait until they begin to write (use sound reading here or peek through the corner of your eye) and add “If you don’t find a word, don’t worry – you can also draw a symbol or something, it doesn’t matter!”, suggesting a free choice. When they are done, have them close up the paper and turn back around. “Now, this is not a just a piece of paper with a symbol on it (which is completely true, since they wrote a word!) – this is YOUR FEAR! In a moment you will let go of it, physically and mentally, by throwing it over your shoulder. Let us tear it up first (take the billet from them, execute a center tear and put it back into their hand) … On the count of three I want you to throw your fear, as far as you can, over your shoulder. Don’t think, just do it – and feel how


something changes within you … one … two … THREE!” Look them straight into the eyes, be silent for a about twenty seconds and finally say (without breaking eye contact): “I am getting a feeling that at least for now you have lost your fear of [their fear], correct? Great! I don’t know how long this is going to last – maybe until tomorrow, maybe forever. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings with me!” There are several things going on here: For the audience it looks like the participant is agreeing to the fact that the fear is gone (at least for now), while she is just approving that you revealed her thought – at least on a conscious level. On a subconscious level she is actually confirming that she has lost her fear. At the same time WE are confirming it by seemingly sensing it too. So presented correctly this piece


has real impact on her future thoughts and feelings. The more serious we take it, the heavier the force. I have to say it again: Use this with caution! Of course you don't have to do the old CT – a different peek or even an impression device would work perfectly too. That way they themselves could tear up the paper. This routine was definitely inspired by BARRIE RICHARDSON'S effect Eliminate the Negative from his wonderful book Act Two. I didn't like some aspects in his version, but loved the idea of justifying the center tear using a ritual. BRUCE BERNSTEIN has a similar approach which had some impact on my work too. His effect The Ritual can be found in his amazing book Perception is Everything.


NUMBER STEAL MIND READING This thought revelation is just different. It is not only unexpected, but clever, flirty, amusing, memorable and fun to perform. Although it could be done on stage this is ideally suited for more casual settings. So imagine you're in a bar seeing this beautiful woman. You introduce yourself to her and ask her to THINK of her favorite drink. Then you state: "What would you say if I give you a number to call, and the person on the other end would be able to describe exactly what you look like and what drink you are thinking of right now?" Of course she doubts that, but you insist on her to call a certain number that's written on a file card. Above that number it says "mind reader". So she puts the number in her phone an presses


the call button. After a few seconds YOUR phone rings. "Hey this is [your name], you're wearing a blue dress with black shoes, you have shoulderlength blond hair, your eyes are brown with a hint of green and your favorite drink is ... a Cosmopolitan." The great thing about this concept is you have lots of freedom - be playful and improvise! Of course she doesn't have to think of a drink - it could be anything. Have a book handy? Do a word force. The playing cards are always at your fingertips? Force/peek a card. Use whatever is around. If you can't find anything have her think of a pretty flower (rose) and if the force fails: fuck it - you still got her number! If you own the ParaWallet by THOMAS HEINE and RAINER MEES (PARALABS), there is a great way of peeking the information, using the


concept just described: Stick the monitor foil to the back of the file card with the number on it. While they are reading and typing you have plenty of time to peek. Here are some subtleties you should consider: When you tell them what to expect, play it up so it sounds totally impossible, but don't lie to them by saying it's "a friend" of yours that they are going to call or something. They must generate the false expectations themselves and then realize they did. Only then it's funny. Another subtlety is to mention their eye color last while describing their appearance, so you automatically have the eye contact when you reveal their thought. If you want to perform this for people who already know you can read minds, do the following: Take three or even more file cards with a different phone number on each one and force yours. For three to five cards use equivoque - if you use a whole bunch of cards,


do a riffle force for example. So it seems even more impossible and they are less likely to expect you on the other end.


FORGOTTEN IMPRESSIONS This is the boldest peek in existence. It goes like this: They jot something down on your business card, you take the latter and openly read what they wrote. Later on they won't even remember that they wrote something. Sounds crazy, right? The following concept relies on the principle of the dried-out pen, which I already explained in my own work on the center tear. It can also be found in the book Secret Impressions published by the PARALABS. This version though is designed for close up situations. Since you only need a dried out ballpoint and a few business cards, it is almost impromptu. We start by asking our participant to think of her zodiac sign (for example) and to jot it down on the back of our business card. Of course we 21

give her the dead pen, which she cannot write with. Here is an important subtlety: Ask her if she is right or left handed, then put the ballpoint in her writing hand and the card in the opposite one – while doing so, put a simple nail nick into the card, marking its orientation. It is essential to give her both objects at the same time, so that she won't fiddle around with the card. Within a few moments she will tell you, that the pen doesn't work – but until then she will already have tried hard to scratch at least the first letter of her zodiac sign into the card. Now it is obvious why we use a ballpoint pen – you never know if it is completely dead or just dry at the tip. “I will find another pen”, we say, taking back the dried-out one, “You know what? Forget about it! I will trust you.”


If we just hold out our hand at this point, she will give us the card automatically. Because nobody cares about a technically blank card. Yes, there is a slight impression on it, but as long as we don't care they won't either. Now here comes the only real slight: A top change, which has never been easier. Nobody expects you to switch a blank card for another blank card, right? In our left hand we hold a small packet of business cards (blank side down) in dealers grip. The right hand holds the participant's card (“blank” side down). Both hands come together naturally – the left thumb pushes the dummy card over to the right, and the participant's card goes on top of the packet. Our right hand takes hold of the dummy card and stays, while the left hand moves up – pointing towards our temple: “Just THINK of it!” The gesture perfectly covers the switch.


Without saying a word, we rip the dummy in half and put it aside. Doing so you can fearlessly show the front of the card. Even if they know that there should be some scratches – they don't expect to spot them from a certain distance. I suggest some kind of psychological/time misdirection, before we get to the actual peek. Then we just turn over the top card of the packet to “make some notes”. The nail nick we made earlier will help us with the orientation of the impression. We can now literally stare at what the participant “wrote”. Sometimes it is only one letter, sometimes there are more. But since we limited the range of possible outcomes at the beginning, we KNOW it has to be a star sign (in this case). If there is a “T” it must be “Taurus”. If we see an “L”, we know it is “Leo” or “Libra”. Sometimes you have to do a one step fishing, which couldn't be easier, before you reveal her thought.


I won't lie: on rare occasions the participant manages to draw just a single line – the first line of the first letter. Not what we wanted, but better than nothing! Work with what you get. When everything fails, use the old branching anagram as an out. Needless to say, you are not limited to the zodiac theme. Do it with names, colors, numbers etc. The easiest to read though are ESP-symbols. Finally I want to explain an even more practical and sure-fire method: You will need specially printed business cards with the same list on the back. That way the participant only circles his thought. Here are some interesting ideas: Make a list of different aspects of life and do a close up Q&A.


Print a calendar on the back and have them circle an important date. Ask them to choose a color and do a reading based on its hidden meaning. ...