Mental Rubrics by Farookh Master

Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind MASTER Farokh Jamshed The guidelines mentioned below should be followed while reading thi

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Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind MASTER Farokh Jamshed The guidelines mentioned below should be followed while reading this book: (1) Rubrics are mentioned alphabetically from A to Z. (2) Adjacent to the main rubric the source of the rubric is mentioned: e.g. K - Kent's Repertory; BB - Boenninghausen's Repertory; S - Synthetic Repertory; V - Vithoulkas Repertory. Z- Complete Repertory (3) The Cross References are mentioned wherever applicable. It should be seen from that repertory whose code letter is indicated adjacent to the rubric. (4) Wherever necessary, meaning as well as the explanation of the rubric is mentioned. If the rubric is self-explanatory, I have not given the meaning. (5) Whenever the patient presents with certain mental symptoms, it should be co-related with various psychological conditions. I have made an attempt by writing the names of the important psychiatric diseases, which frequently have the given rubric as one of their symptoms, e.g. Antagonism - is present in disease conditions like personality disorders and Schizophrenia. (6) Lastly, I have mentioned the name of the important remedies given for the particular rubric.

The principles of homoeopathy its conceptional issues and psychiatry Since its origin, over 150 years ago, homoeopathy has placed particular emphasis on the humanistic treatment of the mentally ill. The concept of the person as the totality, rather than as just a collection of inter-related anatomical parts has always played a fundamental role in homoeopathy. The most important aim of a homoeopathic physician is to make an attempt to understand the origin of mental disorder. To achieve the same, one has to give attention to individual's attitudes. Quality and depth of relationship, degree of stability, flexibility and involvement is society and the ability to express as well as control feelings are all used in homoeopathy to prepare mental state of various drug pictures.

The homoeopathic attitude to the patient with psychological problems is primarily one of the patient under excessive emotional pressure. These may be expressed indirectly as a variety of physical disabilities which are not responding to treatment. It is against the philosophy of homoeopathy to stick a label of Neurosis on the patient's head and advise him to either learn to live with the situation or to take tranquilizers indefinitely. Instead, homoeopathy makes an attempt to judge the situation quite differently; by trying to evolve his conceptual image and select the remedy accordingly. I may add that there is no emphasis on changing the basic nature of the person, his values or the way he sees the future. This area is left to the individual to work out for himself when he becomes mentally stronger. Such strengths occur quite naturally through the action of homoeopathic potencies, particularly when taken in higher dilutions. It is a well known fact that during major surgical procedures like organ transplant and valve replacement, post-operative complications and convalescence are extremely good whenever the patient is acknowledged and treated as an intelligent person with genuine feelings. Hence I may stress that even in case of mechanical repair, the concept of the whole patient should be looked for and we may stop seeing the patient "as a machine in for servicing."

It is wrong to believe that homoeopathy does not believe in investigating a psychologically ill patient. In fact when appropriate, homoeopath uses all the conventional diagnostic investigation and procedures to diagnose the correct mental disorder according to the standard format given in the Book viz. III Edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM III) together with its revision (DSMIII-R). The homoeopathic doctor differs in some respects from the practitioner of the conventional allopathic medicine, which is based on concepts of treatment by opposites - with the emphasis on the suppression of the symptoms using the conventional approach. When the patient is excited, a drug is given to calm him down. By contrast, the homoeopath is opposed to all forms of suppression of symptoms and of the individual. When the homoeopathic patient is excited and agitated he is given a remedy, which in natural form, would provoke a similar reaction; e.g. Cham., Stram., etc. It is the ability of the remedies to produce similar symptoms which acts positively for the patient and that is the reason why a homoeopath talks of curing "Like by Like". Basically symptoms are important for many reasons, as they are normal healthy reactions to stress and strain. I may add over here that they are the signs of healthy vitality. When there is estate of severe exhaustion, particularly in the elderly, such a reaction may be lacking, so that a serious condition may be present without there being any marked sign of the diseases - as with malignancy.

I would like to warn the readers that such a state can also be induced at any age by the prolonged use of Cortisone, Mood-stabilizer, Anti-sycotic drug; e.g. Phenothiazines, Piperidine, Lithium, Haloperiodol, etc.

They provoke a condition of symptom inhibition, thereby masking the seriousness of the condition and thus permitting the illness to spread in the whole organism without giving the slightest warning to the patient. The homoeopathic prescription has the ability to liberate vital energies locked up in the body, so that a healthier self is experienced with a greater sense of vitality, energy and well-being. In all the cases, the homoeopath avoids suppression because this does not cure but simply pushes problems deeper under the mental skin of the patient and at best where there is a psychological problem, gives an apparent or temporary relief, whilst avoiding the internal cause. This is also the reason why the homoeopath does not use tranquilizers or sedatives, since they ultimately sedate the person and not just his problem. When such treatment has been given in the past, they push the problem into a semidormant position just beneath the surface and frequently the problem is made worse, and at the best this treatment is ineffective. The greatest advantage of giving homoeopathic treatment in a psychological problem is that it avoids drug addiction which so commonly exists in conventional medicine. A homoeopathic remedy can safely be stopped at anytime without either physiological or psychological withdrawal.

The mind and somatic illness When psychological blockages occur, for whatever reasons, emotional energy is not only repressed and pushed under, but it also attacks itself to certain key organs, for example colon, heart, and these are used as new pathways for the expression of feelings. When under emotional pressure, certain patients react with an attack of asthma, colitis, angina, depending upon which particular organ is sensitized and used as an outlet. Such psychosomatic alternatives are not without their danger, however, and it is always more healthy for an individual to express feeling directly, however strong, frightening and threatening they may be, rather than vicariously through an organ that is not basically designed to convey such intense feelings. Homoeopathy aims at a reintegration of the total self, with a reduction of unhealthy psychological regression, blockages and isolation. The homoeopathic prescription and general approach towards the person helps to lessen the denial of painful hurts and memories, which can then be easily brought to the surface, recalled, understood and discussed. This quite naturally leads to a strong personality, confidence and to greater insights. Being able to tolerate mixed feelings and painful memories, previously thought impossible, leads to lessening of the related physical or psychosomatic symptoms, with a considerable release of energy, well being and drive. In the correct remedy there is a slow emergence of the bruised aspect of the personality into the light of more adult maturity and understanding so that a softening of earlier resentments and scar can occur.

It sometimes happens that after an initial improvement through homoeopathic treatment, an apparent set-back occurs when nothing seems to be happening. This is quite a usual reflex of period of consolidation of response, while the body defence healing energy are being mobilized. Such a delay requires a degree of patience from the patient and the family, and it may cause a problem when tension and impatience are marked or when there is a long standing problem, with all the inevitable uncertainties and fears, as to diagnosis, response to treatment and outcome. When there is a chronic problem, responses are inevitably slower, since the body takes time to recover from the underlined condition, depleted energy reserves and offence from the effects of conventional treatment or homoeopathic drugs prescribed indiscriminable.

Chapter 1 Perceiving rubrics of the mind Abandoned K, Ss, Z Meaning: Having been given up and deserted Cross Reference: - Delusion, affections of friends, has lost Delusions, alone, that she is always. Delusions, alone, feels. Delu, belong, to her own family, does not Delu, confidence, in him, his friends have lost all

Delu, deserted, forsaken Delu, disgraced that she is. Delu, enemy, everyone is an. Delu, family does not belong to her own. Delu, friendless that he is Delu, help, calling for Delu, husband, thinks he is not her. Delu, neglected, he is. Delu, repudiated, by relatives, thinks. Delu, wife, will run away from him. Deserted Estranged Forsaken feeling. Forsaken, isolation sensation of Helplessness feeling of. Explanation: In other words to cease trying to accomplish or continue Disease Condition Associated with Depressive disorder and Maniac depressive Psychosis, and Schizophrenia - Adjustment disorder and behavior, emotional, eating, development disorder of the child, drug abuse PAGE 2 Important drugs: Aur., Meny., Psor., Puls., Arg-n., Cycl., Lach., Mag-c., Merc., Nat-c., Nat. m., Stram.

Abashed Z, Ss Meaning: To lose one's composure Cross Reference: Despair Discouraged

Helplessness, feeling of Disease Condition: Panic disorder, schizophrenia and related disorder, affective disorder, manic disorder, personal disorder, substance use disorder, drug addiction. Important Drugs: Acon., Anac., Apis, Ars., Carb v., Chin, Chin-s., Cocc., Insulin., Lach., Petr., Rhus-tox., Sec., Sep., Sil., Stann.

Abhorrence Z Meaning: To reject vehemently, shun Cross Reference: Aversion, disgust, hatred. Loathing general. Disease Condition: OCD, schizophrenia, depression, sexual disorder, personal disorder. Drugs: Asar., Hell., Phos., Puls., Sepia.

Ability increased Z Meaning: Physical, mental power to perform enhanced. Cross Reference: Concentration, active Memory, active Strength increase, mental Disease Condition: Substance uses - cocaine, Manic disorder. Important Drugs: Anh.

Abrupt K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Unexpectedly sudden; rudely, curt or brusque Cross Reference: Answers, abruptly, curtly, shortly Answers hastily

Harshness, Impolite, Talk - indisposed to Irritability, questioned, when Talk, talking, talks, abrupt. Talk, Talking, talks terse. Explanation: Here one may interpret the above rubric either as when a patient has developed a habit of doing things unexpectedly or changing the decision suddenly howsoever important it may be. When the patient talks in a harsh tone especially when he is questioned or it may be his routine way of talking with other people. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Neurosis, conductive developmental personality and adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Nat-m., Plat., Puls., Tarent.

Absent minded BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Heedless of one's surrounding preoccupied Chronically forgetful Cross Reference Absorbed, buried in thought Abstraction of mind Concentration, difficult Dream, as if in a Dullness Fancies, absorbed in Forgetful Forgotten something, feels constantly as if he has Memory, weakness of Mistakes, says plums when he means pears

Mistakes, names, calls things by wrong Mistakes, time in Preoccupied Staring thoughtless Thoughts, loss of Unobserving Explanation: Here habitually the patient forgets his routine. The above symptoms has nothing to do with the Intelligent of an individual or his scholastic background because many times even highly educated people suffer from this. occasionally this could be a presenting symptom of certain CNS diseases - Alzheimer’s disease, Brain tumour. Disease Condition: Anxiety neurosis Schizophrenia Dementias Depressive illness Epilepsy, organic psychosis, chronic alcoholic Pseudodemantia Important Drugs: Apis, Cann-i., Carbn-s., Caust., Cham., Hell., Lach., Mez., Nat-m., Nux-mos., Plat., Puls., Sep., Verat.

Absorbed K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Engrossed Cross Reference: Absent-mindedness Abstraction of mind Brooding Day - dreaming Dreams - as if in a Fancies, absorbed in Frown - disposed to

Introspection Meditation Reflecting Sits - meditates - wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, as if, and notices nothing. Theorizing Thoughts; thoughtful - persistent Explanation: Patient having above symptoms are typically seen in an insane home where one can see cases of catatonic schizophrenia. Disease Condition: Depressive illness Organic mental disorder Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arn., Caps., Hell., Laur., Mez., Nat-m., Nux mos., Nux-v., Petr., Sulph.

Abstraction of mind K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Preoccupation Cross Reference: Absorbed Absent-minded Concentration, difficult Day - dreaming. Dream, as if, in a Fancies, absorbed in Forgetful Meditation Reflecting Reveries Sits, meditates

Sits, wrapped in deep thoughts Thoughts, thoughtful Unobserving Explanation: Whenever the patient wants to apply his mind there is a distraction of his thinking process, as a result he suffers. This is especially true when the patient wants to read, write or talk. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and epileptic psychosis Important Drugs: Alum., Cann-i., Cham., Graph., Hell., Hyos., Lyc., Lyss, Nux-mos., Phos., Sulph.

Absurd Z Meaning: Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable Cross Reference: Delusion, absurd things, does. Delusion, absurd, ludicrous Dreams, absurd Foolish behavior Ludicrous, things seems Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Manic disorder Personality Sexual perversion Important Drugs:

Abusive BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Attacking in words, using or treating improperly Cross Reference:

Abusive, children insult parents, Cursing. Censorious, critical Despair, rage, cursing and imprecations, with. Dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, despotic. Discouraged, cursing with. Insolent Insulting Quarrelsome Rage, cursing with Reproaches others Ridicule, mania, too. Rudeness Scolding Slander disposition to Swearing Explanation: This is to be interpreted when the patient is in the habit of insulting people or uses indecent languages. Disease Condition: Drug addicts Schizophrenia Neurosis Brain tumour Mania Alcoholic Personality disorder Organic psychosis Important Drugs: Cham. , Con., Lyc. , Lyss., Nux-v., Petr., Sepia, Stram. , Seneg., Tarent. , Tub.

Accounts, makes mistakes in Z Meaning: Making mistakes in counting or summing up. Cross Reference: Calculating, inability to Concentration difficult, calculating while Confusion calculating when, Mathematics, calculating, inapt for. Mistakes, calculating, in Slowness, calculation in Explanation: All psychiatric disorder Important Drugs: Am-c., Crot-h., Lyc., Nux-v., Samb.

Acrimonious Z Meaning: Bitingly hostile in language Cross Reference: Censorious, critical. Contradict, disposition to litigious Quarrelsome, litigious Reproaches others Resentment Rudeness Explanation: See Resentment Disease Condition: Mania, personality disorder, drug related disorder - e.g. alcohol, cocaine


Actions Ss, z Meaning: Act or deed Process of acting or doing Cross Reference: Absent minded Absorbed, buried in thought Abstraction of mind Concentration, difficult Dream, as if in a. Fancies absorbed in Forgetful Forgotten something, feels constantly as if he had Mistakes, names, in, calls things by wrong Mistakes, talking, wrong, words, using, says plums when he means pears. Mistakes time in Preoccupied Unobserving Disease Condition: Depression, panic disorder Anxiety disorder. Important Drugs:

Active BB, P Meaning: Marked by energetic activity Lively Cross Reference:

Explanation: Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder; maniac disorder; drug addiction. Important Drugs: Apis, Coff., Lach., Nux-v., Op., Stram.

Activity K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: State of being active Energetic action Cross Reference: Bed, aversion to Busy Concentration active Exertion amel. High spirited Hurry Ideas, abundant Industrious Memory active Occupation amel. Quick to act. Restlessness Sitting, aversion to Strength. Explanation: Commonly observed in patients suffering from compulsive obsessive neurosis and anxiety neurosis. They appear extremely busy from dawn to dusk even though their activity most of the time is futile without any goal. Disease Condition: Compulsive obsessive neurosis Anxiety neurosis

Agitative depressive state Mania Excited catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Coff., Iod., Lach., Op., Phos., Stann., Valer.

Acts as if born tired P Meaning: An extreme state of prostration, a flabby feeling, indolent, characteristically found in cases of depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemias. Cross Reference: Explanation: Disease Condition: Depression Chronic fatigue syndrome Anemias Important Drugs: Onos.

Acuity Z Meaning: Sharp Perceptual keenness Cross Reference: Memory active Senses, acute Starting, easily Disease Condition: Same as for active Drug addiction, Anxiety disorder. Important Drugs: Aur., Bell., Coff., Hyos., Lach., Nux-v., Nux-m., Op., Phos., Stry., Sul-ac.

Acuteness K, Z, Ss Meaning: Keen discernment or intellectual perception Responsive to slight impressions or stimuli Cross Reference: Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind. Memory active. Explanation: Above rubric is considered in those patient who can use their mental faculty without getting fatigued, whose memory is very sharp and who can undertake any mental drill without being confused. Disease Condition: Mania Paranoid disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Aur., Bell., Hyos., Lach., Opium., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos., Stry.

Adaptability, loss of Ss, Syn, Z, Meaning: To adjust to a situation Cross Reference: Explanation: Person finds it very difficult to adjust himself to the situation Disease Condition: All psychiatric disorders Important Drugs: Anh.

Adolescent, felt he was again Z Meaning: A state of mind where an adult emotionally behaves as if he is a teenager as characterized by following: a. Wearing trendy clothes and footwear b. Cuts his hair and keeps them in style according to latest fashion.

c. Hears music and would like to be associated with activities of younger generation. d. Would like to hide his senility and gives an impression that he can be the centre of attraction. Cross Reference: Explanation: A state of mind where an adult emotionally behaves as if he is a teenager Disease Condition: Schizophrenia, maniacs, personality disorder, drug addiction, mental sub-normality Important Drugs: Androc.

Admiration Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: A feeling of delighted or astonished approbation Cross Reference: Explanation: Patient likes to be admired quite frequently Disease Condition: Narcissistic personality state Important Drugs: Cic.

Admonition Agg. K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Counsel or warning against fault or oversight, aggravates. Aggravation from gentle or friendly reproof. Cross Reference: A/F, admonition Confusion, vexation after. Delusion, accused, she is Delusion, criticized she is Delusion, despised he is Delusion, looked down that she is Offended easily Reproaches, ailment after

Sadness, annoyance, from least Sensitive, oversensitive, reprimands; criticism, reproaches, to Sulky Weeping, admonition causes Weeping remonstrated with, when Weeping reproaches, from Explanation: Here the patient feels excited or gets angry or has a strong aversion to any advice or word of caution given to him either by an elderly person or by any friend. Disease Condition: behavioral problem Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Nit-ac., Kali-c., Nux-v., Plat.

Adulterous Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Relating to, characterized by or given to adultery, i. e, voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. Cross Reference: Explanation: A person having sexual relationship with a female other than his lawful spouse. Disease Condition: behavioral problem Conflict situation Drug addiction Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Canth., Caust, Lach., Plat., Puls., Staph., Verat., Vip.

Advice from others, seeks. Z Meaning: asks for recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct; Counsel.

Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self. Explanation: See Confidence, want of self. Disease Condition: Personality disorder, Neurotic disorders, Affective disorder, drug addiction, sexual disorder, Mental subnormality certain disorder of childhood - behavioral disorder Important Drugs: Ambr., Anac., Sil., Bar-c., Kali-c., Dysco., Med., Lyc.

Advocate , inaptitude to become Z Meaning: Inaptitude to become a lawyer Cross Reference: Explanation: Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Carb-v., Nat-m.

Affability Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: The quality or state of being pleasant and at ease in talking to others. Cross Reference: Familiarity, addressing people; Sympathetic, compassionate Cross Reference: Here the patient is extremely gentle and polite to others including his enemies. Disease Condition: Passive personality type. Aggressive personality type. Personality disorder Maunchansen syndrome Important Drugs: Apis, Hypoth.

Affectation K, P, Ss, Syn, Z

Meaning: The act of taking on or displaying an attitude or mode of behavior not natural or not genuine Unnatural speech or conduct. Cross Reference: Blindness, pretended Deafness pretended Feigning Malingering Explanation: To impress the opposite person the patient tries to put up a big show which is quite different from reality. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder - Anxious person Important Drugs: Alum., Stram.

Affected easily Ss, Z, Meaning: This state indicates the increased vulnerability of mind due to any cause, i.e. , the person is predisposed to develop any affection of mind from slightest cause which could be physical or emotional. The physical cause could be with slightest pain the person become extremely irritable or with a nominal illness person develops severe anxiety with fright. The emotional cause could be any trivial matters, patient over-reacts Cross Reference: See - Horrible things, sad stories affect her profoundly Explanation: See Horrible things, sad stories affect her profoundly. Disease Condition: All psychiatric disorders, especially mood disorders. Important Drugs: See Horrible things, sad stories affect her profoundly.

Affection P, Z Meaning: A moderate feeling or emotion. Tender attachment Cross Reference: Sympathy, compassion

Explanation: See Sympathy Disease Condition: It’s a personality trait Important Drugs: Sepia.

Affectionate K, BB, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Having affection or warm regard Cross Reference: Anxiety, others for Generous, too much Love, overflowing for humanity Sympathy, Compassionate Explanation: These symptoms may be explained by the following example: The display of love by a person on his pets or the showing of physical warmth to the near and dear ones. Disease Condition: Important Drugs: Arg., Ign., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls.

Affliction sensation as if he had suffered from an overwhelming Z Meaning: The cause of continued pain or distress Cross Reference: Explanation: This is a state in which a person has faced a lot of struggle, pain, distress in his life. Disease Condition: Depression, Anxiety disorder, hypochondriasis, psychosomatic disorders, hysteria, malingering, somatiform disorder, psychogenic sexual disorder. Important Drugs: Cycl.

Affronted Z Meaning: Being insulted, especially to the face by behavior or language - Being faced in defiance.

Cross Reference: Ailments, insults, offenses from Ailments, mortification, humiliation, chagrin Anger, irascibility. Bad parts irascibility, takes everything into bad. Explanation: Disease Condition: Depressive disorder, personality disorder, anxiety disorder. Important Drugs: Cham., Ign., Merc., Nat-m., Op., Staph.

Afraid Z, Ss Meaning: Filled with fear or apprehension. Cross Reference: Fear Explanation: See Fear Disease Condition: Schizophrenia, psychotic disorder, anxiety disorder, phobias, bad traits of drugs, sexual disorder, etc. Obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drugs:

Agility mental P, Ss, Syn, Z, Meaning: The quality or state of being mentally quick and resourceful Cross Reference: Activity, desire for Acuteness Concentration, active Extremities, agility Fancies, vivid

Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind Memory, active Plans, making many Theorizing Thoughts, profound Thoughts, rapid quick Explanation: This shows a high intelligence and can be seen when certain children are so quick, that before the teacher can complete the question, they are out with the answer. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Form.

Agitation BB, P, K, Ss, Z Meaning: The state of being mentally excited or disturbed. Cross Reference: Agility, mental Excitement Ideas abundant Restlessness Strength, increased, mental Explanation: Disease Condition: Excited catatonic schizophrenia Mania Organic psychosis Drug withdrawal state Important Drugs:


P, Z, Ss. Meaning: Intense pain of mind or body Cross Reference: Anguish Anxiety Brooding Grief Sadness Explanation: Disease Condition: Depression Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs:

Agoraphobia P, Z, Ss. Meaning: Abnormal fear of crossing or of being in open spaces Cross Reference: Fear, crowd, in a Fear, public places of Fear, out of doors to go to Going out, aversion to Explanation: Disease Condition: Phobia Important Drugs:

Agriculture Z Meaning: The science or art of cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock

Cross Reference: Explanation: Disease Condition: Important Drugs:

Ailing Z Meaning: To suffer ill health Cross Reference: Complaining Explanation: See Complaining Disease Condition: See Complaining Important Drugs: See Complaining

Ailments from Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To develop a bodily disorder or chronic disease from Cross Reference: Explanation: Various disease conditions are caused due to different reasons that are enlisted below. A patient's suffering may be due to anger, anxiety, fear, fright, reproaches, sadness, mortification, excessive sexual or mental work. Disease Condition: Important Drugs:

Air P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Cross Reference:

Explanation: This rubric is meant for the aggravation and amelioration of emotional and intellectual symptoms in relation to air. Many times in young children I use this symptom where the newborn always feels very cheerful, smiling as soon as the parents take the child out. Disease Condition: Important Drugs:

Air castles P, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Visionary projects Cross Reference: Day - dreaming Dream, as if in a Dreams, awake while Fancies absorbed in Fancies, exaltation of Ideas abundant, clearness of mind Plans, making many Theorizing. Explanation: These type of people are very imaginative and less practical. They build castles in the air. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic psychosis Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Cann-i., Chin., Coff., Lach., Sep., Sulph., Verat.

Alacrity Z Meaning: Cheerful promptness or readiness Cross Reference: Hurry, haste Impatience

Impulsive Quick to act. Rashness Thoughts, rapid, quick Explanation: Disease Condition: Mood disorder-manic type, drug addiction, personality disorder Important Drugs:

Alarm Z Meaning: To arouse to a sense of danger To strike with fear Cross Reference: Fear Explanation: See Fear Disease Condition: Panic disorder, drug abuse, schizophrenia and related disorder, childhood disorder. Important Drugs:

Alcoholism BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Continued excessive or compulsive use of alcoholic drinks Cross Reference: Ailments from, alcoholism Delirium tremens, mania-a-potu Dipsomania Intoxicated, as if Mania-a-potu Stomach - Desires, alcohol

Explanation: Disease Condition: Dipsomania Schizophrenia Alcohol addiction Personality disorder Important Drugs: Agar., Ant-t., Arn., Ars., Aur., Bell., Calc., Caps., Chin., Crot-h., Cupr-ars., Eup-per, Glon., Hyos., Kali-bi., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v., Op., Phos., Ran-b., Stram., Stry.

Alert Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Vigilantly attentive, observant, mentally perceptive and receptive, quick. Cross Reference: Hurry, haste Impetuous Quick to act Thinking, faster than ever before especially during fever Thoughts, rapid. Explanation: Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Op.

Alienated Z Meaning: Made unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent where attachment formerly existed Cross Reference: Estranged Explanation: See Estranged Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorder, depression, drug abuse, sexual perversion, personality disorder. Important Drugs:

Alone P, Z, SS Meaning: Separated from others, isolated, without aid or support Cross Reference: See Company Explanation: See Company Disease Condition: Drug addiction Depression Personality disorder Important Drugs:

Aloof Z, Ss Meaning: Distant, especially in one's social relations Cross Reference: Company, aversion to, aggravation; bear anybody cannot Exclusive, too Pride Reserved Unsympathetic, uncompassionate Explanation: See Company, aversion to Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorder Depression Personality disorder.

Alternating BB, P, Z, Ss Meaning: Happening by turns or in succession Cross Reference: Mental symptoms alternating with physical

Explanation: See Mental symptoms alternating with physical Here there is a successive change of symptoms at alternating interval on one hand, it is on the mental plane and on the other hand the physical plane. Disease Condition: Psychosomatic disorder - e.g. Asthma. Rheumatoid Arthritis, peptic ulcer Tension headache Somatisation of depression and anxiety Important Drugs: Bell., Ign., Nux-m., Plat., Ver-a.

Alive sensation P Meaning: Sensation of much life Animation of activity Disease Condition: Drug addiction, Manic depressive disorder and other psychosis Important Drugs: Cann., Croc., Ign., Sabin., Sul., Thuja.

All gone sensation P Meaning: A sinking sensation Cross Reference: See Empty Explanation: See Empty Disease Condition: Panic disorder, neurotic disease, like hypochondria, somatiform disease, bad trait of drugs, phobia.

Amativeness Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Disposition to love. Cross Reference: Amorous

Female, sexual desire excessive Lewdness Lascivious Libertinism Male; sexual desire; increased - violent Nymphomania Explanation: These patients have an increased libido and they constantly dwell on sexual matters. Disease Condition: This could be due to some pathological condition like thyrotoxicosis or can be seen in drug addicts, alcoholics, schizophrenia, mania, multiple sclerosis, organic psychosis (frontal lobe), psycho sexual disorder. Important Drugs: Canth., Caust., Con., Lyco., Merc., Nat-mur., Phos., Plat., Ust.

Ambition BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: An ardent desire for rank, fame or power Desire to achieve a particular end. Cross Reference: Ailments - ambition. Explanation: Schizophrenia, depressive illness, personality disorder Important Drugs: Lach., Nux-v.

Amorous BB, K, Ss, Syn, Z, P. Meaning: Inclined to love, esp. sexual love Cross Reference: Amativeness Delirium, erotic Fancies, lascivious Genitalia male, sexual passion, increased

Genitalia Female, sexual desire excessive Hysteria, lascivious Lasciviousness Lewdness Libertinism Naked, wants to be Nymphomania Passionate Sexual impulse, increased desire Sexual impulse, satyriasis Shameless exposes the person Sleep, dreams, amorous Thoughts, amorous Thoughts, intrude, sexual Thoughts, tormenting, sexual Disease Condition: This could be due to some pathological condition like thyrotoxicosis, or can be seen in drug addicts, alcoholics, schizophrenia, mania, multiple sclerosis, organic psychosis (frontal lobe), psycho-sexual disorder. Important Drugs: Ant-c., Calc., Cann-s., Canth., Carb-v., Caust., Chin., Ign., Lyc., Nux-v., Plat., Phos., Puls., Sabin., Sil., Stram., Verat.

Ambivalent Z Meaning: Simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from an object, person or action. Cross Reference: See Irresolution Explanation: See Irresolution. Disease Condition: Impulse control disorder like drug abuse, gambling, perversions etc.

Adjustment disorder especially in relationship Obsessive compulsive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Irresolution

Amnesia Z, Ss. Meaning: Loss of memory usually due to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression or illness. A gap in one's memory. Cross Reference: Forgetful, everything that had occurred for six years. Memory, weakness, loss of Explanation: This is usually seen in a person - where following organic brain disease or due to some shock there is loss of memory. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome like dementia, delirium Pseudoamnesia in depression. Hysterical dissociative disorder like amnesia fugue and multiple personality disorder Sleep walking disorder Certain schizophrenic disorder Important Drugs:

Amuse himself, child does not Z Meaning: To entertain or occupy in a light, playful or pleasant manner - when the child does not occupy himself thus. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorder Personality disorder Manic disorder

Drug addiction Sexual perversion Important Drugs: Hepar.

Amusement aversion to/desire for K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Means of amusing or entertaining a) aversion to Cross Reference: Going out, aversion Indifference, pleasure, to Play aversion to Serious (b) desire for Cheerfulness Excitement High spirited Jesting Laughing Mirth Play desire to, playful Pleasure Smiling Disease Condition: Depressive illness Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Hep., Ign., Lach.


Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: One who rebels against any authority, established order or ruling power One who uses violent means to overthrow the established order. Cross Reference: Fanaticism Injustice, cannot support Disease Condition: Personality disorder Adult anti-social behavior Schizophrenics Important Drugs: Arg-n., Merc., Sep., Causticum.

Anger BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism Cross Reference: Cross Hatred Irritability Peevishness Quarrelsome Rage Vexation Wildness Disease Condition: Schizophrenia esp. paranoid schizophrenia Organic psychosis Mania Personality disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Anac., Ars., Aur., Bry., Cham., Hep., Ign., Kali-c., Kali-s., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Nitacid, Nux-v., Petr., Sep., Staph., Sulph.

Anguish K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Extreme pain or distress of either body or mind to suffer intense pain or sorrow. Cross Reference: Anxiety Fear, panic attack Mania, madness, anguish during Restlessness. Shrieking, anguish from Explanation: Here the patient's tolerance power to endure physical or mental pain is quite low; as a result the patient develops various symptom syndromes i.e. psychosomatic disease. Disease Condition: Psychogenic pain disorder Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Ars., Bell., Calc., Calc-ars., Cann-i., Caust., Dig., Graph., Lyc., Plat., Hep.

Animal consciousness Z, Ss Meaning: Love for animals. Explanation: Person having excessive love for animal, cannot bear the pain or anything happening to animal. Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Choc., Germ.

Animation aggravates P, Ss, Z Meaning: The state of being full of life. To give life to, to impart interest or jest with.

The person develops mental or physical aggravation from a state of being full of life. Disease Condition: Drug abuse Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia Manic disorder. Important Drugs: Coff., Hyos., Lach., Sabad., Valer.

Anorexia mentalis P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Loss of appetite especially as a result of disease or psychological disorder. Cross Reference: Eat, refuses to Generalities, emaciation, insanity, with Generalities, starving Indifference, eating Stomach, appetite, wanting Disease Condition: Anorexia nervosa Depression Schizophrenia Chronic organic psychosis Important Drugs: Ars., Chin., Ign., Ph-ac., Rhus-t., Sulph., Tarent., Verat.

Answer answering, answers BB, P, K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Something spoken or written in return to or satisfying a question. Cross Reference: Loquacity Talk, talking talks

Speech and voice

Antagonism K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Actively expressed opposition, hostility or antipathy, the condition of being an opposing or competing principle, force or factor. Cross Reference: Confusion, identity Delusion, divided Irresolution Thoughts, two trains of Undertakes - things opposed to his intentions Will, contradiction of Explanation: Here patient is very indecisive. For example, when a woman goes for shopping she is unable to decide which particular design or colour will suit her. A student when answering in an examination is unable to select the correct answer or while selecting career or profession a person is unable to decide. In short there is a constant tussle of thoughts between the selection. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Anxiety states Important Drugs: Anac., Lach., Kali-c., Sep., Sil.

Anthropophobia BB, K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Fear of men Cross Reference: Fear, men, of Fear, people, of, anthropophobia Fear, society, of Fear, strangers, of.

Explanation: Very frequently it is seen that these type of patients would usually like to stay indoors, will not like any people around them and are very much contented by themselves. This is not a normal behavior since they may harbor some mental disorder. Disease Condition: Phobia Homosexuality Psychotic disorder Childhood disorder - [battered child syndrome] Emotional disorder Important Drugs: Hyos., Kali-bi., Lyc., Nat-c., Rhus-t.

Anticipation BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To give advance thought, discussion or treatment to Cross Reference: Anxiety, anticipating Anxiety, future about Clairvoyance Fear, church, opera, big hall or public show, when ready to go Fear, danger, impending, of Fear, disease, of impending Fear, happen, something will Fear, misfortune Fear, public, appearing in, of Grief, future, for the Hurry, walking, while Lamenting, future, about Timidity, appearing public in, about Explanation: This state is best seen when a person has to appear for an examination or before an

interview, on stage or before any new events like going to a doctor. Disease Condition: Anxiety Neurosis. Important Drugs: Acid-ph., Arg-n., Ars., Carc., Gels., Lyc., Med., Plb., Sil., Tub.

Antics K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Grotesquely ludicrous acts or actions Clownish extravagance or absurdity Whimsically gay, frolicsome Childish behavior Delirium, antics, plays Foolish behavior Gestures, strange attitudes and positions Gestures, ridiculous or foolish. Explanation: This is commonly observed in school children who are in the habit of making fun and gesticulating in front of the school teacher. The above phenomenon is quite under control but can happen involuntarily in disease conditions. Disease Condition: Delirium Schizophrenia Organic psychosis Korsakoff's psychosis Mania Important Drugs: Bell., Cupr., Hyos., Op., Phos., Plb., Stram.

Antisocial P, Z, Ss Meaning: Hostile to the well being of society

Cross Reference: Aversion, society Company, aversion to Cynical Misanthropy Moral affections, antisocial Pride Quiet disposition Timidity Disease Condition: Personality disorder, Manic depressive disorder, Psychotic disorder, drug abuse. Conduct disorder in children. Important Drugs: Syph.

Anxiety BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill. Cross Reference: Abdomen, anxiety, in Ailments from, anxiety Anguish Apprehensions Bladder, apprehension, in region of Chest, anxiety in Cares, full of Fear Frightened Generalities, anxiety, general physical Panic, attacks of

Respiration, anxious Restlessness, internal Stomach, anxiety Thoughts, tormenting Explanation: Anxiety can be felt under different circumstances at different times of the day, when alone after eating or drinking any particular thing, with other physical and mental complaints or about financial, business matters or in any particular environment. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorders Initial stages of schizophrenia Breakdown Depression Adjustment disorders Important Drugs: Acon., Agn., Ars., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Camph., Carb-v., Caust., Dig., Iod., Kali-c., Kalip., Lys., Merc-c., Nat-c., Nit-aci., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph., Verat.

Apathetic P Meaning: Having or showing little or no feeling or emotion. Having little or no interest or concern Cross Reference: Amusement, averse to Delirium, apathetic See - inactive Explanation: Here we come across a person who once upon a time was full of emotion but has suddenly developed an indifference to his surroundings. He has absolutely no feeling for others. He is emotionally not moved by an inch whenever the situation demands. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia, especially paranoid schizophrenia.

Apathy P, K, Ss, Z

Meaning: Lack of feeling or emotion Lack of interest or concern. Cross Reference: Amusement, averse to Delirium, apathetic Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and comprehending Ennui, tedium Going out, aversion to. Heedless Indifference, pleasure, to Listless Play, aversion to, indisposition, children, in Pleasure, nothing in Unattractive, things seem Explanation: Here we come across a person who once upon a time was full of emotion but has suddenly developed an indifference to surrounding. He has absolutely no feeling for others. He is emotionally not moved by an inch whenever the situation demands Disease Condition: Schizophrenia (chronic), especially process schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Carb-v., Chin., Crot-c., Hell., Lil-t., Mez., Nat-c., Nat-m., Phos., Ph-ac., Plat., Puls., Sep., Staph.

Aphasia BB, P, Ss, Z, K. Meaning: Loss or impairment of the power to use words, usually resulting from a brain lesion. Cross Reference: Forgetfulness, words of, while speaking Memory, weakness, words, for Mistakes, speaking Speech, lost

Explanation: There is a damage most commonly due to cerebro vascular disease in the Broca's area, which is the motor centre for the expression of the speech. The patient can hear and understand others quite nicely but will not be able to express his own speech. Disease Condition: Cerebrovascular disease Organic brain syndrome Birth trauma Important Drugs: Both, Chin-a., Glon., Kali-br.

Appreciation longs for Ss Meaning: An expression of admiration, approval or gratitude Cross Reference: Lamenting - appreciation Delusion - appreciated. Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Apprehension K, Ss, Z Meaning: Suspicion or fear especially of future evil. Cross Reference: Anxiety Anxiety, anticipating Anxiety, future, about Anxiety, time is set, if a Anticipation Death, presentiment of Excitement, anticipating events, when Fear, future, of the Fear, happen, something will

Hurry, time, for the appointed, to arrive Hurry, walking while Restlessness, nervousness Time, passes too slowly Walking, rapidly, anxiety, from Explanation: This is a case of exaggerated anxiety with an element of fear and suspicion whereby the patient becomes extremely nervous with fear. For e.g. a few days before the declaration of the examination results the student becomes extremely apprehensive about his fate even though he has fared quite well in the paper. Disease Condition: Anxiety state Phobic disorders Compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Arg-n., Ars., Aur., Bell., Bry., Calc., Camph., Carb-v., Caust., Dig., Iod., Kali-c., Kali-p., Lyc., Merc-c., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph., Verat.

Approach of person agg. Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: An act of drawing nearer. Cross Reference: A/F approach of person. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Organic mental disorders Severe anxiety states Important Drugs: Con., Lyc.

Arbitrary Z Meaning: Despotic, tyrannical. Cross Reference: See Dictatorial

Disease Condition: Personality disorder Manic disorder

Ardent K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Characterized by warmth of feeling, passionate Zealous, devoted Cross Reference: Enthusiasm Passionate Affectionate Explanation: We find the above behavior in childhood when a child is extremely enthusiastic in school activities. Disease Condition: Excess ardour associated with mania Korsakoff’s psychosis Important Drugs: Alum., Androc., Caust., Nux-v., Stann., Sulph.

Argumentative Z Meaning: Given to argument, disputations Cross Reference: Anger, aroused, with if Anger, contradiction, from Censorious, critical Contradict, disposition to Fight, wants to Irritability Quarrelsome Disease Condition: Drug abuse, certain psychotic disorder Manic disorder

Personality disorder

Arguing Ss Meaning: Giving reasons for or against something. Important Drugs: Nux-m.

Arrogance P, K, Ss, Z Meaning: a feeling of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims. Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contemptuous Deeds, feels he could do great Delusions, better than others Delusions, emperor thought himself an Delusions, great person, is a Delusions, humility and lowness of others, while he is great Delusions, inferior on entering the house, people, seem, mentally and physically after a walk. Delusions, proud Delusion, prince, is a Delusion, queen thinks she is Delusion, superiority Delusion, tall, as if he were Delusion, visions, grandeur. Delusion, wealth, imaginations of Defiant Dictatorial

Egoistic Egotism Haughty Importance, feels, his pompous Loquacity, self satisfied Pompous Pride Reproaches, others Explanation: There is strong feeling of superiority in these individuals. They would probably not even allow a fly to sit on their nose. This may the nature of certain individuals but it may also be assumed by certain normally timid individuals. Disease Condition: Personality disorders Schizophrenia Mania Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Lyc., Plat., Sulph., Verat.

Artificial everything seems Z Meaning: Feigned, assumed, imitation. Cross Reference: Delusions, strange, everything is Delusions, unreal Dream, as if in a Strange, everything seems Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorders Depressive disorder Drug abuse

Organic psychosis

Artistic Ss, Z Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of art or artists Showing taste in arrangement or execution Cross Reference: Fancies, vivid, lively Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind. Important Drugs: Ambr., Carc., Chin., Euph., Phos., Plb-acet., Sulph.

Ascetic Z Meaning: Practising strict self-denial as a means of religious discipline Cross Reference: Amusement, averse to Asks, nothing, for Indifference, pleasure to Jesting, averse, to Pleasure, nothing, in Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorders. Depressive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Diosm.

Ashamed Z

Meaning: Feeling shame, guilt or disgrace. Feeling inferior or unworthy Cross Reference: Anxiety, conscience of Delusions, crime, committed, he had Delusions, reproach, has neglected his duty and deserves Remorse Reproaches, himself Disease Condition: Sexual disorder Substance abuse Personality disorder Obsessive compulsive neurosis.

Asks nothing for P, Z, Syn, Ss, K. Meaning: To put a question about. To make a request of Cross Reference: Desire nothing Indifference Quiet Reserved Explanation: This typically occurs in a disease condition characterized by high fever or low grade fever for prolonged days where the patient exhibits the attitude of solemness or there is very less communication between the patient and the house members. Disease Condition: Cases of prolonged fever Withdrawn schizophrenia Depression Delirium

Dementia Important Drugs: Bry., Opium.

Assembled things, swarms, crowds, etc., hallucinations of BB Meaning: Important Drugs: Acon., Phos., Stram.

Assertive Z Meaning: Disposed to bold or confident assertion, i.e. declaration or affirmation Cross Reference: Audacity High spirited Impertinence Explanation: See Audacity Disease Condition: Personality disorder, Manic depressive disorder, Drug addiction Various psychological disorders Important Drugs: See Audacity

Astonished Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Struck with sudden wonder, surprised. Cross Reference: Face, expression, astonished Starting, startled. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Cori-r., Stram.

Atheistic Z

Meaning: Denying the existence of God. Cross Reference: Godless, want of religious feeling Indifference, religion Religious, feeling, want of Explanation: See Godless Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Certain psychotic disorder Personality trait.

Attached to the father, children Ss, Meaning: bound by personal ties Important Drugs: Cycl.

Attack others, desire to Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: To set upon forcefully To assail with unfriendly or bitter words Cross Reference: Impulse, violence, to do Jealousy, kill, driving to Kill, desire to Rage, kill people, tries to Thoughts, persistent, homicide Threatening, kill to Violent behavior. Explanation: See kill, desire. Disease Condition: Hysterical personality Hysteria, Mania, Hypochondria, Malingering, Sexual disorder

Personality trait Important Drugs: Hyos, Lyss, Stram, Tarent.

Attention K, Ss, Z, P Meaning: Observant consideration, courtesy, or considerate regard, as for others' feelings. Cross Reference: Concentration. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome, especially delirium, schizophrenia.

Attitudes K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: A mental position, a feeling of emotion toward a fact or state, position of the body or manner of carrying oneself. Cross Reference: Gestures, strange attitudes and positions. Explanation: The attitudes adopted by the patient, in the given case, always harbors some strong background of delirium or fear. e.g. patient trying to hide in the corner of a room and sleeping in a curled position, was questioned and he replied that there was a strong fear of ghosts. Another patient used to put hands on the head and will always sit in that attitude, when asked why, he replied that the sky would fall on his head and he wanted to prevent a head injury. Disease Condition: Catatonic variety of schizophrenia. Organic psychosis Depressed Anxiety states Important Drugs: Plb., Rheum.

Audacity K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: The quality or state of being intrepidly daring, recklessly bold. Cross Reference: Assertive Boldness Courageous

Defiant High spirited Impertinence Insolent Precocity Presumptuous Rashness Rudeness Temerity Explanation: This could be the nature of an individual or during serious conditions and grave situations the patient accepts the condition quite boldly mentally as well as physically or sometimes as a person who is not bold in the basic nature during the course of illness maintains boldness. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Acon., Agar., Arn., Ign., Merc., Op., Puls.

Authority, refusal to accept, of another Z Meaning: Refusal to accept command or laws Cross Reference: See contradiction, intolerance of Explanation: See contradiction, intolerance of Disease Condition: Antisocial personality Mania Other Psychic disorders Personality trait

Drug addiction Conduct disorder in children Important Drugs: See contradiction, intolerant of

Autism mutism Z, Meaning: A form of childhood Schizophrenia marked by acting out and withdrawal. Explanation: Autism is characterized by severe deficiency in social knowledge and reciprocal social interaction. It is associated with abnormality in language and verbal communication. The activities and interests of the patient are limited. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Affective disorder, drug addiction Mental subnormality Important Drugs: Agra., Kali-br., Lyc., Tub.

Automatic behavior, act. P, K, Z, Meaning: Action done spontaneously or unconsciously Cross Reference: Extremities, motion involuntary Extremities, motion, upper limb, automatic Extremities, motion, upper limb, hand, automatic Extremities, motion, upper limb, fingers, automatic Extremities, motion, lower limb, involuntary Extremities, motion, lower limb, leg, automatic Generalities, motion, automatic Head, motion of, involuntary Gestures, automatic Unconsciousness, conduct, automatic

Explanation: See Automatism Disease Condition: Temporal lobe epilepsy Organic brain syndrome. Schizophrenia. Important Drugs: Anac., Lyc., Bell., Calc., Hell., Mag-c., Nitr-o., Nux-m., Phos., Sil., Zinc.

Automatisms BB, Ss, Syn. Meaning: Automatic action Cross Reference: Unconsciousness - conduct Gestures - automatic. Explanation: We observe this symptom in patients with an obsession e.g. a person who is fastidious will automatically unknowingly arrange things even though they may be in their proper place. Disease Condition: Catatonic Schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Organic brain syndrome involving temporal lobe Important Drugs: Anac., Hell., Nux-m.

Autumnal equinox/autumn agg. zP Meaning: Cross Reference: See Ailments from, autumn.

Avarice BB, P, K, Ss, Syn Meaning: excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain. Cross Reference: Covetous Delusion, fortune that he is going to lose, his

Delusion, money, counting, he is Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing, is Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, poor thinks, he is Delusion, starve, thinks family with Delusion, thieves, sees Delusion, want, had come to Delusion, wealth, imagination of Desires, more than she needs Envy Fear of poverty Greedy Miserly Parsimony Selfishness Disease Condition: Personality disorders especially narcissistic and anti-social type Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Lyc., Ph-ac., Puls., Sep., Sil.

Aversion K, Ss, Z, Syn, P, BB Meaning: A feeling of repugnance towards something with a desire to avoid or turn from it Cross Reference: Abhorrence Explanation: the patient may develop an aversion to various conditions e.g. aversion to parents, family members, women etc. Disease Condition: Phobic disorder Schizophrenia

Avoidant personality disorder Anxiety state Depression Important Drugs: Iod., Sulph.

Avidity Z Meaning: An intense desire for gain Cross Reference: Envy, avidity Greed, cupidity Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia

Awareness heightened Ss, Z, Syn. Meaning: Having or showing realization, perception or knowledge Cross Reference: Alert Senses, acute Quick to act Thoughts, rapid Explanation: Here it is a delusionary state whereby the patient gathers an accurate impression of his own internal organs because he feels that his body is transparent. Disease Condition: Hypochondriacal Neurosis Psycho-somatic psychosis Important Drugs: Anh.


BB, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Lack of dexterity or skill, especially in the use of the hands or of instruments. Lacking social grace and assurance. Cross Reference: Childish, behavior Elegance, want to Extremities, awkward, hands, drop things Foolish behavior. Disease Condition: Personality trait Certain personality disorder Adjustment disorder PAGE 50 Psychotic disorder Drug addiction Sexual disorder Important Drugs: Caps., Ign., Agar., Apis, Camph., Lyc., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sabad.

Awakes, anger in P Meaning: To wake up Important Drugs: Cham., Lyc.

Bad part, takes everything in BB, Z, P Cross Reference: Offended easily Sensitiveness, over sensitiveness Trifles, seem important. Disease condition: personality trait

Paranoid Schizophrenia Depression Important Drugs: See under Sensitive Offended easily.

Bad news, ailments from K, P, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Ailments from, bad news Anger, irascibility, bad news, about Dullness, bad news, from Excitement, bad news, after Excitement, horrible things, after hearing Fear, bad news, hearing horrible things, sad stories Generalities, orgasm of blood; disagreeable news, from Generalities, trembling, bad news News, feels as after unpleasant Sadness, bad news after Sleep, sleepiness, news after, sad Wildness, bad news, at Wildness, unpleasant news, from Disease Condition: Post traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder Brief reactive psychosis Important Drugs: Apis, Calc., Gels., Ign., Med., Nat-m., Pall., Sulph.

Bad temper Z, Ss

Cross Reference: Anger - easily Morose Irritability Unfriendly, humor Disease Condition: Tantrums with behavioral disorder in children Psychotic disorder Manic disorder Personality disorder Drug addiction

Baffled Z Meaning: Confused Cross Reference: Chaotic Confounding, objects and ideas Confusion of mind Confusion, calculating Confusion, loses his way Delusion, strange, everything is Delusion, strange, familiar place is Delusion, strange, objects are Delusion, strange, streets, loses his way in, houses are strange Disconcerted Mistakes, localities in Mistakes, time, confounds, present with, past Perplexity

Recognise, does not Stupefaction, knows not where he is Strange, everything seems Explanation: See Disconcerted Disease Condition: Delirium Dementia Drug induced states Schizophrenia Post ictal states Important Drugs: See Disconcerted

Bargaining Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Negotiating over the terms of a purchase, agreement or contract Explanation: It is a peculiar habit so frequently found whereby in a departmental store where the rates are fixed, the patient would like to bargain Disease Condition: Personality trait Personality disorder Important Drugs: Bry., Puls., Sil., Sulph.

Barking BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: To speak in a curt, loud, usually angry tone Cross Reference: Bellowing Cough, barking Cough, hoarse, night, midnight after, barking Delirium, barking

Growling Howling Laughing, barking dog, as of Larynx and Trachea, voice barking Voice and speech, barking Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Gilles - De-La-Tourette's syndrome Important Drugs: Bell., Canth., Nux-m., Stram.

Bashful BB, P, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Inclined to shrink from public attention, characterized by, showing, or resulting from extreme sensitiveness, self-consciousness or shyness. Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self Ailments after embarrassment Mortification Reserved Timidity, bashful Yielding Disease Condition: Personality disorder Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bar-c., Calc., Calc-s., Gels., Kali-c., Lyc., Nat-c., Petr., Phos., Plb., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

Battles, talks about K, Ss, Syn, Z Cross Reference: Talk, talking, talks, battles

Disease Condition: Delirious state Organic mental disorders Schizophrenia Conduct disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Hyos

Beautiful, things look BB, P, Z, Meaning: Cross Reference: Delusion, beautiful things look Delusion, visions, has, beautiful Delusion, visions, has, fantastic Delusion, visions, has, wonderful Explanation: Here even rags look beautiful to the patient Disease Condition: Delirious state Psychosis Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Sulph.

Beclouded, dim BB, Z, P, Meaning: Obscured with as if with a cloud Cross Reference: Comprehension, difficult Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending

Explanation: The above rubric is used in patient where the mental faculty is cloudy, the reception power of patient to the environment is very poor. Disease Condition: Delirium Dementia Paranoid state Important Drugs: Bell., Bry., Nux-v., Ver-a.

Bed K, Ss, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: Cross Reference: Bed, aversion to Fear, sleep, falling asleep. Fear, bed, going to - bed of the Escape; spring up Timidity; bed going to Explanation: Typically found in delirium, where the patient has an aversion to lie on the bed Disease Condition: Delirious state Sleep disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Cedr., Lach.

Begging K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To ask earnestly for something Cross Reference: Entreating Delirium, crying help for Delirium, begging for help, during

Explanation: This may sometimes be the habit of an individual where even if he was everything, he wants to beg for it. Disease Condition: Delirious state. Schizophrenia Substance abuse. Important Drugs: Ars., Aur., Bell., Kali-c., Plat., Puls., Stram.

Behind as if someone or desire to look P, Explanation: This is a state in which the person has a constant feeling that someone is behind him, so he constantly keeps on looking behind. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Panic disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Brom., Crot-h., Led., Med., Sanic., Tub.

Bellowing BB, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Shouting in a deep voice Cross Reference: Barking Cough, barking Delirium, barking Growling Howling Laughing, barking dog, as of larynx and trachea, voice, barking. Disease Condition: Delirious state Mania Excited catatonic schizophrenia

Important Drugs: Bell., Canth., Cupr.

Bemoaning K, Ss, Z Meaning: Expressing grief over. To look upon with regret, displeasure or disapproval. Cross Reference: Complaining Lamenting Moaning Wailing Whining Explanation: We often see individuals, who are in the habit of discussing their sufferings with their near and dear ones, exaggerating their problems and gaining sympathy and attention. They also exaggerate their symptoms to the physician during case taking to gain his sympathy. Disease Condition: Hypochondriasis Post-traumatic stress disorders Depression Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Lyc., Verat., Verat-v.

Benevolence K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Disposition to do good Cross Reference: Affectionate Anxiety, others Avarice, generosity towards strangers, avarice as regards his family Generous, too much Gentleness

Mildness Sympathetic, compassionate Weeping, sympathy with others Explanation: Such persons go out of their way to, for e.g., help the poor individuals even though they personally may have to undergo hardship. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Bell., Coff., Ign., Nux-v., Op.

Benumbed . BB, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Made inactive or numb Cross Reference: Dullness, sluggishness Senses, dullness of Stupefaction, as if intoxicated Torpor. Explanation: The patient is stuporous or unaware of his surroundings or inner body needs, with even his senses dulled. Disease Condition: Cerebrovascular accidents. Encephalitis Withdrawn catatonic Schizophrenia Depression Post Traumatic stress disorder situations Stress disturbance Important Drugs: Bapt., Bell., Cocc., Hell., Hyos., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Rhus t., Stram., Verat.

Bereavement Z, P, Ss.

Meaning: Deprivation, especially by death. Cross Reference: Ailments, from, death, child of a Ailments from, death, parents or friends of Grief, losing persons or objects, after Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ambr., Plat.

Beseeching BB, Z Meaning: To ask earnestly for, to implore Cross Reference: Begging Important Drugs: Stram.

Beside oneself, being BB, P, Ss, Syn, Z, Meaning: in a state of extreme excitement. Cross Reference: Delirium Frantic, frenzy Insanity, madness Madness Mania, madness Rage, fury. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Depersonalization disorder Certain form of temporal lobe epilepsy

Important Drugs: Acon., Cham., Coff., Ign., Nux-v., Verat.

Bewildered BB, K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Perplexed or confused, especially by a complexity, variety or multitude of objects or considerations Cross Reference: Chaotic Concentration, difficult Confounding, objects and ideas Confusion of mind Delirium Disconcerted Disordered, orientation Dream, as if in a Locality errors of Memory, confused Mistakes, localities in Muttering Recognise, does not Senses, confused Speech, confused Strange, everything, seems Explanation: A person - who becomes so confused that his power of discrimination and his senses become blurred and blunted. Disease Condition: Prolonged fever. Hepatic and renal precomatose condition.

Diabetic pre-comatose condition Organic brain syndrome Drugged states Drug abuse Important Drugs: Bell., Bry., Calc., Cann-i., Carbo-veg., Glon., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., Petr., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil.

Bilious disposition P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A peevish ill-natured disposition Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Bufo., Coca, Hell., Sul-ac.

Bite/biting, desire to BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: To seize with teeth, jaws or an analogous organ so as to enter, grip or wound. Cross Reference: Delusion, animal, of, dogs, biting and tearing off his chest. Face, chewing Idiocy, bite desire to Mouth, biting Rage, biting Teeth, clench together, constant, inclination to Explanation: This symptom is very frequently found amongst individuals who develop a desire to bite either themselves or others or objects like a spoon, pillow tumbler etc. Disease Condition: Psychotic disorder Neurotic condition

Personality disorder Mental subnormality behavioral disorder in children Important Drugs: Bell., Stram., Verat.

Bitterness from slight offences Z, Meaning: Resulting from or expressive of severe grief, anguish or disappointment Cross Reference: Embittered Hatred Malicious Offended easily

Bizarre Z Meaning: Strikingly out of the ordinary Cross Reference: Affectation, gestures and acts in Eccentricity Gestures, tics, bizarre Explanation: See Eccentricity. Disease Condition: See Eccentricity Important Drugs: See Eccentricity

Black and somber, everything that is aversion to K, Z, Syn, Meaning: Aversion to dark colours. Cross Reference: Anxiety dark in

Colour, aversion Fear, black or dark colours, everything Fear, darkness Light, desire for Longing for, sunshine, light and society Disease Condition: Phobia Psychosis Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Stram., Tarent.

Blackmail emotional, says "you don't love me" when refused. Z, Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Puls., Tub.

Blackout Z A transient dulling or loss of vision or consciousness. Cross Reference: Generalities, Anaemia [faintness, weakness] Generalities, emptiness, sensation of, fainting, with sensation of Generalities, faintness, fainting Generalities, heat, flushes of, fainting with Unconsciousness, transient. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome.

Blaming Z Meaning: Finding fault with, holding responsible for something deserving censure.

Cross Reference: Critical, censorious Reproaches Explanation: See reproaches Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Reproaches

Blames himself P, Ss. Meaning: To hold oneself responsible for fault or error. Cross Reference: Reproaches, self Explanation: See Reproaches Disease Condition: See Reproaches Important Drugs: Opium.

Blasphemy Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: The act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. Irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolate. Cross Reference: Abusing Cursing, blasphemy Insolent Profanity Rage, cursing with Rudeness Slander, disposition to Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Paranoid Schizophrenia

Certain personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Canth., Nat-carb., Nat-mur., Nit-ac., Spig., Staph.

Blindness pretended K, Ss, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Delusion, blind that he is. Feigning, sick. Disease Condition: Hysteria Important Drugs: Veratrum.

Blissful feeling BB, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Marked by complete happiness. Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Ecstasy Hilarity Disease Condition: Mania Drug induced states Important Drugs: Coff, Op.

Blood or a knife, cannot look at K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Fear, blood of Frightened blood, at sight of Generalities, faintness, fainting, blood at, sight of Suicidal, seeing blood or a knife, she has horrible thoughts of killing herself, though she abhors the idea. Thoughts, frightful, seeing blood or a knife Unconsciousness, blood, sight of.

Disease Condition: Phobia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Alum.

Boaster Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: A person speaking of or asserting with excessive pride; bragging Cross Reference: Haughty Pompous Vanity Explanation: Here the patient has a tendency to speak quite high of himself and wants to praise himself for the things he has achieved. Disease Condition: General paralysis of insane Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorder. Important Drugs: Alco., Arn., Ars., Bell., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Plat., Stram.

Boldness BB, K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Fearless before danger Adventurous, daring Assured, confident Cross Reference: Audacity Brazen Courageous Daring

High spirited Explanation: See courageous Disease Condition: Mania Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Bor., Calad., Ign., Op., Puls.

Boredom Z, Ss Meaning: The state of being weary with ennui or tedium. Cross Reference: Disgust Discontented Dullness of mind Ennui, tedium Exertion, mental agg. Ideas, deficiency of. Indifference Loathing of life Thinking, aversion to Wearisome Work, aversion to, mental Explanation: see Ennui. Disease Condition: See Ennui. Important Drugs: See Ennui.

Borrowing of everyone Ss, Syn, Z,

Meaning: Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Calc., Phos., Plat.

Borrows trouble; always finds trouble. P, Z Meaning: Cross Reference: Fear, happen, something will. Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Acet-ac., Apis, Bar-c., Calc., Sang.

Bossy Z Meaning: Inclined to domineer; dictatorial. Cross Reference: Dictatorial, dogmatical, domineering, despotic. Explanation: See dictatorial. Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: See Dictatorial.

Brain exhaustion/brain fag. BB, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Prostration of mind, brainfag. Disease Condition: Mania Anxiety neurosis Important Drugs: Hyos., Lyco., Nat-m., Pyro., Sil.

Brawling Z

Meaning: To quarrel noisily To make a loud confused noise Cross Reference: Quarrelsome Explanation: See Quarrelsome Disease Condition: See Quarrelsome Important Drugs: See Quarrelsome

Break things, desire to Ss, Syn, Z, P, K. Cross Reference: Anger, throws, things away Anger, violent Destructiveness Sits, break pins, and tears things Throws, things away Violent deeds or intention. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic Brain syndrome Mania Epileptic psychosis Mental Retardation Personality disorder Impulse control disorder Important Drugs: Apis, Nux-v., Stram., Tub.

Brooding BB, K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To think anxiously or moodily upon, to ponder to be in a state of depression.

Cross Reference: Anxiety Cares, full of Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Grief, silent Indignation Inconsolable Meditation Sadness, weep cannot Pessimist Sighing Sit, inclination to, corner in Sits, wrapped in deep, sad thoughts Sulky Explanation: Here the patient broods over his condition or tries to Brood over unpleasant experiences Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Gels., Ign., Naja, Ph-ac., Rheum, Stram, Verat.

Brutality Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: The state or quality of being grossly ruthless, cruel and cold blooded. PAGE 68 Cross Reference: Brutal Cruelty, inhumanity Jealousy Malicious

Wicked disposition Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorders Drug induced states Temporal lobe dysfunction Impulse controlled disorder Important Drugs: Absin, Alco.

Buffoonery BB, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Clowning or foolishness. Cross Reference: Antic plays Awkward Childish behavior Foolish behavior Gestures Grimaces Idiocy Laughing, causeless Laughing, immoderately Laughing serious matters, over. Laughing silly. Silly Stupidity. Explanation: See Foolish behavior Disease Condition: Schizophrenia

Alcohol related disorder [Alcohol withdrawal symptoms] Korsakoff's psychosis Personality disorder Important Drugs: See foolish behavior.

Bulimia Z, Ss Meaning: An abnormal and constant craving for food. Cross Reference: Stomach, Appetite ravenous Anorexia nervosa Disease Condition: Bulimia Nervosa Hypothalamic lesion Psychomotor epilepsy Depression.

Buoyancy Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Resilience, vivacity Cross Reference: Activity Business, desire for Cheerful, gay, mirthful, hilarity High-spirited Sitting, aversion to Strength, increased mental Vivacious Explanation: The patient is mentally very elated and gay; as a result, he avoids or runs away from responsibility

Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Fl-ac., Arum-d., Cimic., Eucal, Nux-v., Phys., Sarr., Scut.

Business averse to K, Ss, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Occupation Work Disease Condition: Depressive state Anxiety Drug addiction Phobias Obsessive compulsive disorder. Important Drugs: Brom., Con., Lach., Ph-ac., Phyt., Puls., Sep.

Businessmen, worn out businessmen, suited for Ss, Important Drugs: Coca., Kali-p., Nux-v.

Busy BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Occupied, engaged in action. Cross Reference: Delirium, busy Hurry Industrious, mania for work Insanity, busy Occupation, amel.

Restlessness busy Rest, cannot Work, desires Workaholics Explanation: These patient are always engaged or occupied in their respective work most of the time. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Apis, Bry., Hyos., Iod., Kali-br., Lach., Op., Sep., Sulph., Tarent., Verat.

Calculating, inability to Ss, Z, Syn, Cross Reference: Accounts, makes mistake in Concentration difficult, calculating while. Confusion, calculating, when Mathematics, inapt for Mistakes calculating, in Slowness, calculating, in Summing up, difficult. Disease Condition: Organic Brain syndrome Chronic Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Kali-c., Plat.

Calling BB, Z. Meaning: Crying out loudly. Cross Reference: See shrieking

Explanation: See Shrieking Disease Condition: See Shrieking Important Drugs: See Shrieking

Calmness K, BB, Ss, Z. Meaning: A state of repose and freedom from turmoil or agitation. Cross Reference: Mildness Serene Tranquility Quiet disposition Explanation: Here the person is extremely free from agitation, excitement, hurry etc. Disease Condition: Drug Induced states. Important Drugs: See Tranquility.

Calumniate, desire to K, Ss, Z Meaning: To utter maliciously false statements, charges or imputations about. Cross Reference: Gossiping Moral feeling, want of Slander, disposition to Disease Condition: Personality disorders Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See slander Gossiping.


K, Syn, Ss, Z, P. Meaning: Disposition to change one's mind impulsively. Cross Reference: Desires, many things, impatiently, dislikes its favorite playthings, child. Desires, more than she needs. Desires, numerous various things, refuses when offered Desires, present, things not, rejected when offered, which are play things. Inconstancy Moods alternating Moods changeable Persists in nothing Refuses, things asked for Rejects everything offered to him Repulsive mood Stomach, appetite capricious Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing. Explanation: A mental state of irritability, where a person refuses anything asked for by himself, when it is offered to him Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Cham., Cina, Ip., Kali-c., Staph., Verat-v.

Carefree BB, Ss, Z. Meaning: Free from troubles or anxiety. Cross Reference: Heedless Indifference, everything to Neglects, everything

Sensitive, oversensitive, want of sensitiveness Thinking, aversion to Unobserving Disease Condition: Personality disorders Drug induced states Important Drugs: Ham., Op., Phos., Zinc.

Carefulness K, BB, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: marked by wary caution or prudence. Cross Reference: Cautious Conscientious, trifles about Fastidious Fault finding Rest cannot, when things are not in proper place Scrupulous, pedantic Suspicious, mistrustful. Disease Condition: Depression Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: Chin., Graph., Stram., Sulph.

Careless K, BB, Ss, Z. Meaning: Unconcerned, negligent Cross Reference: See Heedless Disease Condition: Personality disorders

Adjustment disorders Chronic schizophrenia Depression Mania Important Drugs: See Heedless.

Cares, worries K, BB, Ss, Syn, P, Z. Meaning: A burdensome sense of responsibility. Cross Reference: Anxiety Grief A/F cares Explanation: A person who is careful to the extent of anxiety. This is found especially in those families where a child is born after many years or one son after many daughters. Disease Condition: Anxiety Depression Important Drugs: Ars., Bar-c., Calc., Chin., Kali-br., Nat-c., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Psor., Puls., Staph., Sulph.

Caressed, averse to being Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: To touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner. Cross Reference: Anger, caressing from Indifference, caresses to Touched, aversion to being caressed Weeping, caressing from Explanation: Many times we come across female patients who do not like to be touched by any male who may either be her father, brother, friend or any elderly person howsoever good the person's intention may be.

Disease Condition: Phobias Personality disorder Important Drugs: Cina, Nit-ac., Sac-alb.

Carphologia K, Ss, Z, P Meaning: To make grasping Gestures. Cross Reference: Gestures makes, grasping, picks at bed clothes, carphologia Explanation: A delirious stage of mind in which the person picks at his or her clothes. It is a sort of involuntary action. Disease Condition: Delirium Temporal lobe epilepsy High fever. Important Drugs: See gestures.

Carried desire to be BB, K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: To sustain the weight or burden of. Cross Reference: Generalities; carrying Explanation: A child may want to be carried when he is weeping or when he is restless, or a persons may want to be carried from one state of mind to another. Disease Condition: anxiety disorders of childhood

Carries, things from one place to another and back again Z, P, Cross Reference: Activity, fruitless Busy, fruitless Disease Condition: Compulsive disorder

Psychosis Important Drugs: Mag-p.

Casting off of people against her will. Syn, Ss, Z. Explanation: It means that the person is quite egoistic and dictatorial, and who, by her nature will not tolerate people who behave against her wish. Important Drugs: Plat.

Catalepsy Ss, Z, P. Meaning: Condition of suspended animation and loss of voluntary motion in which the limbs hold any position they are placed in Cross Reference: Automatic behavior Generalities, catalepsy Schizophrenia, catatonic Trance Unconsciousness, trance, as in a Disease Condition: Epilepsy Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Generalities - catalepsy.

Catatonia Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A disorder marked by catalepsy. A schizophrenic disorder marked by plastic immobility of the limbs, stupor, negativism. Cross Reference: Generalities, catalepsy

Schizophrenia, catatonic Stupefaction Unconsciousness, trance, as in a Explanation: Patient who suffers from schizophrenic disorder usually remains in one position for hours together like a statue. Disease Condition: Catatonic variety of schizophrenia Important Drugs: Cic., Cortico.

Catch things, tries to Z Meaning: Cross Reference: Gestures makes, grasping or reaching at things Explanation: See Gestures Disease Condition: See Gestures Important Drugs: See Gestures

Cautious K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by prudent forethought to minimize risk. Cross Reference: Anxiety Carefulness Apprehension Explanation: The patient's behavior is very gingerly characterized by careful prudence to reduce risk or damage by a reluctance to proceed or advance rashly in all his movements. Disease Condition: Anxiety states Depression Compulsive personality disorders Important Drugs: Cupr., Ign., Puls.

Celibacy P, Z Meaning: Abstention from sexual intercourse Cross Reference: Ailments from celibacy Fear, marriage of Marriage, idea of, seemed unendurable Religious affections, horror of opposite sex. Explanation: See A/F celibacy Disease Condition: Depression Psychosomatic disorder Important Drugs: See A/F celibacy

Censorious K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Marked by criticism or fault finding Cross Reference: Conscientious, trifles about Contradict, disposition to Critical Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Fastidious Quarrelsome Reproaches others Skeptic Slander, disposition to

Explanation: A person who is in the habit of criticizing others or to discover faults and try and condemn others. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder. Important Drugs: Ars., Bar-c., Brom., Graph., Helon., Sulph., Verat.

Censure, effects of BB, Meaning: Expression of disapproval or blame Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Agar., Gels., Ign.

Cerebral type Ss Cross Reference: See Emotion predominated Explanation: See Emotion predominated Disease Condition: See Emotion predominated

Chagrin K, Z, Ss, P Meaning: Disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment or failure. Cross Reference: Ailments from, honor wounded Ailments from, love, disappointed Ailments from, mortification, humiliation, chagrin Ailments from reproaches Ailments from, scorn, being scorned

Weeping, mortification after Weeping, reproaches, from Dullness, chagrin, vexation, from Embarrassed Honor, effects of wounded Indignation Mortification Reproach ailments from Scorn, ailments from Explanation: Disturbances of mind resulting from depression of spirits, melancholy, vexation, brought on by humiliation, hurt, pride, disappointment Disease Condition: Depression

Change desire for Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: Capriciousness Restlessness Indolence aversion to work, routine Travel, desire to Wander, desire to Important Drugs: Bry., Cham., Hep., Sep., Tub.

Changeable K, BB, Ss, Z, P Meaning: Variable, fickle. Cross Reference: Capriciousness Inconstancy

Irresolution Mood, changeable Persists in nothing Undertakes, many things, perseveres in nothing Variableness Explanation: A person who is so changeable in his mind that one moment he is found very cagey, and the other moment he is very docile. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic Brain Syndrome.

Chaotic K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: State of utter confusion Cross Reference: Confounding Confusion of mind Disconcerted Mistakes, makes Explanation: Confusion to an extent that a person is unable to choose the course of action Disease Condition: Temporal lobe epilepsy Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Bov., Chin., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Rhod., Seneg., Spig.

Character, lack of Ss, Z Meaning: Lack of Reputation, moral excellence and firmness Cross Reference: Inconstancy

Irresolution Spineless Will, loss of Moral affection; want of moral feeling Disease Condition: Antisocial personality Conduct disorder of children. Important Drugs: Caust., Lyc., Sil.

Charitable Z Meaning: Merciful or kind in judging others, benevolent. Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Bell., Calc., Ign., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sulph.

Charlatan Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A pretender to medical knowledge, faker, fraud. Cross Reference: Deceitful, sly Liar Unreliable, promises, in his Disease Condition: Personality disorders Maunchaunsen's syndrome Schizophrenia Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Calc., Lyc., Plat., Sulph.

Charmed with description of beauties of nature

Z Meaning: To be attracted or delighted greatly or irresistibly, with natural scenery. Cross Reference: Love, nature. Disease Condition: Personality tract Important Drugs: Coff.

Charming Z, Ss Meaning: Fascinating or attractive feature or quality Cross Reference: See Affectionate Explanation: See Affectionate Disease Condition: See Affectionate Important Drugs: See Affectionate

Chases, imaginary object. K, Syn, Ss, Z, Meaning: follows in order to catch, pursues. Cross Reference: Gestures, grasping Disease Condition: Drug induced states Organic brain syndrome. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Important Drugs: Stram.

Cheating Z Meaning: Deceiving by trickery Cross Reference: Deceitful, sly Liar

Unreliable, promises, in his Explanation: See Deceitful Sly Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Cheerful K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Being in good spirits, happy Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Buoyancy Contented Exaltation Exhilaration Exultant Good humor Happy High-spirited Destiny Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to, playful Pleasure

Smiling Vivacious Witty. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Cann-i., Cic., Coff., Croc., Hyos., Lach., Nat-c., Op.

Childbed, mental symptoms during/agg. Syn, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: A/F parturition Insanity, puerperal. Parturition, after, puerperal agg. Explanation: Child-bed means a state of a female, during the birth of a child until a period of 1 month. Disease Condition: Post-partum Psychosis Depression Important Drugs: Plat., Puls.

Childish behavior K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Lacking maturity Cross Reference: Antic plays Buffoonery Foolish, behavior Giggling Grimaces Jesting, ridiculous Laughing, causeless

Laughing, childish Laughing, immoderate Laughing serious, matters over Naive Speech, childish Silly Explanation: It is found many a times in elders that they behave childishly e.g. playing with toys, speaking in a manner of a child, remaining dirty in personal habits etc. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Drug abuse Important Drugs: Bar-c., Croc., Ign., Nux-m., Stram.

Children desire to beat K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Children, aversion to. Indifference, children to her. Explanation: This may be due to utter frustration in interpersonal relationships or a sense of indifference which exists with the mother. Disease Condition: Child abuse. Reflection of patients own parent-child relationship Schizophrenia Impulse control disorder Important Drugs: Chel.

Circumspection, lack of K, Ss, Z Meaning: Unheedful of circumstances, of future consequences. Cross Reference: Heedless

Indiscretion Rashness Explanation: It is a condition where a person neglects the consequences which arise due to sheer negligence or a lack of precaution. For e.g. in a case of severe hypertension, the patient keeps on eating a lot of salty food even though he is warned that excess of salt is harmful for his health. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Anti-social personality disorder Important Drugs: Refer Indiscretion.

Clairaudience Ss, Z Cross Reference: Delusion, voices hears. Hearing, illusions of Disease condition: schizophrenia Mania

Clairvoyance K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Power to perceive things that are naturally beyond the range of human senses; acute intuitive insight. Cross Reference: Anticipation Death, presentiment of Fear, happen, something will Prophesying Sleep, Dreams, clairvoyant Sleep, Dreams, events not taken place Sleep, Dreams, prophetic

Sleep, Dreams, visionary Explanation: It is a natural gift found in certain individuals who are excellent in predicting events during their daily life. Important Drugs: Cort-s., Lyss., Nux-m., Phos., Verat-v.

Claustrophobia P, Z Meaning: Abnormal fear of confined spaces Cross Reference: Delusion, falling walls are Delusion, houses on each side are approaching and will crush him. Delusions, room walls, crush him, will Delusions, walls, falling Delusions, walls, surrounded by high Fear, crowd, in a Fear, falling, high walls, buildings, upon him Fear closed places Fear elevators of Fear, narrow places in claustrophobia Fear, tunnels of Suffocation Explanation: Fear, narrow places Disease Condition: Phobia Important Drugs: See Fear, narrow places

Cleanliness, excessive Z Meaning: Habitually carefully clean and neat; in excessive proportion.

Cross Reference: See Washing, cleanliness, mania for Explanation: See Washing cleanliness mania for. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive neurosis Personality disorder

Clearheaded BB, Z, SS Meaning: Having a clear, orderly mind Cross Reference: Comprehension, easy Concentration, active Fancies, vivid Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind Learning, easy Memory, active Plans, makes many Quick to act Theorizing Thoughts, clearness of Thoughts, rapid Thoughts, profound Thoughts, thoughtful. Important Drugs: Acon., Camph., Cimic., Ign., Nux-v., Phos.

Clever, intelligent Ss Meaning: Mentally quick and original; bright, alert Important Drugs: Gaert

Climacteric period agg. Syn., Ss, Z, P. Meaning: A period when physiological changes take place in the body, menopause Cross Reference: Ailments from, menopause in Anxiety, climacteric period, during Excitement, excitable, climacteric period, during Forgetfulness, climacteric period, during Genitalia female, menopause Hysteria, climacteric period, at Indifference, apathy, climacteric period, in Insanity, madness, climacteric period, during Loquacity, climacteric period, during Moroseness, climacteric period at Suspiciousness, climacteric during Weeping, tearful mood, climacteric, during Explanation: This is a period of time before the cessation of menstruation, when a female undergoes many changes, which may cause some complaints, either physical or mental or both like flushing, bleeding, irregularisation, irritability, depression etc. Disease Condition: Depression Rage reaction Involutional melancholia Important Drugs: Cimic., Lach.

Climb desire to Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To move up especially by using hands and feet. Important Drugs: Hyos., Stram.

Clinging K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Holding tight or adhering to something To hold on, to resist separation. Cross Reference: Holding or being held Explanation: Clinging to persons or furniture etc. This is found typically in a delirious condition. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder of childhood Anxiety state Paranoid Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bism., Coff., Gels., Stram.

Closed Z Meaning: Self-contained. Cross Reference: Answer, refuses to Introverted Quiet disposition Secretive Reserved Talk, talking, talks indisposed to, desire to remain silent, taciturn. Explanation: See Introverted Disease Condition: See Introverted Important Drugs: See Introverted

Closing eyes amel. K, Syn, Ss, Z

Meaning: Cross Reference: Eyes, close, desire to: Rest desire, for Disease Condition: Depression Sleep disorders: Narcolepsy, Stein Levine syndrome Oneroid state Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Kali-c., Zinc.

Clothed, Improperly BB, Z Meaning: Having dressed improperly Cross Reference: Dress, dresses, aversion to Dress, dresses, indecently Eccentricity, dressing in Indifference, apathy, exposure of her person to Indifference, apathy, personal appearance, to Naked, wants to be Shameless Tastelessness in dressing Explanation: In certain mental conditions a patient behaves indecently or dresses up badly. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic brain syndrome Drug induced psychosis Sexual deviation [paraphilics] - Exhibitionism

Cloudiness, confusion

K, Ss, Z, Meaning: Gloom, troubled; not clearly perceived. Cross Reference: Confusion of mind Ennui, tedium Prostration of mind Senses, dullness of Slowness Stupefaction Torpor Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Explanation: In this state the power to distinguish and choose decisively is lost and the intellectual faculties are blunt. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Panic disorder Drug addiction

Cloudy weather agg. Ss, P Meaning: Full of, or covered with clouds. Important Drugs: Aloe., Arn., Bar-c., Hyper., Lach., Nux-m., Puls., Rhus-t., Sabal., Sabin., Sep., Stram., Violo.

Clumsy Z Meaning: Lacking physical co-ordination, skill or grace. Cross Reference: Awkward Childish behavior Dancing, inaptitude for

Elegance, want of Chaotic, orderly manner, cannot perform anything in a Extremities - awkwardness Foolish behavior Gestures, makes, awkward Obstinate, children, chilly, refractory and clumsy Runs forward, when trying to walk. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Chronic schizophrenia

Coition aversion to Z, P Meaning: Dislike for sex. Disease Condition: Vaginismus Dyspareonea Depression Psychosomatic disorder Important Drugs: Graph., Lyc., Rhod., Psor.

Cold, frigid BB Meaning: Not affected by emotion, not affectionate or friendly. Aversion to sexual intercourse Cross Reference: Genitalia female, sexual passion diminished Disease Condition: Psychosexual disorders Inhibited sexual desire Inhibited sexual excitement

Inhibited female orgasm Functional dyspareonea. (functional vaginismus) Depression Anxiety Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Nat-m., Plat., Sabad.

Collar pulls at BB Meaning: Cross Reference: Pull, desire to, collar, one's Disease Condition: Habit disorders like tics Mannerisms Anxiety. Schizophrenia. [Catatonic type] Important Drugs: Ant-c., Lach.

Colors aversion to red, yellow, green black K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Cross Reference: Sensitive, colours, to Disease Condition: Phobias Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Tarent.

Coma Ss, P.

Meaning: Deep prolonged unconsciousness Cross Reference: Generalities, faintness Stupor See unconsciousness Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Epilepsy Drug abuse

Comfort, sensation of Z Meaning: A sense of ease Cross Reference: Quietude, stillness sensation of, when she sits still. Disease Condition: Drug - abuse Important Drugs: Absin., Chlor., Coca., Gast., Lipp., Op., Phos., Pic-ac., Scut.

Committed Z Meaning: to pledge obligate or bind Ardent Courageous Fanaticism Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity Positiveness Explanation: See Pertinacity Disease Condition: See Pertinacity

Important Drugs: See pertinacity

Communicative, expansive BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Tending to communicate openly and readily, talkative Cross Reference: Extroverted Friendly Loquacity Talk, desire to Disease Condition: Personality disorders Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Bar-c., Lach.

Company aversion to K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: A group assembly Cross Reference: Disturbed, averse to being Dullness, company, in Estranged, society, from Fear, people, of Indifference, company, while in Misanthropy Restlessness, company in Sadness, company Strangers, presence of, agg.

Suspicious, solitude, desire for Explanation: There are certain people who would like to remain alone perpetually and are quite comfortable when alone. However there are certain individuals who would like to remain alone in particular circumstances like during pregnancy or menstruation. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorders. Depression Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Bar-c., Cic., Nat-m.

Compassion, sympathy BB, Ss Meaning: Concern for the suffering of another, with inclination to give aid or support Cross Reference: Anxiety, others, for Benevolence Cares, worries, full of, others about Kindness Sympathetic Explanation: These type of people are very caring and go out of their way to help people who are suffering Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Am-c., Caust., Graph., Ign., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Phos.

Complaining K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: to express feelings of dissatisfaction, resentment or pain Cross Reference: Bemoaning Censorious Discontented, everything, with

Grumbling Lamenting Moaning Muttering Pities, herself Sulky Torments everyone with her complaints Wailing Whimpering Whining Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Aur., Bism., Cham., Cina, Coff., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Sulph., Verat.

Comprehension difficult K, BB, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: The act of understanding Cross Reference: Concentration, difficult Dullness Learning, poorly Thinking, difficulty of Explanation: Lack of power or capacity to understand or comprehend. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Delirium Dementia

Chronic schizophrenia Acute psychotic episodes Important Drugs: Anac., Bar-c., Carb-v., Caust., Graph., Hell., Lach., Lyc., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos.

Compulsive disorders Z, Ss Meaning: Caused by obsession or compulsion. Cross Reference: Fastidious Ideas, fixed Industrious, mania for work Religious, fanaticism Rigidity Washing, always, hands, her Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Nux-v., Caust., Calc., Pin-s., Rat., Syph., Tub.

Conceals himself Z Meaning: Keeps out of sight, hides Cross Reference: Company, aversion to, avoids the sight of people Hide, desire to Looked at, cannot bear to be Timidity, bashful. Explanation: See Hide, desire to Disease Condition: See Hide, desire to

Important Drugs: See Hide desire to

Concentration K, BB, Syn, Sc, P, Z Meaning: Close, undivided attention Concentration active Cross Reference: Comprehension, easy Memory active Quick to act Thoughts, profound Thoughts, rapid, quick Thoughts, thoughtful Explanation: These patients have excellent mental faculties and they can concentrate very clearly on any job entrusted to them. Also some people have a natural gift to concentrate on multiple things at the same time. e.g., people who play difficult game of chess with many people at the same time. Important Drugs: Anh., Phos., Thuja., Verat.

Concentration, difficult: Cross Reference: Absent mindedness Abstraction of mind Chaotic Confounding objects and ideas Confusion of mind Dullness Ideas deficient Slowness

Thoughts, collect cannot Thoughts, vanishing, loss of Thoughts, wandering Unobserving Explanation: This can be seen in different conditions for e.g. a student who cannot keep his mind on his studies or a worker who is absent minded while doing his usual work. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Delirium Dementia Schizophrenia Mania Anxiety Depression Important Drugs: Anac., Carb-v., Carb-s., Caust., Lach., Lec., Lyc., Nat-ar., Nux-m., Nux-v., Phos., Sil., Sep., Spong., Stram., Tab., Thuj.

Condemnatory Z Meaning: To express disapproval of Cross Reference: Censorious Conscientious, trifles about Contradict, disposition to Critical Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Fastidious Quarrelsome Reproaches others

Skeptic Slander, disposition to Explanation: See Censorious Disease Condition: See Censorious Important Drugs: See Censorious

Confidence want of self K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Lack of feeling or consciousness of reliance on oneself to perform an act under a particular condition or circumstance necessitating his attention. Cross Reference: A/F anticipation Anxiety Cautious Cowardice Delusions, appreciated, that she is not Delusions, criticized, that she is Delusions, deserted, forsaken Delusions, fail, everything will Delusions, neglected, duty his Delusions, succeed, that he cannot, does everything wrong Delusions, wrong, he has done Discouraged Embarrassment Fear; confusion, that people would observe her Fear, failure, of Fear, say something wrong, lest he would Fear, undertaking anything

Helplessness, feeling of Irresolution Succeeds, never Timidity Undertakes, nothing, lest he fails. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Depression Personality disorders Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ambr., Aml-n., Anac., Kali-c., Lac-c., Med., Petr., Ph-ac., Puls., Sil.

Confiding K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Tendency to tell something confidentially; to tell private matters in confidence. Cross Reference: Secretive Important Drugs: Bell., Kreos., Mur-ac., Op., Puls., Spig., Staph.

Conflict between higher consciousness and worldly existence Z, SS Important Drugs: Hydrogen.

Confounding objects and ideas K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To become confused; to fail to distinguish. Cross Reference: Chaotic Confusion of mind Disconcerted

Mistakes, makes Explanation: The person who makes mistakes in supposing objects or a person. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Calc., Colch., Hyos., Phos., Plat., Sulph.

CONFUSION K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. of mind Meaning: The state of being unclear in mind, to mix up. Cross Reference: Concentration difficult Confounding, objects and ideas Chaotic Muddled Perplexed Head, intoxication as from Disconcerted Dullness Forgetful Forgotten, something feels constantly, as if he had Memory, weakness of Mistakes, makes Senses, confused Thinking, difficulty of Explanation: In this state the power to distinguish and choose decisively is lost and the intellectual faculties are blunted. Disease Condition: Delirium

Dementia Drug induced states Schizophrenia Post ictal states Important Drugs: Bell., Bry., Calc., Carb-v., Cocc., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., Petr., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Stry.

Conscience, pangs of Z Meaning: The faculty of recognizing the difference between right and wrong A feeling of guilt. Cross Reference: Anguish Anxiety conscience of Anger, mistakes, over his Delirium, blames himself Delusions, brother fell overboard, in her sight Delusions, crime as if he has committed Delusions, criminal that he is Delusions, neglected his duty Delusions, reproach, deserves Delusions, right does, nothing Delusions, wrong thinks he has done Reproaches himself Restlessness, nervousness, conscience of. Explanation: See Anxiety, conscience. Important Drugs: See Anxiety conscience.

Considerate Z Meaning: Mindful of the needs or feelings of others Cross Reference: Affectionate Anxiety, others for Benevolence Carefulness Cares, worries, full of, others for Mildness Sympathetic, compassionate Disease Condition: Personality trait Anxiety disorder

Conscientious about trifles. K, Syn, Ss, Z, Meaning: Careful, painstaking, governed by or made in accordance with the dictates of conscience, meticulously. Cross Reference: Carefulness Cares, worries, full of Cautious Delusion, neglected his duty Delusion, wrong has done Fastidious Rest, cannot when things are not in proper place. Sensitive, oversensitive - trifles

Thoughts, persistent Trifles, seem important Explanation: A person whose actions are all governed by the dictates of his own consciousness and he is very meticulous. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Ign., Nat-c., Sil., Staph., Thuja.

Consciousness Loss of Ss Meaning: State of being aware of one's own existence, sensations and thoughts Cross Reference: Unconsciousness Meaning: Having lost, especially temporarily the capacity for sensory perception. Disease Condition: Cerebro-vascular accident Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis Head injury Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Acute alcohol intoxication. Important Drugs: Cann-i., Hell., Hyos., Zinc-met.

Consolation K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Comfort in time of grief or loss. Consolation ameliorate Explanation: A person who is in misery feels much better if somebody consoles him with kind and gentle words

Disease Condition: Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Phos., Puls. Consolation, kind words agg. Cross Reference: Anger, consoled, when Inconsolable Irritability - consolation agg. Rage consolation, from Explanation: Whenever the person is in distressing condition and if someone tries to console him then he gets aggravated. Disease Condition: Depression Post - traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Calc-p., Carc., Ign., Lil-t., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Plat., Sep., Sil., Syph.

Consoled, cannot be, after shock or injury. Z Disease Condition: Depression Post - Traumatic stress disorder

Constructive Z Meaning: Helpful, servicing to advance a good purpose.

Contact Z

Meaning: State of being in communication Cross Reference: See Touched

Contemptuous K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Feeling or showing open disrespect or scorn Cross Reference: Abusive Contradict, disposition to Delirium, reproachful Egotism, self esteem. Haughty Insolent Laughing, contemptuous Mocking Reproaches others Ridicule, mania, to Rudeness Smiling, sardonic Sneers at everyone Disease Condition: Personality disorder [Narcissistic, Antisocial] Paranoid Schizophrenia Chronic alcoholism Important Drugs: Cic., Plat., Pall.

Content K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z

Meaning: Satisfied Cross Reference: Buoyancy Cheerful, gay, mirthful Contented Exaltation Exhilaration Exultant Good humor Happy High spirited Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to, playful Pleasure Smiling Vivacious Witty Explanation: A person is a post-graduate in Arts and works in a bank. His salary is only Rs. 1500/compared to his friend who earns Rs. 10,000/- per month in business. Still he is contented with his job and works efficiently performing his duties religiously in a bank even though his salary is too short. Important Drugs: Coff., Croc., Lach., Nat-c.

CONTENTIONS K, Ss, Z Meaning: An assertion advanced in an argument. Cross Reference: Quarrelsome. Explanation: A hard effort or struggle to achieve something Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorders Important Drugs: Aur., Ign., Petr., Tarent.

Contradict, disposition to K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Tendency to express or assert the opposite of Cross Reference: Audacity Contrary Defiant Disobedience Disputations Insolence Irritability Obstinate Quarrelsome Reverence, lack of Rudeness Explanation: To deny the statement of

Disease Condition: Oppositional disorders of childhood Schizophrenia Mania Dementias Important Drugs: Anac., Caust., Hep., Lach.

Contradiction K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Denial, to deny the statement of Contradiction, is intolerant of Cross Reference: A/F contradiction Anger contradiction from Dictatorial Kill, desire to, person that contradicts her Weeping contradiction from Disease Condition: Hypochondriasis Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Ign., Lyc., Sep., Bry., Ferr., Staph., Sulph., Verat.

Contradictory intentions are contradictory to speech BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Tending to contradict, conflicting Cross Reference: Charlatan Deceitful, sly Hypocrisy Talk, intend, says, what she does not Unreliable, promises in his.

Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia. Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Caps., Chin., Lyc., Nux-m., Rhus-t., Sep.

Contrary K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Completely different in character or purpose. Opposed, adverse, unfavorable. Cross Reference: Contradict, disposition to Defiant Disagreeable Disobedience Irritability Obstinate, queerest, objection against whatever was proposed, he had the Opposition to wishes of others Explanation: A person who is contrary, will oppose whatever is said before him by somebody without applying his intellect due to his obstinacy and nature to oppose. The difference between contradict disposition to and contrary is that the first one applies the intellect without argument and the latter one opposes without applying the intellect. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Conduct disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Arg-n., Cham., Hep., Lach., Tarent.

Control P, Ss, Z Meaning: To exercise authority or influence over, to hold in restraint. Cross Reference: See Self-control

Explanation: See Self-control Important Drugs: See Self-control

Conversation agg. K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: A spoken exchange of opinion, thoughts and feelings. Cross Reference: Confusion of mind, conversation agg. Generalities, talking agg. Irritable, conversation from Sensitive, oversensitive conversation Sensitive, oversensitive noise, to Spoken to, averse to being Talk, talking, talks, others of, agg. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Organic psychosis Important Drugs: Ambr., Ign., Nat-m., Rhus-t., Sil.

Coquettish Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: A woman who flirts with men; flirtatious behavior. Explanation: A coquette means a woman who amuses herself by making men fall in love with her. for e.g., a woman having an art of fully entiring males in a social gathering. Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Hysteria Important Drugs: Bell., Lyco., Puls., Staph.

Cordiality, genial Z Meaning: Heartily sincere, warm Cross Reference: See Affectionate Explanation: See Affectionate Disease Condition: See Affectionate Important Drugs: See Affectionate

Corner, mopes or broods in a BB Disease Condition: Depression Psychotic condition Important Drugs: Bar-c., Bell., Cam., Cup, Ver-a.

Corrupt, venal Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Immoral and perverse dishonest Cross Reference: Slander, disposition to See Deceitful, corrupt, venal. Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Chin., Lyc., Puls., Sulph.

Cosmopolitan K, Ss, Z Meaning: Common to the entire world Cross Reference: See Travel, desire to

Wander, desire to Explanation: See Travel desire to Disease Condition: See Travel desire to Important Drugs: See Travel desire to

Counting continually K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: A mental condition in which a person is always observed to be counting something Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-n., Cand-a., Hyos., Phys., Sil., Verat.

Country, desire for, to go into the Syn, Ss, Z, Meaning: Cross Reference: Charmed, with description of beauties of nature Country, away from people, wants to get into the Love, nature for Tranquility, serenity, calmness, desire for Company, aversion, to Important Drugs: Androc., Choc., Elaps, Hydrog.

Courageous K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Having the state of mind to face danger or hardship with confidence or resolution Cross Reference: Ardent

Audacity Boldness High - spirited Resolute Deeds, feels as if he could do great Important Drugs: Bov., Calad., Ign., Op., Puls., Tub.

Covetous K, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by extreme desire to acquire Cross Reference: Avarice Anxiety, business, about Delusion, business, fancies he is doing. Delusion, fortune, that he is going to lose his. Delusion, money, counting he is. Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing, is Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, poor, thinks he is Delusion, starve, thinks family will. Delusion, thieves, sees Delusion, want, had come to Delusion, wealth, imagination of Delusion, more than she needs Envy Fear poverty Greed, cupidity

Miserly Money Selfishness, egoism Ungrateful, avarice from Explanation: Enviously and culpably desirous of another's possession. e.g. a person desires or longs to possess something which belongs to others. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder Drug offender’s Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Avarice

Cowardice K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Lack of courage or resoluteness Cross Reference: Bashful Confidence want of Escape, attempts to, run away, to Fear, men, of Fear, people, of Frightened easily Servile Starting easily Timidity, bashful Disease Condition: Personality disorder Anxiety states

Depression Psychosis Important Drugs: Am-c., Arg-n., Bry., Cham., Gels., Lyc., Op., Rhus-t., Stram., Verat.

Crafty P, Ss Meaning: Skillfully underhand and deceptive shrewd. Cross Reference: See Deceitful. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Drug abuse Important Drugs: Tarn.

Crankiness BB, Z Meaning: Peevish, ill tempered Cross Reference: See Eccentricity Ideas, exaggerated Irritability Thoughts, persistent Disease Condition: Personality disorder Conduct disorder of childhood Schizophrenia School phobias Anxiety disorders Physical ill-health in child. Important Drugs: See Eccentricity

Chin., Hell., Puls.

Crawling K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: To move slowly on hands and knees Cross Reference: Creeping Rolling Crawling, floor, on Insanity; crawls on the floor. Disease Condition: Moderate to severe mental retardation Chronic schizophrenia Organic psychosis Important Drugs: Absin., Acet-ac., Bell., Cann-i., Choc., Lach., Prot.

Crazy . K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Mad, insane Cross Reference: Eccentricity Ideas, exaggerated Insanity, madness Delusion, insane, become that she will Dreams, crazy Work, seems to drive him crazy Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania See Insanity


Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Tending to believe too readily Cross Reference: Confiding Impressionable Naive Timidity Explanation: A person who easily gets deceived because of his unsuspecting nature, that is, he is too willing to believe Disease Condition: Mild mental retardation Personality disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Puls. See Confiding

Creeping P, Z Meaning: Moving with the body close to the floor. Cross Reference: See Crawling Explanation: See Crawling Disease Condition: See Crawling Important Drugs: See Crawling

Cretinism Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Myxoedema Cross Reference: Foolish behavior Generalities, development arrested Idiocy

Imbecility Laughing, idiotic Disease Condition: Congenital hypothyroidism Important Drugs: Aeth., Anac., Bar-c., Bufo., Calc-p., Carc., Lap-a., Thyr.

Critical . K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Tending to judge harshly and adversely Cross Reference: Carefulness Censorious, critical Conscientious about trifles Contradict, disposition to Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Fastidious Reproaches others Rest, cannot when things are not in proper place. Explanation: A person who is eager to judge others unfavorably and very often is called by his colleagues as a fault-finding person Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See under Censorious

Croaking K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A low hoarse sound as that made by frogs. Cross Reference: Larynx and trachea - voice, croaking

Disease Condition: "Cruie-de-chak" syndrome [the cry of the cat syndrome] Mania Excited catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Cina., Cupr., Cupr-acet.

Cross Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Ill-humor Cross Reference: Contradict, disposition to Morose, cross, fretful, ill humor Irritability Repulsive mood Sulky Unfriendly humor Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Crowd. agg. P, Z Meaning: A large number of people gathered together, aggravates Cross Reference: Agoraphobia Anxiety, crowd, in a Claustrophobia Delusions, faces, sees Fear, crowd, in a Fear, crowd, public places of Fear, out of doors, to go Fear, people of, anthropophobia

Generalities, faintness, crowded room in Unconscious, crowded room, in a Disease Condition: Phobia Anxiety Anxiety disorders Crowing like a cock before spells of somnambulism Personality disorder Epilepsy Somnambulism Important Drugs: Lyss.

Cruelty, . brutality, inhumanity K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Disposed to inflict pain or suffering, causing suffering Cross Reference: Brutality Cut others, desire to Depravity Destructiveness Hardhearted Inhumanity Joy, misfortune of others, at Malicious Mischievous Moral feeling, want of Sensitive, oversensitive, want of sensitiveness

Unfeeling, hard-hearted Wicked disposition Explanation: A person by nature who takes pleasure in giving pain to others and who is very hard hearted Disease Condition: Personality disorder Anti-social type Paranoid Schizophrenia Sadism Important Drugs: Anac., Ars., Aur., Hep., Lach., Nit-ac., Plat., Stram.

Cry, cannot. Z Meaning: To make inarticulate sobbing sounds to express grief, sorrow or pain. Cross Reference: A/F, grief, cry cannot Grief, cry cannot Grief, silent Grief, undemonstrative Sadness, weep cannot Sadness, undemonstrative Weeping, sad thoughts, though sad, is impossible to weep Disease Condition: Depression

Crying out Z Meaning: Demanding or requiring immediate action Cross Reference: See Shrieking Explanation: See Shrieking

Disease Condition: See Shrieking Important Drugs: See Shrieking

Culpability after masturbation Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Responsible for wrong or error Cross Reference: See Anxiety, conscience, masturbation, after Explanation: A person feels himself blame-worthy for anything that happens to him. This feeling comes in the above condition after the act of masturbation. Disease Condition: Adolescent adjustment disorders with disturbance of mood and emotions. Depression Sex anxiety Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ph-ac.

Cunning P, Ss, Z Meaning: Shrewd, crafty. Cross Reference: Charlatan Deceitful, sly Liar Explanation: See Deceitful Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Deceitful

Curious Ss, Z Meaning: Eager to acquire information or knowledge

Cross Reference: Asks, questions, many Impetuous Inquisitive Loquacity, questioning, rapidly Questions, speaks, continually in Touch, things, impelled to Explanation: See Inquisitive Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: See Inquisitive

Cursing swearing K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: To swear at, an appeal for evil or injury to befall someone or something. Cross Reference: Abusive Blasphemy Despair, rage, cursing and imprecations, with Discouraged, cursing with Insolent Malicious Rage, cursing with Rudeness Slander, disposition to Swearing Explanation: It is many times observed as a habit or during delirium or mania that a person starts pronouncing dooms or evils to fall upon him. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania

Personality disorders Drug induced states

Cut mutilate, slit, desire to K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Impulse, stab his flesh with the knife he holds Kill, desire to Mutilate his body, Inclination to Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Van Gogh syndrome Lesch Nyhan syndrome Important Drugs: Hyos.

Cynical P, Z, Ss Meaning: Contemptuously and bitterly mocking Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contemptuous Doubtful Haughty Laughing, contemptuous Laughing, sardonic Misanthropy Mocking Morose, cross, fretful, ill humor Skeptic

Explanation: See Mocking; sarcasm Disease Condition: See Mocking; sarcasm Important Drugs: See Mocking; sarcasm

Daintiness Z Meaning: Delicately beautiful Cross Reference: Affection Dignity

Dancing K, BB, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: To move rhythmically to music Cross Reference: Anxiety, dancing, when Cheerfulness, dancing, laughing, singing with. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aeth., Calc., Carb-v., Caust., Lyc., Phos., Puls., Stram.

Danger impression of danger Ss Meaning: Exposure to possible evil, injury or harm Cross Reference: See Delusion danger Disease Condition: Phobia Schizophrenia


Z, Ss Meaning: To be courageous enough to do or try something Recklessly bold. Cross Reference: Audacity Courageous Default Disease Condition: Personality trait Drug addiction Manic disorder Conduct disorder of children

Darkness agg. K, Z, P, Ss, Syn. Meaning: In a state of ignorance Cross Reference: Anxiety, darkness in Delirium, dark in Fear, darkness, of Light, desires Longing for, sun-shine, light and society Sadness, darkness from Weeping, darkness in Cross Reference: Depression Drug addiction Important Drugs: Aeth., Calc., Carb-an., Carb-v., Caust., Lyc., Phos., Stram.

Day dreaming Z Meaning: A dream like fantasy experienced while awake, especially of the fulfillment of hopes Cross Reference: Absorbed, buried in thoughts Absent mindedness Abstractions Air castles Dream, as if, in a Dreams, awake, while Fancies, absorbed in Introspection Plans making, many Sits, wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, as if, and notices nothing Theorizing Thoughts, thoughtful Unobserving Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorders. Depression Neurotic disorder behavioral disorder in children Drug abuse Personality disorder Important Drugs: Coff., Elaps, Phos., Sang., Sulph., Thuj.

Dazed P, Ss, Z

Meaning: To stun, as with a heavy blow or shock Cross Reference: See Stupefaction, as if intoxicated See Bewildered, dull Explanation: See Stupefaction See stupefaction Important Drugs: See Stupefaction

Dead look P Meaning: Dull, without animation Disease Condition: Depression Drug abuse Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Thuja.

Deadness . P, Z Cross Reference: Ennui, tedium Prostration of mind Explanation: See Ennui Disease Condition: See Ennui Important Drugs: See Ennui

Dead, thinks he is P Disease Condition: Depressive, psychosis Important Drugs: Agn., Apis, Ars., Graph., Lach., Mosch., Op., Phos., Plat.

Deafness pretended K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Partially or totally incapable of hearing Cross Reference: Delusion, deaf and dumb Delusion, hear, he cannot Feigning Hearing, impaired Explanation: Here the patient's auditory apparatus is with an intact central hearing mechanism but he pretends to be deaf. Disease Condition: Hysteria Hospital dependency syndrome Important Drugs: Verat.

Death, agony BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z, Cross Reference: A/F, death of a child A/F death of parents or a friend Fear, death Death desires Disgust Loathing, life of Suicidal disposition Weary of life Killed, wants to be.

Explanation: A patient desires to end his life due to various reasons Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Aur., Lac-c.

Debauchery P, Z Meaning: Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures Cross Reference: Agg, Debauch, as after A/F Debauchery A/F sexual excesses Alcoholism, dipsomania Confusion of mind, carousal after a Irritability, eating after Libertinism Mania-a-Potu Stupefaction, intoxicated, as if, debauchery, as after Disease Condition: Personality disorders Mania Schizophrenia Paraphilias Important Drugs: Fl-ac., Pic-ac., Sep.

Deceitful BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Inclined to cheat or deliberately mislead Cross Reference:

Calumniate Cheating Corrupt Dishonest Hypocrisy Liar Lie, never speaks the truth, does not know what she is saying Slander, disposition to Untruthful Explanation: By nature, patient tries to commit fraud, or gives a false witness in a court or the person is disposed to deceive everyone Disease Condition: Personality disorder Maunchaunsen syndrome Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., Tarent., Verat.

Deceived, always being P, Z, Meaning: To believe what is not true, misled Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Ruta

Deception causes grief and mortification Z Cross Reference: See Grief, deception from Explanation: See Grief, deception from Disease Condition: See Grief, deception from

Important Drugs: See Grief, deception from

Decision unable to act with Z Meaning: The act of making up one's mind or reaching a conclusion. Cross Reference: See Irresolution Explanation: See Irresolution Disease Condition: See Irresolution Important Drugs: See Irresolution

Decomposition of shape Ss, Syn Meaning: Disintegration Explanation: Sense of appreciation and discrimination of the shape is lost and perverted Disease Condition: Organic Brain syndrome Dysmegalopsia Retinal disease Disorders of accommodation and convergence Temporal lobe lesion Atropine poisoning Temporal lobe dysfunction Pre-ictal phase of temporal lobe epilepsy Certain varieties of migraine Important Drugs: Anh.

Deeds, he could do great, as if K, P, Ss, Syn, Z,

Meaning: Acts, actions Cross Reference: Delusion, creative power Fancies, exaltation of Plans, making many Plans, gigantic. Theorizing Explanation: The above nature is seen in either delirious or maniac states where a patient feels that he could perform a great job. Disease Condition: Mania Delirium Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Cocain, Hell.

Defecating everywhere Cross Reference: Dirtiness; urinating and defecating everywhere Disease Condition: Mental retardation Dementia Delirium Drug addiction

Defiant BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Bold resistance to an opposing force or authority Cross Reference: Audacity Contrary Contradict, disposition to Courageous

Disobedience Fight, wants to Inciting others Insolent Obstinate Pertinacity Positiveness Presumptuous Quarrelsome Explanation: Here it is a part of the person's nature to defy normal rules and regulations and warnings. Such persons will only do whatever they think is best irrespective of what others say Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arn., Caust., Cina, Ign, Lyc.

Deformation of all objects Ss, Syn. Meaning: To mar the appearance of Explanation: Sense of appreciation and discrimination of the shape is lost. An object is appreciated by a person in vivid colours without presence of visual astereognosis or dysteriognosis Disease Condition: Anton's syndrome Temporal lobe lesions Important Drugs: Anh.

Dejection BB, K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: The state of being depressed

Cross Reference: Depression Despondency Disconsolate Despair Grief Inconsolable Low spirits Melancholy Sadness, mental depression Sighing Weeping Weeping, sad thoughts, at Explanation: This is a very common emotion as after a loss of a job or failure in an examination Disease Condition: Adjustment disorders Important Drugs: See under Sadness

Deliberate BB, Z Meaning: Careful and thorough in deciding or determining Cross Reference: Seriousness, earnestness Explanation: It is a part of a person's nature to deliberately perform a function whose actions are planned and balanced well in advance, for e.g. a student who is not interested in attending a lecture will give a false excuse of being sick and will not attend the lecture. Disease Condition: Phobias Obsessive compulsive disorders Anxiety disorders

Personality disorders Important Drugs: Bar-c., Bry.

Delicacy, delicate feeling of P, BB, Z Meaning: Exquisite fineness or daintiness of structure or appearance Cross Reference: Delusion, body, body parts, brittle is Delusion, body, body parts, glass, made of Delusion, frail he is Delusions, glass, she is made of Explanation: It is a part of a person's nature where the slightest disorder in the environment will upset the patient, as a result of which they are always on their toes to arrange and re-arrange things in their proper place. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorders Impulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: Ign., Nux-v.

Delirium BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A state of temporary mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication or shock and marked by anxiety, tremors, hallucinations, delusions and incoherence. Cross Reference: Complaining, delirium in, traumatic Delusion, delirious Ecstasy, amorous, delirium during Gestures, makes, picks at bedclothes, carphologia delirium, with. Grimaces Lamenting, alternating with delirium Muttering

Speech, delirious Disease Condition: Toxaemic condition after head injury Cerebrovascular accident High fever Maniac state All delirious states - drug withdrawal states Side effects of certain medications Post - ictal states Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drugs: Agar., Ars., Hyos., Lach., Verat.

Delirium tremens Ss, Syn, Z, P, K Meaning: An acute delirium caused by alcohol poisoning Cross Reference: Alcoholism Dipsomania Insanity, drunkards in Mania-a-potu Unconscious, delirium tremens, in Disease Condition: Acute alcohol intoxication Alcohol withdrawal states Important Drugs: Agar., Ant-t., Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Caps., Hyos., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Nux-v., Op., Phos., Stram., Stry.

Delivery, parturition, after, puerperal agg. Cross Reference: See A/F delivery, parturition

Disease Condition: Psychosis Depression

Delusions K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A false belief held inspite of invalidating evidence. Cross Reference: Crazy Dreams Fancies, exaltation of Hearing, illusions of Ideas, fixed Nose, odors, imaginary or real Vision, illusions Generalities, touch, illusion of Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Partial complex seizure - involving post temporal lobe Organic psychosis Drug Induced psychosis. Important Drugs: Arg-n., Bell., Cann-i., Cocc., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Petr., Ph-ac., Sabad., Stram., Sulph.

Dementia P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties with accompanying emotional disturbance resulting from organic brain disorder. Cross Reference: Imbecility Memory weakness of, loss of

Prostration of mind, brain fag Disease Condition: Senility Traumatic causes Infective causes Degeneration Vascular Nutritional Intoxicating disease of brain Endocrine Metabolic Important Drugs: Agar., Anac., Bell., Hyos., Lil-t., Nat-s., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Verat.

Dependent Z Meaning: Relying on the aid of another for support Cross Reference: Clinging, children of Helplessness, feeling of Holding or being held, amel. Hopelessness Shrieking, calls someone Shrieking, help for Yielding disposition Disease Condition: Personality trait Personality disorder Important Drugs: Lap-mar-c., Puls., Sil.


Ss Meaning: To deprive of personal or individual character Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Panic disorder Schizophrenia and related disorders Personality disorder Drug addiction Organic condition - Epilepsy Important Drugs: Anh.

Depravity Ss, Syn, P, Z. Meaning: Moral corruption; a wicked or perverse act. Cross Reference: Cruelty, inhumanity Duty, want of, sense of Godless feeling Malicious, spiteful, vindictive Moral affection, want of moral feeling Religious affection, want of Unsympathetic, uncompassionate Disease Condition: Personality disorders Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Anac.

Depression BB, Ss, P, Z.

Meaning: A condition marked by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of dejection and guilt. Cross Reference: Brooding Complaining Dejection Despair Despondency Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Grief Helplessness, feeling of Hopeless Hypochondriasis Inconsolable Lamenting Low spirit Melancholy Sadness, mental depression Sighing Sulky Unfortunate feels Wailing Whimpering Weeping Disease Condition: Endogenous reactive schizophrenic disorder Organic psychosis Thyroid gland dysfunction

Iatrogenic Depressive mood Schizophrenia Post traumatic stress disorder Important Drugs: Ars, Aur., Bry., Calc-c., Chin., Con., Graph., Ign., Lil-t., Nat-c., Sulph.

Dereliction, sensation of Z Meaning: Neglectful of duty or obligation Cross Reference: See Forsaken feeling Disease Condition: See Forsaken feeling Important Drugs: See Forsaken feeling

Deserted Ss, Z, K Meaning: To forsake or leave, especially when most needed, abandoned Cross Reference: Abandoned Delusion, affection of friends, has lost Delusion, alone Delusion, confidence, friend have lost in him Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, disgraced, feels Delusion, enemy, everyone is Delusion, family, does not belong to her own. Delusion, friend, affection of, has lost the Delusion, friendless, that he is

Delusion, help, calling for Delusion, repudiated, relatives, he is repudiated by Delusion, wife is faithless Delusion, wife, will run away from him Estranged Forsaken feeling Helplessness Hopeless Explanation: A person feels his near and dear ones have left him unattended - for e.g. - a student staying in a hostel may feel when his family members do not come to meet him, that no one cares for him and that he is deserted by relatives. Disease Condition: (a) In childhood: Anaclastic depression Attachment disorders of infancy Conduct disorders Eating disorders Psychosomatic dysfunction (b) In Adults: Depression Personality disorder Brief reactive psychosis Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-nit., Aur., Cycl., Lach., Mag-c., Meny., Merc., Nat-c., Plat., Psor., Puls., Stram.

Desires full of

BB, K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A wish, longing or craving Cross Reference: Longing for Explanation: A common symptom frequently found in the paediatric age group, where desire for various things are expressed or could be found in a person who has a lot of greed. Disease Condition: Personality disorders Satyriasis Nymphomania Mania Important Drugs: Puls., Spig.

Desolate, room appears Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Lacking friends or hope Explanation: The above feeling can develop in a known or an unknown place. It has to be confirmed by proper questioning of the patient. Disease Condition: Depression Depersonalization disorders Schizophrenia Certain type of epilepsy Important Drugs: Valer.

Despair BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat. Cross Reference: Helplessness

Hopeless Inconsolable Morose Sadness, mental depression Suicidal disposition, despair from Weeping, despair from Explanation: A state of mind where the patient loses all hope and confidence either due to illness or due to untoward circumstances, for e.g., a case of chronic renal failure with repeated rejection of a renal transplant. In such a case the patient shows above symptoms Disease Condition: Depression Anxiety states Post-traumatic stress disorders Adjustment disorder Schizophrenia Affective disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Aur., Calc., Hell., Ign., Lyc., Psor., Sulph., Verat.

Despises K, Ss, Z Meaning: To regard with scorn or contempt extreme hostility Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contemptuous Delirium, reproachful Haughty Insolent Jesting, fun of somebody, making Laughter, contemptuous

Mocking Reproaches others Ridicule, mania to Rudeness Explanation: A clerk working in a bank develops a sense of despise for his boss as he accepts bribes to pass loans, behaves rudely in the presence of many other clerks working with him. Disease Condition: Personality disorders Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See under Contemptuous

Despondency K, Ss, Z Meaning: Depression of spirit from loss of hope, courage or confidence Cross Reference: Brooding Dejection Disconsolate, unhappy Discontented Loathing, general Morose Sadness, mental depression Explanation: A state of mind characterized by sadness, dejection, despair, discouragement, even after putting the best of effort for the given cause; for e.g., a brilliant student works hard to prepare for his examinations and misses getting the gold medal by a few marks. A Homoeopathic doctor starts his consultancy or practice but does not get the expected encouragement or response. Disease Condition: Depression Adjustment disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Separation anxiety disorder

Important Drugs: See under Sadness

Destructiveness BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: The act of ruining, tearing down or breaking up. Cross Reference: Anger, throws things away Break things, desire to Cut, mutilate, slit, desire to, others Pull, desire to Push things, impelled to Tears things Throws things away Violent, vehement Explanation: A person has got a tendency to destroy things; also observed in children as behavioral problems Disease Condition: Excited catatonic schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Intermittent explosive disorder Adjustment disorders and disturbance to conduct Drug induced states Anti-social personality disorders Impulse control disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Camph., Con., Cupr., Hyos., Nux-v., Stram., Tarent., Tub., Verat.

Detached Ss, Z Meaning: Free from emotional, intellectual or social involvement

Cross Reference: Delusion, divided Delusion, separated, mind and body are Delusion, separated, world, from the, that he is. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Depressive state Depression Schizophrenia Personality disorder Drug addiction Sexual disorder Infantile autism Important Drugs: Androc., Choc., Germ., Lac-h.

Determination, gloomy Ss, Syn Meaning: The quality of being resolute or firm in purpose Explanation: A state of mind where sense of determination is absent Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Pyrus.

Determined P Marked by or showing determination. Cross Reference: See Stubborn Explanation: See Stubborn Disease Condition: See Stubborn

Important Drugs: See Stubborn

Development, mental, arrested P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: The act of growing, a product or result of growing. Cross Reference: See Growth defective. Development of children arrested Dullness, children Learning poorly Retarded children Talk, slow learning to Generalities, development Disease Condition: Mental Retardation Anaclastic depression Endocrine disorder Tinism Nutritional deficiencies Important Drugs: Agar., Bar-c., Calc-p., Phos.

Dictatorial K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Tending to issue orders or commands, to issue authoritatively. Cross Reference: Answers, dictatorial censorious, critical Contradict, disposition to

Contradiction, intolerant of Dogmatic Domineering Heedless Power, love of Reproaches others Suggestion, will not receive Explanation: A person wants to behave like a dictator and autocrat, wants to give orders. Even in the paediatric age group a child enjoys dictating terms to his parents. Disease Condition: Personality disorders Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Camph., Lyc., Merc.

Dignity Z Meaning: The quality or condition of being esteemed, honored or worthy, self esteem and poise Important Drugs: Caj., Calc., Guare., Nat-c., Nat-m.

Dipsomania K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: An often periodic insatiable, craving for alcohol Cross Reference: Alcoholism, dipsomania. Confusion, carousal after. Confusion, spirituous liquors from Drunkenness Delirium tremens, mania-a-potu.

Stomach, desire alcohol. Disease Condition: Variety of alcoholism Secondary to schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Agar., Chin., Crot-h., Ran-b., Sel., Verat.

Dirty /Dirtiness Ss Z, P, Syn. Meaning: Causing to become soiled; not clean. Cross Reference: Indifference, external things, to Untidy. Disease Condition: (a) Regardless to dirtiness - chronic schizophrenia Mania Alcohol Drug abuse (b) Obsessed with dirtiness obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Am-c., Caps., Psor., Sulph.

Disagreeable K, Ss, Z Meaning: Quarrelsome, bad tempered, unpleasant. Cross Reference: Irritability Morose. Repulsive, mood

Explanation: A sense of dislike, where the aversion can be to an extent of quarrelsomeness. For e.g., the sense of disagreeable feeling can be towards a person or an object. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Alcohol intoxication. Important Drugs: See under Irritable.

Disappointed . P, Z Meaning: Unsatisfied hope, desire or expectation. Cross Reference: A/F, ambition, deceived A/F, friendship, deceived. A/F, love disappointed Brooding, disappointment, over Despair Discouraged Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Grief, deception from Inconsolable Insanity, love, on account of unfortunate Laughing, love from, disappointed. Sadness, mental depression, disappointment from Sadness, weep cannot Sighing Suicidal disposition, love, from disappointed Sulky

Weeping Disease Condition: Depression

Discipline want of Z Meaning: Training that produces moral or mental improvement; systematic method to obtain obedience. Cross Reference: Indolence.

Discernment, lack of Ss Meaning: To comprehend mentally, to perceive differences. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Con., Hep.

Discomfort Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Physical or mental distress Cross Reference: Discontented Restlessness Disease Condition: Neurosis Early stages of psychotic breakdown Drug withdrawal states Organic mental disorders Personality disorders Psycho - somatic illness Important Drugs: Camph., Graph., Sulph.

Disconcerted K, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To embarrass, to throw into disorder. Cross Reference: Chaotic Concentration, difficult. Confounding, object and ideas. Confusion of mind Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Memory, weakness of. Mistakes, makes Senses, confused. Thinking difficult. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorder Important Drugs: Brom., Ign.

Disconsolate BB, Z. Meaning: Beyond consolation, cheerless or gloomy Cross Reference: Dejection Despair Despondency Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied

Morose. Sadness, mental depression Unhappy Disease Condition: Schizoaffective disorder Depression Adjustment disorder with depressed mood Post traumatic stress disorders Dysthymic disorders Important Drugs: Acon., Ars., Cham., Ign., Nat-m., Nux-v., Plat.

Discontented K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Not satisfied, unhappy. Cross Reference: Complaining Disgust Displeased. Dissatisfied Irritability Lamenting Moaning Morose Sulky Unfriendly humor Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Personality disorders

Drug withdrawal states. Important Drugs: Anac., Calc-p., Merc., Nat-m., Sulph.

Discordant BB, P Meaning: Lack of agreement; conflicting Cross Reference: See confusion, co-ordination disturbed Explanation: The person never seems to be able to adjust himself to his surroundings or circumstances. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Organic brain syndrome Personality disorder Neurosis. Important Drugs: Anac., Arg-n., Aur., Caust., Con., Graph., Iod., Psor., Stann., Sulph.

Discords Ss, Z Meaning: Fail to agree or harmonize, clash. Cross Reference: A/F discords between chief and subordinates A/F discords between relatives and friends Explanation: See A/F Discord. Important Drugs: See A/F Discord.

Discouraged K, P, Ss, Syn, Z.

Meaning: Deprived of confidence, hope or spirit. Cross Reference: Abashed Confidence, want of self. Despair Hopelessness Helplessness Morose Resignation Sadness, mental depression, melancholy, eyes, downcast with Sadness, mental depression. Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorders Schizoaffective disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Anac., Apis, Ars., Calc., Carb-v., Chin., Cocc., Dros., Lach., Lyc., Petr., Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Stram., Sulph., Verat.

Discourses holds BB Meaning: A formal and lengthy written or spoken discussion of a subject. Explanation: Person talks at length on various subjects; gives talks. Disease Condition: Mania Compulsive personality disorders Excited catatonic Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arn., Cham., Ign., Lach.

Discrimination, lack of

Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: The act of recognizing and making fine distinctions; perceptive. Explanation: The above mental state of characterized by a lack of sense of discrimination between good and bad, right and wrong, between persons, objects etc. It is usually seen in organic brain syndrome. Disease Condition: Organic Brain syndrome Delirium Dementia Chronic Schizophrenia Drug induced states Important Drugs: Alum., Con., Hep., Nitro-o.

Discuss, desire to Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To speak together about, to talk over. Disease Condition: Mania Compulsive personality disorder. Important Drugs: Trio.

Discusses her symptoms with everyone Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Loquacity - health Disease Condition: Hypochondriasis Histrionic personality disorder Hysteria Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Pop-c.


BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To offend the taste of moral sense; repel Cross Reference: Aversion, everything to Discouraged Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied Death, desires Depression Ennui, tedium Generalities, food aversion to Indifference, everything to Loathing, general Thoughts, disgusting Unattractive, things seems Explanation: The above feeling comes with various conditions and circumstances For e.g. (a) a patient may develop sense of disgust at the sight of medicine (b) Patient may develop sense of disgust with himself because he has no courage to live. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depression Phobia Obsessive compulsive disorder. Important Drugs: Hep., Kali-c., Laur., Merc., Puls., Sulph.

Dishonest Ss, Syn, Z.

Meaning: Tending to lie, cheat, deceive Cross Reference: Charlatan Deceitful, sly Liar Malicious, spiteful Slander, disposition to Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Ars., Bry., Calc., Lach., Puls., Sil., Sulph.

Disobedience BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Failure or refusal to obey Cross Reference: Abrupt Abusive Answers, abruptly snappishly Contradict, disposition to Contrary Defiant Discourtesy Impolite Insolent Obstinate Pertinacity

Positiveness Quarrelsomeness Rashness Reverence, lack of Rudeness Slander, disposition to Disease Condition: Conduct disorders in child Oppositional disorders Mania Drug induced states Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Am-c., Chin., Dig., Lyc., Merc., Tarent.

Disorder sensitive to Ss Meaning: Lack of order or regular arrangement Cross Reference: Chaotic Confounding objects and ideas Confusion of mind Important Drugs: Ham

Disordered P, Z, Ss Meaning: Disarranged; in a condition of disorder. Cross Reference: See A/F discord Confusion, co-ordination, disturbed

Explanation: See Discord.

Disoriented with everything Ss, Z, Meaning: To lose one's sense of direction, position or relationship with one's surrounding. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Cortico, Seq-s.

Displeased K, Ss, Z, P. Meaning: Annoyed or dissatisfied Cross Reference: Complaining Discontented Disgust Dissatisfied Irritability Lamenting Moaning Morose Sulky Unfriendly humor Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorders Important Drugs: See Discontented

Displeasure, reserved. P, Meaning: Being displeased or dissatisfied.

Cross Reference: See Reserved. Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: See Reserved.

Disputatious Z Meaning: Tending to dispute - i.e. argue Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contradict, disposition to Defiant Insolence Mocking, sarcasm Quarrelsome Reproaches others Important Drugs: Camph., Ferr., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Merc.

Dispute Ss Meaning: To argue about, debate Cross Reference: See Quarrelsome, irritability See Quarrelsome, aversion Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Dissatisfied BB, K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Feeling or displaying a lack of satisfaction or contentment Cross Reference: Complaining

Discontented Disgust Displeased Irritability Morose Sulky Unfriendly humor Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorder Important Drugs: Cham., Merc., Nit-ac., Plat., Puls., Sulph.

Dissociation, from environment Ss Meaning: To remove from association; separate Important Drugs: Anh., Phos., Verat.

Distance, inaccurate judge of BB, K, Ss. Syn, Z. Meaning: The fact or condition of being apart in space or time. Cross Reference: Delusion, enlarged, distances are Delusions, space, expansion of Size, incorrect judge of Smaller, things appear Vertigo, objects seems too far off. Vision, small, object seem.

Explanation: Patient observes that he is unable to judge the distance between events, 2 points, 2 surfaces, 2 objects etc. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Temporal lobe dysfunction - epilepsy Disease of accommodation of eye - leading to Micripsia and Macropsia Schizophrenia Drug induced states Important Drugs: Arg-n., Nux-m., Stram., Cann-i.

Distraction BB, K. P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Mental or emotional confusion or disturbance. Cross Reference: Absent minded Abstraction of mind Concentration, difficult Confusion of mind Disconcerted Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Ideas deficient Thoughts, vanishing Thoughts, wandering Unobserving Explanation: A state of mind where there is an extreme paucity of concentration as the patient's mind is easily distracted. The above state may be due to a confusion of ideas or severe emotional disturbances Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder - Delirium, Dementia Schizophrenia Mania

Anxiety disorder Depression. Important Drugs: Cham., Olnd., Sep., Sil.

Distress Z Meaning: To cause, anxiety or suffering, worry Cross Reference: Anguish Anxiety Cough, distressing Face, expression distressed Female genitalia, pains, labor pains, distressing. Grief. Remorse. Sadness, mental depression Sleep, dreams distressing

Distrustful K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: To lack confidence in, doubt or suspect. Cross Reference: Carefulness Delusions, wife faithless is Doubtful Jealousy Suspicious, mistrustful. Explanation: There are people who will never have faith even with his near and dear ones. They are full of suspicion lest something should happen to their personal wealth or fortune.

Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid personality disorder. Morbid jealousy syndrome. Alcoholic paranoid psychosis Important Drugs: See under Suspicious

Disturbed aversion to being K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: troubled emotionally or mentally upset. Cross Reference: Bed, desire to remain in Company, aversion to Going out, aversion to Ideas, deficiency of, when interrupted Intolerance, interruption, of Irritability, disturbance, from any. Quarrelsome, disturbed, if Quiet, wants to be Rest, desire for Sit, inclination to Talk, indisposed to Thoughts vanishing, interrupted when Touched, aversion to being Explanation: There are people who would like to remain alone and will not like the presence of other people lest they may get disturbed. Disease Condition: Chronic schizophrenia Personality disorders Important Drugs: Bry., Chin-ar., Cocc., Gels.

Disunion with himself Z Meaning: Lack of unity, separation Cross Reference: Duality, sensation of Important Drugs: Aur.

Diversion amel. K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Deviation Something that distracts the mind - amusement or passtime. Cross Reference: Occupation, diversion amel. Explanation: See Occupation, diversion. Disease Condition: See Occupation, diversion amel.

Dizziness and instability of BB Meaning: Experiencing a whirling sensation or feeling a tendency to fall, confused or bewildered. Cross Reference: Generalities, faintness, fainting vertigo. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorders Drug induced states Acute alcohol intoxication Iatrogenic Important Drugs: Gels., Kali-c., Nat-m., Rhus-t., Samb., Sil., Zinc.

Docility Z Meaning: Easily instructed, submissive to training or control. Cross Reference: Affectionate

Mildness Quiet disposition Sympathetic, compassionate Timidity Tranquility Yielding Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: See Mildness

Dogmatic BB, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by an authoritative, arrogant, assertion of unproved or unprovable principles. Cross Reference: Answers, dictatorial Bossy Censorious, critical Contradict, disposition to Contrary Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Domineering Fanaticism Obstinate Prejudices, traditional Suggestion, will not receive Explanation: Patients with the above nature are unduly attached to certain dogmas or mannerisms to the point of fanaticism. For e.g. a lady during menses stays away from others because she feels she is unhealthy and unclean. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive neurosis

Personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Cham., Caust., Ferr., Lach., Merc.

Domination, excessive parental control A/F Z Meaning: The act of influencing control or rule by superior power or authority. Cross Reference: See A/F Domination Explanation: See A/F Domination Important Drugs: See S/F Domination.

Domineering BB, K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Tending to rule tyrannically Cross Reference: Abusive Bossy Censorious Contemptuous Dogmatic Haughty Insolent Obstinate Positiveness Reproaches others Rudeness Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic

Explanation: This person by nature would like to act in an authoritarian manner. For e.g. a boy studying in school would love to command his fellow students in games, sports, studies, etc. Disease Condition: Personality disorders Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arn., Cupr., Lyc.

Dotage P Meaning: Foolish or excessive fondness Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Maniac disorder Important Drugs: Aeth., Ars.

Doubtful K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Questionable, of uncertain outcome, undecided. Cross Reference: Carefulness Cautious Confidence, want of self Delusion, accused, she is Delusion, criticized, she is Delusion, persecuted Delusion, poisoned, about to be, that he is Delusion, pursued, he is Delusion, wife, faithless, is Distrustful

Jealousy Suspicious, mistrustful. Explanation: Patient may be doubtful by nature of various things. For e.g., doubtful of recovery or doubtful of the authenticity of others. Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Doubtful of self - Depression Anxiety disorder Paranoid Personality Person trait. Psychotic condition. Important Drugs: Carb-v., Graph., Lach., Petr.

Dragged on mothers arm, child Z Meaning: To pull or draw forcefully Cross Reference: See Carried, desire Explanation: See Carried, desire Disease Condition: See Carried, desire Important Drugs: See Carried, desire

Dread K, Ss, Z Meaning: To be in great fear of, terror. Cross Reference: Fear Aversion Disease Condition: Phobia

Anxiety disorder Initial stages of the schizophrenic breakdown. Important Drugs: Acon., Arg-n., Aur., Bell., Calc., Dig., Graph., Ign., Kali-ar., Lyc., Nat-c., Phos., Plat., Sep., Stram.

Dream, as if in BB, K, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: A series of mental images, ideas and emotions occurring in certain stages of sleep. Cross Reference: Absent minded Absent mindedness, dreamy Confounding objects and ideas Confusion, dream, as if, in a. Day-dreaming Delusions, dreaming, when awake, he is Delusions, unreal, everything is Dreamy Fancies, absorbed in Forgetfulness Introspection Meditation Reveries Sadness, dream, as from Sits, wrapped in deep thoughts, thoughtful Unobserving Unreal everything seems Explanation: A mental condition where in a person's actions and behavior appear to him as if he were in a dreamy state or whilst awake a person appears to be dreamy with ideas and images in his mind.

Disease Condition: Drug induced state Schizophrenia Paranoid state Depressive disorder Depersonalization neurosis Important Drugs: Ambr., Ant-c., Apis., Bell., Calc., Carb-v., Coff., Con., Hell., Hyos., Lach., Med., Nat-m., Nux-m., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Stram., Sulph., Verat.

Dreams Z, P. Meaning: To experience a dream in sleep. Disease Condition: Personality Trait. Important Drugs: Bry., Calc., Chin., Graph., Mag-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.

Dress Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To furnish with clothing to decorate or trim; adorn. Cross Reference: Dress Indecently Eccentricity dressing Elegance, want of Indifference, appearance about, personal Indifference, exposure of her person, to Naked, wants to be Shameless, exposes the person Tastelessness in dressing. Explanation: Dress, averse to

It is the habit of certain individual wherein they may like to dress decently, some indecently and some not at all. e.g.-a conium patient in melancholia would not like to wear any clothes whereas normally he would like to wear his best clothes. Disease Condition: Phobia Depressive disorders Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Con.

Drinking mental symptoms after. K, Ss, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: To swallow the liquid contents of Cross Reference: See A/F, drinking A/F, drinking, after A/F, debauchery Alcoholism, dipsomania Delirium tremens, mania-a-potu Dullness, wine, after Insanity, drunkards in Memory, weakness of, loss of, drunkards in Sadness, drunkards in Stupefaction, wine after Unconsciousness, delirium tremens in Explanation: A state of mind wherein the person's symptoms are aggravated on seeing or consuming water. Disease Condition: Hydrophobia Important drugs: Bell., Cocc., Lyss., Stram.

Drinks, more as she should.

Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Swallows liquid. Disease Condition: Alcoholism Diabetes Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars.

Driving P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Transmitting motion or power; highly energetic Cross Reference: See Riding Important Drugs: See Riding

Drops things P Meaning: To fall from higher to lower position Cross Reference: See Awkward Explanation: See Awkward Disease Condition: See Awkward Important Drugs: See Awkward

Drunken . besotted, seems as if BB, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Intoxicated with or as if with alcohol. Cross Reference: Delusions, unreal everything is Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Senses, dullness of

Stupefaction, intoxicated as if Torpor. Explanation: From the person's action he seems to be under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances even though he may not have consumed it. Disease Condition: Alcoholism Toxic metabolic conditions. Head injury. Important Drugs: Ail., Bapt., Cann., Gels., Hell., Lach., Op.

Drunkenness Z, Ss Meaning: State of being intoxicated with or as if with alcohol. Cross Reference: See Alcoholism. Explanation: See Alcoholism Disease Condition: Alcoholism Drug addiction Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: See Alcoholism

Duality, sensation of BB, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Sense of being two-fold Cross Reference: Antagonism, herself, with Confusion of mind, identity, as to his Delusion, body, body parts, erroneous ideas as to the state of his Delusion, divided two parts, into Delusion, identity, errors of personal

Delusion, separated, mind and body are Delusion, places, being in different, at a time. Thoughts, two trains of thoughts Undertakes, things opposed to his intentions Will, two, as if he had two wills Explanation: In certain conditions a person feels that he is not single but double Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Bapt., Gels., Lach., Nux-m., Petr., Phos., Stram.

Dullness K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Lack of mental agility, lack of alertness or responsiveness Cross Reference: Activity, impaired Comprehension, difficult Concentration, difficult Confusion of mind Ennui, tedium Ideas, deficiency of Idiocy Indifference Mental effort, inability to sustain Morose Prostration of mind Reflecting, unable to reflect Senses, dullness of Slowness

Sluggishness Stupefaction, intoxicated, as if Stupidity Thinking, aversion to Thinking, difficulty of Torpor Understands, questions addressed to her, does not Unobserving Work, aversion to mental Explanation: When the mental capability of the person becomes slow. Disease Condition: Retardation Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-n., Bapt., Bar-c., Bar-m., Bell., Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Calc-s., Carb-v., Gels., Graph., Guaj., Hell., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-c., Lach., Laur., Nat-ar., Nat-c., Nat-m., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Plb., Puls., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.

Duplicity K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Deliberate deception, double - dealing. Cross Reference: Charlatan Deceitful Hypocrisy Liar Unreliable, promises, in

Explanation: Person consciously seeks to mislead for purposes which may or may not be beneficial to him. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Deceitful

Duty Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Moral obligation Cross Reference: Anxiety, conscience of Conscientious, about trifles Delusion, neglected his duty, that he has and deserves reproach. Delusion, sinned away his day of grace, unpardonable Delusion, wrong, he has done Fear, duty, neglect her, to Reproaches, himself Responsibility Explanation: Duty, aversion to domestic Disease Condition: Depression Phobias Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Amb., Ars., Calc., Coloc., Hep., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Sil., Sulph.

Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Brooding

Cares, worries, full of Complaining, offences long past Delusions, images, dwells upon past to present Grief, offences long past Inconsolable Indignation Thoughts, disagreeable Thoughts, past of the Thoughts, persistent, unpleasant subject, haunted by Thoughts, tormenting, past disagreeable events about Thoughts, unpleasant Explanation: Here a person constantly thinks of past events which are unpleasant Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ambr., Benz-ac., Cham., Chin., Cocc., Con., Lyc., Nat-m., Plat., Sep., Sulph.

Dyslexia Z, Ss Meaning: Impairment of the ability to read. Cross Reference: Confusion of mind, reading while Learning poorly Mistakes, reading Read, unable to read Disease Condition: Reading/writing disorder Important Drugs: See Mistakes, Reading

Earnestness K, Ss, Z Meaning: Characterized by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness. Cross Reference: Passionate Serious Explanation: A person is seriously involved in any type of job one is entrusted with Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: See Serious

Eating amel., mental symptom K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Important Drugs: Aq-mar., Aur., Bell., Dicha., Goss., Kali-bi., Mez., Petr., Phos., Tarent.

Eats more as she should Syn., Ss, Z. Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Aq-mar.

Eccentricity K, Syn., Ss, Z. Meaning: A departure from the established or traditional; peculiar behavior. Cross Reference: Capriciousness Cheerfulness, eccentric. Ideas, exaggerated Whimsical. Explanation: Odd and whimsical behavior; a behavior out of the usual course.


K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Intense joy or delight. A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond thought and self control. Cross Reference: Cheerfulness, gay, mirthfulness. Exaltation Excitement, excitable Exhilaration Joy, A/F excessive Loquacity, ecstasy with Moonlight, mental symptoms from, amel. Sentimental, ecstasy with. Sentimental, moonlight in, ecstatic love Trance. Explanation: A person is generally in the habit of demonstrating his happiness whenever he feels he has achieved some success in his endeavors which may not have any significance for others. The difference between exhilaration and ecstasy is that a person who is in the former state can be understood to reason his happiness or sadness whereas in the latter stage one cannot satisfy by way of reasoning. Disease Condition: Mania Drug induced states Important Drugs: Acon., Phos.

Effeminate Syn., Ss, Z. Meaning: Having qualities or characteristics more often associated with women than men. Marked by weakness and excessive refinement. Disease Condition: Transvestism Transexualism. Important Drugs: Plat.

Egotism, self-esteem K, BB, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: The tendency to refer to oneself in a boastful and excessive way. An extreme sense of self-importance. Cross Reference: A/F, honor wounded A/f, indignation A/F, mortification. A/F scorn, being scorned Anger contradiction, from Conceit Contemptuous Contradiction - intolerant of Delusion, insulted, he or she is Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Haughty Impatience, talk much, on hearing others Indignation Loquacity, self-satisfied Presumptuous Power, love, of Selfishness, egotism Suggestions, will not receive Talking, pleasure in his own. Explanation: Here a person has an exalted idea of his own self-importance. Patient over-estimates his own capability Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Calc., Lyc., Lach., Pall., Plat., Sil., Sulph., Verat.

Elated Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Lively or joyful, exultant. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Buoyancy Cheerfulness Contented Exaltation Exhilaration Exultant Good humor Happy High spirited. Jesting Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to, playful Pleasure

Smiling Vivacious Witty Explanation: Here one is overjoyed out of proportion to the cause of his emotions Disease Condition: Mania Korsakoff's psychosis Drug induced states Acute alcohol intoxication Important Drugs: Coca, Iod.

Elegance, want of Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Elegance - grace and refinement in appearance, movement or manners. Cross Reference: Indifference, apathy, external things, to Tastelessness in dressing. Explanation: When a person is with want of social graces Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Alcoholism Drug abuse Important Drugs: Am-c., Am-m., Caps., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sil., Sulph.

Elevation, mental Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Elated, high spirited. Important Drugs: Opium, Cinnb., Crot-h.


Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Fluent and persuasive in discourse vividly or movingly expressive Explanation: Here a person has fluency of speech and a good command of language Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Hysteria histrionic personality disorders Mania Alcohol Intoxication. Important Drugs: Opium, Cann-s., Lachn.

Embarrassment K, BB, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To cause to feel self-consciously distressed. Cross Reference: Ashamed Awkwardness, timidity from Timidity, public, appearing in. Explanation: Here a person feels strongly self-conscious in a given awkward situation. Disease Condition: Depressive disorders Anxiety disorders Obsessive compulsive disorders Important Drugs: Ambr., Bar-c., Ferr., Gels., Kali-br., Merc., Op., Phos., Sulph., Tarent.

Embittered, exasperated BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To arouse bitter feelings in Cross Reference: Sadness, bitter

Explanation: End result of long continued ill feelings and bitterness. Disease Condition: Adjustment disorder Depression. Personality disorder Alcoholism. Important Drugs: Ambr., Ign., Mang., Nit-ac., Puls., Sulph., Valer.

Embraces K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To clasp or hold with the arms usually as a show of affection. Cross Reference: Caress, caressed, propensity, for being Clinging Holding, or being held, amel. Kisses everyone.

Emotional K, P, BB, Ss, Z. Meaning: Easily affected with or stirred by emotion. Cross Reference: Anxiety, future about his Anxiety, family about his Anxiety, indefinable Anxiety, salvation, about Bashful Confidence, want of self. Cautious Cowardice Delusion, alone, she is, in the world

Delusion, appreciated, that she is not Delusion, business, unfit for, he is Delusion, confidence in him, friends have lost all Delusion criticized that, she is Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, discouraged, feels Delusion, disgraced, that she is Delusion, fail everything will Delusion, friends, has lost the affection of Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, neglected, that he is Delusion, succeed, he cannot, does everything wrong Delusion, wife, faithless is. Delusion, wife, will run away from him Delusion, wrong, has done Discouraged. Excitement, emotional ailments from Fear, failure of, business, in Fear, undertaking anything Fear, undertakes, nothing, lest he fails. Fear, say something wrong, lest he should Helplessness, feeling of Indifference, business, affairs for Business, neglects his Business, incapacity for

Longing for, good opinion of others Sentimental Weeping, emotions, after slightest. Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: See Excitement.

Emotions, predominated by the intellect P, Syn, Ss, Z, K Explanation: Here the person lets the head rule over the heart in making decision. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder. Important Drugs: Viol-o., Valer.

Emptiness of the mind, sensation of Z Cross Reference: Concentration difficult, attempting to, on, vacant feeling, has a Delusion, emptiness of Head, empty, hollow Head, vacant feeling Generalities, emptiness sensation of Disease Condition: Depression Neurotic disorder Psychotic condition Drug addiction. Important Drugs: Cocc., Gels., Ign., Puls., Plat., Sep., Stann., Sulph., Zing.

Endurance, lack of Z Meaning: Endurance - The quality, act or power of withstanding stress.

Cross Reference: Persists in nothing. Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing. Explanation: See Persist. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Manic disorder Drug addiction Conduct and behavioral disorder in children Important Drugs: See Persist.

Enemy, considers everybody Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Delusion, enemy, everyone is an Delusion, pursued, enemies, by Suspiciousness, mistrustful, enemies, considering everybody his. Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Merc.

Ennui, tedium Syn, Ss, Z, K Meaning: Listlessness and dissatisfaction, boredom. Cross Reference: Boredom Disgust, everything with. Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Exertion, mental agg. Generalities, lassitude. Ideas, deficiency of Indifference, everything to

Loathing of life Prostration of mind. Thinking, aversion to Time, fritters away his Wearisome Weary of life Work, aversion to, mental Explanation: Patient has lost interest in the pleasurable activities as well as his daily routine. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder. Important Drugs: Alum., Con., Lyc., Merc., Nat-c., Nux-v., Plb., Spig.

Entertainment K, Z, Ss. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Excitement, amel. Jesting Laughing. Occupation amel. Play, desire to, playful Pleasure Smiling

Environmental orientation increased. Syn, Ss, Z. Important Drugs: Anh, Germ.


Z Meaning: Intense feeling for a subject or cause; eagerness, zeal. Cross Reference: Ardent Optimism Disease Condition: Personality trait. Hypomania Drug addiction - Cocaine. Important Drugs: Med., Nitro-o., Phos., Sumb.

Envy K, P, Ss. Syn, Z. Meaning: Resentful desire for another's possessions or advantages. Cross Reference: Avarice. Jealousy Sadness, happy, on seeing others Selfishness, egoism. Explanation: This is felt when a person desiring something is deprived of it and sees another person having that thing which he has longed for Important Drugs: Am-c., Am-m., Ars., Germ., Plat., Puls., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.

Erotic P, Z, Ss Meaning: Dominated by sexual love or desire Cross Reference: Amativeness Amorous Company, aversion to, desires solitude, to practice masturbation Delirium, erotic

Dress, indecently Genitalia male, sexual passion increased Genitalia male, masturbation disposition Genitalia female, desire increased Genitalia female, desire, violent, masturbation, driving her to Hysteria, lascivious Indifference, exposure of her person, to Insanity, erotic Lascivious, lustful Lewdness Libertinism Nymphomania Naked, wants to be Sexual excesses, symptoms from Shamelessness Singing, obscene Thoughts, sexual Thoughts, tormenting sexual Explanation: See Amorous, disposition These patient have an increase libido and they constantly dwell on sexual matters. Disease Condition: Drug addicts. Alcoholics. Schizophrenia Mania Psycho-sexual disorder

Important Drugs: See Amorous disposition.

Erotomania Z Meaning: Abnormally persistent sexual excitement Cross Reference: Nymphomania Satyriasis Explanation: This patient constantly dwells on sexual matters Disease Condition: Sexual perversion Mania.

Erroneous notions Z Meaning: Mistaken ideas, containing or based on error. Explanation: Person has certain misconceptions pertaining to various circumstances. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder. Important Drugs: See Delusions.

Eruptions or haemorrhoids, mental symptoms agg. after suppressed Z, SS Cross Reference: Insanity, eruption, after suppressed. Important Drugs: Apis, Ars., Asaf., Calc., Fl-ac., Hep., Lach., Lyc., Psor., Sep., Sulph., Zinc.

Escape, attempts to K, P, BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A means of obtaining temporary freedom from worry, care or unpleasantness To break free from confinement To avoid capture, danger or harm.

Cross Reference: Fear, escape, with desire to Home, desire to leave. Impulse, run, to Jumping, bed, out of Runs about Travel, desire to Home, desires to go, go out, when there Runs, away from home Runs, streets at night, about, in insanity Explanation: A person has a desire to run away from reality or home. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Adjustment disorders Drug Induced states. Important Drugs: Agar., Agar-st., Ars., Bell., Bry., Hyos., Nux-v., Oena, Opium, Stram, Verat.

Estranged from his family. K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To alienate the affections of; made hostile or unsympathetic. To turn from kindness to indifference. Cross Reference: Aversion, husband to Aversion, family members to Aversion, mother Aversion, parents to Aversion, wife, to his Children, dislikes her own

Children, flies, from his own children Delusion, alone, that she is always Delusion, belong to her own family, does not Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, disgraced, that she is Delusion, repudiated by relatives, thinks is Delusion, husband, thinks he is not her Escape, attempts to, family and children, from her Forsaken feeling Forsakes, children, his or her Indifference, family to his Indifference, loved ones Sadness, aversion to see his own children. Explanation: Person is indifferent to her family and will not show any affections to the loved ones Disease Condition: Drug induced states Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Nat-c., Nat-mur., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Sep., Staph.

Euphoria Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A feeling of elation or well-being. Cross Reference: Blissful Deeds, feel as if he could do great Delusion, creative power, has Delusion, great person, is Ecstasy

Exaltation Excitement, excitable Exhilaration Fancies, exaltation of Plans, makes, gigantic Tranquility. Explanation: This is seen in certain conditions where a person has a heightened state of well being. Disease Condition: Mania Korsakoff's psychosis Acute alcohol intoxication Schizo-affective disorder Important Drugs: Anh., Asar., Cortiso, Kreos., Thyr.

Evades look of other people Z Cross Reference: Company, aversion to, agg; avoids the sight of people Fear, looked at Looked at, cannot bear to be Timidity Disease Condition: Avoidant personality disorder Paranoid personality disorder Psychotic condition Phobias

Evil to others, wishes Z Explanation: This person has a desire to harm or do something bad

Important Drug: Nat-c.

Exacting, too P, Z Meaning: Making rigorous or severe demands Requiring great accuracy or effort. Cross Reference: See Fastidious Explanation: See Fastidious Disease Condition: See Fastidious Important Drugs: See Fastidious.

Exaggerates her symptoms P, Z Meaning: To overstate, to make greater than is actually the case. Cross Reference: Unreliable. Explanation: The above symptom is suitable to those persons who have the habit of showing off or talking big, for even the smallest of their problem. Disease Condition: Hysteria Malingering Hypochondriasis Important Drugs: Asaf., Cham., Plb.

Exaltation K, P, Ss, Z. Intense exhilaration and well-being; elation. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Buoyancy Cheerful, gay, mirthful

Contented Exhilaration Exaltant Good humor Happy High spirited Jesting Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to, playful Pleasure Smiling Vivacious Witty Explanation: It is a state of heightened impressionability wherein there is hyper responsiveness to normal stimuli. Disease Condition: Mania Korsakoff's psychosis Acute alcohol intoxication Schizo-affective disorder Important Drugs: Cann-i., Coff., Lach., Op., Tarent.

Excitement, excitable

K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To stir strong feelings in; capable of being easily excited. Cross Reference: Agitation A/F anticipation Amusement, desire for A/F, excitement, general symptoms, from Anxiety Cheerfulness, gay, mirthfulness Emotions, easily excited Entertainment Exaltation Euphoria Giggling High spirited Jesting Laughing Play, desire to, playful Restlessness, nervousness Vivacious Disease Condition: Excited catatonic schizophrenia Mania Drug induced states. Important Drugs: Acon., Arg-n., Aur., Aur-s., Bell., Cham., Coff., Coll., Graph., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-i., Lacc., Lach., Mosch., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Opium, Ph-ac., Phos., Puls., Staph., Stry.

Exclamation K, Ss, Z

Meaning: A sudden, forceful utterance Cross Reference: Shrieking Explanation: Person suddenly crying out or uttering a sharp noise when surprised. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Hysteria Histrionic personality disorder. Important Drugs: See Shrieking

Exclusive, too Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Relating to or marked by exclusion. Independent or single. Tending to exclude. Explanation: Person who is highly choosy and does not mix easily with people. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Nat-m., Calc., Plat.

Execution, lost as the result of overpowering visual sensations Syn, Ss, Z. Important Drugs: Anh.

Exercations BB Meaning: The act of cursing To detest utterly Explanation: Here the person dislikes something or someone to a very high degree. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia

Anti-social personality disorder Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct. Important Drugs: Nitric acid.

Exercise, mental symptoms amel., by physical K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Exertion physical amel Occupation amel Sadness, exertion amel. Important Drugs: Calc.

Exertion agg from mental. K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Fear, exertion of Forgetfulness; mental exertion from Generalities, weakness, mental exertion from Irritability, exertion, from mental Reading, agg from Sadness, exertion after Thinking, ailments complaints of agg. Unconsciousness, exertion after. Work, aversion to, mental Work, fatigues Important Drugs: Arg-m., Arg-n., Aur., Calc., Calc-p., Hyos., Ign., Kali-p., Lach., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nuxv., Sel., Sep., Sil., Staph., Tub.

Exhausted/exhaustion, mental Ss, P Z

Meaning: Worn out completely Cross Reference: Exertion, mental agg. Generalities, exertion physical agg. Generalities, lassitude Generalities, lie down, inclination to Generalities, sluggishness Indolence Prostration Senses, dullness of Slowness Thinking, aversion to Torpor Wearisome Disease Condition: Depression.

Exhibitionism Z Meaning: The act or practice of attracting attention to oneself by egotistical behavior. Compulsive exposure of the sexual organs in public. Cross Reference: Indifference, exposure of person to Lascivious Naked, wants to be Shameless, exposes the person. Disease Condition: Sexual perversion.

Exhilaration K, P, Syn, Ss, Z.

Meaning: Happiness, elation. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Buoyancy Cheerfulness, gay, mirthful. Contented Eccentricity Ecstasy Exaltation Excitement Exultant Good humor Happy High spirited Jesting Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to playful Pleasure Smiling Vivacious Witty

Explanation: Person feels inordinately happy and joyous without sufficient cause. Disease Condition: Mania Acute alcohol intoxication. Important Drugs: Cann-i., Coff., Lach., Op., Tarent.

Expansive, too demonstrative Z, Ss Meaning: Inclined to be open and generous; outgoing Cross Reference: Extrovert Gestures makes, extravagant. Disease Condition: Personality trait Mania Hypomaniac Important Drugs: See Extrovert.

Expectation, sensation of Z Meaning: Eager anticipation Important Drugs: Coca

Explaining constantly Z Meaning: To offer reasons for or a cause of; justify Important Drugs: Nux-v.

Expressing oneself P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: To communicate one's feelings. Make known in words Explanation: Patient has a strong desire to make known his feelings, to tell others about his condition.

Important Drugs: Anh.

Expression, P, BB, Z. Meaning: A facial aspect or look conveying a special feeling Cross Reference: Face, expression Gestures, makes Grimaces, strange faces, makes. Important Drugs: See Face, expression.

Extravagance K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Immoderate display or expense Cross Reference: Fear, extravagance of Laughing extravagant Speech extravagant Squanders money Vanity Explanation: Here the person has the habit of pointlessly spending money, energy, time etc. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Hysteria Important Drugs: Bell., Carb-v., Caust., Con., Nat-m.

Extremes, goes to P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Fanaticism Explanation: See Fanaticism

Disease Condition: Manic depressive psychosis Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Fanaticism.

Extremist Z Meaning: One who advocates or resorts to extreme measures, esp. in politics. Cross Reference: Extravagance. Extremes, goes to Fanaticism. Explanation: See Fanaticism Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Fanaticism.

Extroverted Z, Ss Meaning: Selfless interest in one's environment or in others Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Bell., Carc., Lach., Nux-v., Orig., Sulph., Tarent.

Exuberance Syn., Ss, Z. Meaning: Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Buoyancy Cheerful, gay, mirthful. Contented Exaltation

Exhilaration Exultant Good humor Happy High spirited Jesting Joy Laughing Loquacity, cheerful Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire to, playful Pleasure Smiling Vivacious Witty Wildness Explanation: State of unrepressed or abundant desire Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Korsakoff's psychosis Important Drugs: Bell., Stram.


Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by great joy and jubilation Cross Reference: Amusement desire for Buoyancy Cheerfulness, gay, mirthful. Contented Exaltation Exhilaration Facetiousness Good humor Happy High-spirited Jesting Joy Laughing Mirth Merry Mood, agreeable Optimistic Play, desire, to playful. Pleasure Smiling Vivacious Witty Important Drugs: Cann-i

Eyes, walks with downcast Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Sadness, eyes downcast with Eyes, downcast Disease Condition: Personality disorder Psychotic disorder

Faces made ill mannered. K, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To distort the face Cross Reference: Childish behavior Face - expression idiotic Foolish behavior Gestures, makes. Explanation: In certain conditions the person makes faces or grimaces knowingly or unknowingly Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Hyos.

Facetiousness K,Ss, Z Meaning: Playfully jocular, humorous Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Jesting High spirited Play, desire to, playful Explanation: See Jesting Disease Condition: See Jesting

Important Drugs: See Jesting

Fails Z Meaning: To be unsuccessful Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self. Delusion, business, unfit for, that he is Delusion, confidence in him, friend have lost all Delusion, disgraced, that she is Delusion, fail, everything will Delusion, friend, has lost the affection of Delusion, right, does, nothing Delusion, succeed, that he cannot, does everything wrong. Delusion, wrong, he has done Discouraged Fear, failure, of Fear, business, of Fear, responsibility, of Fear, undertaking anything Helplessness, feeling of Succeeds, never Undertakes, nothing, lest he fails. Disease Condition: Depression Anxiety disorder.

Failure, feels himself a BB, P

Failure, feels himself a BB, P Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self Delusion, business, unfit for, that he is. Delusion, confidence in him, friend have lost all Delusion, disgraced, that she is Delusion, fail, everything will Delusion, friend, has lost the affection of. Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, succeed, that he cannot, does everything wrong Delusion, wrong, he has done Discouraged. Fear, failure of Fear, business of Fear, responsibility of Fear, undertaking anything Helplessness, feeling of Succeeds, never Undertakes, nothing lest he fails. Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Naja, Sulph.

Failure, literary or scientific failure Ss Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Ign., Nux-v., Puls., Staph.


P, Z Meaning: An abrupt, usually brief loss of consciousness, generally associated with failure of normal blood circulation. Cross Reference: Fear, fainting of Generalities, faintness Hysteria, fainting hysterical Sadness, fainting, with Shrieking, fainting, with Unconsciousness Disease Condition: Hysteria Organic disease Important Drugs: Acon., Ars., Bry., Cham., Chin., Ign., Lach., Nux-m., Nux-v., Sep., Sulph., Verat-a.

Faint hearted Z Meaning: Lacking conviction or courage Cross Reference: Cowardice Fear Frightened Timidity Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Depression

False Z Meaning: Being contrary to truth or fact. Cross Reference: Deceitful, sly

Delusion, unreal, everything is Dream, as if in a Strange, everything seems Unreal Explanation: See Unreal. Disease Condition: See Unreal. Important Drugs: See Unreal.

Familiarity addressing people Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: An excessively intimate or informal act. Cross Reference: Affability Explanation: A person in his behavior gives the impression that he has known another person very well and for quite a long time. Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Hysteria Important Drugs: Chlf.

Family members Z Meaning: A group of people sharing common ancestry Cross Reference: Aversion, family members, husband, children, aversion to. Escape, family and children from. Estranged, family from his Forsakes, children, his or her Indifference, loved ones Indifference, relation.

Fanaticism K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Excessive, irrational zeal. Cross Reference: Anarchist. Ardent. Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Dogmatic Extremes, goes to Impetuous Raging, fervent. Religious affections, fanaticism Explanation: State of mind wherein a person is intolerant of any views or concepts which differ from his own. Disease Condition: Personality disorder. Important Drugs: Caust., Puls., Rob., Sel., Sulph., Thuja.

Fancies absorbed in K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Imagination, especially of a fantastic or whimsical nature. Cross Reference: Delusion, fancy of Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind. Thoughts Explanation: Person is perpetually in a dream like state of make believe and imagination. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania

Important Drugs: Arn., Cupr., Sil., Stram.

Far away Z, Ss Cross Reference: Far away, as if, with apathy and indifference to future Dream, as if in a Far away, object seems Delusion, smaller, things are Distance, inaccurate judge of Vision, distant, object seem Vision, small, object seems. Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Drug addiction Important Drugs: Med., Syph.

Far off feeling P. Meaning: Remote/distant Disease Condition: Drug addiction Personality disorder Psychotic condition. Important Drugs: Med., Syph.

Fairness, sense of Z Meaning: Being just and honest Cross Reference: Injustice, cannot support

Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Fastidious K, BB, P, Syn., Ss, Z. Meaning: Meticulously attentive to detail Cross Reference: Carefulness Cleanliness, excessive Conscientious, about trifles Discontented Exacting, too Rest, cannot, when things are not in proper place. Trifles, seems important. Washing, cleanliness, mania for. Explanation: Here a person is highly intolerant of disarray and is difficult to please Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive personality disorder Schizophrenia Epileptoid personality Important Drugs: Anac., Ars., Carc., Graph., Nux-v., Puls.

Fatigue Z Meaning: Physical or mental weariness due to exertion Cross Reference: Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Ennui, tedium Exertion, mental agg. Mental effort, inability to sustain

Prostration of mind Sense, dullness of Slowness Stupefaction Thinking, aversion to Torpor Unconsciousness Wearisome Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorder.

Fault finding K, BB, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: A petty critic, chronic complainer. Cross Reference: Carefulness Censorious, critical Conscientious about trifles Contradict, disposition to Contrary Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Fastidious Quarrelsome Reproaches others Rest, cannot, when things are not in proper place Explanation: Person who is continuously looking for negative points in persons or circumstances Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: See Censorious

Fear K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To be frightened of, apprehensive about. Alarm and agitation caused by the expectation or realization of danger. Cross Reference: Afraid A/F fear Anxiety, fear with Apprehension Fright Starting Superstitious Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Phobia Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Arg-n., Aur., Bell., Calc., Dig., Graph., Ign., Kali-ar., Lyc., Nat-c., Phos., Plat., Sep., Stram.

Fearlessness Ss, Z Meaning: Having no fear, brave. Cross Reference: Ardent Audacity

Courageous Deeds, feels as if he could do great High spirited Disease Condition: Personality trait Manic disorder Psychosis Drug addiction Important Drugs: Calad., Cocain., Ign., Mosch., Op., Ozone.

Feeling, loss of Z Meaning: Feeling. The ability to experience and react to the emotions. Disease Condition: Depression Psychosis Antisocial personality disorder Other personality disorders Schizoid personality continuum Important Drugs: Anh.

Feigning K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To give a false appearance, a pretence. Cross Reference: Affectation Blindness, pretended Complaining, injury, of supposed Deafness, pretended Delusion, blind, that he is

Delusion, hear, he cannot Explanation: Here a person pretends to be ill or do something as a mode of attracting attention or as a means of avoiding work Disease Condition: Malingering Munchausen's syndrome Hospital dependency syndrome. Personality disorder Important Drugs: Arg-n., Bell., Ign., Plb., Sabad., Sil., Tarent., Verat.

Ferocious BB, P Meaning: Extremely savage, fierce Cross Reference: See Delirium, maniacal. Explanation: See Delirium, maniacal. Disease Condition: Psychosis Drug intoxication Important Drugs: See Delirium, maniacal.

Fickle K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Erratically changeable or unstable, capricious Cross Reference: Capricious Inconstancy Irresolution Mood, changeable Persists, nothing, in Undertakes, many things, perseveres in nothing

Explanation: A state of mind characterized by constant change and/or instability Disease Condition: Personality disorder hebephrenic schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Inconstant Irresolute Capricious

Fidgety K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: To behave or move nervously or restlessly. Cross Reference: Delirium, restless Excitement, excitable Extremities, restlessness Impatience Restlessness Touch, things, impelled to Wander, desire to Explanation: Person cannot sit still. There are compulsive movements of a limb or a group of muscles. Disease Condition: Anxiety Agitated depression Excited schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Restlessness.

Fight, wants, to K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Contradict, disposition to

Contrary Quarrelsome Striking Violent, vehement Explanation: Aggressive person who gets violent at the slightest provocation Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Bor., Hipp., Hyos., Merc., Sec.

Fills pockets with anything Syn, Ss, Z Important Drugs: Stram

Finance, inability to manage Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: The science of money management Aptitude talent ability Cross Reference: Anxiety, money matters, about Avarice Business, aptitude for A/F, Business, failure of Delusion, business, fancies he is doing Delusion, money, counting he is Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, fortune, that he is going to lose his

Delusion, misfortune, inconsolable over fancied Delusion, poor he is Delusion, ruined he is Delusion, starve, family will Delusion, thieves, robbers, sees, house in Delusion, thieves, robbers, sees, house and space under bed are full of, that Delusion, business, unfit for, that he is Delusion, unfortunate, he is Delusion, wealth, imagination of Fear, financial loss, of Fear, poverty, of Fear, ruin, financial, of Important Drugs: Aptitude for - Ars., Lyc., Puls. Inaptitude for - Ars., Lyc., Puls., Silicea.

Finery, fond of, finery, luxurious, clothing wants BB, Ss, Z Meaning: Elaborate adornment Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Aeth., Cur., Lil-t., Sulph.

Fire K, Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Delusion, fire, talks of Delusion, talking, with fire, of Delusion, fire, balls of fire rolling over bed clothes

Delusion, fire, flame of fire is passing through him Delusion, fire, head is surrounded by Delusion, fire, sees Delusion, fire, room is on Delusion, fire, world, is on Fear, fire, that things will catch Throws, things, fire, into

Firmness Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Indicating resolution or determination; strong and sure; resolute Cross Reference: Seriousness Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity Important Drugs: Ferr-p., Lach., Squil.

Fishing, likes Ss Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Nux-v.

Fists Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: The hand closed tightly with the fingers bent against the palm Cross Reference: Gestures, makes fists Explanation: See Gestures, makes first Disease Condition: See Gestures, makes first Important Drugs: See Gestures, makes first

Fitful K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: A sudden emotional outburst Occurring in or marked by intermittent bursts of activity Cross Reference: Capricious Disease Condition: Epilepsy Important Drugs: See Capricious

Fixed notions K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Ideas, firmly, often dogmatically held. Cross Reference: Delusion Ideas, fixed Thoughts, persistent Disease Condition: Psychosis

Flashbacks, drug experience, to Ss, Z Meaning: A literary or dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative Disease Condition: Drug abuse Important Drugs: Androc.

Flatterer Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: A person complimenting excessively and often insincerely, especially so as to win favour. Explanation: A person given to false praise so as to gain the good auspices.

Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Arn., Carb-v., Lyc., Petr., Puls., Staph.

Flattery, desires K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Desiring excessive or insincere praise Cross Reference: Delusion, appreciated, that she is not Delusion, criticized, that she is Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, neglected, he is Lamenting, appreciated, because he is not Longing for, good opinion of others Explanation: Person, wishes to have good things said about himself. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Carb-v., Lap-mar-c., Pall.

Fling away, what he holds in his hand, inclination to BB Cross Reference: Desired things Disease Condition: behavioral disorder Psychosis Impulse control disorder Important Drugs: Coloc., Dul., Staph.

Fly, desire to Z, Ss Disease Condition: Drug addiction Personality disorder

Important Drugs: Choc.

Fly out of her skin BB Disease Condition: Drug addition Important Drugs: Thuja

Fogged Ss Meaning: Mental confusion or bewilderment Cross Reference: See Confusion or Dullness Explanation: See Confusion Disease Condition: Organic brain Drug addiction Panic disorder

Foolish behavior K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Lacking good sense or judgment; silly; devoid of meaning or coherence; so senseless as to be laughable. Cross Reference: Absurd Answers, foolish Antics plays Buffoonery Cheerfulness, foolish Childish behavior Delusion, confusion, others will observe her

Face, expression, foolish Facetiousness Gestures, makes, ridiculous Giggling Grimaces Jesting, ridiculous or foolish Laughing, causeless Laughing, immoderate Laughing, serious matters, over Laughing, silly Loquacity, foolish Ludicrous, things seem Mirth Smiling, foolish Speech, foolish Silly Disease Condition: Mental retardation Schizophrenia Drug induced state Important Drugs: Anac., Apis., Ars., Bar-c., Bar-m., Bell., Camph., Carl., China., Hyos., Lyc., Merc., Nat-c., Phos., Plb., Sec., Stram., Tarent., Verat.

Foppish, elegant, dandy Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Like a man preoccupied with his clothes and manners. Cross Reference: Dress, best, at his

Extravagance Vanity Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Chin., Lach., Nux-v., Phos., Plat., Verat.

Forage for food, desires to Ss, S Meaning: To search about Disease Condition: Bulimia, Gluttony, Psychic illness

Forebodings K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: A sense of impending misfortune or evil, premonition. Cross Reference: Ailments, anticipation Anticipation Anxiety, anticipating Clairvoyant Death, presentiment of Fear, future of Fear, happen, something will Presentiments Sadness, future about the Explanation: Person has a nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Panic Important Drugs: See Fear

Anxiety Sadness

Forecasting Z Meaning: A prediction, as of coming events Cross Reference: Ailments anticipation Anticipation Anxiety, anticipating Clairvoyant Death, presentiment of Fear, future of Fear, happen something will Presentiments Sadness, future, about the Prophesying Explanation: See prophesying Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: See Prophesying

Forgetfulness K, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Neglectfully or thoughtlessly inattentive; being unable to remember. Cross Reference: Absent minded Absorbed, buried in thoughts Abstraction of mind

Confusion of mind Dream, as if, in a Fancies, absorbed in Heedless Locality error of Memory, weakness of Mistakes, makes Senses, confused Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Depressive disorders Important Drugs: Ambra, Bar-c., Carb-s., Cocc., Colch., Lyc., Merc., Petr., Ph-ac., Phos., Plat., Zinc-phos.

Forgotten, something, feels constantly he had K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Forgotten, things come to mind in sleep Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Calc, Caust., Iod., Mill.

Forsaken feeling K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A feeling of having been given up or left altogether Cross Reference: Delusion, alone, that she is, in the world. Delusion, confidence in him, his friends have lost all Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, family, does not belong to her own. Delusion, friend, has lost the affection of Delusion, help, calling for

Delusion, husband, thinks he is not Delusion, neglected, that she is. Delusion, persecuted, that he is. Delusion, repudiated, by relatives, thinks is Deserted Estranged Forsaken feeling Forsaken feeling, friendless Helplessness, feeling of Isolation, sensation of Neglected feels Explanation: A person feels that he has been abandoned or left all alone by everybody. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Arg-nit., Aurum., Cycl., Lach., Mag-c., Meny., Merc., Nat-c., Plat., Psor., Puls., Stram.

Forsakes K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Gives up or leaves altogether Cross Reference: Forsakes, his or her own children. Children, aversion to Children, dislikes her own Escape attempts to, family and children from her Estranged, flies from her own children Indifference, children, to her Neglect, children, her Forsakes relation

Aversion, family member, to Escape, attempts to, family and children, from her Estranged, family, from her Indifference, loved ones, to Indifference, relations, to Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depression Important Drugs: Lyc., Sec.

Frail, sensation of being P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Having a delicate constitution; fragile. Cross Reference: Delusion, body, body parts, delicate. Delusion, body, body parts, thin in Delusion, emaciation Delusion, glass, that she is made of Insanity, touched, will not be Touched, aversion to being Explanation: Person feels he is delicate and will break Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Thuja.

Frantic, frenzy K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Emotionally desperate, marked by rapid, disordered or nervous action Cross Reference: Frenzy

Insanity Mania, madness Rage, fury Explanation: Person makes desperate attempts to remedy his position which seems to him highly dangerous. Disease Condition: Panic disorder Anxiety disorder Agitated depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Rage.

Fraternized with the whole world Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: To fraternize is to associate with others in a congenial or brotherly way. Cross Reference: Company desire for Extroverted Friendly Sociability Explanation: Person feels that the whole world is his friend Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Aloe.

Freedom, remarkable, in doing what he had to do Z Disease Condition: Manic disorder Drug addiction

Important Drugs: Op., Ozone.

Fretful K, BB, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: To be vexed or troubled; irritation of mind; agitation Cross Reference: Discontented, everything with Irritability Morose Sulky Unfriendly humor Explanation: A person who becomes easily agitated even at trifles Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Panic disorder Important Drugs: See Irritability

Friendly Ss, Z Meaning: A person whom one knows, likes and trusts. Cross Reference: Affectionate Extroverted Sociability Sympathetic compassionate Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: See Affectionate

Friendship, sweet outpourings of Syn., Ss Important Drugs: Alco.

Fright, ailments from K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Sudden intense fear. Cross Reference: Anxiety, fright from Forgetfulness, fright from Hysteria, fright from Insanity, fright from Starting, startled, fright from Suicidal disposition, fright after Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Depression Phobias Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Ign., Lyc., Nat-m., Op., Phos-ac., Phos., Puls.

Frightened easily K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Thrown into a state of alarm easily Cross Reference: Cowardice Fear, approaching, others, of Sense, acute Sensitive, oversensitive, noise to, slightest Starting, started, easily Timidity

Explanation: Persons apt to be easily frightened by objects or circumstances which would not affect normal person. Disease Condition: Avoidant personality disorders Anxiety Depression Phobia Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-n., Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Bor., Graph., Lyc., Nat-ars., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sep., Stram.

Fritters away his time Ss Meaning: To reduce or squander a little at a time Cross Reference: See Time-fritters Explanation: Time-fritters Disease Condition: See Time fritters Important Drugs: See Time fritters

Frivolous K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Unworthy of serious attention; inappropriately silly Cross Reference: Antics, plays Buffoonery Childish behavior Gestures, ridiculous Grimaces Jesting Laughing, constant

Laughing, immoderately Laughing, serious matters at Laughing, silly matters at Laughing, trifles at Mirth, foolish Smiling foolish Speech, foolish Explanation: Person does not appreciate the serious nature of anything he comes in contact with Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Mania Schizophrenia Acute alcohol intoxication Important Drugs: Agar., Apis, Arn., Bar-c., Bell., Calad., Con., Lach., Merc., Puls., Sil., Spong., Sulph.

Frown, disposed to K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Tendency to wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure; to regard with disapproval or distaste Cross Reference: Discontented Face, wrinkled forehead Irritability Morose Repulsive mood Sulky Unfriendly humor Explanation: A person by nature has a habit to wrinkle his brow without any cause Disease Condition: Depressive disorder

Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Equis., Hell., Lyc., Mang., Nux-v., Rheum., Stram.

Fun, makes Z Meaning: To behave playfully, a source of amusement, enjoyment or pleasure Cross Reference: Jesting Play, desire to, playful Ridicule, mania for Teasing Explanation: See Jesting Disease Condition: Personality disorder Manic disorder Drug addiction Important Drugs: See Jesting

Fur, wraps up in, in summer K, Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Delirium, wraps in fur during summer Raving, wrapped in fur, in summer Explanation: It is a typically individual reaction, of a person, who wants to wrap himself with fur even in summer. Also in some disease condition the person feels abnormally chilly because of a low metabolic rate. Important Drugs: Hep., Hyos., Merc., Psor.

Fury K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Violent, unrestrained anger, rage.

Explanation: Delirium, furious Insanity, madness Mania, madness Rage, fury Explanation: A person given to violent uncontrollable bouts of anger. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorders Acute alcohol intoxication

Fussy Z, P, Ss Meaning: Paying great attention to details. Cross Reference: Conscientiousness, trifles Fastidious Rest, cannot when things are not in proper place Trifles, seem important Explanation: See Conscientiousness Disease Condition: Personality trait Hypochondriasis Neurotic disorder Important Drugs: See Conscientiousness

Gaiety K, BB, Z Meaning: A state of joyful exuberance

Cross Reference: Cheerful, gaiety, happy, mirthful Vivacious Disease Condition: Mania Acute alcohol intoxication Important Drugs: Coff., Croc., Hyos., Lach., Nat-c.

Gamble, tendency to Z Meaning: To play a game of chance for stakes; to bet money on the outcome of a game or contest Cross Reference: Play, gambling Play, passion for gambling. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Psychopathic personality disorder Manic disorder Impulse control disorder

Games, bad at Z Disease Condition: Personality trait Gay P, Ss Meaning: Showing exuberance or happy excitement Cross Reference: See Cheerful Disease Condition: Acute alcohol intoxication Mania Important Drugs: See Cheerful.

Generous too much

Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Liberal in giving or sharing Cross Reference: Magnanimous Explanation: A person who shares his possessions without inhibition Disease Condition: Mania Personality disorder Important Drugs: Nux-v., Op., Staph.

Gentleness K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Considerate or kindly, not harsh, severe or violent. Cross Reference: Anxiety, others for Benevolence Mildness Sympathetic Quiet disposition. Explanation: The person is extremely gentle and sober by nature with tender affection for people. Important Drugs: Refer Mildness

Gestures, makes K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: The act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis Cross Reference: Actions makes Affection, gestures and act in Antics, plays Attitudes, assumes, strange Carphologia

Extremities, motions involuntary Face, expression Faces, makes Generalities, catalepsy Generalities, motion Grimaces Ridiculous action Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drugs: Bell., Cocc., Hyos., Stram., Tarent.

Get himself together felt as if he could not, amel. in open air Z, Disease Condition: Drug addiction Anxiety disorder Psychotic disorder

Gifts to his wife or son, husband makes no Syn, Ss, Z. Important Drugs: Lach.

Gifted Ss Meaning: Endowed with natural ability or talent. Cross Reference: See Talented Explanation: See Talented Important Drugs: See Talented

Giggling K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To laugh with repeated short high-pitched sounds Cross Reference: Foolish behavior Laughing silly Disease Condition: Hysteria Histrionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Bufo, Cann-i.

Gloomy K, BB, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Marked by hopelessness; pessimistic Feeling, appearing or acting despondent Cross Reference: Depression Morose, cross, fretful, ill humor, peevish. Sadness, despondency, dejection, mental depression, gloom, melancholy. Explanation: A person who always looks on the dark side of things. A pessimist. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder with depressed mood Refer Sadness Important Drugs:

Gluttony P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Consuming immoderate amounts of food and drink. Cross Reference: Gourmand Greed, cupidity, eating

Explanation: Person with a compulsive desire to eat Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Obesity Depression Certain psychotropic medicine. Important Drugs: All-s., Ant-c., Calc., Caust., China., Cina, Merc., Op.

Godless want of religious feeling K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Worshipping or recognizing no God. Cross Reference: Indifference, religion, to his. Moral feeling, want of Religious feeling, want of Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Anac., Calc., Colo., Croc., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Plat., Sil., Sulph.

Going out aversion to K, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Agoraphobia Amusement, averse to Company, aversion to Fear, crowd, in a Fear, going out, of Fear, public places, of Fear, out of doors, to go

Fear, run over, of being, on going out. Disease Condition: Phobia Schizophrenia Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Am-c., Anth., Clem., Cycl., Hydr.

Good humor . K, Ss, Z Meaning: Amiable, cheerful Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Vivacious Disease Condition: Manic disorder Personality trait Drug addiction Important Drugs: See Cheerful.

Gossiping K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Indulging in rumor or talk of a personal, intimate and often sensational nature. Cross Reference: Indiscretion Inquisitive Loquacity Reveals, secrets Slander, disposition to Talk, talking, talks, desire to, to someone. Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Hypomania Important Drugs: Ars., Calc., Caust., Hyos., Lach., Par., Stram., Verat.

Gourmand Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: One who delights in eating heartily and well. Cross Reference: Gluttony Greed, cupidity eating Explanation: Person with compulsive desire to eat Disease Condition: Obesity Important Drugs: Calc., China, Ip., Mag-c., Merc., Nat-c., Verat.

Gracile P Meaning: Gracefully slender, graceful Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Phos.

Grandeur, desire for Z Meaning: Desire for nobility or greatness of character. Cross Reference: Delusion, great person, is a Disease Condition: Drug addiction Schizophrenia

Greed, cupidity P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Having an overwhelming desire to acquire or have, as wealth or power, in excess of what one requires or deserves. Cross Reference: Avarice

Desires, more than she needs Envy, avidity Generalities, eating, overeating agg. Insanity, madness, gluttony with Selfishness Explanation: See Avarice Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Anti-social personality disorder Important Drugs: Ars., China, Hyos., Lyc., Puls., Sep.

Grief K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Deep mental anguish, sorrow, as over a loss. Cross Reference: A/F anger, silent grief with brooding Cares, worries, full of Despair Dwells, on past disagreeable occurrences Fear, grief as from Inconsolable Melancholy Sadness Sadness, weep, cannot Sighing Grief, silent Sorrowful

Sulky Weeping, sad thoughts, at Woe Disease Condition: Depression Post traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder with depressed mood Important Drugs: Ambr., Ars., Aur., Caust., Cic., Cimic., Colo., Graph., Hell., Iber., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Puls., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Tarent.

Grimaces K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: A sharp facial contortion expressing pain, contempt or disgust Cross Reference: Antics Face, expression, foolish Faces, made, ill mannered Foolish behavior Gestures makes Explanation: A person uses his facial muscles to express his inner feelings of contempt, pain or disgust Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Agar., Bell., Cina., Cup., Gels., Hell., Hyos., Ign., Nux-m., Olnd., Pall., Plat., Stram., Verat-v.

Groaning K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: To give voice to a prolonged deep, wordless sound expressive of pain, grief, annoyance or disapproval. Cross Reference: Bemoaning Complaining

Discontented Grumbling Grunting Lamenting Moaning Torments, everyone with his complaints. Explanation: A person during sickness groans in pain to show his discomfort Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Refer Moaning.

Groping as if in the dark K, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Grope - To reach about or feel one's way uncertainly To search blindly or uncertainly. Explanation: In certain condition there may be a lack of proper co-ordination of movements, esp. of the lower extremities forcing the individual to feel his way carefully and uncertainly as if he was blind or walking in a pitch dark room. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Croc., Hyos., Op., Plb.

Gropes about, outwardly BB Meaning: To search blindly or uncertainly Explanation: In certain condition there may be a lack of proper co-ordination of movements especially of the lower extremities forcing the individual to feel his way carefully and uncertainly as if he was blind or walking in a pitch dark room. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Hyos.

Grotesque conduct Z Meaning: Characterized by incongruous or ludicrous distortion, Bizarre, outlandish. Cross Reference: Dancing grotesque. Monomania, going out in grotesque manner. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia and related disorder Manic disorder Personality disorder Histrionic personality disorder Hysteria Important Drugs: Cact., Cor-r.

Growling like a dog K, P, BB, Ss, Meaning: A gruff, surly utterance. To speak in an angry or surly way. The low guttural threatening sound made by a dog or other animal. Cross Reference: Barking Bellowing Howling Explanation: A person's behavior may be such as if he were expressing himself in his anger, in a gruff tone which could be compared to the sound produced by a dog. Disease Condition: Giles de la Tourette disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Bell., Hell., Lyss., Mag-m.

Grumbling K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: To mutter in a surly way. To express in a discontented way. A muttered complaint.

Cross Reference: Bemoaning Complaining Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied Lamenting Moaning Muttering Torments, everyone with his complaints Explanation: This is usually found in a person who is habituated to finding faults with the circumstances prevailing around him. They are offended easily and resort to showing their discontent by muttering in a low complaining voice. Disease Condition: Depression Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Complaining

Grunting K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To utter a deep guttural sound, as a hog does. To utter a sound like a grunt, as in disgust. Cross Reference: Groaning Explanation: This is an involuntary expressive sound uttered to show ones disgust without actually putting it into words. Disease Condition: Giles de-la-Tourette disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Cina, Hell., Ign., Puls.

Guilt, sense of P, BB, Ss, Z

Meaning: Remorseful awareness of having done something wrong or of having failed to do something required or expected. Cross Reference: Anguish Anger, mistakes over his. Anxiety, conscience, as if guilty of a crime Delirium, blames himself for his folly Delusion, brother fell overboard in her sight Delusion, crime committed, he had Delusion, criminal, he is a Delusion, neglected, duty, his Delusion, policeman, coming into house Delusion, reproach, neglected his duty and deserves Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, wrong, thinks he has done Discontented, himself with Escape, attempts to, crime, for fear of having committed a Remorse Reproaches himself. Disease Conditions: Depression Obsessive compulsive disorder

Habits, dirty P, Z, Cross Reference: Dirtiness, urinating and defeating, everywhere children. Indifference, external things to Washing, aversion to

Disease Condition: Personality tract Psychotic disorder Important Drugs: See Dirtiness

Hair Z, P Cross Reference: Jealousy, tearing the hair Mania, tears, hair, own Pull one's hair, desire to Rage, pulls hair of bystanders Tears things, hair, her

Hallucinations Z, Ss, P Meaning: False or distorted perception of objects or events with an overwhelming sense of their reality, usually as a product of mental disorder or as a response to a drug. Cross Reference: Delusion Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Psychotic depression Brief reactive psychosis Sensory deprivation Peripheral sense organ disturbances Disease of CNS Important Drugs: See Delusion.

Happy K, Ss, Z Meaning: Enjoying, displaying or characterized by pleasure or joy

Cross Reference: Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, mirth. Disease Condition: Hypomania Mania Important Drugs: Refer Cheerful

Hard disposition/hard hearted K, Z, Ss, BB Meaning: Lacking in compassion or understanding Cross Reference: Cruelty, inhumanity Malicious, spiteful, vindictive Mocking, ridicule, passion to Moral feeling, want of Ridicule, mania, to Sensitive, want of sensitiveness Unfeeling, hard hearted Wicked disposition Explanation: A person who is devoid of any sympathetic feelings towards others. These type of people, when coming across a stray dog, would probably strike out and kick the dog. Husband who are callous in their behavior towards their wife even resort to wife-beating Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer cruelty.

Hard for inferiors and kind for superiors Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Indifference, loved ones to; strangers but animated to Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Important Drugs: Lach., Lyc., Plat., Verat.

Harmony, desire for Ss Meaning: Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord. Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Carc., Nat-c.

Harshness, rough P, Z Meaning: Extremely stern and severe Cross Reference: Abrupt, harsh Cruelty, inhumanity Vindictive Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Ars., Caust., Graph., Kali-i., Sep., Staph.

Hastiness K, P, Ss, Z. Meaning: Rapidity, swiftness. Made or done too quickly to be accurate or wise. Cross Reference: Abrupt Answer, hastily Excitement, hurried as if Hurry, haste Impatience Impetuous Impulsive

Quick to act Rashness Speech, hasty Time passes too quickly, appear shorter Time passes too slowly, appears longer Explanation: These persons are usually the ones who are mentally restless and try to do many things all at once, resulting in the work done haphazardly. Even whilst talking to people, their speech may be so rapid that the opposite person is usually left confused as to what had been just discussed. Disease Condition: Mania. Important Drugs: Med., Merc., Nat-m., Sil., Sul-ac., Sulph., Tarent.

Hateful P Meaning: Feeling or exhibiting hatred, malevolent. Disease Condition: Personality Trait. Important Drugs: Led., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Tarent.

Hatred K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Intense animosity or hostility Cross Reference: Abhorrence Aversion, persons, to all Aversion, persons, those around to Delusion, women are evil and will injure his soul Envy, hate Malicious, spiteful, vindictive Misanthropy Religious affections, horror of opposite sex

Spiteful Vindictive Explanation: During the course of one's life a person may be offended by somebody and he does not forgive him and develops an intense dislike towards that person. Disease Condition: Paranoid Schizophrenia Personality disorder. Important Drugs: Agar., Anac., Aur., Calc., Cic., Lac-c., Lach., Led., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v.

Haughty K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Arrogantly and inordinately proud Cross Reference: Arrogance Censorious, critical Contemptuous Defiant Delusion better than others, he is Delusion body, greatness of, as to Delusion, diminished, everything in room is, while she is tall and elevated Delusion, distinguished is Delusion, humility and lowness of others, while he is great Delusion, inferior, people seem, mentally and physically Delusion, proud Delusion, superhuman, he is Delusion, superiority of Delusion, tall, he is Delusion, queen, she is Egotism, self esteem

Indifference, company in Insolent Presumptuous Pride Reproaches, others Rudeness Vanity Explanation: An over-bearing attitude of a person who is very proud of his looks or the clothes he wears; his intellect or perhaps about the religion he professes. He compares himself with others and tends to look down upon them in contempt. Disease Condition: Mania Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Caust., Hyos., Ip., Lach., Lyc., Pall., Plat., Puls., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Verat.

Haughtier P Meaning: Disdainful arrogance or pride Explanation: See Pride Disease Condition: See Pride Important Drugs: See Pride

Headstrong K, P, BB, Ss, Z Meaning: Willful, obstinate Cross Reference: Contradict, disposition to Contrary

Disobedience Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity Positiveness Quarrelsome Rashness Stubborn. Explanation: These persons usually have fixed ideas and would not care for the point of view of anyone else. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Compulsive schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Obstinate

Health Z Meaning: The overall condition of an organism at a given time Soundness especially of body or mind Cross Reference: Anxiety health about Anxiety, hypochondriacal. Delusion, health, he has ruined his Despair, health of Fear, disease, of impending Lamenting, disease, about his Torments, everyone, with his complaints Thoughts, disease of

Heavenly sensation

Z Meaning: Delightful, sublime Cross Reference: Delusion, heavens, is in Disease Condition: Drug addiction Manic disorder Other psychotic condition Important Drugs: Arg., Calc-ar., Crot-h.

Heedless K, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Paying little attention, thoughtless Cross Reference: Carelessness Impetuous Improvident Impulsive Inattentive Indifference, apathy Indiscretion Inquisitive Loquacity, heedless Rashness Reveals, secrets Sensitive, want of sensitiveness Unobserving Explanation: This is the characteristic thoughtlessness usually encountered in childhood and in teenagers who pay little attention to the advice of elders and have a careless and happy go lucky attitude in life.

Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Caust., Cham., Con., Gels., Hell., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nat-m., Nuxm., Op., Olnd., Phos.

Held, wants to be BB, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Carried, desire to be Clinging, held wants to be Holding or being held Disease Condition: Personality trait Depression Anxiety disorder Neurotic disorder

Helplessness, feeling of K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: Unable to manage alone Lacking strength or power Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self Despair Discouraged Forsaken feeling Inconsolable

Explanation: This is a feeling of inferiority a person may have a when he lacks the self confidence for doing anything and feels he is unable to manage things when on his own. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Personality disorder. Important Drugs: Aether, Anac., Calad., Hell., Jasm., Kali-br., Lyc., Petr., Phos., Tax., Stram.

Hide, desire to K, BB, P, Syn, BB, Z Cross Reference: Escape, attempts to Runs Timidity Explanation: A child may think that the visitors coming to his house laugh at him/her and so keeps out of sight by hiding behind the furniture etc. Person may hide also on account of a fear of being assaulted. Disease Condition: In children - conduct disorder In adult - schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Chlor., Hell., Puls., Stram.

Hide things Syn, Ss, Z. Explanation: This is characteristic amongst children who because of their possessiveness, hide their toys and other personal objects which they would not like to share with others. This may be found even amongst adults as a compulsive obsession Disease Condition: In children - conduct disorders In adult - schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Staph., Tarent.

High places, agg. K, P, Syn, Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Fear, airplanes Fear, falling of height, from

Fear, high places of Generalities, ascending, high agg. Generalities, aviator's disease. Vertigo, high places Explanation: This is the mental and physical anxiety a person may feel at an high altitude like a tall skyscraper building or mountain. This anxiety is usually relieved as soon as he comes down. Disease Condition: Phobias Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-n., Aur., Gels., Puls., Staph., Sulph.

High spirited K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Exuberant Cross Reference: Audacity Boldness Cheerful, gay, mirthful Courageous Exhilaration Temerity Vivacious Explanation: It is the bold and courageous attitude one takes up towards the ups and downs one encounters in life Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Acute alcohol intoxication Important Drugs: Hydr., Hyos., Op., Spig., Spong., Verat., Verb.

Hilarity K, Ss, Z Meaning: Boisterous merriment Cross Reference: Exhilaration Cheerfulness, gaiety, happy, mirth Disease Condition: Drug addiction Mania Important Drugs: See Mirth.

Holding or being held Z, Ss, P, BB Cross Reference: Caressed, propensity for being Carried, desires to be Clinging, held wants to be Held on to, desire to be Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder of childhood Schizophrenia

Home desire to go K, Z, Syn, Ss Cross Reference: Delirium home wants to go Delusion, home, away from, is, get there, must Fear, home, away from Homesickness Explanation: An inclination to constantly want to go home even if one may be in a good environment Disease Condition: In children - Anxiety disorder of childhood; school phobia.

In adult - Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Bry., Calc., Calc-p., Cic., Chol., Cupr., Cupr-a., Hyos., Lach., Op., Plan., Rhus-t., Verat., Vipera.

Homoeopathy, aversion to Ss Cross Reference: Refusing, medicine Important Drugs: Caust., Hep., Lyc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Sep.

Home-sickness Z, Syn, Ss, K, P, BB Meaning: Acutely desiring one's family and home Cross Reference: A/F homesickness Ennui, homesickness with Sentimental Suicidal, homesickness, from Explanation: Here a person becomes lonely and longs to be with his family and loved ones, especially if he has been away from his home even for a short period of time. Disease Condition: Depression Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Bell., Bry., Caps., Carb-an., Caust., Clem., Cocc., Coff., Hell., Ign., Kali-p., Mag-m., Merc., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Phos., Sil., Staph.

Homosexuality Ss, Z Meaning: Sexual desire for others of one's own sex. Sexual activity with another member of the same sex. Cross Reference: Aversion, sex, to opposite.

Aversion, women to Delusion, women are evil and will injure his soul Fear, men, dread of Fear, women, of Hatred, women, for Love, lovesick, own sex, with one of her, homosexuality, tribadism Marriage, seemed unendurable, idea of Religious affections, horror of opposite sex Explanation: It is a perversion where there is an attraction for a person of one's own sex. Disease Condition: Sexual disorder.

Honest Z Meaning: Characterized by or exhibiting truthfulness and integrity Marked by integrity and truth Sincere - frank Of good repute - respectable. Cross Reference: Conscientious about trifles Injustice, cannot support Objective, reasonable Reason, attempting to Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Am-br., Calc., Nux-v., Sulph.

Honor, effects of wounded Z, Syn, Synth, K Cross Reference: A/F egotism

A/F embarrassment A/F honor wounded A/F indignation A/F mortification A/F reproaches A/F scorn, being scorned Chagrin Dullness, mortification after Egotism, self esteem Embarrassment Haughty, wounded, wishes to be flattered Indignation Mortification Pride Sighing, honor from, wounded Explanation: A person suffers if for any reason he feels that his good name or reputation has been insulted or spoilt Disease Condition: Depression Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Ars., Hyos., Lach., Verat.

Hopeful/hopefulness Syn, K, Ss, P, BB Z Meaning: Having or expressing hope Inspiring hope One who aspires to succeed or displays promise of succeeding Cross Reference: Optimism

Explanation: Even when faced with setbacks and failures, an optimist will always look at the bright side of things and be always hopeful. Important Drugs: Acon., Aur., Calc., Ferr-m., Hydr., Nat-m., Sang., Seneg., Sulph., Tub., Verat.

Hopeless Z, K, Ss., P Meaning: Having no hope Offering no hope Having no possibility of solution Cross Reference: Despair, recovery of Discouraged, resignation Helplessness, feeling of Hypochondriasis Inconsolable Sadness, despondency, dejection, depression, gloom, melancholy Suicidal disposition, despair from Explanation: Here the person gives up when faced with small problems and will look at the dark side and negative side of things Disease Condition: Depression Post traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder Chronic schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Sadness, Despair

Horrible things, sad stories, affect her profoundly Z, K, Syn, Ss,

Cross Reference: Anxiety, cruelties, after hearing, of Delusion, horrible, everything is Excitement, horrible things, hearing Fear, bad news, hearing Sadness, stories, from, sad Sensitive, cruelties, when hearing of Stories, exciting, agg. Talking unpleasant things of agg. Weeping, anecdotes, from. Explanation: Here a person is hypersensitive to horrible and sad stories which have had effect on his well being Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Personality disorder Depression Important Drugs: Aur., Aur-m., Calc., Caust., Cic., Hep., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Teucr., Zinc.

Horror Z, K, Ss, P Meaning: A strong and painful feeling of fear and repugnance Cross Reference: Anguish, horrible things, after hearing Anxiety, cruelties, after hearing of Fear, bad news, hearing Horrible things, sad stories, affect her profoundly Disease Condition: Post traumatic stress disorder Adjustment disorder Depression

Important Drugs: See Anxiety, fear.

Hot headed Z Meaning: Easily excited or angered Cross Reference: Anger, irascibility, trifles, at Impulsive Irritability, trifles, from Explanation: See Impulsive Disease Condition: Personality disorder Psychosis Drug addiction Important Drugs: See Impulsive

House, aversion to being kept in Z, Syn, P, Ss Explanation: This person has an aversion to stay at home and loves to go outdoors Disease Condition: Phobias Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Lyc.

Housekeeping, women inapt for Z, Syn, Ss. Disease Condition: Depression Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia

Mania Important Drugs: Lyc., Nux-v., Pitu-a., Sil., Sulph.

Howling P, K, Syn, Ss, Z, BB Meaning: To emit or utter a long, mournful, plaintive sound To cry loudly as in pain, grief, or anger Cross Reference: Barking Bemoaning Growling Lamenting Shrieking Explanation: It is a certain cry uttered when a person is in pain either physically or mentally, for e.g. when a child is beaten or scolded at Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder of childhood Acute grief reaction Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Aur., Bell., Cham., Cic., Phos., Stram., Verat-v.

Human kind . Ss Meaning: The human race Important Drugs: Shuns the foolishness of human kind Cic.


Ss Meaning: Characterized by modesty or meekness in behavior, attitude or spirit Exhibiting deferential or submissive respect Disease Condition: Personality tract Important Drugs: See Humility

Humiliation, painful sense of Z Meaning: To lower the pride or dignity of Cross Reference: A/F embarrassment A/F honor wounded A/F indignation A/F, insults, offenses from A/F mortification A/F punishment A/F reproaches A/F scorn being scorned Chagrin Delusion, humiliation after Dullness, mortification, after Embarrassed Honor, effects of wounded Indignation Insanity, humiliation, after Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Chin-b.

Humility Ss. Meaning: The quality or condition of being humble Cross Reference: Fear, disturbing Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Bry., Cupr.

Humming Z, P Cross Reference: See Singing Important Drugs: See Singing

Humor Ss., K, Z Meaning: The ability to perceive, enjoy or express what is comical or funny The quality of being amusing or comical. Cross Reference: See Mood, agreeable Explanation: It is a mood or characteristic found in jovial, easy going and carefree person. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: See Mood.

Humorous K, Ss, Z Meaning: Ability to say or perceive things that are amusing Cross Reference: Amusement desire for Cheerfulness, gaiety, happy, mirth

Exaltation Exhilaration High spirited Jesting Lively Mirth Play, desire for playful Thoughts, persistent, humorous Vivacious Witty Important Drugs: See Facetious Jesting

Hunting for words Ss Cross Reference: See Forgetful - words Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: See Forgetful - words

Hurry, haste Ss, Syn, Z, K, P, BB Meaning: Haste - To cause to move or act more rapidly Hurry - To move or act with haste or speed Cross Reference: Activity Answers hastily Busy Fear, hurry followed by fear

Hastiness Hurried Impatience Impetuous Impulsive Quick to act Rashness Speech, hasty Time, passes too quickly, appears shorter Time, passes too slowly, appears longer Explanation: It indicates a peculiar characteristic of a restless mind in which case the person is always quick and fast in doing all his work, even though he has all the time on hand to do it at his leisure. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Excited catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Aran-i., Arg-n., Ars., Ars-i., Bar-c., Bell., Bry., Calc-f., Camph., Carbn-s., Coff., Crot-c., Dulc., Hep., Ign., Iod., Kali-c., Lach., Lil-t., M-arch., Med., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Puls., Sil., Stram., Sul-ac., Sulph., Tarent., Thuj.

Hurt easily Ss Meaning: To have a feeling of pain or discomfort Disease Condition: Personality trait

Hurt, other people’s feelings, inclination to Z Disease Condition: Personality disorder Sadomasochist disorder

Important Drugs: Chin

Hurt, fears being P Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Arn., Chin., Hep., Kali-c., Ruta, Spig.

Hurting other people's feeling Ss, Z, P Cross Reference: See Malicious, hurting Explanation: See Malicious, hurting Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Malicious, hurting

Husband, aversion to Z, Ss, K Cross Reference: Aversion, husband, to Disease Condition: Marital problems Psychosexual dysfunction, e.g. functional dyspareunia Functional vaginismus Lesbian Paranoid schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Glon., Nat-c., Sep.

Hydrophobia, Ss, Syn, P, Z, K, BB Meaning: Fear of water Cross Reference: Fear, water of

Rage, shining objects from Rage, water at sight of Sensitive, noise, water splashing to Shining objects agg. Explanation: This is a state of mind in a person who has a morbid dread of water, sometimes to such an extent that he is averse to have his bath. It is also found in rabies Disease Condition: Rabies Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Aspar., Bell., Canth., Cur., Hydr-ac., Hyos., Lach., Lyss., Stram.

Hypochondriasis Z, Syn, Ss, P, BB Meaning: The persistent neurotic conviction that one is, or is likely to become ill, often involving experiences of actual pain, when illness is neither present nor likely Cross Reference: Alcoholism, hypochondriasis, with Anxiety, hypochondriacal Blindness, pretended Complaining, injury, of supposed Deafness, pretended Despair, health of Despair, recovery of Delusion, sick being Delusion disease, every, that he has Delusion, health, he has ruined his Delusion, sickness, imagined Doubtful, recovery of Fear, disease, of impending

Fear health of, ruined her, that she has Feigning sick Lamenting, disease, about his Sadness, hypochondriacal Sick, imagines he is Thoughts, disease, of Explanation: It is a condition whereby a person has a tendency to imagine that he is suffering or will suffer from a serious disease. Disease Condition: Hypochondriacal neurosis Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Ambr., Anac., Ant-t., Arg-n., Arn., Ars., Asaf., Aur., Benz-ac., Cact., Calc., Caps., Cham., Cimic., Cocc., Con., Cycl., Graph., Grat., Hep., Hyos., Ign., Iod., Ip., Kali-p., Lach., Lyc., Mag-m., Mez., Mill., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Ol-an., Petr., Ph-ac., Onos., Puls., Sel., Sep., Spong., Stann., Staph., Sulph., Ter., Valer., Verat., Zinc., Zing.

Hypochondriacal K, Z Meaning: Relating to hypochondria Cross Reference: Anxiety, health about Anxiety, hypochondriacal Hypochondriasis Morose, hypochondriasis, in Sadness, hypochondriacal Disease Condition: Neurotic disorder Hypochondriasis

Hyperactive child Z

Meaning: Excessively or abnormally active Cross Reference: See Restlessness children in Explanation: See Restlessness children in Important Drugs: See Restlessness, children in

Hypocrisy Ss., Syn., K, Z, P Meaning: The practice of expressing feelings, beliefs or virtues one does not hold or possess Cross Reference: Deceitful Dishonest Delusion, lie, all she said is a Liar Slander, disposition to Untruthful Explanation: For some ulterior motive, for e.g. status power or wealth, a person may act contrary to his belief or to what he feels. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Puls., Sil., Sulph.

Hysteria Z, Syn, Ss, K, P, BB Meaning: A neurosis marked by conversion symptoms, a calm mental attitude and episodes of hallucination, somnambulism, amnesia and other mental aberration. Excessive or uncontrollable emotion, as panic or fear Cross Reference: Anxiety hysterical Cheerful, hysterical Delirium, hysterical, almost Laughing, hysterical

Explanation: It is a condition experienced mostly by females where they tend to over-react even to small insignificant situations. This sort of behavior, at times, is shown merely to attract attention Disease Condition: Hysterical conversion reaction Hysterical dissociative reaction Histrionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Asaf., Aur., Caust., Cocc., Con., Gels., Ign., Kali-p., Lach., Mag-m., Mosch., Nat-m., Nitac., Nux-m., Nux-v., Plat., Puls., Sep., Sil., Tarent., Valer., Verat.

Idealistic Z Meaning: Relating to or typical of an idealist or idealism Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Caust., Ign., Lyc., Plat.

Ideas, Z, P, Syn, Ss, K, BB Meaning: Something existing in mind, actually or potentially, as a result of mental activity such as a thought, image or conception Cross Reference: Fancies Thoughts Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia

Identity, personal Z Meaning: A set of behavioral or personal characteristic by which an individual is recognizable as a member of group Cross Reference: Confusion, identity, as to his.

Delusion, sees something, when he, it seems as if he saw through somebody else's eyes Will, two, feels as if he had Delusion, scattered Delusion, person, other person, she is Delusion, divided, two parts, into Delusion, identity, errors of personal.

Idiocy Z, P, Syn, Ss, K, BB Meaning: A condition of subnormal intellectual development or ability, marked by intelligence in the lowest measurable range. Extreme foolishness or stupidity Cross Reference: Answers, foolish Antics, plays Buffoonery Childish behavior Cretinism Dullness Foolish behavior Gestures, ridiculous or foolish Imbecility Laughing, causeless Laughing, idiotic Laughing, serious matters over Loquacity, foolish Smiling, foolish

Explanation: This is a description of a person with low intelligence which may be due to some mental disorder. Here a person is always doing something stupid or foolish. Disease Condition: Mental retardation Important Drugs: Aeth., Bar-c., Bar-m., Calc-p., Carb-s., Hell., Phos., Tub.

Ill humor, crossness BB Meaning: A irritable state of mind, surliness Cross Reference: Anger Complaining Discontented Irritability Morose, cross, fretful Quarrelsome Sulky Unfriendly humor Explanation: These sort of people are serious, who cannot take a joke and are snappish at least of things. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Involutional melancholic Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Asaf., Asar., Bism., Calc-p., Caust., Con., Kali-br., Lach., Nat-m., Nux-v.

Idleness Z, Syn, Ss. Meaning: Lazy To pass time without working

Avoiding work Cross Reference: Exertion, mental agg. Generalities, Lassitude Generalities, lie down inclination to Generalities, sluggishness Indolence, aversion to work Loathing, work at Thinking, aversion to Work, aversion to, mental. Explanation: A person always shirks doing work due to laziness and will make excuses for his behavior Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Glon., Lachn., Nat-m., Nux-v., Stann., Sulph.

Illness, sensation of/ill feeling or sick feeling P, Z, Ss, BB Cross Reference: Anxiety, hypochondriacal Delusion, sick he is Hypochondriacal. Disease Condition: Hypochondriasis Malingering Psomatisation disorder Hysteria Important Drugs: See, Delusion, sick, he is


BB, P, Z. Meaning: Wrong perception to a stimulus. An appearance in the vision or hearing of ideas and thoughts that the patient knows is not true and by explanation and reasoning can be removed from the mind. Cross Reference: Delusion Visions Disease Condition: Delirium states Depression psychosis Vivid visual imaginary (pareidotia) Important Drugs: Arg-n., Bell., Cann-i., Cocc., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Petr., Ph-ac., Sabad., Stram., Sulph.

Imaginary, disease P, Ss. Meaning: Existing only in imagination Cross Reference: Delusion, disease, he has every Delusion, health, he has ruined his Despair, health of Fear, disease of impending Hypochondriacal Lamenting, disease, about his Torments, everyone, with his complaints Thoughts, disease of Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia Maniac disorder Important Drugs: Arg-n., Mosch., Sabad., Verat.


Ss, Z, P, BB Meaning: The power of the mind to form a mental image or concept of something that is unreal or not present Cross Reference: Delusion Fancies Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Anti-social personality disorder Schizophrenia Munchaunsen's syndrome

Imbecility P, Z, Ss, Syn, K, BB Meaning: The quality or condition of being an imbecile [Imbecile - feeble minded person Deficient in mental ability] Cross Reference: Answers, foolish Antics, plays Buffoonery Childish behavior Cretinism Dullness Fear, imbecile, that he would become Foolish behavior Generalities, weakness, mental exertion Gestures, ridiculous or foolish Idiocy Laughing, causeless

Laughing, idiotic Laughing, imbecility Laughing, serious matters over Loquacity, foolish Memory, weakness, imbecility Prostration of mind, mental exertion, after slight Smiling, foolish Explanation: It is an attitude found in a foolish person who indulges in absurd, childish, stupid, behavior Disease Condition: Mental retardation Important Drugs: Aloe., Bar-c., Bar-m., Bell., Bufo, Bufo-s., Carbn-s., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Nux-m., Op., Ph-ac., Pic-ac., Sil., Stram., Verat.

Imitation BB, Ss, Syn, P, Z Meaning: An act of imitating Imitate - To copy the action, appearance or mannerisms of another To model oneself after the behavior or action of another. Explanation: Here a person has a habit of copying other people's actions and speech. Disease Condition: Organic brain syndrome Catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Cupr., Hyos., Sars., Stram., Verat.

Immoral Z, P Meaning: Contrary to accepted moral principles Cross Reference: Corrupt, venal

Deceitful, sly Hypocrisy Liar Moral affection, want of moral feeling Unreliable Disease Condition: Psychopathic personality disorder

Impatience BB, P, Z, Syn, Ss, K Meaning: Restively desirous or eager Cross Reference: Abrupt Answers, abruptly Answers, hastily Hastiness Hurry, haste Impetuous Irritability, questioned, when Quick to act Restlessness, waiting, during Speech, hasty Explanation: This is a characteristic behavior of a person who is always in a hurry and restless. They can never be patient and are intolerant of delay Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Agitated depression Important Drugs: Cham., Ign., Ip., Nux-v., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

Imperious Z, Ss, K Meaning: Domineering or overbearing Cross Reference: Contradiction, intolerant of Dictatorial Haughty Power, love of Suggestion, will not receive Reproaches others Explanation: This is a state where a person is dominating and full of himself, who is always trying to force his views on other people Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder

Impertinence Z, Ss, Syn, K Meaning: The quality or state of being impertinent as insolence Rudeness, improper interference not becoming one's age Cross Reference: Audacity Defiant Heedless Impolite Insolence Rudeness Shameless

Explanation: Some people behave rudely and in an improper manner without showing respect to other people and are always discourteous Disease Condition: Conduct disorder of childhood and adolescence Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Nat-m., Stram.

Impetuous Syn, Ss, Z, K Meaning: Marked by sudden action, energy or emotion Cross Reference: Abrupt Answers, abruptly Answers, hastily Excitement, excitable Hastiness Hurry, haste Impatience Impulsive Quick to act Rashness Speech, abrupt Speech, hasty Explanation: This is characteristic of a person who tends to do things abruptly in an impulsive manner without any thoughts of the consequences Disease Condition: Mania Impulse control disorder

Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Anac., Bry., Carb-v., Cham., Hep., Kali-c., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Zinc.

Impolite Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: Not polite, discourteous, uncivil, rude in manners Cross Reference: Abusive, insulting Answer, answering, answers, civil cannot give Answers, abruptly Answers, snappishly Insolent Reverence, lack of Rudeness Slander, disposition to Explanation: Some people are impolite and do not show respect or courtesy for others Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Adjustment disorder Disturbance of conduct Important Drugs: Hep., Merc.

Importance, feels his; pompous Z, BB Cross Reference: Answers, dictatorial

Censorious, critical Contradict, disposition to Contradiction, intolerant of Dictatorial Dogmatic Domineering Haughty Heedless Power, love of Reproaches others Suggestion, will not receive Vanity Important Drugs: Lyc., Plat.

Important, person, behaving as a Ss Meaning: Having or characterized by great value, significance or consequence Cross Reference: See Pompous Explanation: See Pompous, Importance feels his Disease Condition: Manic disorder Drug addiction Important Drugs: See Pompous

Imposing Z Meaning: To enact or apply as compulsory Cross Reference: Audacity

Indiscretion Rashness Disease Condition: Manic disorder Drug addiction Personality trait

Impressionable Syn., BB, Ss, Z. Meaning: Easily Influenced Liable or subject to impressions, susceptible to impressions Cross Reference: Advice from others seeks Capricious Confidence, want of self Helplessness, feeling of Naive Sensitive, oversensitive, external impression, to Sensitive, oversensitive, mental impression, to Sensitive, oversensitive, sensual impression, to Sympathetic, compassionate Yielding Explanation: Some people get very easily taken up and are impressed even by small trifles Disease Condition: Hysterical conversion reaction Histrionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Ant-c., Croc., Phos., Tarent., Viol-o.

Improvident Syn, Ss, Z

Meaning: Not providing for future Incautious Wanting care to make provision for future, neglecting measures for future safety and advantages, want of foresight, unforeseeing. Cross Reference: Careless Heedless Rashness Explanation: This is a characteristic found in persons who have no care for the future and live only for the present. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Alum., Caust., Nat-m.

Imprudence K, Z, Ss Meaning: Marked by rude behavior or disrespect Immodest Cross Reference: Audacity Heedless Impertinence Indiscretion Rashness Unobserving Explanation: This is a state where a person shows off and has no respect or modesty, to such an extent that he is rude and discourteous Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Mania Adjustment disorder Disturbance of conduct Important Drugs: See Indiscretion

Impudence Z, Ss Meaning: Marked by rude behavior, or impertinence Disrespect Immodest Cross Reference: Insolence Explanation: See Insolence Disease Condition: See Insolence Important Drugs: See Insolence

Impulse Syn, Ss, K, P, Z, BB Meaning: A sudden spontaneous urge or inclination. Cross Reference: Fear, injuring others, of Injure, fears to be left alone, lest he should, himself Jumping Kill, desire to Kill, desire to, child, her own Kill, sudden, impulse to Rashness Runs about Self control, loss of

Suicidal disposition. Explanation: In certain mental conditions a person may get an irrational desire to do harm to himself or to others. For e.g., a person with an unsound mind may have suicidal tendencies like jumping out of the window or stabbing himself with a knife. Disease Condition: Impulse control disorders Schizophrenia Mania. Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Ars., Caust., Hep., Hyos., Iod., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Stram.

Impulsive, Syn, Syn, P, K, Z. Meaning: Tending to act on impulse rather than thought Moved to action by present feeling; Acting suddenly without reflection Cross Reference: Abrupt Answers, abrupt Answers, hastily Hurry, haste Impetuous Quick to act Rashness Speech, hasty Thoughts, rapid Explanation: Here a person tends to act abruptly according to his present feeling with no thought for the consequence. Disease Condition: Impulsive control disorders Personality disorders Important Drugs: Arg-n., Ars., Aur., Cic., Ign., Puls.

Inactivity Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Not functioning or operating. Habitual idleness, want of action or exertion Cross Reference: Indifference Indolence Explanation: This is a state of laziness or sluggishness where a person does not wish to do anything active, but would rather just sit and gaze out into space. Disease Condition: Chronic Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Conin-br.

Inattentive Z, Ss Meaning: Displaying a lack of attention Cross Reference: Absent mindedness Absorbed, buried in thoughts Dullness Dream, as if in a Meditation Sits, meditates Unobserving Explanation: See Absent mindedness Disease Condition: Attention deficient disorder Psychosis Drug addiction Mental subnormality

Important Drugs: See Unobserving

Inattention agg P Important Drugs: Gels., Hell.

Inciting P, Z, Syn, Ss, K Meaning: To provoke to action To instigate, to spur on Cross Reference: Defiant Presumptuous Explanation: Certain people have a tendency to rouse or encourage others into action either good or bad. For e.g. in a classroom it takes just one mischievous boy to provoke the others into causing an uproar Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Conduct disorder Important Drugs: Hyos.

INCOHERENCE P Meaning: Unable to think or express one's thoughts in a clear or orderly manner Cross Reference: See Confusion Explanation: See Confusion Disease Condition: See Confusion Important Drugs: See Confusion


BB, Z, K, Syn, S Meaning: Incapable of being consoled Cross Reference: Anger, consoled, when Brooding Consolation agg. Depression Despair Grief Grief, silent, love, with disappointed Helplessness, feeling of Hopelessness, feeling of Irritability, consolation agg. Love, disappointed A/F Sadness, weep cannot Sighing Sulky Weeping, consolation agg. Explanation: In grief certain people are moved to such an extent that no amount of consolance or comforting will get him out of his depressed state Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Post Traumatic Stress disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Ars., Caust., Cham., Chin., M-arct., nat-m., Nux-v., Petr., Plat., Puls., Spong., Stann., Verat.

Inconstancy P, Syn, Ss, Z, K

Meaning: Faithless, fickle, unsteadiness Cross Reference: Capriciousness Changeable Fickle Generalities, contradictory and alternating states Indecision Irresolution Moods, alternating Persists in nothing Stomach, appetite capricious Undertakes, many things, perseveres, in nothing Explanation: Here a person is constantly changing or varying in either his ideas, mood or jobs. Further he may undertake to do many things but perseveres in nothing Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic brain syndrome Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ambr., Graph., Ign., Kali-br.

Indecency Z Meaning: Offensive to accepted moral values Cross Reference: Dirty Dress, dresses indecently Indifference, exposure of her person, to Shamelessness Explanation: See Shameless

Disease Condition: See Shameless Important Drugs: See Shameless

Indecision Ss, BB, Z Meaning: Reluctance or inability to make up one's mind Cross Reference: Capricious Confidence, want of self Hopelessness, feeling of Inconstancy Irresolution Persists in nothing Explanation: See Irresolution Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Personality disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia

Independent Z, Ss Meaning: Not influenced or determined by someone or something else Cross Reference: Contrary Contradict, disposition to Courageous Disobedience Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity

Positiveness Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Bell., Calc., Cupr., Kiss., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sulph.

Indescribable sensation Z, Meaning: Incapable of being described Exceeding description Disease Condition: Drug addiction Important Drugs: All-c., Phys., Tanac.

Indifference, apathy K, P, BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by lack of bias Having no marked feeling, interest or concern Carelessness, unconcern, neutrality of mind between persons or things Cross Reference: Amusement, averse to Apathy Asks for nothing Aversion, everything to Dullness Ennui Heedless Joyless Listless Phlegmatic Pleasure, nothing, in

Reserved Sensitive, want of sensitiveness Torpor Unattractive, things seems Explanation: Here there is a lack of interest or anxiety towards either children or business matters or loved ones or surroundings. Such an attitude may come up in conditions such as schizophrenia Disease Condition: Chronic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Anac., Apis, Carb-v., Chin., Con., Crot-c., Hell., Lil-t., Mez., Nat-c., Nat-m., Natp., Onos., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Plat., Puls., Sep., Staph.

Indignation K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Anger aroused by one that is unjust, mean or unworthy Cross Reference: Anger A/F admonition A/F, anger, indignation with A/F embarrassment A/F reproaches A/F rudeness A/F scorn, being scorned Honor, effect of wounded Mortification Reproaches A/F Sensitive, rudeness, to Explanation: It is a state where the person feels a strong disgust or aversion, when he is extremely angry Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia

Mania Organic brain syndrome Important Drugs Ars., Calc-p., Coloc., Spig., Staph.

Indiscretion K, BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Lack of discretion, injudiciousness Cross Reference: Circumspection, lack of Gossiping Heedless Imprudence Inquisitive Loquacity Rashness Reveals, secrets Talking, reveals secrets Explanation: Some people heedlessly give out secrets and can never keep anything to themselves Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Bar-c., Merc., Nux-v.

Indolence, aversion to work K, P, BB, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Disinclined to exert oneself Cross Reference: Ambition, loss of Business, averse to Exertion, mental agg. Fear, work, dread of

Indifference, work, with aversion to Irresolution, indolence with Laziness Loathing, at his business Loathing, general, work his Time, Fritters, away his Work, mental, aversion to Explanation: Some people who are very lazy have a marked dislike for any kind of physical or mental activities and are always found to be idle Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Phobic disorder Important Drugs: Carbn-s., Chel., Chin., Graph., Lach., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phos., Pic-ac., Sulph., Tub., Zinc-p.

Industrious, K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Diligently active Diligent in business or study Cross Reference: Activity business Activity, desire for Busy Exertion, mental, amel Exertion, physical, amel Irritability, idle, while Mania for work Occupation, amel

Work, desire for, mental Workaholic Explanation: Certain type of individuals can never be satisfied when they are unoccupied. These people always take on some work in their free time, even in ill health. Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., bar-c., Cocain, Coff., Eucal., Hyos., Ign., Iod., Lacer., Lach., Lyc., Op., Sep., Spig., Tarent., Tub., Valer.

Infantile behavior Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Lacking maturity: Childish Infant like, pertaining to an infant Cross Reference: Childish behavior Explanation: In certain conditions an adult behaves like a child. All the time they do childish things as though they have a low IQ Disease Condition: Schizophrenia hebephrenic type Histrionic personality disorder Hysteria Important Drugs: Bar-c., Sulph-ac.

Inflexible Ss Adhering firmly to a particular intention or purpose Cross Reference: See Obstinate Explanation: See Obstinate Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Dementia Important Drugs: See Obstinate

Inferiority P Meaning: A sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment Cross Reference: See Cowardly Disease Condition: See Cowardly Important Drugs: See Cowardly

Inhumanity Ss, K, Z Meaning: Cruelty in acts and disposition Barbarity Cross Reference: Cruelty Destructiveness Joy, at misfortune of others Malicious Moral affection, want of moral feeling Sensitive, oversensitive, want of sensitiveness Unfeeling, hard hearted Wicked disposition Explanation: Lack of feeling in human beings who take pleasure in being cruel and unsympathetic. This may be the case when a person himself is undergoing mental anxiety. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: See Cruelty

Initiative lack of Z, Syn, Ss

Meaning: The power, ability or instinct to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task. Lack of serving to introduce, loss of power to commence Cross Reference: Irresolution Undertakes, lacks will power to undertake anything Will, loss of Will, weakness of Explanation: This is characteristically seen in people who have very little confidence in their capability and can never begin any work on their own Disease Condition: Chronic schizophrenia Depressive disorders Adjustment disorders Depressed mood Personality disorder Important Drugs: Anh., Aur., Iod., Lach., Rhus-t., Saroth., Sulph.

Injure, fears to be left alone, lest he should, himself Z, Syn, Ss, K Meaning: Damage of or to, a person, reputation or - thing. Cross Reference: Death, desires, alone, when Impulse, stab his flesh with the knife he holds, to Jumping Kill desire to, sudden impulse, herself Mutilate his body, inclination to Suicidal disposition. Explanation: In certain cases a person may cause harm to himself if he is left on his own and anticipating that he wishes not to be left alone. Disease Condition: Injury proneness

Phobic disorder Schizophrenia Obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Cimic., Merc., Nat-c.

Injuries; mental symptoms from Ss, Z Cross Reference: A/F Injuries, accidents Anxiety, injury, from Confusion of mind, injury after Delirium, injuries to head, after Dullness, injuries of head, after Insanity, injuries to the head, from Memory weakness of, loss of, injuries, from Sadness, injuries, from Stupefaction, injury to head, after

Injustice, cannot support Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Inequity, violation of rights of another. Cross Reference: Conscientious about trifles Honest Explanation: Some people who are impartial and upright can never tolerate or see any wrong done to other people, even though it may not concern himself, he will fight out the case and see that the outcome is lawful Important Drugs: Ign., Nux-v., Staph.


Syn, Ss, P, K, Z Meaning: Unduly curious: snoopy Eager to learn Apt to ask questions Curious, enquiring Cross Reference: Asks, questions, many Curious Indiscretion Questions, speaks continuously in Reveals secrets Touch things impelled to Explanation: Some type of people are very curious and are always prying into other people's life. They are disposed to ask too many questions, even though it has no bearings to him. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Agar., Aur., Hyos., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Puls., Sep., Sulph., Verat.

Insanity K, BB, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Madness Cross Reference: Crazy Childish behavior Delusion, confusion Delusion, insane, she will become Delirium, maniacal Delirium tremens, mania-a-potu

Frantic Fury Idiocy Madness Mania, madness Monomania Rage Ridicule, mania to Violence Wildness Explanation: This is unsoundness or derangement of mind whereby the mental capacity is lost; where a person's behavior is marked by acts of madness Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Depressive disorder Organic mental disorders Severe mental retardation Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Hyos., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v., Stram., Tarent., Verat.

Insecurity mental BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Want of confidence in safety Cross Reference: Cautious Confidence, want of self Cowardice Delusions, appreciated, she is not Delusions, business, unfit for, he is

Delusions, confidence in him, his friends have lost all Delusions, fail, everything will Delusions, friends, affection of, has lost the Delusions, neglected, he is Delusions, succeed, he cannot, does everything wrong Delusions, wife run away from him, will Discouraged Fear Helplessness, feeling of Irresolution Longing for, good opinion of others Succeeds, never Timidity, bashful Undertakes, nothing, lest he fails Explanation: Here a person feels mentally unsafe, he always feels a lack of security. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorders Depression Phobic disorder Obsessive compulsive disorders Initial stage of schizophrenia breakdown Important Drugs: Aml-n., Bry.

Insensibility Ss, Z, K, P Meaning: Wanting in feeling Cross Reference: Stupefaction

Torpor Unconsciousness Explanation: In certain cases there is complete lack of feeling and person is unresponsive and unreactive to his surroundings Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder especially Delirium Important Drugs: See Unconsciousness

Insolence K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Impudence, impertinent, proud or overbearing treatment to others PAGE 282 Cross Reference: Abusive Audacity Contemptuous Defiant Haughty Impertinence Laughter, contemptuous Mocking Reverence, lack of Rudeness Explanation: Here a person has lack of respect for other people’s feelings and is most of the time rude and ill-mannered even to his elders or superiors Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenic conduct disorder Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct

Important Drugs: Canth., Graph., Hyos., Lac-c., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Petr., Plat., Psor., Verat.

Instability Z, Ss, K Meaning: Lack of stability Cross Reference: Capriciousness Inconstancy Irresolution, indecision Mood, changeable, variable Persists in nothing Undertakes, many things, perseveres in nothing

Insults, imagines BB Meaning: To speak to or treat insolently or contemptuously. To cause damage or offense to Cross Reference: A/F honor wounded A/F rudeness of others Indignation Mortification Sensitive, rudeness to Offended easily Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ign., Nux-v., Puls.

Insulted feels Z Cross Reference: A/F honor, wounded A/F rudeness of others

Indignation Mortification Sensitive, rudeness to Offended easily Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Insulting Z Meaning: An offensive action or remark Cross Reference: Abusive Censorious, critical Contemptuous Cursing, swearing Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Insolent Reproaches others Rudeness Slander, disposition to Explanation: See Abusive Disease Condition: See Abusive Important Drugs: See Abusive

Intellect impaired P, BB, Z Meaning: The capacity for understanding knowledge or the ability to think abstractly or profoundly is impaired

Cross Reference: Concentration, difficult Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Prostration Thoughts, disconnected Thoughts, vanishing of Explanation: See Prostration Disease Condition: See Prostration Important Drugs: See Prostration

Intemperance agg. P, Ss Meaning: Lack of moderation especially in the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages Disease Condition: Depression Drug abuse Alcohol Important Drugs: Stram.

Intellectual Z, Ss, P Meaning: Of or relating to the intellect. Rational rather than emotional Cross Reference: Agility, mental Clear headed Concentration, active Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind Plans, makes many Theorizing Thoughts, rapid, quick

Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Acon., Bar-c., Bell., Hell., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Sep., Stram., Verat.

Interest, lack of BB Cross Reference: See Indifference Aversion Disease Condition: Depression Psychosis Drug addiction Personality disorder Important Drugs: Nat-m.

Intelligent Ss Meaning: Displaying sound judgment. Having a high degree of intelligence Mentally acute Disease Condition: Personality tract Important Drugs: Carc.

Interruption, agg mental symptoms. Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: To break the harmony or continuity Explanation: This is a state in which a person gets irritated when disturbed in his doing Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Colch., Culx., Staph., Verat.

Intolerance .

Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Not enduring difference of opinion. Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contradiction, intolerant of Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic Fanaticism Quarrelsome, scolding Explanation: Here a person cannot bear slightest factors which provocate him, so he may be excited by any form of interruption, noise, music, etc. Disease Condition: Hysteria Hysterical personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Organic mental disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Bar-c., Caust., Con., Merc., Psor.

Intoxication BB, K, P, Z, Ss Meaning: Drunkenness Cross Reference: Intoxicated as if Alcoholism Confusion of mind Stupefaction, as if intoxicated Explanation: This is state of being excited as if the person is drunk from any form of mental emotion. Here the person is unaware of his action and behavior. Disease Condition: Drug induced states (Alcohol intoxication) Toxic metabolic conditions

Iatrogenic Post head injury. Important Drugs: See Stupefaction and Confusion of mind.

Intriguer Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: A furtive scheme or plot, to raise the curiosity or interest of Cross Reference: Deceitful, sly Explanation: A person who builds up a secret plot or behaves in such a way so as to baffle or puzzle other people Disease Condition: Paranoid disorders Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Hyos., Lach., Verat.

Introspection K, BB, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: To look within oneself Cross Reference: Absorbed, buried in thoughts Brooding Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Introverted Meditation Sits, meditates Sits, wrapped in deep sad thoughts, as if, notices nothing Talks, himself, with Thoughts, thoughtful

Explanation: Here an individual has a habit of looking into himself, examining his own thoughts, feeling, behavior and is always absorbed in self examination Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depression Personality disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Anh., Aur., Chin., Cocc., Ign., Indg., Ip., Puls., Sep., Sulph.

Introverted Ss, Z, BB Meaning: To turn or direct inward To concentrate on oneself Cross Reference: Absorbed buried in thought Asks for nothing Company, aversion to Introspection Meditation Quiet, disposition Reserved Secretive Sits, wrapped in deep thoughts, as if, notices nothing Talks, himself with Talk, talking, talks, indisposed to, desire to remain silent, taciturn. Thoughts, thoughtful Timidity Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Cham., Med., Merc., Mur-ac., Nat-m., Puls., Sep., Staph.


Z Meaning: Of, relating to or arising from intuition Perceived or known through intuition Disease Condition: Personality trait Drug abuse Important Drugs: Acon., Cann-i., Lach., Sep., Staph.

Irascibility Z, Ss, K Meaning: Quality of being easily influenced by anger Cross Reference: Anger irascibility Censorious, critical Contrary Contradict, disposition to Fight, wants to Irritability Quarrelsome, scolding Reproaches others Explanation: A person given to easy outburst of anger because even trifles annoy him Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: See Anger

Irksome Z, K, Ss Meaning: Tiresome Cross Reference: Boredom

Ennui Weary of life Explanation: A state of mental fatigue where even the most fascinating things bore him. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Post - traumatic stress disorder Dysthymic disorder

Irony Z, Syn, Ss. Meaning: A delicate form of sarcasm Cross Reference: Mocking, sarcasm Explanation: An attitude of persons who seek to hurt others by making contemptuous or mocking statements Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Anh.

Irrational Z, Ss Meaning: Not capable of reasoning affected by loss of mental clarity Cross Reference: Talk, talking, talks, irrational Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive neurosis Phobias Anxiety disorder Psychosis Mood disorder Important Drugs: Arg-n., Bell., Cann-i., Lil-t., Nux-v., Op., Plb.

Irreligious P, Ss, Z Meaning: Indifference to religion Disease Condition: Personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Colo., Croc., Laur., Kali-br.

Irresolution P, K, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Want of decisiveness Cross Reference: Antagonism, herself with Capriciousness Confidence, want of self Discouraged, irresolution with Fear, undertaking anything Inconstancy Mood changeable Postponing Thoughts, two trains of thoughts Timidity Wills, two feels as if he had two wills Explanation: A person who cannot make up his mind and is in turmoil when asked to make a selection or indicate his choice Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia

Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Bar-c., Hell., Ign., Lach., Onos., Op.

Irresponsible Z Meaning: Not financially or mentally fit to assume responsibility Cross Reference: Heedless Impulsive Indifference, welfare of others, to Rashness Responsibility inability to realize Reveals secrets Selfishness Squander's money Unobserving Disease Condition: Psychopathic personality disorder [Borderline Antisocial]

Irritability Z, K, P, BB, Syn, Ss Meaning: Easily angered Cross Reference: Anger, irascibility Contradict, disposition to Discontented Discouraged, irritability Fretful Quarrelsome, scolding

Unfriendly humor Vexation Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Organic mental disorders Depressive disorder Personality disorder Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Ant-c., Apis, Aur., Bell., Bor., Calc.

Isolation sensation of Z, Ss, K Meaning: Alone Cross Reference: Abandoned Delusion, affection of friends, has lost Delusion, alone, she is always Delusion, deserted, forsaken Delusion, disposed, is Delusion, disgraced, she is Delusion, enemy, everyone is an Delusion, friendless, he is Delusion, forsaken, sense of isolation Delusion, help, calling for Delusion, neglected, he is

Delusion, repudiated Estranged, from her family Forsaken feeling Disease Condition: Depression

Isolated effects P Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Agar., Gels., Ver-a., Zin.

Jaded rakes Z, P Meaning: Fatigued, worn out Cross Reference: Prostration Explanation: See Prostration Disease Condition: See Prostration Important Drugs: Agn.

Jealousy K, P, BB, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: The uneasiness which arises from the fear of another robbing us of the love or affection of one whom we love Cross Reference: A/F jealousy Delirium, jealousy, from Delirium, jealousy, with Delusion, wife is faithless

Envy Mocking, jealousy with Quarrelsome, jealousy Sadness, jealousy, with Suspicious Explanation: A morbid state wherein one desires somebody else's possession or qualities Disease Condition: Personality disorder Conduct disorder Important Drugs: Apis, Calc-s., Cench., Hyos., Lach., Med., Nux-v., Puls., Staph., Stram.

Jelly, body were made of P Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Eupi

Jesting K, P, BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Having the character of performing something ludicrous or only intended to excite laughter. Making merry by words or actions Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Cheerful, gay, mirthful Exhilaration Frivolous Fun, makes High spirited Humorous

Laughing Levity Loquacity, jesting with Mirth Play, desire to, playful Pleasure Teasing Vivacious Witty Explanation: A person with a habit of making funny remarks or actions with the intention of amusing others Disease Condition: Hypomania Histrionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Caps., Cic., Cocc., Ign., Kali-i., Lach., Nux-m., Stann., Stram., Tarent.

Joking Z, Ss Meaning: To speak in him Cross Reference: Jesting Lively Vivaciousness Explanation: See Jesting Disease Condition: See Jesting Important Drugs: See Jesting

Jovial Z

Meaning: Marked by hearty conviviality Explanation: Personality trait Disease Condition: Personality trait Alcoholism Drug - abuse Important Drugs: Alco., Bell., Bry., Caps., Carb-an., Carb-v., Dios., Lyc., Sep., Stram., Tab.

Joy K, Z, Syn, Ss. Meaning: Great pleasure or happiness Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Ecstasy Exhilaration Laughing, joy, with excessive Singing joyously Disease Condition: Drug induced state Alcoholism

Joyless Ss, K, Z. Meaning: Cheerless, unhappy Cross Reference: Depression Indifference, joyless Sadness Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Hydro-c., Mag-m., Sars.


P, Z, K, Ss Meaning: Joyful Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Laughing, joy, with excessive Singing, joyously Explanation: See Cheerfulness Disease Condition: Cheerfulness Important Drugs: See Cheerfulness Acon., Caust., Coff., Croc., Op.

Jump, tendency to P Disease Condition: Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome Schizophrenia Behavior disorder of children Drug addiction Hyperactivity Important Drugs: Agar., Aur., Croc., Stram., Tarent.

Jumping K, P, BB, Syn, Ss, Z. Meaning: The act of leaping or springing Cross Reference: Impulse, jump, to Bed, jumps out of Escape, spring attempts to, springs up suddenly from bed Restlessness, bed

Explanation: A delirious condition wherein the patient does not wish to remain in one place, for e.g. he will want to jump out of bed. Disease Condition: Acute alcohol intoxication Catatonic schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Arg-m., Aur., Croc.

Justice Z Meaning: The principle or ideal or moral rightness Cross Reference: Anxiety, conscience, of Anxiety, others, for Complaining Horrible things, sad stories, affect her profoundly Injustice, cannot support Sensitive, oversensitive, cruelties when hearing of Sensitive, oversensitive, crying of children, to Sensitive, oversensitive, moral impression, to Sympathetic compassionate Disease Condition: Personality trait

Keenness Z Meaning: Intellectually acute Highly sensitive Cross Reference: Memory, Active

Explanation: See Memory, Active Important Drugs: See Memory, Active

Kicking/kicks K, BB, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: To strike with the leg. Cross Reference: Striking Violent, vehement Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Schizophrenia Mania Acute alcohol intoxication Important Drugs: Bell., Lyc., Stram.

Kill, desire to P, K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To deprive of life in any mania or by any means. To put to death. Cross Reference: Anger, stabbed anyone, so that he could have Destructive Fear, killing, of Impulse, kill, to Impulse, stab his flesh, with the knife he holds, to Jealousy, kill, driving to Murder, desire to Rage, kill people, tries to Thoughts, persistent, homicide Threatening, kill, to

Violent Explanation: A disturbed state of mind, characterized by an impulse to kill. For e.g., a mother on seeing fire has a sudden impulse to throw her child into the fire. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Impulse control disorders Schizophrenia Adjustment disorders with disturbance of conduct. Important Drugs: Ars., Ars-i., Hep., Hyos., Iod., Lyc., Nux-v., Petr., Phos., Plat., Staph., Stram.

Killed desire to be Syn, Ss, K, Z Cross Reference: Suicidal disposition Explanation: A chronically suffering person wishes to escape his agony by dying but cannot or will not commit suicide. All the same he wants to be put out of his misery by somebody killing him. Disease Condition: Depressive disorders Adjustment disorders with depressed mood Post traumatic stress disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Coff-t., Phyt., Stram.

Kindness Z, Ss Cross Reference: Affectionate Anxiety, others, for Benevolence Gentleness Generous, too much Sympathy, compassion

Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Kisses, everyone P, BB, K, Z, Syn, Ss Cross Reference: Amativeness Amorous, disposition Embraces, companions, his Lascivious, lustful Explanation: A deviated state of mind wherein the patient has the urge to kiss anyone who comes near him or her Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder Exhibitionism Important Drugs: Caps., Croc., Hyos., Kreos., Phos., Plat., Stram., Verat.

Kleptomania Syn, Ss, P, K, Z Meaning: A morbid impulse or desire to steal Cross Reference: Steals, dainties Steals, money Explanation: A person has an uncontrollable or instinctive habit of stealing. The object stolen may or may not be of much value Disease Condition: Impulse control disorder Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Bell., Cur., Nux-v., Puls., Sulph.

Kneeling K, Z, Ss, P, Meaning: To fall or rest on bent knees Cross Reference: Praying, kneeling and Religious Important Drugs: See Praying, kneeling.

Knife, cannot look at Ss, P Disease Condition: Phobia Important Drugs: Alum., Plat.

Knife, impulse to injure with BB Disease Condition: Psychosis Personality disorder

Knocking Z Meaning: To strike a hard blow Cross Reference: See Striking Explanation: See Striking Disease Condition: See Striking Important Drugs: See Striking

Laid down, does not want to be Ss Disease Condition: Maniac disorder

Hyperactive child Anxiety disorder Drug addiction

Laconic Ss Meaning: A person of few words or a person who speaks concisely. Cross Reference: Abrupt, Answers abruptly curtly Explanation:

Lamenting K, P, BB, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: To utter a moanful cry. An expression of sorrow. Cross Reference: Begging, entreating Bemoaning Complaining Discontented Grumbling Howling Moaning Muttering Shrieking Sighing Torments, everyone with his complaints Waking Weeping, tearful mood Disease Condition: Depressive disorder

Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Lyc., Verat., Verat-v.

Languages, unable to learn Z, Syn, Ss. Explanation: A child's handicap at school seems to be his inability to grasp or learn languages. Disease Condition: Moderate to severe mental retardation Organic mental disorder Post - stroke sequel Alzheimer's disease Senile dementia - Alzheimer's type. Important Drugs: Lyc., Olnd., Rhus-t., Sulph.

Lascivious K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Lewd Lustful Cross Reference: Amativeness Amorous Company, aversion to, desires solitude to practice masturbation Delirium, erotic Dress, dresses indecently Genitalia male, sexual passion increased Genitalia male, masturbation, disposition to Genitalia female, desire, increased Genitalia, female, desire violent, masturbation, driving her to Hysteria, lascivious

Indifference, exposure of her person, to Insanity, erotic Lewdness Libertinism Nymphomania Naked, wants to be Sexual excesses, symptoms from Shamelessness Singing, obscene Thoughts, sexual Thoughts, tormenting, sexual. Explanation: A person occupied with lustful erotic thoughts and is given to verbal and physical expression of such heightened state of sexual fantasy Disease Condition: Nymphomania Paraphilias Personality disorders Schizophrenia Mania Organic mental disorder Important Drugs: Hyos., Lach., Lil-t., Orig., Phos., Pic-ac., Plat., Staph.

Late, always Z, Ss, Syn Cross Reference: Slowness, behind hand, always Explanation: A person who does not perceive the value of time or the importance of punctuality Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Certain cases of obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Plat., Puls., Sil.

Lassitude P Meaning: Listless, weakness or exhaustion Cross Reference: See Inactive Explanation: See Inactive Important Drugs: See Inactive

Laughing/laughter K, BB, P, Z, Syn, Ss Cross Reference: A/F, laughing excessive Anger, laughing, with burst of Cheerful, gay, mirthful Delirium, laughing Giggling Joy Smiling Disease Condition: Gelastic epilepsy Mania Important Drugs: Cann-i., Ign., Stram.

Laughing agg P, Z, Syn, Ss, Important Drugs: Bor., Phos., Stann., Arg-m., Ars., Coff.

Laziness Ss, Z, P

Meaning: Resistant to work or exertion Sluggish Cross Reference: Business, averse to Exertion, agg from mental Fear, work, dread of Indolence, aversion to work Loathing, work, at Occupation, aversion to Time, fritters away his Work, aversion to mental Explanation: See Inactive Important Drugs: Ars., Lach., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sep., Sulph.

Learning poorly P, BB, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Development, mental, arrested Development of children, arrested Dullness, sluggishness Generalities, development arrested Memory, weakness of Reading, difficult, is Talk, slow, learning to Explanation: A person whose ability to study, grasp or understand whatever is communicated to him is decreased Disease Condition: Mental retardation Anxiety disorder of childhood and adolescence Depressive disorder

Conduct disorders Important Drugs: Anac., Ars., Bar-c., Phos.

Levity Z Meaning: The quality or state of being light A light manner or attitude especially when inappropriate Cross Reference: Frivolous Jesting Explanation: See Frivolous Disease Condition: See Frivolous Important Drugs: See Frivolous

Lecherous, lewd. P, Ss Meaning: Given to, marked by or arousingly lechery Cross Reference: See Lewdness Lascivious Explanation: See Lewdness Lascivious Disease Condition: See Lewdness Lascivious Important Drugs: Fluor-ac., Pic-ac.

Lectophobia P Meaning: Fear, bed of Cross Reference: See Fear, bed of

Explanation: See Fear, bed of Disease Condition: Phobia Important Drugs: See Fear, bed of

Lethargy P, Ss Cross Reference: See Inactive Explanation: See Inactive Disease Condition: See Inactive Important Drugs: See Inactive

Lewdness K, Ss, Z, P. Meaning: Unchastily, lasciviousness Cross Reference: Amorous Delirium, erotic Fancies, lascivious Indifference, exposure of her person, to Insanity, erotic Kisses everyone Lascivious, lustful Libertinism Shamelessness Nymphomania Roving about naked Shameless Singing, obscene

Wicked disposition Explanation: This is a mental tendency where a person gets a perverted satisfaction by being sensual, shameless and lustful to such an extent that he may even expose his body in front of others. Disease Condition: Paraphilia Personality disorder Schizophrenia Alcoholism Important Drugs: Camph., Canth., Hyos., Lach., Phos., Pic-ac.

Liar syn, Ss, Z Meaning: A speaker of untruth Cross Reference: Charlatan Deceitful Delusion, lie, all she said is a Dishonest Hypocrisy Liar, never speaks the truth, does not know what she is saying Slander, disposition to Untruthful Explanation: It is a habit of certain people who never speak the truth in order to avoid, blame or just to make an excuse Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Morph., Op., Syph., verat.

Libertinism Z, Syn, Ss, K,

Meaning: Debauchery Living without restraint Cross Reference: Lascivious, lustful Lewdness Explanation: These are immoral people who behave in an unrestrained perverted manner always contrary to the code of behavior Disease Condition: Personality disorder Alcoholism Paraphilias Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Canth., Caust., Nux-v., Phos., Plat., Staph.

Licks up, things Z, BB. Cross Reference: Insanity, eats dung or licking up saliva Faeces, licks up cowdung, mud, saliva Explanation: See Insanity Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Psychosis Manic disorder Autism

Lie, on bare floor, wants to Syn, Ss, Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mental retardation

Important Drugs: Camph.

Lies Z, BB, K, Ss Cross Reference: See Liar Explanation: See Liar Disease Condition: See Liar Important Drugs: See Liar

Life, satiety of Ss, P, BB, Z Cross Reference: Death, desires Ennui, tedium Loathing, life, at Weary of life Explanation: See Weary of life Disease Condition: See Weary of life Important Drugs: See Weary of life

Light, desire for Syn, Ss, K, , Z, Cross Reference: Anxiety, dark in Darkness agg. Eye - Photomania Fear, dark, of Longing, sunshine, light and society for Sadness, darkness, in Weeping, dark, in

Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Anxiety disorder of childhood Important Drugs: Acon., Am-m., Bell., Calc., Gels., Stram.

Lightness, feeling of Z, P Cross Reference: Delusions, floating in air Vertigo, floating, as if Disease Condition: Drug addiction Important Drugs: Agar., Cham., Kali-br., Gels., Nat-m., Nitro-o., Ph-ac., Phos., Sars., Tub.

Listless Z, Ss, K Meaning: Condition of a person who has no pleasure in his work and who therefore acts without energy Cross Reference: Indifference, apathy Explanation: Some people show a lack of inclination to do any activity and are usually careless and spiritless in doing their work Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: See Indifference.

Literary, work, desire for Ss Meaning: Pertaining to or dealing with literature Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Sulph.

Literature desire

Z Meaning: Imaginative or creative writing especially of recognized artistic value Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Nux-v., Puls.

Litigious Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Given to carrying on law suits Cross Reference: Quarrelsomeness, litigious Explanation: Here an individual has a tendency to take to court or sue others for the least possible reason, even though it does not benefit him. Disease Condition: Paranoid disorders Paranoid personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Caust., Lach., Nux-v.

Lively Ss, Z, K, BB, P Meaning: Animated Active Cross Reference: Alert Amusement, desire for Cheerfulness Excitement, excitable Exhilaration Fancies High spirited

Jesting Laughing Mirth Restlessness Smiling Vivacious Witty Explanation: Some people are full of life, active, cheerful and always enliven the surroundings Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: See Mirth.

Loathing general K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: Disgust Aversion Cross Reference: Abhorrence Discontented, everything, with Disgust Ennui, tedium Hatred Malicious Misanthropy Explanation: In certain conditions an individual has a marked dislike for everything and has a feeling of hatred and disgust even for his work. Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Arg-n., Calc., Plb., Puls.

Locality, errors of K, Z, Ss Meaning: Situation, area error of Cross Reference: Confusion, loses his way in well known street Distances, inaccurate judge of Forgetful, which side of the street, his house was on Forgetful, street of well known Memory, weakness, places for, orthography Mistakes, localities in Recognize, does not, street, well known Recognize, does not, surroundings Stupefaction, knows not where he is Unconsciousness, dream as if in, knows not where he is Explanation: In a certain mental condition a person makes mistakes in locating places which are familiar to him. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorders Mental retardation Chronic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Glon., Nux-m., Petr.

Location lost P, Ss, Cross Reference: See Bewildered

Explanation: See Bewildered Disease Condition: See Bewildered Important Drugs: See Bewildered

Loneliness K, Z, P, Ss Meaning: Solitude Seclusion Cross Reference: Anxiety, alone, when Company, desires, alone agg., while Delusion, affection of friends, has lost Delusion, alone, she is always Delusion, alone, world, in the Delusion, deserted, forsaken, is Delusion, friendless, he is Estranged, family, from her Forsaken feeling Talk, desires to, to some one Explanation: This is the feeling of being on one's own, isolated, dejected, abandoned or forsaken. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Forsaken.

Longing K, P, Z, BB, Syn, Ss Cross Reference: Desires

Explanation: See Desires Disease Condition: See Desires Important Drugs: See Desires

Looked at, A/F being Z, Cross Reference: A/F looked, at being Fear, looked at Look at, cannot bear to be Morose, looked at, on being Weeping, looked at, when Explanation: See A/F looked at being Disease Condition: See A/F looked at being Important Drugs: See A/F looked at being

Looked at cannot bear to be K, P, BP, Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Delusions, looking at her, everyone is Delusion, people looking at him Delusion, watched, she is being Fear, looked at Fear, observed, at her condition being Hide, desire to Laughing, looked at Morose, looked at, on being Timidity, bashful Weeping, looked at, when

Explanation: This is a condition where a person feels that he is watched or observed by others which he cannot tolerate since it is his idea that they are mocking or laughing at him. Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ant-c., Ant-t., Ars., Cham., Chin., Cina., Iod., Nat-m., Tub.

Looking backward as if Syn, Ss, Ss Z Cross Reference: Sadness, melancholy, eyes, downcast, with Delusions, people, behind Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Med., Staph.

Loquacity K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Extremely talkative Gabby Cross Reference: Delirium, loquacity Exhilaration Jealousy, loquacity with Speech, babbling Speech, hasty, loquacity Speech, prattling Reveals secrets Talkative Talk, desire to, to someone.

Talk, listens, does not care whether anyone Talk, talking, talk incessantly Talk, talking, talks, prattling Explanation: A person talks or speaks in an unrestricted manner. Sometimes having no relation to the topic discussed Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: Arg-n., Aur., Bell., Camph., Cann-i., Cup., Gels., Hyos., Kali-i., Lach., Mur-ac., Op., Phos., Plb., Podo., Stram.

Love, own sex, with one of her, homosexuality, tribadism K, P, Z, Syn, Ss Meaning: An expression of one's affection towards the same sex Cross Reference: Aversion, husband, to Aversion, men, to Fear, men, dread of Homosexuality Marriage seemed unendurable, idea of Religious, horror, opposite sex, of Explanation: It is a perversion where there is an attraction for a person of one's own sex Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic Brain syndrome Important Drugs: Lach, Plat., Sulph.

Love, a/f disappointed Cross Reference: A/F love disappointed Depression, love, from disappointed

Despair love, from disappointed Sadness, love, from disappointed Explanation: There may be suffering if a person is deprived of the thing which is most beloved and close to heart Disease Condition: Adjustment disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Depressive disorder Brief reactive psychoses Important Drugs: Hyos., Ign., Nat-m., Ph-ac.

Low minded K, Ss, Z Meaning: Showing a crude, vulgar character Cross Reference: Cowardice Repulsive mood Brooding Depression Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Grief A/F Inconsolable Sadness Sighing Sulky Weeping, sad thoughts, from Explanation: Certain people are repulsive in their behavior. Their level of thinking is always petty and they are looked down upon by others. Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Repulsive, Cowardice.

Low-spirited Ss, Z, K, BB Cross Reference: Depression Explanation: This is a feeling of dejection, depression where a person is discouraged whenever faced with failure Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder with depressive mood Important Drugs: Refer Sadness

Ludicrous things seems Z, Ss, Syn, K Meaning: Things seen so obviously absurd or incongruous as to be laughable Cross Reference: Absurd Delusion, ludicrous Foolish behavior Laughing, ludicrous, everything seems Explanation: Here a person feels that everything is foolish, absurd and laughs sometimes even at the most serious and important things. Disease Condition: Hypomania Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Cann-s., Nat-m., Plat., Stram., Tarent.

Lypothemia Ss, P

Cross Reference: See Mental exhaustion from grief Explanation: See Mental exhaustion from grief Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: See Mental exhaustion from grief

Madness Ss, Z, P. Cross Reference: Delirium Tremens Delusion, insane Fear insanity Fear, losing reason his Fear, losing sense Idiocy Insanity Mania-a-potu Mania, madness Monomania Rage, fury Ridicule, mania to Wildness Schizophrenia Disease Condition: Alcohol Drug abuse Organic brain disease Schizophrenia Mania

Magnetic state, feeling of personal power increased. Z Disease Condition: Drug abuse Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Androc. Crot-c., Ferr., Phos.

Magnetized desire to be Syn, Ss, Z, K, P, Meaning: To fascinate, attract or influence. Cross Reference: Generalities, Magnetism amel. Mesmerized, seems as if Explanation: Here a person has a strong wish to be influenced by a person with a stronger will than his Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Calc., Lach., Nat-c., Phos., Sil.

Magnetism, amel. P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To fascinate, attract or influence Cross Reference: Magnetized, desire to be Mesmerized, seems as if Explanation: Here a person has a strong wish to be influenced by a person with a strong will than his Person feels much better when thus influenced. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Cap., Lach., Phos., Sil.

Mania Syn, K, BB, Z, Ss, P Meaning: An intense or unreasonable desire or enthusiasm, craze; a kind of delirium in which both the judgment and memory are impaired.

Cross Reference: Delirium, maniacal Delusion Frantic, frenzy Insanity, madness Jumping, bed, out of. Rage, fury Rage, tears things Religious affection, mania Violent, vehement Wildness Explanation: It is a deranged mental state where a person behaves in an irrational way, for e.g. a person spits or bites those around him; jumps over chairs and and tables, tears his clothes, etc. Disease Condition: Manic depressive disorder Schizoaffective disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Bell., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-chl., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v., Stram., Verat.

Malicious BB, Syn, K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Harboring enmity without cause, resentment, wicked, hatred, revengeful. Cross Reference: Acrimonious Cruelty Hatred Insanity, malicious Jealousy, revenge, desire to take Jesting, malicious Joy, misfortune of others, at Misanthropy

Moral feeling, want of Play, dirty tricks on others or their teachers, school boys Rage, mischievous Resentment Spiteful Vindictive Wicked disposition Thought, persistent, evil Unfeeling, hard hearted Explanation: A person who is generally in the habit of making plans to harm others, with an extreme disposition to injure. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Anac., Ars., Nat-m., Nux-v., Stram., Tub.

Malingering Z, P, Ss Cross Reference: Blindness, pretended Complaining, injury, of supposed Deafness, pretended Delusion, sick he is Feigning, sick Explanation: This is a state in which persons show that they are having some disease when its actually not so, in order to attract attention or gain sympathy or to fool others. Disease Condition: Malingering Ganser's syndrome Munchausen syndrome

Factitious disorder Important Drugs: See Feigning

Making, fun of somebody Ss Disease Condition: Personality trait Manic disorder

Mania-a-potu K, Ss, Z Meaning: Refer Delirium Tremens Cross Reference: A/F alcoholism Alcoholism, dipsomania Delirium tremens Intoxicated, as if Explanation: Refer Delirium tremens Disease Condition: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Important Drugs: Ran-b.

Mannish, habit of, girls Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Resembling a man Explanation: Here girls have a desire to dress and behave like a man and in general, act masculine Disease Condition: Transvestism Transexualism Schizophrenia Lesbianism

Important Drugs: Carb-v., Nat-m., Petr., Plat.

Manipulative Ss, Z. Cross Reference: Corrupt, venal Deceitful, sly. Dishonest Hypocrisy Liar, never speaks the truth Untruthful Explanation: See Deceitful Disease Condition: Personality trait Psychopathic personality disorder Important Drugs: See Deceitful

Mankind Ss, Z Cross Reference: See Society Important Drugs: See Society

Mannerly Ss Cross Reference: See Polite Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: See Polite

Manual work. fine work, mind symptoms from

Syn, Ss, K, Z Cross Reference: A/F, work, manual Eyes pain, exertion of vision, fine work Eyes, pain, burning, reading, fine print Eyes pain, pressure etc., fine work during Eyes Pain, sewing, while, fine work; on Explanation: Any form of physical, strenuous, tedious delicate work makes a person mentally worse Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Graph., Iod.

Marriage, seems undurable, idea of Syn, P, Ss, K, Z Cross Reference: Aversion, marriage, to Fear, marriage Irresolution, marry, to Religious, horror of the opposite sex Explanation: Here the person dislikes even the idea of marriage, may be due to the idea of the responsibilities associated with it Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Personality disorder Important Drugs: Lach., Med., Nux-v., Pic-ac., Puls., Staph.

Mathematics apt for Ss, Syn, Z Explanation: Some people have an aptitude for calculation, numbers and mathematics

Disease Condition: Superior intelligence - not a disease state Important Drugs: Cocc., Lach., Nux-v.

Masochism Z Meaning: An abnormal condition in which sexual excitement and satisfaction depend chiefly on being subjected to physical pain or abuse whether by oneself or another. Explanation: Derivation of pleasure from being offended, dominated or mistreated Disease Condition: Sexual perversion Personality disorder Important Drugs: Lach., Nat-c., Nat-m., Tub.

Mature behaves as a much older child. Ss Cross Reference: See Precocity Explanation: A young child not as yet having approached his teens, who tends to behave like an adult, often astounding people around him by his maturity. Important Drugs: Calc., Merc.

Mean Z, P. Cross Reference: Acrimonious Cruelty Hatred Insanity, malicious Jealousy, revenge, desires to take Jesting, malicious Joy, misfortune of others, at Malicious

Misanthropy Moral feeling, want of Play, dirty tricks on others or their teachers school boys Resentment Spiteful Thoughts, persistent, evil Unfeeling, hard hearted Vindictive Wicked disposition Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Malicious

Meddlesome importunate Syn, Ss. Z. K Meaning: To intrude in other person's business affairs, interfere Cross Reference: Audacity Impertinence Inquisitive Indiscretion Presumptuous Touch things, impelled to Explanation: Some people constantly interfere in other persons affairs even though it does not concern them. For e.g. a particular interfering neighbour intrudes into the private life of a married couple causing trouble. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia

Important Drugs: Alum., Hyos., Lyc., Plb.

Medicine, desire to swallow large doses of Z, Syn, Ss Cross Reference: Generalities, medicaments addiction to Generalities, narcotics, desire for, morphinismus Morphinism Explanation: In certain mental conditions a person feels that the more amount of medicines that he takes, the sooner will he be rid of all the complaints. Such a person would prefer to visit a physician who would give him large quantities of medicines even though they may be just placebos. Disease Condition: Depressive disorders Hypochondriacal neurosis Important Drugs: Cact.

Meditation BB, Z, Syn, Ss, K Meaning: Close and deep thought A series of thoughts occasioned by any subject. Continued serious thoughts Cross Reference: Absorbed Brooding Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Introspection Reflecting Sits, meditates Sits, wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, as if, and notices nothing Thoughts, thoughtful. Explanation: Here a person is deeply absorbed in his own thoughts having a far away spaced out look

and is generally inattentive to what is going on around him. Disease Condition: Drug induced state Important Drugs: Cann-i., Carb-an., Hyos., Lach., Sulph.

Megalomania Z, Ss Meaning: A psycho pathological condition in which fantasies of power and wealth predominate. Cross Reference: Contemptuous Haughty Delusion, distinguished Power, love of Delusion, great person, is Pride Delusion noble person is Self, overestimation of Delusion, superhuman control, is under Delusion, superiority, of Egotism, self-esteem Grandeur, desire for Explanation: Certain over ambitious people have a desire for great things like power, wealth and fame, for e.g. rulers who would always fight wars to expand their kingdoms. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorder


Z, P, K, Ss Meaning: Dejection or depression of spirits, a gloomy state of mind, dismal, mournful. Cross Reference: Dejection Despair Grief Sadness mental, depression. Explanation: During a certain period of time a person may attain an emotional state characterized by depression and outbreaks of violent anger. Disease Condition: A phase of manic depressive psychosis Depressive disorder Important Drugs: See Despair, Grief, Sadness.

Memories recalls disagreeable. P, BB, Z Cross Reference: Complaining offences long past Dwells on past, disagreeable occurrence Thoughts, past, of the Thoughts, tormenting, past disagreeable events, about Thoughts, persistent, unpleasant subject, haunted by Explanation: See Dwells on past disagreeable occurrence. Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: See Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences.

Memory active BB, Syn, Ss, P, K, Z Meaning: Mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience. Cross Reference: Acuity

Acuteness Agility, mental Concentration, active Fancies, vivid Ideal abundant, clearness of mind Plans, makes many Quick to act Theorizing Thoughts, profound Thoughts rapid Thoughts, thoughtful Witty Explanation: This type of a person has a very good power of retaining and recalling even past remote events Disease Condition: Paranoid disorder Mania Important Drugs: Agar., Aloe., Aur., Bell., Coff., Gels., Hyos., Lach., Nux-m., Nux-v., Op., Phos., Stry., Sulac.

Memory, confused Z, Ss Explanation: Here a person is in a disordered and puzzled state of mind, always mixing up recent and past events Disease Condition: Organic mental disorders Dementia Mental retardation Chronic schizophrenia

Important Drugs: Anac., Chin-s., Cupr., Naja, Op., Petr., Selen., Stram.

Memory, loss of Z, BB, Ss, P, Syn Explanation: Here a person has a total loss of power to retain or recollect events. This may be after coma or concussion of the brain or extreme fear or mental exertion or sunstroke etc. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder. Important Drugs: Anac., Am-c., Arn., Calc., Cic., Cann-i., Camph., Chin-ar., Glon., Hyper., Merc., Nat-c., Stram., Zinc.

Memory weakness of Syn, K, BB, Ss, Z, P Cross Reference: Absent minded Concentration, difficult Dementia Dullness Fancies, confused Forgetfulness Forgotten, something, feels constantly as if he had Ideas, deficiency of Mental effort, inability to sustain Mistakes Recognise, does not, relatives his Thoughts, vanishing Explanation: Here the person's memory is poor and he forgets things and events either past or recent or occurrence of the day. This may be periodical weakness of memory or sudden and may be for different things. For e.g. proper names, dates, business, what has been read or said or what is about to be said. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Depressive pseudo dementia

Important Drugs: Ambr., Anac., Arg-n., Ars., Bar-c., Bell., Bufo., Carbn-s., Caust., Cocc., Colch., Con., Glon., Hell., Hep., Hyos., Kali-p., Lach., Lyc., Med., Merc., Nit-ac., Nux-m., Phos-ac., Phos., Plat., Plb., Sep., Verat.

Men dread of Z, Ss, K Cross Reference: Aversion, husband, to Aversion, men Aversion, sex, opposite, to Delirium, fear of men, with Delusion, man Fear, men, of Hatred, men, of Sensitive, oversensitive, noises, voices, male Disease Condition: Psychosexual dysfunction. Functional vaginismus, dyspareonea Lesbianism Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Aur., Bar-c., Cic., Led., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Puls.

Menopause agg. P, Ss Explanation: Person may be more irritable, depressed or uneasy in relation with the menopause. Patient is very uncomfortable during this period Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Melancholia Important Drugs: Cham., Cimic., Ferr., Nat-m., Sep., Stram., Verat.

Menses, mental symptoms agg.

P, Ss, Z, Syn, Cross Reference: Anxiety, menses, during Confusion of mind, menses, during Delirium, menses, during Discontented, menses, during Excitement, excitable, menses, during Fear, menses, during Forgetful, menses, during Irritability, menses, during Nymphomania, menses, during Quarrelsomeness, menses, during Rage, fury, menses, during Sadness, menses, during Weeping, menses, during Explanation: Person may be more irritable, depressed or uneasy in relation with the menstrual cycle, either before, beginning of, during, after or after suppressed. Disease Condition: Involutional melancholia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Cham., Cimic., Ferr., Nat-m., Sep., Stram., Verat.

Mental effort, inability to sustain Z, K Cross Reference: Concentration difficult Confusion of mind Dementia Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending

Exertion, mental agg. Forgetfulness, mental exertion, from Ideas, deficiency of Mistakes Prostration of mind Sadness, mental depression Slowness Stupefaction Thinking, aversion to Unobserving Work, mental fatigues Explanation: Here a person cannot concentrate mentally on his work which tires him easily Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder [Delirium, dementia] Depression Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Prostration of mind

Mental exertion, agg. Z Cross Reference: Exertion, mental agg. Forgetful, mental exertion, from Irritability, exertion, from mental Work, mental, fatigues Disease Condition: Depression. Important Drugs: Arg., Arg-n., Aur., Calc., Calc-p., Ign., Kali-p., Lach., Led., Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nux-v., Pic-ac., Sel., Sep., Sil., Staph., Tub.

Mental symptoms, alternating with physical

K, Z, Ss., Syn, P Cross Reference: Cheerfulness, gay, mirthful, alternating with pain Cheerfulness, gay, mirthful, alternating with physical suffering Concentration, difficult, alternating with uterine pains Delirium, alternating with tetanic convulsion Insanity, alternating with physical symptoms Mania alternating with Metrorrhagia Sadness, alternating with physical energy Stupefaction, alternating with convulsion Unconsciousness, alternating with convulsion Explanation: Here there is a successive change of symptoms at alternating intervals. On one hand, it is on the mental plane and on the other hand, the physical plane. Disease Condition: Psychosomatic disorder - e.g. asthma, RA, peptic ulcer. Tension headache Somatisation of depression and anxiety. Important Drugs: Cimic., Lil-t., Plat.

Mental work Ss Cross Reference: See Work Important Drugs: See Work.

Merging of self, with one's environment Z, Synth, Syn, Explanation: Here a person is always one with nature and can adjust in any circumstances. Important Drugs: Anh.

Merry Ss, Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Exaltation Exhilaration High - spirited Hilarity Jesting Laying Mirth Mood, agreeable Play, playful Vivacious Explanation: See Cheerful. Disease Condition: Drug abuse Alcoholism Schizophrenia Important Drugs: See Cheerful.

Mesmerized, seems as if K, Ss, Z. Meaning: To fascinate, attract or influence. Cross Reference: Generalities, magnetism amel. Magnetized, mesmerism amel. Explanation: Here a person has a strong wish to be influenced by another person with a stronger will power than him.

Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Magnetized Lyss., M-arct., Oena., Phos.

Mildness K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Gentle or kind Cross Reference: Affectionate Cowardice Quiet, disposition Sympathetic, compassionate Timidity Tranquility Yielding disposition Explanation: This is characteristic of people who are timid, gentle, kind and soothing in their behavior with everyone. They can never offend or be harsh to others. Important Drugs: Arn., Ars., Bor., Cocc., Nat-m., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil.

Mirror, all thoughts appear in a moment as if seen in an inner Z Disease Condition: Drug addiction Important Drugs: Carbn-h.

Mirth, hilarity, liveliness Z, K Meaning: Hilarity, liveliness Cross Reference: Cheerfulness Exaltation

Exhilaration High spirited Hilarity Humorous Jesting Joyous Lively Merry Mood, agreeable Play, playful Vivacious Explanation: Mental gaiety and gladness which is usually expressed by laughter even though a person may be suffering from any physical disorder. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: Cann-i., Coff., Lach., Nat-c., Op., Hyos.

Misanthropy, K, Ss, Syn, BB, Z. Meaning: Hating mankind, one who detests or distrust humanity; hatred of humanity Cross Reference: Approach of person agg. Company, aversion to Cruelty, inhumanity Dullness, company in Escape, attempts to, family and children, from her Estranged, society, from Fear, people of, anthropophobia

Hatred, person, of Indifference, company, while in Indifference, welfare of others Malicious Moral, affection, want of moral feeling Repulsive mood Restlessness, company in Sadness, company aversion, desire for solitude Strangers, presence of, agg. Unfriendly humor Unsympathetic Wicked disposition Explanation: Here a person has a marked dislike hatred and aversion for mankind and always distrusts others.

Mischievous K, BB, P, Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: Troublesome, causing harm or damage. Cross Reference: Antics, play. Childish behavior Destructiveness, cunning Disobedience. Fear, mischief, he might do, at night on waking. Insanity, malicious. Joy, misfortune of others. Malicious

Moral affection, want of moral feeling Play, dirty tricks on others or their teachers, school boys Rage, mischievous Explanation: Here a person is always up to some mischief or trouble which may cause harm or damage Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Conduct disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Cann-i., Nux-v., Stann.

Miserable Z, P, Ss Cross Reference: Anguish Despair Discouraged Helplessness Inconsolable Sadness, mental depression Explanation: See Sadness Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: See Sadness

Miserly K, P, Z, Ss Meaning: One whose chief pleasure is the acquirement and hoarding up of money Cross Reference: Avarice Covetous

Delusion, fortune, that he is going to lose his Delusion, money, counting he is Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing, is Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, poor, he is Delusion, ruined, he is Delusion, starve, family will Delusion, thieves, sees Delusion, want, had come to Delusion, want, will come to Delusion, wealth, imaginations of Desires more than she needs Fear, poverty of Greed, cupidity Selfishness Explanation: A person loves his money so much that he would not like to part with it even for the basic needs. For e.g., he would rather wear a torn, old, thread bare shirt instead of buying a warm coat or sweater even in the severest of winter. Occasionally this may be due to undue anxiety for his future. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Lyc., Phos-ac., Puls., Sep., Sil.

Misfortune Z, P, Ss. Cross Reference: Delusion, fortune, that he is going to lose his Delusion misfortune, unconsolable over Delusion, money, counting, he is

Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing, is Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, poor, he is Delusion, starve, family will Delusion, thieves, sees Delusion, unfortunate feels Delusion, want, had come to Delusion, want, will come to Delusion, wealth, imagination of Fear, misfortune, of Inconsolable, over fancied misfortune Laughter, misfortune, at Pities himself Sadness, misfortune, as if from Unfortunate feels Explanation: See Fear of future Disease Condition: See Fear of future Important Drugs: See Fear of future

Misgiving Z Cross Reference: Anxiety Apprehensions Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder

Mistakes, makes Z, K, Ss, Syn, P, BB

Meaning: An error or fault, to conceive wrongly. A blunder, an oversight Cross Reference: Absent minded Confusion of mind Confounding, objects and ideas Concentration, difficult Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Forgetfulness Forgotten, something, feels constantly as if he had Memory, weakness of Recognise, does not, his relatives Thoughts, wandering Unobserving Explanation: Due to the preoccupation of the mind some people tend to err or make blunders whilst doing their routine work like calculating, whilst speaking with reference to time etc. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Am-c., Calc-p., Cann-s., Cham., Chin., Dulc., Kali-br., Kali-p., Lac-c., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Sumb., Thuja.

Mistrustful Z, BB Meaning: Arousing or apt to arouse doubts Exhibiting suspicion. Cross Reference: Cautious

Delusion, assaulted, is going to be Delusion; enemy, everyone is an Delusions, persecuted, that he is Delusions, conspiracy against him, there is Doubtful Schizophrenia Suspicious Explanation: Distrustful individuals are always suspecting a wrong being done to them, without sufficient evidence or proof. A wife may doubt and be jealous of her husband talking to any other female. A rich businessman may refuse to take medicines with a fear that his partner or relatives are plotting against him and might try to poison him. Disease Condition: Paranoid disorders Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid personality disorder

Misunderstood feels Z Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Ign, Lap-c-b.

Moaning, groaning K, P, Ss, Syn, Z, BB Meaning: To give expression of sorrow or pain in prolonged audible sound Cross Reference: Bemoaning Complaining Delirium, moaning Discontented Discouraged, moaning

Groaning, constant Lamenting Respiration, moaning Sighing Explanation: Certain people have a habit of constantly complaining to others even though their suffering is minimal or of no great consequence. Disease Condition: Depression Adjustment disorder Hypochondriasis Important Drugs: Acon., Bell., Cann-i., Calc-p., Kali-c., Tub., Zinc.

Mobility sensation of Z, P. Cross Reference: See Lightness Delusion, air, hovering in, like a spirit Delusion, body, body parts, lighter than air Delusion, floating in air Delusion, flying, he or she is Delusion, suspended in air Vertigo, floating as if Explanation: See Lightness Disease Condition: See Lightness Important Drugs: Cham., Croc., Stram.

Mocking / mockery . P, Z, K, Ss, Syn

Meaning: To mimic in contempt. To fool, to laugh at. Cross Reference: Contemptuous Haughty Insolent Jesting, malicious Laughing, contemptuous Laughing, mocking Ridicule, mania to Rudeness Scorn A/F Unfriendly humor Explanation: Some people have a habit of laughing at and ridiculing others which may offend or hurt or humiliate another. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Ars., Chin., Hyos., Ign., Ip., Lach., Nux-m., Nux-v., Plat., Stann., Verat.

Modesty, increased Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: Having or displaying a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities and value. Explanation: Some people have a tendency to underestimate or underplay one's own talent, abilities and values. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Sac-alb.

Money Z Cross Reference: A/F financial loss Avarice. Squanders A/F pecuniary loss Anxiety, business about Anxiety, money matter, about. Business, desire for Delusion, business, fancies, is doing Delusion, business, unfit for Delusion, fortune, that he was going to lose his Delusion, misfortune, inconsolable over fancied Delusion, money, counting, is Delusion, money, sewed up in clothing, is Delusion, money, talks of Delusion, poor, thinks he is Delusion, ruined, thinks he is Delusion, starve, family will Delusion, thieves, sees Delusion, unfortunate, that he is Delusion, want, had come to Delusion, want, will come to Delusion, wealth, imagination of Desire more than she needs

Extravagance Fear, poverty, of Gestures makes, counting money, as if Indifference, apathy, money making, to Insanity, purchases, makes useless Kleptomania, steals money Play, gambling, making money, for Selfishness Squanders Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Monomania . Z, Synth, K, P, BB, Syn Meaning: Intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a subject or an idea Cross Reference: Ideas fixed Obstinate Thoughts persistent Washing, cleanliness mania for Explanation: Certain people have a fixed concentration for a single idea or subject which may turn in to an obsession which may be exaggerated Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Adjustment disorder Obsessive states Drug craving Important Drugs: Absin., Ign., Sil.

Mood, agreeable, . alternating/changeable, insupportable, repulsive

Ss, K, P, Z, Syn Meaning: State of mind or feeling. Cross Reference: Cheerful, mirthful, gay Exhilaration High spirited Jesting Laughing Mirth Play, playful Smiling Vivacious Alternating mood Capriciousness Generalities, contradictory and alternating states Inconstancy Mood changeable Persist in nothing Whimsical. Mood changeable Capriciousness Inconstancy Instability Irresolution Mood variable Persist in nothing

Whimsical. Mood Insupportable Irritability Morose, cross Peevish Quarrelsome Sulky Unfriendly humor Mood Repulsive Fretful Morose Peevish Sulky Repulsive mood Unattractive, things seem Unfriendly humor Unsympathetic Important Drugs: Abrot., Ant-t., Croc., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Meny., Plat., Puls., Nux-m., Sars., Sul-ac., Zing., Zinc.

Moonlight, mental symptom from P, K, Ss, Syn, Z, BB, Cross Reference: A/F moon, moonlight. Ecstasy, night, walking in moonlight Generalities, moonlight agg. Sentimental, moonlight, in ecstatic love

Explanation: Certain people are affected mentally by the moon phases to such an extent that their basic nature changes during that time for e.g. a jovial person becomes dull and morose during a full moon. Disease Condition: Manic depressive disorder Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Ant-cr., Bell., Meph., Thuja

Moral affections K, BB, Ss, Syn, P. Want of moral feeling Meaning: Lack of concern without the principles of right and wrong in relation to human action and character, want of rules or habit of conduct. Cross Reference: Corrupt, venal Cruelty, inhumanity Deceitful, sly Duty, want of, sense of Godless, want of religious feeling Heedless Indifference, religion, to his Indifference, welfare of others Liar Malicious Religious affections, feeling, want of Slander, disposition to Unfeeling Unreliable, promises, in his Unsympathetic

Explanation: Here a person cannot differentiate between right and wrong and has very low principles in life. Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Anac., Bell., Bufo., Cocc., Cocain., Kali-br., Morph., Sep., Stram., Tarent., Verat.

Morbid P, Z. Cross Reference: Thoughts morbid Explanation: See Thoughts morbid Disease Condition: See Thoughts morbid Important Drugs: See Thoughts morbid.

Morose, sulky, . cross, fretful, ill humor, peevish Ss, K, P, Z, Syn Meaning: Sour temper, gloomy, sullen Cross Reference: Cross Discontented Discouraged Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending Fretful Gloomy Mood, repulsive Peevish Sadness, mental depression Sulky Talk, indisposed to

Unfriendly humor Wearisome Explanation: This is a characteristic mood in which a person becomes gloomy, sad, discontented and sulks at that particular time. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Aur., Bry., Nux-v., Puls., Sil., Rhus-t.

Morphinism, drug addiction Syn, Ss, P, Z. Cross Reference: Generalities, medicaments, addiction Generalities, morphine addiction Generalities, narcotic desire Explanation: Some people have an addiction to habit forming drugs like morphine Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Aven., Cham., Lach., Macrin., Passi.

Mortification Ss, Syn, K, BB, P, Z. Meaning: A feeling of shame, humiliation or wounded pride Cross Reference: A/F abuse A/F embarrassment A/F indignation A/F mortification, humiliation, chagrin

A/F reproaches A/F rudeness A/F scorn, being scorned Anger Dullness, mortification after Honor, effect of wounded Humiliation, painful sense of Indignation Rage, insults, after Vexation Weeping, mortification, after Explanation: Sensitive people get hurt and offended when their pride is wounded and this manifests as a disease, for e.g. a child who is shouted at by his teacher may end up wetting his bed or may get fever. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Post traumatic stress disorder Important Drugs: Coloc., Ign., Lyc., Nat-m., Pall., Ph-ac., Staph.

Motions . K, Z, P, Ss Meaning: Act or process of changing position. Cross Reference: Extremities motion Gestures Explanation: Refer Gestures Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Gestures.

Mouth, put things into

BB, Z, Ss, Syn Disease Condition: In children: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Merc.

Mournfulness BB Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: Bell., Cyc., Nat-m., Rhus-t.

Mouth instead of hands, desire to use Z Important Drugs: Choc.

Muddled P, Ss Meaning: Jumble, to mismanage, bungle Cross Reference: Chaotic Confounding, objects and ideas Confusion of mind Senses, confused Explanation: Here a person is puzzled and confused in his behavior and work in a disorganized way Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Mental retardation Drug intoxication Acute schizophrenic breakdown. Important Drugs: Bell., Hyos., Phos., Phos-ac., Rhus-t., Stram.

Murder, desire to K, Z, Syn

Cross Reference: Anger, stabbed anyone, so that he could have Destructive Jealousy, kill, driving to Impulse, kill to Kill, desire to Rage, kill people tries to Thoughts, persistent homicidal Threatening, kill, to Violent vehement. Explanation: A person of unsound mind from extreme anger or desire for revenge, has an impulse to kill any other human. Disease Condition: Impulse control disorder Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Important Drugs: Refer Kill.

Murmuring Syn, BB, Z, Ss. Meaning: A low continually repeated sound during sleep. Cross Reference: Sleep, murmuring Mouth, speech murmuring. Disease Condition: Sleep disorder Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Raph., Sulph.

Music/music indifference to P, K, Ss, Syn, Z, BB

Cross Reference: Anxiety, church bells, from hearing Anxiety, music, from Anxiety, playing piano, when Chest, anxiety playing piano, while Excitement, music, from Fear, music, of Fear, piano, when at Irritability, music, from Restlessness, music, from Sadness, music, from Sensitive, music, from Suicidal disposition, music, from Unconsciousness, music, from Weeping, music, from Explanation: Certain people are so sensitive that any form of music increases their complaints or makes them sad, suicidal etc. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Graph., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sep.

Mute Meaning: Unspoken Cross Reference: Answer, aversion to Answer, monosyllable Answer, refuses to answer Asks for nothing Mouth, speech, wanting Quiet disposition

Reserved Spoken to, averse to being Talk indisposed to, desire to remain silent taciturn. Explanation: In certain mental derangement or after shock, a person is unable to give utterance to any articulate sound and has a total want of speech Disease Condition: Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Elective mutism Important Drugs: See Taciturn.

Mutilating his body Ss, K, Z, Syn Meaning: To cut off any part of his body. To render imperfect Cross Reference: Cut, mutilate, slit, desire to, herself Mania, tears, himself to pieces with nails Self-torture Tears himself Torments himself. Explanation: Here a person is disturbed mentally to such an extent that he may try to disfigure his body by cutting or scarring Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Van Gogh's syndrome Lesih Nehar syndrome Important Drugs: Agar., Ars., Bell., Hyos., Stram.

Muttering Ss, Syn, K, BB, P, Z

Meaning: To speak in a low indistinct tone with compressed lips. To murmur, to grumble, to give out and low rumbling noise, an obscure or imperfect utterance. Cross Reference: Bemoaning Complaining Delirium, murmuring Delirium, muttering Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied etc. Grumbling Lamenting Moaning Mouth, speech, murmuring Mouth, speech, unintelligible Mumbling Unconsciousness, murmuring, with Explanation : Some people have a tendency of mumbling under their breath because either they do not want others to know of their discontentment or anger or just from habit. Disease Condition: Delirium Dementia Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Apis, Arn., Bell., Cocc., Crot-h., Hep., Hyos., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Mur-ac., Op., Phos., Rhus-t., Stram., Verat.

Mystical Z Cross Reference: Delusion, mystery, everything around is a terrifying Important Drugs: Camph., Pyrus.

Naive Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Lacking critical ability or analytical insight. Lacking sophistication and worldliness. Cross Reference: Childish behavior Explanation: This term is used for a person who is simple, trusting and plain and always takes things at their face value. Disease Condition: Mental retardation Important Drugs: Bell., Bov., Cic., Stram.

Naked, wants to be K, Ss, Syn, Z. P. Cross Reference: Delirium, erotic Dress, dresses indecently Eccentricity dressing Fancies, lascivious Hysteria, lascivious Indifference, exposure of her person, to Lascivious, lustful Lewdness Obscene lewd. Roving about naked Shamelessness, exposes the person Explanation: Some people are either deranged mentally or just shameless. They dislike wearing clothes and want to be bare or naked. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Exhibitionism Acute alcohol intoxication

Important Drugs: Bell., Hyos., Phos., Sec., Stram., Verat.

Narrating her symptoms, agg. Ss, Z, P, Syn, K Cross Reference: Conversation agg. Thinking, ailments, complaints, of, agg. Weeping, telling of her illness, when. Important Drugs: Certain people get so emotionally upset while thinking or talking of their complaints that they either start crying or get depressed. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Puls.

Narrow minded Syn, Ss, Z, Meaning: Lacking tolerance, petty Cross Reference: Fanaticism. Religious affections, narrow minded in religious questions Explanation: Here a person has a very shallow mind and will always view things in a petty, intolerant way Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Alum., Am-c., Bar-c., Con.

Naughty Z Cross Reference: Antics plays Mischievous Explanation: See Rudeness

Disease Condition: See Rudeness Important Drugs: See Rudeness

Necromania Z Important Drugs: Agar.

Neglected feels Z, P, Ss Cross Reference: Delusions, alone, she is always Delusions, appreciated, she is not Delusions, deserted, forsaken, she is Delusions, friend, affection of, has lost the Delusions, neglected, he is Forsaken feeling Explanation: See Delusion, neglected Disease Condition: Depression Important Drugs: See Delusion - neglected

Neglects business P, Ss, Syn, K, Z. Meaning: To ignore, disregard, fail to care for or give proper attention to business Cross Reference: Business, averse to Business, neglect his Indolence Loathing, general, business his Work, aversion to, mental.

Explanation: During a certain state of mind a person does not do full justice to the work at hand and tends to be careless. This may lead to dislike and hatred for his occupation. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Op., Sulph.

Nervous BB, P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Anxiety Apprehensions Excitement, nervous Excitement, stammers when talking to strangers Frightened easily Restlessness Senses, acute Sensitive, noise, to slightest Starting, startled easily Weeping, crying, nervous, feels so, she would scream, unless she held onto something. Disease Condition: Personality trait.

New objects seem K, Z, P, Ss Cross Reference: Delusion, new everything is Explanation: Sometimes a person becomes so confused that even on seeing his old belonging he feels that they are new Disease Condition: Depersonalization neurosis Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drugs: Hell.

News, he had received joyful, he feels as if Ss, Z, Syn, Important Drugs: Lyss.

Nibble, desire to Syn, Ss, Z, P Meaning: To bite at gently and repeatedly Cross Reference: Stomach appetite nibbling Explanation: This is a habit wherein a person takes small quick bites or small morsels or small hesitant quantities at a time. Disease Condition: Obesity Important Drugs: Bar-c., Mag-m., Nat-c.

Nipping, at everyone Z Important Drugs: Hyos.

No, cannot say Z, Ss Cross Reference: Irresolution Mildness Yielding Important Drugs: Ambr., Murx., Ozone, Staph.

Noise, . aversion to K, Z, Syn Cross Reference: Sensitive, oversensitive, noise, to Starting, startled easily Explanation: See Sensitive

Disease Condition: Depression Phobic disorder Important Drugs: See Sensitive.

Noise, incline to make a Z, Syn, Ss Explanation: Sometimes an individual likes to make a lot of noise, either to attract attention or to disturb others out of envy, rage, loneliness or just boredom. Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Merc., Op., Verat.

Nose bleed amel., mental symptoms BB, Syn, Ss Important Drugs: Bor.

Nose, grasps others Z, BB, Ss, Cross Reference: Gestures, grasping or reaching at something, bystanders at noses. Pull, desire to, noses of strangers, in the street Explanation: See Gestures Disease Condition: Conduct disorder children.

Nostalgia Syn, P, Z Cross Reference: Homesickness Explanation: See Homesickness

Important Drugs: See Homesickness

Notices, nothing Z Cross Reference: Absorbed in thoughts Explanation: See Absorbed in thoughts Disease Condition: See Absorbed in thoughts Important Drugs: Absorbed in thoughts

Nymphomania K, Syn, Ss, BB, P, Z Meaning: Inordinate sexual desire in woman. Cross Reference: Adulterous Ailments from sexual excesses Amorous Company aversion to, solitude fond of, masturbation, to practice Delirium, erotic Fancies, lascivious Genitalia female, desire, increased Genitalia female, masturbation, disposition to Genitalia female, desire, violent, masturbation driving her to Hysteria, lascivious Ideas lascivious Insanity, erotic Lascivious, lustful Lasciviousness Lewdness

Libertinism Masturbation, sadness, masturbation, from Naked, wants to be Pleasure, voluptuous Sexual behavior Shameless, expose the person Thoughts, intrude sexual Thoughts, sexual Thoughts, tormenting, sexual Explanation: There is an increased desire for sexual intercourse in a female. This may be seen during certain period of time; e.g. before, during or after menses, before, during or after delivery etc. Disease Condition: Nymphomania Schizophrenia

Obedient, very Z Cross Reference: Yielding disposition Explanation: There are certain individuals who readily give in to what others say. They bow down or give way to pressure or persuasion. Most often they comply and agree to the demand made of them even if they want to do otherwise. Important Drugs: See Yielding.

Objective, reasonable Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Uninfluenced by emotion, surmise or personal opinion. Cross Reference: Reason, attempting to Explanation: These type of people are very realistic and down to earth. They have a clear perspective.

Important Drugs: Alum., Bell., Hep., Lach., Merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Plan., Sil.

Obscene K, Syn, Ss, P, Z. Meaning: Offensive to accepted standard of decency. Inciting, lustful feeling, lewd. Cross Reference: Lewdness Delirium, erotic Delusions, obscene Fancies, ideas, lascivious Hysteria, lascivious Indifference, exposing herself, to Lascivious, lustful Lasciviousness Libertinism Lustful Naked, wants to be Shamelessness, exposes the person Singing, obscene. Explanation: A person who is impure in language or action, e.g. a lady who is immodest in her style of dress and behavior Disease Condition: Exhibitionism Schizophrenia Histrionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Camph., Canth., Caust., Cub., Hyos., Lach., Phos., Pic-ac., Plat.

Obsessive behavior

Ss, Z Cross Reference: Anxiety Cleanliness, excessive Delusions Dwells, on past disagreeable occurrences Fanaticism Fears Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind, same idea repeated Ideas, fixed Monomania Phobias Thoughts, persistent Thought, repetition of Washing, always, her hands Washing, cleanliness, mania for Explanation: See Compulsive disorders Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive neurosis Compulsive personality disorder

Obstinate, headstrong K, Syn, Ss, BB, P, Z Meaning: Firmly adhering to an opinion or purpose. Inflexible, unyielding. Cross Reference: Contrary Contradict, disposition to Defiant

Disobedience Fanaticism Headstrong Pertinacity Positiveness Quarrelsome Shrieking, obstinate Stubborn Sulky Explanation: Here a person is very firm in his thinking and will never change his opinion or view point even if it harms him or does him ill, he will never listen or follow another advice. Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Acon., Anac., Arg-m., Arg-n., Bell., Calc., Cham., Nux-v., Tarent.

Occupation, diversion amel. K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Activity, desire for Amusement, desire for Anxiety, motion, amel. Busy Business, desire for Ennui, entertainment, amel Excitement, amel Generalities, activity, desire, for Industrious, mania for work

Play, desire for Restlessness, busy Thinking, complaints, amel Work, desire for Work, mania to Explanation: Here a person feels better whenever he is busy; e.g. a patient suffering from pain will feel much better if he has some work to do or any other physical activity that will take his mind off his complaint. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Psychogenic pain disorder Important Drugs: Camph., Con., Croc., Cupr., Ferr., Hell., Helon., Ign., Iod., Kali-br., Lil-t., Mer-i-f., Mez., Nat-c., Nux-v., Pip-m.

Occupied, with the objects immediately around him. Ss, Syn, Z Explanation: This is seen when a person is always busy with the things lying close to him in his surroundings. Important Drugs: Carbn-s.

Offended easily K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Displeased, affronted, to annoy to cause dislike or anger. Cross Reference: Admonition agg. Ailments from, admonition Ailments from, indignation Ailments from, mortification Ailments from, reproaches Delusions, accused, she is Delusions, criticized, she is

Delusions, despised, he is Delusions, laughed at, mocked being Delusions, insulted, he is Delusions, looked down upon, that she is Delusions, watched, she is being Discontented, everything with Hatred, bitter feelings for slight offenses, has Hatred, persons who had offended him, at Indignation Irritability, takes everything in bad part Kill, offense, sudden impulse to kill, for a slight Reproach, ailments after Sensitive rudeness, to Sensitive, oversensitive Sensitive, oversensitive external impressions to all Sensitive ailments, to the most trifling Sulky Vexation Wrong, everything seems Explanation: A sensitive person feels insulted very fast and takes even the most harmless remark to heart - thinking about it all the time. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Calc., Carc., Caust., Iod., Lyc., Nux-v., Staph., Tub.

Open hearted, too

Z, BB Cross Reference: Benevolence Extroverted Generous, too much Explanation: See Extroverted Disease Condition: See Extroverted Important Drugs: See Extroverted

Opinionated Z Cross Reference: Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic Obstinate, headstrong Prejudices, traditional Contradiction is intolerant of Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Opinion, expects others to pay respect to her Syn. Ss, Z Cross Reference: Respect, thinks he earns Egotism Haughty Explanation: This type of person is very dominating and will not tolerate any contradiction. They want everyone to do as they say; no matter what the other person's views are. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ham.

Opposition, to wishes of others

Z Cross Reference: Contradiction, disposition to Contrary Obstinate, queerest objection against whatever was proposed, he had the Explanation: This is usually seen in a person who has the tendency to contradict to what is said Disease Condition: Passive aggressive disorder Antisocial Personality disorder behavioral disorder in children

Optimism Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: One who habitually or in a particular case expects a favorable outcome. Cross Reference: Hopeful Explanation: Here a person always takes a hopeful view of a matter, no matter how grim things seem Disease Condition: Hypomania Mania Important Drugs: Calc., Sulph.

Orderly, manner, cannot perform anything in Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Chaotic, confused behavior Explanation: This person is so careless that any work done by him has to be rechecked since he is disorderly and haphazard in doing everything. Disease Condition: Hebephrenic schizophrenia Mania

Important Drugs: Lach.

Overactive Ss, Syn, BB, Z Cross Reference: Activity, hyperactive Hyperactive child Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind Restless, children Explanation: Certain individuals are so restless that they always want to be busy and occupied, never to be seen at rest for a minute Disease Condition: Hypomania Mania Important Drugs: Hyos., Op., Spig., Spong., Verat., Verb.

Oversensitive K. Ss, Z Meaning: Refer Sensitive Cross Reference: Sensitive Disease Condition: Personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Refer Sensitive

Pain, intolerant BB, Z Cross Reference: Besides oneself, being, pain, by little Delirium, pain, from Despair, pain, from

Discouraged, pain, from Fear, pain, from Impatience, pain, from Insanity, pain, from, intolerable Irritability, pain, from Lamenting, pain, about Loathing, general, pain, during Moaning, pain, from Morose, pain, from Quarrelsome, pain, from Rage, pain, from Restlessness, pain, from Sadness, pain, from Sensitive, pain, oversensitive, to Shrieking, pain, from Suicidal disposition, pain, from Unconsciousness, pain, from Violence, pain, from Weary of life, pain, from Weeping, pain, with Explanation: This patient is very sensitive to mild amount of pain. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Depression Panic disorder

Painting, inapt for

Z Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: Sil.

Panic, attacks of Ss, Z Cross Reference: Anxiety Fear, panic attacks Frightened, easily Restlessness Explanation: See Fear, panic attack Disease Condition: Panic disorder Important Drugs: See Fear, panic attacks

Paranoia Ss, BB, Z Meaning: A non-degenerated, limited, usually chronic psychosis marked by delusion of persecution or grandeur, strenuously defended by the patient with apparent logic and reason. Cross Reference: Anxiety, pursued as if Delusion, arrested, is about to be Delusion, criticized, that she is Delusion, enemy, everyone is an Delusion, injury, injured is being Delusion, insulted, he or she is Delusion, murdered, he will be Delusion, superhuman, control, is under

Delusions Ideas, fixed Suspicious Thoughts, persistent Explanation: Here a person has a delusion and feels that he is a king living in a palace with a crown on his head though in reality he may be a pauper or a person is always in fear of being killed or poisoned. Disease Condition: Paranoid disorders Paranoid personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Hyos., Nux-v.

Partial, prejudiced Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Favoring one person or side over another. Biased. Having a particular liking for someone or something. Cross Reference: Prejudices, traditional Explanation: In a school for e.g., a teacher may be inclined to favour one particular student more than the other, irrespective of principle or justice because of special fondness towards that student Disease Condition: Personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drugs: Ars., Lach.

Passionate Ss, Syn, BB, Z Meaning: Having or capable of intense feeling Cross Reference: Ardent Enthusiasm

Sympathetic, compassionate Vehement Explanation: Violent excitation and agitation of mind in anger, love or in fulfillment of desire. Disease Condition: Satyriasis Paraphilias Important Drugs: Kali-i., Nat-c., Nux-v.

Pathetic Synth, Ss, Z Meaning: Arousing pity or tenderness Cross Reference: Sympathy Explanation: It is a manner in which a person gets sympathy from others Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Stram.

Patience BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Can endure or suffer calmly Cross Reference: Calmness Quiet disposition Silent Tranquility Explanation: This quality is seen in a person who has the power to bear anything calmly and coolly and cannot be easily provoked. Important Drugs: Mag-m., Phos.

Peace, sensation of heavenly peace. Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Serenity, contentment. Cross Reference: Delusions, heaven, is in Heavenly, sensation Explanation: Here a person feels in perfect harmony with his surroundings. He has a sense of extreme calm. Disease Condition: Drug induced state Important Drugs: Arg-m.

Pedant BB, P, Z Meaning: One unduly concerned with book learning and formal rules without understanding or experience of practical affairs. Cross Reference: Conscientious, trifles, about. Fastidious

Peevish Meaning: Ill-tempered Cross Reference: Irritability Fretful. Explanation: It is the character of the person to get cross at trifles; he is a person who is very hard to please. Disease Condition: Conduct disorders Personality disorders Schizophrenia Depressive disorder

Drug withdrawal states Important Drugs: Acon., Alum., Aur., Calc-c., Cham., Ign., Ip., Kali-c., Petr., Phos., Plat., Puls., Sars., Staph., Sulph.

Pensive BB Meaning: Deep in thought - suggesting or expressing deep often melancholy thoughts. Cross Reference: Brooding Introspection Thoughts buried in Explanation: It is a depressive state of mind where the person remains lost in sad thoughts Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Con., Ign., Laur., Petr.

Perception Ss, P, Z Meaning: The act, process or faculty of perceiving. The effect or product of perceiving Insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving Cross Reference: Comprehension Slowness Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Perfectionistic Ss, Z Meaning: A predilection for setting extremely high standard and being displeased with anything less. Cross Reference: Conscientious about trifles.

Anger, mistakes, over his Anxiety, conscience, of Censorious, critical Delusions, neglected his duty, has Delusions, reproach, has neglected his duty and deserves. Delusions, right, does nothing Delusions, wrong, he has done Discontented, himself, with Fastidious Reproaches, himself Reproaches, others Rest, cannot, when things are not in proper place Sensitive, oversensitive Trifles seem important. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Compulsive disorder Personality disorder Panic

Perplexity BB, Z Meaning: The state of being puzzled. The condition of being complicated or intricate Cross Reference: Confusion of mind Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Psychosis

Important Drugs: Ign.

Persecuted, feels BB Meaning: Feels as if being harassed or oppressed with ill-treatment Cross Reference: Delusion, enemy, surrounded by Delusions, persecuted he is Delusion, pursued by enemies Insanity, persecution mania Explanation: The person feels as if he is being singled out for all the ill treatment by everyone around him. Disease Condition: Paranoid disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid personality disorder Important Drugs: Anac., Kali-bi.

Perseverance Ss, Syn, BB, Z Meaning: Steadfast adherence to a course of action, belief or purpose Cross Reference: Obstinate, headstrong Contradict, disposition to Courageous Industrious, mania for work Pertinacity Positiveness Explanation: If the person has a purpose then he will try to fulfill it under any condition whatever may be the consequences

Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Bry., Caps., Dig., Dios., Lyc., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phos., Sulph.

Persistency Z Meaning: The act of persisting. The continuance of an effect after the cause is removed. Cross Reference: Pertinacity. Explanation: See Pertinacity Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Compulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: See Pertinacity

Persists in nothing P, K, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Capricious Delusions, fail, everything will Delusions, succeed, he cannot Inconstancy Mood, changeable Succeeds, never Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing Explanation: This is seen when a person takes on to do many things but cannot do justice to all of them. They are fickle minded and always wavering and unsteady. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Lac-c., Lach., Plan.

Persuation, gentle agg.

Z Meaning: The act of persuading or state of being persuaded Persuade - To cause someone to do something by means of entreaty, argument or reasoning or inducement Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: Hell.

Pertinacity K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Holding firmly or tenaciously to a purpose, belief or opinion. Cross Reference: Contradict, disposition to Courageous Defiant Disobedience Obstinate Persistency Positiveness Quarrelsome Tenacious Explanation: A person who has certain fixed ideas and hold firmly to them even if others do not agree to them. Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Caps., Dros., Stram.

Perversion, moral Z Meaning: The state of being perverted to cause to turn from what is considered morally right.

Cross Reference: Moral affections, want of moral feeling Duty, no sense of duty Godless Religious feeling, want of Explanation: Moral affection, want of moral feeling. Disease Condition: Psychopathic personality disorder Psychosis Sexual perversion. Important Drugs: See Moral affection, want of moral feeling.

Perversity Meaning: The quality or state of being perverse Perverse: diverting from what is right or good. Dispose to contradict and oppose. Cross Reference: Love, perversity Explanation: See Love perversity Important Drugs: See Love perversity.

Pertness Ss, Z Meaning: Impudent High spirited. Cross Reference: Impertinence Explanation: See Impertinence Disease Condition: See Impertinence Important Drugs: See Impertinence

Pessimist Ss, Syn, Z

Meaning: A tendency to take the least hopeful view of a situation Cross Reference: Brooding Complaining Delusions, fail, everything will Delusions, succeed, he cannot, does everything wrong Delusions, wrong, thinks he has done. Despair Discontented, everything, with Discouraged Doubtful, recovery, of Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Helplessness Confidence, want of self Lamenting Loathing, life, at Morose Succeeds never Suicidal disposition Undertakes, lacks, will power to undertake anything Wrong, everything seems Weary of life. Explanation: A person who is of the opinion that everything that is existing is for the worst Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Nux-v., Psor.

Petulant K, Z, Ss Meaning: Irritable, ill-humor Cross Reference: Discontented Irritability Morose Offended, easily Sulky Unfriendly, humor Explanation: Certain people are peevish and irritable for no apparent reason and behave in a cross way with everyone. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: See Irritability

Philosophy, ability for Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual investigation and moral self-discipline Cross Reference: Fanaticism, philosophical. Piety Praying, piety Explanation: This term is used for one who is profoundly involved in any science and who acts calmly and wisely in search of knowledge and for reasoning out things properly. Important Drugs: Anac., Hep., Lach., Nit-ac., Sulph.

Phlegmatic K, BB, Z, Ss

Meaning: See Indifference Cross Reference: Indifference Indolence, aversion to work Temperament, phlegmatic Slowness Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Refer Indifference.

Picking K, Z, Ss Meaning: Act of plucking Cross Reference: Gestures, grasping or reaching at something carphologia Explanation: Here a person has a habit of making a gesture as if plucking or picking on anything. For e.g. clothes, lips, strings etc. Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drugs: See Gestures.

Piety, nocturnal K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Constant sense of dependence on the supreme. Being attended with love and reverence of him and a disposition to know and obey his will at night. Cross Reference: Praying, night Religious, affections Explanation: Here a person is thinking of God with reverence and respect at night only. Disease Condition: Acute stress reaction Important Drugs: Stram.

Pities, herself K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Compassion for herself. Cross Reference: Weeping, children in, pities herself Weeping, pities himself Explanation: A lady who feels that life has not treated her very well and she has never got what she deserves thus always feeling sorry for herself Disease Condition: Depressive disorder. Hysterionic personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Staph.

Placidity, Ss, P, Z Meaning: See Indifference Cross Reference: Indifference Tranquility Explanation: See Indifference Disease Condition: Personality trait Important Drugs: See Indifference.

Plans making many K, Synthe, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Air castles Concentration active Exertion, mental, desire for Fancies, exaltation of Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind

Industrious Theorizing Explanation: There are certain individual who have a habit of wanting to do many things which is not always practical or possible. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Hypomania Important Drugs: Chin., Chin-s., Coff., Sulph.

Play, aversion to play with children K, Syn, Ss, Z Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Phobic disorder Important Drugs: Bar-c., Cina, Hep., Lyc., Rheum., Sulph.

Play desire to K, Ss, Syn, Z Cross Reference: Jesting Gestures, plays Important Drugs: Con., Tarent.

Playful Syn, BB, Ss, K, Z. Meaning: Full of good spirits and fun Cross Reference: Jesting Cheerful Vivacious

Explanation: This is an occupation or exercise of any kind other than work to afford pleasure or diversion. Disease Condition: Hypomania Important Drugs: Aloe., Cimic., Cocc., Croc., Elaps., Ign., Lach., Merc., Naja., Ox-ac., Tarent.

Pleasure Ss, Syn, K, Z Meaning: An enjoyable sensation or emotion; delight. A source of enjoyment, gratification. Cross Reference: Amusement, desire for Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, mirth Exhilaration High spirited Jesting Laughing Smiling Vivaciousness Explanation: This is an agreeable sensation or emotion giving gratification or enjoyment to the mind or senses. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: Aether., Agn., Cann-i., Carb-ac., Cod., Mate., Til.

Pointing, to things to express wishes Z Disease Condition: Mental retardation Delayed speech development Elective, mutism

Important Drugs: Stram.

Political Ss, Z Meaning: Of, relating to, or dealing with the study, structure, or affairs of government politics or the state. Cross Reference: Eccentricity, political. Important Drugs: Choc., Sulph.

Pompous, important Z, Synth Meaning: Marked by an exaggerated show of dignity or self importance. Cross Reference: Importance, feels, his, pompous Arrogance Contemptuous Haughty Explanation: These are the individuals who have an air of superiority and when they deal with others, consider them low and inferior to himself. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: Lyc., Plat., Verat.

Positiveness K, Syn, Ss, BB, Z Meaning: Determined/settled in opinion or assertion Cross Reference: Audacity Contrary

Contradict, disposition to Courageous Disobedience Dogmatic Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity Explanation: A person who is so confident that he will always act on his decision and will never accept another's opinion and feels that only his judgment will lead to success. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drugs: Ars., Camph., Caust., Ferr., Lach., Merc., Nux-v., Sep.

Possessive Z Meaning: Having or displaying a desire to control or dominate. Cross Reference: Selfishness Jealousy Explanation: See Selfishness Disease Condition: Personality trait. Important Drugs: See Selfishness.

Postponing, everything to next day Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Fear, failure of Fear, undertaking anything Indolence, postpones the work Procrastinate

Explanation: Here a person has a habit of delaying or putting off work for tomorrow that has to be done today. This is seen in a lazy person. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depressive disorder. Important Drugs: Apis, Med., Nux-v., Plat., Sil.

Power, love of K, Ss, Z Meaning: See Dictatorial Cross Reference: Avarice Contemptuous Contradiction, intolerance, of Delusions, better than others Delusions, creative power, has Delusions, diminished, everything in room is, while she is tall and elevated. Delusions, distinguished, is Delusions, great person, is a Explanation: See Dictatorial Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: Lyc.

Praise, amel. Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Flattery desire Lamenting, appreciated because he is not Longing for, good opinion of others

Explanation: Person wishes to have good things told about him Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drugs: See Flattery desire

Praying K, BB, Z, P, Ss, Syn Meaning: An earnest and solemn address to God for the favour of blessing asked for earnest entreaty. Cross Reference: Delirium tremens, mania-a-potu, praying with Insanity, religious Kneeling and praying Piety, nocturnal Religious affection. Explanation: Certain people have an increased desire to pray and are very religious minded Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Schizophrenia Adjustment disorder with disturbance in conduct Important Drugs: Alum., Ars., Aur., Bell., Puls., Sep., Stram., Verat.

Precision of mind increased Z Meaning: The quality or state of being precise Cross Reference: Intellectual Objective Important Drugs: Ferr-p.

Precocity K, Ss, Syn, P, Z Meaning: Premature development, ripe in understanding before the usual or proper time.

Explanation: A young child not as yet having approached his teens who tends to behave like an adult often astounding people around him by his maturity. Important Drugs: Calc., Merc.

Pregnancy, mental symptoms during Syn, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: A/F pregnancy in Explanation: Certain females have peculiar mental symptoms during pregnancy. For e.g. depression or sadness etc. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Psychosis Important Drugs: Bell., Puls.

Prejudices, traditional Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: A previous inclination of mind formed without regard to evidence. To bias or prepossess the mind Explanation: There are many customs which are followed even today due to previous inclination of mind even though they may not be practical in this day and age. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Calc., Carb-v., Lach., Lyc., Plat., Verat.

Premonitions Ss, BB, Z, P. Meaning: Forewarning A presentiment of the future Cross Reference: Abdomen, apprehension, in, sensation of Anticipation

Chest apprehension Clairvoyance Death, presentiment of Fear, happen something will Presentiment, foreboding Sleep, dreams, clairvoyant Sleep, dreams, events, future, of Sleep, dreams, prophetic Sleep, dreams, visionary Stomach, apprehension in Explanation: See Presentiment Disease Condition: Personality trait

Preoccupied K, Z Meaning: See Absent minded Cross Reference: See Absent minded Explanation: See Absent minded Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: See Absent minded

Presentiment Ss, BB, Z Meaning: Previous apprehension of something about to happen generally of something unpleasant or distressing a foreboding Cross Reference: Anticipation

Clairvoyance Death, presentiment of Fear, happen, something will Foreboding Premonition Sleep, dreams, clairvoyant Sleep, dreams, events, future of Sleep, dreams, events, prophetic Sleep, dreams, visionary Explanation: Very often one gets the feeling that something unpleasant or bad is going to occur even before it actually happens. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Calc-c., Caust., Gels., Lyc., Psor., Stram.

Presumptuous K, Ss, Syn, z Meaning: Bold and confident to excess, rashly confident. Cross Reference: Audacity Contemptuous Contradict, disposition to Contrary Defiant Haughty Impertinence Insolent Meddlesome, importunate Rudeness

Explanation: Some people are so arrogant and overconfident that they may rashly undertake to do things often only on the ground of strong probability with no thought of the outcome. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Personality disorder Important Drugs: Arn., Calc., Lyc., Plat., Staph.

Pride K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Possessing an unreasonable opinion of one's own excellence. Cross Reference: Haughty A/F scorn, being scorned Arrogance Contemptuous Delusion, great, person is a Delusion, appreciated, thinks, she is not Delusion, better than other, he is Delusion, body greatness of, as to Delusion, creative power has Delusion, diminished, everything in room is, while she is tall and elevated Delusion, distinguished is Delusion humility and lowness of others while he is great. Delusion, prince is Delusion, proud Delusion, queen she is Delusion, insulted, think she is Delusion, knowledge, thought he possessed infinite

Delusion, superhuman, he is Delusion, superiority, of Delusion, tall he is Egotism, self esteem Exclusive, too Flattery, desires Haughty Honor, effect of wounded Indignation Mortification Reproaches others Reproaches A/F Reserved Weeping, mortification from Explanation: It is an exaggerated state of one's self image where he considers people around him inferior and at time insults and even humiliates them. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorder Alcoholism Important Drugs: Refer Haughty, Mortification

Procrastinate Ss, Z Meaning: To delay, to put off doing something until is later date. Cross Reference: Postponing. Explanation: See Postponing

Disease Condition: Personality trait Passive aggressive disorder Important Drugs: See Postponing

Profanity Ss, BB, P, Z Meaning: Disrespect towards sacred or religious things Cross Reference: Cursing, swearing Blasphemy Explanation: Certain individuals are impious, ungodly and show no respect for anything holy or sacred. They tend to swear and curse at religious or Godly things. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Adjustment disorder Conduct disorder Disturbance of conduct Important Drugs: Anac., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Ver-a.

Projects, full of BB, Z Meaning: Full of plan or proposals. Cross Reference: Ideas abundant, clearness of mind Explanation: See Ideas abundant Disease Condition: See Ideas abundant Important Drugs: See Ideas abundant


K, Ss, Syn, BB, Z Meaning: The act of foretelling future events Cross Reference: Clairvoyance Death, predicts the time Death, presentiment of Sleep, dreams, clairvoyant Sleep, dreams, prophetic Sleep, dreams, visionary Explanation: Some gifted person have an ability to see into the future and predict the events to come. They can tell of the impending occurrences either good or bad. This is seen when patients have a foreboding and will say that they are going to die, so he makes preparation for the same. Disease Condition: Parapsychology phenomenon Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Acon., Agar., Anh., Camph., Con., Nux-v., Stram.

Proposes, absurd things Z Meaning: Ludicrous Explanation: See Ludicrous Disease Condition: Mental subnormality. Psychosis Important Drugs: Camph.

Protected, feels. Z Meaning: To keep from harm, attack or injury Important Drugs: Ozone.

Protection, constantly wants, mothers.

Z Disease Condition: Symbiotic psychosis Important Drugs: Sil.

Prostration, of mind, mental exhaustion, brainfag. K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Mental exhaustion or despair. Cross Reference: Brain exhaustion Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and comprehending, torpor Exertion, mental agg. Mental effort, viability to sustain Senses, dullness of Slowness Stupefaction Thinking, aversion to Torpor Unconsciousness. Explanation: Here least mental work causes weakness, fatigue and tiredness Disease Condition: Pernicious catatonic disorder Manic stupor Organic mental disorder Delirium dementia Important Drugs: Arg-m., Aur., Bell, Cupr., Ferr-pic., Hyos., Lach., Nat-c., Nit-ac., Phos., Sep., Sil., Sulph., Verat., Zinc-p.

Proud, Ss, BB, Z, P

Meaning: Feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an attribute or act by which one's status or sense of self is measured. Cross Reference: Haughty Explanation: See Haughty Disease Condition: See Haughty Important Drugs: See Haughty

Puberty, mental complaints in Syn, Ss, BB, P, Z Cross Reference: A/F puberty Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Ant-c., Hell., Manc., Nat-m.

Puerperium agg. BB, Z Cross Reference: A/F parturition after puerperal Disease Condition: Post partum disorder

Pull, desire to Cross Reference: Jealousy, tearing the hair, tears her hair Explanation: In certain diseased condition or may be during concentration due to habit a person may be seen pulling his own hair. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Bell., Lil-t.

Punctuality, always on time. Z Meaning: Arriving or reacting exactly at the designated time. Accomplished at appointed time.

Disease Condition: Compulsive disorder Personality trait Anxiety disorder Important Drugs: Arg-n., Aur-ar., Kali-n.

Punishment, agg. mental symptoms Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Retribution or disciplinary suffering or penalty may increase mental symptoms. Cross Reference: A/F punishment A/F reproaches Explanation: This is seen when any mental complaint increases after any sort of reproach or reprimand Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Important Drugs: Ign.

Puns, tendency to make. Z Meaning: See Jesting Cross Reference: Jesting Explanation: See Jesting Disease Condition: See Jesting Important Drugs: Jesting

Push flings, impelled to

Z Disease Condition: Impulsive disorder Compulsive disorder Important Drugs: Coff., Coff-f., Lyc.

Pusillanimous Z Meaning: Lacking courage Cross Reference: Cowardice Fear Frightened Timidity Explanation: See Cowardice Disease Condition: See Cowardice Important Drugs: See Cowardice

Quaking Z, Ss Meaning: The sound uttered by ducks Disease Condition: Schizophrenia. Mania Important Drugs: Vesp.

Quarrelsomeness K, P, Syn, Ss, BB, Z Meaning: Disposed to fight pettily Disagree Cross Reference: Abusive

A/F Quarrels Anger, irascibility Censorious, critical Contrary Contradict, disposition to Cursing, swearing Defiant Delirium, scolding Fight, wants to Harshness Insolence Irascibility Irritability Litigious Reproaches others Rudeness Scolding Explanation: Certain individual have a tendency to disagree and dispute for the smallest things and also are in the habit of finding fault in any and everything. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Personality disorder Important Drugs: Coff., Lach.

Questions, speaks continually in K. Syn, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Delirium, repeats the same sentence

Inquisitive Disease Condition: Delirious state Mania Schizophrenia Drug abuse Important Drugs: Ambr., Aur.

Quick to act. K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Prompt, swift Intelligent Action Cross Reference: Abrupt Answer, abrupt Answer, hastily Hurry, haste Impatience Impetuous Impulsive Mouth, speech, abrupt Mouth, speech, hasty Rashness Speech hasty Thought, rapid quick Time passes too slowly, appear longer Explanation: A person has quick reflexes and reacts very fast since his mind is active and has quick thinking.

Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drugs: Coff., Lach.

Quiet disposition K. Syn, Ss, BB, Z Meaning: Calm, silent, undisturbed temperament Cross Reference: Answer, aversion to Asks for nothing Contented, quiet Mildness Reserved Secretive Spoken to, averse to being Talk, indisposed to Timidity Tranquility, serenity calmness Explanation: A state of mental calmness where the person does not lose his temper easily even when provoked by members around Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Alum., Bell., Cic., Gels., Hell., Hyos., Caust., Ign., Lach., Plb., Ph-ac.

Quieted, cannot K, Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Loquacity

Muttering Talks, listen, does not care whether anyone Explanation: In certain conditions a person can be so agitated or restless that it is impossible to keep him quiets calm or at rest. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Adjustment disorder Post traumatic disorder Important Drugs: Cina.

Quietude, stillness, sensation of, when she sits still Z Cross Reference: Comfort, sensation of Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Important Drugs: a day., Dat-a., Scut.

Rage K, Syn, Ss, BB, P, Z Meaning: Anger excited to fury, expressed in wild excited words and gestures. To be furious with anger Cross Reference: Anger, irascibility violent Break things, desire to Cursing, swearing, rage, in Delirium, raging, raving Destructiveness Discouraged, rage with Face-discolouration, bluish maniacal rage

Face-discolouration, pale, with, rage Face-discolouration, Red, maniacal rage with Face-expression, fierce Frenzy Gestures makes, furious Imbecility rage, stamps the feet. Insanity, madness Jealousy, rage, with Laughing, rage, with Mania, rage, with Mania, wild Quarrelsome, scolding Restlessness, rage ending in a Tears things Violent, vehement Violence, vehement, deeds of violence, rage, leading to Wildness Explanation: An altered state of mind where the person has no control over his anger and behaves in a violent manner. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Drug withdrawal stress Personality disorder Important Drugs: Agar., Bell., Canth., Hyos., Lac-c., Lyc., Mosch., Stram., Verat.


K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Quality of acting hastily and incautiously Cross Reference: Abrupt Careless Heedless, careless Hurry, haste Impatience Impetuous Impulse, morbid rash Impulsive Indiscretion Mouth, speech abrupt Mouth speech hasty Quick to act Reckless Thoughts, rapid, quick Explanation: Seen in people who have a very casual approach towards life. They tend to make nothing seriously and are not worried about the consequences. These are the people who act on their instincts. Disease Condition: Hypomania Mania Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Aur., Caps., Meny., Puls.

Reading, mental symptoms, agg. from Syn, Ss, P, BB, Z Cross Reference: Absent minded, unobserving, reading while

Anxiety, reading, while. Dullness, reading, while Excitement, reading, while Irritability, reading, while Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion brain fag, reading, from Restlessness, reading, while Sensitive, oversensitive, reading, to Sleep, sleepiness, reading while. Explanation: In some cases the physician may find that the patient's mental complaints increase while reading Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Calc., Ang., Asaf., Carb-ac., Cocc., Colch., Fl-ac., Mag-m., Med., Nat-sul., Olnd., Ph-ac., Stann., Tarax.

Reality, flight from Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Reality. Existent thing, real nature of things Explanation: When faced with facts or difficult situation which are unpleasant, a person tries his best to avoid or escape them and may live in his imaginary world where everything is calm and smooth but unreal. Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Drug abuse Important Drugs: Anh.

Rebels, against politics Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Resists authority or control which is judicious

Explanation: This patient is oversensitive to external application and protest if advised or to obey others Important Drugs: Calc., Cham., Lyc., Sulph.

Reason, increased power of Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Increased intellectual faculty by which things are judged or good thinking power Explanation: A person who has to have a logical explanation for every little incidence in life. Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Important Drugs: Coff-t.

Recognise, anything does not Syn, K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Does not identify anyone Cross Reference: Delirium - recognise Explanation: Here a person may unknowingly or purposely behaves as if everyone whom he meets is a stranger though he knows them well. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Delirium Drug induced states Important Drugs: Glon., Hyos., Verat.

Refuses to take the medicine Syn, K, Ss Cross Reference: Delirium, refuses to take the medicine Fear, medicine, of not being able to bear any kind of Irritability, medicine, at thought to take the Repulsive mood, medicine to take the Suspicious, mistrustful, medicine, will not take

Explanation: Here an individual may either feel that his complaint or disease is incurable and there is no use of taking the medicine or may have a fear of being poisoned and so refuses to take the medicine given Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Arn., Kali-p., Lach., Stram., Verat-v.

Rejects, everything offered to him Syn, BB, Ss, Z Meaning: Does not accept things offered Cross Reference: Desires, numerous, various things, refused when offered. Desires, present, things not rejected, when offered which are play things etc. Mood, repulsive. Explanation: During rage, illness or in obstinate children one may find that everything shown or given is refused even if it was asked for previously Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drugs: Past.

Reflecting Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Answers, reflect long Meditation Thoughts, thoughtful Explanation: When a person is always preoccupied with events that have occurred in his life and remains absorbed in nostalgia and bad memories of his bygone days Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Aur., Lyc., Mez., Nat-c., Nux-m.

Religious affection Syn, K, BB, V, P, Ss, Z

Cross Reference: Anxiety, salvation about Aversion, sex, to opposite Delirium, religious Delusion, religious Despair, religious, despair of salvation Despair salvation, of soul of eternal, after fright Doubtful, soul's welfare, of Eccentricity, religious Exaltation, religious Excitement, religious Fanaticism Fear, devil, of being taken by the Fear, evil of Fear, faith, to lose his religious Generalities, catalepsy, religious excitement, from Godless, want of religious feeling Haughty, religious haughtiness Insanity, religious Kneeling and praying Loquacity, religious subject, about Piety, nocturnal Praying, piety, nocturnal Suicidal disposition, despair, religious Superstitious.

Explanation: The patient has a strong fear of God. He builds up his ideas and life according to whatever has been preached in the holy books. They give no importance to materialism, but they are more inclined towards and interested in spiritualism. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia Obsessive compulsive disorders Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Hyos., Lach., Lil-t., Sep., Stram., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.

Remorse Syn., K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Moral anguish and bitter regrets arising from repentance of past misdeeds Cross Reference: Anger, mistakes, about his Anguish Anxiety, conscience of, as if guilty of a crime Delirium, blames himself for his folly Delusion, crime, committed a, he had Delusion, disgrace, she is Delusion, neglected his duty, he has Delusion, reproaches, has neglected his duty and deserves Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, wrong, has done Discontented, himself with Repentance, quick Reproaches himself Thoughts, tormenting

Explanation: The person is in a state of turmoil because of guilt feelings arising in his conscience because of the bad things which he has done in the past. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Ars., Aur., Bell., Calc., Cocc., Coff., Cupr., Dig., Hyos., Ign., Med., Ph-ac., Puls., Sil., Verat., Zinc.

Reproaches himself K, Ss, Syn, P, Z Meaning: To blame oneself for something Cross Reference: Anger, mistakes, about his Anxiety, conscience, as if guilty of a crime Contemptuous, self, of Delusion, accused, she is Delusion, blames himself for his folly. Delusion, confusion, thinks others will observe her. Delusion, crime, committed, he had Delusion, criticized, she is Delusion, despised, is Delusion, laughed at, mocked being. Delusion, insulted, he is Delusion, looked down upon, she is Delusion, neglected his duty, he has Delusion, reproach, has neglected his duty and deserves Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, watched, being Delusion, wrong, she has done Discontented, himself with

Discouraged, reproaches himself Quarrelsomeness, herself, with Remorse Explanation: They lack self-confidence. These sort of people doubt their own ability and if something goes wrong at work or in a relationship, they condemn themselves. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Acon., Ars., Aur., Dig., Hyos., Ign., M-arch., Nat-m., Op., Puls., Sars., Thuja.

Repulsive Ss, K, Z Meaning: So loathsome as to elicit extreme aversion. Cross Reference: Face, expression, cold, distant Mood, Repulsive Mortification Unsympathetic Explanation: This is a feeling of severe dislike. A person has a marked aversion for any specific thing Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drugs: Hep., Merc., Puls.

Resentment K, Ss, Z Meaning: Feeling of anger or irritation caused by a sense of injury or insult. Cross Reference: Acrimonious

A/F honor wounded Brooding Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Envy Hatred Indignation Malicious, spiteful, vindictive thing Mortification Explanation: Here a person has a marked hatred and takes insult at the least thing and gets provoked easily Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Refer Malicious

Reserved K, BB, P, Synth, Z Meaning: Self restrained in behavior and expression Cross Reference: Aloof Asks, nothing, for Company aversion to, presence of old people agg. Introspection Quiet disposition Secretive Talk, disposed to, taciturn Timidity

Explanation: Some people are introvert and can never open out easily. They remain silent most of the time and do not show their main feelings leadily. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia personality disorder Important Drugs: Calc., Hell., Hyos., Ign., Mang., Mur-ac., Phos., Plat., Puls., Stram., Staph.

Resignation Synth, BB. Meaning: The act of yieldy or giving up Cross Reference: Discouraged, resignation. Explanation: Seen in individuals who are in a certain position and the condition around does not agree very well and even though he wants to change it, he cannot. These individual may then give up the particular status because they cannot cope up with the mental strain and stress. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drugs: Ph-ac., Tab.

Resolute K, Ss, Z Meaning: Marked by firmness or determination Cross Reference: Audacity Courageous High-spirited Explanation: A strong willed person who would try and fulfill this ambition, against all odds. Important Drug: See Courageous.

Responsibility, aversion to Syn, Ss, Z Explanation: An individual who does not have enough confidence in himself would try to avoid any important job or promotion given to him. Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: Med.

Rest, desire to Meaning: Desire to sleep or be tranquil, cease from action or exertion. Cross Reference: Quiet, wants to be Explanation: Certain lazy or sick people hate to do any work and would just lie down doing nothing. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Aesc., Anac., Bry., Colch., Ph-ac., Stann.

Rest, when things are not in their proper place, cannot. K, Syn, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Conscientious, about trifles Fastidious Thoughts, persistence of Explanation: Some people are so difficult to please and so particular that they are never at peace until everything is neat, tidy and in its proper place Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive neurosis Important Drug: Anac., Ars.

Restlessness K, Ss, Syn, P, BB, Z Meaning: Unable to rest, relax or be still Cross Reference: Activity restless Anguish, driving from place to place Anxiety, restlessness

Delirium, restless. Excitement Fear, driving him from place to place Restlessness Fidgety Impatience Hurried Nervousness Walking rapidly Wander desire to, restlessly, wanders about. Explanation: These are the hyperactive people who are full of energy and desire a constant change. They cannot be at ease mentally and physically if they are tied down in a certain activity for a long time. Their interest diverge from one thing to another constantly, either because of excitement, nervousness or fear. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Anxiety disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Acon., Anac., Arg-n., Ars., Ars-i., Calc., Calc-p., Camph., Cimic., Cit-v., Coloc., Cupr., Cupr-ar., Ferr., Ferr-ar., Hell., Hyos., Lyc., Merc., Plb., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil., Staph., Stram., Sulph., Tarent., Zinc.

Rudeness Syn, K, BB, P, Ss Meaning: Lacking good manners Discourteous Cross Reference: Abrupt, rough Abusive, insulting Answers, abruptly, shortly, curtly

Answers, civil, cannot give Answers, monosyllables Answers, snappishly Cursing, swearing Haughty Impolite Impertinence Insolent Quarrelsomeness Reverence, lack of Slander, disposition to Timidity Explanation: These people have no respect for the elders, no concern for friends and do not observe any kind of etiquette when dealing with people. They are loud, harsh, and at times very much uncivilized. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Important Drug: Anac., Cham., Hyos., Lac-c., Lyc., Nux-v., Stram., Verat.

Runs about Syn, K, BB, P, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Escape, attempts to Impulse, run to, dromomania Roving, senseless, insane Explanation: A person may be restless and may run about in a hurry either to while away time or he may have a feeling of a need to escape or run away from something or someone, known or unknown

Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Drug induced states Important Drug: Bell., Calc., Chin., Cupr., Hyos., Stram., Sulph., Verat.

Retirement, desire for Ss, Z Meaning: Desire to withdraw from company or occupation; be secluded Explanation: Here there is a longing to give up work, active life, occupation and all responsibility in order to be at rest, secluded and withdrawn from public notice Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Paull, Petr., Polyp-p.

Reveals, secrets Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Make known or disclose secrets Cross Reference: Gossiping Heedless Indiscretion Inquisitive Explanation: Certain individual can never conceal, or keep to themselves things which are not to be made public Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drug: Agar., Alco., Hyos.

Revelry BB, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Merry Making Cross Reference: A/F debauchery

Gourmand Feasting Explanation: People who have a carefree attitude towards life tend to take nothing seriously. Their aim in life is to enjoy themselves. Seen in the younger generation who are influenced by the western culture Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drug: Nat-c., Nux-v.

Revengeful K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Refer Malicious Cross Reference: Refer Malicious Explanation: Refer Malicious Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Refer Malicious

Reverence for those around him. K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Fear mingled with respect and affection Cross Reference: Veneration Explanation: This behavior is seen when a person shows the highest degree of respect, esteem, adoration to a point of worship and awe for others around him. Important Drug: Cocc., Ham., Hyos., Nat-m., Nux-v., Plat., Puls., Sil., Sulph.

Reveries K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Ponder, meditate, day dream

Cross Reference: Absorbed, buried in thoughts Air castles Day dreaming Dreams, daytime Fancies, exaltation of Explanation: This is a state of deep musing, during which the person is unconscious of his surrounding for he is so absorbed in his own world and dreams. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: See absorbed

Ridicule, mania to K, BB, Z Meaning: Remarks designed to excite laughter with some degree of contempt, mockery Explanation: Contemptuous Jesting, fun of somebody, making Mocking, ridicule, passion to Unfriendly humor Explanation: Here a person has a perverse desire to sneer and mock others and make fun of others and in the bargain offend them. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Important Drugs: Acon., Hyos., Lach., Nux-v., Verat.

Ridiculous Actions K, Ss, Z Meaning: See Gestures

Cross Reference: Foolish behavior Gestures, ridiculous or foolish Ideas, ridiculous Insanity, madness, foolish, ridiculous Jesting, ridiculous or foolish Mocking, ridicule, passion to Thoughts, ridiculous Explanation: See Gestures Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drug: See Gestures

Riding, in carriage, averse to K, Syn, Z Cross Reference: Anxiety, riding while Confusion, riding while Fear, riding while Explanation: Certain sensitive people dislike travelling in a carriage Disease Condition: Phobic disorder Important Drug: Psor.

Rocking, Agg. Ss, Syn, P, Z Meaning: To and fro or swaying from side to side in cradle or in the arms Cross Reference: Anxiety, children, rocking during

Explanation: Children when ill or otherwise may dislike being rocked due to fear, anxiety or it may be because their complaints increase when rocked Important Drug: Ars., Bor., Carb-v., Cocc.

Rolling, on the floor Ss, K, P, Syn, Z Cross Reference: Crawling on the floor Delirium, rolls on the floor Explanation: Sometimes during temper tantrums in children or due to certain disease conditions a person may roll on the floor due to pain or if their wish is not fulfilled. Disease Condition: Epilepsy Important Drug: Calc., Op., Sulph.

Roving, about naked Syn, Ss, K, Z Cross Reference: Naked Lewdness Explanation: It is a perverted state of mind where the person would like to expose himself in public. He is lascivious and would like to move around without any clothes. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Exhibitionism Drug induced psychosis

Sadness K, Synth, BB, P, Z Meaning: Affected or marked by unhappiness or sorrow Cross Reference: Brooding, corner, brooding or moping in a Dejection

Delirium, sad Depression Despair Despondency Discouraged Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences Forebodings Gloomy Grief Hopeless Hypochondriasis Inconsolable Low spirited Serious, earnest Sighing Sorrowful Weeping Explanation: This is a mental state where a person is depressed gloomy, cheerless, grave, sorrowful always mourning and dejected even though all efforts are made to enliven and cheer him. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Post - traumatic stress disorder. Schizoaffective disorder Important Drug: Acon., Ars., Aur., Calc., Calc-ars., Calc-i., Calc-s., Carb-an., Caust., Cham., Chin., Cimic., Crot-c., Ferr., Ferr-i., Gels., Graph., Hell., Hipp., Hyos., Ign., Iod., Kali-br., Kali-p., Lac-c., Lach., Lil-t., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Nat-ar., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Op., Plat., Psor., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Stann., Stry., Sulph., Thuja, Verat., Zinc., Zinc-p.

Sarcasm, P, Ss, Z Meaning: A mocking or contemptuously ironic remark intended to wound another Cross Reference: Censorious, critical Contemptuous Haughty Irony Jesting, malicious Laughing, contemptuous Laughing, sardonic Mocking, sarcasm Ridicule, mania to Smiling, sardonic Witty Explanation: Certain individuals tend to sneers ridicule and reproach others by a cutting expression or taunts in order to offend or wound another Disease Condition: Personality disorders Important Drug: Ars.

Satyriasis Syn, BB, Z, P, Ss Meaning: An excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire in man. Cross Reference: Amativeness Generalities, male sexual passion increased Generalities, female desire increased

Lascivious, Lustful. Nymphomania Thoughts, sexual Thoughts, tormenting sexual. Explanation: This is a kind of madness in males where there is an increased desire for sex. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Temporal lobe dysfunction. Important Drug: Canth., Fl-ac., Kali-br., Lyss., Phos., Pic-ac., Plat., Stram., Verat.

Scolding K, BB, P, Z, Ss Meaning: See Quarrelsome Cross Reference: Refer Quarrelsome Explanation: Refer Quarrelsome Disease Condition: Personality disorder Mania Schizophrenia Important Drug: Refer Quarrelsome.

Scorn, ailments from K, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Contempt for a person or object thought to be hateful or inferior Cross Reference: A/F anger, indignation with A/F scorn, being scorned Chagrin Egotism, self esteem

Embarrassment Indignation Mocking Mortification Reproach A/F Rudeness A/F Sensitive, oversensitive to rudeness Explanation: A person tends to act or treat in a despising way. He reproaches and dishonors in a mean way as if it is of no significance or worth, always believing in his own superiority Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Aur., Bry., Cham., Coloc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Par., Phos., Plat., Staph.

Scratches with hands Synth, K Cross Reference: Violence, vehemence Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Drug induced states Important Drug: Bell., Stram., Tarent.

Screaming, K, Ss, P, Z Meaning: Shrill, quick cry, indicating sudden terror or pain Cross Reference: See Shrieking Explanation: Here a person utters a sudden, sharp loud cry, this may be in response to some terror or fear he has just experienced or some pain that he has been afflicted with or occasionally after a nightmare a person may wake up suddenly in the middle of the night screaming with fright. Disease Condition: Panic disorder

Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: See Shrieking

Schizophrenia Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: A psychotic reaction marked by withdrawal from reality with highly variable accompanying affective, behavioral and intellectual disturbances Cross Reference: Adaptability, loss of Confusion, identity, as to his Delusion, body, divided is Delusion, body, immaterial is Delusion, hearing, illusion of Delusion, lying near him, someone is Delusion, murdered, he will be Delusion, outside his body, someone else saw or spoken Delusion, people, behind him, someone is Delusion, persecuted, he is. Delusion, poisoned, about to be, he is Delusion, pursued, he was Delusion, super human control, is under Delusion, strange, everything is Delusion, voices, hears Delusion, watched, she is being Delusion, whispering him anything, someone is Dementia Fear, murdered

Fear, poisoned Gestures, strange Ideas, fixed Insanity, persecution mania Madness Mania Mouth, taste illusionary Mouth, speech, incoherent Nose, odors, imaginary and real Speech, incoherent Explanation: This is a deranged state of mind whereby a person behaves in an insane manner. He may either have episodes of staring into nothing, inert all the time, or become violent or is sure that people are out to kill him. Disease Condition: Depression Schizoaffective disorder Drugs and alcohol abuse Sexual deviation Important Drug: Anh., Aur., Halo., Kreos., Levo., Sil., Sulfa, Thiop., Ven-m.

Scrupulous, pedantic K, Ss, Z Meaning: Having principles Cross Reference: Cautious Conscientious about trifles Carefulness Delusion, wrong, he has done Fastidious

Explanation: An individual may be guided by his conscience or ethical principles or morals which tend to inhibit any wrong action, e.g. a businessman who is so principled that even though given a chance to evade taxation, would not do anything wrong so that his moral integrity can never be questioned Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Important Drug: See Conscientious

Searching, on floor K, P, Syn, Ss, Z Explanation: Very often you may come across a person who is seeking or looking on the floor for something lost even though the object in question may not exist. Disease Condition: Drug withdrawal state Organic mental disorder Alcohol withdrawal Schizophrenia Important Drug: Ign., Plb., Stram.

Secretive K, BB, P, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Reliably close mouthed, not outwardly expressed Inducing secrecy or concealment. Cross Reference: Answer, refuses to Brooding Reserved Suspiciousness Talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn Explanation: This is a quality a person possesses whereby he conceals events or incidents, which have occurred even from friends who are close to him. These persons are very close mouthed and discreet and would never outwardly express their feelings.

Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drug: Aur., Bar-c., Bov., Caust. Dig., Ign., Lyc., Nit-ac., Phos., Plb., Sep., Syph., Zinc.

Secrets divulge Ss Cross Reference: Heedless Indiscretion Reveals secrets Disease Condition: Histrionic Personality disorder Important Drug: See Reveals secrets.

Self control Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Control of one's feelings, desires or actions by one's own will Cross Reference: Calmness Quiet disposition Tranquility Explanation: Some people have a strong will power and are able to exercise control over their emotions and actions, for e.g. a child when offered an ice-cream which he generally loves would control his desire for it and refuse it, because he has been told that it was not good for him. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive personality disorder Important Drug: Mosch., Nat-c., Nat-s.

Self-deception Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: The act of deceiving oneself or the state of being deceived by oneself Explanation: Very often one may be misled into doing certain things and the cause for this being one's own illusion or error.

Disease Condition: Alcoholic and Drug addicts Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Act-sp., Naja.

Selfishness, Egotism Syn, K, P, Z, Ss Meaning: Concerned only or primarily with oneself without regard for others Cross Reference: Ambitions much, means employed every possible. Avarice Casting off of people, against her will Discontented, displease, dissatisfied everything with Envy Indifference, loved ones, to Indifference, relation to Indifference, welfare of others, to Intolerance Jealousy Misanthropy Explanation: A self-centered, self seeking girl who cares for no one but herself concerned with or pursuing only her own interest, may be the cause of tremendous anguish to her family and close friends Disease Condition: Personality disorder Hysterical personality disorder Important Drug: Calc., Puls., Sulph.

Selflessness Syn, Ss, Z

Meaning: Concerned about others rather than oneself. Explanation: Some individuals are always very caring and considerate for others and will go out of their way to help them even if they have to sacrifice a great deal. Important Drug: Anh., Iod., Puls., Rhus-t.

Self torture, Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: Causing an extreme pain to one-self, inflicted as a punishment to torment oneself Cross Reference: Cut, mutilate, slit, desire to, himself Mutilate his body, inclination to Tears himself Torments himself Explanation: This is the form of inflicting severe physical pain as punishment for the sins a person feels he has committed e.g. a boy who is addicted to masturbation and who feels guilty about it will always reproach himself and tries to atone for it by causing pain or anguish to himself. Disease Condition: Masochism Schizophrenia Important Drug: Acon., Ars., Bell., Lil-tig., Plb., Tarent., Tub.

Senses, acute Syn, K, BB, Ss, P Meaning: The heightened faculty of self-awareness represented by any of the functions of hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. Cross Reference: Alert Ear sensibility, increased Eye; photomania Eye, photophobia Generalities, sensitiveness

Generalities, touch agg. Generalities, irritability physical, when too much medicine has produced an oversensitive state and remedies fail to react. Head, pain, odors strong from Head, pain light (various) Head, sensitiveness Hearing, acute Mouth, taste acute Sensitive, oversensitive external impression to all Starting easily Wildness, bright light, strong odours or touch from. Explanation: Here a person has a very good power or faculty of perception or strength of natural reasoning that even the slightest change in their surrounding is immediately felt. Disease Condition: Drug induced state. Mania Important Drug: Acon., Ars., Arn., Asar., Aur., Bell., Cham., Chin., Coff., Colch., Ign., Lyss., Nux-v., Op., Phos.

Sensitive, oversensitive Syn, K, BB, Ss Meaning: Easily affected or moved, quickly and acutely alive to impression of external objects Cross Reference: Admonition agg. Delusion, accused, she is Delusion, criticized, she is Delusion, despised, is Delusion, insulted, he is Delusion, laughed at, mocked being

Delusion, looked down upon, she is Delusion, watched, she is being Excitement, excitable Fastidious Fear, noises from Hatred, of person, of, offended him, who had Hatred, bitter feelings for slightest offenses, has Intolerance Irritability, easily Irritability, music to Irritability, noise from Irritability, noise, to, crackling of news papers even from Music, sensitive to Offended easily Reproaches, ailments after Starting, noise from Touched, aversion to being. Explanation: Certain individuals are very susceptible to the ideas, emotions or circumstances of others or to external condition or stimulation. For e.g. a person in depressed state of mind might find music intolerable in the condition he is, certain others may be overly affected by noise, light, strong colour or touch. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: Anac., Arg-n., Bell., Bov., Caust., Chin., Chin-ars., Chin-s., Coff., Gels., Ign., Lyc., Lyss., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Phos., Plb., Puls., Ran-b., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Ther.


Syn, K, BB, P, Z, Ss Meaning: Marked by or affected by an idea, opinion or attitude based on feeling or emotion rather than reason. Cross Reference: Admiration, excessive Ecstasy Home, desire to go Romantic Explanation: This is seen in people who indulge in display of exaggerated feeling and their judgment is made more by their emotions, for their hearts rule over their head. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Mania Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Important Drug: Ant-c., Calc-p., Cocc., Coff., Cupr., Ign., Nux-v., Phos., Psor., Puls., Sulph.

Serene K, Z, Ss Meaning: Peaceful, Tranquil Cross Reference: Calmness Quiet, disposition Introspection Tranquility Explanation: It is a state of calmness, clearness of mind, these type of individuals are always at peace and unruffled by any event, always having a stable even mind. Disease Condition: Drug induced states Important Drug: See Tranquility

Serious, earnest

Syn, K, BB, Z Meaning: Grave in quality, character or manner, sober involving important rather than trivial matters characterized by much effort or devotion. Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorder Important Drug: Alum., Am-m., Ars., Chin., Cina, Cocc., Euph., Led., Merc., Staph., Sul-ac.

Servile, obsequious, submissive Syn, Ss, Meaning: Objectively submissive or suitable to a servant or slave Cross Reference: Clinging Dependent Helplessness Undignified Explanation: Some people give in too easily and have no say of their own, all the time being dependent on other people's opinion; even though they are trampled upon, they do not complain. Disease Condition: Dependent personality disorder Personality disorder Important Drug: Lyc., Puls., Sil., Sulph.

Sexual excesses, mental symptoms from K, Ss, Z Cross Reference: A/F sexual excesses. Generalities, sexual excesses after Hypochondriasis, sexual excesses, after Hysteria, sexual excesses from Disease Condition: General paresis of the insane.

Shining, objects agg.

Syn, K, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Delusion, objects, bright, from Eye, photophobia Fear, mirrors in room, of Light, shuns light Rage, shining objects, from Disease Condition: Epilepsy Important Drug: Bell., Canth., Hyos., Lyss., Stram.

Shameless Syn, K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Displaying a lack of shame Cross Reference: Clothed improperly Delirium, erotic Dress, dresses indecently Fancies, lascivious Hysteria, lascivious Indecency Indifference, apathy etc., exposure of her person, to Insanity, erotic Lasciviousness, lustful Lewdness, obscene Lewdness, obscene talk. Libertinism. Naked, wants to be Nymphomania

Obscene Pleasure, voluptuous ideas, only in Satyriasis Singing obscene songs Talk lewdness Explanation: These individuals can be so brazen and immodest that they lack sensibility to disgrace and dishonor. A man may move around naked without any sense of guilt. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Exhibitionism Drug Intoxication Important Drug: Bufo, Hyos., Op., Phos., Sec., Stram., Tarent., Verat.

Shrieking Syn, K, BB, P, Z, Ss. Meaning: To utter a loud, shrill cry Cross Reference: Delirium, shrieking with. Ear, noises shrieking, on blowing nose Idiocy, shrieking with shrill. Larynx and trachea, voice shrieking Rage, shrieking, with Screaming Weeping, aloud Weeping, shouting and Weeping, sobbing Explanation: Children or at times adults may cry out with a shrill voice or scream as in sudden fright or

anguish or terror. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Anxiety disorder of childhood. Important Drug: Apis, Camph., Cic., Cup., Kali-c., Lyc., Plat., Stram., Verat.

Shy K, P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Anticipation, complaints from Asks for nothing Bashful Confidence, want of Embarrassed, ailments after Gestures, shy Mortification Reserved Timidity, bashful. Explanation: Refer Timid Disease Condition: Conduct disorder-socialized Non-aggressive type - Schizophrenia Personality disorders Adjustment disorder of adolescence Important Drug: Refer Timid.

Sighing Syn, K, BB, P, V, Z, Ss.

Meaning: To exhale audibly in a long deep breath as in weariness or relief. To express a feeling or yearning, longing or grief. Cross Reference: Lamenting, bemoaning, wailing etc. Moaning Respiration, deep, desire to breathe Respiration, sighing Respiration, sobbing Sadness Sobbing Whimpering Explanation: This is an act of taking a long and audible breath as if to express grief, pain or relief, a child may Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Catatonic schizophrenia Important Drug: Bry., Calc-p., Cench., Cham., Cimic., Cocc., Cupr., Eup-pur., Glon., Hell., Ign., Ip., Nat-p., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Rhus-t., Sec., Sep., Stram.

Silent K, P, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Answer, aversion to Answer, monosyllable Answer, refuses to Brooding Censorious, critical, disposed to find fault or is silent. Delirium, silent Ennui, tedium silent Grief, silent

Homesickness, silent ill humor, with Insanity, madness, silent Love with silent grief Quarrelsome, alternating with silent disposition Quiet disposition Reserved Secretive Talk, indisposed to Tranquility Explanation: Refer Talk Disease Condition: Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Elective mutism A kinetic mutism Important Drug: Refer Talk.

Silly K, P, Z Cross Reference: Answers, aversion to, sings, talks, but will not answer questions Antics plays Awkward Buffoonery Childish behavior Clumsy Dancing inaptitude for Delirium, absurd, things does

Delirium, foolish silly Delirium plays antics Delusion, walk cannot, must run etc. Delusion, confusion others will observe her Delusion, insane, people thinks she is Foolish behavior Gestures, makes Grimaces Laughing, immoderately Laughing, serious matters, over. Laughing, silly Laughing, trifles, at Loquacity, answers no questions, during which Mirth, hilarity, cheerfulness, foolish and obstinate children, chilly, refractory and clumsy Runs about Throws things, at people Explanation: Refer Foolish Disease Condition: Hebephrenic schizophrenia Histrionic personality disorder Mental retardation Important Drug: Refer Foolish

Singing K, BB, Syn, P, Z, Ss. Meaning: To utter musical or harmonious sound

Cross Reference: Answers, aversion, to, sings, talks but will not answer questions. Delirium, singing Delusion, singing, he is Larynx and trachea, voice hoarseness, singing from Mania, madness, singing with Sensitive, oversensitive, music, to Sensitive, oversensitive, singing, to Weeping, singing, when Whistling Explanation: Here a person has a marked desire to sing constantly wherever he may be e.g. an executive will start singing in the midst of an important meeting. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Schizophrenia Important Drug: Bell., Carbn-s., Cic., Cocc., Croc., Hyos., Lach., M-arct., Plat., Spong., Stram,. Teucr., Verat.

Sit inclination to K, P, Syn, Z, Ss Explanation: Sometimes a person may have an inclination to sit irrespective of his surroundings even though there are no seats available. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder. Important Drug: Chin., Con., Graph., Guaj., Hipp., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Squill.

Sits breaks pins, and K, P, Ss, Syn, Z Cross Reference: Break things, desire, to, pins Gestures, breaks things.

Explanation: Occasionally when one may be in a depressed state of mind sitting idle with a feeling of not doing anything constructive, one may absentmindedly sit and break pins to while away the time. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Withdrawn catatonia Important Drug: Bell., Calc.

Sitting, aversion to K, P, Syn, Ss, Z Cross Reference: Restlessness sitting while Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Phobic disorder Important Drug: Iod., Lach. Size, incorrect judge of Ss, Syn, K, Z, P Cross Reference: Delusion, diminished Delusion, double, of being Delusion, enlarged, objects are Delusion, large, people seem too, during vertigo Vertigo, objects seem to be too far off Distance, inaccurate judge of Smaller, things appears Vision, large, objects seem Vision, small, objects seem Explanation: These may be a loss of perception to decide on the actual dimensions or magnitude or depth of objects.

Disease Condition: Dysmegalopsia Local cause Retinal lesion, e.g. scarring or retinal oedema Central cause - Temporal lobe dysfunction Lilliputian Hallucination - drug induced psychosis Schizophrenia Important Drug: Agar., Stram.

Slander, disposition to Syn, K, Ss, Z Meaning: Utterance of defamatory statements injurious to the reputation or well being of a person. A malicious report or statement. Cross Reference: Abusive Calumniate desire to Censorious, critical Cursing Envy Gossiping Jealousy Lie, never speaks the truth, does not know what she is saying Liar Moral feeling, want of Rudeness Untruthful Explanation: Certain malicious, jealous, selfish people are known to cause offence to others by uttering false scandulous aspersion and reports in order to disgrace reproach and defame another.

Disease Condition: Paranoid personality disorder Paranoid disorder Paranoid schizophrenia Important Drug: Ars., Nux-v., Verat.

Slovenly, filthy P, Ss Meaning: Careless in personal appearance or work Explanation: Very often we come across persons who are negligent of cleanliness and neatness in dress, these person are habitually careless about their looks and attire even though they may be financially well off. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Drug induced state Important Drug: See Indolent.

Slowness Syn, K, BB, P, Ss, Z Meaning: Not ready or prompt, as in speech, as in understanding, dull, stupid, not lively, tardily want of readiness or promptness. Cross Reference: Answers, slowly Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and comprehending Extremities, walk, late learning to Generalities, sluggishness of the body Generalities, walking, learning to walk, late Irresolution

Mouth, speech, slow Sluggishness Talk, talking, talks slow learning to Teeth, dentition, slow. Explanation: A person may not be very quick in motion may be less speedy than what is expected. His speech may not be as ready or prompt, he may be dull in understanding and slack in his speech. These type of people are called slow coaches, who go about their work very slowly Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Mental Retardation Organic Mental disorder Important Drug: Bar-c., Bry., Con., Hell., Phos.

Sluggishness K, P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Concentration, difficult Confusion of mind Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and comprehending Exertion, mental agg. Ennui, tedium. Generalities, sluggishness of the body Generalities, lassitude Generalities, lie down, inclination to Generalities, weakness, enervation Generalities, weariness Ideas, deficiency of Memory, weakness of

Prostration of mind Senses, dullness of Slowness Stupefaction Thinking, aversion to Thinking, difficulty of Torpor Unobserving Work, aversion to mental. Explanation: Refer Dullness Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia Important Drug: Refer Dullness

Smaller, things appear Syn, K, P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Delusion, diminished Delusion, smaller, things are Distance, inaccurate judge of Size, incorrect judge of Vision, small object seems Explanation: Some people may have a mental state where they tend to assess things smaller than what they actually are. e.g. a mother may not be able to judge the proper size of clothes required for her child and may land up in buying bigger clothes since they seem small to her. Important Drug: Carb-v., Plat., Staph., Stram.

Smiling Syn, K, Z, Ss, P. Meaning: To express pleasure, moderate joy, love or kindness by an expansion of the feature of the face Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay mirthful High spirited Laughing, causeless Lively Vivaciousness Explanation: Certain individuals have a constant smile on their face, even though they may be undergoing hard and troubled times. Disease Condition: Mental retardation Mania Hypomania Hebephrenic schizophrenia Important Drug: Alco., Ars., Atro., Bell., Hyos., Sumb., Verat.

Snappish Syn, Z, Ss, P Meaning: Liable to speak curtly, to speak sharply or abruptly. Cross Reference: Answers, abruptly, shortly, curtly Answers, civil cannot give Answers, snappishly Impolite Insolent Quarrelsome

Rudeness Talk, talking, talks abrupt Talk, talking, talks terse Explanation: Person who is tense, worried, overworked or angry and tends to be peevish and utters sharp words or speaks tartly, very often hurting the opposite persons emotions either knowingly or unknowingly. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: Calc-p., Cham., Lil-t.

Sneers at everyone K, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Abusive Contemptuous Delusion, distinguished Delusion, great person, is a Delusion, noble person. he is a Delusion, prince, he is a Delusion, queen, thinksm she is a Egotism, self esteem Haughty Insolent Laughing, contemptuous Mocking Ridicule, mania, to Rudeness Scorn

Smiling sardonic Explanation: Refer Contempt Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder

Snub Ss, Z, Syn Meaning: Ignoring or behaving coldly towards; to dismiss, turn down or frustrate the expectations of Cross Reference: Abusive Contemptuous Laughing, contemptuous Rudeness Scorn Explanation: One may maliciously or in anger reprimand or rebuke or ignore a person in a sarcastic manner Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drug: Hydr.

Sobbing K, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Weeping Sighing Explanation: Refer Weeping Disease Condition: Depressive disorder.

Soberness Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Straight forward, serious, plain or subdued. Devoid of frivolity exaggeration or speculative imagination

Cross Reference: Serious Solemn Explanation: Here a person is marked by a sedate and grave nature. They are reserved and will always be down to earth, earnest and sincere in their dealing and mannerisms Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Ferr., Hyper.

Spitting, desire to K, Syn, Z, P, BB, Ss Meaning: To throw out or eject from the mouth e.g. saliva Cross Reference: Bite, spits, barks, and bites Mania, spit and bite those around him, would Rage, spitting, with Explanation: In anger, insanity or when one wishes to insult, a person expresses his feeling by spitting either at the opposite person or at any inanimate object Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drug: Cann-s., Coc-c., Nux-v., Sulph., Verat., Verat-v.

Spoiled, children Syn, Z, Ss, Explanation: These are children who have been overindulged or pampered and are given whatever they want or ask for. They are in habit of throwing temper tantrums, of things are not done their way or they are not given what they want. Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Important Drug: Am., Bar-c., Lyc., Mosch., Op., Sulph.

Spoken to, averse to being

K, BB, Syn, Z, Ss, P Cross Reference: Absent-mindedness, starts when spoken to Anger, interruption, from Anger, spoken to, when Answer, aversion to Company, aversion to, solitude fond of Irritability, questioned, when Irritability, spoken to, when Obstinate, children, cry when kindly spoken to Talk, indisposed to Quiet, wants to be Reserved Starting, spoken to, when Weeping, spoken to, when Explanation: When a person is ill or depressed, he may want to be left alone and may dislike anyone coming up or speaking to him as he much prefers his privacy at such moments Disease Condition: Repressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Ars., Ars-iod., Carbn-s., Cham., Gels., Graph., Hipp., Hyos., Iod., Nat-s., Ph-ac., Sulph., Tarent.

Spying everything Syn, Ss Meaning: One who secretly watches the conduct condition actions of a person in order to report them to another. Cross Reference: Inquisitive Asks questions, many

Indiscretion Touch, things, impelled to Explanation: Sometimes one comes across a person who is in the habit of secretly watching the conduct and action of others either through a key-hole or by listening behind closed doors. Such people may be doing this in order to report to another or just out of intense curiosity. Disease Condition: Paranoid schizophrenia Paranoid disorder Important Drug: Carb-v., Lyc., Puls., Sep., Verat.

Squanders K, Syn, Syn, Z. Meaning: To spend extravagantly or wastefully; wasteful expenditure Cross Reference: Avarice alternating with squandering Avarice, squanders oneself, but. Boasters, braggarts, squandering through ostentation Extravagance Insanity, purchases makes useless. Explanation: Certain individuals have the habit of spending without economy or judgment and often find themselves penniless in times of need. Mostly these individuals spend money unwisely on things which are not necessary or useful to them. Disease Condition: Mania Personality disorder Schizophrenia Compulsive gambling (Impulse control disorder) Important Drug: Bell., Merc., Nux-v., Syph.

Stamina, lack of Z Cross Reference: Exertion mental agg.

Mental efforts, inability to sustain Prostration of mind Senses, dullness of Weakness, enervation Explanation: See Prostration of mind. Disease Condition: See Prostration of mind. Important Drug: See Prostration of mind.

Stares, at one point BB Disease Condition: Depression. Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Important Drug: Cic., Hyo.

Staring, thoughtless Z, Syn., Ss Meaning: To look fixedly with wide open eyes, to fix an earnest look on any object. Cross Reference: Absent minded Delirium, staring with Eye, staring. Explanation: Sometimes in the course of conversation one finds the opposite person lost in a world of his own having a fixed steady, wide-eyed gaze. When questioned about what he was thinking he replies that his mind was totally blank. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Drug induced state Important Drug: Hell., Hydr-ac., Mer-c., Puls.

Starting, startled easily K, BB, Z, Ss, Syn, P To move suddenly or involuntary, due to surprise or fear Cross Reference: Cowardice Frightened, easily Senses, acute Sensitive, oversensitive, noise, to Explanation: Here a person moves suddenly in alarm or fear or apprehension and is occasionally in a state of shock of surprise. Even the slightest noise, fright, touch or even sneezing may cause the person to be dreadfully jolted or shocked. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Agitated depression Important Drug: Ars., Bell., Bry., Caps., Hyos., Kali-c., Kali-p., Lac-c., Nat-ar., Nat-m., Stram., Stront-c.

Steal, tendency to Syn, P, Z, Ss. Cross Reference: See Kleptomania Disease Condition: Temporal lobe epilepsy Schizophrenia Important Drug: See Kleptomania

Stereotypes Ss, Z, Syn. Meaning: A conventional formula which is usually an oversimplified opinion, concept or belief. One as a person, group, event or issue that is thought to typify or conform to an unvarying pattern or manner, lacking any individuality Cross Reference: Automatic behavior Gestures automatic Unconscious, conduct automatic

Explanation: Certain individuals have fixed ideas in some aspects either about their way of dress, mode of work, talk, and behavior. They have no sense of creativity and are apprehensive to try out anything new Disease Condition: Catatonic schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drug: Anh.

Stimulation, always seeking Z Cross Reference: Generalities, food and drink, alcohol desire. Generalities, food and drink, beer desire Generalities, food and drink, wine desire Generalities, food and drink, whisky desire Generalities, food and drink, stimulant desire Stomach, desires alcoholic drinks Stomach, desires beer. Explanation: See Ennui Disease Condition: See Ennui Important Drug: See Ennui

Stories, . exciting agg Z, K, Ss Cross Reference: Excitement, excitable, horrible things, after hearing Horrible things and sad stories affect her profoundly Sadness, stories from sad Talking, unpleasant things of, agg. Weeping, anecdotes from

Explanation: See Horrible Disease Condition: See Horrible Important Drug: See Horrible

Storm, agg, during Z, P Cross Reference: A/F weather cloudy Anxiety, thunderstorm, during Fear, thunderstorm, from Generalities, thunderstorm agg. Generalities, weather thunderstorm during Restlessness, thunderstorm, during Shrieking, thunderstorm, during Thunderstorm during Important Drug: See Thunderstorm. Strange things, impulse to do K, Syn, Ss, Z, P Meaning: Urge to do previously unknown, out of ordinary, unusual, quaint, peculiar odd things Cross Reference: Face, strange Gestures, strange attitudes and positions Explanation: Impulsive, eccentric, people occasionally want to do cause wonder. Unusual things not done before in a way to They may make odd faces or suddenly start making peculiar sounds. Disease Condition: Impulse control disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Arg-n., Cact.

Stranger, sensation as if one were Syn, K, Z, Ss, P Cross Reference: Delusion, stranger, he is a Explanation: During or after high fever or in insanity a patient may think that he is someone other than himself and may at times loose all physical bearings and senses. Disease Condition: Depersonalization disorder Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Important Drug: Nat-m., Valer.

Strength, increased, mental Ss, Z, Syn Meaning: The quality, state, or property of being mentally strong, power to sustain or withstand strain, force or stress. Cross Reference: Activity desires, mental Agility, mental Ideas, abundant, clearness of mind Plans, making many Thoughts, profound Thoughts, rapid and quick Work, desire for mental Explanation: Generally these sort of persons have abundant ideas. Their mind always being active. Sometimes they are tough having a firm will and character; moral courage or power. Important Drug: Anag., Ars., Camph., Cann-i., Cimic., Cod., Dig., Eaux., Ferr., Hyper., Lach., Nep., Op., Pip-m., Thea., Thuja, Verat., Visc.


K, BB, Ss, Z, Syn, P. Meaning: To hit sharply, as with the fist, hand or a weapon. Cross Reference: Anger violent. Biting Delirium, strike, disposed to Delirium, violent Jealousy, strikes his wife Kicks Rage, beating others Rage, striking, with Tears, genitals, her Tears himself, Violent, vehement etc. Wildness Explanation: In anger or insanity a person might throw things with force, hit out in order to inflict a blow, wound and attack others. Sometimes a person in a fit of rage might harm himself too by striking his head repeatedly against the wall. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Drug withdrawal state Important Drug: Arg-m., Bell., Canth., Cina, Cupr., Glon., Hyos., Ign., Kali-c., Lyc., Lyss., Nat-c., Nux-v., Plb., Stram., Tarent., Verat.

Stubborn K, Ss, P, Z Cross Reference: Contrary Contradict, disposition to

Disobedience Obstinate, headstrong Pertinacity Positiveness Quarrelsome Sulky Will, strong Explanation: Refer Obstinate Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Compulsive personality disorder Important Drug: Refer Obstinate

Stupefaction, as if intoxicated K, P, Syn, Z, Ss, BB Meaning: The act of astonishing or amazing, or the state of being astonished or being amazed. Cross Reference: Benumbed Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and comprehending Delusion, unreal, everything is Intoxicated, as if Memory, weakness, labor from, mental Prostration of mind Senses, dullness of Torpor Unconsciousness, dream, as if in a Unobserving.

Explanation: Sometimes one may be stunned by things which may amaze or astonish, tendency to cause insensibility or stupidity. This can happen in circumstances like during menses, between convulsion, after an animated conversation after debauchery. Disease Condition: Delirium Drug induced state. Important Drug: Apis, Bapt., Bell., Cocc., Hell., Hyos., Nux-v., Op., Ph-ac., Phos., Rhus-t., Stram., Verat.

Succeeds, never K, Syn, Z, Ss, Meaning: Unable to ever obtain the object desired or to have the desired effect Cross Reference: Anxiety, success, from doubt about Confidence, want of self Delusion, business, unfit for, that he is Delusion, fail everything will Delusion, succeed, that he cannot, does everything wrong Discouraged Fails Fear, failure, of Fear, undertaking anything Helplessness Undertakes, nothing, lest he fails. Explanation: Quite often a person may find that he is unable to achieve or obtain the object he desires and can never attain success for anything he undertakes so habitually gives up hope even before giving the job or plan his best try. Disease Condition: Depression Anxiety state Personality disorder Important Drug: Am-c., Asar., Aur., Canth., Merc., Mur-ac., Nat-c., Nat-s., Nux-v.

Suggestion, will not receive K, Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Is unwilling to accept something offered to the mind or thoughts by others Cross Reference: Anger, contradiction, from Contradiction, intolerant of Dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering despotic Heedless Kill, desire to kill the person who contradict her Obstinate Weeping, contradiction, from Explanation: People having fixed thoughts, become very irritable and cannot endure the least contradiction whilst they on the other hand themselves tend to find fault in others. They will never follow other people's advice even though it is for their own good and will tell the person that his suggestions were uninvited and useless Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Helon.

Suicidal . disposition K, BB, Z, Syn, Ss, P Meaning: An act or instance of intentionally killing oneself. Cross Reference: A/F, love, disappointed Anguish, suicide, attempts to commit Anxiety, suicidal Death, desires Sadness, suicidal disposition with Disgust

Fear, alone, of being, lest he injure himself Fear, kill herself, she may Fear, suicide, of Hypochondriasis, suicide leading to Impulse, to stab his flesh with the knife he holds Inconsolable, suicide, even to Injure, satiety of life, must use self control to prevent shooting himself. Insanity, split his head into two, will Insanity, suicidal disposition, with Jumping, impulse to, height, from a Kill, sudden impulse to, herself Killed, desire to be Loathing life Love, A/F disappointed Mania, madness, suicidal Rage, suicidal Thoughts, suicide Weary of life Explanation: Depressed sad people who have been disappointed and disturbed to such an extent either in love or business or unfavorable situation in life or in extreme pain or in a state of intoxication may find themselves weary and unable to cope with life, tend to be self-destructive and want to take one's own life. Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Drug withdrawal states Personality disorder Important Drug: Aur., Aur-m., Nat-s., Psor.

Sulky K, BB, Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: Sullenly withdrawn or aloof Cross Reference: Company, aversion to Complaining Discontented Face, expression sullen Moping Morose Taciturn Unfriendly humor Explanation: When the person is dejected or unhappy or resentful and wishes to protest silently he will pout or mope, sitting all by himself refusing to talk or joke with people around him. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depression Conduct disorder Important Drug: Ant-c., Merc.

Summing . up, difficult Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Unable to collect or add into one whole as particulars or several numbers or to condense as in a speech Cross Reference: Accounts, makes mistakes in Concentration, difficult, calculating, while Confusion, calculating, while Mathematics, calculating, inapt for Mistakes in calculating

Slowness, calculation, in Explanation: A physician may very often come across certain individuals, most of them children, who may complain of an inability to add or collect into one whole several numbers or particulars. Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Mental retardation Schizophrenia Important Drug: Anh., Sumb.

Superstitious K, BB, P, Ss, Z, Syn Meaning: Having a belief, practice or rite held inspite of evidence to the contrary, resulting from ignorance of the law of nature or from faith in magic or chance. A fearful state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality Cross Reference: Fanaticism Fear, superstitious Prejudices, traditional Explanation: Certain individuals are full of idle fancies and practices, usually in regard to religion and have absurd, old, unreasonable, obsolete beliefs which cause dread and fear. This sort of unfounded, false worship is based more on fear rather than love and trust. For e.g. people feel that the number 13 is unlucky or that it is a bad omen for a black cat to cross one's path etc. Disease Condition: Anxiety disorder Phobic disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Bell., Con., Op., Rhus-t., Stram., Zinc.

Suppressed or receding skin disease or haemorrhoids, mental symptoms agg. Syn, Z, Ss

Cross Reference: Eruption or haemorrhoids, mental symptoms, agg. after suppressed. Insanity, suppressed eruption, after Mania, suppressed eruption, after Unconsciousness, exanthema slow to appear, when Unconsciousness, suppression of eruptions, after. Important Drug: Anac., Ant-c., Arn., Ars., Bell., Caust., Cupr., Fl-ac., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Sep., Sulph., Verat., Zinc.

Surly BB Meaning: Cross, rude or uncivil, gloomily morose, ill natured Cross Reference: Morose, Sullen Sullenly, ill tempered Sulky Explanation: People who think too much of themselves and feel that they are always right, appear arrogant and domineering to others and are generally disliked Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Anac., Arn., Bell. Bry., Cham., Cocc., Coloc., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.

Surprises, pleasant, after K, P, Z Cross Reference: A/F, surprises, pleasant Joy, A/F excessive Important Drug: Coff.

Susceptible Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: The quality or state of being easily affected or influenced. Particularly sensitive and impressionable Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self Impressionable, susceptible Offended easily Sensitive, oversensitive, external impression, to all Yielding Explanation: Over sensitive people have the tendency to be affected and influenced by deep emotions or strong feelings or any external factor. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: Am-c., Bar-c., Calc.

Suspense P, Ss Cross Reference: A/F anticipation Anticipation Anxiety, anticipating an engagement Fear, happen, something will

Suspicious, mistrustful K, P, Ss, Z, Syn, Meaning: Arousing or apt to arouse doubts, exhibiting suspicion Cross Reference: Cautious Carefulness Delusions, accused thinks she is

Delusions, appreciated, that she is not Delusions, assaulted, is going to be Delusions, caught as if he would be Delusions, confusion, imagines others will deserve her Delusions, conspiracies, against her father, the landlord bills are conspiracies Delusions, conspiracies, against him there are Delusions, corners, sees, something coming out of Delusions, criminals about Delusions, criticized, that, she is Delusions, danger to his life Delusions, despised, that he is Delusions, enemy, everyone is an Delusions, everyone, surrounded by Delusions, faces, wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out from corners Delusions, laughed at, imagines, she is Delusions, looked down upon, that she is Delusions, looking at her, everyone is Delusions, murdered, that he would be Delusions, people, sees, looking at him. Delusions, poisoned, that he was about to be Delusions, poisoned, thought he had been Delusions, sold, as if he would be Delusions, thieves, sees house in Delusions, vexation and offences of Delusions, wife is faithless

Distrustful Doubtful Fear, misfortune of Fear, persecution, of Fear, robbers, of Insanity, persecution mania Jealousy Mistrustfulness Explanation: Distrustful individuals are always suspecting a wrong being done to them, without sufficient evidence or proof. A wife may doubt and be jealous of her husband talking to any other female. A rich businessman may refuse to take medicines with a fear that his partner or relatives are plotting against him and may try to poison him. Disease Condition: Paranoid disorders Paranoid Schizophrenia. Paranoid personality disorder. Drugs: Acon., Anac., Ars., Bar-c., Bry., Cann-i., Caust., Cench., Cic., Dig., Kali-ar., Lach., Lyc., Puls., Rhus-t., Sec., Stram., Sulph.

Sympathy K, Syn, , BB, Z, P, Ss Meaning: Mutual affinity between individuals in which, whatever affects one, correspondingly affects the other. Cross Reference: Compassion Anxiety, others Lamenting others, about Weeping, sympathy was others Explanation: Some people have pity or sorrow for the distress of another, because of the affection and understanding for the feeling of others, even those who are not very close to him. Important Drug: Carc., Caust., Cic., Ign., Nat-c., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Phos.

Taciturn BB, P, Ss, Syn, Z, K. Meaning: Uncommunicative Cross Reference: Talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent taciturn. Explanation: When a person is gloomy or depressed or ill, he would like to be left by himself since he dislikes any company and prefers to be quiet. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder. Important Drug: Arum., Caust., Euphor., Glon., Hell., Ign., Led., Lyc., Op., Ph-ac., Plat., Puls., Staph., Verat., Zinc-c.

Tedium vitae BB Cross Reference: Disgust of life Disease Condition: Depressive disorder, schizophrenia

Talk anxious to, in public Ss, Z Meaning: Fright or nervousness brought on by the prospect of performing or speaking before an audience. Cross Reference: A/F, anticipation, stage fright. Confidence, lack of self. Timidity. Explanation: Usually amongst the lawyers or public speakers or nervous individuals, stage fright is very common. This fright may be manifested by any physical complaints like diarrhoea or stammering or trembling of hands or cold perspiration. Disease Condition: Phobic disorder Anxiety disorder Depressive disorder.

Personality disorder. Important Drug: Lach., Lyc.

Talking agg, all complaints Ss, K, P, Syn, P. Cross Reference: Generalities, talking agg. Explanation: During a bout of fever or when one has severe headache, a person prefers to be left alone in solitude and quiet since even the slightest noise is harsh and tends to jar his nerves Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Ambr., Sulph.

Talks, alone when K, Syn, Ss, Z. Explanation: Sometimes one comes across people who tend to talk to relatives or friends who have passed away or to persons who are absent, usually when they are lonely. Often they talk to themselves either about their anxieties and fears, even though there is no one around. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drug: Lach., Nux-v., Stram.

Tasteless, in dressing Ss, Syn, Z. Meaning: The state of being unable to discover beauty or having an unpleasing style or mannerism in dressing or in doing things. Cross Reference: Clothed, improperly Dress, dresses, indecently Eccentricity, dressing Elegance, want of Indifference, apathy, appearance about, personal. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Depressive disorders

Drug abuse Personality disorder. Important Drug: Calc., Nat-m.

Tastes, everything Syn, BB, Ss, Z Disease Condition: Mania Schizophrenia Kluver Buey Syndrome Important Drug: Bell.

Tears things Ss, K, BB, P, Syn., Z Meaning: To shatter, to divide by pulling, to remove or take away by violence or some degree of force. Cross Reference: Break things, desire to Destructiveness Mania, tears clothes Rage, clothes Violence. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Temporal Lobe epilepsy Antisocial personality disorder. Important Drug: Bell., Camph., Kali-p., Nux-v., Oena., Stram., Verat.

Teasing Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: To annoy for the purpose of provocation, to irritate.

Cross Reference: Jesting Mocking Sarcasm Explanation: Certain individuals are in the habit of playfully making fun or mocking others irrespective of the offence and anger felt by the other person Disease Condition: Personality disorder Conduct disorder Important Drug: Arn., Caust., Nux-v.

Temerity Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: Excessive, arrogant, self-confidence Cross Reference: Audacity High spirited Explanation: Occasionally one comes across a person, who is very rash in doing things, for he is overconfident of himself, daring, bold and thinks that nothing can harm him. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Schizophrenia Important Drug: Agar., Arn., Op., Staph.

Testament, refuses to make Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Refusing to make a written document; property attested in which one declares his pleasure as to the disposal of his property after his death. Explanation: Here a person might keep putting off making his will due to varied reasons. Either because he does not wish to acknowledge the fact that he is close to death or he is too attached to his material things or he cannot make up his mind regarding distribution of his accumulated wealth. Important Drug: Calc., Hep., Nat-m.

Thinking, aversion to Ss, K, BB, Syn Cross Reference: Work, aversion to mental Explanation: Lazy, indolent people just hate to exert their mind or think and are averse to devote any time to thought or meditate and are incapable of judgment. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drug: Aster., Bapt., Carb-v., Chin., Gels., Lec., Lyc., Petr., Phos-ac., Phos., Sil.

Thoughts Ss, K, BB, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: That which the mind thinks, the state of mind when attending to a particular subject. A conception or judgment. Explanation: Depending on the state of mind a person can have variable thoughts e.g. they may be disagreeable or regarding the diseases he is suffering from or there may be crowding of thoughts in his mind occasionally persistent ones, tormenting or sexual etc.

Threatening Ss, K, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: Indicating a menace or some evil or danger; impending, declaring a purpose to inflict evil or injury on another. Cross Reference: Abusive Insanity, threatens destruction and death Kill, threatens to. Explanation: Some people have a tendency to announce the intention to inflict harm to others or himself for e.g. , not given whatever he wants, a child will terrify his parents by announcing a decision to do something drastic like jumping out of the window or breaking things if opposed to. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Hep., Stram., Tarent., Tub.

Throws, things, away Ss, P, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Anger, throws things Anger, violent Destructiveness Explanation: Very often a person hurls things either in anger or rage, sometimes even with the intention to hurt the opposite person or break things. Occasionally an individual likes to keep things neat and clean so he throws away old and unwanted things. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Cina, Kreos., Staph.

Thunderstorm, mind symptoms before S, K, P, Syn, Z. Cross Reference: Anxiety, thunderstorm, before Fear, thunderstorm of, approach, of at Generalities storm agg. Restlessness, thunderstorm before Explanation: Here all the mental complaints and sufferings increase before a thunderstorm. For e.g. a person might become depressed or gloomy or violent or fearful. Disease Condition: Phobic disorder Anxiety disorder of childhood Important Drug: Nat-c., Rhod.

Time, fritters, away his S, K, Syn, Z. f Meaning: To waste time. Cross Reference: Activity, fruitless

Busy, fruitlessly Ennui, tedium Indolence, aversion to work. Explanation: Due to the lack of an inclination to work or to do something constructive, some people may waste their time in unnecessary talk in an unproductive manner. There are many ways one can idle away ones time-by day dreaming, working extremely slowly, generally losing and wasting away one's time. Disease Condition: Conduct disorder Personality disorder Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder. Important Drug: Nat-c., Sulph.

Timidity Ss, K, BB, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: Shrinking from public attention, shy Cross Reference: A/F anticipation Asks, nothing, for Aversion, approached, of being Bashful Cautious Confidence, want of self Cowardice Delusion, business, unfit for, he is Delusion, confidence in him, his friends have lost all Delusion, criticized, she is Delusion, deserted, forsaken is

Delusion, disgraced, she is Delusion, fail, everything will Delusion, right, does nothing Delusion, succeed, he cannot does everything wrong Face - discolouration red, excitement Fear, approaching others, of Fear, confusion, that people will see her Fear, say something wrong, lest he should Fear, failure, of Fear, failure, of, in business Irresolution Quiet disposition Reserved Shy Succeeds, never Undertakes nothing Undertakes, nothing, lest he fails. Explanation: Children or even some grownups may be shy and fearful, always wanting to be by themselves, even when in front of strangers or when in company. For e.g. in a party a timid person prefers to sit quietly in a corner all by himself rather than mix about with the other guests present. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Depressive disorder Important Drug: Bar-c., Calc., Calc-s., Gels., Kali-c., Lyc., Nat-c., Petr., Phos., Plb., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

Torments, those about him Ss, K, P, Syn, Z.

Meaning: To put to extreme pain or anguish, to harass, or distress or tease those around him. Explanation: Very often a person likes to pester, harass, tease, or vex others causing misery and unsettling them. Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Conduct disorders Schizophrenia Sadism. Important Drug: Alumn., Calc., Sulph., Lach.

Torpor Ss, K, P, Syn, Z. Meaning: Mental or physical inactivity or insensibility, sluggishness, lethargy; apathetic. Cross Reference: Dullness Indifference, apathy Explanation: This may be found in a person who is disinterested in doing any work and doesn't feel like exerting either mentally or physically. This dullness or inactivity may be seen after or during prolonged illness or in a state of depression. Disease Condition: Withdrawn catatonic schizophrenia. Organic mental disorders. Important Drug: Cic., Crot-h., Gels., Hyos., Iod., Mag-m., Merc., Nat-m., Nux-m., Op., Plb., Puls., Stram.

Touch everything impelled to S, K, P, Syn, BB, Z. Explanation: Generally small children when they go out, have a habit of touching everything in an inquisitive way or because they are too restless. Disease Condition: Catatonic Schizophrenia Obsessive compulsive disorder. Important Drug: Merc., Thuja.

Touched, aversion to being Cross Reference: Anger, touched, when

Anger, caressing, from Caressed, aversion to being Disturbed, averse to being Fear, touch, of Frightened easily, touch, from Generalities, touch agg. Insanity, touched, will not be Rage, touch, renewed by Sensitive Shrieking, children, touched, when Staring, touched, when Weeping, touched, when. Explanation: When in pain or in an irritable and angry mood certain individuals do not like to be approached or touched. Disease Condition: Phobic disorder Anxiety disorder, paranoid. Schizophrenia Frigidity. Important Drug: Ant-c., Arn., Cham., Kali-c., Tarent.

Trance Ss, BB, Syn, Z Meaning: A hypnotic cataleptic or ecstatic state. Detachment from one's physical surroundings as in contemplating or day dreaming. Reverie. A dazed state as between sleeping and waking, stupor. Cross Reference: Unconsciousness, trance, in a Explanation: This state is seen when a person is totally absorbed in deep concentration. For e.g. when listening to music or playing the piano with eyes close or day dreaming.

Disease Condition: Dissociative states Schizophrenia Drug abuse Organic mental disorder. Important Drug: Lach.

Tranquility, severity, calmness Ss, K, P, Syn, Z Meaning: Freedom from disturbance or agitation. A calm quiet state. Peaceful and undisturbed. Cross Reference: Calmness Mildness Quiet disposition Serenity. Explanation: This is a state or quality of being serene, undisturbed, peaceful, calm, placed. Disease Condition: Drug induced state. Important Drug: Ars., Cham., Chel., Chin., Cic., Coff. Hell., Hyos., Op., Ph-ac., Plat., Sep.

Traumata, mental Ss, Z, Syn Meaning: Symptoms arising from mental wounds and injury Cross Reference: A/F, Shock, mental. Explanation: Any severe jar, shock, blow to the emotions may affect a person in such a way that he may have physical and mental complaints. For e.g. reproached in schools by a teacher, a child may be emotionally disturbed to such an extent that be may stammer or withdraw into himself or may suffer from a high bout of fever. Disease Condition: Post-traumatic stress disorder Brief reactive psychosis Schizophrenia

Depressive disorder. Important Drug: Arn.

Travel, desire to Ss, K, P, Z, Syn. Cross Reference: Cosmopolitan Escape, attempts to Insanity, travel, with desire to Wander, desire to Explanation: Some people are generally very fond of visiting new places and meeting new people. Disease Condition: Mania, Hypomania Important Drug: Calc-p., Carc., Hipp., Iod., Merc., Tub.

Trifles, important seem S, K, BB, P. Meaning: A thing of little value is given a lot of importance. Cross Reference: Anxiety, trifles about Cares, worries, full of Conscientious, about trifles Despair, trifles, at Excitement, trifles, over Fastidious Fear, trifles, at Frightened, easily, trifles, at Grief, trifles, over Impatience, trifles, about Indecisive, trifles, about

Irresolution, trifles, about Lamenting, trifles, over Laughing, trifles, at Prostration, trifles, from Remorse, trifles, about Sadness, trifles, about Shrieking, screams, trifles, at Starting, starts, trifles, at Violent, trifles, at Wildness, trifles at Weeping, trifles, at Explanation: Something unimportant or of very little value emotionally upsets an oversensitive person, making him irritable or sad. Even a pen out of its place may excite these sort of people. Disease Condition: Compulsive personality disorders. Important Drug: Calc., Caust., Ferr., Graph., Hep., Ign., Ip., Nat-m., Nux-v., Sil., Thuj., Tub.

Truth, tells the plain Syn, Ss, Z, Explanation: Some people prefer not to lie or make excuses even if they knew that it is beneficial to them. Such individuals come forward and admit their faults irrespective of the consequences. Important Drug: Alum., Bor., Hyos., Verat.

Twilight agg, mental symptoms Ss, Z, P Meaning: Mental symptoms are agg. during the faint light this is perceived before sunrise and after sunset. Cross Reference: Generalities, evening twilight agg. Explanation: It may be noticed that certain people become worse mentally for e.g. depressed or angry during this particular time of the day.

Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder. Delirium. Dementia (Atherosclerotic senile) Important Drug: Berb., Calc., Caust., Phos., Plat., Puls., Rhus-t., Valer.

Unamiable, unfriendly etc BB, Z Meaning: Unpleasant in disposition, bad natured, incongenial Cross Reference: Unfeeling, hard hearted Unfriendly Unsympathetic, unscrupulous Explanation: These sort of people do not wish to gain anyone's affection and are generally aloof and unfriendly in their behavior Disease Condition: Personality disorder Conduct disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Am-c., Mag-m., Plat.

Ugly behavior Z, P Meaning: Cross or disagreeable Repulsive or offensive Morally reprehensible Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Drug induced state Important Drug: Cham., Cina, Nux-v.

Unattractive things seems Z, Ss, Syn, P, K Meaning: Not alluring Cross Reference: Indifference, everything, to Explanation: When a person is emotionally disturbed he shows a total lack of interest for his work and to his surroundings. Any exciting activity would also seem drab and dull to him Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Chin.

Uneasiness BB. P Meaning: Lacking ease, comfort or a sense of security Awkward or constrained Affording no ease or reassurance Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Anxiety disorder Drug induced state

Unbearable pains Z Cross Reference: See Sensitive, oversensitive pains to

Unconsciousness Ss, Syn, Z, P, K Meaning: Having no mental perception. Not knowing, Unaware Cross Reference: Generalities, faintness Insensibility Stupefaction.

Explanation: In certain conditions a person may not be aware of his surroundings due to a total lack of sensory perception. This may be seen after concussion of the brain or after convulsion or epilepsy or after some emotional upsets or high fever or in meningitis or scarlatina Disease Condition: Drug overdosage and intoxication Vascular causes Infective causes Traumatic causes Neoplastic Endocrine Atherosclerotic Metabolic causes Important Drug: Acon., Bar-c., Cann-i., Cocc., Hell., Hydr-ac., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Mosch., Nux-m., Op., Phac., Puls.

Understand, questions addressed to her, does not Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: Unable to comprehended fully to perceive or discern or know the meaning of the questions with she is asked Cross Reference: Dullness, understands no questions Dullness, understands question only after repetition Explanation: Due to severe pain or weakness a person may become so dull that he cannot grasp or comprehend what he has been asked, and needs to be repeatedly questioned in order to get a reply Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Mental retardation Chronic schizophrenia Drug abuse. Important Drug: Tarent.

Understanding, difficult

Ss Meaning: See Dullness Cross Reference: See Dullness Explanation: See Dullness Disease Condition: See Dullness Important Drug: See Dullness

Undertakes, lacks will power to undertake anything Z, Ss, Syn, K Meaning: Refer Irresolution Cross Reference: Initiative lack of Irresolution Will, weakness of Explanation: Very often individuals make many plans but are unable to carry out their decision and wishes since most often they lack courage or strength of mind or are just too lazy. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Drug addiction Depressive disorder Important Drug: Phos., Pic-ac.

Undignified , Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: Not marked with dignity, below one's position Cross Reference: Servile. Shameless Explanation: Such people lack the poise in appearance. They have a low self-esteem with shows in their behavior and their demeanor and are generally not given the respect and honor they might deserve. Even whatever they might undertake to do is not done with dignity.

Disease Condition: Mental retardation Schizophrenia Drug addicts Personality disorder Important Drug: Alco.

Unfeeling, hard hearted Ss, Z, Syn, K, Z Meaning: Having no feelings of sympathy or kindness. Callous Cross Reference: Cruelty, inhumanity Malicious Moral feeling, want of Sensitive, oversensitive, want of sensitiveness Unsympathetic, unscrupulous Explanation: Very often, we come across people who are devoid of any tender emotions either towards the world in general or certain individuals in particular. For e.g., a passerby may be repulsed by beggars and might unfeelingly kick or strike them in anger. A drunkard parent may be cruel to his off-spring and may be incapable of being sensitive to their wants and feelings. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder Important Drug: Anac., Lach., Laur., Sulph.

Unfortunate, . feels Z, K, Ss, Syn Meaning: A feeling of unsuccessfulness or not being prosperous Cross Reference: Delusion, misfortune, inconsolable over fancied Delusion, unfortunate he is Misfortune

Unlucky Explanation: Occasionally a person may feel luckless and ill fated and says that nothing ever happens the way she desires them to Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Depressive disorder Important Drug: Chel., Chin., Graph., Lyc., Staph., Tab.

Unfriendly humor Z, Ss, K Meaning: Not kind or favorable Cross Reference: Discontented Jesting, malicious Mocking, sarcasm. Morose Repulsive Sulky Explanation: Refer Morose Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Refer Morose

Ungraceful Z, Ss Meaning: Lacking social grace Not pleasant or acceptable; wicked Cross Reference: Elegance, want of Explanation: See Elegance want of

Disease Condition: See Elegance want of Important Drug: See Elegance want of

Ungrateful , Syn, Z, Ss Meaning: Not feeling or exhibiting gratitude, thanks or appreciation Cross Reference: Indifference, done for her, about anything being Explanation: Individuals who are haughty and proud never appreciate what others have done for them. They do not express their gratitude and feel that it was the other person's duty to do him a favour. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Ars., Calc., Caust., Lach., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Plat., Staph., Sulph.

Unhappiness prolonged, due to other people influence. Z, Meaning: Not happy or joyful Bringing misfortune Cross Reference: A/F Domination Important Drug: See A/F Domination.

Unification, higher consciousness with Z Meaning: Unification means becoming one with Explanation: This is seen a person who is in tune with his spiritual self Common Drugs: Hydrogen

Unimpressionable Z Disease Condition: Personality disorder

Important Drug: Rheum.

Unmanageable Z Cross Reference: Aversion, handled being Capriciousness Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Aether, Alco., Am-c., Atro., Bell., Dig., Lyc., Petr., Stram.

Unlucky P Meaning: Subjected to or marked by misfortune Not producing the desired outcome Cross Reference: Delusion, misfortune, inconsolable over fancied Delusion, unfortunate, he is Misfortune Unfortunate feels Succeeds never Explanation: See unfortunate feels Disease Condition: Histrionic personality disorder Depressive disorder Important Drug: Verat-a.

Unobserving . Z, Ss, K, Syn Meaning: Inattentive, heedless Cross Reference: Absent-mindedness

Abstraction of mind Distraction Heedless Explanation: Refer Absent minded Disease Condition: Organic mental disorder Schizophrenia Drug abuse Important Drug: Refer Absent minded

Unreal, everything seems Z, P, K, Ss, Meaning: Not substantial, not real Cross Reference: Delusion, unreal, everything is Dream, as if in a Explanation: Refer Delusion Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Temporal lobe epilepsy Depersonalization neurosis Important Drug: Refer Delusion.

Unreasonable Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Exceeding the bounds of reason Immoderate, exorbitant, irrational Explanation: Impractical individuals never sit and think rationally and are immoderate and occasionally may make absurd demands of others Disease Condition: Schizophrenia

Personality disorder Important Drug: Ars-s-f., Lil-t.

Unreliable . Z, Ss, Syn Meaning: Not to be relied on or not trusted. Untrustworthy Cross Reference: Capriciousness Deceitful, sly Heedless Irresolution, changeable Irresponsible Liar Mood, changeable, variable Explanation: Certain individuals take everything too lightly and generally cannot be trusted for anything. If given an appointment they would never be on time. Promises made by them are always broken and any job entrusted to them is never finished Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Anh.

Unsettled Z Meaning: Not orderly or stable. Liable to vary Not determined or resolved Disease Condition: Personality disorder Organic brain disease Schizophrenia

Important Drug: Carb-an., Guare, Sapin.

Unsteady Z, P. Meaning: Not firm Fluctuating, inconstant Wavering, uneven Cross Reference: Thoughts, wandering Explanation: See Thoughts wandering Disease Condition: See Thoughts wandering Important Drug: See Thoughts wandering

Unsocial P, BB, Ss Meaning: Not inclined to seek the company of others Not conducive to social exchange Disease Condition: Depression Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Anac., Syph.

Unsympathetic BB, Z, Ss, Syn, K Meaning: Uncompassionate, uncaring Cross Reference: Aloof Indifference, others, about Moral feeling, want of

Sensitive, oversensitive, want of sensitiveness Unfeeling, hard-hearted Explanation: Some people lack the ability for understanding and sharing the feeling and problems of another person. The grief felt by a person on losing a big sum of money may be laughed off as carelessness on his part by an unsympathetic observer Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Anac., Ars., Chin., Cham., Dig., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Op., Plat., Puls., Sep.

Untidy Z, Ss, Syn, P, BB Meaning: Not neatly dressed, not in good order. Cross Reference: Heedless Indifference, external things, to Indifference, personal appearance, to Explanation: Very often a person may be very careless or disorderly about his way of dress, his work, his own personal objects. This may be either because they are too lazy to arouse themselves to do anything or they may be disinclined towards any physical exertion. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Drug addiction Depressive disorder Important Drug: Aur-ar., Sulph.

Untruthful Z, Ss, K Meaning: Having the habit of uttering falsehood Cross Reference: Deceitful

Dishonest Duplicity Hypocrisy Lie, believes she is lying Lie, never, speaks the truth Liar Slander, disposition, to Explanation: Refer Liar Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Conduct disorder Important Drug: Alco., Op., Verat.

Unworthy, object seems Ss, Z, Syn, K Meaning: Not deserving, unbecoming, Wanting merit Explanation: These people do not realize the value of things and feel that it does not require much of his attention and consideration. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Chin.

Urinating everywhere Z Cross Reference: See Dirtiness, urinating and defecating everywhere Explanation: See Dirtiness Disease Condition: See Dirtiness

Important Drug: See Dirtiness

Urination, amel Z, P Important Drug: Eug.

Useful, desire to be Z, Ss, Important Drugs: Cere-b. Useful, desire to be

Usurer Syn, Ss, Z Meaning: One who lends money at an exorbitant or illegal rate of interest Explanation: Greedy and selfish people may make money - lending their profession and are always on the lookout for methods to increase their accumulations of wealth, even resorting to illegal means. Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Important Drug: Lyc., Puls., Sulph.

Vacant feeling Z Meaning: Expressionless Not filled with activity Cross Reference: Dullness Head, vacant feeling Ideas, deficiency of Thoughts, vanishing of Disease Condition: Organic brain disease Delirium

Drug induced state Depression.

Vacillation Z, P, Ss, K Meaning: To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another - Irresolute, tending to waver. Cross Reference: Capricious Mood changeable Explanation: Individuals who have a wavering mind and are inclined to fluctuate in their opinion or in the decision they make. A person cannot make up his mind with regards to his future profession and might think of becoming a teacher one day whilst on the very next day he would like to take up medicine as his profession. This change of thoughts confuses him further. Disease Condition: Maniac depressive disorder Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Refer Mood.

Vanity Z, Ss, P, Syn. Meaning: The quality or state of being vain. Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments. Conceit. Cross Reference: Affectation Appreciation, longs, for Admiration, desires Contemptuous Deeds, feels as if could do great Delusion, appreciated, is not Delusion, body, greatness of, as of

Delusion, criticized, she is Delusion, distinguished, is Delusion, great person, is a Delusion, humility and lowness of others, while he is great Delusion, inferior, people seem, mentally and physically, on entering the house after a walk Delusion, insulted, he or she is Delusion, neglected, he is Delusion, proud Delusion, rank, he is a person of Delusion, superiority Delusion, tall he is. Delusion, visions, grandeur of magnificent. Delusion, wealth, of Egotism, self esteem Exclusive, too Extravagance Flattery, desires. Foolish happiness and pride Haughty Impatience, talk much, on hearing others Lamenting, appreciated, because he is not Longing for good opinion of others. Presumptuous Speech, extravagant Squanders money

Talking, pleasure in his own taking Explanation: Some people are overly proud of themselves and tend to be haughty. They are always preoccupied with their appearance; achievement or belongings. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Narcocistic personality disorder Important Drug: Bell., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v., Plat., Puls., Sulph.

Veneration Ss, Z, K, Syn Meaning: To regard with respect, reverence or deference Cross Reference: Admiration excessive Reverence Reverence, for those around him. Explanation: There are certain people who are in great awe of others, either due to their achievements or due to their standing in society or due to their religious status and they would show great deal of respect in various ways like bowing, kneeling or kissing their hands etc. Important Drug: Coff.

Verses, makes Z, Ss, K, Syn. Meaning: Makes light, often whimsical poetry Explanation: Romantic, light hearted or sensitive people love to write small stanzas of poetry and tendency to versify all the messages they want to convey to people Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drug: Agar., Am-c., Ant-c., Cann-i., Carb-v., Chin., Coff., Lach., Lyc., nat-m., Staph., Stram., Thea.


Z, Ss, Syn, BB, P, K Meaning: An act of irritating or annoying Cross Reference: Anger irascibility Anger, ailments after Chest, palpitation, vexation, after Chill, vexation, after Confusion, vexation, after Cough, chagrin and trouble Cough, fretting Cough, vexation, from Disconcerted Discontented Ear, pain, vexation, after Face, heat, vexation, after Face, discolouration, yellow, vexation, after Frown, disposed to Fever, vexation, heat, from Irritability Perspiration, vexation, after Sadness, annoyance, after Sleep dreams, vexation Stomach, indigestion, vexation, after Stomach, pain, vexation, after Teeth, pain, vexation, after Vertigo, vexation, after.

Explanation: Very often a person who is disturbed and uneasy mentally may find even the smallest occurrences troublesome or annoying. Such people feel harassed and angry at little matters,. A father in a vexed state would be more angry over a trivial matter like that of his son losing his pen or his wife burning his toast. Explanation: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Post traumatic stress disorder Disease Condition: Refer Anger.

Vindictive Z, Ss, K Meaning: Inclined to seek revenge. Revengeful, Meant to cause pain or harm; spiteful. Cross Reference: Cruelty, inhumanity Jealousy, revenge, desire to take Jealousy, vindictive Hatred Malicious, spiteful vindictive Violent, vehement etc. Explanation: Certain maliciously inclined individuals when hurt or insulted would live to seek revenge by causing some harm to the person concerned. A youth disappointed in love would like to avenge the wrong done to him by killing the girl he loves. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Paranoid Schizophrenia Paranoid disorder Paranoid personality disorder Important Drug: Refer Malicious

Violence vehement BB, K, Ss, Syn, Z, P, Meaning: Characterized or caused by great physical force or rough action. Intense, severe Cross Reference: Anger, violent Attack, others, desire to Biting Break things, desire to Cut others, desire to Delirium, attacks people with knife Delirium, fierce Delirium, violent Destructiveness Gestures violent Kicks Kill, desire to Rage, fury Vehement Vindictive Wildness Explanation: A mother burdened with a lot of household chores may get irritated by the pranks played by her child and in a fit of rage would hit out, not thinking about the harm caused. A husband showing great emotional force may break all the chinaware crockery which he knows are his wife's prized possessions in response to her not obeying his wishes. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Antisocial personality disorder

Drug withdrawal stress Important Drug: Aur., Bell., Cic., Hep., Hyos., Nux-v., Stram.

Visions Z, Ss, K Meaning: See Delusion Cross Reference: Delusion, fancy, illusion of Delusion, figures, sees Delusion, images phantoms, sees Delusion, specters, ghost, spirit, sees. Delusion, vision, has Explanation: See Delusion Disease Condition: See Delusion Important Drug: See Delusion

Vivaciousness P, K, Ss, Syn, Z Meaning: Filled with animation and spirit; lively Cross Reference: Cheerful, gay, mirthful Excitement Exhilaration High - spirited Jesting Quick to act Sleep, sleeplessness, vivacity from Thoughts rapid quick

Explanation: A young girl who is full of life and active, always having fun and always in a cheerful and jovial mood, involving others around her in gaiety and fun. Disease Condition: Mania Hypomania Important Drug: Coff., Hyos., Lach.

Void Z Meaning: Vacant, empty Cross Reference: Emptiness Explanation: See Emptiness Disease Condition: See Emptiness Important Drug: See Emptiness

Voyeurism Z Meaning: One who derives sexual gratification from observing the sex organ or sexual act of others especially from a secret vantage point. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Sexual perversion Personality disorder Important Drug: Bufo, Hyos., Staph.

Volition affected BB Meaning: Volition an act of willing, choosing or deciding Power or capability of choosing A conscious choice Disease Condition: Delirium

Organic brain disease Schizophrenia Drug induced state

Vulnerable emotionally Z Meaning: Susceptible to attack emotionally Subject to criticism or censure. Cross Reference: Sensitive, oversensitive Disease Condition: Personality disorder Depression Important Drug: Caust., Nat-m., Ph-ac., Puls.

Wailing K, Ss, Z, BB Meaning: To protest or grieve audibly. To make a high-pitched prolonged sound suggestive of a cry. To lament over or bewail. Cross Reference: Complaining Lamenting Explanation: Very often children if not brought up in a correct manner, are used to making a lot of demands and more often than not, their wishes are always met with. If by chance, the parent once refuses a desire the child may cry out in sorrow in a mournful, high-pitched cry. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Post traumatic stress disorder

Walk, walking Z, Ss, syn, K, P, BB Cross Reference: Extremities, walk Generalities, walking

Roving about

Wander, desire to BB, Z, K, Ss, Syn Meaning: To move about without a settled course. To ramble. To travel here and there. Cross Reference: Restlessness Travel, desire to Explanation: Certain individuals are in the habit to just move around or roam aimlessly without any purpose or aim. They may like to see new places or may just want to while away their time. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drug: Calc-p., Cench., Cimic., Kali-br., Lyss., Merc., Sanic., Tub., Verat., Verat-v.

Want, something he knows not what K, Z, Ss Meaning: See Capriciousness Cross Reference: Capriciousness Explanation: See Capriciousness Disease Condition: See Capriciousness Important Drug: See Capriciousness

Warm bath or warm application agg Z Important Drug: Lach

Washing always her hand Z, Ss, Syn, K Cross Reference: Extremities washes, always washing her hand Extremities washes dry hot, hands frequently

Fear, desire, contagious, epidemic Explanation: This is a sort of compulsive behavior where the person constantly feels that her hands are dirty and would like to wash them repeatedly to clean the imaginary dirt off. Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Compulsive personality disorder Important Drug: Coca, Lac-c., Med., Psor., Syph.

Wasting his time Ss Meaning: To waste time Cross Reference: Activity fruitless Time, fritters away, his Explanation: See Time, fritters away Disease Condition: See Time, fritters away Important Drug: See Time, fritters away

Wasteful Z Meaning: Marked by or given to waste Cross Reference: Extravagance Insanity, purchases, makes useless Squanders Explanation: See Extravagance Squanders Disease Condition: See Extravagance Squanders

Water agg mental symptoms Synth Meaning: See Hydrophobia Cross Reference: See Hydrophobia Explanation: See Hydrophobia Disease Condition: See Hydrophobia Important Drug: See Hydrophobia

Watchfulness Z Meaning: Observant or vigilant Cross Reference: Suspiciousness Explanation: Always being very alert Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drug: Calc-p., Eup-a., Ferr-p., Phos., Stram., Sulph.

Wavering between opposite resolution Z, P Meaning: See Irresolution Cross Reference: Antagonism with herself Irresolution Thoughts, two trains of thoughts. Will, two wills, feels, as if he had Explanation: See Irresolution Disease Condition: See Irresolution Important Drug: See Irresolution


Z Meaning: Stubborn or disobedient Capricious - unpredictable Cross Reference: See Capriciousness

Weakness Z, Ss, K, P Meaning: See Prostration Cross Reference: Prostration Explanation: Refer Prostration Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Chronic Schizophrenia Anxiety disorder Important Drug: Refer Prostration

Wearisome Ss, Syn, K, P, Z Meaning: Causing physical or mental fatigue Cross Reference: Dullness Ennui, tedium Generalities, lassitude Explanation: After some extreme physical or mental exertion a person is so exhausted of tolerance or patience that even the slightest vexation makes him irritable and tired of everything in general. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Drug induced state Important Drug: Calc-s., Euon., Grat., Mang., Ph-ac., Staph., Stront-c., Sul-ac., Zinc.

Wealthy thinks he is

P Meaning: Richly supplied Heaving wealth Disease Condition: Drug induced state Schizophrenia Personality disorder Disease Condition: Phos., Plat., Pyro, Sulph., Ver-a.

Weary of life Ss, Z, K, Syn. Meaning: Tired, fatigued, exhausted of tolerance or patience to live life Cross Reference: Boredom Death desires Ennui Indifference, life, to Irksome, everything is Loathing life Suicidal disposition Explanation: During a prolonged illness or after some grave mental disappointment, a person becomes so depressed that he is fed up of life and feels that it is a burden which he is incapable of carrying on with. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Important Drug: Ars., Aur., Aur-m., Bell., Chin., Kali-br., Kali-p., Lac-d., Merc., Nat-m., Nat-s., Nit-ac., Nux-v., Ph-ac., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Ter.

Weather cloudy agg. Ss, P, Cross Reference: A/F weather cloudy

Generalities, weather, cloudy agg. Important Drug: Aloe., Alum., Am-c., Nat-c., Phos., Sang.

Weeping tendency, tearful mood Z, P, Ss, Syn, BB, K Meaning: To shed tears. To express grief or anguish by tears Cross Reference: Lamenting Respiration, sobbing Shrieking Explanation: Oversensitive people would express grief or anguish or pain by crying for e.g. a sentimental girl after listening to music or before her menses might get depressed and weep at the slightest provocation. There may be others who shed tears after extreme anger or when consoled or when contradicted or during an illness or at the least opposition. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Adjustment disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Apis, Calc., Calc-s., Carbn-s., Caust., Cic., Graph., Ign., Kali-br., Lac-c., Lyc., Merc., Natm., Pall., Plat., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sulph., Verat., Viol-o.

Well, says he is when very sick Z, Ss, Syn, P, BB, K Cross Reference: Cheerfulness, pain all, with Delirium, well, declares she is Delusion, well, thinks he is Irritability sends the doctor home says he is not sick Obstinate, declares there is nothing the matter with him Refuses, medicine, to take the

Refuses, treatment, every Explanation: Very often a person who is grievously ill would refuse to acknowledge the illness and says that he is all right, either because he does not wish to face reality or he does not wish to bother his near ones Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Mania Organic mental disorder Important Drug: Apis, Arn.

Whimpering Z, Ss, BB Meaning: Soft intermittent crying To cry or sob with soft intermittent sound A low broken sobbing sound Cross Reference: Moaning Weeping whimpering Whining Personality disorder Important Drug: Alum., Arn., Bor., Bry, Camph., Cham., Kreos., Merc.

Whimsical Z, Ss, K Meaning: Capricious, playful or fanciful erratic or unpredictable. Cross Reference: Capriciousness Mood changeable. Explanation: Mood of such people changes very often with the slightest change in circumstances and their actions cannot be predicted accurately as they are very fickle in their decision

Disease Condition: Maniac depressive disorder Schizophrenia Organic mental disorder Important Drug: Refer Mood

Whining Z, P, Ss, Syn, BB, K Meaning: To utter a long plaintive, high pitched sound, as in pain, fear, supplication or complaint. To protest or complain in a childish annoying fashion. A complaint uttered in a plaintive tone. Cross Reference: Bemoaning Complaining Lamenting Moaning Whimpering Explanation: Sometimes may be due to various reasons, a person who is having some problems either mental or some physical ailment, will express his complaints of pain or fear or distress in a childish high pitched tone which is usually not very comprehensible or is mean and unmanly. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Important Drug: Refer Moaning.

Whispering Z, P, BB Meaning: Soft speech produced without full voice. Something uttered secretly expressed belief, rumor or hint. To speak quietly or privately as when imparting gossip, slander or intrigue Cross Reference: Larynx and trachea voice whispering Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder

Whistling Syn, Z, Ss, K, BB, P Meaning: To utter musical sounds and perform musical composition by expelling or drawing in the breath through an orifice formed by contracting the lips Cross Reference: Singing Explanation: Musical minded people or those in a light-hearted, happy mood, very often tend to produce musical sounds by whistling and sometimes may subconsciously continue to do so when walking on the road or during work. Disease Condition: Mania Important Drug: Croc., Lach., Plat., Stram.

Wicked disposition Ss, Z, K. Meaning: Morally bad, mischievous or playfully malicious, bad in effect, evil in practice or principle; corrupt, vicious Cross Reference: Cruelty inhumanity Malicious Misanthropy Explanation: People who are addicted to immoral mischief or vice, would always be upto pranks with the intention to harm or inflict anguish to others. Disease Condition: Antisocial personality disorder Conduct disorder Important Drug: Cocc., Cur.

Wildness Ss, Syn, Z, BB Meaning: Rough, state of being untamed and an irregularity of manners and absence of prudence Cross Reference: Dancing, wild Delirium, wild

Exuberance Gestures, wild Gestures, involuntary wild Hyperactive Laughing wildly Mania, madness Mouth, speech wild Rage fury Violent deeds or intentions. Explanation: In certain conditions a person may become highly excited, savage barbarous uncivilized, lacking restraint or control and disorderly. They are full of intense ungovernable emotions which are notoriously odd or amusing, for e.g., in night terrors or delirium tremens where the patient does all sorts of crazy thinks like talking incessantly, cursing and praying jerking the head up and dropping it, again, constantly spitting lewdness etc. Disease Condition: Personality disorder Schizophrenia Mania Drug induced states Important Drug: Lob., Stram., Verat.

Wild feeling in head Ss, Z, P, K Cross Reference: Confusion Explanation: See Confusion Disease Condition: Delirium Dementia Drug induced state Schizophrenia

Important Drug: Ambr., Bapt., Cimic., Lil-t., Med.

Will, contradiction of Ss, Syn, Z, BB, K Meaning: Against one's descriptive power of one's inclination or intention or that which is wished or desired Cross Reference: Antagonism with herself Confusion, will, amel, strong effort of Confusion, identity as to his Contradictory Irresolution Thoughts, two trains of thoughts Undertakes, lack, will power to undertake, anything Will, two, feels as if had two will Will, weakness of Explanation: In day to day life, we come across circumstances where one would like to do something but one is forced to choose the opposite course of action usually not in accordance to one's wish. For e.g. an employee being duty-bound would feel obliged to be something expected of her by her employer even if it is against her own wishes Disease Condition: Obsessive compulsive disorder Important Drug: Acon., Anac., Ant-t., Caps., Naja., Sep.

Window, looks hours out of Ss, Z, Syn Explanation: In certain disturbed states when a person is depressed or bored, one may just blankly gaze at the window, if he has nothing better to do or wants to be by himself. Disease Condition: Catatonic Schizophrenia Important Drug: Mez.


Z Meaning: Having wisdom or discernment for what is true, right or lasting. Having great learning To learn the facts or become aware Cross Reference: Precocity Explanation: Precocity Disease Condition: Precocity Important Drug: Precocity

Withdrawal from reality Z, Ss, Syn See Reality, flight from Meaning: To take back or away from reality Cross Reference: Indifference, cold Quiet, disposition Quiet person. Explanation: See Reality flight from Important Drug: Anh.

Witty . Z, K, P, Ss, Syn Meaning: Possessed of the power, faculty to discern and express quickly, amusing insights Cross Reference: Fancies, vivid Ideas, abundant Jesting Lively

Explanation: A man who excels in giving expression of unusual and striking ideas in such a manner as to create amusement or pleasant surprise. Such persons are usually the life of a party with their intelligent remarks. Disease Condition: Hypomania Important Drug: Coff., Lach., Op.

Women, mannish Z, Ss, Syn, Cross Reference: Mannish habit of women Disease Condition: Transvestism Transexualism Important Drug: Fl-ac.

Women, aversion to K, P, Z, Ss Cross Reference: Aversion, religious, to the opposite sex Aversion, women to Hatred, women, to Explanation: A man disappointed in love or having a suspicious nature or having some sexual disorder would have a marked dislike for females Disease Condition: Homosexuality Paraphilias Important Drug: Dios., Lach., Puls.

Work, aversion to mental BB, P, Z, Ss, Syn, K Cross Reference: Aversion, work mental Exertion, mental agg. Fear, work, dread of

Indolence Loathing work, mental Thinking aversion to Explanation: When a person is extremely tired either because of severe physical or mental strain or because a person is just too lazy, he may find himself in a state where any form of mental exertion or thinking is impossible for him. Disease Condition: Depressive disorder Schizophrenia Important Drug: Acon., Aloe., Bapt., Chel., Chin., Lec., Nux-v., Phos.

Writing agg, mind symptoms K, Ss, Syn, Z, P, Cross Reference: A/F work, mental, writing Explanation: Certain individuals have a marked dislike to write and when forced to do so, would either find that their memory becomes weak and poor and they are unable to concentrate, this in turn makes them feel depressed and anxious. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Important Drug: Asaf., Laur., Med., Nux-m., Rhus-t., Stann.

Wrong, everything seems K, Ss, Z, Syn, P. Cross Reference: Delusion, wrong everything is Discontented, wrong, everything another does is Explanation: Some people are never satisfied and would always criticize whatever is done by others. These people are difficult to get along with generally make life miserable for all around them. Disease Condition: Schizophrenia Personality disorder Important Drug: Coloc., Eug., Hep., Naja., Nux-v.


Z Meaning: A compulsive worker Cross Reference: Industrious, mania for work Explanation: See Industrious Disease Condition: See Industrious Important Drug: See Industrious

Wounds, cannot look at Z Cross Reference: Blood, on a knife cannot look at Explanation: See Blood on a knife can't look at Disease Condition: See Blood on a knife can't look at Important Drug: See Blood on a knife can't look at

Wrestling Z Meaning: A gymnastic exercise or contest between two competitors who attempts to throw each other by grappling Cross Reference: Fight wants to Explanation: See Fight wants to Disease Condition: See Fight wants to Important Drug: See Fight wants to

Yielding disposition Z, Ss, Syn, BB, Meaning: The quality of conceding or submitting or surrendering. To be able to admit that the other may be true Cross Reference: Confidence, want of self Impressionable

Irresolution Mildness Timid Explanation: There are certain individuals who readily give into what others say. They bow down or give way to pressure or persuasion. Most often they comply and agree to the demands made of them, even if they want to do otherwise. These people are very flexible and adjustable. Disease Condition: Avoidant personality disorder Important Drug: Croc., Lyc., Nux-v., Puls., Sil.

Zealous Z, P, Ss Meaning: Filled with or marked by zeal (zeal = enthusiastic, diligent devotion in pursuit of a cause, ideal, or goal). Cross Reference: Ardent Enthusiasm Passionate Sympathetic Disease Condition: Personality trait.

Zoomagnetic condition Z Cross Reference: Clairvoyance Somnambulism