Lesson Plan - Listening & Speaking (Year 3 KSSR)

LESSON PLAN Class Proficiency Level Time Date Theme Topic Language Skills / Content Content Standard Learning Standard

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LESSON PLAN Class Proficiency Level Time Date Theme Topic Language Skills / Content Content Standard

Learning Standard

Learning Objectives

Year 3 Kreatif Mixed-ability 9.00 – 10.00 a.m. th 22 August 2014 (Friday) World of Knowledge Fresh Fruits Listening & Speaking 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for a variety of purposes. 1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: (a) simple instructions 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral text by: (b) answering simple Wh-questions By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: a) Individually, given an oral text about how to make a fruit salad, sequence at least: a. Low: two; b. Average: three; c. Advanced: four; out of six steps correctly. b) In groups of six, given a sample of infographic material, create an infographic material (poster) about making a fruit salad containing local fruits of their choice and present their work verbally with correct word stress and pronunciation.

Teaching Aids

Text 1 (How to Make a Fruit Salad), Paper fruits, drawing blocks, Worksheet 1 & 2, sentence strips

Extra-curricular Elements

TS: Generalising Ideas MI: Verbal Linguistics, Visual Spatial, Physical Kinaesthetics MV: Cooperation, Self-reliance Pupils learned about names of fruits during previous lesson

Previous Knowledge STAGES / ACTIVITIES A) SET INDUCTION (5 minutes) 01. Teacher asks pupils to read a tongue twister.



Set Induction

Note: Create a tongue twister about fruits

02. Teacher shows pictures of different kinds of fruit salads. Teacher explains what a salad is.


03. Teacher asks simple Wh-questions to the pupils.


Note: Questions includes - What kind of fruits do you like in your salad? - What can you see in this picture? - What type of fruit is in this salad?


C) LISTENING (5 minutes) 04. Teacher reads aloud the text “How to Make a Fruit Salad”.

Presentation Listening Practice

C) WHILE-LISTENING (15 minutes) 05. Teacher distributes worksheets to each pupils individually. Teacher reads the “How to Make a Fruit Salad” text while pupils answer the worksheet. 06. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.

Listening practice


07. Teacher distributes the second worksheet to each pupils. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils. D) POST-LISTENING & SPEAKING (20 minutes) 08. Teacher asks pupils to sit in groups of six.

Teaching Aids: Confetti Paper plates Glue Colourings Sentence strips

09. Teacher distributes the materials needed for making a fruit salad collage. 10. Pupils make a fruit salad collage using paper fruits and paper plates on a drawing paper.

Multiple Intelligence: Visual Spatial Verbal Linguistic Physical Kinaesthetic

11. Teacher gives sentence strips to each groups. Each group must rearrange the text and paste the strips on the drawing block next to the fruit salad collage. 12. Each group presents their fruit salad collage. E) CLOSURE (5 minutes) 13. Teacher sums up the lesson by recalling what has been taught during the lesson. 14. Teacher discusses the moral value. ASSESSMENT  Able to sequence the steps in making a fruit salad in the correct order  Able to fill in the table with correct fruit features with guidance from the oral text  Able to rearrange sentence strips to make a complete text  Able to make and present a fruit salad collage using correct word stress and pronunciation REMEDIAL  Teacher gives a worksheet on matching the names of fruits to the respective pictures  Teacher redo the sequencing activity with the pupils but with additional guidance from the teacher ENRICHMENT  Teacher asks pupils to create another fruit salad collage and present it verbally




Note: How to Make a Fruit Salad procedure; Local Fruits description. MV: Cooperation

HOW TO MAKE A FRUIT SALAD Good morning! Today, I am going to teach you how to make a fruit salad. The fruits that we need are five red apples, three green apples, two yellow peaches, purple and green grapes, four red strawberries, two yellow bananas and one yellow lemon. You will also need some sugar and salt too. Get a big bowl and a knife. Be careful when you use the knife. Now, let us start! First, cut the yellow lemon. Squeeze out the juice into a glass. Next, cut all the red and green apples into small cubes. Mix the apples with lemon juice in the big bowl. Then, cut the two yellow peaches into small bits. Add the peaches into the big bowl. After that, put in the purple and green grapes into the bowl. Then, cut the two yellow bananas and the red strawberries into thin slices. Put everything into the big bowl and mix them together. Lastly, sprinkle some sugar and just a bit of salt on top of the fruit salad. TEXT B LOCAL FRUITS There are many types of local fruits in Malaysia. These fruits includes banana, rambutan, mangosteen, jackfruit, papaya, and durian. Banana has a smooth skin. When it becomes ripe, the colour of its skin turns to yellow. Banana has a long shape. The texture of its flesh is soft and tastes very sweet. The colour of the flesh is yellow. It has many small black seeds. Another popular fruit is the rambutan. It is red in colour. It has a hairy skin and a round shape. The rambutan‟s flesh is white and tastes sweet. It has one big brown seed. Mangosteen has a purple skin and white flesh. The skin is smooth and hard. It tastes sour. Its shape is round and it has many small black seeds. The jackfruit has an oval shape. It has many big brown seeds. The skin of the jackfruit is green and it feels rough. The flesh is yellow in colour and tastes very sweet. Meanwhile, mango has a short oval shape and its skin is green in colour. The skin is thin and soft. The flesh is orange and tastes sour. It has one big brown seed. Lastly, the durian is called the „King of Fruits‟. Its skin is thorny. The colour of its skin is green. It also has a round shape. The flesh of durian is yellow and it has many big brown seeds. Durian tastes very sweet.

Fill in the table.


Colour of Skin



Size of the Seed


Colour of Flesh













Good morning! Today, I am going to teach you how to make a fruit salad. The fruits that we need are five red apples, three green apples, two yellow peaches, purple and green grapes, four red strawberries, two yellow bananas and one yellow lemon. You will also need some sugar and salt too. Get a big bowl and a knife. Be careful when you use the knife. Now, let us start! First, cut the yellow lemon. Squeeze out the juice into a glass. Next, cut all the red and green apples into small cubes. Mix the apples with lemon juice in the big bowl. Then, cut the two yellow peaches into small bits. Add the peaches into the big bowl. After that, put in the purple and green grapes into the bowl. Then, cut the two yellow bananas and the red strawberries into thin slices. Put everything into the big bowl and mix them together. Lastly, sprinkle some sugar and just a bit of salt on top of the fruit salad.