Lesson plan Listening & Speaking

Subject : English Class : 3 Murni Enrolment : / 30 students Level : Low Date/Day : 15th April 2013/ Monday Tim

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: English


: 3 Murni


: / 30 students


: Low


: 15th April 2013/ Monday


: 12.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.


: World of Knowledge


: From the Sea

Focused Skills

: Listening and Speaking

Integrated Skill

: Reading and Writing

Content Standard

Learning Standard

1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by: (a) asking simple Wh-Questions (b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to; 1. Fill the correct information after listening to the text read by the teacher. 2. Asking and answering simple Wh-Questions. Educational Emphases: Thinking Skills Multiple Intelligences Language Content: Vocabulary : trawler, bubu, spear. Teaching Aids: Picture cards, task sheet, text Anticipated Problem: Pupils may problem while answering the wh-question due to low proficiency level. Stage/Time


Set Wh-Question: Induction (5 minutes) 1. What are people in this picture doing? 2. What do fishermen

Teaching -Learning Activity 1. Teacher put a picture on the white board. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to tell what’s going on in the picture. 3. Teacher describe the picture to the pupils.



1. To introduce the topic of the day.

Picture card

catch from the sea? 3. What do people use to catch fish?

PreListening (15 minutes)


While Listening (20 Minutes)

Task sheet (1)

PostListening (15

Sentence strips

A: Who is this? B: This is my uncle. He is a fisherman in Tawau.

Listen and number the picture.

Match the

1. Teacher distributes the dialogue text to the pupils. 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read all the dialogue first. 3. Teacher begins the dialogue session. (Teacher is taking ‘A’ and pupils take ‘B’) “Yes” or “No”. 4. Teacher picks 2 pupils to do the dialogue session. 5. Teacher correct the pronunciation of pupils. 1. Teacher distributes task sheet to the pupils. 2. Teacher read the text. 3. Pupils listen to the text read by the teacher. 4. Teacher asks the pupils to fill in the box with number based on the text read. 5. Teacher read again the text so that the pupils can check their answers again. 6. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers. 7. Teacher gives the moral value to the pupils. 1. Teacher gets pupils into group of 4. 2. Teacher gives the envelope that

1. To enhance the pupil’s speaking skill. 2. To enhance the social skill among them.

1. To increase pupil’s interest towards the lesson. 2. To enhance pupil’s listening skill. 3. To implement the loves toward the animals.

1. To enhance information grabbing

Text Task sheet

Sentence strips


answers with the questions 3.


Closure (5 Minutes)

Wh-Question: 1. What does fisherman catch? 2. How does a fisherman catch a fish?


2. 3.

contains 10 sentence strips. Teacher asks pupils to match the answers with the questions. Teacher picks randomly the pupils to read their answer. Teacher asks pupils to list the pets that they have learnt today. Teacher plays the audio again. Pupils sing along with their colour pet.

skill. 2. To develop their thinking skill.

1. To consolidate what pupils have learnt. 2. To ensure that the learning is meaningful for pupils.