Lesson Plan for Gerunds

4As Lesson Plan for Grade 9 students I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: 1. defi

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4As Lesson Plan for Grade 9 students


OBJECTIVES At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: 1. define gerund; 2. identify the functions of gerunds as a noun; 3. compose a story out of the sentences that were constructed; and 4. value the importance of knowing the functions of gerunds.


SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Gerund Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material 9


MATERIALS - Visual aids - Pictures - Scotch tape


- Strips-of-paper

LESSON PROCEDURE A. Preliminary Activity  Prayer  Greetings  Checking of Attendance  Review of the previous lesson  Reading of House Rules  Reading of Objectives B. Activity  The teacher will post a picture of the two girls having a conversation. Exercising is good for our health. I know. My favorite exercise is jogging. Merla keeps herself in good shape by dancing. Lester does boxing in the gym twice a week. Well, my only exercise, walking, is not taxing.

Then she will call two students to read or act the dialogue in the picture.

C. Analysis  What are those underlined words?  What do you notice about the underlined words?  What do you call those words?  Are you familiar with Gerunds?  What is Gerund?  How is gerund used in each sentence? D. Abstraction  The teacher will introduce and discuss the topic.  Then, she will divide the class into three groups.  After every example of the function of gerund as a noun, the groups will also construct a sentence for each function. E. Application  With the same group, the students will collect all the sentences that they constructed.  Then, they will combine those sentences to compose a short story.  Afterwards, they will share their story to the class.  Their output will be graded according to these criteria. Content Grammar Organization of Sentences Cooperation

5 pts 5 pts 5 pts 5 pts

Valuing:  V.

What is the importance of knowing the functions of gerunds?

Evaluation A. Complete the sentences below by using the “-ing” gerund form of the verbs in the box. 1. _______ lots of vegetables is important for good health. 2. _______ is fun. I love making dinner for my friend. 3. _______ books and magazines can help you to learn English. 4. _______ is a great way to get fit, but I am afraid of the water. 5. _______ TV is bad for my eyes. That’s what my mother says.

Sleep Find Eat

swim cook watch

read learn bake

B. Identify the function of gerund in a sentence. Write S if it is used as a SUBJECT, SC for subjective complement, OP for Object of the Preposition, DO for Direct Object and AP for Appositive. _______1. Eating makes me happy. _______2. They look forward to seeing us tomorrow. _______3. My favorite sport is cycling. _______4. Joy’s favorite hobby, singing, is not that bad. _______5. Sungjae quit smoking. VI.

Assignment In a 1 whole sheet of paper, cut and paste an article from a newspaper or a magazine that used gerunds in their sentences.

Prepared by: Mary Jill S. Caber