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1 SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. King David and ancient Israel had a

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. King David and ancient Israel had a key to being in touch with God and having miracles take place. But you know what? It's been lost. But today, even science is proving this key works. Anyone want to learn this thing that even science agrees with what ancient Israel knew? Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing onto Planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural. SID: Julie, what did ancient Israel, King David know about supernatural breakthroughs that's almost been lost to believers today? JULIE: You know what? I believe what we found is it's the power of singing the scriptures, and we've lost that key, which a tool that I called singing. And it's not just for singers, it's actually for every single person that needs breakthrough. And I just began to think if you want to be supernatural, sing the Bible. If you want to release the supernatural, sing the Bible. It's all through the Word on the power of singing the scriptures. SID: You know, many years ago, today I operate mostly in words of knowledge, but many years ago, I laid hands and prayed for everyone that wanted prayer. And I don't know how I did it, but I started one day singing, "they're healing" rather than praying normally, but just speaking it. And I felt, I could feel there was a greater presence of God when I sang "they're healing" than when I prayed "they're healing" and everyone was getting healed. Is that what you're talking about? JULIE: Yes. And I feel like when that element of song is used it bypasses all of our thoughts, saying, oh that's not me, and it just literally goes to where it needs to go. And what I found out in some of my research, because I've always sang. I love to sing the Bible. But when I would do some workshops on singing the Bible, people that weren't even singers, they began to experience freedom. They began to get healed. SID: But they're not singers but they could probably at least carry a tune. JULIE: That's what I mean. SID: I can't carry a tune. JULIE: It didn't matter. It was just that tone of "ah". It was just that tone. And what I found out, because I thought, why is this, why is this? And I found out that doctors and scientists are now doing medical and scientific research on the power of singing. So when we talk we're actually using the left side of our brain. But when we add the element of tone, [singing] when we add that ah, [talking] even if you're singing it on the same note, both of these lobes are working together. When you add the element of rhythm, [singing] now I'm going to sing with rhythm, [talking] so all of these lobes, they're working as one. And then the front of your brain actually is the emotional response, so it's as if when you sing it's like you have this barrier in your mind because your lobes are working together that all the negativity and all the I cant's, they can't get in because your lobes


are working together. The only thing that gets in is what you're singing, and that's the Bible. And I've seen people go from hating themselves to loving themselves, people go from not being healed to being, people with addictions stopping and they credit to singing the Bible. SID: You told me about a homeless man and he couldn't even look into your eyes. He just, you went to a shelter and he's looking down. How in the world did you coach him to sing? JULIE: I'll tell you what. I started taking, we call it our music class. I go to the homeless shelter. I said, "Get out your Bibles and we're going to sing." That day it was Psalm 23. I put on my "Sing" CD, which is going to be available, and when we put on one of the tracks, and at first, he was kind of just looking at his phone. And then as other people just began to sing, I said, "You can sing it or you can rap it, whatever it doesn't matter." But then he just started listening and I think it was just that song just going into his heart. And then suddenly he put his phone down and he began to write. And I went over to him and I'd look over a couple of times, and I'd say, "Raymond, hey, can you sing what you wrote down." And at first it was must a mumble. [mumbling]. And I'm like, that's great! Oh my God! That's awesome! SID: Can I hire you as a cheerleader. JULIE: Yes I will. We're talking about singing the Bible. But then I just said, "Will you do it again." And I went to other people. And then he just stood up, like he took and he stood up in front of everybody, and he goes [singing] "The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need." [talking] But then he was like, [singing] "Yea!" Somebody videotaped and you could hear everyone just start shouting. And I found out later that this guy, he had been a businessman, but he had lost everything. I mean, like by murder and his whole family was gone, and it made him go into a world of drugs and homeless. And he started coming to their shelter, and he would always talk with a mumble. People couldn't understand him. But that day, when he took that mike and said [singing] "The Lord is my shepherd. I have everything I need," [talking] that's the first time they heard him literally sing and speak a word that they understood. That is the power of singing the Bible. SID: What happened to him? JULIE: It's the Word. Well actually, a month later, my friend Eli, Eli Rose called me and, "Hey, I'm standing here with Raymond and I want you to know he's going into treatment. He wanted you to know that." And I just talked with her last week and she said he's doing really good. And this was over a year ago. And this is the power of singing the Word. It's transforming. But the key is your ears have to hear your sound. That's when that helmet, it's almost like we wear the whole armor of God in our brains, from Ephesians 6, when we start singing the Word. SID: But ancient Israel knew this. They had the most glorious worship time in the Temple. David was a musician. David got rid of evil spirits just by playing the harp in front of King Saul. But it's kind of been lost or turned over just to the professionals. I meet musicians all the time and I keep saying, how can I sit down at the piano and play. I'm not going to learn how to play piano. I can't carry a tune. This is the answer. When we come back you're going to find out that


miracles of healing that happen when you start singing the Word. A deaf person started hearing. We'll be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [music] [commercial] [music] We now return to It's Supernatural. SID: You know, Julie was telling me the great Jewish historian Josephus had a commentary about David, and we always hear about him playing the harp and it soothed Saul. But what did Josephus say? JULIE: He said David most likely also sang over Saul, the Torah or any Hebrew Scriptures that he would have had at the time. SID: Now, you have told me about a woman that fascinates me. Her name is Eli. Maybe we can show a before picture of Eli right now. Tell that story. JULIE: This is Eli Rose and this was, I don't know, five, six, seven years ago. And Eli ran, was homeless since the age of 12, was sex trafficked, ran with one of the hardest groups in L.A. And she was getting ready to end her life. And as God would have it, she came to Santa Maria, California to literally say goodbye to her family. They brought her to the healing rooms, Apostolic Center in Santa Maria, and during worship, the Lord gave Rick Taylor, he's the director, a word of knowledge saying, "Someone wants to take their life." He got up during worship and he said, "Someone is here and you're thinking of taking your life." And he said, "Please don't. Please don't. The Lord has already started to heal you." And the people that brought her were saying, "That's you! That's you!" That night, Eli Rose gave her life to the Lord and she had already been to the doctor. She had full blown AIDS. She had a very bad heart. They already said, you're not able to have children. Just because of drug use she was in and out of prison. And she gave her life to the Lord. She, literally, she went into a year of treatment, but she said every day she sang and rapped the Bible, specifically the Psalms. And then I met her a little after that and we began to sing the Scripture. And we have an after picture because she credits singing the scriptures with her healing, with her healing. SID: She doesn't look like the same person. JULIE: She doesn't. She doesn't. And she credits singing the Word every single day with her healing. And let me tell you this. They took her back to the doctors and they have all the doctoral information. She has no sign of HIV. She was totally healed of HIV. She has a heart that is like a youth and she is married with a little girl named Kennedy. SID: You told me she couldn't have a child. JULIE: I know. But this is the power of singing the Word. This is the key. It's not about, oh, but I don't know how to make up a melody. You don't have to. It's the power of that singing.


[singing] You can sing on the same note. [talking] It's just that tool called song that we need to keep in our tool belt, and every person can have the healing that Eli Rose had. SID: Now why is it that when we sing the scriptures, actually when we sing anything, science tells us we retain the melody, we retain the words like [singing] A, B, C, D, E, F, G. [talking] You know the song, melody and they learn the alphabet easier. Why is it from a scientific viewpoint we remember the scriptures better, we remember the melodies and then we get deep, deep revelation of the scriptures when we sing them. What does science tell us? JULIE: What it's telling us it's because your brain is actually functioning as one. And when we sing there's actually endorphins in our body that are actually released, the same ones that were released if we're working out. And they're actually using medical studies now and they're finding that if people will sing that they actually can be healed of depression. Medical science is actually, in some hospitals, they're giving people the option. Like you can have a drug for minor surgery or we will give you these headphones and you can listen to music. And they're finding that the people that listen and meditated on the music, their bodies responded better to minor surgery. SID: How much greater if it's the scriptures when you are singing. Wow. Tell me quickly, the deaf person. JULIE: Well actually, I was with Chuck Pierce and I gave my whole teaching on singing the scriptures. And a guy came up and he started releasing a tongue, and I didn't think much about it. And then another person came up and I realized that it was the deaf community were coming up. And Chuck Pierce said, "Do you realize what is happening? Singing the scriptures, the deaf community, now they want to release their sound." And then another lady came up on stage and she said, the first guy that came up, they had never done it before. It was just a month ago. And she said, "My husband was the first man that came up when he released his tongue." And she said, "When he began to sing," she said, "all of a sudden my ears started popping and I started hearing explosions in it, and then I can begin to hear." And that's when Chuck Pierce said, "Do you realize what is happening! The deaf community are releasing their sound and there's healing being released." SID: What is going to happen when I turn you loose at the piano when we come back, and you sing, because I requested it and God confirmed it with you, Isaiah 53, about physical healing. What's going to happen? JULIE: Well people are going to healed. SID: We'll be right back. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural. [music] [commercial] [music] We now return to It's Supernatural.


SID: Julie, why do you get so excited, and you do, about singing the Word of God? JULIE: I get excited because I love seeing people free. I love seeing people excited about reading and singing, and retaining the Word of God. It's life-changing and they can literally stir themselves up, just like David did, by singing the Bible. SID: You told me that you've identified three ways of singing the Bible. Explain. JULIE: Well this is how I've always sang the Word. Since 1983, this has been a part of my life. And I just take one or two scriptures. It's easiest if you use Psalms. They're already songs and prayers. So I just, the first way is I just sing it straight through, word for word. And then I sing it through again, but I turn it into my own prayer, and I pray it as if it's my prayer. And this is powerful because what happens is you're not just reading about David's encounter with God, but suddenly when you pray it as if it's your prayer, it's your prayer. It's your encounter, not just David's. And the third way I sing it is I sing the other side of it like God was singing over me and I literally put my name in it. I've healed you, Julie. You're free now, Julie. And I sing the Word because it is the truth of what God says. It's his word. SID: And not only that, Julie has been healed. It's wonderful that others are healed through singing the scriptures. It's wonderful that when she sings over people they get healed. But Julie finds she's been emotionally healed, physically healed just by singing the scriptures. Tell me one thing. JULIE: Well I used to hate me. I used to hate my voice, my nose. I wanted to sing like Olivia Newton-John. And I went to the House of Prayer. This was in 2000. So I love Jesus, but in 2000, my friend said, "For the next two hours you are going to sing one thing: 'Song of Solomon 1:5, I am dark but lovely,'" which means, in my weakness he says I'm beautiful. In my brokenness he still pursues me. And somewhere in the midst of that two hours and went in not liking me. But suddenly, because I had that helmet on and my lobes weren't letting all the negativity get in, my thoughts were replaced totally by God's thoughts about me. In a two-hour session I changed and I love me! SID: I have here the brand new Supernatural Bible and I've asked her to sing Isaiah 53 and I proclaim that you will be healed as she sings this over you. But I have two commentaries in the Supernatural Bible. First is by Dr. Michael Brown, proving why Isaiah 53 could only be talking about Jesus as the Messiah, and then I have a commentary here on the same chapter by Sandra Kennedy, proving that Jesus died for all of our sins and all of our sicknesses and diseases. Julie. JULIE: I'm going to take that. I love to people to sing, sing the Bible. So can I get you to stand. Julie Meyer [playing background piano music]: And I'm going to sing this like a prayer and I'm going to sing a line, and then I'm going to have you sing after me because what's key about singing the scriptures is your ears need to hear the sound of you, and this helps you be able to do it at home. [singing] You have born my sickness. Audience [singing] You have born my sickness. JULIE: [singing]You've carried my sorrows.

Audience [singing] You've carried my sorrows. JULIE: [singing]And you were wounded for my sin. Audience [singing] And you were wounded for my sin. JULIE: [singing] You were bruised for my inequities. Audience [singing] You were bruised for my inequities. JULIE: [singing] And by your stripes. Audience [singing] By your stripes. JULIE: [singing] I am healed. Audience [singing] I am healed. JULIE: [singing] Sing it again. And by your stripes Audience [singing] By your stripes. JULIE: [singing] I am healed. Audience [singing] I am healed JULIE: [singing] And it's right now. Audience [singing] And it's right now. JULIE: [singing] And it's right here. Audience [singing] And it's right here. JULIE: [singing] I am healed. Audience [singing] I am healed. JULIE: [singing] By you Jesus. Audience [singing] By you Jesus. JULIE: [singing] And by your stripes. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.



[music] [commercial] Next week on It's Supernatural. Bruce Van Natta: Hello. I'm Bruce Van Natta. I died in a horrible accident and had an out-ofbody experience. I want you to join me on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth as I share how you, too, can live a life of supernatural victory in every area of your life. [music]