Gurus Exposed

SPECIAL REPORT EXPOSED! The Truth About Self-Help Books, Courses, Programs And Seminars Most Gurus Don’t Want You To Kn

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EXPOSED! The Truth About Self-Help Books, Courses, Programs And Seminars Most Gurus Don’t Want You To Know… If You Do Nothing Else Read This Special Report Before You Buy Another Self-Help Product… By Stephen Seretan

Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

Dear Friend, The self-help section at your local bookstore is bursting with hundreds of books by self-styled gurus. Yet, month after month more and more books are written on the subjects of attaining success, prosperity, happiness and health. Could all those gurus, books, courses, programs and seminars be right? And, if any of them worked why would you need any more? You‟ve probably spent a pretty penny buying some (or a lot) of that material. There‟s nothing wrong with that per se. However, I wonder how much closer you‟ve gotten to reaching your goals as a result? I‟ve been around the self-help/metaphysical/religious market for the better part of 30years. I have studied the Scriptures with world-renowned scholars. Read the writings of ancient and modern-day mystics. And worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the first and (as far as I know) only true American Master. In that time, I‟ve discovered a few facts about this industry that are downright appalling. This report is a summary expose of some of the tactics used by the gurus to separate you from your money… and… give you very little in value in return. Let me reveal… The Shocking Facts The Self-Help Industry Hopes You Never Discover! Shocking Fact #1: Most “Gurus” Are Frauds Who Don’t Practice What They Preach The first thing I‟d like to point out is the proliferation of gurus who are out on the speaking circuit these days. Look on TV… or… online… or… at any bookstore and you‟ll find a new guru every month (at least it seems like it) coming out of the woodwork. They all promise to show you how to improve your life. They all promise to show you how to be more successful, make more money, be happier with yourself and others and get healthier. There is one big problem. If you were to pull back the curtain… or if you were an insider… you‟d quickly discover a lot of these gurus are some of the most dysfunctional people in the world. If they practiced what they taught from the stage they should be as successful, rich, happy and healthy as they are promising you could be if you shell out a few bucks.

Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

The reality is a majority of these people don‟t really know how to achieve what they are promising to teach you. They got into the game because there is a market for selfhelp and these mass-market manipulators know how to sell their products. Obviously, there are some legitimate experts in this field. That goes without saying. But there is a big problem. Which leads me to… Shocking Fact #2: It’s Almost Impossible To Separate The Real Experts From The Fakes And Flakes Want to know what most of the fakes and flakes hide behind… and… why this makes it a Herculean task to figure out who is real and who is not? It‟s simple. A lot of the B.S. artists have a few letters behind their names like: Dr., Ph.D. or some other title earned in the world of academia. While those letters give them “face-value” credibility, most of these Ivory Tower academics do not apply what they teach practically in their lives. It‟s sort of like the doctor who tells his patient to lose weight. Yet, the doctor is sporting a pot-belly and tips the scales at 30-pounds or more over his ideal weight. So beware of anyone with a lot of “schooling”… because… the odds are they know a lot intellectually… but… they don‟t know how to apply it. Which is where the rubber meets the road. The best teachers of self-improvement are those who do practice what they teach. But there are so few of them in the world. Now, let‟s move on to… Shocking Fact #3: The Industry Thrives On People Hoping The Next Book Or Whatever Will Be The Answer They’ve Been Hoping For As I mentioned earlier, you simply would not need another self-help technique or process if the ones you‟ve already spent money on actually worked. The powers that be in this industry know that hope indeed springs eternal in the human heart. If the first one… two… ten or more self-help products didn‟t work it‟s okay. Because it‟s likely you‟ll buy more. They hook you much like a dope dealer hooks his regular customers. Look, the thing is you simply don‟t need to keep chasing after rainbows. The litmus test of any self-help technique is if you can: (1) prove it to yourself risk-free… and… (2) if it works based on your application of it. Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

It‟s really that simple no matter what anyone says. Granted you do have to actually use it first in order to test it out. But if it‟s worth a dime, you should get results that are positive when you use it. The self-help industry at large could care less if you get results. What they want is to get into your wallet. Like it or not, that‟s the stone-cold truth. To prove that is the case, here‟s an article on the subject from Yahoo! Finance:

Why Most Self-Help Books Stink (And a Few That Don't) by Laura Vanderkam Thursday, March 3, 2011 Christine Whelan is a student of the self-help movement -- literally. This University of Pittsburgh professor did her doctoral dissertation on the self-help industry and what makes something in this genre a best-seller. Her take? She tells me that while the idea that we can make ourselves better by reading a book is perennially popular (who wouldn't want to improve their lives in 4 hours?) many books fall far short. Here's why: 1. The "real people" are made up. Anecdotes are great for illustrating a point. So we learn that "Bob" and "Jane" learned to communicate well and now their marriage is all better! Um, yeah. Real life is messy, and using composite characters, or those with the details changed, are just other words for fiction. Which has its place, but is always suspect in a genre that claims to be true. 2. They promise that change is easy. "We want three easy steps to overhaul our financial life, or washboard abs in 60 seconds a day," Whelan says. "But here's the unpleasant truth: Behavioral change is among the hardest things we can set out to do, and any book that promises you instant changes is selling you snake oil." Put it this way. If changing our lives was painless, you'd see a lot more svelte, rich and happy people walking around. 3. There's probably no evidence. Most self-help writers aren't in the business of documenting whether their ideas work for the majority of people who try them. "There's no efficacy data on the vast majority of diet self-help books," Whelan says. "Who knows if positive thinking actually cures people. But self-help books use rhetoric and repetition to prove their points." So which books don't suck? After wading through more than 300 over the years, Whelan is partial to "books that offer solid advice to guide readers step-by-step toward long-term change. These are books that encourage the reader to get back to core virtues like perseverance, honesty, self-control and thrift -- not empty quick-fix solutions." These include Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (1937), M. Scott Peck's "The Road Less Traveled" (1978), Samuel Smiles' "Thrift" (1876!), Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (1987) and a few other dark horse ones, including -- full disclosure and brag alert -- 168 Hours.

Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

For her new book called "Generation WTF: From 'What the #%$&' to a Wise, Tenacious, and Fearless You," Whelan had her students test drive advice from the books that didn't suck, and had some interesting, actual real-people results. One student re-established contact with her grandmother a few days before the grandmother passed away. Another analyzed his TV time logs and decided to get more sleep instead. One reduced her text messages from a record 267 per day to 10. So change is possible. It just isn't easy. What's your favorite self-help book? Laura Vanderkam, author of Grindhopping, blogs for BNET at 168 Hours.

## # And finally, I‟d like to point out… Shocking Fact #4: Almost Every Single Self-Help Technique Has One BIG Flaw That Make It Ineffective In The Long Run Pay close attention: The premise behind almost every self-help technique is that you must re-program or re-condition your mind. This is simply ridiculous once you know the truth. Here it is… Scientists have discovered long ago that 95%+ of our lives are run by the subconscious mind. Most of what you feel, think and do is not under your conscious control. You probably already know that part. But what you may not know is that buried deep in the subconscious mind are… Four Master Programs Playing Havoc With Your Life! These programs dictate everything you do, how you react and the level of success or failure you achieve or succumb to on any single topic in your life. The key to successfully changing your life is to remove or… De-Program… your subconscious mind of these four master programs. Once you do that… then… and only then… are you free to create without limitation. Now you might be wondering, “What about all those successful people who have not removed these „programs‟ from their subconscious mind? How did they achieve success?”

Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

Good questions and here are the answers… Most successful people still harbor contrary thoughts, feelings and beliefs in their minds. In other words, someone making a lot of money – unless they have removed the thought of financial problems from their subconscious mind – may eventually suffer from a lack of money at some point in the future. Happens all the time. You‟ve heard of millionaires who were living high on the hog one day… and… lost it all the next. True success requires… Letting Go Or Releasing The Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs And Programs Lurking In The Subconscious Mind! Unless… and until… you clear out these negatives, you will always be doomed to partial success. Inconsistent. Fleeting. Never truly satisfying. So the key to really helping yourself to be a better, more prosperous, happier and healthier person is to learn how to let go of the subconscious baggage you‟ve been lugging around all your life. And the most direct… the fastest… and the simplest way to do that is to learn… The Sedona Method! Unlike all the other self-help modalities out there, the Sedona Method is all you need to clear out all those subconscious blocks preventing you from living the life of your dreams. This technique stands alone – head and shoulders – above any others. It was developed by a physicist while he was basically on his death bed. His name is Lester Levenson. He created the primitive version of the Sedona Method to completely cure himself of major health problems (including the effects of a massive heart attack) during a 3-month stretch in 1952. Lester went on to test and prove that the Sedona Method worked on any goal. In fact, he used it to make one-million dollars in the early 1950‟s doing no money down real estate deals. And he did this at a time when such deals were not common at all. I could tell you more about this technique here but I won‟t. Why? Because my colleague, John Anghelache, and I have prepared three Free Special training videos about the Sedona Method. They reveal…

Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.

Video #1 – Harvard Scientists Verify The Sedona Method Works In the first training video, you get all the facts behind how the Sedona Method works to help you achieve whatever goal you desire. You‟ll see the scientific findings from researchers at both Harvard University and the State University of New York. Plus, the results of a study held by Mutual of New York with field underwriters. Both studies verified the Sedona Method is highly effective at helping people set and attain goals. You will also see some of the celebrities, authors, self-improvement experts, athletes and Fortune 500 companies endorsing the Sedona Method. Unlike most of the self-help garbage out there, the Sedona Method is a proven technique. And in this video you‟ll discover how it can help improve your life. Video 2 – Sedona Method Student Boosts Income By 29% In 7 Months This case study video reveals how one of my students used the Sedona Method to increase his income by 29% in less than a year. Not only that, he also used this marvelous technique to save over $1,500 on a vacation package… and… get another $542 rebate after his vacation was over. My student details how he came across the Sedona Method. And how he supercharged his ability to create income almost on demand with a couple of tips from me. You‟ll be inspired and motivated by this amazing story. Video 3 – The Sedona Method Blueprint In this presentation you‟ll discover how to start using the Sedona Method yourself. Again, unlike other self-help techniques, the Sedona Method is simple. You‟ll understand exactly how to apply the basic process to dissolve negative feelings on the spot. And approach life from a resourceful emotional and mental state. Once you see how easy the basic releasing process is you‟ll want to apply it in your life all the time. Because it gets results. Often very quickly. So if you‟re ready to discover a scientifically-verified way to improve any area or situation in your life… then… watch the first video here…

Click Here For Video One Copyright © 2010 Stephen Seretan. All Rights Reserved.