Goal 1 T.2

ELIZA GUERRERO 3-14-4559 ING-120-021 A. GOAL 1: Talk about Personal Experiences. PAG.16 B. Write the words in blue nex

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ELIZA GUERRERO 3-14-4559 ING-120-021

A. GOAL 1: Talk about Personal Experiences. PAG.16

B. Write the words in blue next to the correct meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

rules Instructions for what is allowed. smile Happy facial expression. gestures Movements used to communicate. connect To join together. culture Behaviors special to a country or people. Misundertandings Problems caused when one is not understood. customs Usual ways of doing thing. Small talk Informal talk about everyday topics. traditional Describes customs from long ago. Greetings Language used when we meet someone.

PAG.17 A. Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I have met (meet) many Canadians, but I haven’t been (not, be). To Canada. Jason doesn’t want to watch a movie tonight. He has watched (watch) movies every night for the past week. Sam has traveled (travel) to Argentina four times. He loves it there! My husband and I have been (be) married for six years. It’s my friend’s birthday, but I haven’t bought (not, buy) her a present yet! I think Lee will do well on the test. He has studied (study) a lot for it.

B. Complete the questions. Ask a partner to answer them. Write some questions of your own in your notebook. Have you ever eaten Indian?

Have you ever … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Eaten Indian food? Seen a movie from India Gone to Miami ? Played football ? Talked to Canadian ?

No, never.


Yes, once/many times. It’s really good!

C. GOAL 3: Use Small Talk to Break the Ice. PAG.21 A. Read the page from Marcy’s journal. What has she already done? What has she not done yet? Complete the sentences. 1. She has already take cooking class . 2. She has already learned speak Spanish 3. She has not visited her cousin in Colombia 4. She hasn’t played Australia ruby .

. yet.

B. Read the conversation between Marcy and classmate. Fill in each blank with one word. John: have you ever traveled to another country? Marcy: no, I have never left this country, but I want to go to Colombia someday. Some of my cousins live there.

John: I see. Have you already met your Colombian cousins? Marcy: yes, I have met

them. They came here last year.

John: that’s nice. Are there any other countries you want to visit? Marcy: I want to visit Australia someday. John: no, I haven’t



You ever been there?

been there. Why do you want to go?

Marcy: well, I learned the rules for Australian rugby last year, but I have not played the game yet. Maybe I can play it in Australia!

D. GOAL 4: Learn to Overcome a Language Barrier. PAG.22, 23

Reading A. Discuss these questions with a partner. 1.

Have you ever taken a picture of people you didn’t know? How did you do it?

No. 2.

What kinds of photographs do you like? What makes those photographs good?

About makeup, the natural face of the people.

B. Circle T for true or F for false. Then correct the false sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Griffiths has never traveled to England. T Griffiths has never traveled to Antarctica. T Petra is a very old city in Jordan. T Griffiths can only connect with English-speakers. T Most people do not want Griffiths to Take their picture. T Volunteering is one way to begin a Photography career. T