Gerald F. Kein - Maxidepth Hypnosis Script

MAXI-DEPTH PATTER So now that you're safe and comfortable, in a very safe comfortable position...I want you to close you

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MAXI-DEPTH PATTER So now that you're safe and comfortable, in a very safe comfortable position...I want you to close your eyes...keep them closed...until I ask you to open them. (Pause) I want you to take a very good, deep breath, fill your lungs up really good and let it out slowly. (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to take another really good deep breath, fill your lungs up really good and let this out slowly and already you can FEEL your body starting to relax. Now let this wonderful feeling of relaxation flow all the way down to your feet. (Pause) Feel your feet becoming very comfortable and if you don't feel it right away in your feet, don't let it disturb you because it will gradually catch up to you. (Pause) Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow from your feet into your ankles. (Pause) From your ankles going up all the large and small muscles of your legs to your knees. (Pause) Such a wonderful comfortable feeling and with every breath you exhale, your body just keeps on relaxing, deeper and deeper relaxed. Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow from your knees...into your thighs...from your thighs...into your hips...from your hips into your abdomen...and with every breath that you exhale...your body just keeps on relaxing DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. (Pause) Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow up the large and small muscles of your back...let all the back muscles go loose and limp like a rag doll. (Pause) Let this relaxation flow up into your shoulders...Now over your shoulders...and DOWN into your chest...such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath that you exhale your body just keeps on relaxing...DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow down the muscles of your arms to your elbows...from your elbows to your wrist...from your wrist into your hands...right on out to the ends of your fingertips. (Pause) Such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath you exhale your body just keeps on relaxing DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. (Pause) Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow up all the large and small muscles of your neck...coming up into your head...over your head...and down into your brow...all the muscles of your eyes relaxing...all the muscles around your eyes relaxing...all the muscles of your cheeks relaxing...all the muscles of your chin relaxing...such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath you exhale, your body just keeps on relaxing, DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. Now if your teeth are clenched just unclench your teeth and your body relaxes much more...just let your jaw sag...feel all that tension go out of your facial muscles. (Pause) Now as I count from three down to one, with each and every count just allow your body to relax much DEEPER. (Pause) THREE, more and more relaxed. (Pause) TWO, more and more relaxed. (Pause) ONE, very DEEP very comfortable, very relaxed. The sound of my voice guides you deeper into relaxation...following my suggestions guides you deeper into relaxation...and the deeper you go into relaxation the better you feel...and the better you feel the more and more your body relaxes...with just terrific, good, marvelous, wonderful, feelings going through your body and very happy contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go... Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation, much more again I will count from five DOWN to I count from five DOWN to one, your body will double the relaxation you have right now automatically. (Pause) FIVE, relaxation starting to double, (Pause) FOUR, relaxation doubling more and more. (Pause) THREE, relaxation doubling...TWO, relaxation is now almost doubled in your body. (Pause) ONE, relaxation now

has doubled in your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every gland, every minute part of your body has doubled its relaxation...your feel feel feel fine...with just terrific feelings going through your body and contented happy thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go. Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation, much more again I will count from five DOWN to one...and this time your body will triple the relaxation you have right now automatically. (Pause) FIVE, relaxation starting to triple. (Pause) FOUR, relaxation tripling more and more. (Pause) THREE, very comfortable, very relaxed. (Pause) TWO, relaxation is now almost tripled in your body. (Pause) ONE, relaxation now has tripled in your body...from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every gland, every minute part of your body has tripled its feel great, you feel wonderful, you feel fine...with just marvelous feelings going through your body and very happy, contented thoughts going through your mind, relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go...all tension going from your body...all discomfort going from your body...all of your organs functioning normally...all of your glands functioning normally. All your body tissues are mending as the blood runs freely through all your arteries...sending all the proper healing to each and every minute part of your body and the proper oxygen to your brain...removing all impurities and letting your body become healthy, God intended...relax...and let yourself go. Now I want you to relax still more to a much more relaxed again I will count...but this time from ten DOWN to I count from ten DOWN to one...your conscience mind will relax as your body is relaxed and your body will double the relaxation it has at that time on each and every count...TEN, your mind is as relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body is doubling its relaxation at this time...NINE, mind relaxed as the body relaxes and the body is doubling its relaxation again at this time...EIGHT, mind relaxed as the body's relaxed and the body again doubling the relaxation it has at this time...SEVEN, the same thing...SIX, keep right on going...FIVE...FOUR...THREE...TWO...ONE, mind relaxed as the body's relaxed and your body has doubled its relaxation many times feel great, you feel wonderful, you feel fine...with just terrific feelings going through your body and very happy contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go. By relaxation, I mean...the absence of all contraction...your body is loose and limp and motionless...your muscles offering no resistance, just as if you were a rag doll...complete relaxation means the complete absence of all movements. It means the complete absence of holding any part of your body as you're laying completely relaxed...all the muscles attached to your bones are limp. If you make any volunteer can only do so by contracting some muscles or a group of muscles, but when you allow these muscles to become completely relaxed...your nerves to and from these muscles carry no messages. Your nerves are completely inactive...and it is certain that complete any set of nerves means simply zero activity in these nerves. It is physically impossible for you to be any part of your body...when in that part you allow it to be completely relaxed. You're very calm and peaceful. You're feeling better than you have felt for a long, long time. Outside noises will not distract any you may hear...may only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply you will relax...that you can actually feel a physical experience...and you're feeling yourself resting...DEEPER and DEEPER...enjoying all the

wonderful feelings of complete relaxation. Your relaxation becoming so much so...that should you try to resist CONSCIOUSLY OR SUBCONSCIOUSLY...the more deeper relaxed your body will grow automatically. And as this peacefulness you feel in your mind...and the calmness you're experiencing throughout your body becomes STRONGER and will continue to relax even more soundly and more deeply with every breath you exhale. Enjoying all the sensations...allowing yourself to relax without any effort what so ever...your whole body just gives in, just letting go...loose...limp...and relaxed...very loose...very limp...and very relaxed. The sound of my voice keeps guiding you deeper into relaxation...following my suggestions keeps guiding you into deeper relaxation..and the more and more you allow your body to relax the better you FEEL...and the better you FEEL...the more and more your body will relax...with just terrific, good, beautiful feelings going through your body and contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go. In every way now you feel better, happier and content...every second, every minute, every hour, every day, your self-confidence keeps building up more and're having more self-confidence than you ever have had before, every second, every minute, every hour, every are having more and more will be positive now...always positive and never negative...always have a positive attitude...YOU will not worry...worries never helped you...worry just tenses you you up...and makes you feel you poor thinking...and poor from now on you will not will be concerned...being concerned, you'll have good thinking...and clear thinking...good judgment...and what you can't do by being concerned you could never have done by all your big worries are little worries...and your little worries have will be concerned but never worried. You have complete control over every nerve in your body. Complete control over your whole nervous system. Nothing or no one will be able to upset work you make you nervous. No matter what is matter what is matter what happens in life...nothing or no one will be able to upset you in any way to make you nervous...because you have control of your whole nervous system. So no matter what is matter what is matter what happens in life...nothing or no one will be able to upset you, to work you make you nervous...because you have control over all the inner nerves and the outer nerves...complete control of your whole nervous system. You will sleep wonderfully each and every night. God has given us nights for sleeping. So, therefore, each and every night...when you go to bed...and there is nothing else you wish to will close your eyes...and immediately go right off to sleep. You will go into a wonderful, deep, sound, comfortable, restful, deep...and so sound...that nothing...will disturb or bother you all night. Unless it's an emergency...if an emergency will be physically and mentally alert...wide able to take care of the emergency...then return to bed, close your eyes, and go right back to sleep. Always going into a wonderful, deep, sound, comfortable, restful comfortable...and restful...that when you dream you'll only have pleasant dreams, no unpleasant dreams. Awaking in the morning exactly the time you wish to awaken...never with a tired, sluggish, hangover, feeling... but always with an alert feeling...a wide awake though you have been up for'll feel so wonderful...and so fine...and this marvelous wonderful fine refreshed feeling will stay with you all the time...every day you'll be better and better, happier and happier and more contented...every day in every way you'll feel marvelous, wonderful, and in to the

potential of your mind and body that God has given you. What ever your mind can conceive...your body can achieve. Now, I want you to relax to a much deeper state of relaxation...WAY ON DOWN...thousands of times deeper than you are now automatically...your subconscious mind will take you consciously don't even think about it. I now have three more states of relaxation I want you to go I want you to double the relaxation you have in you body right now...and when this is doubled, I want you to say "A". It only takes a few seconds. (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to double the relaxation again that you have in your body...and when this is doubled try to say "B". (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to really let yourself go just as if you are going down a long escalator to the very bottom of relaxation...where you'll be so'll feel so marvelous in every way. Giving in to the potentials of your own mind and once more, double the relaxation you have in your body at this time and when it's doubled try to say "C". (Pause) Very good. Your whole body is so, so limp, so relaxed, not caring what day it is, not caring what time it is, not caring about anything but how good you great you wonderful you feel...and this great, good, wonderful feeling will stay with you all the time. Every day you will be better and better, happier and happier at work and play...every day in every way you feel terrific, wonderful inside. Giving into the potentials of your own mind and body. You have a wonderful, heavy, comfortable relaxed feeling going through your body. Your arms and legs are very heavy, comfortable and relaxed. Your arms and legs are so heavy, comfortable and relaxed. If I should ask you to lift an arm or leg, you'll find it's so heavy, so comfortable and relaxed, you just don't feel like lifting it. But never the less, I want you just to try and lift your left leg. (Pause) Stop trying. Let it relax, it feels so much better just resting where it heavy...comfortably relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed, so deep, so comfortable, so relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed. I have three more levels of relaxation I want you to go into. They are levels "A", level "B", and level "C". Each one of these levels are thousands of times more relaxed than the level you are in now. Each one of these levels are thousands of times more relaxed than the level I want you to let yourself go from where you are now...thousands of times more relaxed to level "A". Know it will work, let it work, feel it work...letting your whole body become so loose and flaccid, going all the way down to level "A" (Pause 10 seconds) "Very good." Now I want you to go from level "A" to level "B"...thousands of times more relaxed again. Know it will work, let it work and feel it work. Feel your whole body becoming so loose and flaccid...going all the way down to level "B". (Pause 10 seconds) Very good. Now I want you to go from level "B" to level "C". Thousands of times more relaxed again. Know it will work. Let it work and feel it work. Feel your whole body becoming so loose and flaccid, thousands of times more relaxed to level "C". (Pause 10 seconds) "Very good." Now I want you to try to lift your right leg. (Pause 5 seconds) Stop trying, let it feels so much better just resting right where it is. Now I want you to try to lift your left leg (Pause 10 seconds) Stop trying, let it relax. I want you to try to lift your left arm. (Pause 10 seconds) Stop trying, let it relax. Your whole body is just giving in, just letting go, loose, limp and relaxed. Very loose, very limp and very relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed. So deep and comfortable feeling so great and wonderful, feeling so quiet in every way.

As the sound of my voice just helps and guides you deeper. Following my suggestions helps and guides you to go deeper. And the more you allow your body to relax, the better you feel. And the better you feel, the more and more the body relaxes. Just marvelous feelings going through your body and happy, contented thoughts going through your mind. Relax and let yourself go...relax and let yourself go, deeper and deeper deep and comfortable, feeling so great and wonderful...feeling so fine in every way. By relaxation I mean the absence of all contraction, your body loose, limp and motionless. Your muscles offering no resistance, just as if you were a rag doll. Complete relaxation means the complete absence of all movement. It means the complete absence of holding any part of your body rigid. So if you are completely relaxed, all the muscles attached to your bones are limp. If you make a voluntary movement, you only can do so by contracting some muscles or a group of muscles. So when you allow these muscles to be completely relaxed, the nerves to and from these muscles carry no messages. The nerves are completely inactive and it is certain that in complete relaxation in any set of nerves there is simply zero activity in these nerves. It is physically impossible for you to be nervous in any part of your body. You are very calm and very peaceful. Your feeling better than you have felt in a long, long time. Outside noises will not disturb you and whatever you hear will only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply. So deeply will you relax that you could actually feel a physical condition...and you can sense yourself resting deeper and deeper, enjoying all those wonderful good feelings of complete relaxation. Deeper and deeper relaxed. So deep and comfortable, feeling so great and wonderful, feeling so fine in every way. As the sound of my voice, just helps and guides you to go deeper. Following my suggestions helps and guides you to go deeper...and the more you allow your body to relax, the better you feel and the better you feel, the more the body relaxes. With just marvelous wonderful good feelings going through your body and happy contented thoughts going through your mind. Just relax and let yourself go...just relax and let yourself go...deeper and deeper.

Emerge Client And now as I count from 1 to 3, I want you to open your eyes, physically and mentally alert. Happy, contented, rejuvenated, refreshed, feeling marvelous in every way. 1. Gradually, slowly, coming up, clear headed in every way. 2. Coming up, more and more...all tensions and discomfort completely gone...your whole body feels great. 3. Eyes open, feeling marvelous, wonderful and fine in every way.