Advanced Smoking Cessation Hypnosis Script

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ADVANCED SMOKING CESSATION A Hypnotherapy Script from Australian Success Academy Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2010 - 2013 All rights reserved. No material in this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

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HYPNOSIS  SCRIPT  CONTENTS   Each Hypnosis script contains the following important aspects/elements:    

Embedded Commands   Notes to Practitioner   Layered Metaphors

These will be highlighted in BOLD text to give you an indication on when to change tonality and delivery to ensure that these Embedded Commands are effectively received at the unconscious level.   Any instructions for the Practitioner are contained within parentheses (), and displayed in italics.   A number of metaphors are contained within the scripts, and are layered/nested together, taking the client deeper into a hypnotic trance.

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PRE-­‐INDUCTION  TALK  &  PREFRAMES   • • • • • • •

How many cigarettes a day/week do smoke? (Frequency) What has to happen to make you want a smoke? (Triggers) Where do you smoke most commonly? (Identify Human Needs) On average, who do you smoke with? (Identify Human Needs) Whatʼs causing you to choose to want to overcome this problem? (Testing Leverage) What have you tried in the past to overcome this? (Identify Potential Limiting Beliefs) What is something (Preferably a something that looks similar to cigarettes) that you have tasted/smelled before that is absolutely repulsive and disgusting? (Identify Aversion Stimulus) Would you be happy for me to associate (Aversion Stimulus) with smoking, as this will help make this change even easier for you. Is that something that you are congruent in accepting both at the conscious and unconscious level? (If client says No, skip Aversion Therapy section)

Addiction I'm not here to say that cigarettes are or are not addictive but what Iʼd like to do is have a conversation with you about whether you believe that you are addicted or not. I'm wondering if you would be willing to keep an open mind about cigarettes. I always say that the mind is like a parachute - it only works when it's open.


Would you be willing to have an open mind about some new possibilities as to whether or not cigarettes are as addictive as they say? [Get confirmation] Great! First, let's define addiction. The type of addiction I want to talk about right now is physical addiction, not mental. Weʼll deal with the mental aspects of addiction in a moment. For now, letʼs just address the physical aspects of addiction. Who tells us that cigarettes are addictive? [No matter what the response, lead them to the media.] Has the media ever lied to people before? Well the media are fairly certain that cigarettes are addictive, yet what they donʼt want you to know is that thousands of people quit smoking each day, and not one of them experiences any kind of physical withdrawal symptom that you would see in a normally addictive chemical like cocaine or heroin. When we talk about addiction, what Iʼm talking about is the physical malfunction that bodies go through when being deprived of a substance upon which they have become dependent. No one's body malfunctions when they stop smoking cigarettes. In fact,

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think about it, how long can you go without a cigarette? How long do you think someone that is addicted to cocaine or heroin can go for before they start to feel the physical malfunction associated with withdrawals? [Compare the two responses] You see, even with just looking at your own life you have demonstrated that cigarettes do not have the same addictive characteristics biologically that truly addictive drugs do. Who Benefits… Now, I'm not into conspiracy theories or anything, but think about it, who benefits most by us thinking that cigarettes are addictive? The cigarette manufacturers! Wouldn't the best sales pitch in the world for any consumable product be, "If you start using these by age 12, you will smoke them for the rest of your life." It's got to make you think, doesn't it?


Irritations… In fact, when I talk to people who become non-smokers, the most severe physical problems I've ever had people tell me about is headaches - which were more than likely stress related anyway. I also hear about sore throats and shaking hands. I'll address the issue of shaking hands in a moment, but let's be honest about these so-called "symptoms." Are they not simply irritations instead? Irritation and malfunction are not the same things. They're not even in the same ballpark! Those symptoms do not cause malfunction. They just cause discomfort ... which is not a word used to describe the addictive withdrawals from any other truly addictive drug. So, is the biological aspect of addiction still a concern for you, or would you be willing to believe for the sake of this process that you are indeed not biologically addicted? [If they still insist that they are addicted, ask them what makes them so certain. Find out right now what their convincer is for being addicted. They either didn't listen to you, or you didn't talk about the one thing that makes them believe they are still addicted. No matter what their response, always ask them the question, "Yes, but did you malfunction?" The answer will always be no.]


Weight Gain - Jerky Have you ever seen beef jerky at the super market? How much water do you think is in that meat? Right, not much at all. Well, what do you think you are doing to your body when you smoke? It is a known fact that smoking causes dehydration. If you donʼt believe me, look at someone who has smoked for 50 or 60 years compared with someone who hasnʼt, their skin quality is completely different most of the time.

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Healthy Water Weight When you become a non-smoker, your body is going to naturally want to re-hydrate the cells that have dehydrated over the years. What this means is that you could gain anywhere from 2 - 3 kilos of cellular rehydration. Now, this is not fat; it is not water retention. It is simply the process of your body becoming denser – having each cell weigh slightly more because it is re-hydrated. Expect this. I would rather see you be 2 – 3 kilos heavier and a nonsmoker, than 2 – 3 kilos lighter and a smoker. Remember, this is water that your body needs anyway. Which would you rather be? Sugar Cravings Some people worry that they are going to crave sweets when they become a nonsmoker. Thatʼs because, depending on what cigarette you smoke, each cigarette contains between 8 - 18% sugar! When tobacco is ʻcured,ʼ it is soaked in sugar water and then dehydrated. This is why some peopleʼs hands shake when they go without a cigarette for a while… itʼs similar to hypoglycemia, and shaking hands is one of the first symptoms of having low blood sugar. Now, I canʼt tell you what to eat, but if I were going to find another source for sugar I would favour fruit. The natural sugars in fruit will counteract any cravings you may have for the lack of sugar from cigarettes. Would you be willing to accept a suggestion of increased fruit intake? Finally, let me say this. In the highly unlikely event that you do gain more than 5 kilos, I will do a weight loss session for you for free. Now, is that fair? I will, however, ask you if you have been eating fruit or junk food. If you say fruit, I will work with you, but if youʼve been using junk food to curb the sugar cravings … you are on your own, and I will not do a weight loss session for free, agreed?


Ex-Smoker Here is what I can guarantee you. If you walk away here today as an EXsmoker, you will be nervous. If you walk away here today as an EXsmoker, you will be tense. If you walk away here today as an EX-smoker, you will be short tempered and mean and you will be craving cigarettes all of the time. How does that sound? [Get a negative response] Well then, what I suggest that you do is not walk away from here as an EX-smoker, but you will walk away from here as a Nonsmoker. Think about the powerful identity shift that occurs with those three, little letters. The difference between being an EX-smoker and a Nonsmoker is very subtle, yet very effective. I know that this may be difficult to understand, because you are looking at me through the eyes of a smoker, but, in a moment, you are going to be looking at me through the eyes of a Nonsmoker. You see, Nonsmokers donʼt worry about cigarettes, because they just simply donʼt want them. Itʼs not a matter of should or shouldnʼt smoke, itʼs just a matter of not wanting to, because itʼs no longer your identity. Does this make sense?


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The Void Do you think that after doing something for so long and so frequently that when you stop you might notice void? You most likely will and itʼs possible that you wonʼt. Some people become Nonsmokers and completely forget about cigarettes, with no void whatsoever. Those are the elite; however, the average person might experience a void. What happens to some people is when they experience the void in their life, they freak out and give it a false meaning. They say, “Oh no! Iʼm noticing a void. That must mean I want a cigarette.” No, it just means you noticed the void. Donʼt give it any false meaning. In fact, if you do experience a void THAT MEANS the hypnosis is working! Think about it: If the hypnosis werenʼt working, what would you automatically be doing? Right, smoking. But, because the hypnosis is working, your unconscious mind now is not reaching for the cigarette and your conscious mind is catching up and wondering what itʼs supposed to do. The same thing applies to times when you notice that you want to do something with your hands. Donʼt give it the false meaning and say “That must mean I need a cigarette”, instead give it the true meaning it deserves which is “Great! I notice this need to do something with my hands, because the hypnosis is working, that means I need to do something constructive with my hands” What is something you could so with your hands instead?


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On a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being ʻVery Littleʼ and 10 being ʻIʼd do anything to achieve thisʼ – How much of a problem is this for you? (Current State) At the end of todayʼs session, on a scale of 1-10, how big of problem does it need to be for you to recognise some positive changes has started? (Create InSession Convincer) One week from now, how will you know that this old problem has been removed? 30 Days from now, how will you know that this old problem has been removed?

PERSONAL  RESPONSIBILITY Many people who have been able to overcome their old problem of smoking held the belief that at some level in your mind, they had created this problem, because on some level it has served them at one time. If you are happy to acknowledge that at some level

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you did in fact create this problem, even without consciously knowing it, then you can start the process whereby you can actually create the solution to the problem as well. Are you happy to agree, for the purpose of this session, that at some level you created the problem, and therefore, at some level you can also create the solution?

  INDUCTION   (Use your preferred Hypnotic Induction)

DEEPENER   (Use your preferred Deepener)

INTRODUCTION   And as you continue, I want to talk to you, in a way that feels most welcoming for you. And I want to talk to that part of your mind, that is most interested in what I have to say, that is open-minded and responsive in helping you to get what you want, because by doing so, youʼll find it is easy to achieve your outcome. And you know what you want.

BUILD  LEVERAGE  –  NEGATIVE  EFFECTS  –  PAST/PRESENT/FUTURE   And I wonder if you know all about the negative effects that are associated with smoking cigarettes. Think about how cigarettes have affected your life in the past. Iʼm curious if you can remember some opportunities you have missed out on because you wanted a cigarette. All those times you people avoided you because you smelled of disgusting tobacco smoke. All those moments you missed out on, because you had to leave to have a cigarette. What sort of poor role model have you been in the past for loved ones. Maybe you have hidden this problem from them or maybe you havenʼt, either way imagine how disappointed they were if they knew. I know you want to be the best role model you can be, and you should feel proud for…decide to change now. Tobacco is a poison, damaging the body in a number of ways. Tobacco contains numerous carcinogens, which can cause cancer and other diseases in the body. Of course smoking accelerates aging, depleting the oxygen and nutrients in your skin, causing you to look old and grey, and you are glad to make this change now.

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Yellow teeth, yellow fingers and that stench of tobacco, that follows you like a dirty shadow, until you made the decision to STOP NOW and start to breath better now.   Isnʼt it time to…make this change now!   As everyone knows smokers are foolish. For buying into the lies that smoking helps to relax, that it is sociable, makes them more confident, and helps people to think clearly. What is very clear is that smoking doesnʼt do any of these things. Isnʼt it time you are honest with yourself and with your past disregard for your own health and life? Everyone knows smokers are foolish. I know you know that smoking has been damaging your health and it has never saved you, but now it is time to save yourself. A smoker is 50% more likely to develop cancer in their body. This causes pain, suffering and loss. Imagine what it would be like to sit down with your loved ones and tell them that you ignored the warnings and that you may miss out on decades of your life and experiences shared with them. Imagine if you continue to make poor decisions in life, continuing to smoke cigarettes, what will this cost you 3 years from now? How will your health suffer? How will your relationships deteriorate? How much money will you waste and how many opportunities will you have missed out on because of smoking? Itʼs time for a change. To change your attitude and your behaviour so congratulations for making that decision today. And because of this wonderful change in your attitude that you have made now, you find that life is more and more rewarding. Your job to stay healthy will be much, much easier. The relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues are even more connected and improve drastically now. It is true, yes, you really are changing now, and even as you begin to feel more relaxed, you notice that your future is also beginning to change.

PROBLEM  FREE-­‐REGRESSION   I wonder if you can remember a time back when you were younger, back to a time before you were smoking cigarettes. I wonder if you can find a specific time back when you were younger, before you were smoking, when you felt more in control, when you were stronger, when you felt healthier. Can you remember a specific time? When you can remember a specific time, simply nod your head. Thatʼs right.

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Think of all the things you were seeing in that moment, feel how you felt in that moment, really feel it, because itʼs such a great thing to do, isnʼt it? Say to yourself what you were saying to yourself in that moment, before you were smoking cigarettes and you had feelings of strength, & vitality. You might even find a little bit of delight in…feel those amazing feelings now. Thatʼs right, because you know that you can feel them again anytime you like, because you have made the change already, havenʼt you. And as you experience that moment from your past again now, start to notice all the advantages you had in that moment. How good did you feel physically? Thatʼs right enjoy that now. Iʼm curious if you can recall the advantages you had in your physical and your mental state. It was such a simple and healthy way to live, isnʼt it? Thatʼs right. Feel that strength and vitality now, because you now know that you can feel those feelings again anytime you want.  


And now, itʼs not important to think about all the things you want to achieve in life, all your goals and accomplishments you are yet to obtain. How would you like your health to be in 1 year from now? How would you like your finances to be in 1 year from now? How would you like your relationships to be in 1 year from now? And as you start to imagine yourself 1 year from now, notice all the things you have achieved now that you are living a healthy lifestyle. You reflect back over the last 12 months, and you feel incredible, because you can…make this change now. You have been living a healthy life for 12 months, allowing your body to repair and recover, healing faster and faster, and as a result, you have been using your inner strength and vitality to achieve so much more. You might have even surprised yourself with all the things, all the things you have accomplished, and it feels absolutely amazing, doesnʼt it. You thank yourself for making this change today, because you know that if you hadnʼt you would not have achieved this. Feel that sense of accomplishment now, because itʼs such a good thing and it means that you can…do this easily now as anyone can, havenʼt you.

AVERSION   And as you drift deeper and even deeper into trance, your mind becomes even more focused on your inner experiences. I wonder if you can become aware of your problem, and the situation in which you experience when you do that old behaviour. And when

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your unconscious mind is fully aware of that problem, simply nod your head please. And now I wonder if you can allow your mind to drift back in time to just before you started smoking a cigarette so that you can become fully aware of whatever feeling, thought or situation triggered that undesirable behaviour, in that moment. See what you were seeing, feel what you were feeling, hear what you were hearing in that moment just before you reached for a cigarette. Imagine you have a digital camera in your mind and take a photo of that experience or situation, capturing all the thoughts, feelings, sounds and sights from that moment. I would like you to put that thought or feeling or situation in the back of your mind so that you can recall it in a few moments. And now Iʼm curious to know if you can picture (insert Aversive Stimulus) and I want you to make that picture so vivid in your mind. Notice what colour it is, the smell of it, and the texture. Thatʼs right. And no matter how unpleasant that experience may seem, as you think about it now, that experience becomes stronger and stronger. More and more vivid, so much so that your feelings of disgusts and dislike of that noxious experience fills your mind and your body, becoming strong and clear. You may even feel slightly queasy/nauseous which will continue to become stronger and stronger as you think about that (aversion stimuli), and when you can experience that queasy sensation clearly and fully your unconscious mind can indicate that to me by nodding your head, before you need to vomit. And now I wonder if your unconscious mind can bring back that specific picture of whatever triggered off that unwanted behaviour of smoking and as soon as that situation is clear in your mind, instantly and immediately, I would like you to simultaneously begin to experience that those repulsive, disgusting sensations and feelings, as they spread into that situation that triggered your drinking. Those disgusting and repulsive (VAKOG) grow stronger and stronger, clearer and clearer, spreading throughout your mind and body, and when you can experience those feelings clearly and fully in that situation that triggered your desire to smoke, your unconscious mind can indicate that to me by nodding your head, well before you need to vomit. Thatʼs right. Good. [Best Practice - Repeat Above Aversion Section three times] And as a result of this session, from this moment on if ever you think of that situation or thought, or if you are actually in that situation or have that thought that in the past triggered that unwanted behaviour, no matter where you are or how you are feeling, or

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who you are with, instantly and immediately you will fully experience that (describe Aversive Stimuli), which will grow stronger and stronger, more and more repulsive, more and more disgusting, so that there will be absolutely no way you would be smoke a cigarette. In fact as a result of this session, you may even decide to make a deliberate effort to avoid situations that might trigger that disgusting and repulsive response.

METAPHOR  1  –  OPENING   And just drifting down, deeper and deeper, now… It can be relaxing and even educational to watch a masterpiece being built – a thing of beauty; A thing of strength; A thing of the most articulate nature. And I wonder if you know whatʼs involved in building a cocoon – a place of protection, change and transformation. I donʼt know everything involved, but I remember watching as a child, as a very unremarkable caterpillar came to the realization that… itʼs time for a change. Itʼs time to take the steps necessary to cast away the unremarkable exterior and allow the beauty that lives inside to come out. The cater pillar surveyed his surroundings, looking for the right way to go about this – obvious that safety and health are the primary concerns. And so I watched… as the caterpillar began weaving its silk – uncommonly strong and amazingly resilient, yet flexible – around the stem of a sturdy leaf. Winding around, and round and round… doing what it must to build a solid foundation for change. Around, and around, and around…

METAPHOR  2  –  OPENING   And now, as you imagine yourself walking through that valley of relaxation, you come across the majestic, sheer face of a small mountain made entirely from marble. Noticing a round entrance situated in the center of this mountain, you move your feet across the walkway and begin to wander inside. As you make your way down the round hallway, ribbed with arches every few yards, you can hear the wind at your back and feel it moving past you… in and out (say in time with breathing), like the waves of the ocean. Moving on, you come to a fork in the hallway leading to two dirty, musty, dimly lit chambers. You immediately realise that these chambers were once amazingly beautiful. Seeing a mop, a sponge and a bucket against the far wall, you begin to go to work on a small area of the chamber. The beautifully intricate patterns of pink marble with red veins immediately begins to unfold before your eyes – itʼs absolutely beautiful, just as you expected.

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And while youʼd love to stop and study it, youʼve got a lot more work to do. So you scrub, rinse and dry one area, then move to the next as more and more of the beautifully pristine chambers become visible. Scrub, rinse, dry… scrub, rinse, dry. And as your conscious mind continues – scrub, rinse, dry… scrub, rinse, dry…

METAPHOR  3  –  OPENING   Imagine yourself, now, standing in a warm, shallow pond of sparkling, pure, absolutely clean water. This is the most pure, cleansing water youʼve ever seen. In front of you is a tall waterfall, and the water comes down in a smooth, undisturbed sheet, glistening and barely rippling the still water of the pond. And as you move closer, you begin to see a mirror image in the glassy waterfall… Itʼs a reflection of the perfectly healthy, smokefree you – a reflection of perfection. This reflection is healthy and happy, inside and out, and as you approach the waterfall, you stretch your palms outward until they meet those of your reflection of perfection. Feeling the warm water as your fingertips intersect with your reflection, just imagine all the nicotine, tar and other carcinogens in your fingertips being washed away. As you continue to move forward, merging and becoming one with your reflection of perfection, notice as all the nicotine, tar and other carcinogens wash away from your lower arms, all the way up to your elbows, leaving behind only an energetic, vibrant, naturally healthy, you. You can feel the goose bumps rising all over your body as the sound of the waterfall becomes louder and you greet the smiling face of your reflection.


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DIRECT  SUGGESTIONS   In a few moments, Iʼm going to offer you some suggestions. You will find these suggestions easy to enjoy, and easy to accept. You will accept them because, when you act on these suggestions, you will achieve greater levels of health and well-being. By accepting these suggestions, you will preserve your body more effectively and your job to stay healthy will be much, much easier. From this point forward, you are a nonsmoker. You easily and effortlessly turn down cigarettes – not only because youʼre a non-smoker, but also because you have made this commitment to create a healthy reward for yourself, so reward yourself now. Iʼm curious if you can feel proud and confident that… you will achieve this with ease. You might even begin to feel this now and allow those feelings to increase throughout the rest of this session. Those disgusting smells and tastes will no longer be a part of you. So just relax even more now. If someone is smoking around you, the smoke may or may not bother you, but in any case, feel proud and thankful because youʼre a non-smoker now. The smell of smoke only reminds you of why you chose to become a non-smoker, remembering how proud and thankful you are for making that choice, for taking steps to achieve greater levels of health and wellbeing, because youʼre a non-smoker. Again, youʼre a nonsmoker now… You cherish your lungs, mouth and skin, and youʼll never again subject them to the torture of a cigarette. By tomorrow, all the nicotine will have left your body, you will have more oxygen in your blood stream and carbon monoxide will have significantly reduced in your body, making you feel healthier with more energy. In a few days time, your blood will flow around your body stronger, and you will breath easier, giving you even more energy. Your sense of smell and taste will improve, and you will be pleasantly surprised as you experience new flavours and smells again. Within a month, your blood pressure will return to healthier levels, and your immune system will show dramatic signs of recovery, as you start to heal your body faster. It can take up to a few months for your lungs to repair themselves of the damage you have done, and you are grateful to be making this important step towards healing today. Your body will thank you for as you make this change today, because you are allowing it to heal itself from any damage you have done. Your body will heal faster now because you are a Non-smoker.

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Once you have naturally and easily been a non-smoker for a few months, your lungs will continue to repair themselves faster giving you an improved quality and stronger breathing. Imagine how good you will feel when you accomplish this now. •

Everyday you will breathe better now. [Repeat]

Smoking is a false friend that only serves to help you achieve Illness and Stress. You are now aware that from today onwards you will only put health and goodness inside your body. From now on, you will only put health and goodness inside your body For a week or so after your last cigarette, if you crave sugar or feel dehydrated, realize that this is a natural reaction and it means that the process is working. These are not nicotine withdrawals, but natural reactions while your body adjusts your blood sugar levels and rehydrates your cells. So, rather than eating junk food and drinking coke or coffee, instead eat fresh fruit and drink a healthy supply of water. The fruit will help ease low blood-sugar and the water will help to rehydrate your cells. Again, if you find yourself craving sweet or fluids, you will satisfy those cravings with fresh fruits and water. •

Everyday you will now eat more fresh fruit and drink a healthy supply of water [Repeat]

Its time you take responsibility for your health and the health of those around you that you also poison with that filthy smoke because you can do this easily, and you can take that responsibility now. Secondly, one of the benefits of smoking is that it forces smokers to take short breaks from work, family, stress, etc, and perhaps even to spend some time outside. To avoid that benefit from attracting you back to smoking, and to alleviate situations where nervous energy may build up, youʼll take as many breaks and spend as much time outside as you did before our session. Youʼll continue to give yourself breaks and time outside, but as a non-smoker. You started a war within yourself long ago, and now you are at peace, in every cell of your body, because you are a non-smoker now. Smoking is no longer a battle, because you are victorious. Feel what itʼs like to be a non-smoker now, and I wonder if you can feel the difference, it may be slight or a big difference, because itʼs a great identity to hold…you are a non smoker now. Just let yourself know, as if you are sending a signal throughout your entire being, a message that you are clear about, that you accept is a fact, that you are willing to accept and carry out. Just let yourself know that you no longer smoke. You are a non-

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smoker now and there is no reason on earth, that is sufficient to justify you ever picking up a cigarette again, because you are a non-smoker now. Itʼs almost as though you can hear a echo within yourself, within your mind, echoing the words “I am a non-smoker. I am a non-smoker”. And those words serve as a source of pride, strength and vitality. Feel proud, accepting that new belief, and know that this feeling will grow stronger and stronger with each day, it will grow stronger and stronger with each cigarette you forget to think about. Acknowledge the power behind the choice you have made, of your own ability of what you have done today, because you are a non smoker now. • •

Everyday you now find it easier to live a healthy lifestyle. Everyday you now have more energy and vitality in your life.

You realise that you are completely free of the concern that brought you here today. You realise that you have been given a second chance at complete happiness and health, and you are grateful to your mind and body for this opportunity. Notice how clean the air is now.

  METAPHOR  3  –  CLOSE   Taking one more step, now, the warm water begins washing the nicotine and other toxins away from your upper arms, and the front of your legs and torso. Already you feel healthier. Your posture and demeanor are now that of a naturally trim, active, healthy person. One more step… the water washes comfortably over your face, head, shoulders, torso, hips and down to your legs, taking with it all the toxins your body doesnʼt need. And as you take that final step through, the water cleanses your entire body, and you find yourself standing in the second chamber, dry and relaxed, feeling healthier and more energetic than you have felt in a very long time.

  METAPHOR  2  –  CLOSE   And you continue now to clean up the last few inches of the chamber… Scrub, rinse, dry… scrub, rinse, dry… Scrub, rinse, dry… You look over the chamber and smile to yourself with satisfaction as you realize that youʼve completed your task and cleaned every inch of these chambers, and they are

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beautiful. Yet, your job is not done. You will continue to work at keeping these chambers clean and beautiful, making sure that they never again get so filthy and musty.  

METAPHOR  1  –  CLOSE   And as you continue to watch the cocoon, you begin to notice some movement, as the most amazing butterfly begins emerging. And as you realize how easily and naturally change occurs, the butterfly, completely transformed and metamorphosed, begins taking flight. You feel the sun warming your face, you feel the slight breeze against your skin, as you breathe deeply and freely, filing your lungs with life-giving oxygen. Breathing is the easiest and most natural thing in the world. You experience a tremendous feeling of self respect and self esteem, feeling again that you are a strong, healthy and powerful person - a person with a healthy mind and body. Thatʼs right….

COUNT  UP   In a moment I'm going to count from one to five and with each number I count, you will come back by 20%, back to wakeful awareness, feeling alert, wonderful and refreshed. One…Allowing all the suggestions and all the things you have learned to today to integrate at the unconscious level. Two…Start to notice sounds in the room and sounds outside Three…Take a nice, deep breath in Four…Take a big stretch, stretch up and out Five…Open you your eyes, feeling awake, alert and refreshed. Welcome Back.  

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