France Electro

ELECTRONIC MUSIC SUMMARY 2. ELECTRONIC MUSIC...........................................................................

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2. ELECTRONIC MUSIC............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1. PRELUDE ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1.2. THE SITUATION OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC AND DANCE MUSIC IN FRANCE (MARKET, SALES, MEDIA COVERAGE) ............................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.3. ADVICE TO ENTER THE FRENCH MARKET ............................................................................................ 3 2.1.4. MAJORS, ELECTRONIC AND DANCE MUSIC .......................................................................................... 4

2.2. LABELS AND DISTRIBUTORS .......................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1. INDEPENDENT DANCE LABELS AND DISTRIBUTORS ......................................................................... 4 2.2.2. INDEPENDENT ELECTRONIC MUSIC DISTRIBUTORS .......................................................................... 6 2.2.3. INDEPENDENT ELECTRONIC MUSIC LABELS........................................................................................ 6

2.3. FESTIVALS AND CLUBS.................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.1. MANAGERS AND BOOKERS....................................................................................................................... 7 2.3.2. FESTIVALS ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.3. EVENT ORGANISERS ................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.4. CLUB AND VENUES ..................................................................................................................................... 9

2.4. PROMOTION & MEDIA .................................................................................................................... 10 2.4.1. AGENCIES .................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.4.2. TELEVISION................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.4.3. RADIOS ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.4. PROFESSIONAL SPECIALISED PRESS..................................................................................................... 12 2.4.5. SPECIALISED PRESS................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.6. INTERNET SITES ......................................................................................................................................... 13

CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................................ 15 MEDIA..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 PROMOTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 ORGANIZERS......................................................................................................................................................... 23 CLUBS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 FESTIVALS ............................................................................................................................................................. 36 BOOKING................................................................................................................................................................ 46 DISTRIBUTORS...................................................................................................................................................... 49

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2.1.1. PRELUDE First and foremost, I will proceed in defining certain terms that I feel is necessary to the correct unde r s t a ndi ngo ft hi ss t udy .Thr oug h ou tt heg l ob e ,t heBr i t i s ht e r m‘ da nc e ’r e f e r st oa l lDa n c emus i c composed with electronic sounds as a base; this is not the case in France however. More often than not used in a pejorative manner, the term dance o n l yde s i g na t e si nFr a nc et h es a i d‘ c o mme r c i a l ’e l e c t r on i c mus i c ,whi c hc a nbec ompa r e dt o‘ e u r od a nc e ’i nEng l i s h.Thr oug hou tt h i spa pe r ,t het e r m Dance will be in reference to the French definition.

For all other forms of electronic music perceived as more underground, one could use the term electronic music to designate the latter, or simply refer to the name of the subcategories, such as house, techno ,d r um’ n’ ba s s ,downbe a t ,nu-jazz, broken beat, garage and so forth...I will use Electronic music to refer to the above styles.

In the UK, Spain, and Germany, there is an active musical landscape within each country (Brighton, Sheffield, Manchester, Barcelona, Ibiza, Cologne or Frankfort for example), whereas in France, the electronic scene suffers of a very French characteristic: centralisation. The Parisian scene is very active in terms of music labels, distributors, renowned clubs, however in the exception of Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse and Montpellier; the other French cities are fairly under-sized. In order to have a national audience, it is recommended to start off in Paris. 2.1.2. THE SITUATION OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC AND DANCE MUSIC IN FRANCE (MARKET, SALES, MEDIA COVERAGE) From 1999 to today, Electronic music represents between 3% and 9% of the total CD sales in France. The only official statistics that we have are those of the SNEP (National Syndicate of Editors and Music producers) which essentially represents major labels and a few important independent labels and distributors. These figures therefore do not take into account the sales of independent distributors (around 10 of them in France), who are very present in the electronic genre. Again these statistics are not entirely correct, as they include the sales of major Electro artists such as Air or Daft Punk, whereas sales of major artist are currently counted in other categories such as French Pop, International Pop or again Rock.

If we refer to the figures given by the SNEP, they clearly show a decrease in electro and dance music. Al bumsa nds i ng l e st og e t h e r ,t he‘ t e c h no,j ung l e ,hou s e ’c a t e g or ywe ntf r om 3. 7% ofs a l e si n2 001t o

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0. 8% i n200 2 .Da nc ei si nc l ud e di nt he‘ mi s c e l l a ne ou s ’c a t e g or y( which equally includes genres such as children, country, new-age, ambience, trip-hop, and hard rock...) that sold 8.2% in 2001 for 6% in 2002. How can one explain these statistics when electro seems to be well infiltrated (largest presence on FM, ad synch etc.) and makes 37 % of French export sales (SNEP reference)? Simply by moving large selling artists to other categories: artists such as Björk or Moby are classified as International Variety,Got a nPr o j e c ta s‘ Wo r l dMu s i c ’ ,Da f tPunka ndDa v i dGu e t t aa s‘ Fr e nc hVa r i e t y ’ ,whi c h evidently can only false the official figures. It is crucial to specify that there is a strong presence of e l e c t r oi nt he‘ c ompi l a t i on ’c a t e g o r y .Ne v e r t he l e s s ,e l e c t r oa ndda nc emu s i ch a v ebe e n,s i n c e2003 , going through a difficult phase, with vinyl sales decreasing (-20%) similarly to the CD sales, at the exception of mixed productions with world, downtempo, pop or rock. The true figures, in terms of sales should be towards 8% to 10% than what the SNEP shows. It is interesting to notice that there is a slight increase of vinyl sales at the start of 2004.

Concerning musical genres and sub-genres, trance music (psychedelic or progressive) does not work in France; it is difficult to find an audience. There is no specialised press, very few radio stations and di s t r i bu t or s( e xc e ptCy be rPr oduc t i on s )i nt h i sg e nr e .Cl ubsa ndor g a ni s e dni g ht s( t he“ Ga ï a ”f o r example) are really the only way in, for this style of music. House music can be quite successful, as well as Electro-rock or Electro-pop (in the same spirit as Air, Chicks on Speed, Miss Kittin, DJ Hell.). Techno music does not sell much more than 10 000 to 15 000 copies in France (25 000 at best, i nt hec a s eofRi c hi eHa wt i na ndJ e f fMi l l s ) .Dr um’ n’ Ba s sa n dot he r sl i k eHa r d -core (gabber, Indus etc.), represent a micro-market. However, lounge, nu-jazz, downbeat, trip-hop are fairly well sold: gold album for Gotan Project, Bugge Wesseltoft sells 30 000 in France, 100 000 for the Hotel Costes compilations...Dance music similar to the Benassi Bros, can reach important sales if correctly introduced to clubs by major labels (Sorpio, Happy Music etc.) and promotion companies. Dance music however is not a good album seller. 2.1.3. ADVICE TO ENTER THE FRENCH MARKET It is important to enter the French market through two parallel and complementary axes: the distribution of your products and live events, more specifically the Parisian scene that may easily attract the French media. It is widely recommended to go through a promotion agency, even only for a few months or a few albums, thus giving the time to the label to make a name and reputation for itself. Promotion agencies can work both on the promotion of an album and on a live tour. It is equally crucial to give a dynamic affect. Once the artist is introduced, you will then be able to target the specialised press and radios. It is difficult to advise you on what promotion company to get in contact with, as they are more often than not specialised in a certain musical genre. Phunk Promotion and Ping Pong are the most established, the most efficient and the most eclectic in terms of styles of music.

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2.1.4. MAJORS, ELECTRONIC AND DANCE MUSIC Inexistent on the market between 1993 and 1995, majors are starting to take an interest in dance music since Da f tPu nk ’ ss u c c e s s .Fol l owi ngaf e wg ol de ny e a r s( t hef a mous“ Fr e nc hTo uc h” )a ndg oo ds a l e s between 1996 and 2001 (several golden albums), majors started signing many (too many) artists producing electronic music, that were not breaking in to the market, except for established underground artists. After 3 fragile years (2001 till 2003), major labels entered a new phase of hesitancy. They only signed on artists that were a safe bet: sure to sell large quantities of albums (50 000) as rapidly as possible, demanding minimum investment. The music market crisis (-20% on the first semester of 2004) has made major labels in France even more hesitant. In the exception of a few “ s i ng l eh i t s ” ,t h e ywi l lpr o ba bl ynots i g na nyEl e c t r oa r t i s ti n2 004,a nda r eg oi ngt oreturn 30% of their contracts this year, all genres combined.


2.2.1. INDEPENDENT DANCE LABELS AND DISTRIBUTORS Dance music, at its best in a single format, has undergone alterations since 2002. Major labels are less interested in this genre, whereas established dance labels continue to show a healthy and diversified activity. Their investments are increasing and independent participants are investing the promotions industry.

Concerning commercial dance, dance pools from majors gave their place to independent labels, which are distributed by majors, or have a licensing deal with them. BMG, NNB, now become Dancenet, closed their doors in 1999; the SONY dance pool disappeared the same way. ULM (Universal) is however still an ef f i c i e n tda nc epo ol .Th et h r e e‘ hi s t or i c a l ’i nde pe nde ntmus i cl a be l st ha townt he essential of the dance genre market, Scorpio, Happy Music (both distributed by majors, depending on the project) and Airplay (distributed by Universal) have been joined by Independence Records (distributed by EMI). These 4 important independent labels share today 90% of the French dance market with the rare dance pools of majors still practising. Since 2002, they have had a decreasing t ur nov e ri nt he“ da nc e ”c a t e g or y ,e v e ni fseveral of them have succeeded in the diversification of the genre. We can also quote Recall as being an important label for this genre, and distributor Atoll which owns a national dance catalogue thanks its eponymous label and represents some foreign labels (ATr a xx,On eDa nc e …) .

How is dance music doing? Not that bad if we take into account what Dominique Delille, editor of Only for DJs, the only magazine specialised in dance music in France, says: “t h epos i t i ono fs a l e so f dance singles show a relatively healthy industry, which defends itself well in this format, even though t hi sg e nr enow hast os ha r et hedanc ef l o orwi t hR&Bande l e c t r oni cmus i c ”.Hec i t e st h e‘ St a c h

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St a c h ’oft heBr a t i s l aBoy s ,‘ Thek e t c hupSong ’byLa sKe t c hupa nd‘ I t ’ sRa i ni ngMe n’by Geri Ha l l i we l lor“ Wh e ne v e rWhe r e v e r ”bySha k i r a ,whi c ha r et he6p l a t i n um a wa r dwi n i ngs i ng l e s . “Danc ei sno tav e r yc r e at i v et r e nd ;i t ’ sv e r yf or ma t t e dandi si ns p i r e dbydai l yambi e nc e s ,howe v e r current productions are of much better quality. The innov at i ngs t y l eby‘ bangh r a’wi t hPun j ab iMC ( onSc or pi o)s howst ha tda nc emus i ck nowshowt oe v ol v e ’ .ThePun j a b iMCt r a c k‘ Mundi a nToBa c h Ke ’ ,r e l e a s e dt he17th February 2003 and used for TV ad synch (SFR: 2nd French mobile network), sold more than 100 000 in France. In the same angle, the Bhangra Knights Vs Husan single was used to illustrate the Peugeot 206 ad in May 2003, before a club and chart success. Dance and electronic music are perfect for ad synchronisation, and evidently are a great vehicle for developing a product. Majors are leaders in this market. Gil Attali, senior Marketing Manager for Scorpio notes, “t he i nv e s t me n tt o‘ mak eah i t ’i sbe c omemo r ean dmo r ee x pe ns i v e ”. The price of adverts has increased on music channels such as M6 since the success of reality-shows in France. Evidently, television combined with radio and club promotions (internal for Scorpio, Happy Music, Independence and Airplay) are the main sources of success in terms of dance tracks.

Independent participants have a small place on the market in labels such as M6 Interactions (from the TV channel) or again the label distributor Limited Editions. “DJ sar es t ar t e r si ndanc eandpl aya n important role, more so as most of them have become producers these past few years. They test the market with their independent entities, before approaching important labels and majors. However, mos t‘ c l u b’d e pa r t me n t sn ol ong e re x i s ti nma j or s ,t h e r e f or et hemai nc l ubpr o mo t i oni sdonebyt h e growing number (since 2002) of independent agencies , ”explains Dominique Delille, editor of Only for DJs.

Fip Katia, Jacky Gaillard and Nice Music are the oldest and the most important promotion agencies, ma i nl ys pe c i a l i s e di nt he‘ da nc e ’s e c t o r( s e ec h a p t e rPr omot i on) .Pi e r r e -Guy Philibert, co-director of Fip Katia explains the increase in offers of dance club music as “wear ewor k i n g wi t he v e r y department of majors and M6 is one of the rare independents to release dance music for clubs. We al s ohav ed i f f e r e ntt y pe so fc l i e n t s ,s u c ha smus i cbar s ”.In the past, clubs would play typical dance productions whereas today the musical genres are much more varied. R&B, Ragga and Groove are styles that are increasingly played in French clubs. Radios, who mainly broadcast Hip-Hop and R&B, have an influence on clubs choice of music. Gil Atali, director of Scorpio (label), confirms this: “c l ub s play more and more hits, which tend to follow radio and TV broadcast. This is how Magic System, Benassi Bros and Leslie stayed N°1 in the 2003 charts for several weeks, after having been N°1 on air. Clubs follow the radio trend, however fortunately for dance labels, certain albums miss the step, such as Andrea Doria (Scorpio) or Holy Ghost and Benny Benassy (Airplay), with a success that was confirmed in terms of singles sales.I ti sne v e r t he l e s sr ar e . ”For dance productions, it is therefore advised to work on both clubs and radios.

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2.2.2. INDEPENDENT ELECTRONIC MUSIC DISTRIBUTORS They are numerous and efficient. This first chapter describes the important independent distributors, who also distribute electronic music, only on CD, as opposed to vinyls (at the exception of Pias and Wagram who do, via their partners Discograph). Wagram is the leader in independent distributors, although it is a young company in comparison to its competitors. The latter develops many more theme compilation CDs than Electro artists. Wagram is therefore a good company to licence artists to, in order to place a track on a compilation. Their promotion department is understaffed and therefore not the most efficient. This company does not distribute vinyls, but does work in partnership with Discograph, of which they control 49% of the equity (see below). Another important independent distributor in France is Pias France. Again, Pias is not a top vinyl distributor but good in terms of CDs, with a dynamic promotions department. Nocturne is equally a good distributor (CD only), which includes all electronic music. Naïve, label and distributor, develops their own artists, several of which are in the Electro genre, and have a CD promotions team. The distributor M10 has created the M10 Electronic Sounds department that is efficient in distribution but does not have a promotion entity. Finally, Night & Day, the largest world music distributor in France, is a top interlocutor for all electro-world fusions.

If you are searching for a vinyl and CD distributor, there are several options. For quality music (with an acceptable promotions department for CD only), Discograph seems to be the best French independent distributor. They essentially develop good house, downtempo, nu-jazz and electro-pop. Another possibility is Cyber which is a label and distributor, who was for a while the largest distributor in this genre. In the case of electronica or crosses between pop and electro, or again the new forms of hip-hop, Chronowax is a small yet solid distributor, with a good promotions department. La Baleine, in terms of the number of labels distributed, is still the largest French distributor. Since 2004, La Baleine has been developing its vinyl distribution, but still has a fair bit to go yet. In terms of CD distribution, their promotion is very efficient. Other smaller distributors are active on the market such as Venus and Topplers (practically only for vinyl with no promotion service). Tripsichord is the largest of the two main specialised distributors in terms of hard-techno, industrial, hard-core, experimental but also electronica or ambient, with an acceptable promotions service and the only one to distribute CD and vinyl. Toolbox is much more specialised in vinyl. For commercial dance, Cyber and Limited Edition are the interlocutors to contact after attempting a licensing deal in a major. Cyber is the largest independent distributor 100% French electro, whereas Limited Edition is smaller but they both are the interlocutors to be in touch with also after an attempt of a licence agreement in a major. Majors actually trust them with their vinyls... 2.2.3. INDEPENDENT ELECTRONIC MUSIC LABELS

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There is an active scene in France today (between 70% and 90% of produced music is exported), in nearly all musical genres. It is evidently impossible to describe all French labels, to the number of 290, but here is a non exhaustive list. The main French electronic labels, who are more likely to sign foreign artist, are: F Communications (nearly all styles of quality electronic music, except hard s t y l e s ,t r a nc ea nd d r um’ n’ ba s s ) ,Yellow (house, electro, electro-pop), or the independent labels Record Makers (electro-pop, experimental hip hop), Pschent (mainly house and downbeat), 20 000 ST (house, electro-pop), Logistic (techno and minimal techno), Pro-Zak Trax (mainly house and downbeat), Rythmix (mainly house and downbeat). At the exception of F Com, which is 100% independent, the other labels work under licence agreements with labels or are distributed by them, for the most part of their catalogues. Others work in complete independence. You will find below a list of the main labels, which are presented in detail at the end of the guidebook : Kif (house), BiP_Hop (electronica), Gooom (electronica, electro-pop, experimental hip hop), Versatile (mainly house and downbeat), MK2 Music (projects related to movies), Serial (house), Basenotic (house), Bloom (breakbeat, electro-world, electro-pop), Faya Combo (house), Comet (breakbeat, electro-world, downbeat, afro), Bleu Electric/Label Bleu (jazz related music and very various styles), ¡Ya Basta ! (downbeat, electro-world), Hammerbass (dub, novo-dub), Silver Network (house), Straight Up (instrumental and spiritual house), Tigersuhsi (breakbeat, electro, electro-pop, house, techno), Set (house, electro), Dialect (mainly house and downbeat), 3D Vision (psychedelic trance, ambient).

There are several groups of labels in France, which include between 3 and 12 different divisions such as UWe (mainly hard-core, hard-t e c hno,t e c hno,buta l s o dr um’ n’ ba s s ,e l e c t r o-pop, house and electronica), Grosso Modo (house, electro-pop, electro), Pool-E-Music (commercial house and techno music), Expressillon (mainly hard-core, hard-techno, techno, but also experimental dub and minimal techno), Penso Positivo (4 labels : house, vocal house, techno, electro), B.E.A.S.T. (hardcore, hard-techno and techno) and Brique Rouge (from house to tech house).

Equally, there are labels of important distributors, Wagram (essentially groove and downbeat), Cyber (commercial house, techno, electro, tribal, tech-house), Discograph (dub, electro-pop, electro-rock, dub, downbeat), Pias, Chronowax (multi genres), M10 (essentially house and downbeat), Nocturne ( a l ls t y l e se x c e p tt e c hnoa nddr um’ n’ ba s s ) ,Naïve (electro-pop and downbeat) to name a few. This excludes Cyber for who dance and electronic music is marginal.


2.3.1. MANAGERS AND BOOKERS There are few booking agencies in France; however they are very thorough in their work. It is therefore very often directly with clubs or organisers that the contact has to be made to organise you

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a r t i s t s ’t o ur s .The s et ou r sa r et r u l ye s s e nt i a lt ot hed e v e l op me nto fa na r t ist, and will have a significant impact on sales, on condition, of course, that the distributor and/or promotion agency, are informed of the concert dates. You will find at the end of the guidebook a list of the main managers and booking agencies, as well as the contacts of all main French clubs and festivals. French promotion agencies ( s e ec ha p t e r“ p r omot i on ” )k nowt hec l u bne t wor kv e r ywe l la ndma ybookg i g sdi r e c t l y . 2.3.2. FESTIVALS Following the start of rave-parties ( s t a r toft h e90 ’ s ) ,a ndoffree-parties ( mi d90’ s ) ,e v e n tor g a ni s e r s of electronic music have had a lot of pressure from French authorities, who wanted to band this kind of evenings. Thanks to the mediation of organisations such as Technopol, with the government (ministry of Culture....) and regional authorities, it is now possible today to organise electronic music events. There are very few 100% electronic music festivals, however there are many generalists festival or specialized in rock, jazz, world music, who program electronic artists, live or DJs. The general tendency is to welcome a fusion of artists, obviously attracting a wider audience, and avoiding all sort of banning. You will find all details on festivals at the end of the guidebook. Exclusively dance music festivals: Organised by Technopol, the French Parade is the main event which is 100% electronic in France, which can be compared to the Love Parade in Germany, although the music is much less commercial. Technopol is a non-profit organisation. This parade gives a good visibility of the market. Technopol also organises R.E.V.E (Rendez-vous Electroniques). Over 10 days, R.E.V.E multiplies, in various venues, show-cases, conferences, professional meetings and so forth. The Parade as well as R.E.V.E are evidently highly covered by the media. Other festivals are entirely or nearly exclusively dedicated to electronic music, Astrapolis (Brittany) is one of the oldest festivals, although one must not forget the festivals such as Astralia, Villette Numérique (in Paris, every second year), EuphoriaWoodstock (Marseilles), Electro-Static (Mulhouse), Calvi On The Rocks (Calvi-Corsica), Le Bonheur Est Dans Le Pré (Marseilles), Feed-Back, Les Siestes Musicales (Toulouse), Les Nuits Sonores (Lyon), Marsatac (Marseilles), Millésime (Bordeaux), Nordik Impact (Caen), Ososphère (Strasbourg), Pelouses Electroniques (Paris) organised by the magazine Coda, Scopitone (Nantes), Skabazak (Rhodez), Stereolize, Sunslice (Toulon), Tohu-Bohu/Festival de Radio France (Montpelier).

Other smaller festivals have been created in the past 5 years, such as A-Nîmes (Nîmes), Arborescence (Aix-En-Provence), Contretemps (Strasbourg), Il Etait Une Fois La Musique Electronique... (Nîmes), Le sEl e c t r od’ Uz è s(Uzès), Pantiero (Cannes), Sensible (Paris), Splash ! (Marseilles). Occasional dance music festival:

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France has the highest number of festivals in the world and they continue to multiply. There are many festivals, of the rock, world and jazz genre who welcome more and more artists and bands from the electronic music genre, mainly artist who are already established on the scene. Amongst them we can cite Les Transmusicales de Rennes (Rennes: this festival is the one which has the widest range of artists in terms of programming), les Eurokéennes de Belfort (Belfort), La Fiesta Des Suds (Marseilles), LeFe s t i vald’ Ami e ns ,Mus i queJ a z ze td’ Ai l l e ur s ,Le sVi e i l l e sChar r ue s(Brittany), Nancy Jazz Festival (Nancy). 2.3.3. EVENT ORGANISERS Many companies or organisations are specialised in the coordination of electronic music events, festivals or evenings. They intervene on different sites for example clubs, festivals, venues, outdoor evenings and so forth. The organisations are numerous, some not serious at all, but those listed below are liable. The principal organisations (further details in index) are: A l ’ Uni s s o n(Marseilles), Arts Attack, Bip_Hop ( Ma r s e i l l e s ) ,t h el a r g e s tPa r i s i a ndr um’ n’ ba s so r g a ni s a t i onElektron (Nice), the largest Southern organisations Freshly Cut (Montpellier) and Futuria (Grenoble), the largest Psychedelic trance organisation Gaia (Paris), Grosso Modo (Aix-En-Provence), Karat/Katapult (Paris), Kwality (Paris), La Johnson, Magic Garden (Paris), Open House (Paris), Panik (Paris), Pl aqueD’ Or(Paris), Stereolize, Teknet (Dijon). Other actors may have been involuntarily forgotten, our apologies for this... 2.3.4. CLUB AND VENUES Cl uba r et heba c k boneo fe l e c t r oni cmus i ci nFr a nc e ,whe r er e c e n t“ a n t i -r a v e ”l a wsha v es t o ppe d many wild rave-parties which somewhat introduced electronic music to France. It is impossible to present an exhaustive list, nevertheless here are the contacts of the main clubs. French promotion agencies know the club network well and may sometimes book directly. A good promotion campaign for an album is evidently a plus for a label. The clubs most turned towards electronic music in Paris are L’ Al c az ar ,le Batofar, la Favela Chic, le Folies Pigalle, le Gibus, le Cithéa, la Locomotive, Le Pulp, le Scorp, le Rex Club, le Triptyque, les Bains Douches, le Nouveau Casino, le Wagg, and le Wax.

Out of Paris, several clubs are prime targets such as the 4 Sans (Bordeaux), the Bar à Thym (Toulon), the Bar Live (Montpellier), the Chabada (Angers), the Bazar (Marseilles), the Ciel (Grenoble), L’ Ec hange ur(Bagnolet), L’ Es c a l i e r(Saint-Malo), the Grand Mix (Tourcoing), le Klubb (Nice), the Marquise (Lyon), the Lieu Unique (Nantes), the Lulu Club (Nimes), La Lune Des Pirates (Amiens), the Macumba (Neydens), Le Privé (Avignon), the Ninkasi Kafé (Lyon), the Noumatrouff (Mulhouse), the Space (Temay), the Terminal Export (Nancy), the Villa Rouge (Montpellier), the VIP (St Nazaire) and the Zoobizarre (Bordeaux).

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Venues Venues may from time to time program a label evening of electronic music. Organisers who are looking for an alternative to clubs use them more and more. The venues the most turned towards electronic music in Paris are: L’ El y s é eMont mar t r e , La Scène, le Bus Palladium, LaFl è c heD’ Or , La Maroquinerie, Le Cabaret Sauvage, LeDi vanDuMonde ,Gl az ’ ar t . In the rest of the country, the ma i nc onc e r tv e nue sa r el ’ Aeronef ( Li l l e ) ,l ’ Olympic ( Na nt e s ) ,l ’ Usine (Istres), La Condition Publique (Roubaix), La Coopérative de Mai (Clermont-Ferrand), le Cargo (Arles), le Dock Des Suds (Marseilles), La Laiterie (Strasbourg), le Grimaldi Forum Monaco (Monaco), LeCa f éJul i e n/ L’ Es pa c eJul i e n(Marseilles), Le Printemps de Bourges (Bourges) and the Victoire 2 (Montpellier).


2.4.1. AGENCIES Promotions seem to be an undeniable entity, whether your label has an image in France or not. French promotion agencies are very efficient. They have a good understanding of their environment, a good quality network in the media (press, radio TV, Internet, organisers and so forth) and can sometimes add another dimension to their work: booking or organisation of events. Phunk and Ping-Pong, which I will discuss further on, organise their own events and participate in the programming of certain festivals.

Phunk Promotion is the most experienced and specialised promotion agency in electronic music. They are a good choice, as they do promotion of vinyls, CD and DVD, to journalists, DJs, clubs, radios, booking and so forth. The second agency is Ping Pong, who offers the same services. The first is more specialised in house electro-clash and techno whereas the latter one is specialised in electronica, downbeat and trip-hop, even though they are both capable of promoting every musical genre. They are both a definite must for vinyls. The following agencies are constituted of smaller teams; however they still produce a work of quality. Quatre Promo (generalist), Hammerbass Promotion and La Corporation Dub (both specialised in dub and reggae), ZH Promotion ( t hee nt i r e‘ ha r d’e l e c t r o:t e c h n o,ha r d-techno, hardcore, experimental), Frédéric Henry (large agency, efficient in event promotions), and finally the agencies Coup Franc (generalist), LC Les Filles (generalist) or B.L.I.P (specialists of electro-rock, electro-pop, and also generalist) are all three efficient as well.

Amongst the numerous agencies working on commercial dance music: Fip Katia, Jacky Gaillard and Nice Music are the oldest and most important agencies. They target clubs, club DJs and press, which

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is quite difficult when the music is commercial, contrarily to the UK for example. DJ Buzz is equally a pi l l a ra sheha san e t wo r kofmor et h a non ehu nd r e dFr e nc hDJ s .DJBuz z ’c h a r t sa r ear e f e r e n c ea sh e is broadcasted by 10 media partners. 2.4.2. TELEVISION The key tendency in Television is generalist: music programs broadcasted on a prime time are being replaced by reality shows. Electronic music has a rare audience, unless the latter is a huge star...and even then...There is therefore little chance of your artist being on television, in the exception of channels who broadcast music videos, where electronic music is rare. Here are the most important (most watched) channels for the target market 15 to 34 years old: M6, MCM, MTV, M6 Music (mainly French Variety music), MCM 2 (very pop/rock), Fun TV, Trace TV ( mor e“ bl a c k-mus i c ” ) , MCM Top (brand new, which should have an electro/dance section). 2.4.3. RADIOS Electronic music is slowly eating into the market in terms of radio. No nationwide radio will bet on electronic music as a priority, even if the important network radios such as NRJ and FUN Radio (even Skyrock specialise in hip hop) regularly broadcast electronic music: more often than not it is commercial dance music, following the charts. Other radios like France Inter, RTL 2, Europe 2, France Culture or LeMo uv’(specialised in rock music) do broadcast electronic music from time to time, but they prefer to play it safe with bands like Air, Gotan Project or Björk, and are more inclined to broadcast mixtures of electronic music with rock (Radiohead, Chemical Brothers...), with pop (Zero 7, Björk...), with jazz (Bugge Wesseltoft, Erik Truffaz...), or again with world music (Tony Allen, Gotan Project, Asian Dub Foundation...). They rarely broadcast to say never) house music and even l e s st e c h no.The r ei so fc our s ea ne xc e p t i on,La u r e nc ePi e r r e ’ se x c e l l e n ts ho w‘ Al t e r nat i ve s ’on France Inter, the only equivalent to the very good shows broadcasted on the BBC in the UK.

Several independent radios offer an alternative. Firstly, Radio FG, broadcasted in Paris, Eperney, Reims and Poitiers, on cable (through Noos, NC Numéricable, Vialis and France Telecom Câble Marseilles), and on satellite (on CanalSatellite). Radio FG is by far the pioneer in terms of broadcasting electronic music in France. The format of this radio station has changed and evolved from underground towards overground, with predominantly commercial dance music, aired during the da ywi t hap e ne t r a t i ono fR’ n’ B.Atni g htt heDJ ss howsa r eo fg r e a tqua l i t y ,mor eunde r g r ound though. Radio Nova is also a radio to contact; they are broadcasted in Paris as well as in Montpellier. Thel a t t e rof f e r sr i c h e ra n dmor ev a r i e dp r og r a ms ,a boutwo r l d,pop,g r oov e ,R’ n’ Ba n de l e c t r o ni c music.

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Regarding commercial dance music, other radios regularly broadcast: you will find at the end of the guidebook a cartography with details of these radios (partner radios of Only For DJs).

Finally, a very important organisation of radios (Réseau Campus/IASTAR) is the Campus network, where the radios are found all over France. These small radios are big electronic music broadcasters and attract a young and student type of audience. The organisation Radio Campus, which includes 30 radios, accept to organise marketing and promotional operations for a fairly small financial contribution. For any further information on the broadcasting of electronic music, it is wise to contact Radio Campus directly as they will give you a list of contacts. The famous Radio Grenouille is a definite must. This independent organisation unites the best DJs in Marseilles (2nd largest city of France) and broadcasts in this city as well as in Aix-en-Provence, one of the main student towns in France (50 000 students). Once again the marketing operations are very efficient and not too expensive. 2.4.4. PROFESSIONAL SPECIALISED PRESS Press is a strong medium in France. If you are looking to find information on the music business in France, and charts or sales (singles, album, compilations, DVD, FM coverage etc..), it is all grouped in Musique Info Hebdo, the French equivalent of Billboard or Music Week. This weekly magazine (every Friday) is read by 17 000 majors, distributors, and labels senior executives but also read by radio programmers and records shop professionals. It regularly presents papers about electronic music in France, the export of French music, distribution, all there is to know about the DVD and so forth. The House Nation Book is an international directory on electronic music. Edited for the first time in 1995 by the magazine Coda (1st French monthly publication dedicated to the techno generation and to t hene we l e c t r on i cc u l t ur e s ) ,t heHous eNa t i onBookma k e sa ni nv e nt or yofDJ ’ s ,r e c o r ds hop s ,c l ub s , festivals, music labels, music producers, touring agencies, media, audio and video professionals and many more. In total, around 15 000 French and international contacts are referenced. This directory is free and is as exhaustive as possible, the objective being that the reader can find a contact from the most mainstream to the most underground. You can find this A5 format directory of 700 pages at the FNAC,Vi r g i nMe g a s t or e ,l ’ I RMA,byma i lor de r, e-commerce and in all parallel entities (record shops and specialised book stores) in France and abroad. The House Nation Book is a true tool for professionals and semi-professionals as well as being an ideal means for the promotion of a company ( Evidently the list of contacts is not always exhaustive and may be out of date in some cases. 2.4.5. SPECIALISED PRESS There are four magazines, 100 % specialised, and who share the market: the leader in terms of sales, Trax magazine, is published at 40 000 copies / month. It is accompanied by a 10 track sample CD and

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i swe l lpr e s e nt e d.Tr a x’ sp r e s sg r oupwe n tb a nk r upti n2003a nd was bought. The chief editor that has taken over this new press group (Cyber Press) is still unknown at the time we are publishing this book. The first French magazine completely dedicated to electronic cultures (founded in 1993) is Coda Magazine, which is the most eclectic. Open to house and techno, Coda Magazine is one of the rare magazines to regularly mention the downtempo, trance, ambient and hard-core trends. It is published at 35 000 copies / month. Dedicated to club culture, from hip hop makina style, to dance music going through electronic music, Only For DJs publishes 25 000 copies / month. It has a large readership in record shops and is THE national reference in terms of commercial dance music. Finally the only magazine entirely dedicated to br e a k be a t ,br ok e nbe a t ,UK h i phopa ndDr um’ n’ Ba s si nFr a nc ei s RPM (every term), published at 5 000 copies / month and organises regular evenings.

Other magazines non-specialised in electronic music regularly review electronic music (never to dance music). The monthly Nova Magazine (all styles, 80 000 copies / month), is the magazine of the group Nova Press, who also owns Radio Nova and edit compilations every second month (Novatunes). Very important magazine specialised in rock music, sold 4 times a year with a sample CD, is Les Inrockuptibles (28 to 40 000 copies, weekly). The latter welcomes electronic music close to pop, rock or the revival of the 80s. Magic –Revue Pop Modern represents music between pop and electronic, and publishes 30 copies a month. Clark magazine (every term), is very good for all street-culture (the best actually). Epok is a magazine sold in FNAC stores, which has electro house/techno music and electro-pop music covered over 2 pages. The free monthly Open Mag is distributed in all FNAC stores in Paris and its region, but less distributed elsewhere (70 000 copies / month). A forth of its content is dedicated to electronic music. Finally Aden is the free cultural magazine of Le Monde (the most known daily newspaper in France), sold every Wednesday with Le Monde, in which electronic music is regularly mentioned (never dance music though). Le Monde and Libération (two daily newspapers) also mention music in their cultural editions on Saturdays. There are numerous regional magazines throughout France, which can be specialised in music. Coda ma g a z i ne of f e r sa g l ob a lma r k e t i ng ( “ Sound Cor ne r ” )wh i c ha l l owsone t oc ont a c tt h eo t he r magazines, at an interesting price. A targeted communication plan is very efficient if your artists are on tour. Contact [email protected] 2.4.6. INTERNET SITES Three years ago they were many Internet sites, but the majority have disappeared since the Internet crash in 2001 and 2002. However, certain established sites still exist, for example who edits compilations and organises events. It is a good site to send your artists mixes. (a good label who also edits CDs and EPs) is another very established site. Atome is a well-visited electronic music site, with album reviews (EPs and CDs) and an events agenda. presents itself as a bridge of downloading and promotions, which can offer

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an interesting contact on a one to one. We can also add, which is the internet site of the music channel of the TV channel M6 AND which is interesting to visit.

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MEDIA MUSIQUE INFO HEBDO Contact : Nicolas Mollé/News Officer Address : Musique Info Hebdo Espace Clichy Immeuble Sirius , 9 Allée Jean Prouvé, 92587 Clichy Cedex Phone : +33 (0) 141 403 485 Fax : +33 (0) 141 403 410 Email : [email protected] Site Web : Styles : Trade Press Circulation : 15 000/week Distribution : National CD and/or vinyl review : only CD distributed in France Remark : The biggest magazine (weekly) dedicated to music & media professionals, the French equivalent of Billboard (USA) or Music Week (UK). Also the reference for retailers, publishers, institutionals.

Specialist magazines 100% dedicated to electronic and/or dance music :

CODA MAGAZINE Contact : Paulo Fernandes Address : YCAR Media BP 247, 75 921 Paris Cedex 19, France Phone : +33 (0) 146 070 102 Fax : +33 (0) 146 070 103 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : All genres of electronic music Circulation : 30 000/month Distribution : national & international CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both Remark : Coda is the oldest magazine specialised in electronic music, created in 1993. This monthly deals with all kinds of music. It offers the largest range of vinyl review with Only For Djs (more dance orientated). Coda magazine also publishes the House Nation Book, an operators guide to international electronic music. ONLY FOR DJS Contact : Ludovic Rambaud Address : Only For DJ's, 50 Route de Paris, 42300 Mably, France Phone : +33 (0) 477 686 914 Fax : +33 (0) 477 701 042 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : from R'n'B to trance, from makina to house, from eurodance to techno, all kind of "dance music" Circulation : 25 000/month Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both Remark : THE club culture magazine wich represents French clubs. Only Dor Djs is the only french magazine specialized in commercial dance, but is sometimes opened to other musical genres.

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RPM Contact : Franck Arnaud aka Cycle Address : 47, rue Vauvenargues, Hall 5, 75018 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 146 270 426 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles :br ok e nbe a t , f u t ur es oul , l i qui df u nk ,dr um’ n’ b a s s&mor e Circulation : 5000/3 months Distribution : national Remark : The only French magazine dedicated to breaksa nddr um’ n’ ba s smus i c . Some t i me ss ol d with a CD (once a year). TRAX Contact : Patrice Bardot (Rédacteur en chef) Address : 6, Bd Du Général Leclerc, 92 115 Clichy Cedex, France Phone : +33 (0) 141 068 419 Fax : +33 (0) 141 061 858 Email : [email protected] Web Site : in construction Circulation : 40000/month Distribution : local, national, international CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both Remark : The most beautiful French magazine dedicated to dance music. Trax was created in 1996 and is the best seller of it’ sc a t e g or y .

Generalist magazines or weekly dealing sometimes with dance music :

Contact : Olivier Nuc Address : 9 passage de la Boule Blanche, 75012 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 153 447 563 Fax : +33 0) 153 447 585 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : All kinds of music Circulation : national Distribution : 215 000/week Remark : Le Monde's cultural guide, issued every Wednesday, rares interviews, only when artists are on tour. CLARK Contact : Guillaume Le Goff Address : BP143 75523 Paris cedex 11 Phone : +33 (0) 156 980 989 Fax : +33 (0) 156 981 225 Email : [email protected] Web Site : (coming soon) Styles : lifestyle magazine : hip-hop, funk, electro, house, nu-groove, reggae, d'n'b', punk-rock, métal Circulation : 35.000 copies/term Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both Remark : Clark publishes 35.000 copies every 3 months and was launched in January 2001 by the team who already published since1997 Tricks Skatemag.

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D-SIDE Contact : Guillaume Michel (chief publisher) Address : 3 Bis, rue pasteur, 94 270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France Phone : +33 (0) 146 778 028 Fax : +33 (0) 146 775 382 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : electronic music / underground, cinema, graphic arts, literature Circulation : 40 000/ bimonthly (every 2 months) Distribution : national + Belgium, Quebec, Switzerland, Luxemburg CD and vinyl reviews : Both

EPOK Contact : Juliette Salin Address : 4, rue du Texel, 75014 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 140 474 476 Fax : +33 (0) 140 474 481 Email : [email protected] Styles : culture and new technologies magazine Circulation : 350 000/months (10 issues a year) Distribution : national Remark : This magazine is only sold in Fnac shops, the biggest music store chain in France MAGIC, REVUE POP MODERNE Contact : Christophe Basterra (Chief Editor) Address : 20 rue du Sentier 75002 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 155 802 020 Fax : +33 (0) 155 802 053 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : rock, electronic music, hip hop, pop Circulation : 30 000/month Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both Remark : A reference for the specialised music press in France. Created in 1995, Magic frequently focuses on electronic music, with a preference for electronica or abstract hip hop. NOVAMAG - TÊTU Contact : Patrick Thévenin (Chief Music Editor) Address : France 132 Rue Du Fg Poissonnière, 75010 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 153 333 355 Fax : +33 (0) 153 333 328 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : Electro-Soul-House-Pop-Techno-R'n'b-Disco Circulation : 80 000/month Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : CD only, but sometinmes export stuff sometimes Remark : One of the oldest and main magazine dedicated to Paris, very good content. Patrick Thévenin is also in charge of the music for Têtu magazine, the main gay French mag. OCTOPUS Contact : Philippe Doussot Address : 11, cité des trois bornes, 75011 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 148 059 731 Fax : +33 (0) 142 151 383

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Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : free and inventive musics Distribution : national Remark : THE reference for experimental, electronica, ambient, and all kind of authentic and adventurous music. OPEN MAG Contact : Anatole Amavi Address : Magazine Open Mag- 14 rue de Maubeuge, 75009 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 142 829 593 Fax : +33 (0) 142 829 592 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : electronic music, black music, world, pop Circulation : 70 000 copies/mois Distribution : national Remark : Free monthly magazine distributed in Fnac, portraits of regular musical labels. ROCK & FOLK Contact : (Chief Editor) Phillippe Maneuvre Dance journalist : Damien Almira Address : Rock&Folk, Espace Clichy, Immeuble Sirius, 9 Allée Jean Prouvé, 92587 Clichy Cedex, France Phone : +33 (0) 141 403 299 Fax : +33 (0) 140 413 515 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : Rock, pop, electro-pop Circulation : 46 500/month Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : CD only Remark : The oldest French rock monthly magazine, available in kiosks since 1996, a few dance CD reviews (5% of the mag) SONOMAG Contact : Monique Cussigh (Chief publisher) Address : 2 à 12, rue de Bellevue, 75940 Paris cedex 19, France Phone : +33 (0) 144 848 484 Fax : +33 (0) 144 848 467 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Circulation : 48 000/month Distribution : national + french speaking countries CD and/or vinyl reviews : CD only Remark : Monthly Magazine which deals with techniques and material for sound and lightning for spectacle. Leader in its acitivy for 25 years, Sonomag is very read in clubs and devotes a small part to chronicles and inteviews. LES INROKUPTIBLES Contact : Joseph Ghosn Address : 144 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 142 441 616 Fax : +33 (0) 142 441 600 Email : [email protected] Web Site :

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Circulation : 80 000/week Distribution : national CD and/or vinyl reviews : Both


4PROMO Contact : Claire Collet Address : 14 rue Crepin du Gast, 75011 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 153 364 934 / +33 (0) 153 360 354 Email : [email protected] Web address : None Styles : Electro, electro pop, electro-world, breakbeat, drum&bass, techno/hard-techno, hardcore, etc. Artists and/ labels represented for France : Electro Lab Factory (FKY, Les Boucles Etranges, Ra di oBomb,Me m Pa ma l ,Fr a nc k yBr own,…) ,Bl oom records (Betamax, Naab, Lillë, Mister AUL, NUJELI,etc), Night&Day (Magnetic), Plein Gaz Prod. (Moon Juice, Jumbo Layer, Colorblind, Christian Charles), Events represented for France: Montréal électronique groove Montreal & Europe (2001-04), Festival Pantiero (02), monthly party “ Un eNu i tAut ourdel aJ ung l e "( d r um&ba s sp a r t i e s / Pa r i s ) , Electro Lab Factory parties, tour & other electronic music parties Public relations: All press, all radios, TVs, web sites, tour dates, club promotion, events and festiva l spr omot i on , pr omoda y s … BLIP Contact : Pierre-Louis Berlatier Address : c/o Discograph, 8, rue de la Py, 75020 Paris, France Tel / Fax : + 33 (0) 153 391 183 / + 33 (0) 153 391 184 Email : [email protected] Web address : None Styles : new musical trends Artists and labels represented for France (PR and marketing) : Certain labels distributed by Discograph (since 2000) : Output Recordings, Thrill Jockey, Soul Jazz Records, G-Stone, Jet Set. A&R and marketing/PR development on a few licenced artists or projects : Trash Palace, Fat Tr uc k e r s ,IMons t e r ,TheLov e r s ,“ Nor t h e r nEl e c t r o ni c ”c omp i l a t i on,Sh e f f i e l dPa s t ,Pr e s e nta nd Future (dvd + cd boxset)... Public relations : All press, radios, TV's , web sites, tour dates, events and festivals promotion (Aquaplaning Festival from 1999 to 2002), promo days, partnerships, sponsors... Marketing : all kinds of media and instore campaigns, street marketing. Live and dj booking (adviser on several major French events, Sheffield Calling Festival in 2003, Aquaplaning from 2000 to 2002...) DJ BUZZ Contact : Eric André Address : 14 rue de Saussure, 75017 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 147 639 380 / +33 (0) 147 639 377 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : Dance, Techno, House, Electro, Black Music Artists and/or labels represented for France, Europe and World : Az, ULM, Polydor, Mercury, Barclay, Bmg, Jive, Naïve, Next Music, Pias, FCom, Up Music, East West, Warner. Remarks : DJ Pool brings together more than 800 DJs, french and international. His activity is album promotion via a system of music distribution through downloads. DJ Buzz is the leader in France with 30 partner radios and 10 magazines that broadcast him. His internet site is visited by more than 20 000 visitors a week, 55 % of which are British, then the French, and finally the Americans. With his pool

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of house DJs, DJ Buzz offers exclusif events, such as the organisation of 100 promotional evenings, the same day, in the whole of France. COUP FRANC! Contact : David Barat Address : 6 rue Baudelique, 75018 Paris, France Tel : +33 (0) 148 000 820 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : Electro, Dub, Pop/Rock Artists and/or labels represented for France : Setanta Rds, Disques Tricatel, Emperor Norton, As Dragon, Helena Noguerra, Richard Hawley, Evan Dando, Snow Patrol, Felix Da Housecat, Ralph Myerz And The Jack Herren Band, Gluecifer, Les Ogres De Barback.... Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : None Remarks : PR ( radio, press, tv ), Publishing, Marketing, Street Marketing. FIP KATIA Contact : Erwan Lemoine Address : 2 rue villaret de joyeuses, 75017 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 158 051 330 Email : [email protected] Styles : all styles Artists and/or labels represented for France : singuila, diam's, nadiya, rhoff, leslie, passi,wampas, bonnie tyler Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : daft punk, moby, kylie minogue, molella, madonna,tom jones.. Remarks : club promotion, all radios, events promotion, promo days... FREDERIC HENRY COMMUNICATION Contact : Felipe Canto-Forest Address : 42 rue des Jeuneurs, 75002 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 155 342 424 / +33 (0) 155 342 425 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : Techno, House Artists and/ labels represented for France : Ray Charles - Paramount Home Entertainment (Sex in the City,...) Events represented for France : Car Wash (Paris) –TDK Dance Marathon –Techno Parade Artists and/ labels represented for World : Pschent Music (compilations Hôtel Costes - DJ Stéphane Pompougnac) Remarks : PR agency - bartering - endorsement, one of the most generalist trendy agencies in France HAMMERBASS / DUB ACTION Contact : Jean-Seb Rzemien Address : 27 rue du Pilier, 93300 Aubervilliers, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 153 561 161 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : Promotion agency (media & street marketing) for dub, electro-dub, reggae projects Artists and/or labels represented for France : Hammerbass Records, Bangarang, Sounds Around, Tanty records, Adrian Sherwood, Third Eye music, King Riddim... Artists and/or labels represented for Europe and World : Hammerbass Records, Sounds Around rec. Remarks : one of the most active french reggae-dub collective (label + sound system)

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LA CORPO DUB Contact : Nathalie Valet Address : 56 Rue Henri Kolb, 59000 Lille, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 320 544 793 - +33 (0) 684 826 245 / +33 (0) 320 544 793 Email : [email protected] Web address : None Styles : dub, reggae Artists and/or labels represented for France : Dubhead Rec Remarks : Promotion activity localy (North of France) and nationaly (France) LC LES FILLES Contact : Christine Filippi Address : 2, rue Brochant, 75017 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 142 294 202 / +33 (0) 142 293 450 Email : [email protected] Web address : None Styles : Various Artists and/or labels represented for France : St Germain, Blue Note, Festival Rock en Seine, Solidays,..... Artists and/or labels represented for Europe and World : St Germain Artists and/or labels represented for World : St Germain Remarks : LC Les Filles can propose management and a press office for artists, festivals, labels (TVs, radios, press ). This agency works in various styles of music, from jazz to world, pop or electronic music. NICE MUSIC Contact : Arnaud Doury Address : 16, rue des Boulets, 75 011 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 144 934 747 / +33 (0) 144 934 748 Email : [email protected] Web address : in construction Styles : dance, house, electro, R'n'B, pop, world, jazz Artists and labels represented for France (PR and marketing) : Mercury- Universal (Elton John, Mariah Carey, Christina Milian, Fatman Scoop), Ulm-Universal (Martin Solveig, le 6-9, Antoine Clamaran), Ulm electro- Universal (Blaze, Jazz in the house, Klubbjazz, Afrique c'est chic - Slipe & Slide/Kicking records), Universal Jazz (Salif Keita, Shay Mané), East West France (K' Maro, Waterbed), Heben Music/BMG (Zuccio), Rca-Arista-BMG (Frenchaffair, Faithless, Santana, Jane Fostin, Alcazar), V2 Music (Etienne de Crecy, Only paradise), Sony music (Beyonce), Emi-Virgin (Sash), Putumayo (Sahara Lounge, World Lounge, Asian groove, ...)... Labels : Cameleon (French Group composed of 5 musicians / singers) single : Nice Music/Ulm/Universal, Greg Paris (Artiste Americano-Français) single : Nice Music/Heben Music/ Bmg –start of promotion - June 2004, Baccara (musica do Brasil) 3 titles licensed : Italy, Spain, Us, Japan, Uk, Mexico. Label (licence-production-edition) :s t ud i or e c o r di ng s( a r t i s t s ,mus i c i a n s )a r t i s t s ’c on t r a c t s ,l i c e nc i ng contracts, making of vinyls, export : exclusif licences (territories) and non-exclusive (compilations). Working the promotions of artists, whilst searching licence and distribution deals (example ULMUniversal on Cameleon, Heben Music on Greg Paris) Nice Music is a member of the SCPP. CreationConception-Production of DVDs currently in development : creation of promotional DVDs for labels and their artists. Information and visuals are given for the content and possibility of a shooting (audiovisual professional cameraman / director / editor). Remarks : Promotion Club : Panel Official Yacast, DJ radios, Dj press, panel Dj international... / Radio promotion : network dance show, radio power 70, Promotional operations, album partnership, creation of a advertising plan and media plan / Lounge Promotion : 100 music cafés and restaurants in Paris / 100 bars with a musical atmosphere outside of Paris and its region, creation of album and compilation concepts, street marketing.

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PHUNK Contact : Fabrice Desprez & Olivier Pilz Address : 6, rue Coustou, 75018 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 153 092 670 / +33 (0) 153 092 671 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : all electronic musics but not strictly electronics. Artists and/ labels represented for France : Accidental (Matthew Herbert...), Compost, Disko B (Electronicat), Environ (Metro Area), Ghostly International (Matthew Dear, Dabrye...), International DJ Gigolo (Miss Kittin Hacker, David Carretta, Psychonauts, DJ Hell...), The Leaf Label (Murcof, Manitoba, Colleen, 310...), Kitsuné, Klein (Seelenluft), Mental Groove (Miss Kittin, Le Coeur...), Output (The Rapture, Black Strobe, LCD Soundsystem...DJ PR Only), Peacefrog (Luciano, Charles Webster, Nouvelle Vague...), Playhouse (Villalobos, Isolee, Spektrum, Captain Comatose, Losoul, Rework), Rotters Golf Club (Radioactive Man), Serial Records, Versatile (I:Cube) Major companies : Star Trak/BMG (The Clones > DJ PR only), Barclay/Universal (Jackson, Henry Goes Dirty), ULM/Universal (Scissor Sisters), Virgin/EMI (Air, Miss Kittin, Kelis), Universal Jazz (Salif Keita) Events promotion, coordination and artistic direction : MIDEM Electronic Village (since 1999), Aquaplaning Festival (1999-2002), Are You Rexperienced-15 years of electronic music at Rex Club (Paris 2003), aTRAXion parties (Paris, with Trax Magazine), Mercrediz# at Pulp (Paris), (set) Grand Prix (Labels karting race, Paris) Artists and/ labels represented for World : (set) Recordings artists, Basenotic, Basic, DJ Gregory, Julien Jabre, The Film Remarks : Public relations : Al lpr e s s ,r a di o s ,TV’ s ,we bs i t e s ,t o urd a t e s ,c l u b/ DJpr omo t i on,e v e n t s and festivals promotion, promo days, media partnerships. Buzz making : viral communication, targetted emailings, connections with trendsetters (arts, fashion, cinema, advertisement...), marketing, strategies, consulting.

PING-PONG Contact : Fred Elalouf Address : 49, rue de Rochechouart, 75009 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 148 781 249 / +33 (0) 148 780 673 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles :Electro, hip hop, jazz, traditional, house, techno, etc. Artists and labels represented for France : Ninja Tune (since1998) : Amon Tobin, Coldcut, He r ba l i s e r ,Ki dKoa l a ,MrSc r uf f ,DjVa d i m… Bi gda da:Roo t sMa nuv a ,TTC,TY… ! K7:Tos c a , Smi t h& Mi g ht y ,Kr ud e r& Dor f me i s t e r ,He r be r t ,Te r r a nov a ,Swa y z a k … Ki t t y -yo : Jimi Tenor, Ta r wa t e r ,Gonz a l e s ,Pe a c he s … B-Pitch Control: Ellen Allien, Sascha Funke... Remarks : Public relations :Al lp r e s s ,r a di o s ,TV’ s ,we bs i t e s ,t ou rd a t e s ,c l u bpr omot i on,e v e nt s and festivals promotion, promo days, partnerships, sponsors, record & urban marketing. Events conception : Red Bull Music Academy :s e l e c t i o na n ds e n tt woDJ ’ sa nds i xj ou r na l i s t st oSa oPa u l o in November 2002. Prepare the next one in Le Cap (South Africa). Artistic programming and PR of festivals such as Musiques Hors Piste, Sampling and The 3 Elefants (10 000 people capacity). Parties : organise monthly parties called Solid Water and Ping-pong Night, can book / tie-in artists playing live or djing - like a showcase - when they are over for a promotion day. Numerous prestigious artists take part in these parties: Kid Koala, Mei Tei Sho, Gonzales, Amon Tobin, Cinematic Orchestra, Bumc e l l o… DJOo fa ndGui l l e r moVi l l a s( as residents. Organised 50 parties so far. Venues are of 800 people capacity, in 4 rooms : cinema, club, restaurant, chill out. Executive production :t h e“ Ci n é mi x” c ompi l a t i on pr o j e c t( Uni v e r s a lJ a z z ): the most famous French s ound t r a c k soft he60 ’ s& 7 0’ s ,o r i g i n a lmus i cbyS. Ga i ns bo ur g ,E. Mo r r i c on e ,e t c . ,r e mi xe dbyCa r l Craig, Howie B, Sofa surfers, Troublemakers etc.

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ZH PROMOTION Contact : Ziggy Address : Snapshot 45, allée du Larzac, 34080 Montpellier, France Tel : +33 (0) 467 450 332 / +33 (0) 675 515 941 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : breakbeat, jungle, hardcore, hardtechno, expériemental, triphop, elec t r o… a l le l e c t r on i cs t y l e s Artists and/or labels represented for France : Blacktambour Records (DJ Suv & Dual Engine), Hangars Liquides Records (Wtc Xtc), Tekabloc Records (Brutal De Luxe, Brusco & Jamalski, Ge l s t a t …) ,Mob i lHomeRe c or d s( Comp i l a t i ons ,Di g i c a y ,Ne w Sk oolNe mo…) ,Humung usRe c or d s ( Vi nk a …) ,F4Re c o r ds( St a l k e r ) ,Fu r t i fRe c or ds( Pus h y!Al bumLi v e+Dv d) Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : Music For Dream, Bliss Events promotion : Qwartz (Prix Des Musiques Electroniques), Freshly Cut( Mont hl ydr um’ n’ b a s s events in Montpellier), Alchimie Parties, Poem7 Remarks : t heb e s tpr omoa g e nc yf orj u n g l ea nd“hard ”mus i c s ,a ndund e r g r oun de v e nt sa ndmus i c s .

ORGANIZERS 8TH WONDER Contact: Phred ([email protected]) Phone : +33(0)615799784 Web address : Styles : hip-hop, drum n' bass, house Venues : Le Trolleybus/Marseille (Clark magazine parties + Interpole : hip-hop, drum n' bass et house) European dance artists booked in 2003/2004 : Dark Circle, Seb Bromberger, Dj Oil, Dj Paul, Did, Mars exist crew, Clark dj crew, Biomix... Remarks : The agency 8th wonder is a communication cell. The characteristic brings the agency to work with different domains, the "Trolleybus"Club from Marseilles asked the agency to redefine its communication and programming strategy. 8th Wonder organizes 4 parties a year in this club,and is also involved in lots of parties in Marseilles. AL’ UNI SSON Contact: Yann Quélennec ([email protected]) Address : 46, rue Villa Paradis 13 006 MARSEILLES FRANCE Phone : +33(0)684 787 111 Styles : house, techno, minimal, nu-jazz, broken beat, Events organised : Mars Express (1/month-350 people), Fiesta Des Suds closing (1/year, 4000 people) = Several events all along the year, between 300 to 2000 people attending Type: indoor and outdoor European dance artists booked last 3 years : Andrew Weatherall, Thomas Brinkmann, Markus Ni k ol a i ,Lu c i a no,Ar k , Da n dyJ a c k ,Swa y z a k ,Opt i mo,RRR… Remarks : This organisation is one of the South of Franc e ’ sb e s tone .Th epr o g r a mmi ngi sa l wa y s v e r ys pe c i a l i s e d,mi xi ngc o nt e mpo r a r ya r ta n de l e c t r oni cmus i c .L’ Uni s s o nwo r l don4v e nue si n Ma r s e i l l e s ,b uta l s oor g a ni s e st o ur si nPa r i s ,Ly on ,Bor de a ux,Li l l e … ARTSATTACK! Contact: Moulin Christophe [email protected]) Address : 17, rue de l'oratoire 14 000 CAEN France Phone / Fax : +33(0)231 867 931 Web address : // Styles : house techno dub ragga drum n bass techno hardcore

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Venues : Bunker (Kamikaze hard tek), Bunker (Palace HoPhone House), Zenith de Caen (Anomaly Hardcore), Parc expo of Caen and differents cultural places (Nordik Impakt), Parc expo of Caen (Studiant Carnaval), Plein air (Peacemaker)... European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Laurent Garnier, Jerome Pacman, Manu le Malin, Josh Wink, Ken Ishii... European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : Les hurlements de Léo, 17 Hippies, les cameleons... World music artists booked in 2003/2004 : Frederic Galliano & African Divas, Jah mason, Turbulence, Junior Kelly... European jazz artists booked in 2003/2004 : Roy Ayers Remarks : From House, music to Hardcore, ArtsAttack! welcomed 53 000 people in 2003/2004. It handles the artistic direction of many locations and organizes original events. Its main event phare is the Nördik Impakt festival happening every year in November.

AUTOMATIK/DV2 Contact: Fabrice Gadeau ([email protected]) Address : 119, avenue de flandre, 75019 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)144 720 921 / +33(0)144 720 965 Web address : Styles : techno, house et electro. Venues : Rex Club (Automatik - techno), Elysée Montmartre (The Sound - house), La boule noire (Kabp house and disco) European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: more than 300 artists booked each year Resident DJ: Jack de Marseille, Manu le malin, John Thomas, Tonio, Chaotik Ramses, Jennifer Cardini, Laurent hô, Antony, Torgull et Kraft Remarks : DV2 organises club nights in venues around France. Every Friday for the past 6 years, they organise the well known Automatik nights, and each year the W2TR festival in Villebon (91). They are currently offering the Automatik night around the world (Automatik Worl Tour). DIVINE PROD LTD Contact: Malick Fadika ([email protected]) Address : 21 rue Montcalm - 75018 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)142 239 786 Styles : Electro/ Techno - Pop/ Rock –French Chanson Venues : Rex Club (DIVINE Electro/ Techno), La Scène (DIVINE Electro/ Techno), Le Velvet à Clermont - Ferrand (Divine Electro/ Techno) European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Sex in Dallas, Freestylers, Kiki, Jamie Lidell, Cristian Vogel, Scratch Massive, Smash Tv, David Carretta, D.I.P, Lucien-n-Luciano, Grand Popo Football club, Rouge Rouge,Jay jay johanson,..... Remarks : Divine manage and organise tours. DIVINE prod Ltd organise a minimum of one Divine night, once a month, in a different town each time. ELEKTRON Contact: David Elalouf ([email protected]) Address : 25 rue Scaliéro 06300 Nice France Phone / Fax : +33(0)497 080 225 Web address : Styles :e l e c t r o,h ous e , t e c h no,hi phop,e t c … Venues : le Ghost house (hip hop, electro), le Wash (Clean- house), le Klub (selection elektronTechno, electro), CEDAC of cimiez ( nu-zik -Live electro, jazz) European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Ark, Sety, Zero db, Sascha Funke, Funkstorung, Oc t e t ,Copy s hop,Fe a dz ,Kr i k or ,Gommadj s ,DKf r omni n j at u nee t c …. European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : Rubin Steiner Remarks : Elektron is an association which develops modes of modern artistic creation through the pr omot i ona ndor g a n i s a t i onofe v e nt s ,ni g ht s ,f e s t i v a l s …abook i nge nt i t ye na bl e sEl e k t r ont oo f f e ra

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catalog of national and international artists. Monthly Elektron nights are taking place at the Ghost house bar and at the Klub. Every year during the month of June, Nu-ziK festival of electro acoustic. FRESHLY CUT Contact : Ivan Halen ([email protected]) ou Gui ([email protected]) Address : 45 allée du Larzac 34 080 Montpellier - France Phone / Fax : +33(0)467 456 708 / +33(0)467 797 537 Styles : breakbeat , hip-hop & drum'n'bass . Venues : in Montpellier : Roxstore/club (Freshly Cut & Soundklash + festival Tohu-Bohu). In Uzès : Electro d'Uzés festival European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Dj Hype, Dj Zinc, Ed Rush & Optical, Marcus Intalex, Lucy Ambache, High Contrast, Stamina Mc, Le Lutin, Dj Flow, Kafra, Roni Size, Dj Suv, Mc Verse, Mc Gq, Mc Flux, Mc Loop, Dj Volta, Dual Engine, Dj Flore, Crystal Distortion, Radio Bomb, Da Renton, Dj Key, Soper, Devize & Mc Tonn Piper (Manchestaaaa) Dj Garfld, Amon Tobin, Dj Vadim & The Russian Percussions, Ttc (La Dream Team), Mike Dred, Aim, Beatphreak, Mopse, Paul Brisco, Digicay, Badmarsh, Pc (Dj Food), Darren Knot, Kid Koala, Dj Krush, Dj Azaxx, Le People De L'herbe, 4 Hero, Gonzales (President!), The Herbaliser Band, Freddy Fresh (Break Meister!), Mr Scruff, Kenny Larkin, Jack De Marseille, Different Drummer Crew, Gilles Peterson, Strickly Kev (Dj Food) ,El l e nAl l i e n,Sv e nVä t h( LeGr a n d) , Ki ngBr i t t … European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : Gonzales , Rinocérose MC European jazz artists booked in 2003/2004 : Mark Spiler trio Remarks :t hema i na n dbe s tFr e nc hor g a ni s a t i o nc onc e r ni ngbr e a k be a t ,dr um’ n’ b a s s , j ung l ei n France. Freshly Cut organises a lot of parties and work closely with some festivals, mainly in the South of France, but also acts as a booking agency. Snapshot manages the Freshly Cut nights (specialised in the Drum'n'Bass sound) which take place 1 Saturday a month. SOUNDKLASH nigths (oriented hip-hop / breakbeat genre Ninja Tune / Grand Central / ....) take place on fridays once every second month. FUTURIA PRODUCTION - Founded in : 10/11/95 - Yearly events: 350 - Contact: Christophe Lyard - Address : 12 rue de vivienne 75002 Paris - Phone / Fax : +33(0) 144 195 980/ +33(0)153 299 530 - Web address : - Styles : house, techno, hard-core - Venues : Bercy ,Zenith ,Elyséee Montmartre (soirées Space wold Ibiza - house), plus de 300 clubs en France ,Suisse,Tunisie... - European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: David Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Martiin Solveig, Joachim Garraud, Dj ralph... (+ than 150 artists) - European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : no - World music artists booked in 2003/2004 : Frederic Galliano,Africanism.... - European jazz artists booked in 2003/2004 : DJ Spider, Color blind.. - Remarks : first French organisation 100% dedicated to electronic music, Futuria organizes very big events(3000 to 5000 people) and small parties : its numerous activities include : production, booking, event organization, night marketing, releasing parties, brand promotion, club tours.... GROSSOMODO PRODUCTION (EVENTS) - Founded in : 1995 - Yearly events:12 to 14 (1to 2 / month)+ 1 Festival (Splash) - Contact person : Fabrice Guardascione ([email protected]) - Address : 8 rue de la verrerie - 13100 Aix en Provence - Phone / Fax : +33(0)442 963 300 - Web address : - Styles : house, tech-house, techno, electro, italo disco - Venues : Le Spart (Photogenic / tank session / Local hero )

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- European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Jack De Marseille, Funk D'void, Kiko, Human Body, Volksmusik, Terry Lee Brown Jr, Fex, Oxia, Ellen Alien, The Youngsters, Terrence Fixmer, Vitallic, The Hacker, Miss Kittin, David Carretta, David Duriez , Troublemakers, Wally Lopez, Roman Flüegel, Andy Fletcher (Depeche Mode), Mark Moore (S Express), Marc Almond (Soft Cell), Deetron, Steve D, Dan Ghenacia, Kenny Hawkes, Luke Solomon, Alexander Robotnick - Remarks : They organize parties in clubs from the South of France in from Paris, but also the festival called Splash (Marseille), Grosso Modo Production is a holding including several labels (see contacts), a publishing company (Edition phono : Grossomodo & Element music), a booking agency and a management structure(Le Manage Enchanté). KARAT Karat/Katapult team organises a lot of parties in several Parisians club. See Sensible festival for details. KWALITY - Founded in : March 20, 1999 - Yearly events: + 300 parties/year - Contact person : Fabrice Lamy ([email protected]) - Address : 11 boulevard voltaire - 75011 - Paris - France - Phone / Fax : +33(0)661 586 363 - Web address : - St y l e s:h ous e , nude e p,n us oul ,nul oung e ,nuj a z z ,nue l e c t r o, r ’ nb ,hi phop - Venues : Artistic Direction Conran France (Mezzanine de l'Alcazar / Alcazar) / D.A Clubbing Marqouinerie (Fridays / Saturdays) - European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Adam Love, Al Bradley, Alex Kid , Alex Leblanc, Alex Paterson, Big Cheese Crew, Black Président, Ciuadde Feliz, Chabin, Chloé, Clay Potato, Dandy Jack, Djul'z, Double T., Dubphonic, Ewan Pearson, Frederic Galliano, George Spruce, Greg Boeington, Hannah, Holmar Filipsson, I N Fused, James Gregory, James Swayzak, Jankalud, Jason Fist, Jay Alanski, Jerome Pacman, Kinobe, Luke Salomon, Lullabies, N'gou Bagayoko, Nick V., Nippy, Nova Nova, Olivier Portal, Russ Gabriel, Rv the Bass, Silver City, Dan Ghenacia, Steve Argueles, Tom & Joyce Hoze, Too Many Pints, Valt, VR, Vuk, Wicked, Yann A., Zorg... - Remarks : Kwality produces marketing operations and events specialized in new music and technology. The originality of their work is recognized for their creative inspiration and their endless new concepts. It works with several Parisian locations and organizes many yearly parties. LA JOHNSON Founded in : 12/09/2002 Yearly events: 15 Contact: Lionel Bensemoun mail ([email protected]) Address : Palais de Tokyo, Black Block 13 avenue du président Wilson 75116 Paris Phone / Fax : +33(0)148 572 308 Web address : Styles : No Styles Venues : Le milliardaire, Le Plazza Madeleine, La Scala, La Café Carmen, Calvi etc ... European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : Feist, Chromeo, Dead Combo, DSL, Fancy, As Dragon, Mocky, Sebastien Phonelier, Neneh Cherry, Neimo, Tiefshwarz, James Lavelle, Zdar, Pedro Winter, Puppet Mastaz, Hush Pupies, Ariel Wizman, Dirty Princess, Dirty, Romain BNO, Fafa Monteco, Jean Nipon, Expoptrue, Michel Gaubert, DJ Falcon, Yarol et Melvil Poupaud, Ronah Artner, Kitsune, Ivan Smagghe, Trevor Jackson, Arnaud Robotini, Robotnik, Aurore Darden, Aurore Leblanc, Jarvis Cocker, Feadz, Justice, Vicarious Bliss, Dimitri from Paris, David Guetta, Sex in Dallas, Peter Kruder ... Remarks : Event Organisers with rock concerts or scenic mus i c , a c c ompa ni e dbyDJ ’ s , t a r g e t t i nga festive audience (Music Arts, Fashion, Media, Cinema ...) who likes all music genres! Invitation by word of mouth or by private network (between 200 and 2000 people).

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LES CINEMIX DE LA LUNE ROUSSE Founded in : March 2002 Yearly events: 15 Contact: Denis Legat, [email protected] Address : La Lune Rousse, 15 rue d'Hauteville, 75010 Paris France Phone / Fax : +33(0)148 242 597 / +33(1)40 220 092 Web address : www. Styles : electro, techno, rock, pop Venues : Le Forum des Images, Le Max Linder European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Ivan Smagghe, Marc Collin, Alpha, Bang Gang, The Micronauts, Antipop aka Phoneepopmusik Vs Samon Takahashi, Scratch Massive, Hector Zazou European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 :Ba ngGa ng,Ke r e nAnn,OMR… Remarks : Of same concept as cinema-concert, popular contemporary music on silent movies. The live performance is broadcasted on the cable channel Cinecinema Classic. MAGIC GARDEN Contact: Béatrix Mourer (A&R and PR) Address : Magic Garden 1 rue d'Hauteville. 75010 Paris France Phone / Fax : +33(0)156 031 020 / +33(0)156 031 021 Email : [email protected] Web address : www. Styles : house, techno, various Editions number : more than 50 parties and events Period of the festival : mostly spring or fall Audience of the festival : from 3 000 to 12 000 people Type: indooor/outdoor European dance artists booked last 3 years : Andrew Weatherall, Swayzak, Luke Slater, Ralph Lawson, Dixon (Jazzanova), Mr C, The End Sound System, Isolée, Jack de Marseille, Agoria,Alex Gopher, Llorca, D'julz, Jérôme Pacman, Dan Ghenacia, The Hacker, Modjo, Cassius, Buffalo Bunch, Elea, Cyril K, Harry Morse Project, Tom Parris, Robin Ball, DJ Falcon, Jess &Crabb, ... European world music artists booked last 3 years :Talvin Singh, Remarks : one of the oldest and more serious French party organisation, numerous parties in clubs and one or two big events a year. Mostly house music but open to tech-house, techno or beats

OPEN HOUSE & FINALLY Founded in: February 2000 Yearly events: around 50. Names of the events : Open House and Finally Contact : Lorenzo Buitoni ([email protected]) Address : 54 rue René Boulanger Paris 75010 France Phone / Fax : +33(0)1 42 49 19 81 / +33(0)1 44 52 02 73 Web address : Styles : house, electro house, free style (old school house, hip hop, electro funk, disco) Venues : Elyséee Montmartre (Paris), Pacha (Ibiza), Apollo (Barcelone), Stereo (Montreal), Queen ( Pa r i s ) ,l ’ Et o i l e( Pa r i s ) ,Ma nRa y( Pa r i s ) ,Ba t e a uConc or deAt l a nt i que( Pa r i s )+a l lt h ema i nFr e n c h electro clubs. European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: J oh nAc q ua v i v a ,Da v i dJ i mi ne z ,Ch usSol e r ,Pl a y i n’ 4 t heCi t y , J e fK,D’ j u l z ,Da v i d Durriez, Paul Johnson, Chris Duckenfield, Schoumv, Justice, Pedro Winter, Princess Lea, Ivan Smagghe, Jérôme Pacman, Harri, Mister Sebb, Sharp Boys, Escape, Pippi, Cesar Del Rio, Siskid, Jack De Marseille, Stéfane Lippé, Tomy Marcus, Kevin Onyl, Gene Farris, Mi s sHone yDi j o n,Ma uMa u,e t c … Remarks : Open house and Finally events are organised once a month on a Saturday night. They also organise a summer festival in July, in a Castel around Paris, a festival in Nice in august. In every event they have VJs, decorations, animations (gogo dancers, performers...). They also organise tour in France and Europe for DJs with an international potential.

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PANIK Founded in : January 2001 Yearly events: 12 Contact : Denis Legat ([email protected]) Address : La Lune Rousse, 15 rue d'Hauteville, 75010 Paris France Phone / Fax : +33(0)148 242 597 / +33(0)140 220 092 Web address : www. - Styles : techno, house, electro, rock Venues : Elyséee Montmartre/Paris European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Arthur Baker - Amon Tobin –Tiga, Ellen Alien, Headman, Trevor Jackson, Swayzak, DJ Hell, Groove Armada, Terra Nova, Erlend Oye, Gus Gus, Neneh Cherry, Chloe, Phoneepopmusik European rock artists booked in 2003/2004 : The Film, Archive, The Servant, Richard Fearless, Death in Vegas, Mani Remarks : Panik is one of the biggest monthly nights in Paris. Every event offers a visual show with creations of graphic and video-artists. The Panik nights can also be in other cities or countries, including Island, Berlin, New York... PARADISE MASSAGE Founded in : april 1999 Yearly events: 8 to 4 Contact: Serge Nicolas ([email protected]) Address : 8 rue Bernard de Clairvaux / 75503 Paris / France Phone / Fax : +33(0)142 478 256 / +33(0)142 478 248 Web address : Styles : house, deep house, techno soul, electro, booty bass Venues : Pulp, RexCclub European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Carl Finlow aka Silicon Scally, Daz Quayle, Dj Feadz, I-Cube, Dj Gilb-R, Joakim, Krikor, Dj Jee, MicMac Remarks : in the past 2 years, the artistic line of their Paradise Massage nights was devoted to Detroit, hence the bookings of Theo Parrish, Anthony Shake Shakir, Eddie Fowlkes, Ultradyne, Scan 7...

TEKNET / RISK Founded in : may 2000 Yearly events: 25 Contact : Luc Deren ([email protected]) Address : BP 72562 - 21025 Dijon Cedex - France Phone / Fax : +33(0)663 106 817 / +33(0)380 589 058 Web address : Styles : house, techno, electro, hardtek, drum'n'bass, break beats, abstrakt hip hop Venues : RioElectroClub (Risk house, techno and electro) European dance artists booked in 2003/2004 : Deetron, Valentino Kanzyani, Space DJz, Woody Mc Bride, Paul Johnson, Mc Jamalski, Jack de Marseille, Tonio, the Youngsters, Lali Puna, O.K. Rocks aka Olivier Kaiser... Remarks : RISK, includes TEKNET, which organises clubnights at the RioElectroClub (Dijon), the 1st Friday of each month, and the festival Electropole. RISK is also in charge of the production of occasional nights and the booking of international artists in Paris and the rest of France (Grenoble, Strasbourg, Lyon, Marseille...). WLA (WE LOVE ART) Creative event Founded in : December 2003/2004 Yearly events: 12 to 20 Contact: Eva-Marie Pinon ([email protected]) & Marie Sabot ([email protected]) Address :7 villa Alexandre Ribot-75019 Paris

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Phone / Fax : +33(0) 870 206 686 Web address : Styles : Electronic music, rock, contemporary music. Venues : Friche-Stations-Galeries-Museum.... European dance artists booked in 2004: Aphex Twin (Richard D.James), Steve Bug, Tiefschwarz, Pacman, The Penelopes... Remarks : We Love Art organise creative events of music as well as different forms of contemporary artistic creation and offer a concept of presentation for each project. Organised in warehouses or in original places, their nights We Love Acid are very popular in Paris. The afternoons Sundaze, outdoor, in front of the Batofar, are also very popular.


ARAKISS Contact: Angelina Vaiasicca Address : 135 Bd Paul Langevin, 38600 Fontaine, France Phone / Fax : +33 (0) 617 347 683 / +33 (0) 476 273 676 Web address : Opening: from Thursday till Sunday Styles : R&B, electronic, trance, techno, house Capacity : 3500 people and 7000 with ext European dance artists booked in 2003: Marco Bailey, Red Ed, Dj Flo, Radium, Triskell, Silicon Sound, Tsuyochi, Jack De Marseille, +500 artists (LE) CITHEA Contact person : Pascal Houpert (Minimatic) ([email protected]) Address : 114 rue Oberkampf, 75011 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33 (0) 1 0 217 095 / +33 (0) 140 217 095 Web address : Opening : Tuesday till Saturday (22:00-06:30) Styles : electro, soul, breakbeat, funk, ragga, world, house, 8bit Organisations welcomed : Fiasco System (electro) - Plush (experimental) - Concorde Music Club (speed lounge) Capacity : 350 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Rimshot, Black Sifichi, Dj Nem, Minimatic. European rock artists booked in 2003 : Big Boss Man, Rona Hartner. World music artists booked in 2003 : Roger Kom, Black Pyramid, Anapoda Band, Tony Allen, European jazz artists booked in 2003 : S-Mos Quartet, Ntoumos, Bojan Z, Julien Loureau. Remarks : Open Tuesday till Saturday, every evening until 5 :30 and 6:30, the Cithea offers books and events all week, in partnership with many labels present on the French and European stage. An eclectic program, with no sound tabous, the Cithéa is the club to see! (LE) DIVAN DU MONDE Contact person : Stéphane Vatinel ([email protected]) Address : 75, rue des Martyrs, 75018 PARIS, France Phone / Fax : +33 (0) 140 050 699 / +33 (0) 140 360 950 Web address : Opening : every day depending on scheduling Styles : every genre / visuals and projections Capacity : 490 European dance artists booked in 2004: Rephlex European rock artists booked in 2004 : The Veils, les Wampas, la Rue Ketanou, Roy Ayers, Les Hurlements d'Léo, Gary Jules

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Remarks : Venue and night bar (Divan Japonais), the Divan du Monde offers a program of concerts, DJ and VJ nights, with projections on whide screens. ESPACE JULIEN/CAFE JULIEN Contact person : TEKNICITE : Stephane Guillerand ([email protected]) Address : 39, cours julien, 13006 Marseille, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)491 243 415 / +33(0)491 426 782 Web address : Opening : Monday till saturday Styles : electronic, hip hop, world, jazz, rock, pop, Frenc chanson. Organisations welcomed : cri du port (jazz), AMI ( i mpr ov i s e dmus i c )àl ’ un i s s o n( t e c hn o ) ,a d a m( Pop) Capacity : 1000 standing or 600 sitting and 150 standing at the music café European dance artists booked in 2003: Avril, Jamalski, Rinocerose, James Hardway, Spaceheads, Ekova, Luciano, Swayzak, Thomas Br i nk ma nn,Da ndyJ a c k … European rock artists booked in 2003 : Aston villa, la Tordue, Overhead, Joseph Arthur, Napalm Death, Popa Chubby, Calvin Russel, Pleymo, Watcha, Lofofora, Oneyed Jack, Suicidals Tendencies World music artists booked in 2003 : Susheela Raman, Gnawa Diffusion, Bonga, Femi Kuti, Biyouna, European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Baptiste Trotignon, Julien Loureau, Bireli Lagrene, Front Page, Richard Bona, Remarks : open from Tuesday till Saturday, a room of 1000 places and a club of 150 places, all styles of shows, going from stand up shows to meetings, through castings etc.. Possibility of renting the venues. Closed in July and August. ( L’ ) ELYSEEMONTMARTRE Contact person : Nicolas Nantillet ([email protected]) Address : 72 Blvd Rochechouart, 75018 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0) 0144 924 547 / +33(0) 0142 234 650 Web address : Opening : possibility for every night, depending on the programming Styles : house/techno, ska/reggae/ragga/dub, pop/rock/metal, rap/soul/r&b, French chanson Organisations welcomed : Open House (Open House, Finally), La Lune Rousse (Le Bal & Panik), Sabotage (rock), LIFI (Improvisation League)... Capacity : 1400 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Modjo, The Herbaliser, The Cinematic Orchestra, Le Peuple de l'herbe... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Flamming Lips, Interpole, The Cramps, M, The Gatering, Starsailor, Jane's Addiction, Eels, The Libertines, Tom Mc Rae, Eiffel, Mickey 3D, Killing Joke, Rancid, Machine Head, Enhancer, Ministry, The Datsuns, Badly Drawn Boy, Grandaddy...... World music artists booked in 2003 : Burning Spears, Sly & Robbie, Big Youth, Horace Andy, The Abyssinians, Morgan heritage, Lee Perry, Sizzla, Anthony B, U-Roy, Kana, Ismael Isaac, Gwana Diffusion, Lo'Jo, Yuri Buenaventura... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : The Herbaliser, Maceo Parker, Erik Truffaz. Remarks : the venue can open every night depending on the programing. A mix between concerts/club nights/private parties, and monthly nights (Panik, Open House, Sabotage), and bimonthly nights (Le bal de l'Elysee Montmartre). The venue is an old theatre, no seats, contaning 1400 places, but can however transform into a club version (around 500 places). They book on average near 200 concerts per year and 80 nights a year. Cloakroom only on organised nights. FAVELA CHIC Contact person : Dani Costa ([email protected]) Address : 18 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75011 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)140 213 814 / +33(0)140 218 620 Web address : Opening : Tuesday till Thursday from 19:30 till 2 am, and from friday to saturday from 19:30 to 3am. Styles : Brazilian music, funk, soul, hip hop, house Organisations welcomed : Free Your Funk, Bouli, Living Large, Street Machine

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Capacity : 350 people European dance artists booked in 2003: visit website World music artists booked in 2003 : visit website European jazz artists booked in 2003 : visit website Remarks : Open from Tuesday to Saturday, with a Brazilian approach. In the center of Paris the music, the food and the ambiance makes one travel. Tuesdays and wednesdays are reserved for special nights, whereas Thursday and Friday there are 3 resident DJs playing. (LE) GIBUS Contact person : programming: Big Jourvil ([email protected]) / presse: Silk ([email protected]) Address : 18 rue du faubourg du Temple, 75011 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)147 007 888 / +33(0)147 003 621 Web address : Styles : techno, hardcore, trance, house, hip hop, R&B Organisations welcomed : Gold Rush , Baghera, Toltek-Unit, etc. Capacity : 800 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Herbert, Jeff K, Warrio, Antoine Clamaran, Highlight Tr i be … European rock artists booked in 2003 : Sillmarils, OrchestreNa t i ona lGr o l a nd a i s … Hip Hop music artists booked in 2003 : DJ Goldfinger, DJ Poska, DJ Sly (Saian Supa Crew), MC Big Al i( Ne wYor k ) … Remarks : Open from Tuesday to saturdaynight, Le Gibus organises techno evenings on tuesdays and wednesdays, hip hop and R&B on thursdays, trance on friday. On saturday, the venue offers diverse evenings with Nuit Blanche (house), Classic Disco or Party Time (hip hop). GLAZ'ART Contact person : Peggy Szkudlarek Address : 7/15 avenue de la Porte de la Villette 75019 PARIS France Phone / Fax : +33(0)140 365 565 / +33(0)140 360 950 Web address : Opening : dpending on the programming Styles : all Organisations welcomed : Oui Fm (rock), Yakuza Factory (MEET drum'n bass), Soul Jazz, Just House (Funk, House), Capacity : 300 European dance artists booked in 2003: Rubin Steiner, Louis Austen, Howie B, Mike Dred, Freddy Fresh, Ninja Tune, Miss Ficel European rock artists booked in 2003 : Danko Jones, CharlElie, Twenty Miles, Sofa Surfers, Majesticons, Avril, Dead Man ray, X Syndicate, Freedom for King Kong, B.Balthazar World music artists booked in 2003 : Diogal, 17 Hippies, Zora, Moboulou European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Yves Dormoy, Julie B. Bonnie, Mad Nomad, Mix City Remarks : Concerts, exhibitions, projections all year round. (LA) MAROQUINERIE Contact person : Xavier Decleire ([email protected]) Address : 23, rue Boyer 75020 Paris, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)140 333 060 / +33(0)140 333 506 Web address : Opening : everyday Styles : rock, Frencg chanson, electronic, jazz Capacity : 495 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Ezekiel, DJ Shalom, Tali, Mark Bell, Octet, Vive la fete, M83, Alpha European rock artists booked in 2003 : The Thrills, Super Furry Animals, I Monster, Elista, Shellac, Ben Kweller, Backyard Babies, The Beta Band, Married Monk

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World music artists booked in 2003 : Jim Murple memorial, Idrissa diop, Oivavoi, Angel Parra, Sergent Garcia, orchestro de Fuba European jazz artists booked in 2003 : julien Lourau, Orchestre National de Jazz, Mei Tei Sho, Benoit Delbecq, Magic Malik Remarks : Venues / Café / restaurant A venue of 500 places where everyone can meet up for the aftershow until 2 am. The programming is mainly centered around todays popular contemporary music, including rock and French chanson. However it remains diverse and excludes noone. (LE) 4 SANS Contact person : Karine ([email protected]) Phone +33(0)556 698 689 Addr e s s:4 0,r u ed’ Ar ma gna c ,33800Bordeaux, France Phone / Fax : +33(0)556 494 005 / +33(0)556 691 213 Web address : Opening : Friday and Saturday and the night before a bank holiday from 23pm to 4 am St y l e s:hous e , t e c hno ,dr u m’ n’ ba s s ,h a r dt e c h,e l e c t r o, Organisations we l c ome d:ni t r oh( r ’ n’ b, hi phop) Capacity : 800 people European dance artists booked in 2003 : see the website Remarks : The Club is dedicated to electronic music on weekends. There is no resident DJ, only guests on fridays and Saturday. The club will be open to non electronic music during the week as from september 2004. CARGO DE NUIT Contact person : Julien Pauletto ([email protected]) Address : 7 avenue Sadi Carnot 13 200 Arles Phone / Fax : +33(0)490 495 599 / +33(0)490 189 619 Web address : Opening : fridays and saturdays Styles : electro, electro jazz, world, rock, dub... Capacity : 350 European artists booked in 2003 : Jaga Jazzist, Laurent de Wilde, Louis Winsberg, Bumcello, Massilia Sound System, Dr Feelgood, Stanley Beckford, Remarks : Based in the small town of Arles, this very charismatic venue offers concerts, restaurants, bar dancefloor every weekend. The music is very eclectic. (LE) CHABADA Contact person : Stéphane Martin (programmateur) : [email protected] Address : 56 Bd du Doyenné 49 100 Angers Phone / Fax : +33(0)241 961 340 / +33(0)241 961 349 Web address : Opening : Monday to friday Styles : rock, pop, metal, funk, blues, world music, hip hop, French chanson, reggae, dub, ska, electro... Organisations welcomed : Radical Prod (private producer), Flux (african music), Mel'Angers (student association), l'Igloo, UsF (techno)... Capacity : a club of 350 places and one of 900 places. European electro artists booked in 2003: The Herbaliser, Dj Papaye, Ez3kiel, M. Orange... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Tahiti 80, The bellrays, Soulfly, Subway, Overhead, Girls On Top, Cox, Serafin, Lofofora, Les Wampas... World music artists booked in 2003 : Lo'Jo, Mamady Keita, Stanley Beckford, Frederic Galliano, Duoud... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Erik Truffaz, Omar Sosa, The Recyclers, Jaga Jazzist...

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Remarks : Le Chabada organise 80 concerts a year from mid september to june. The capacity varies depending on the artist (from 350 to 900 places). The offices are open from monday 10am till friday 17pm. (LA) CONDITION PUBLIQUE Contact person : Manu Barron ([email protected]) Address : 14 place Faidherbe 59 100 Roubaix Phone / Fax : +33(0)328 33 57 57 / +33(0)320 45 16 59 Web address: Opening: Tuesday till sunday Styles : All Capacity : 1000 standing, 400 seated Remarks : La Condition Publique is a place of production. Outside the themed season that are developped, there is no other programming. This venue is open to outside productions as it may be rented. DOCK DES SUDS/FIESTA DES SUDS Contact person : Bernard Aubert Address : 12, rue Urbain V - 13002 Marseille - France Phone / Fax : +33(0)4 91 99 00 00 / +33(0)4 91 91 73 85 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : World music, electronic music Organisations welcomed : Mondo latino, Strictly Mundial, Womex, Gay Pride, Marsattac, etc. Capacity : 2500 places, 2 rooms of 800 places. European dance artists booked in 2003: Carl Cox, David Guetta, Gilles Peterson, Benny Benassi, Ellen Al l i e n,And r e wWe a t he r a l l , Thoma sBr i nk ma nn… European rock artists booked in 2003 : Bashung, Louise attaque, etc. Wor l dmus i ca r t i s t sbo ok e di n200 3:Rok i aTr a o r e ,Al phaBl on dy ,Lha s s a , Yous s ouN' dour … Eur ope a nj a z za r t i s t sbook e di n20 03:Bug g eWe s s e l t o f t ,NoJ a z z … Remarks : Le Dock des Suds is a space of 5000 m² which has 3 rooms (one of 2500 places, two others of 800 places) and 3 spaces for bars. Le Dock des Suds organises the festival La Fiesta des Suds which takes place every fortnight since october 1992 and welcomes many events. (LA) LUNE DES PIRATES Contact person : Frédéric Carre ([email protected]) Address : 5/1 passage Bélu - 80000 Amiens - FRANCE Phone / Fax : +33(0)322 221 405 / +33(0)322 978 811 Web address : Opening : concert days Styles : Pop, rock, electro, French chanson, jazz, reggae Organisations welcomed : Local Associations, Jazz Festival, Film Festival Capacity : 200 European dance artists booked in 2003: Puppetmastaz, Asian Dub Foundation Sound System, Rubin St e i ne r ,Un de rBy e n,Al ph a … European rock artists booked in 2003 : The Seeds, Les Wampas, The Launderettes, Tex La Homa, Ma r d iGr a sBr a s sBa nd… World music artists booked in 2003 : Sergent Garcia European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Mendelson, Triod'Vie

Remarks : La Lune des Pirates is a venue in the town center. (LA) MARQUISE Contact person : Jun Matsuoka ([email protected]) Address : 20 Quai Augagneur 69003 LyonFrance Phone / Fax : +33(0)472 6 9 292 / +33(0)478 950 209 Web address :

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Opening : Friday to saturday St y l e s:nuj a z z ,hous e ,h i phop,s ou l ,f unk ,dr um’ n’ba s s ,br e a k be a t ,s a l s a , brazilian, etc Capacity : 250 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Mr Scruff, Daddy G (Massive Attack), Andy Smith (Portishead), Jazzanova etc European rock artists booked in 2003 : Martin Rappeneau etc World music artists booked in 2003 : Son del Gazo etc European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Youngblodd Brass Band (USA) Remarks : open Thursday to Saturday night, based on a boat in the center of Lyon. La Marquise receives DJs and international artists creating the best programming of Lyon, one of the largest cities of France. (LE) NINKASI Contact person : Thierry Pilat ([email protected]) Address : 267 rue Marcel Mérieux , 69007 Lyon France Phone / Fax : +33(0)472 768 904 / +33(0)472 768 901 Web address : Opening : 7 days / 7 Styles : rock, electro... Organisations welcomed: all festivals in Lyon : Festival Nuits Sonores, 6eme Continent, Nuits de Fourvière, L'original Hip-Hop Festival... and many local association Capacity : 600 places European dance artists booked in 2003: The Rapture. Eur ope a nr o c ka r t i s t sbo ok e di n2 0 03:Bl on deRe dh e a d,Ha ws k l e yWor k ma n… World music artists booked in 2003 : Ziskakan, Natacha Atlas ... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Erik Truffaz, Bugge Wesseltoft.... Remarks : 600 places (Ninkasi kao) + Café-concert 300 places (Ninkasi kafé) + restaurant + pub. (LE) NOUVEAU CASINO Contact person : Dimitri Perrier Address : 109 rue Oberkampf 75011 Paris - France Phone / Fax : +33(0)143 55 740 / +33(0)143 575 741 Web address : Opening : every day Styles : electro, pop, rock, hip hop, metal Organisations welcomed : Minimal Dancin' (house) Capacity : 380 people European dance artists booked in 2003: 4Hero, Tutto Matto, T.Raumschmiere, Aril Brikha, Luke Solomon... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Billy Childish, Brian Auger, Barbara Morgenstern, James Taylor Quartet... Remarks : venue and club with great quality sound system. The venue welcomes international tours, as well as local developping artists. Open from thursdays to saturdays, the Nouveau Casino can organise the occasional after. (L')OLYMPIC Contact person : Jean-Michel Dupas ([email protected]) Address : 29 bd de la Liberté 44100 Nantes France Phone / Fax : +33(0)251 806 080 / +33(0)240 580 557 Web address : Opening : depending on gigs Styles : rock, post rock, reggae, electro, pop, French chanson, metal, hip hop, techno Organisations welcomed : Cinétic (electro), L.A Represent (techno), Homegrowing Sound (techno), RCTC (techno), Sonics (electro) Capacity : 800

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European rock artists booked in 2003 : Johnny Marr, Eiffel, Lofofora, Maria MC Kee, The Ex, Wampas, Watcha... World music artists booked in 2003 : Guem, Zebda, Gnawa Diffusion, El Camino, Susheela Raman... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Nils Peter Molvaer, Laurent de Wilde, Magic Malik, Malia... Remarks : L'Olympic is an important stage subsidized by the Ville de Nantes. The programming does not priviledge a particular genre. (LE) REX CLUB Contact person : Christian Paulet ( [email protected]) Address : 5 boulevard poissonniere 75002 Paris Phone / Fax : +33(0)142 361 096 / +33(0)142 365 572 Web address : Opening : Wednesday till saturday Styles : all styles of electronic music Organisations welcomed : Dv2, Uwe, Gravity ... Capacity : 600 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Gilles Peterson, Carl Cox, Jeff Mills, Francois K, Laurent Garnier, Carl Craig, Hell, UR, Kittin .... Remarks : the most renown french club, one of the best sound-systems of Paris. Famous residents like La ur e n tGa r ni e r , J a c kDeMa r s e i l l e ,e t c … Oneo ft h ef a v ou r i t ec l ub si nt h ewor l dofCa r lCoxa ndJ e f f Mills. Rex Club has been resisting since 30 years and has been the leader for the French electronic scene since 1991. LA SCENE BASTILLE Contact person : Arse ([email protected]) Address : 2bis rue des Taillandiers - 75011 Paris - France Phone / Fax : +33(0)148 065 070 / +33(0)148 065 707 Web address : Styles : eclectique... soul, pop rock, funk, electro etc... Capacity : 400 European dance artists booked in 2003 : more than 100 European rock artists booked in 2003 : Avril Lavigne World music artists booked in 2003 : Yannick Noah Remarks : Venue and club with lounge chill out area. A concert a night from monday to saturday from 20pm to 22:45pm. Club nights from Wednesday to Saturday night from midnight to 6am (Gay on friday), (Soul or funk on sat). Lounge from 17h à 02h am (with happy hour). (LE) TRIPTYQUE Contact person : Bénédicte Froidure ([email protected]) et Benoit Barbottin ([email protected]) Address : 142, rue Montmartre 75002 Paris France Phone / Fax : +33(0)140 280 555 / +33(0)140 280 545 Web address : Styles : jazz - hip hop - reggae - ragga - dub - world - chanson –electronic music (drum'n bass / electro / techno / house / electronica...) Organisations welcomed : Missive, Warm, Alias, Future Now Unlimited... Capacity : 500 people European dance artists booked in 2003: 4 Hero, DJ Deep, Electric Indigo, DSL, Jamie Lidell, Laurent Garenier, Krikor, Mira Calix, Spektrum, Scissor Sisters, Lali Puna, Electronicat, DJ Deep, Terence Fi xme r … European rock artists booked in 2003 : Autour de Lucie ; Cali, Cia ! Manhatan, Mc Allister, Ursula Rucker, Trav i sBü r c k i ,Spo r t oKa nt e s , Tr a ns i s t or … Hip hop, soul & funk artists booked in 2003 : Abstract Keal Agram, Dee Nasty, DJ Food, DJ Gero, DJ Va d i m,Dy na ma x,J a me sDe l l e c k ,Ke z i a hj one s ,NHX, RoyAy e r s , Te s … European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Laurent Dewilde, David Linx, Les Frères Belmondo, Magic Ma l i k ,Pa c oSe r yGr oup,Ri c a r doDe lFr aSe p t e t ,Ros a r i oGi ul i a n iQua r t e t ,St é ph a neHuc ha r d…

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Remarks : open Monday to Sunday from 20h to 2am and on weekends from 21h to 6am. Eclectic Programming. Live gigs, weekends dedicated to electro. Le Triptyque has a set of 650 m2 with a capacity of containing over 500 people. 3 spaces: big lounge, a big bar and the venue.


ASTRALIA Contact : Vaiasicca Angélina ([email protected]) Promotion : Vaiasicca Angélina ([email protected]) Address : 135, bd Paul Langevin, 38600 Fontaine, France Tel / Fax : +33(0) 617 347 683 Web Site : Styles : trance Number of editions : 3 Period of festival : 10 et 11 July Duration : 2 days Audience of the festival : Type: indooor & outdoor European dance artists booked in 2004 : Marco Bailey, Red Ed, Dj Flo, Radium, Triskell, Silicon Sound, Tsuyochi, Jack De Marseille,+500 artists Remarks : This first trance festival in France started in 2004. It starts at 16h on the poolside till the Monday morning, non stop. There is an organisation of decorations and animations (dancers and shows) for each event. A-NIME Contact : GrégDelon ([email protected]), AndréDalcan ([email protected]) Promotion : Valérie Torres ([email protected]) Address :8r ued el ’ Anc i e n neTui l e r i e ,3051 0Gé né r a c ,Fr a nc e Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 466 368 311 / +33 (0) 614 709 065 Web Site: Styles : electro, house, techno Number of editions : 2 Period of festival : May Duration : 1 day (afternoon + evening) Audience of the festival : 2003 : 700 people; 2004 : 1200 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Rework, Losoul, André Dalcan aka Ultracolor, Sout hs oni k s ,Pa u lKa l k br e n ne r … European rock artists booked in 2002/2003 : Twin Pink, Colder, Remarks : A-nîmé is a completely free festival, dedicated to the culture of electronic music. In just one day, DJs, musicians and other artists are skatered around the town in order to offer several musicla e v e nt sorc ul t ur a l‘ me e t i n g s ’i nl oc a ls h ops .Thef e s t i v a le ndsa tt h ee ndo ft heda ybyaout door concert. ARBORESCENCE Contact : Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron ([email protected]) Promotion : Yohan Kraft ([email protected]) Address : C.E.C.D.C, 1 place Victor Schoelcher, 13 090 Aix-en-Provence, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 442 209 625 / +33 (0) 442 209 640 Web Site : Styles : various electronic music Number of editions : 4 Period of festival : end of September Duration : 3 or 4 days

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Audience of the festival : 2002 : 2700 people; 2003 : 5000 people Type: indooor European dance artists booked in 2003: Louis 2000, David Walters, Icube, Buck 65, Sicut SB.. Remarks : Arborescence is a festival all about multimedia and digital arts. The musical program which is oriented towards electronic music only represents 15% of the programing as a whole. The festival takes place in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Aix-en-Provence, which is an important student town. ASTROPOLIS Contact : Mathieu Guerre-Berthelot / Gildas Rioualen ([email protected]) Promotion : Elise Peyronnet [email protected] Address : Astropolis 30 rue Bugeaud, 29 200 Brest, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 298 433 774 / +33 (0) 298 468 284 Web Site : Styles : techno, electro, hardcore, dub, drum'n'bass, electro-pop Number of editions : 10 Period of festival : mid august Duration : 3 days Audience of the festival : 2002 : 10 000 people; 2003 : 15 000 people Type: indooor and outdoor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003 : Manu le Malin, Ellen Allien, Laurent Garnier, Dave Clarke, Miss Kittin, 2 Many Dj's, Sonic Krew, Elisa do Brasil, Torgull, Aphasia Remarks : Astropolis is the main electronic music festival in France, 3 days of party over 5 venues (center of contemporary art, the gardens of the Manoir de Keroual). Artistes confirmés pour 2004 : Laurent Garnier, Jeff Mills, Ellen Allien, Soulwax, Manu le Malin, The Driver, Vive la Fête, Nouvelle Vague, Dave Clarke, The DJ Producer, Lenny Dee, DJ Promo, Torgull, Aphasia, Al Core, Joshua, High Tone, High Light Tribe, Scotchy Dub, MC Verse, Sonic Crew, Optimo, Speedy J, UR feat Scan 7 & Rolando, Lady B, ... CALVI ON THE ROCKS Contact : Jean-Marie Tassy ([email protected] ) + Adrien Moisson ([email protected]) Promotion : Edouard Rostand ([email protected]) Address : Chez Tao, La Citadelle, 20260 Calvi, Corsica Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 140 261 373 Web Site : Styles : traditional music, electro, acoustic, rock Number of editions : 2 Period of the festival : mid july Duration : 4 days (14-18 july 2004) Audience of the festival : 2003 : more than 2500 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003: Avril, Dj Oil, Sporto Kantès, Zdar, Scratch Massive, Télépopmusic. European rock artists booked in 2003/2003 : Alexis Hk World music artists booked in 2003/2003 : A Fi l l e t a ,L’ Al ba . European jazz artists booked in 2003/2003 : None Remarks : Pluridisciplinary, based in the beautiful town of Calvi, the Calvi festival on the rocks offers an occasion to develop new cultural perspectives. At the same time, the festival enables to discover what makes this culture so unique and yet universal, its writen and aural culture, archetectural culture, the sense of welcome and hospitality... CONTRE-TEMPS Contact : Tal Stef ([email protected]) Promotion : Noemie ([email protected]) Address : 3 rue jacques Peirotes, 67000 Strasbourg, France

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Tel : +33 (0) 388 230 526 Web Site : Styles : electro jazz, broken beat, house, rare groove Number of editions : 1st in 2004 Period of festival : june Duration : 10 days Audience of the festival 2004 : 3000 people expected Type: indooor & outdoor European dance artists booked in 2004 : Alex Attias, Daniel W. Best, Eddy Ramich, Irfane, Nu Tropic, Âme, Eva Gardner, Tal Stef, Steppah Huntah, Dj Spider, No Stress, Mr Soulpatrol Remarks : This festival takes place in several venues of Strasbourg (bars, clubs, concert halls..). It is organised by TalStef, DJ, head of the label and vinyl store Soultronik. He is one of the first to be dedicated to this genre. EUPHORIA - WOODSTOCK Contact : DJ Olive ([email protected]) Promotion : Céline Aubert ([email protected]) and Isabelle Alcala ([email protected]) Address : 46 cours Julien, 13 006 Marseilles, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 491 426 204 / +33 (0) 491 421 822 Web Site : None Styles : techno, house, hardtek, tribe, drum'n'bass, hardcore Number of editions : 2 Period of festival : saturday 7th august 2004 Duration : one night Audience of the festival : 2003 : 4000 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003 : Colin Dale, Freddy, David Carretta, Lutin, Micropoint, Rykkk's, Olive, Christian Sims, Radio Bomb... Remarks : Euphoria can be considered as one of the biggest french organisations for hard music: hard-techno, hard-core, etc...Directed by DJ Olive, head of labels B.E.A.S.T. (hard-core) and Thrust (techno), Euphoria programs regional (South of France), national or international artists. FESTI VALD’ AMI ENS, MUSI QUESDEJAZZETD’ AI LLEURS Contact : Pierre Walfisz ([email protected]) Promotion : Pierre-Olivier Toublanc, ([email protected]) Address : France Place Léon Gontier, BP0631, 80 006 Amiens Cedex, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 322 977 945 / +33 (0) 322 801 690 Web Site : Styles : jazz, world, electro, rock, funk Number of editions : 24 Period of festival : 15 march / 3rd april 2005 Duration : 15 days Audience of the festival : 2002 + 2003 : 8 à 10 000 personnes Type: indooor European dance artists booked in 2003 : Plaid, DJ Spooky, DJ Strangefruit, Scanner, Troublemakers, General Electrics, Jeff Sharel, Joakim, Smadj, Art Konik, ... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Laëtitia Sheriff, Keziah Jones, Feist, Seb Martel, ... World music artists booked in 2003 : Ba Cissoko, Kora Jazz Trio, Rajery, Dhafer Youssef, ... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Stefano di Battista, Bugge Wesseltoft, E.S.T., Erik Truffaz, Charles Lloyd, Boajn Z Trio, Magic Malik Orchestra, Michel Portal, Louis Sclavis, Battista lena, ... Remarks : This very good jazz festival has always put forward various forms of rock, world and electro musics. It is directed by the manager of the label Label Bleu/Bleu Electric. The closing date for programming is in november/december.

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IL ETAIT UNE FOIS LA MUSIQUE ELECTRONIQUE... Producer : Ovmi production Contact : Saffray Olivier email : [email protected] Promotion : Saffray Olivier email : [email protected] Address : oOvmi production, 17 rue de la glacière, 13510 Eguilles, France Tel / Fax : +33(0)442 926 134 / +33(0)617 549355 Web Site : Styles : house, techno, trance, electro, tribe/drum'n'bass, dub and more... Number of editions : 3 Period of festival : start of september Duration : 1 day Audience of the festival : 2002 : 2800 people, 2003 : over two nights, 2 times 1600 people Type : outdoor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003: Jack De Marseille, Vitalic, Tonio, Laurent Hô, Johannes Heil, Codec & Flexor, Angel Molina, Southsoniks, The Hacker, David Caretta, Millimetric, Oxia, Kiko, Crystal Distorsion, 69DB, L'Elf, etc. Remarks : The place of the festival is not always the same, however it is generally situated in the south of France, towards Marseilles. OVMI organise 4 dancefloors of different musical styles: 1/ Deep, Techouse, Techno, Hard Techno, 2/ Electro, Minimal, Clash, 3/ Dub, Triphop, Tribe, Jungle/Drum'n'Bass, Harcore, 4/ "New generation". The festival has a chillout corner with masseurs, all sorts of crafts stands (jewellery, T-shirts, etc...) and offer animations such as jugglers, fire spiters and pyrotechnical events. LE BONHEUR EST DANS LE PRE-ELECTRONIQUE Contact : Marie Jourdain Address : 23 bd d'Arras, 13004 Marseille, France Tel : +33 (0) 618 974 605 / +33 (0) 491 493 641 Email : [email protected] Web Site : none Styles : Acoustic, électronic and alternative Number of editions : 1 Period of festival : 10 - 11 july Audience of the festival : 6 000 to 8 000 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked last 3 years : Dave Clarke (Uk), Woody Mc Bride (Usa), Thomas Schumacher (Ger), Marco Bailey (Bel), Zzino (Bel), Thomas Krome (Sw), Henrik B (Sw), Jeff Tal (Uk), Tony Thomas (Uk), Wally Lopez (Sp), Tom Parris (Uk), Tiga (Can), 100% Isis (Hol), Angelo D’ onor i o( Hol ) ,He l l f i s h( Uk ) ,McVe r s e( Uk ) ,Er i cBor g o( Swi z t ) ,J o r iHul k on ne n( Sw) ,Mi s sKi t t i n (Ger). French dance artists booked last 3 years :J a c kdeMa r s e i l l e ,Ag or i a ,D’ J u l z ,Oxi a ,Te r e nc eFi xme r , Ma nul eMa l i n,La u r e n tho ,Tut t l e ,Ry kkk ’ s ,Mi l oc h ,Ce dr ’ x& Ma t s a ,St r a t ,Da v i dCa r r e t t a ,St e v e -D a k aTe v a t r on… Remarks : the new festivalof Usual Division should be the biggest outdoor festival of the South of France in 2004. These people organise a lot of small parties (500 to 800 people) and big events (3 to 4000 people) throughout the year. LESELECTROSD’ UZES Contact : Pascal Maurin (programmer) Promotion : Pascal Maurin ([email protected]) Address : France Impasse Chevalier d'Assas, Clos Saint Louis (bât B), 84200 Carpentras, France Tel : +33 (0) 611 534 810 Web Site : Styles : All styles of electronic music Number of editions : 4 Period of festival : first week-end of august Duration : 3 days

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Audience of the festival : 2002 : 7000 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked since 2000 : Dave Clarke, Ralph Lawson, Ivan Smagghe, Khali, UHT, Electric Indigo, David Duriez, Tonio, John Thomas... Remarks : In 2004, the festival is situated every night in a superbe medieval site in the town centre of Uzès, from 21 h to 3 h in the morning. LES NUITS SECRETES Contact : Olivier Connan - [email protected] Address : Le Pavillon 1 place du pavillon, 59600 Maubeuge, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 327 530 100/ +33 (0) 327 530 110 Web Site : Period of festival: first week in august Styles : music (rock, electro, world, reggae, ....) Organisations : european booking agents Audience of the festival: large stage : 8000 people, small stage : 600 people European rock artists booked in 2003 : Mass Hysteria, Subway World music artists booked in 2003 : LKJ, Stanley Beckford, Keziah Jones, Yuri Buenaventura, Lo Jo Remarks : first week in august - Aulnoye Aymeries France (59) free outdoor festival, 2 stages 8000 and 600 places welcoming performances on different sites. LES NUITS SONORES Contact : Vincent Carry ([email protected]) Promotion : cathy serra ([email protected]) Address : Arty-Farty, 11, rue Vaubecour, 69 002 Lyon, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 478 278 604 / +33 (0) 478 279 753 Web address : Styles : techno, house, electro, experimental, breakbeat, electro hip-hop Number of editions : 2 Period of festival : end of may Duration : 1 week Audience of the festival : 2003 : 15 000 people Type: indooor & outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003: Roni Size, Ellen Allien, Dave Clarke, Luke Slater, Monika Kruse, Pan Sonic, Agoria... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Jimi Tenor, Alec Empire, Schneider TM, Felix Kubin... World music artists booked in 2003 : Galliano and the african divas European jazz artists booked in 2003 : Colorblind, Jimi Tenor band Remarks : urban festival created in 2003 in a town where there is usual nothing on the electronic music scnene. The festival takes place in over 50 venues and programs over 150 artists a year, including national and foreign artists. LES SIESTES ELECTRONIQUES Contact : ROTATION : Samuel Aubert ([email protected]) Promotion : [email protected] Address : 26 rue de Varsovie, 31300 Toulouse, France / 17 avenue Corentin Cariou, 75019 Paris, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 144 935 231 Web Site : Styles : downbeat, electronica, ambient Number of editions : 3 Period of festival : july Duration : 2 weeks Audience of the festival : 2002 : 1000 people; 2003 : 3500 people; 2004 : 6000 people Type: outdoor

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European dance artists booked in 2003/2004: Funkstörung, Arovane, Donna Regina, Bernhard Fl e i s c hma nn,Be ng e … Remarks : one of the best french festivals dedicated to electronica, ambient and downtempo. MARSATAC Contact : Dro Kilndjian ([email protected]) Promotion : Laurence Chansigaud [email protected]) Address : BP 45, 13484 Marseille cedex 20, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 491 118 891 / +33 (0) 491 118 892 Web address : Styles :e l e c t r on i c ,h i ph op, dr um’ nba s s , j ung l e ,br e a k be a t , t e c hno. . . Number of editions : 6 Period of festival : september in 2004 Duration : 2/3 days Audience of the festival : 2002 : 4000 people; 2003 : 9000 people Type: indooor & outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003/2003: Roni Size, Cinematic Orchestra, Peuple d el ’ He r b e , Dorfmeister, Grooverider, Buck 65, DJ Morpheus, Rubin Steiner Quartet, Marcus Intalex & Mc Rage, Danny C, The Bays, Tony Allen, Norman Jay, Jazzanova, Clotaire K, Dujeous, 4 hero, Naab, Strut DJ ’ s ,Ze r odB, J a ma l s k i ,Br e a k i ngBr e a dDJ ’ s ,Ce dr ’ x, Matéo Gantelmi & Alcaline, Shade of Soul, DJ Paul, Alif Tree, Pablo Valentino, PHM Beatbox, Big Buddha & David Walters, Loop, Inspecta Madjid, Daddy Whittie, Dissident Sound System... European rock artists booked in 2003/2003 : No World music artists booked in 2003/2003 : No European jazz artists booked in 2003/2003 : No Remarks : The biggest dance festival of Marseilles, which changes place every year. It will be organised at the Dock Des Suds in 2004, over three stages. The programing is very specialised. MILLESIME Contact : Paul-Louis ([email protected]) Olivier ([email protected]) Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 676 983 306 / +33 (0) 557 748 429 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : dub, techno, hard-techno, tribe, hardcor e , t r a n c e ,dr u m’ nba s s , e l e c t r o,a mbi e nt Number of editions : 2 Period of festival : first week end of august Audience of the festival : 2004 : 15 000 people Type: outdoor + indoor European dance artists booked last 3 years : dj Le Lutin, Elisa do Brazil, Radio Bomb, Clif Barnes, Baras, A.lore, Manu le Malin, Hellfish, The DJ producer, Les boucles étranges, Popof, Noisebuilder, Crystal Distortion, Torgull, Empathism, David Green, Gayle San, Renato Cohen, Steve Rachmad, David Carretta, Tonio, The Brainsuckers, Hight Light Tribe, Juno Reactor, The antidote, Will, Yayo, Stenman, Jack de Marseille, Kraft, Tonio, Yan Liefheber, Terence Fixemer, David Carretta, The Hacker, Millimetric, Agoria, Stamba, Congo Natty, Pendulum, Interlope, Vibronics, Miniman, Uzinadub,Cl i f fBa r ne s ,J e f f23,Te k nos ,Be un ’ s ,St a l k e r ,Le nnyDe e ,Ma t tGr e e n,Al e x,Got e k , Vinka, Adam Beyer, Thomas Schumacher, Oscar Mulero, Alexander Kowalski, Tonio, Finzy, Cristof Salzac, Wrecked Machines, Wizzy Noise, Shane Gobi, Gabe, Anakis, Shanti. European dub artists booked last 3 years : Improvisator Dub, Zenzile, Aïzell, High Tone. Remarks : Millésime is an electronic music festival which takes place in a unique setting : a 17th century Vauban stronghold, 90km away from the beaches of the Médoc, and 40km away from Bordeaux. For the first edition, Millésime hosted 15 000 people, immediately positioning itself as one of the main events of this type in France. The artistic program and the situation of the festival makes the latter an unmissable event of the south-west of France, gathering an audience who is heterogeneous and ready to party.

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NANCY JAZZ PULSATIONS Contact : Patrick Kader ([email protected]) Address : 106 grande rue, BP 32338, 54023 Nancy cedex, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 383 354 086 / +33 (0) 383 355 644 Web Site : Styles : jazz, world, rock, hip hop, reggae, chanson, electro Number of editions : 31 years Period of festival : 9th till 23rd october 2004 Audience of the festival : 70 000 people Type: indooor European dance artists booked last 3 years : Frédéric Galliano, Gotan Project, Asian Dub Foundation, Matthew Herbert Big Band, Bugge Weseltoft & Sidsel Endresen, Erik Truffaz, Bumcello European rock artists booked last 3 years : Venus, Asian Dub Foundation, Magma, Luke, Kaolin, Supe r bu s , Ta r ma c , J a c kTh eRi ppe r ,Si l ma r i l s ,Gh i nz u ,La z z i … World music artists booked last 3 years : Guem, Frédéric Galliano, Gotan Project, Taraf de Haïdouks, Dezoriental, Susheela Raman, Marcio Faraco, Cristina Branco, DuOuD, João Bosco, Africando All Stars, Bonga, Raul Paz, Gnawa Diffusion, Rajery, Vocal Sampling, Omar Sosa 8tet, Les Ta mbou r sdeBr a z z a ,Ada maSa nog o,Ama r aKa n t e , Or c he s t r aBa ob a b, Ama doue tMa r i a m… European jazz artists booked last 3 years : Daniel Humair, Henri Texier, Louis Sclavis, Michel Portal, Erik Truffaz, Julien Lourau, Richard Galliano, Baptiste Trotignon Trio, Sylvain Luc, Les Fastes du Cotton Club, Mozaïc Elements, Franck Agulhon, Diego Imbert, Briegel Bros Band, Pierre de Bethmann Ilium Quintet, Klezmer Nova, Jacques Pellen Process Sextet, Mina Agossi, Pacific Trio, Offering, Samson Schmitt & Timbo Mehrstein Gypsy Jazz Band, Lionel et Stéphane Belmondo, Charles Despré, La Campagnie des Musiques à Ouïr, Bumcello, Nguyên Lê, Dub El Swing, Ark, Christian Vander, La Philharmonie du Bon Vide, Stephan Huchard 5tet, Thierry Robin, Jef Sicard Trio, Stephane Belmondo 4tet, Nico Wayne Toussaint 6tet, Akosh S. Unit, Jean Toussaint 5tet, Jacques Tellitocci trio, Hadouk Trio, Cécile Verny 4tet, Anne Ducros, Eberhard Weber, Orchestre Regional de Jazz en Lorraine, Atomic, Matthew Herbert Big Band, Brian Auger Oblivion Express, Keziah Jones, Stefan Bauer & Georges Ruby, Alexi Tuomarila Quartet, Jaga Jazzist, Trio Rosenberg, Joe Zawinul, Bill Bruford 4tet, EST (Esbjörn Svensson Trio), Bugge Weseltoft & Sidsel Endresen, Rosario Giuliani 4tet, Paolo Fresu, Kol Simcha, Giovanni Mirabassi, Nils Petter Molvaer, Nils Landgren., Zakarya, Kenyatte Abdur-Rahman, Baaba Maal, Goran Kajfes, Wibutee, Bireli Lagrène, Mi noCi ne l u, J a nGa r ba r e k ,Rubi nSt e i ne r4t e t ,La ur e ntdeWi l d e … NORDIK IMPACT Contact : Moulin Christophe ([email protected]) Promotion : Moulin Christophe [email protected] Address : 17, rue de l'oratoire, 14000 Caen, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 231 867 931 / +33 (0) 231 867 931 Web Site : Styles : All styles of electronic music Number of editions : 6 Period of festival : November Duration : 5 days Audience of the festival : 2002 : 15 000 people ; 2003 : 21 000 people Type: Indoor European dance artists booked in 2003: Laurent Garnier, Josh Wink, Ken Ishii, Manu Le Malin, Crystal Distortion, Iration Steppas, Fresh & MC Rage, Terry T & MC Genius... Remarks : Trying to promote the electronic music culture, Nördik Impakt welcomes, during the week of the festival : exhibitions, cinema-concerts, performances, events in intimite venues. The closing ni g hti si na“ r a v epa r t y ”s pi r i t ,a ndof f e r s150 00m2ofs pa c ef o rda nc e r s ,v i de og r a phi s t s ,d e s i g ne r s musicians and creators of all sorts, with 5 stages offering all genres, from house music to hardcore.

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OSOSPHERE Contact : Loco ([email protected]) Promotion : anne-sophie ([email protected]) Address : Quatre 4.0, 13 rue du Hohwald F, 67000 Strasbourg, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 388 237 237 Web Site : Styles : electronic music and arts Number of editions : 6 Period of festival : end of september, start of october Duration : 2 days Audience of the festival : 2003 & 2004 : 10 000 people Type: indooor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003: Saint Germain, Jazzanova, Jeff Mills, Gary Clail, Mi r aCa l i x,Al e cEmpi r e , Ta r wa t e r , TheSe r v a nte t c …. PANTIERO Contact : Jean-Marie Sevain ([email protected]) Promotion : Turtle Cuts, Charles Vetter, E-mail : [email protected] Address :11Ch e mi nDe sCot e sDuMon tCi nd r e , 694 50StCy rAuMon tD’ or ,Fr a nc e Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 615 089 255 / +33 (0) 472 539 332 Web Site : Styles : Electronic/breakbeat/afrobeat/nu-soul Number of editions : 3 Period of festival : august (18-21) Duration : 4 days Audience of the festival : 2002 : 3000 people, 2003 : 5000 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003/2003 : Royksopp, Telepopmusik, Fila Brazilia, Rinocerose, M83, Cinematic Orchestra, Dj Medhi / Mr Scruf f ,2Ma nyDj ’ s ,Zong a mi n,Qua nt i cSou lOr c he s t r a European rock artists booked in 2003/2003 : No World music artists booked in 2003/2003 : Femi Kuti, Guem, Tony Allen, Mahmoud Ahmed European jazz artists booked in 2003/2003 : Koop, Matthew Herbert Big Band. Remarks : Pantiero is one of the rare festivals of the south of France to offer a programming mixing electro, world, nu-j a z z ,dub. . .t hes i t eov e r l ook st h e‘ Vi e ux-Por t ’ ofCa nne sa ndt hes e a . SCOPITONE Contact : Jean-Michel Dupas ([email protected]) Address : 29 bd de la Liberté, 44100 Nantes, France Tel / Fax : +33 (0) 251 806 080 / +33 (0) 240 580 557 Web address : Opening : from July 1 2004 till July 4 2004 Styles : electro, electro-rock, jazz, hip hop, electronica, electro-pop, dance and video, music and multimedia... Organisations : Rico Tempo (deco) Aquabassimo (electro and deco), Vidéozart (artistic video), Zone Blanche (digital creation)... Audience of the festival : 4500 people European dance artists booked in 2003: Ellen Allien, Amon Tobin, Zongamin, Dj Krush, Luke Slater, 2 many dj's... European rock artists booked in 2003 : Death in Vegas, LCD Soundsystem, Dat Politics, Rodolphe Burger... European jazz artists booked in 2003 : NLF 3, Mix City, Remarks : Scopitone is a festival dedicated to mixing music and visuals. Every gig or DJ set is conceived like a visual show where videographists intervene. Scopitone also groups dance and video shows, multimedia shows, cinema-concerts... Scopitone is also a platform reuniting artists, organisations, conferences... around the theme of digital creation.

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SPLASH Contact : Guardascione Fabrice ([email protected] ) Promotion : Hervé Lucien ([email protected]) Address : France 8 Rue de la verrerie 13100 Aix en Provence Tel / Fax : +33(0)4 42 96 33 00 / +33(0)4 42 96 33 00 Web address : Styles : all styles that are represented in a electro festival Number of editions: in 2004, it is the 2nd edition Period of the festival : summer Duration : 3 days Audience of the festival 2700 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003 : Scratch Massive, Crusz, Alexander Robotnick, The Hacker, Kiko, Seb Léger, Djinxx, Fafa Monteco, Didier Sinclair Remarks : A festival over three days in a beautiful context in Marseilles. The 1st edition was a success. The programming is ambitious with DJ T, Rolando, Chicken Lips, Dirty Princess (live), Pedro Winter, Ariel Wizman, Steve D, Fafa Monteco, Didier Sinclair... TECHNOPOL/ TECHNO PARADE Contact : Jean Christophe Magnin Promotion : Sophie Bernard Address : 17, rue de l'Echiquier 75010 Paris France Tel / Fax : +33(0)142 478 475 / +33(0)142 470 303 Web address : Styles : various electronic Music Number of editions : 7 Period of the festival : Saturday September 18th Duration : 1 day Audience of the festival: 2002 : 250 000 people, 2003 : 300 000 people Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003: Andrew Weatherall, Scratch massive, Dan Ghenacia, Agoria, Muriel Moreno... Remarks : The only Techno Parade in Europe organised by a non lucrative association. More than 100 Parties are organised in Paris around that Parade. The associatioon Technopol also organises the R.E.V.E. festival the week before the Techno Parade STEREOLIZE (PARIS ELECTRO BASS FESTIVAL) Contact : Serge Nicolas ([email protected]) - Olivier Linglet ([email protected]), Stefano ([email protected]), Gaelle Donelian ([email protected]) Celina Seng ([email protected]) Address : 8 rue Bernard de Clairvaux - 7003 Paris - France Tel / Fax : +33(0)142 478 256 / +33(0)142 478 248 Web address : Styles : electro, electro-wave, electo-bass, electro-booty, electro-funk, electro-hip-hop Venues : Rex Club (Paradise Massage, electro et techno) - Nouveau Casino (Black Bone, electro and techno), Batofar and Tryptique (Deviant Groove, electro and techno) European dance artists booked in 2003: Növö, Nancy Fortune, Kitbuilders, Luke Eargoggle, Schmerzlabor, TLR, Orgue Electronique, Bangkok Impact, Dj Feadz, I:Cube, Gilb-R, Joakim, Krikor, Ice Kid, Dj Jee, Micmac, Dj Synthetizer, Ido, David Carretta, Super Famille Conne European rock artists booked in 2003 : Electronica Remarks : Stereolize is a co-production of organisations Paradise Massage (monthly club night at the Rex club) and Deviant Groove (Batofar and Tryptique). Every edition of the festival (the next edition will be on the 7/8/9 octobre 2004) is the fruit of a collective work on visuals created in collaboration with the artist Ji-Bêt.

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TECHNOPOL/LES RENDEZ-VOUS ELECTRONIQUES (R.E.V.E) Contact : Thomas Sevet, Alexis Alyskewycz ([email protected]) Promotion : Sophie Bernard ([email protected]) Address : 17, rue de l'Echiquier 75010 Paris - Paris Tel / Fax : +33(0)142 478 476 / +33(0)142 470 303 Web address : www. Styles : Electronic music Number of editions: 7 Period of the festival : September 10th to 19th Duration : 10 days Audience of the festival: 2003 : 50 000 people Type: indooor European dance artists booked in 2002/2003: Sasha Funke, Module, Tim Parris, Jef K, Cosmo Vitelli, Black Strobe, LFO, Plaid, Manu le Malin... Remarks : The festival Rendez-Vous Electroniques is absolutely free. The access to the house of the Rendez-Vous électroniques is free all along the festival with show cases, conferences, performances, installations, exhibitions and projections every day. TERRITOIRES ELECTRONIQUES (BIOMIX) Contact : Pierre Vignes Address : CECDC 1 Place Victor Schoelcher, 13090 Aix-en-Provence, France Tel / Fax : +33(0)442 209 628 / +33(0)442 209 640 Email : [email protected] Web address : Styles : from experimental to dance floor Remarks : Biomix organised the first edition of Territoires Electroniques in the superb Vasarely Museum in Aix-En-Provence in 2003, with the main artists of Warp Records. This year, in the same place, they will programm : Prefuse 73 live, Boom Bip (Lex) live, Luke Vibert live, Jamie Lidell live; installation et live de Pierre Bastien, Dadrye (Ghostly International) live, Rhythm & Sound Djs feat Paul St Hilaire (aka Tikiman)... to name a few TOHU BOHU Contact : Pascal Maurin Promotion : Pascal Maurin - [email protected] Address : France Impasse Chevalier d'Assas - Clos Saint Louis (bât B) - 84200 Carpentras Tel : +33(0) 6 11 53 48 10 Styles : All styles of electronic music Number of editions : 4 Period of the festival : 3rd week of July Duration : 6 days Audience of the festival: 2002: 10 000 Type: outdoor European dance artists booked in 2003/2003 : Mad Professor, Sayag Jazz Machine, Smith & Mighty, Kenny Larkin, Matthew Herbert, Luciano, Heather, Luomo, Palindrome, Laurent Hô, Thomas Brinkman, Readymade... Remarks : The gigs are from 19pm and 22pm every night in the center of Montpellier, every night is free. The artists for the 2004 edition are Tiga, Mr Scruff, King Britt, Rolando, Rainer Truby, 4 Hero Aka Marc Mac VILLETTE NUMERIQUE Contact : Frédéric Mazelly [email protected] Promotion : Bertrand Nogent [email protected] Address : Parc de la Villette, 211 av Jean Jaurès, 75019 Paris France Tel / Fax : +33(0)1 40 03 74 55 / +33(0)1 40 03 74 19 Web address : Styles : all kinds of electronic music (from minimalist music to house, electro-rock etc.)

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Number of editions : 2nd edition Period of the festival : last week september-first week october Duration : 2 weeks Audience of the festival: 2002 : 35 000 Type: Mainly indoor European dance artists booked in 2002 : LFO, Ellen Allien, John Thomas, Erol Alkan, Jacques Lu Cont, 2 Many DJ's, Chiken Lips, Random Factor, Sety, Cabanne, Ark, Freak, Sieg Uber Die Sonne, Good Groove, Tampopo, Sascha Funke, Slam, Feadz. Remarks : Organised by the Parc de la Villette, the Cité des Sciences et de Industrie and the Cité de la Musique Villette Numérique is dedicated exclusively to all forms of electronic arts (dance, theatre, music, contemporary art, video games and cinema) and new media. One of the most exciting french festivals, organised every two years : 2002, 2004, 2006


audioFAMILIES Contact : Jean-Francois Labelle Address : 4, rue Elysee Menilmontant, 75020 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 140 331 100 Fax : +33 (0) 140 330 503 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : house, techno, electronic techfunk, electro, dance music Artists and/or labels represented for France, Europe & World : Chloe, D'julz, David Duriez, Dan Ghenacia, Jef K, Jennifer, Jerome Pacman, Romain BNO, Ivan Smagghe, Terry, Phil Weeks Remark : audioFAMILIES is FAMILIESpro (the dj booking agency) and FAMILIESdownloads (the downloadable dj mix series) BLEEP (MANAGEMENT/A&R) Contact : Vincent Nayrolles Address : 29 rue des Petites Ecuries, 75010 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 608 537 050 Email : [email protected] Web Site : (under construction...) Styles : pop music, electronic music, classical music Artists and/or labels represented for World : Readymade FC, Jean-Philippe Verdin, Akzidenz Grotes Remark : Independant management and A&R agency, Bleep was founded by the former responsible of the promotion V2. FULL FORCE PRODUCTION Contact : Thierry Langlois / Tommy Addington / Eric Laporte Address : 12, rue du temple, 75004 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 144 545 353 Fax : +33 (0) 144 545 349 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : mainly jazz and world based music Artists represented for France : Bugge Wesseltoft, Jaga Jazzist, Matthew Herbert, Amp Fiddler, Frederic Galliano & The African Divas, Nils Petter Molvaer, Bauchklang, Laurent De Wilde, Lotek Hi-Fi, TY, Erik Truffaz... Artists represented for Europe : Bugge Wesseltoft Remark : One of the biggest booking agent for jazz and nu-jazz in France. Very serious work.

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GROSSOMODO Contact : Fabrice Guardascione Address : 8 rue de la Verrerie, 13100 Aix-En-Provence, France Phone : +33 (0) 442 963 300 Fax : +33 (0) 442 963 300 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : electro, techno, house Artists and/or labels represented for France : Alexander Robotnick, Exchpoptrue, David Carretta Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : Paul Johnson, Copyshop, Djinxx Artists and/or labels represented for World : Sébastien Léger, Kiko, Neo Remark : One of the top French booking agencies. Grosso Modo also organizes a lot of events including regular club nights at Spartacus club and Splash festival, every summer in Marseilles. Its activities are promoter, event designer, booking & management, record shops, 8 labels & productions, publishing... KILL THE DJ Contact : Fany Corral Address : 8 Rue Rampal, 75019 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 612 889 659 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : electro, house, minimal house, rock Artists and/or labels represented for France : Joakim, K.I.M, Sir Alice, Chloé, Jennifer, Kill The Dj Records, Tigersushi Records Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : Optimo Artists and/or labels represented for World : Joakim , K.I.M, Sir Alice LINK Contact : Stephanie Hamonic Address : 11-13 Rue Martel, 75010 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 153 270 115 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : electro, house Artists and/or labels represented for France :Swa yz a k ,I : Cube ,Gi l b’ R,Ar ma nd, Tim Paris, Cyril K, Gwen Maze, Simon Says, Thomas Di Matteo, Mister J Artists and/or labels represented for World :ICube ,Gi l b ’ R,Ar ma nd, Ti m Pa r i s ,Cy r i lK,Gwe n Maze, Simon Says, Thomas Di Matteo, Mister J Remark : sound, graphik, videos & events designer P.POLE Contact : Pascal Sanchez - Manager Address : P.Pole Montpellier : 18, rue Durand, 34000 Montpellier, France and P.Pole Paris : 21, rue du Grand Prieuré, 75011 Paris, France Phone : Montpellier : +33 (0) 467 128 170 / Paris : +33 (0) 148 058 772 Fax : Montpellier : +33 (0) 467 128 171 / Paris : +33 (0) 148 058 792 Email : Montpellier : [email protected] / Paris : [email protected] Web Site : none Styles : electro, rock , pop Artists and/or labels represented for France : Cassius, TV on The Radio, The Rapture, I Monster, Dj Armand Van Helden, LCD Soundsystem, , Masters at Work, Plastikman, Soulwax, Tussle, Zongamin, Derrick Carter, Dj Sneak, Junior Sanchez, Kenny Dope Gonzales, Little Louie Vega, Roy Davis Jr, Tiga, Junior Jack, Le Hammond Inferno, Stéphane Mandrax, The Maxwell Implosion, Dj Food, Mr Scruff, Shakedown, Trevor Jackson.

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Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : Dead Combo, Chromeo, James Chance& the Contorsions, Dominique Keegan, Zimpala, Terra Deva, The Infadels Artists and/or labels represented for World :“r i nô ç é r ô s e” ,Colder, Clotaire K, Fancy, Les Clones, M83, Rocé, Snooze, Supermen Lovers, Télépopmusik, The Eternals, Alex Gopher, Curtis, Diamond Tr a xxDj ’ sTour ,Et i e nned eCr é c y , JKe l l , WUZ( Al e xGophe r &Demon), Benjamin Diamond Remark : P.Pole signed several French artists on majors. Based in Montpellier (south of France), this company has got one antenna in Paris. But to negociate a contract, call Montpellier first. SALAM ALEIKUM Contact : Stéphane Benhamou Address : 33 rue Stephenson, 75018 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 153 092 109 Fax : +33 (0) 153 092 100 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : all Artists and/or labels represented for World : labels Debut Et Chateaurouge, Artsites FFF, Scratch Massive, Melvil Poupaud, Frank Arbaretaz, Grand Popo Football Club, Scratch Massive, Label Distance... Remark : Big touring agency for all musics, 6 recording studios, mershandising, publishing & tour management. Two personnal labels Debut et Chateaurouge SOLUNE MUSIC Contact : Olivier Desponts Address : 177, rue du temple, 75003 Paris, France Phone : +33 (0) 142 771 060 Fax : +3 (0) 142 771 120 Email : [email protected] Web Site : none Styles : jazz, electronic and groove Artists and/or labels represented for France : None Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : None Artists and/or labels represented for World : Troublemakers, Shogün, Jeff Sharel, Booster Remark : management of Magic Malik (Label Bleu) SOULUTION Contact : Gwenn-Mael Piriou Address : BP 59, 54 200 Toul, France Phone : +33 (0) 383 432 770 Email : [email protected] Styles : futuristic grooves & more... Artists and/or labels represented for France : Norman Jay, Jazzanova, A Guy Called Gerald Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : 4 Hero, Eva Gardner, Chateau Flight, Joakim Artists and/or labels represented for World : DJ Morpheus, Allen Hoist, Lord Zeljko Remark : Soulution is the best booking agency for breakbeat based music and soulful house. Its activities are management & booking agency, record label & party promoter. SQUAREBOOKING Contact : Caroline Rieu - manager Address : 6 rue H. Flandrin, 30 000 Nimes, France Phone : +33 (0) 618 233 184 Fax : +33 (0) 466 802 281 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : house, techno, drum'n bass

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Artists and/or labels represented for France : House : Roussia, Laëtizia, Greg Delon, dA frESh Techno : Angel Molina, Alex Millan, Ascii.Disko, Bastien Grine, Codec & Flexor, dA frESh, Dan Corco, Dave Angel, D'Jedi, Fred Carreira, Paul Nazca, Sideral, Southsoniks, Tom Pooks Artists and/or labels represented for World : House : Roussia, Laëtizia, Greg Delon, dA frESh Techno : Alex Millan, Bastien Grine, dA frESh, Dan Corco, D'Jedi, Fred Carreira, Paul Nazca, Southsoniks, Tom Pooks Remark : A good booking agency based in the south of France, heavy connection with southern based clubs. ZH BOOKING Contact : Ziggy Address : Snapshot 45 allée du Larzac, 34 080 Montpellier, France Phone : +33 (0) 467 450 332 Fax : +33 (0) 675 515 941 Email : [email protected] Web Site : Styles : techno hard-techno, breakbeat, jungle, hardcore, break-core, experimental Artists and/or labels represented for France : Scratchaker, Les Boucles Etranges, Stalker, Gelstat, Dj Kinner, Tekabloc (Kinner+Gelstat), Babylon Joke, Suburbass, Vinka, Dj Positronik, Mamute, Pushy ! + Miss Surex (image) + Sayoko (dance + sing) + Dj Feudjay ( scratch), Dual Engine, Blueveiner, Dj Matt Doubt, Dj Feudjay, Dj Soper, Dj Jahbass, Art Is Anal, Dj Armaguet Nad, La Peste, Kbal Crew, Dj Tina Lestate, Dj Misssandy - Fr Artists and/or labels represented for Europe : Crystal Distortion, Jeff Aka Dj Tal, Radiobomb, Roland Casper, Tim Baker Remarks : The best agency for hard music artists, very well connected to underground events, festivals and rave-parties.


CYBER PRODUCTION Created in : 1996 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Hypnotic, Technasia, Sino, Pool e Music label group, Excess Music label group, Black Jack, Riviera, Reversed, 20 000 st, RLP, KLR, Darkness, Afrodynamic, Ritmodynamic, Disc Doctor, Spacecraft, Choicehouse, Btrax, Calme records, UMF, Weaked, Black Kick.... Exclusive international labels : Axis, Ministry of sound, Gigolo, Subliminal, Kanzelramt, Get Physical, Primate, Zync, SLS, CLR....They represent exclusively for France the following distributors: Intergroove, MDM, Triple vision, CPL, ELP. Non exclusive french labels : NO Non exclusive international labels : Intec, Defected and many US labels Labels under licence : If you are a producer of foreign releases under licensing Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries : USA, Canada, South America, Australia, South Africa, New Zeland, United Kingdom, Eire, Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Eastern Europe, Greece, Turkey. Home labels : Royal Flush (club house), Ghigh records (house), Royal Drums (tribal house), Full House (house), Maniana (Techouse), FFS (dance floor house), Glass Splinters (techno), Antedrum (Techouse), Bahia (Latin House), Cyber (compilations and CD singles), Home artists : Joey Beltram, Laurent Wolf (exclusive), Antoine Clamaran, Robbie Rivera, Bel Amour (exclusive), Ritmo-Dynamic (exclusive), Dr Kucho !, Major Boys, Charlotte, 4Tune500, Alan Barratt, DJ Flex, Richard Grey

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(exclusive), Tribalman (exclusive), Klubfilter (exclusive), The Producers, Stunk of Punk (exclusive), Ron Carroll. Clients: Record Stores, Fnac Virgin, large-scale distribution, VPC Who’ swho : President : Marc Boutard ([email protected]) Manager : Alex Boutari ([email protected]) Import : Marc Boutard ([email protected]) Export : Polin ([email protected]); Aurelien ([email protected]) Promotion : Marine ([email protected]) Address : 6, rue du Commandant Lamy 75011 Paris –France General Phone : + 33 140 211 868 Fax : + 33 148 057 415 General E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site : Remarks : Cyber Production is specialised in electronic music (all genres) and owns 5 of the biggest record stores in Paris. The company works a lot on international licensing and works with Sony Distribution for CD singles and TV advertised compilations. They also have their own bimonthly DJ magazine called Techno Import Magazine, dedicated to vinyls and electronic CDs. They also run 12 home labels dedicated to all genres of house, techno and electro sub-styles music: hard-house, vocal hous e ,d e e pt e c hno,e t c … INTERNATIONAL RECORDS Created in : 1989 Promotions Department : NO CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Crystal, Douze Inch,Ta mTa m,Bul l d og … Exclusive international labels : Alphabet, Phonetic, Pulsive, Randgruppe, Casa Rosso, Deep Mission, Dropout, Urban DJ, Vinyl Loops, P-Traxx, 2234 Recordings, 541 Label, Uberdruck, Di g i whi t e , Mob i z z ,Voc a lBi z z … Non exclusive French labels : more than 50 Non exclusive international labels : more than 100 Labels under licence : If you are a producer of foreign releases under licensing Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries : France ; France ; Benelux ; France ; France ; South Africa ; France ; Japan. Home labels : Cr y s t a l( hous e& t e c hou s e ) ;Do uz eI nc h( 8 0’ sf un k ) ;Ta m Ta m( t r i ba l ) ;Bul l dog Français (hard core tribe). Home artists : Dj Luccio (exclusive); Fred Pellichero; Sandy Wilhelm; Mackee Johnson (exclusive); Laurent Wolf. Clients : Record stores, Fnac, Virgin Who’ sWho: Manager : Salvatore Soro ([email protected]); Luc Soro ([email protected]) Import + Export : Same Promotion : [email protected] Address: 59, Avenue Léon Gambetta, 26000 Valence, France General Phone : +33 (0) 475 558 803 Fax: +33 (0) 475 558 803 E-Mail: +33 (0) 475 434 748 Remarks: more into dance music than electronic music, International distributes mainly German and Belgium labels, and runs his own labels. This small distribution company distributes only club music. LA BALEINE Created in : 1998 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES

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Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Black Tambour, Plein Gaz, BiP_Hop, Idwet, Spalax, Dtc Records, Anti Iism, Deontologie, Musiques Hybrides, Mobil Home, Blended Musiques, Bomb X, La Mixerie, Prikosnovenie, Unique, Intoxygene, I.O.T, Angstrom, E.T.C Exclusive international labels : Morthan 350 including Playhouse, Poker Flat, Rephlex, Ubiquity Planet µ, Scape, Schema, Lo Recording, Eskimo, Different Drummer, Hydrogen Dukebox, Hymen, Max Ernst, Morr Music, Tru Thoughts, Vertical Form, Turbo, Harmless, Stereo Deluxe, Jamaican Recordings, Movement, Hospital, Plug Research, Dessous, Dekathlon, 541 Records, Music Man, Sa t e l i t eK,Un i queRe c or ds ,Ze br aTr a f i c , Mu l t i c o l o r … Non exclusive French labels : NO Non exclusive international labels : NO Labels under licence : NO Downloads : NO Manufacturing : NO Export : NO Home labels : La Baleine Records Home artists : Ch r i s t i a nCha r l e s ,Ama de usTa p i ok a ,Ni k os ono,M&M’ s ,DeFo nt a i ne ,Sa y a gJ a z z Machine, Cosmik Connection, Lynn Jordan, DJ Phantom, Geisha, BXT. Clients : Record stores, FNAC, Virgin, large scale distribution (only in the cutural section of Leclerc stores), by mail order. Remarks : La Baleine is the distributor that distributes the largest number of labels, which is its force a swe l la saf l a w.Ne v e r t h e l e s s ,i ti st heon l ydi s t r i b ut ort owo r kdr um’ n’ ba s sa ndha sbe c omet he reference in terms of minimalist music and electronica. As well as the exclusive distribution of foreign and French labels, La Baleine has developed the organisation with French artists and labels in order to create a partnership enabling them to distribute and co-produce albums, around 20 artists such as Sa y a gJ a z zMa c hi n e ,Cos mi kConne c t i on, Mob i lHo me ,Toi r e s … M10 ELECTRONIC SOUNDS Created in : 1999 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : NO Exclusive French labels : Serial Recordings, Penso Positivo Exclusive international labels : King Street, Ministry Of Sound, Global Underground, Hed Kandi, Azuli, React, NRK, DMC, Glasgow Underground, Clubstar, Soulstar... Non exclusive French labels : exclusive deals only Non exclusive international labels : exclusive deals only Labels under licence : If you are a producer of foreign releases under licensing Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries : all Home labels : M10, Melodie Home artists : see M10 Clients : Record stores, FNAC, Virgin, large scale distribution, by mail order. Who’ sWho: President : Jean Grandchamp Label Manager : Raphael Bouvier ([email protected]) Import : Raphael Bouvier ([email protected]) Export : Ben Oldfield ([email protected]) Address : 3 rue Albert de Vatimesnil 92300 Levallois-Perret General Phone : + 33 (0) 141 494 217 Fax : + 33 (0) 141 494 200 E-Mail : ([email protected]) Remarks: only specialized for CD distribution, M10 works the main commercial dance labels but also s omemor eunde r g r oundon e s .Ag oodbus i ne s spa r t n e r …

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NIGHT & DAY Created in : 1993 Promotions Department : NO CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Arion, Black & Blue, Body & Soul, Bluzen Brennus, Cinémalta, Dixiefrog, Fargo, Frémeaux & Associés, Isabel Records, MWD, No Major, Piano 21, Pierre Verany, Prima Music, Rue Bleue, Saphir Productions, Saravah, Slalom, Exclusive international labels : Ace Records, Act Music , Alligator , Aventi Distribution, Berlin Classic, Blood & Fire, Blue Moon, Caney , Cascavelle SA, Demon , MCI, Divox , Doublemoon , Dubhead , Eleganz, Evidence, Irma, Jazz Factory, Karonte , Nuevos Medios, Piranha , Pneuma , Popular African Music, Sanctuary DVD, Soundtrack Factory, Thirsty Ear, Trama, TDK Mediactive World Connection, World Circuit Non exclusive French labels : 13 bis records, Fairplay Non exclusive international labels : No Labels under licence : Africa Fête, IC. Music Inc, Must Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries: Western Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Australia, USA, And Canada Home labels : Night & Day (French repertoire), Midnight Sun (Jazz), Night & Day (all the rest) Home artists : Jerome Badini, Ilene Barnes, Harry Morse Project, Hilight Tribe, Magnetic, JeanClaude Vannier Clients: Record stores, Fnac, Virgin, large-scale distribution, by mail order Who’ sWho: President : Jean-Jacques Souplet ([email protected]) General Manager : Maggie Doherty ([email protected]) International Consultant : Antoine Chouchani ([email protected]) Development Director : (incl export and international development, publisher) Stan Witold ([email protected]) Export : Daniela Martins Gervais ([email protected]) Promotion : Sylvie Durand ([email protected]) French labels and productions : Philippe Rodi ([email protected]) Blues, rock and DVD : Bruno Labati ([email protected]) World Music : Maggie Doherty ([email protected]) Jazz and classical : Xavier Gatinel ([email protected]) Junior label manager : Karine Fritsch ([email protected]) Sales Director : Didier Périnaud ([email protected]) Head of sales : Pierre Rousseaux ([email protected]) Address : 30 bis rue du Bailly 93210 La Plaine Saint Denis –France General Phone : +33 (0) 149 178 850 Fax : +33 (0) 149 178 859 E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site : Remarks : El e c t e d“ I nde p e nde n toft heYe a r ”i n19 9 9,Ni g ht& Da yi st ur ne dt ot h ef ut u r ea ndha v e established themselves through the quality in their choice of partners all be it artists or labels, in a wide scope of genres. World Circuit, Frémeaux & Associés, Black & Blue, Blood & Fire are examples ofNi g ht&Da y ’ spa r t n e r ’ ss i nc et h es t a r t . NOCTURNE Created in : 1987 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : NO

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Exclusive French labels: Electronic : Nocturne, Inflamable, Denote, Frikyiwa, Brique Rouge, Fluid, Comet, Les Disques Serieux World:Fr i k y i wa ,L’ Empr e i nt eDi g i t a l eJazz: Nocturne, BD Jazz Hip Hop: On The Corner Soul Funk: Hi & Fly, Follow Me Exclusive international labels : Electronic: Disco B, ESL, Tresor, Susu, King Street, Nit Grooves, Chilifunk, Pop Up, Straight Ahead, Underwater, Combination ... Hip Hop : ABB, Nature Sounds, Activate, High Time, Amalgames, Female Funk, Traffic, Reggae Lounge, Illkid, Counterflow, Delicious Vinyl ... Jazz : Max Jazz, Minor Soul Funk & Nu Soul : Irma, Union Square, Dôme, Giant Step Reggae/Dub : Pressure Sounds, RAS, Ariwa, Heartbeat Non exclusive French labels : No Non exclusive international labels : No Labels under licence : No Downloads : No Manufacturing : Yes Export : Yes Countries: the whole of Europe + USA + Canada + Japan + Australia ... Home labels : Nocturne (House, Electronica) Home artists : Oscar, DJ Cam, Filet of Soul, Ernest Saint Laurent, Alix , Rare Moods (aka Doctor L & Manu Boubli), Jerk House Connection, David Duriez, Phil Weeks Clients : Record shops, Fnac, Virgin, large-scale distribution, by mail order Who’ sWho: President : Bruno Théol ([email protected] ) Label Manager : Cyril Roux ([email protected]) + Patrick Colleony ([email protected]) Import : Cyril Roux ([email protected]) Export Manager : Elvin Pagiras ([email protected]) Promotion : Laurence Favalleli ([email protected]) Address : 13 rue du mail - 75002 Paris General Phone : + 33 (0)1 49 26 01 40 Fax : +33 (0)1 49 26 01 41 E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site :

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TOOLBOX Created in : 1998 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive international labels : No Non exclusive French labels : +2H-2n, 45-King, 6Clik , 6HateU, 9mm, Addict, Aerobic-Audio, Agriculture, AKR, Alcaloide, Alchimist, Alphacut, Alternative, Ambivalence, AMBUSH, Analog Replicant, Anarcore, Antefutura, Antibreak, Ant-Zen, ARABLE, Arena, Asphodel, Atmosfear, Auf Abwegen, Auricle, Autobus, Autre Musique, Balistik, Bang-A-Rang, Barouf, Bastard-loud, BEAST, Black Hoodz, Beta Bodega, Black-Qirex, Bloody-Fist, Botanica del jibaro, Bowa, Boycott, Brahmah, BREAK'TEAM, Broklyn Beat, Bruchstellen, Bruits de fond, Brutal-Deluxe , BSI, Bud-Burnerz, Cannibal cooking Club, CAVAGE, CDK5, Celectial Conspiracy, Chan'n'Mike, Chopstick-Dubplate, CLASH, Close-Combat, Combine, Component, Core-Tex, CRIME, Curse, Damage, Dark temple, Day Records, Decente-De-Trip, Delikatessen, Dhyana, Différence, Distort, Dragibus, Drop-Bass, Drumadix, Drumforce, DTC, Dubaser, Dynamo, Dyslexic Response, E.Bomb, Eclectik & Obscure, Electrokut, Electronik Weed Crew, ELF, Entarte Kunst, EOLIFIZE, Ergonom.IA, Eupholius, EXEC, Explore-Toi, Expressillon, F4-01, Fantomatik, Flexible Future, FRAKTION, Free Noize, Free Style listen, Free Style listen, Freekorifik, Frog, Fuck-Uphner, Full Bass, Furious, Gassoline, Goddess Of Disaster, Gundam Weapon, HedNod, Homicide, Horsbeat, HP, Humungus, Hydrophonic, Hymen, Hypertunez, Hypnotic-Dancefloor, Idroschalo-Dischi, Infrabass, Infraktion, IOT, Isolate, KANABEAST, KANIBAL, Karma-Ketchup, Kiosk, Klangkrieg, Kompak, Komprirush, Kool-pop, Kotzak, Koyote, KS, KSI, Kurva, La Vache Folle, Läjä Rekords, L'Arsene, Le son du mois, LeDiable-Au-Corps, Lee, Les Enfants Sage, LOD, Lomechanik, Low-res, Lux Nigra, Make-Some-Noise, Marasm, Mars-Assault, Mash-It, MAS-I-MAS, M-Atom, Mental Disorder, Meow, Mercurochrome, Metek, Mindbender, Mirex, MK-Ultra, Modern Love, Monotone, Move & Dance 01, MST, M-Tronic, Mutant-Sniper, Nerfs A Vif, Neutral Records, New-Hope, Night-On-Earth, No Room For Talent, Noise Factory, Noiserclash, No-System, NPK, Oblitari, Octoloco, OD, ON, Oxygen, Ozore Age, Parole Mystique Raisonnable, Passe Muraille, Peace-Off, Perce Oreille, Peur-Bleue, PflichtKauf, Phakt, Possible-Music, Praxis, PROGNOSE, Prototype, Prototype, Prototype Drum, Ptit gris, Puzzling, Quantik Vs Capsule, Reaktif, Realler, Restroom, ROIR, Rouge de Colère, RouletteRekordz, Ruby Breakfast, Sagaloop, Salamandre, Samboat, Schokout, Secret-Vinyl, Sensoryoverload, Sforzesco-Incisioni, Shadow, Shadow Governement, SHEEP, Shetan, Sineqwanon, Sit & Listen, Six Weels, Sonic Belligeranza, Sonic Groove Experiments, Sonig, SOOT, Soulsoleil, Sphenoide, Staalplaat, Still-raven, Stoopid Plastics, StupidGirl, Sublight, Suburban-Trash-Industry, Subversion, Suddendef, Suddendef, Switchcraft, System Corrupt, System Corrupt, TDK, TechnoMobil-Squad, Tekita, Ten-Pound-Sound, Teq-kila, TEST, Tetra-Plok, THC, TNL, TNT, TPLD, Trakma, Transparent, Tricoptère, TROLL, TTC, TuffGang, Uprecords, Vendetta, Violent-Turd, Vivo, Voodoo-Box, Wanted-Aera, WEST, Word-Sound, XINIX6Tem, XTRX, Xunk, XXX, YB-70, ZOD. Labels under licence : NO Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries : All European countries, Japan, Australia, And USA. Home labels : Monkey Tool (World Industrial), SMB (Electro), Ptit gris (Hard Electro), Rouge de Colère (Hardcore/Breakcore), Peur Bleue (Techno), Sphenoide (Drum & Bass), Night on Earth (Industrial), Samboat (Electro industrial) Clients : Record Stores, Fnac, Virgin, by mail order. Who's Who : President : Brunel Christophe ([email protected]) Import : Brunel Christophe ([email protected]) Export : Brunel Christophe ([email protected]) Promotion : Brunel Christophe ([email protected]) Address : 30 rue St Ambroise, 75011 Paris, France

France Export Handbook - Electronic music

General Phone : +33 (0) 148 05 80 16 Fax : +33 (0) 148 05 81 16 E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site : Remarks : One of the best distributors for underground, hardmus i c ,e xpe r i me nt a l ,ha r dd r um’ n’ ba s s , hard-c or e ,a mbi e nt ,e t c … Too l boxi sa nop e nmi nde ddi s t r i bu t i onc ompa ny .I t spu r pos ei sMu s i c . Toolbox gives 100% feedback to all indie vinyls productions. Their network is based on electronic music connections but they intend to push a melting with acoustic mates!

TOPPLERS Created in : 2001 Promotions Department : NO CD Distribution : NO Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Roulé Music, Faya Combo, Mixture, Kif Recordings, We Rock Music, Vulture, Kitsuné, Cyclo, Lafessé, Serial Recordings, Grape, Elias, Sneakers Freaks Club, Sismic Music, Pole Nord, Ssoh, KW records, Chocoflash, Work it Baby, Atcha, Most records, Panorama, Bossley, Dirty Musik, Denote, House Not Home, Paradise, Street Nostal Freak, Woman, Vinyl Junkies, Bits, Citizen.... Exclusive international labels : Peppermint Jam, Progcity, Hedonism, Sfp, Gogo Music, Brickhouse, Boombastic, Houseworks, Delicious Garden, Excited, Realbasic, Flamingo Discos, Purple Music, Filtered Miami, Deep Touch usa, Asphalte, Eyezcream, Truth, Gossip, Undo Music, Armed, oomph, Magnetic, Cube recordings, Feeling records, Moss Music, Moody rec, Ihr, Moods & Groove, End to End, Jellybean,Casagrande,BlowMedia.... Non exclusive French labels : Scorpio, Happy Music. Non exclusive international labels : Defected, Subliminal, Sondos, Azuli, Creedence, Ministry of Sound, Southern Fried, Output, Henry Street, Underground Resistance, Transmat, Cajual, Poker Flat, Drop Bass Network, Nrk, Classic, Gigolo, Buzzin Fly, Intec, 20/20 Vision, Soulfuric Deep, Junior, Bpitch, Chez, Work, Tresor, Essence, Exun, Underwater, Kms, Loaded, Look at You, Nervous, Music For Freaks, Planete Riouge, Ovum, Red Planet, Skint, Star 69, Tango, Soulshine, Honchos, Wave, West End, King Street, Naked, Mplant, Giant Step, +8, Large... Labels under licence : none Downloads : YES Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Home labels : NO Clients : Record Stores, Fnac, Virgin, Large-scale distribution, by mail order, Export

Who's Who : President : Frank Cannon, ([email protected]) Manager/Promotion : Arnaud Godefroy ([email protected]) Import : Jerome Viale ([email protected]) Export : Kosta Stakic ([email protected]) Address : 160 rue de Bagnolet 75 020 Paris General Phone : + 33 (0) 153 391 500 Fax : + 33 (0) 153 391 501 E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site : Remarks : One of the youngest but quite efficient vinyl distribution companies. TRIPSICHORD Created in : 1996 Promotions Department : YES CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES

France Export Handbook - Electronic music

Exclusive French labels : Small Axe, Epileptik, Psychic Genocid, Expressillon, Muda Peach, Chronobrain, Shambala, Hi Subway, Age Of Venus, A N D Music, Patate Rds, B.E.A.S.T. Rds, Thrust, Big Mama Rds, Wikked Rds, Chronobrain, Adult Only, Taka Rds, Dialektik Rds, Ex Rds, Enrages Prod, Epileptik, Expressillon, Furious Rds, Passe-Muraille, Perce Oreille, Cosmetic Music, Dub Technik, Home K One, La Tambouille, Model, On Va Se Gener, Patate Rds, Psychic Genocide, Dead End / Neurotoxic, Skizo Productions, Skunk Diskak, Small Axe Exclusive international labels : Hazelwood, Fatal Rds, Essay Rds, Marina Rds, Arts & Crafts, Akira, Arts & Crafts, A.N.D Music, Audiosphere, Age Of Venus, Banana Juice, Babylon Bypass, Bad Taste, Big 8, De Kift Rds , Fat Wreck, Honest Don, Sonic Rdv, Gearhead, Gridalo Forte Rds, Grover / Elmo, Hazelwood, Hi-Subway, Htz, Int Corporation, Indesens, Konkurrent, Kéim Zo Fed, Low Light, Live & Direct, Machette Productions, Mad Butcher / Spirit 69, Marina Rds, Manifesto, Metak, Metropolis, Migal, Mzee, , Roir, Shaggy Dog Family, Shambala Rds, Universal Egg, Victory, Wordsound, Zoomshot / OrkusNon Exclusive French labels : NO Non exclusive international labels : NO Labels under licence : YES Downloads : NO Manufacturing : NO Export : YES Countries : World Home labels : Small Axe (rock, ska, reggae, dub...) Home artists : Small Axe artists Clients : Record Stores, Fnac, Virgin

Who's Who : President: Richard Franoux ([email protected]) Manager + import : Richard Franoux ([email protected]) Export : Constance De Bosredon ([email protected]) Promotion : Laetitia Sourd ([email protected]) Address : 70, rue de Strabourg - 94307 Vincennes Cedex France General Phone : + 33 (0) 153 669 720 Fax: +33 (0) 141 740 042 Remarks: Tripischord is not specialised, but it works mainly underground music, in various styles like rock, ska, dub, hard-electronic music and electro-pop. VENUS Created in : 1999 Promotions Department : NO CD Distribution : YES Vinyl Distribution : YES Exclusive French labels : Atavisme, Brique Rouge, Stay True, Br Trax, Rz, Freak'n Chic, Robsoul, Versatile, Initial Cuts, Poussez, Nekko, La Fondation, Pamplemousse, Nacopajaz, , Star Baby, Pornflakes, Micronautics, I'm A Cliché, S Sens Rec, Sodium, Ryzm, Playscool, Ucmg, Extraball, Likid, Underground Academy, Gazdemall, Eva Records, Kif Hiphop, Super Huit, Trenton, Lumina, Rectiligne, Gentrax, Lord Of Sound, Institut Musicolegal, Rockfloor, Poussez!, Airlab Exclusive international labels : Elevation Records, Monoid, Audio, Tst, Compressed, Equator, Minority Music, Tangent Beats, Nextera Exclusive international labels for France : Simply Vinyl, Kompakt, Substatic, Karloff, Boxer, Regular, Orange Groove, Trapez, Ai Records, Aroma, Yoshi Toshi, Yo Records, Shinici Dust Traxx, Clashback, Stx, Nite Life Collective, Grass Roots, Uppercut, Asphodel, Clone, Needs, Synewaves, Son Records Non exclusive French labels: a large number of independent records for vinyl only Non exclusive international labels: same Downloads: NO Manufacturing: YES Export: YES Countries: All territories/home labels: VICTORIA PRODUCTIONS Clients: Record Stores, Fnac Virgin, large-scale distribution, vpc, grossistes Who's Who :

France Export Handbook - Electronic music

President : Philippe Brousse ([email protected]) Manage : Philippe Brousse ([email protected]) Import : Vinyl: Romain Fournier ([email protected]) CD : Arnaud Merlin ([email protected]) Export : Didier Alline ([email protected]) Promotion : Address : 9 rue Eric Tabarly Bondy 93146 Cedex General Phone : +33 (0) 155 890 909 Fax : +33 (0) 155 890 900 E-Mail : [email protected] Web Site : Remarks : This small independent label works nearly exclusively electronic music labels. Their catalogue is note so big, which can be an advantage because they put more emphasis on their exclusive labels. They develop the CD distribution more and more. WAGRAM MUSIC (Distribution) Created in : 1998 Promotions Department :YES CD Distribution :YES Vinyl Distribution : NO Exclusive French Labels : Ps c he n t ,Cha l lOMus i c ,Ge or g eVRe c or ds , Vi l l a g eVe r t/Ca t a l og ue…. Exclusive International Labels : Audiopharm Labels under licence : ZTT Downloads : NO Manufacturing : YES Export : YES Countries : World Home labels : Wagram Electronic Home Artist: Rouge Rouge, Variety Lab, Temple Of Sound, Jack de Marseille, Slow Train Clients: Record Stores, Fnac, Virgin, Large-scale Distribution, VPC Who’ sWho: President : Stephan Bourdoiseau ( [email protected]) Manager : Francis Jullien ([email protected]) Import / distributed labels : Philippe Gaillard ( [email protected]) Export : Jean François Jimenez ([email protected]) Address : 19 rue des plantes –75 014 Paris –France Tel : +33 (0)1 56 53 76 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 56 53 76 01 Email : [email protected] Web site :

France Export Handbook - Electronic music